OEC Updates - Jo Hannah Ward, Director 2.26.2021

Page created by Connie Pham
OEC Updates - Jo Hannah Ward, Director 2.26.2021
OEC Updates

Jo Hannah Ward, Director 2.26.2021
OEC Updates - Jo Hannah Ward, Director 2.26.2021
1. Graduation and Graduation Seals

2. Special Education Rules Update

3. Each Child Means Each Child
OEC Updates - Jo Hannah Ward, Director 2.26.2021
Ohio’s Graduation
Requirements and Updates

Graham Wood and Amy Szymanski
OAPSA – 2/26/2021
OEC Updates - Jo Hannah Ward, Director 2.26.2021
Graham Wood
Graduation Requirements Program Administrator

In the Chat
Your name, Role, One word to describe your school year so
OEC Updates - Jo Hannah Ward, Director 2.26.2021
Presentation Overview

•Initial Updates
•Graduation Requirements by Cohort
• COVID-19 Flexibility
•Long-term High School Graduation
•Graduation Plans
OEC Updates - Jo Hannah Ward, Director 2.26.2021
Graduation and Assessment –
      2021 School Year
• SY 2020 -2021 – No graduation or
  assessment flexibilities at this point
• Any changes would come through
  legislation at the state level
• If flexibility is granted, we will communicate
  widely and quickly
OEC Updates - Jo Hannah Ward, Director 2.26.2021
Graduation Options by Cohort
Students will meet the course requirements as well as meet the options available
for the cohort

        Class of 2021 and 2022              Class of 2023 and Beyond
           Three Pathways to                      New Graduation
              Graduation                           Requirements

        New Requirements for
        the Class of 2023 and

                                                            This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND.
OEC Updates - Jo Hannah Ward, Director 2.26.2021
Ohio’s Graduation Requirements
   Classes of 2021 and 2022
OEC Updates - Jo Hannah Ward, Director 2.26.2021
Ohio’s Three Pathways to Graduation

                        12 Points of
 18 End Of Course   Industry-Recognized   Remediation Free
      Points           Credentials &         ACT/SAT
OEC Updates - Jo Hannah Ward, Director 2.26.2021
COVID-19 Flexibility for Missed Assessments
• Recently enacted legislation (HB 164 - Section 12) allows districts and
  schools to:

  – Substitute an eligible student’s final course grade in an eligible
   course for the corresponding high school end-of-course examination

  – Students who completed qualifying courses in the 2019-2020 school
   year also may elect to take the associated end-of-course
   examinations in a future administration.
Student Eligibility
•Students are eligible for this flexibility if they were either:
 • Taking a qualifying course AND scheduled to take an end-of-course examination
   for the first time in the 2019-2020 school year but did not take the test because
   the administration of the examination was canceled
 •Scheduled to retake an end-of-course examination in the
  2019-2020 school year and did not retake the test because
  the administration of the examination was canceled.
Grading Scale

        A             Advanced and Competent/5

        B             Accelerated and Competent/4

        C             Proficient and Competent/3
        D              Basic and Not Competent/2

        F             Limited and Not Competent/1
Graduation Requirements in Light of Coronavirus-Related
          School-Building Closure Information

         Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

       Graduation Flexibility – 2021 and Beyond
Ohio’s Graduation Requirements
  Classes of 2023 and Beyond
Ohio’s Long-Term Graduation

  1. Course    2. Demonstration of   3. Demonstration of
Requirements       Competency            Readiness
Course Requirements
Course Requirements
                                  General Course Requirements                                                                        State Minimum

English language arts                                                                                                                     4 units

Health                                                                                                                                    ½ unit

Mathematics                                                                                                                               4 units

Physical education                                                                                                                        ½ unit

Science                                                                                                                                   3 units

Social studies                                                                                                                            3 units

Electives                                                                                                                                 5 units

Districts may require more than the minimum 20 credits as a local decision.

Students must receive instruction in economics and financial literacy (in high school) and complete at least two semesters of fine arts* (during grades 7-12).

     *Fine arts may not be required for students in a career-tech program unless it is a component of local course requirements.
Demonstration of
Demonstration of Competency

                  Competency on
                 Ohio’s State Tests

                  Remediation and Retest
             And if testing is not your strength:

 Military             College Credit                 Career
Enlistment                 Plus                     Readiness
Competency on State Tests

                     • Algebra I (or Integrated Math I
                       for graduation purposes) - 684
 Competency on
Ohio’s State Tests
                     • English language arts II - 684
Competency Alternatives

                      • Military Enlistment:
                        Show evidence of enlistment in a
                        branch of the armed services
Military Enlistment

                      • College Credit Plus:
                        Earn college credit in a non-remedial
                        math or English course (for the subject
  College Focus         area not passed) to demonstrate
Competency Alternatives

                               •   Foundational Demonstration:

                                     •   Cumulative score of proficient or
                                         higher on WebXams
                                     •   Earning 12 pt. of approved
                                         industry-recognized credentials
                                     •   Pre-apprenticeship or
                                         apprenticeship program

Students must meet two         •   Supporting Demonstration:
criteria – of which one must
be foundational.                     •   250-hours Work-based Learning
                                     •   WorkKeys
                                     •   OhioMeansJobs Readiness Seal
Demonstration of
Demonstration of Readiness

• State law created 12 diploma seals and established the
  criteria for each seal.

• Students must earn 2 diploma seals to qualify for a high
  school diploma.

• State defined seals (9) and locally defined seals (3).

• Seals must be attached or affixed to the diploma and
Military Enlistment Seal

                          Technology Seal

System of State Diploma   Credential Seal
Citizenship Seal

                          Readiness Seal

                          Seal of Biliteracy

                          College Ready Seal

                          Science Seal
System of State Diploma
                          Honors Diploma Seal
Community Service Seal

                             Student Engagement Seal

    State law directs the
                                Fine and Performing Arts
 guidelines for at least 1 of
these seals be set by districts
        and schools.
Military Enlistment Seal
           • Provide evidence of
             enlistment in an armed
             services branch of the
             military; OR

           • Participating in an
             approved Junior
             Reserve Officer
             Training (JROTC)
Technology Seal

        • Advanced Placement
          or International
          Baccalaureate; or
        • Earning a “B” or
          higher in an
          approved College
          Credit Plus course; or
        • Completing a course
          that meets guidelines
          set by the Ohio
          Department of
Industry-Recognized Credential Seal
  Earn 12 points of industry-recognized credential that is
  aligned to a job that is determined to be “in-demand” in
  this state and its regions.
Citizenship Seal
            Placement     International
             scores of   scores of “2” or
               “2” or         better
Proficient “3”
   on the                              Earning a “B”
 American                              or higher on
History and                             approved
 American                              CCP courses
Readiness Seal
• Demonstration of
  professional skills and

• Students must have 3
  mentors in at least two
  different environments
                   Readiness Seal
Students can begin
experiences starting in
9th grade
            Students can use past
            experiences within their high
            school years, but must
            obtain validation from the
            mentor who supervised them
Readiness Seal
     Professional Skills
    1.   Drug-free pledge
    2.   Reliability
    3.   Work ethic
    4.   Punctuality
    5.   Discipline
    6.   Teamwork/collaboration
    7.   Professionalism
    8.   Learning agility
Readiness Seal
                 Professional Skills
                 9. Critical thinking/problem
                 12.Oral and written
                 13.Digital technology
                 14.Global/intercultural fluency
                 15.Career management

Community: Volunteer coordinators,
faith-based leaders and others

Work: Supervisors, hiring managers,
experienced co-workers and others

School: Teachers, administrators,
advisors, coaches and others
Readiness Seal   Standardized Form
Seal of Biliteracy   Student must
                     proficiency in English
                     and high levels of
                     proficiency in at least
                     one other world

                     Students can
                     demonstrate proficiency
                     in English and at least
                     one other world language
                     through a series of test-
                     based options.
English Proficiency Requirements
A student will be identified at the local level as meeting the requirements for a Seal of Biliteracy in
English if the student has met one of the following qualifiers:
       • Proficient level on Ohio’s required state test(s) for high school English language arts
         (currently ELA I and ELA II – and just ELA II for graduates of the Class of 2023 and beyond);
       • Remediation-free scores on the English and reading sections of one of the state-recognized
         college readiness examinations (currently the ACT or SAT English and reading sections);
       • Earn a proficient level or higher on a Department-approved alternative assessment
         (currently the Iowa and TerraNova Tests); or
       • Earn a score of proficient on the high school Ohio English Language Proficiency
         Assessment (OELPA).
Foreign Language Requirements

1. Pass an AP foreign language examination with a score of 4 or higher; or
2. Pass an I.B. foreign language examination with a score of 5 or higher (Higher Level) or 6 or higher (Standard Level);
3. Attain a score of Intermediate High or higher (http://www.actfl.org/) in comprehension, speaking, reading and writing
   the language, using Department-approved assessments; or
4. Qualify for proficiency-based credits through Ohio’s credit flex program and attain a score of Intermediate High or
   higher (ACTFL) in comprehension, speaking, reading and writing using Department-approved assessments; or
5. Earn a score equivalent to Intermediate High or higher (ACTFL) in interpersonal signing, presentational signing and
   demonstrating understanding of American Sign Language (ASL) on an ASL assessment approved by the Ohio
   Department of Education; or
6. Attain a score equivalent to Intermediate High or higher (ACTFL) in interpretive reading and presentational writing
   on a classical language assessment approved by the Ohio Department of Education.
College Ready Seal

Earn remediation-free
scores on the ACT or SAT
    Subject       ACT   Test Scores
                   English subscore of 18 (or
                            higher)               Evidence-Based Reading
English Language
                                                and Writing score of 480 (or
      Arts         Reading subscore of 22 (or             higher
                   Mathematics subscore of       Mathematics score of 530
                       22 (or higher)                 (or higher)
Science Seal

Proficient on
the Biology
                  score of “2” or

                               International    Earning a “B”
                               Baccalaureat     or higher on
                               e score of “2”   an approved
                                  or better     CCP course
Honors Diploma Seal
• Meeting the criteria for
  one of six honors
     • Honors Diploma
     • Career-Tech
       Honors Diploma
     • IB Honors Diploma
     • STEM Honors
     • Civics and Social
     • Arts Honors
Community Service Seal
Completion of a community service project
that is aligned with the guidelines adopted
by the student’s district board or school
governing authority
Engagement Seal
            Participation in
  extracurricular activities
  such as athletics, clubs,
 or student government to
   a meaningful extent, as
       determined by local
Fine and Performing
          Arts Seal

• Demonstration of skill in the
 fine or performing arts
 according to an evaluation that
 is aligned with the guidelines
 adopted by the student’s
 district board or school
 governing authority.
Local Diploma Seals

Ohio law does not establish minimum guidelines (e.g. number of hours,
semester hours or other criteria) for the locally defined diploma seals.

Districts and schools are encouraged to design diploma seals that foster and
promote the vital professional, social and emotional and leadership and reasoning
skills that are necessary for success after high school.
Students Transferring from Out of State
• Must meet graduation requirements
   – Curriculum Requirements
   – Pathway to graduation

• Flexibility/Prorated Requirements
   – Assessments required:
       • 18 EOC Points – Geometry and ELA II plus anything they take in Ohio
             – Prorated Point Requirement
       • Long-term requirements – Algebra I and ELA II plus anything they take in Ohio
             – Currently still have to meet competency and earn seals
Graduation Plans
Available Resources

Long-Term Graduation Requirements

Graduation Requirements by Cohort

Student/Family Graduation Handouts
2021 and 2022 l 2023 and Beyond
Important Links: Classes of 2017 and
Graduation Requirements for the Classes of 2017 and prior

           Alternative Pathway for OGT students
           OGT Test Substitutions
           Adult Diploma and 22+ Programs
Important Links: Classes of 2018 and
     Earning an Ohio High School Diploma for the Classes of 2018 and 2019

                      Complete Courses and Requirements

            Earn at least 18 points on seven end-of-course state tests

      Industry Credentials and Workforce Readiness | Senior Only Program

              College and Career Readiness Tests for ACT and SAT

 Additional options to earn a high school diploma for the classes of 2018 and 2019

      Frequently Asked Questions: 2018-2020 Additional Graduation Options

     Transfer Student Policies for the Original Three Pathways to Graduation
Important Links: Class of 2020
       Earning an Ohio High School Diploma for the Class of 2020

                 Complete Courses and Requirements

       Earn at least 18 points on seven end-of-course state tests

  Industry Credentials and Workforce Readiness | Senior Only Program

         College and Career Readiness Tests for ACT and SAT

  Additional options to earn a high school diploma for the class of 2020

Work or Community Service Experience Guidance for Districts and Schools

           Capstone Project Guidance for Districts and Schools

 Frequently Asked Questions: 2018-2020 Additional Graduation Options

 Transfer Student Policies for the Original Three Pathways to Graduation
Special Education Rules Updates
1.All rules are up for their 5-year review

2.Rules were reviewed and revised based on stakeholder and public
  comment feedback

3.The public comment period ran from July 15, 2021 to July 31, 2021 for
  47 days.

4.The rules will be presented to board committee for the next 3 months.
Each Child Means Each Child
Ohio’s Plan to Improve
Learning Experiences and
Outcomes for Students with
It’s Important to Remember…
• …that Each Child Means Each Child is not a separate
“In Ohio, each child is challenged to discover and learn,
prepared to pursue a fulfilling post-high school path and
empowered to become a resilient, lifelong learner who
contributes to society. “
Plan Components
• Data and statistics
• Disproportionality
• Recommendations
• Story arc of 2
  students with
Where Are We Now?

• Final Editing Stages
• Guiding Coalition
• Roll-Out
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