Orientation programme for - Study centre coordinators of Tamil Nadu 11th Dec. 2017 - NIOS

Page created by Mitchell Adams
Orientation programme for - Study centre coordinators of Tamil Nadu 11th Dec. 2017 - NIOS
Training Programme for untrained in-service Teachers in
                Elementary Schools
         Orientation programme for
     Study centre coordinators of Tamil Nadu
                 11th Dec. 2017
Orientation programme for - Study centre coordinators of Tamil Nadu 11th Dec. 2017 - NIOS
NIOS at a Glance
• An Autonomous Institution under Department of SE&L,
  MHRD, Govt. of India, established in 1989.
• Offers Courses at Elementary level (Open Basic
  Education), Secondary,Sr. Secondary level and number
  of Vocational courses through ODL Mode.
• Authorised for conducting Examination for
  certification at pre-
                   pre-degree level as per Gazette
  Notification issued by GoI
• Operates through a network of 22 Regional Centre
  and more than 6500 Study Centres.
• Cumulative Enrolment of 28.2 Lakhs with 5.50 Lakhs
  Enrolment every year.
Orientation programme for - Study centre coordinators of Tamil Nadu 11th Dec. 2017 - NIOS
Relaxation Accorded by NCTE
• One time relaxation to the mandatory condition of
  two years of teaching experience to pursue D.El.Ed
  through distance mode through NIOS.
• All Teachers appointed on or before 10th August
  2017 are eligible for the NIOS D.El.Ed prog.
• The duration of the programme reduced to
  18 months instead of 2 years.
• The requirement of 6 months Internship to
  be subsumed within the duration of 18
• The end date for obtaining the essential
  diploma is 31st March 2019
Orientation programme for - Study centre coordinators of Tamil Nadu 11th Dec. 2017 - NIOS
Relaxation Accorded by NCTE
• Relaxation in the intake capacity in
  D.El.Ed.(ODL) programme to enable NIOS to
  train the any required number of Untrained
  In-Service Teachers.
• NIOS shall operate study centres manned by
  staff (academic & others) as per instructions
  of MHRD to complete the training of in-
  service untrained teachers all over India by
  31st March 2019.
• NIOS to administer the training programme
  through SWAYAM portal of MHRD.
Orientation programme for - Study centre coordinators of Tamil Nadu 11th Dec. 2017 - NIOS
Objectives of the Programme
• enable the teachers to understand and address
  diversity in their context;
• empower them to improve quality of classroom
• develop capacity in them to promote child friendly,
  child centered processes in school;
• familiarize them with appropriate teaching learning
• facilitate them to develop leadership & problem
  solving skills among children;
• sensitize them to contribute towards safe guarding
  child rights.
Course Structure Ist Year (Total 32 Credits)
                     Group I – Contextual Issues
Code             Title of the Course     Theory +       Credit
                                          TMA (Mrks)   T+P=Tot
501 Elementary Education in India: Social   70 +30     3+1=4
       Cultural Perspective
502 Pedagogic Process in Elementary         70 +30     6+2=8
         Group II – Compulsory Teaching Subjects
503 Learning Languages at                   70 +30     3+1=4
    Elementary Level
504 Learning Mathematics at Elementary      70 +30     3+1=4
505 Learning EVS at Primary Level           70 +30     3+1=4
                   Group – IV - Practical Courses
511 School – Based Activities                100          4
512 Workshop – Based Activities              100          4
Course Structure 2nd Year (Total 32 Credits )
Code    Core Courses (Group –I & II)      Theory+      Credit
                                          TMA(Mrk)    T+P=Tot
506 Understanding Children in inclusive     70 +30     6+2=8
507 Community & Elementary Education       70 +30
508 Learning Art, Physical and Work         70 +30
     Education at Elementary level                      3+1=4
        Group III – Optional Teaching Subject (Any one)
509 Learning Social Science at Upper        70 +30      3+1=4
 or Primary Level          OR
    Learning Science at Upper Primary       70 +30      3+1=4
510 Level
             Practical Courses (Group –IV) Pr. Mrk
513 Workshop – Based Activities                100        4
514 Practice Teaching                          200        8
Capacity Building of Functionaries

Sl.No Activity
  I    One-day orientation of Study Centre Coordinators
       Three- Day orientation of Master Trainers by the
       Experts from NIOS
 II    Three - Day orientation of Resource Persons by
       Master Trainers
 III    Two-day orientation programme of Supervisors
       and Mentors at Study Centre level (Each batch
       consisting of about 100 participants) by Resource
Functionaries: Role And Responsibilities

 • 1. Coordinator, Study
 • 2. Resource Person
 • 3. Supervisor
 • 4. Mentor
 • 5. Faculty of Academic
      Department, NIOS/RC
Teaching Learning Schedule
SI.No. Activity

  I    •Registration on SWAYAM MOOCs platform of MHRD.
       •Three Courses 501,502 & 503 available on SWAYAM in 4
       •Course Coordinators for three courses identified.
       •D.El.Ed Videos are telecast on SWAYAMPRABHA DTH
       Vagda Channel no 32 available through DD Free Dish or
       Dish TV Set top Box.
  II   Personal Contact Programme ( 15 days) each year
 III   Submission of Assignments
 IV    School Based Activities (SBA)
 V     12-Days Workshop each year
 VI    Examination
• 511.1 Case study of a school child 1 Credit(30 study
  hours) 30 marks
• 511.2 Maintenance of school/class records and
  registers 1.5 Credit (45 study hours) 35 marks (7x5)
• 511.2.1 Preparation of progress report of the pupils
• 511.2.2 Anecdotal Record (based on specific
• 511.2.3 Maintenance of Lesson Diary/Notes
• 511.2.4     Preparation of schedule and conducting
  arrangement/substitute class schedule and conducting
  substitute classes.
  511.2.5 Preparation of record of library, laboratory
   and sports activities for pupils

• 511.3 Contribution to School programmes 1.5 Credit(45
  study hours) 35 marks              (7x5)
• 511.3.1     Organizing morning assembly and other assemblies
  and preparing a report of the process and outcome achieved
• 511.3.2 Reporting the process of PTA/MTA/SMC (School
  Management Committee) meeting and outcome achieved
• 511.3.3 Organisation of social festivals in the schools
• 511.3.4 Organization of Annual sports or Annual day of the
• 511.3.5 Organisation of Excursion/fields visit

512- Workshop based activities-I
                    (First Year)
• The Workshop-I (First Year) involve 4 Credits carrying 100
  marks. It carries weightage as under:
• Preparation of lesson plans on language, Maths, EVS,
  Sci/S.Sc. (6x4)                24 marks
• Preparation of Teaching and Learning materials and aids on
  the                      16 marks four subjects (4x4)
• Development of portfolio in any one subject based evaluation
  06 marks
• Preparation of balanced question paper based on designand
  blueprints (6x4)            24 marks
• Observation of Demonstration lesson 10 marks
• Participation on process evaluation 20 marks
                                               Total 100 marks
512- Workshop based activities-II
                 WBA (Second Year)
 The Workshop-II (Second Year) involves 4 Credits
carrying 100 marks. It carries weightage as under:
• Concept mapping in any two subjects- language,
Maths, EVS, Sc/S.Sc.(8x2)           16 marks
• Acting on Art, Physical & Health and Work
Education (3x8) 24 marks
• Analysis of Time Table/annual activity calendar
   10 marks
 • School community relationship 10 marks
  • Seminar presentation 20 marks
  • Participation on process evaluation 20 marks

Personal Contact Programme (PCP)

 PCP is an inseparable component in
  open and distance learning (ODL).
 30 PCPs (15 PCPs each year) during
  whole programme.
 It is mandatory for all learners
  and 75% attendance is compulsory
  for    appearing   the    term-end
 PCP tutorials are spread over
  Sundays and other holidays or
Course Based Assignments/TMA
 Course Based Assignments are the integral and compulsory
 Assignments are available on the NIOS Web portal and at
  SWAYAM Portal.
 There are assignments in every theory course. These
  assignments are to be submitted to the concerned Study Centre.
 Only hand written TMA should be submitted.
 There will be three course based assignments (2 theory + 1
  practical) carrying a weightage of 30 percent in each course.
  Practical based will carry 10 percent and theoretical item will
  carry 20 percent weightage . All the items will be compulsory. In
  toto there will be 27 assignments for whole programme.
Practical Activities
1. School Based Activities (SBA) only 1st year
   (Code 511)

2. Workshop Based Activities (WBA) I & II
   (Code 512 & 513)

3. Practice Teaching (PT) 2nd year (Code 514)

Delivery of lesson during Practice Teaching
Name of the    No. of lessons    No. of lessons    Total
Subject        to be evaluated   to be evaluated   Lesson
               By Mentor         by Supervisor     Plans

Language       5 out of 7        2 out of 3        10
Mathematics    5 out of 7        2 out of 3        10
Environmental 5 out of 7         2 out of 3        10
Science/Social 5 out of 7        2 out of 3        10
Total          20 out of 28      8 out of 12       40
Grand Total             28 lessons (20+8)               20
Evaluation          Passing   Minimum %    Total Marks
                    Marks     of Passing
Assignment          12        40%          30
Theory              28        40%          70
SBA                 50        50%          100
WBA- I              50        50%          100
WBA-II              50        50%          100
Practice Teaching   100       50%          200

         Aggregate Passing Percentage- 45%        22
Financial aspects
1. Study centre Coordinator (1) @ Rs. 1500 per
2. Office Assistant (1) @ Rs. 750 per month
3. Peon/watchman( 1) @ Rs. 500 per month
4. Contingency cost @ 100 per student maximum
   per year provided all bills to be produced
5. Honorarium for resource persons @ Rs.500 per
   session/per day for PCP and WBA
6. Honorarium @ Rs.10 per assignment to Resource
   12/12/2017                               23
Programme Implementation Schedule
  Year     Semester Courses  Online         Teaching-      TMA        Online    Online
                    Module Admission &      Learning    Submission Submission Submission
                            Payment                     & conduct    for TMA for Practical
                                                        of Practical  Award     Award

Ist Year     1st    501, 502   Aug 2017 -     3rd Oct   Dec 2017 -   Feb - Mar
           Semester & 503       Sep 2017    2017- 31st Jan 2018        2018
                                             Jan 2018
            2nd    504 & 505               1st Feb 2018 Apr 2018 -    Jun - Jul
          Semester                          - 31st May May 2018         2018
                   511 & 512                            Jan 2018 -                 Jun - Jul
                    Practical                           May 2018                     2018
IInd Year   3rd      506 &      Apr 2018 -     1st Jun  Aug 2018 -   Oct - Nov
          Semester    507       May 2018 2018- 30th Sep 2018           2018
                                             Sep 2018
            4th      508 &                 1st Oct 2018 Dec 2018 -   Feb 2019 -
          Semester 509/510                   - 31st Jan  Jan 2019    Mar 2019
                   513 & 514                            Jun 2018 -                Jan 2019 -
                    Practical                            Jan 2019                  Feb 2019
                        Last Examination
Expectations from the States
1. Identify adequate number of Study Centres as per
   NCTE Norms (100 Teachers per Study Centre)
2. The identified study centres need to make
   preparation to conduct Personal Contact Programme
   (PCP) and Practical Activities such as School Based
   Activities (SBA), Workshop Based Activities (WBA)
   and Practice Teaching (PT),
5. Conducting the orientation for Study Centres
   Coordinators, Resource Persons, Supervisors and
   Mentors (NIOS will help in organising orientation).
6. Monitoring the activities of Study Centre
   coordinators/Workshop Coordinators, Resource
   Persons, Supervisors and Mentors. NIOS will also
   monitor independently.
7. Identify adequate number of Exam Centres for term
   end examination to be conducted by the NIOS. 25
Admission    Pending       Study Centre Study Centre
Sl.No         State Name              Total Registered   Confirmed   Verification      Reqd          Recd
  1      Andaman and Nicobar (AN)             130             112         18               2
  2         Andhra Pradesh (AP)              5022            4492         530             51
  3        Arunachal Pradesh (AR)            4654            4493         161             47
  4              Assam (AS)                135537          133378        2159           1356            514
  5              Bihar (BR)                282974          279540        3434           2830            670
  6           Chandigarh (CH)                 437             420         17               5             5
  7          Chhattisgarh (CG)              60523           58926        1597            606            500
  8     Dadra and Nagar Haveli (DN)           360             351          9               4
  9         Daman and Diu (DD)                134             117         17               2
 10              Delhi (DL)                   931             606         325             10
 11               Goa (GA)                    913             870         43              10
 12             Gujarat (GJ)                15589           14447        1142            156            81
 13            Haryana (HR)                  3937            3204         733             40
 14        Himachal Pradesh (HP)             9632            8944         688             97            82
 15       Jammu and Kashmir (JK)             5175            3029        2146             52
 16           Jharkhand (JH)                71226           69396        1830            713
 17           Karnataka (KA)                 3879            3283         596             39
 18             Kerala (KL)                   705             648         57               8
 19         Madhya Pradesh (MP)            168086          163239        4847           1681
 20          Maharashtra (MH)                7757            7079         678             78
 21            Manipur (MN)                 22869           22697         172            255            255
 22           Meghalaya (ML)                27459           26874         585            275
 23            Mizoram (MZ)                  7387            7256         131             74
 24            Nagaland (NL)                 5907            5541         366             60            60
 25             Odisha (OD)                 56211           55437         774            563
 26           Puducherry (PY)                 322             302         20               4
 27             Punjab (PB)                 10401            9695         706            105            105
 28            Rajasthan (RJ)               39378           35012        4366            394
 29             Sikkim (SK)                  4497            4392         105             45
 30           Tamil Nadu (TN)               25929           25362         567            260
 31            Telangana (TS)               17812           15064        2748            179
 32             Tripura (TR)                 9188            8943         245             92
 33          Uttar Pradesh (UP)            182467          172934        9533           1825
 34          Uttarakhand (UK)               38389           37418         971            384
 35          West Bengal (WB)              177145          174499        2646           1772
                 Total                  1402962          1358000       44962          14074         2272
Thank you

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