November 2019 Version 1 - U3A | Glen Eira

Page created by Dean Navarro
Glen Eira University of the
         Third Age

                            1 November 2019

                                    Version 1

Note: Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that the information in
this document is complete, correct and up to date, we ask that you
double-check the details of course times, days, location, etc. when you
come to enrol.

Contact Details
1151 Glenhuntly Road,
Glenhuntly, Vic 3163
Phone: 9572 0571
Course Calendar from 03/02/2020 to 20/11/2020

Table of Contents
  Painting and Drawing ..............................................................................................................3
  Computers .....................................................................................................................................5
  Craft ...................................................................................................................................................9
  Dancing .........................................................................................................................................10
  Discussion and Lecture .......................................................................................................11
  English as a second language ........................................................................................13
  Games ............................................................................................................................................16
  History ............................................................................................................................................18
  French ............................................................................................................................................19
  German ..........................................................................................................................................20
  Japanese ......................................................................................................................................22
  Yiddish ...........................................................................................................................................23
  Music ...............................................................................................................................................24
  Science ..........................................................................................................................................26
  Social ..............................................................................................................................................26
Course Calendar from 03/02/2020 to 20/11/2020

Painting and Drawing
0ART01: Sketching 3D shapes             NEW                                                          Type: Short Course
Dates: 06/02/2020 - 26/03/2020                               Frequency: Short Weekly Course, Thu 13:30 - 15:15
Location: Glenhuntly Art Room 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                                   Tutor: Fay Edelman
This course is to help people who want to improve their drawing skills with perspective and shadows to make their
drawings more realistic.
  Prior to the course starting, the tutor will email each member a list of materials required for the course.

0ART02: Sketching grandchildren             NEW                                                      Type: Short Course
Dates: 16/04/2020 - 04/06/2020                               Frequency: Short Weekly Course, Thu 13:30 - 15:15
Location: Glenhuntly Art Room 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                                   Tutor: Fay Edelman
This is a dream of many people, but they have difficulty understanding how to draw children. This course will help them
understand the structure of children and how to draw them successfully.
  Prior to the course starting, the tutor will email each member a list of materials required for the course.

0ART03: Using coloured pencils            NEW                                                        Type: Short Course
Dates: 16/07/2020 - 03/09/2020                               Frequency: Short Weekly Course, Thu 13:30 - 15:15
Location: Glenhuntly Art Room 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                                   Tutor: Fay Edelman
This medium has become very popular and this course will explore the use of wax and water colour pencils.
  Prior to the course starting, the tutor will email each member a list of materials required for the course.

0ART04: Travel Art        NEW                                                                        Type: Short Course
Dates: 24/09/2020 - 12/11/2020                               Frequency: Short Weekly Course, Thu 13:30 - 15:15
Location: Glenhuntly Art Room 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                                   Tutor: Fay Edelman
At our age we love to travel. Why not capture what we see in drawing and painting? This course will show you how.
  Prior to the course starting, the tutor will email each member a list of materials required for the course.

0ART05: Painting - All Mediums                                                                        Type: Long Course
Dates: 05/02/2020 - 18/11/2020                                      Frequency: Weekly Course, Wed 11:00 - 13:00
Location: Glenhuntly Art Room 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                                   Tutor: Timothy Tsui
This is a self-motivated painting class with plenty of exchange of creative ideas. Students may be at varying levels of
painting experience. However, beginners are also welcome but with the understanding that there will not be hand holding
tuition from scratch. All types of media are used. Odourless solvent must be used with oils. Due to limited space,
canvases or boards are limited to no larger than 80 x 80cm. Students will supply their own materials.
  Odourless solvent must be used with oils.

0ART06: Painting - All Media                                                                          Type: Long Course
Dates: 05/02/2020 - 18/11/2020                                        Frequency: Weekly Course, Wed 9:00 - 11:00
Location: Glenhuntly Art Room 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                                   Tutor: Timothy Tsui
This is a self-motivated painting class with plenty of exchange of creative ideas. Students may be at varying levels of
painting experience. However beginners are also welcome, but with the understanding that there will not be hand holding
tuition from scratch. All types of media used. Odourless solvent must be used with oils. Due to limited space, canvases
or boards are to be no bigger than 80 x 80 cm. Students supply their own gear.
  Odourless solvent must be used with oils.

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Course Calendar from 03/02/2020 to 20/11/2020

0ART07: Pastels (Chalk)                                                                               Type: Long Course
Dates: 07/02/2020 - 20/11/2020                                          Frequency: Weekly Course, Fri 9:30 - 11:30
Location: Glenhuntly Art Room 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                                    Tutor: Kylie Castan
Studio subjects with an emphasis upon 'Verism' using chalk pastels to capture 'en plein air' themes. Pencil sketches with
pastel applications.

0ART08: Painting - for Advanced Students                                                              Type: Long Course
Dates: 06/02/2020 - 19/11/2020                                       Frequency: Weekly Course, Thu 11:30 - 13:15
Location: Glenhuntly Art Room 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                                   Tutor: Fay Edelman
As this is a two year course, students MUST have completed 'Art for Beginners' in the previous year to be eligible for this
course. .

0ART09: Painting - Self Motivated Group                                                               Type: Long Course
Dates: 06/02/2020 - 19/11/2020                                         Frequency: Weekly Course, Thu 9:30 - 11:15
Location: Glenhuntly Art Room 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                                   Tutor: Fay Edelman
This is a relaxed group who no longer requires tuition, but still wants to keep on painting and drawing just for satisfaction
and pleasure. There will be no tutor, but advice is available if requested. It is also a good non-pressure place to start
painting again after not having done so for some time.

0ART10: Drawing                                                                                       Type: Long Course
Dates: 05/02/2020 - 11/11/2020                                             Frequency: Fortnightly, Wed 13:15 - 15:15
Location: Glenhuntly Art Room 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                                      Tutor: Ellie Potter
This course is for anyone who wishes to learn and/or improve drawing skills. Skills will be developed through the
application of basic elements and principles of drawing. Equipment needed: A3 Sketch Book, lead or coloured pencils
or pens, kneadable eraser. The course focuses on drawing from life.

0ART11: Portraiture                                                                                   Type: Long Course
Dates: 12/02/2020 - 18/11/2020                                             Frequency: Fortnightly, Wed 13:15 - 15:15
Location: Glenhuntly Art Room 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                                    Tutor: Ancita Beale
This course is for those who have some experience in portraiture and want to explore and practice various styles and
techniques drawing from the work of famous artists.
  Previous experience in portraiture is desirable.

0ART12: Painting - Any Medium                                                                         Type: Long Course
Dates: 03/02/2020 - 16/11/2020                                       Frequency: Weekly Course, Mon 13:15 - 15:15
Location: Glenhuntly Art Room 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                                    Tutor: Ancita Beale
You will be encouraged to explore a variety of media, techniques and subjects to develop self-confidence and discover
the artist in you. All levels of expertise are welcome. Students supply their own materials, i.e. paints, brushes,
canvas/paper. A detailed list is available from tutors.
  Requirements: Participants must bring a size A3 visual diary.

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Course Calendar from 03/02/2020 to 20/11/2020

0ART13: Watercolours for beginners and advanced                                                         Type: Long Course
Dates: 07/02/2020 - 20/11/2020                                          Frequency: Weekly Course, Fri 11:30 - 13:00
Location: Glenhuntly Art Room 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                                   Tutor: John van Loon
This course is suitable for beginners and more advanced students. Please bring the following:
- Drawing pad, 2B pencils, eraser and pencil sharpener.
- Three round watercolour brushes: small, medium and large. Need to be of reasonable quality.
- Watercolour paint can be in pans or tubes. Suggested brands include: Winsor & Newton, Art Spectrum, Royal Talens
or Cotman.
- Essential colours: Ultramarine blue, Cadmium Yellow and Vermillion red; also raw and burnt Sienna. Optional colours:
Cerulean blue, Lemon yellow, Rose madder, Payne’s Grey and Sap green permanent.
 - An old white plate or palette for mixing colours and a cloth or towel for cleaning and drying. A jar for water, and paper
towels come in handy.
   Unfortunately, art materials are not cheap but with inferior quality materials it is impossible to produce quality work and
the good thing is, after the initial outlay, you will have many years of enjoyment from your first purchase. I still paint quite
often and now my expenses are less than the cost of a cup of coffee per week.

0ART14: Watercolour painting                                                                            Type: Long Course
Dates: 04/02/2020 - 10/11/2020                                              Frequency: Fortnightly, Tue 13:15 - 15:15
Location: Glenhuntly Art Room 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                                      Tutor: Ancita Beale
We expect members to have some experience in watercolours. Equipment needed - water colour pad, an A4 drawing
pad, lead pencil, rubber, soft brushes and tubes/pans of paint and a palette. Also, an old hand towel, an old plastic bowl
or jar so you can add water to the colours, or wash the brush to start a new colour. Just concentrate on the primary
colours, red, blue and yellow and two earth colours, burnt and raw sienna.

0ART15: Art Gallery Visits                                                                              Type: Long Course
Dates: 06/02/2020 - 19/11/2020                                                 Frequency: Monthly, Thu 11:30 - 16:30
Location: Varied Art Galleries                                                                             Tutor: Lee Hirsh
A series of visits to various art galleries will be organised for Thursday afternoons once a month. A small cost would be
involved. Appointments for guided talks of about 2 hours followed by a coffee break would be made. Please Note: Bus
fees may apply, although we car pool when possible. Meet at Glenhuntly campus at 11.30.
  Monthly visits will be scheduled on Thursdays in advance, based on gallery availability.

0ART16: Art Appreciation                                                                                Type: Long Course
Dates: 23/03/2020 - 16/11/2020                                         Frequency: Weekly Course, Mon 9:30 - 11:15
Location: Glenhuntly Red Room 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                                  Tutor: Allan Kleimann
DVD presentations: . How to look at and understand great paintings . The World's greatest paintings. Generally there
will be two half hour DVD presentations per week. Occasionally there will be documentaries about great artists. Notes
will be given each week.

0COM01: Keep yourself safe on the web                                                                            Type: 1 day
Dates: 04/02/2020 - 04/02/2020                                           Frequency: 1 Day Course, Tue 11:30 - 13:00
Location: Glenhuntly Gold Room 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                                   Tutor: Tim McQueen
A talk by Vision Australia Radio Presenter Tim McQueen on: How do you avoid all the traps you constantly hear about
on the internet when using your PC, tablet, or smartphone.

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Course Calendar from 03/02/2020 to 20/11/2020

0COM01A: Keep yourself safe on the web                                                                  Type: 1 day
Dates: 15/07/2020 - 15/07/2020                                      Frequency: 1 Day Course, Wed 9:30 - 11:00
Location: Glenhuntly Gold Room 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                            Tutor: Tim McQueen
A talk by Vision Australia Radio Presenter Tim McQueen on: How do you avoid all the traps you constantly hear about
on the internet when using your PC, tablet, or smartphone.

0COM02: Connecting to the NBN                                                                           Type: 1 day
Dates: 11/02/2020 - 11/02/2020                                      Frequency: 1 Day Course, Tue 11:30 - 13:00
Location: Glenhuntly Gold Room 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                            Tutor: Tim McQueen
NBN is coming. Find out what you need to know, and to do.

0COM02A: Connecting to the NBN                                                                          Type: 1 day
Dates: 22/07/2020 - 22/07/2020                                      Frequency: 1 Day Course, Wed 9:30 - 11:00
Location: Glenhuntly Gold Room 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                            Tutor: Tim McQueen
NBN is coming. Find out what you need to know, and to do.

0COM03: There's an App for that                                                                         Type: 1 day
Dates: 18/02/2020 - 18/02/2020                                      Frequency: 1 Day Course, Tue 11:30 - 13:00
Location: Glenhuntly Gold Room 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                            Tutor: Tim McQueen
There is a huge range of apps (applications) available for phones, tablets, computers, even smart TVs. This talk is an
overview of what apps are, where they come from and how to get them. There will also be a quick survey of the types of
apps available.

0COM03A: There's an App for that                                                                        Type: 1 day
Dates: 29/07/2020 - 29/07/2020                                      Frequency: 1 Day Course, Wed 9:30 - 11:00
Location: Glenhuntly Gold Room 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                            Tutor: Tim McQueen
There is a huge range of apps (applications) available for phones, tablets, computers, even smart TVs. This talk is an
overview of what apps are, where they come from and how to get them. There will also be a quick survey of the types of
apps available.

0COM04: What's behind the screens?             NEW                                             Type: Short Course
Dates: 25/02/2020 - 17/03/2020                              Frequency: Short Weekly Course, Tue 11:30 - 13:00
Location: Glenhuntly Gold Room 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                            Tutor: Tim McQueen
We all use smart phones, tablets and smart TVs, but rarely think about how they work. In this course, I look at how
information technology has evolved over the last 150 years or more, what can be done now, and how this is changing.

0COM04A: What's behind the screens?             NEW                                            Type: Short Course
Dates: 05/08/2020 - 26/08/2020                              Frequency: Short Weekly Course, Wed 9:30 - 11:00
Location: Glenhuntly Gold Room 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                            Tutor: Tim McQueen
We all use smart phones, tablets and smart TVs, but rarely think about how they work. In this course, I look at how
information technology has evolved over the last 150 years or more, what can be done now, and how this is changing.

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Course Calendar from 03/02/2020 to 20/11/2020

0COM05: Digital Photography                                                                       Type: Short Course
Dates: 03/02/2020 - 10/02/2020                              Frequency: Short Weekly Course, Mon 13:00 - 15:00
Location: Glenhuntly PC Room 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                                Tutor: Reuben Urban
During this short course you will learn ways of improving the quality of your photos and also techniques of manipulating
photos on the computer through the use of a free Google program - Picasa 3. You will need to bring to class your
camera, connecting cable and instruction manual, as well as pen and pencil to write notes. Also please ensure that the
batteries are fully charged.

0COM05A: Digital Photography                                                                      Type: Short Course
Dates: 02/03/2020 - 16/03/2020                              Frequency: Short Weekly Course, Mon 13:00 - 15:00
Location: Glenhuntly PC Room 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                                Tutor: Reuben Urban
During this short course you will learn ways of improving the quality of your photos and also techniques of manipulating
photos on the computer through the use of a free Google program - Picasa 3. You will need to bring to class your
camera, connecting cable and instruction manual, as well as pen and pencil to write notes. Also please ensure that the
batteries are fully charged.

0COM06A: Excel spreadsheet: Tailored to your need                                                 Type: Short Course
Dates: 27/03/2020 - 03/04/2020                                Frequency: Short Weekly Course, Fri 11:00 - 12:30
Location: Glenhuntly PC Room 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                               Tutor: Joseph Bentata
Do you want to be able to monitor your share portfolios? Manage home contents insurance? Control your water
consumption? Monitor investment property? List collectables etc.? If yes, you can easily use the power of spreadsheets
without being an 'expert'. Attend this two week course and you will be shown and provided with spreadsheets you can
use or customise.
  Requirements: You will need basic computer skills to type, open and save files, copy and paste text.

0COM06B: Excel spreadsheet: Tailored to your need                                                 Type: Short Course
Dates: 15/05/2020 - 22/05/2020                                Frequency: Short Weekly Course, Fri 11:00 - 12:30
Location: Glenhuntly PC Room 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                               Tutor: Joseph Bentata
Do you want to be able to monitor your share portfolios? Manage home contents insurance? Control your water
consumption? Monitor investment property? List collectables etc.? If yes, you can easily use the power of spreadsheets
without being an 'expert'. Attend this two week course and you will be shown and provided with spreadsheets you can
use or customise.
  Requirements: You will need basic computer skills to type, open and save files, copy and paste text.

0COM07: MS Word - An Introduction                                                                 Type: Short Course
Dates: 10/02/2020 - 16/03/2020                              Frequency: Short Weekly Course, Mon 11:00 - 12:30
Location: Glenhuntly PC Room 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                               Tutor: Joseph Bentata
This course will provide you with guidelines on how to generate documents that are easy to read and understand. We
will use the 'Microsoft Word' software. You will be shown how to: Generate typed documents using the keyboard and the
mouse, access Word software, type a note - give it a name - save it - retrieve it, type a letter, your stories, biography,
change font type, size, bold, italics, underline etc. We will also introduce graphics and photos to enhance presentations.

0COM08A: Excel spreadsheet: Your Very Own                                                         Type: Short Course
Dates: 24/04/2020 - 01/05/2020                                Frequency: Short Weekly Course, Fri 11:00 - 12:30
Location: Glenhuntly PC Room 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                               Tutor: Joseph Bentata
The tutor will develop an Excel spreadsheet to suit your specific needs. This class will be of 2 weeks duration, depending
on your needs. Should you wish to have a spreadsheet to manage financial matters; this can be designed so that
amounts and investment details are not disclosed. You will be provided at the end of the course with a spreadsheet for
you to enter your details in the privacy of your home.

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Course Calendar from 03/02/2020 to 20/11/2020

0COM08B: Excel spreadsheet: Your Very Own                                                           Type: Short Course
Dates: 05/06/2020 - 12/06/2020                                  Frequency: Short Weekly Course, Fri 11:00 - 12:30
Location: Glenhuntly PC Room 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                                 Tutor: Joseph Bentata
The tutor will develop an Excel spreadsheet to suit your specific needs. This class will be of 2 weeks duration, depending
on your needs. Should you wish to have a spreadsheet to manage financial matters; this can be designed so that
amounts and investment details are not disclosed. You will be provided at the end of the course with a spreadsheet for
you to enter your details in the privacy of your home.

0COM09: Computer Help Desk                                                                          Type: Short Course

Dates: 05/02/2020 - 18/11/2020                                       Frequency: Weekly Course, Wed 10:00 - 11:00
Location: Glenhuntly PC Room 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                               Tutor: Richard Salomon
This course is for members who require some personal help with an aspect of using a computer. You can leave a
message describing your problem, or your phone number, at reception for the Computer Co-ordinator. The Co-ordinator
will contact you and arrange a mutually agreeable time for a session with one of our tutors to help solve your problem.
   All members will be initially wait-listed.   Members are encouraged to bring their own computer (laptop). Desktop PCs
are available on site.

0COM10: Apple iPhone: Improve your skills                                                           Type: Short Course
Dates: 01/04/2020 - 22/04/2020                                 Frequency: Short Weekly Course, Wed 9:30 - 11:00
Location: Glenhuntly Green Room 1 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                       Tutor: Larraine Czerniewicz
This is a short course for those who would like to revise and improve their iPhone skills. The course content will largely
be directed by student interests and may include:- making and receiving calls, settings, email, messages, attachments,
camera and photos, Wi-Fi, the Cloud, Bluetooth, calendar, clock, maps, music, podcasts, internet, What's App, etc.
  Please ensure that: - your iPhone is fully charged - you have copies of your various passwords (especially your Apple
password) and email addresses etc.

0COM11: Apple iPad: Improve your skills                                                             Type: Short Course
Dates: 29/04/2020 - 20/05/2020                                 Frequency: Short Weekly Course, Wed 9:30 - 11:00
Location: Glenhuntly Green Room 1 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                       Tutor: Larraine Czerniewicz
This is a short course for those who would like to revise and improve their iPad skills. The course content will largely be
directed by student interests and may include:- settings, email, messages, attachments, camera and photos, Wi-Fi, the
Cloud, Bluetooth, calendar, clock, maps, internet, music, podcasts, Apps, What's App, YouTube etc.
  Please ensure that: - your iPad is fully charged - you have copies of your various passwords (especially your Apple
password) and email addresses etc.

0COM12: Introduction to computers for beginners                                                     Type: Short Course
Dates: 11/02/2020 - 25/02/2020                                 Frequency: Short Weekly Course, Tue 10:00 - 12:00
Location: Glenhuntly PC Room 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                               Tutor: Richard Salomon
This course introduces students to the basics of their home computer. We discuss basic computer concepts and
operation, the file system and learn how to manipulate icons. Students learn how to use the mouse/track-pad and the
  Although we have desk top computers on site, students are welcome to bring their own lap top computers.

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Course Calendar from 03/02/2020 to 20/11/2020

0COM13: Computers intermediate level                NEW                                               Type: Short Course
Dates: 21/04/2020 - 12/05/2020                                 Frequency: Short Weekly Course, Tue 10:00 - 12:00
Location: Glenhuntly PC Room 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                                Tutor: Richard Salomon
This course is based on the Windows Operating System. We revise the use of the mouse, introduce common keyboard
shortcuts, and extend students’ knowledge of the file system structure. We also extend student understanding of
computer operation and introduce some common terminology. We discuss typical computer software (OS and Apps)
and learn the basics of their usage.
  Prerequisite: Students need to be able to use a mouse/track-pad & keyboard, and know how to manipulate folders
and files in the file system. Although we have Windows based desk top computers, students are welcome to bring their
own laptop computers. Using their own lap-top PC may be more beneficial to the student.

0COM14: Computers - Advanced                                                                          Type: Short Course
Dates: 02/06/2020 - 16/06/2020                                 Frequency: Short Weekly Course, Tue 10:00 - 12:00
Location: Glenhuntly PC Room 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                                Tutor: Richard Salomon
This course builds upon what we learned in the Intermediate level computer course. In this course we look at common
application software and extend students’ ability to work with the application software. We look at basic use of common
applications contained within the MS Office package, such as Word and Xcel. We introduce e-mail and photo managing
applications. The course is generally guided by current students’ needs.
    Prerequisite: Students need to be proficient in using a mouse and keyboard, and be able to create, copy and save
files. Although we have Windows based desk top computers, students are welcome to bring their own laptop
computers. Using their own lap-top PC, may be more beneficial to the student.

0CRA01: Textile Art                                                                                    Type: Long Course
Dates: 03/02/2020 - 02/11/2020                                         Frequency: Weekly Course, Mon 9:30 - 13:00
Location: Glenhuntly Art Room 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                                      Tutor: Jill Williams
In Textile Art the emphasis is on the ART. Processes learned include free motion machining, soldering iron work on
fabrics (iron provided), transfer dyeing and printing on fabrics, plus others. You must have your own sewing machine
preferably with 'drop feed' or if not it must have a 'cover plate' to cover the feed dogs. Sewing feet required, a straight/zig
zag foot and a daring/embroidery foot. The sewing machine is needed irregularly. The course is aimed at enthusiastic
beginners. Regular attendance is requested.

0CRA02: Machine Embellishing              NEW                                                          Type: Long Course
Dates: 03/02/2020 - 02/11/2020                                        Frequency: Weekly Course, Mon 13:15 - 15:15
Location: Glenhuntly Green Room 2-3 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                                Tutor: Jill Williams
To find out about machine embellishing go to This class is available to those who
have a regular sewing machine that has the required embellishing attachment or have access to an embellishing
machine as in the YouTube video. The class will operate with limited instructions. The aim is to form a group of like-
minded people who enjoy sharing their knowledge and techniques using this unique piece of equipment.
  Note: the tutor is not available on 15 and 22 June and 9 and 16 November.

0CRA03: Flowers for Everyone                                                                          Type: Short Course
Dates: 04/02/2020 - 25/02/2020                                 Frequency: Short Weekly Course, Tue 12:15 - 13:15
Location: Glenhuntly Art Room 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                                   Tutor: Renee Meskin
The tutor, Renee will demonstrate how to make a bouquet, or floral arrangement in a vase or container of choice. The
tutor will purchase fresh flowers for each lesson and will organise equipment required such as green stuff, florists wire,
tape and ribbon. Students' suggestions for floral presentations on special occasions will be the basis for some lessons. A
fee of $50 for the purchase of flowers for the 4 classes is to be paid at enrolment.
  Requirements: Pay for course at enrolment.       Please bring your own flower scissors or secateurs.

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Course Calendar from 03/02/2020 to 20/11/2020

0CRA04: Knitting Circle                                                                               Type: Long Course
Dates: 06/02/2020 - 19/11/2020                                       Frequency: Weekly Course, Thu 13:30 - 15:00
Location: Glenhuntly Purple Room 1151 Glenhuntly Rd                                              Tutor: Diane Shonberg
Beginners: learn how to cast-on and knit a simple piece, e.g. scarf. Intermediate: learn new techniques. BYO knitting
needles and yarn.

0CRA05: Clay Modelling                                                                                Type: Long Course
Dates: 05/02/2020 - 18/11/2020                                        Frequency: Weekly Course, Wed 9:00 - 11:45
Location: Glenhuntly Pink Room 1151 Glenhuntly Rd                                                        Tutor: Bel Casey
This is a clay modelling class where participants initiate their own program of work. Problem solving and technical
assistance is given by other experienced participants.

0CRA06: Clay Modelling Self-Directed                                                                  Type: Long Course
Dates: 06/02/2020 - 19/11/2020                                       Frequency: Weekly Course, Thu 12:30 - 15:30
Location: Glenhuntly Pink Room 1151 Glenhuntly Rd                                             Tutor: SELF-MOTIVATED
This is a clay modelling class where participants initiate their own program of work. The class is SELF MOTIVATED.
Problem solving and technical assistance is given by other experienced participants.

0CRA07: Quilt-as-you-go                                                                               Type: Long Course
Dates: 07/02/2020 - 20/11/2020                                        Frequency: Weekly Course, Fri 10:00 - 12:30
Location: Glenhuntly Green Room 1 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                                 Tutor: Judy Pobke
Learn to design a quilt using the Quilt-as-you-go method. Learn simple applique - needle turn, buttonhole. Good use of
colour for effect. You will need to bring your own machine and be able to do a 1/4 inch seam.

0CRA08: Card Making                                                                                   Type: Long Course
Dates: 10/02/2020 - 16/11/2020                                            Frequency: Fortnightly, Mon 11:00 - 13:00
Location: Glenhuntly Pink Room 1151 Glenhuntly Rd                                                       Tutor: June Vasic
Create your own greeting cards for all occasions and experience the joy of card making. Class requirements: ruler, small
sharp scissors, eraser, tweezers and pencil and pen (Biro). The scissors need to be small, sharp (e.g. embroidery) which
have fine cutting blades, for fine detailed cutting.
 A cost of $5.00 per session will be charged to cover materials.

0DAN02: Israeli Dancing Inter to High Inter                                                           Type: Long Course
Dates: 06/02/2020 - 19/11/2020                                       Frequency: Weekly Course, Thu 14:00 - 15:30
Location: Caulfield Senior Citizens Hall 8 Cedar Street Caulfield South                             Tutor: Marsha Erlich
Israeli dancing is an excellent form of exercise which helps in co-ordination and is also beneficial for the mind and is a
great way to socialise.
  Please wear runners and bring a drink

0DAN03: Israeli Dancing Beg. & Low Inter.                                                             Type: Long Course
Dates: 06/02/2020 - 19/11/2020                                        Frequency: Weekly Course, Thu 9:30 - 12:00
Location: Caulfield Senior Citizens Hall 8 Cedar Street Caulfield South                             Tutor: Marsha Erlich
Beginners 9.30 to 10.15 Intermediate 10.15 to 12.00 Israeli dancing is an excellent form of exercise which helps in
co-ordination and is also beneficial for the mind and is a great way to socialise.
  Please bring runners and a bottle of water.

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Course Calendar from 03/02/2020 to 20/11/2020

0DAN04: Tap Dancing                                                                                Type: Long Course
Dates: 10/02/2020 - 16/11/2020                                     Frequency: Weekly Course, Mon 10:00 - 12:00
Location: Dynamite Dance Studio Level 1, 760 Glenhuntly Rd Caulfield South                     Tutor: Sala Rubinstein
Beginners: The first hour is for those who have never tapped and want to have fun learning basic tap steps. The second
hour will introduce more difficult tap dancing.

0DAN05: Israeli Folk Dancing                                                                       Type: Long Course
Dates: 04/02/2020 - 17/11/2020                                       Frequency: Weekly Course, Tue 9:30 - 12:30
Location: Caulfield Senior Citizens Hall 8 Cedar Street Caulfield South                             Tutor: Ilana Cohen
This class will include circles and line dancing. The second half of the class will be intermediate to high intermediate.
This will include new and current dances. Beginners will only be accepted on first day. Experienced Israeli Folk Dancers
may enrol at any time throughout the year.
   ESSENTIAL: lace up, soft sole shoes ONLY are permitted. No thongs, sandals, or heeled shoes will be accepted.
Please wear comfortable clothing, and bring a drink.

Discussion and Lecture
0DIS01: Interesting People A to Z                                                                  Type: Long Course
Dates: 03/02/2020 - 02/11/2020                                      Frequency: Weekly Course, Mon 9:30 - 11:30
Location: Glenhuntly Purple Room 1151 Glenhuntly Rd                                             Tutor: Harry Williams
This is a continuing course which discusses the good and the bad amongst us, with a bias towards Australian
personalities. There will be lots of video, sound and images about famous and infamous people.
  Note: The tutor will not be available on 15 and 22 June and 9 and 16 November.

0DIS02: Interesting People Z to A                                                                  Type: Long Course
Dates: 03/02/2020 - 02/11/2020                                     Frequency: Weekly Course, Mon 13:15 - 15:15
Location: Glenhuntly Purple Room 1151 Glenhuntly Rd                                             Tutor: Harry Williams
This is a continuing course which discusses the good and the bad amongst us, with a bias towards Australian
personalities. There will be lots of video, sound and images about famous and infamous people.
  Note: The tutor will not be available on 15 and 22 June and 9 and 16 November.

0DIS03: The World's Great Religions           NEW                                                  Type: Long Course
Dates: 06/02/2020 - 12/11/2020                                           Frequency: Fortnightly, Thu 9:30 - 11:00
Location: Glenhuntly Green Room 2-3 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                           Tutor: Fred Morgan
How did the world's great religious traditions come to be? Why is there such diversity among religions? Where do they fit
into human experience? In this course we will consider these questions as we examine the world's great religions,
Abrahamic and Eastern against the backdrop of the 21st century.
  Note: the tutor will be away 18 May to 12 June.

0DIS04: The Ancient Wisdom                                                                         Type: Long Course
Dates: 04/02/2020 - 17/11/2020                                     Frequency: Weekly Course, Tue 10:30 - 12:30
Location: Theosophical Library Centre 664 Glenhuntly Road Caulfield South                       Tutor: Andrew Rooke
The course examines some of the great philosophical questions e.g. the existence of God, death and after;
reincarnation, psychic powers - how real are these possibilities and where is the evidence. We look at the world's major
religions and what they have to say about these questions. In 2020 we look at some of the lesser known religions e.g.
Taoism, Sikhism, Zoroastrianism. All views are welcome.
  An open mind is essential. Tea, coffee and refreshments will be provided.

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Course Calendar from 03/02/2020 to 20/11/2020

0DIS05: Current Issues                                                                                 Type: Long Course
Dates: 14/02/2020 - 20/11/2020                                               Frequency: Fortnightly, Fri 10:00 - 11:00
Location: Glenhuntly Green Room 2-3 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                                   Tutor: Del Stitz
This course will focus on one issue in each session. The issues will be things currently being discussed in the media or
matters of general interest. On occasions there will be guest speakers, and at other times presentations by members.

0DIS06: News - Your Views                                                                              Type: Long Course
Dates: 03/02/2020 - 16/11/2020                                        Frequency: Weekly Course, Mon 10:00 - 11:30
Location: Caulfield Senior Citizens 8 Cedar Street Caulfield South                                     Tutor: Abe Berman
A group discussion of current and past topics from the news.

0DIS07: Everyone has a story            NEW                                                           Type: Short Course
Dates: 05/02/2020 - 08/04/2020                                Frequency: Short Weekly Course, Wed 11:00 - 12:00
Location: Glenhuntly Green Room 1 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                              Tutor: Stephen Graves
An introductory session, followed by one member each week being interviewed to share their story, and a closing
  Prerequisites: Ability to listen. Interest in other people. Willingness to talk about yourself.

0DIS08: Wine Appreciation                                                                              Type: Long Course
Dates: 06/02/2020 - 05/11/2020                                                  Frequency: Monthly, Thu 13:30 - 15:30
Location: Glenhuntly Green Room 2-3 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                               Tutor: Vreni Stoller
Vreni is again attempting to enhance your understanding and appreciation of wine, wine regions and grape varieties from
Australia and overseas. All levels of knowledge will be catered for. Cost is $30 for the first attendance and $15 thereafter.
The class is held on the FIRST THURSDAY of the month.
  Non-attendance of a class without a prior apology will incur the monthly fee of $15.

0DIS09: The law and you                                                                               Type: Short Course
Dates: 06/05/2020 - 17/06/2020                                  Frequency: Short Weekly Course, Wed 9:30 - 11:00
Location: Glenhuntly Purple Room 1151 Glenhuntly Rd                                                   Tutor: Benny Rosen
The course is aimed at demystifying issues of the day in law. Our highlight will be a walk through the legal precinct and a
visit to the courts.
  Previous students of this course should not apply. Preference will be given to people who have not done the course

0DIS10: A true Aussie - is there such a person?                NEW                                     Type: Long Course
Dates: 05/02/2020 - 24/06/2020                                        Frequency: Weekly Course, Wed 13:00 - 15:00
Location: Glenhuntly Purple Room 1151 Glenhuntly Rd                                                 Tutor: Murray Mehmet
In the lead up to the Australian Federation in 1901, there was something fermenting in the country that made many of the
1st, 2nd & 3rd generation locally born of European descent, begin to identify themselves as “Australians” rather than
exiles from the mother land. Think the laconic, happy go lucky, resourceful bush bloke, who could fix anything with a bit
of wire or some bailing twine, the stoic drover’s wife, women’s suffrage and the jolly swagman etc. Ideas promoted by the
likes of Henry Lawson, the bush poets like Banjo Paterson and exemplified by the attitudes conveyed in Miles Franklins
My Brilliant Career. This unit will look at the events that have shaped the Australian character since European settlement
and ask the question is there really such a thing as specific Australian values; and if so what are they and how can they
be conveyed to the future generations of increasing multicultural diversity. We will be using writings, films/doco’s and
  You will be expected to buy or borrow a copy of “The Words That Made Australia; How a nation came to know itself”
edited by Robert Manne. Available from Black Books at $20 or possibly from the library. Note: This course will finish on
24 June.

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Course Calendar from 03/02/2020 to 20/11/2020

0DIS11: Why are young people killing themselves?                    NEW                                  Type: Long Course
Dates: 05/02/2020 - 18/11/2020                                         Frequency: Weekly Course, Wed 11:30 - 13:30
Location: Glenhuntly Gold Room 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                                   Tutor: Michael Shamir
Modern solutions to modern problems: Understanding teenagers brain development and impact on behavior. . social
and emotional factors . relationships and communications . emotional risk management - depression, alcohol, drugs,
porn, gang behavior, internet risks . self-harm and suicide prevention
  Requirement: A good understanding of English

0DIS12: Current and international affairs              NEW                                               Type: Long Course
Dates: 03/02/2020 - 16/11/2020                                          Frequency: Weekly Course, Mon 9:30 - 11:00
Location: Glenhuntly Gold Room 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                                   Tutor: Michael Shamir
Includes current issues: . Middle east . China economy and international relations . Russia and Syrian War . Rights of
Israel to exist . USA internal and external affairs . Left and right in the world . Biblical stories in relation to current issues
(not religious)
  Requirement: A good understanding of English

English as a second language
0ESL01: English expression, composition, vocab                                                           Type: Long Course
Dates: 07/02/2020 - 28/08/2020                                           Frequency: Weekly Course, Fri 13:00 - 15:00
Location: Glenhuntly Gold Room 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                                           Tutor: Les Pinn
English analysis and synthesis. Parts of speech and their usage. Effective and colourful composition. Writing English
creatively and confidently.
  Requirements: Pens and lined paper. Note: This course finishes on 28 August.

0ESL02: English as a second language                                                                     Type: Long Course
Dates: 04/02/2020 - 17/11/2020                                          Frequency: Weekly Course, Tue 11:30 - 13:15
Location: Glenhuntly Red Room 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                                      Tutor: Janet Jenvey
This course is for speakers of English as a Second Language who already speak at an intermediate level or better. By
taking part in conversations, reading, doing grammar exercises, watching short video clips and listening to songs,
students will improve their vocabulary, grammar, and listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.

0ESL04: Improve your English - Wed                                                                       Type: Long Course
Dates: 05/02/2020 - 18/11/2020                                         Frequency: Weekly Course, Wed 11:00 - 13:00
Location: Glenhuntly Purple Room 1151 Glenhuntly Rd                                                     Tutor: Denise Weiss
This class is designed to improve your writing, develop your conversation skills and increase your confidence. You'll also
learn about Australian history, customs and culture and lots, lots more. Come along and give it a try.
  Please bring a dictionary, exercise book and display folder.

0ESL05: Improve your English - Thu                                                                       Type: Long Course
Dates: 06/02/2020 - 19/11/2020                                         Frequency: Weekly Course, Thu 11:30 - 13:30
Location: Glenhuntly Purple Room 1151 Glenhuntly Rd                                                     Tutor: Denise Weiss
This class is designed for those who have some English and want to better their skills. In a relaxed and fun way, we will
learn to read, write and speak more confidently, while making new friends. Come along and give it a try.
  Please bring a dictionary, exercise book and display folder.

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Course Calendar from 03/02/2020 to 20/11/2020

0EXE01: Tai Chi Advanced                                                                             Type: Long Course
Dates: 04/02/2020 - 17/11/2020                                        Frequency: Weekly Course, Tue 9:30 - 10:30
Location: Ormond Senior Citizens Hall 2 Newham Gve Ormond                                          Tutor: David McVilly
The course will continue with the Beijing 24 and the 18 Form Tai Chi/Chi Gong exercises. We will also begin the teaching
of the Combined 42 Forms.
   This course is not suitable for those who have no experience of Tai Chi. Please wear loose clothing, flat non-slip

0EXE02: Meditation and Mindfulness                                                                   Type: Long Course
Dates: 03/02/2020 - 16/11/2020                                      Frequency: Weekly Course, Mon 14:00 - 15:00
Location: Caulfield Park Sports Club 280 Balaclava Rd Caulfield North                             Tutor: Ruth Herschtal
Meditation takes you on a journey from external activity to inner silence, from the chaos of confusion of forgetfulness to
the peace and quiet of remembrance, and remembering the joy and bliss that is within you.

0EXE03: Qi Gong                                                                                      Type: Long Course
Dates: 03/02/2020 - 16/11/2020                                      Frequency: Weekly Course, Mon 12:30 - 14:00
Location: Glenhuntly Green Room 1 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                        Tutor: Carmella Flescher
Qi Gong integrates physical postures, breathing techniques and mental focus to increase wellness.

0EXE04: Cycling Group - Wed                                                                          Type: Long Course
Dates: 05/02/2020 - 18/11/2020                                       Frequency: Weekly Course, Wed 9:30 - 13:30
Location: Various Bike Tracks                                                                       Tutor: Paul Shewan
Weekly rides usually around 20 to 40 kms predominantly on the Melbourne Bike Path Network. NOTE: this is not an
occasional recreational ride facility. Numbers are limited and members who do not attend on a regular basis may be
excluded to make room for new applicants. Meet at Glen Eira U3A Glenhuntly campus.
   Prerequisites: - Bike in good working order. - Good understanding and willingness to adhere to the road rules. - It is
highly recommended to join Bicycle Network for insurance purposes.

0EXE05: Monday Walkers                                                                               Type: Long Course
Dates: 03/02/2020 - 16/11/2020                                       Frequency: Weekly Course, Mon 9:45 - 10:45
Location: Various Walking Trails                                                                 Tutor: Marian Dunstan
Make new friends, keep fit as we walk about 4km around local streets. Wear a hat and bring a bottle of water. We depart
from the U3A carpark gate.

0EXE06: Yoga                                                                                         Type: Long Course
Dates: 05/02/2020 - 18/11/2020                                       Frequency: Weekly Course, Wed 9:30 - 10:30
Location: Duncan McKinnon Com. Room Murrumbeena/North Rds                                               Tutor: Alice Peer
This gentle Hatha Yoga class concentrates on stretching, strength work, breathing and deep relaxation. Please wear
loose, comfortable clothing and bring a yoga mat. You can also bring a cushion for extra comfort and a blanket to stay
warm during deep relaxation. Please note: A yoga mat is essential.

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Course Calendar from 03/02/2020 to 20/11/2020

0EXE07: Yoga - A                                                                                     Type: Long Course
Dates: 05/02/2020 - 18/11/2020                                      Frequency: Weekly Course, Wed 10:45 - 11:45
Location: Duncan McKinnon Com. Room Murrumbeena/North Rds                                               Tutor: Alice Peer
This gentle Hatha Yoga class concentrates on stretching, strength work, breathing and deep relaxation. Please wear
loose, comfortable clothing and bring a yoga mat. You can also bring a cushion for extra comfort and a blanket to stay
warm during deep relaxation. Please note: A yoga mat is essential.

0EXE08: Meditation and Mindfulness                                                                   Type: Long Course
Dates: 03/02/2020 - 16/11/2020                                      Frequency: Weekly Course, Mon 11:45 - 13:00
Location: Caulfield Park Sports Club 280 Balaclava Rd Caulfield North                                 Tutor: Tova Seelig
Meditation and visualisation techniques have proven to relieve pain, speed up the healing process and combat stress,
anxiety, plus other forms of tension.

0EXE09: Feldenkrais 1                                                                               Type: Short Course
Dates: 17/02/2020 - 04/05/2020                                Frequency: Short Weekly Course, Mon 9:30 - 10:30
Location: Duncan McKinnon Com. Room Murrumbeena/North Rds                                        Tutor: Susan Cranage
Feeling restricted by your inability to move like you used to? Regain your youthful stride with Feldenkrais lessons.
Discover new ways of moving by participating in gentle, guided movement lessons suitable for all ages and fitness levels
to achieve lifelong improvements. You will need to bring something to lie on, and a towel for head support. Also, wear
comfortable clothing.

0EXE10: Feldenkrais 2                                                                               Type: Short Course
Dates: 13/07/2020 - 14/09/2020                                Frequency: Short Weekly Course, Mon 9:30 - 10:30
Location: Duncan McKinnon Com. Room Murrumbeena/North Rds                                        Tutor: Susan Cranage
Feeling restricted by your inability to move like you used to? Regain your youthful stride with Feldenkrais lessons.
Discover new ways of moving by participating in gentle, guided movement lessons suitable for all ages and fitness levels
to achieve lifelong improvements. You will need to bring something to lie on, and a towel for head support. Also, wear
comfortable clothing.

0EXE11: Tai Chi Yang Style 24 forms                                                                  Type: Long Course
Dates: 03/02/2020 - 16/11/2020                                      Frequency: Weekly Course, Mon 10:00 - 11:45
Location: Ormond Senior Citizens Hall 2 Newham Gve Ormond                                        Tutor: Hanna Shevach
This course is for people that have completed Tai Chi Beginners. Each session we practice: Stretching - break - Tai Chi -
break - Chi Kung - end of session.

0EXE12: Tai Chi Yang Style 24 Forms - Beginners                                                      Type: Long Course
Dates: 07/02/2020 - 20/11/2020                                        Frequency: Weekly Course, Fri 14:30 - 16:00
Location: Ormond Senior Citizens Hall 2 Newham Gve Ormond                                        Tutor: Hanna Shevach
In this course, in each session, we practice: Stretching - break - Tai Chi - break - Chi Kung - end of session

0EXE13: Exercise to Music                                                                            Type: Long Course
Dates: 06/02/2020 - 19/11/2020                                      Frequency: Weekly Course, Thu 10:00 - 11:00
Location: Ormond Senior Citizens Hall 2 Newham Gve Ormond                                         Tutor: Eva Thieberger
Fitness, fun and friendship. Exercise to Music focuses on a range of movements and physical activities developed to
address the fitness requirements for the over 50s and beyond. Importantly, participants are encouraged to work at their
own pace. The class aims to work systematically through a series of routines that include cardio vascular exercise,
strength training using weights, balance/coordination practice, stretches to encourage flexibility and floor exercises.
Classes conclude with a brief relaxation/meditation session.
  REQUIREMENTS: a set of light weights, a mat, water bottle, comfortable clothing and footwear.

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Course Calendar from 03/02/2020 to 20/11/2020

0EXE14: Bike Group - Tues                                                                               Type: Long Course
Dates: 04/02/2020 - 17/11/2020                                          Frequency: Weekly Course, Tue 9:30 - 14:00
Location: Various Bike Tracks                                                                           Tutor: Alec Stewart
The rides will commence at either U3A Glenhuntly, or a nearby railway station (e.g. Glenhuntly, Caulfield, Murrumbeena
etc.) at 9:30 am on a Tuesday during the normal school term dates. Be sure to check the ride description to know where
to meet! A verity of rides will be organised and led for riders of moderate cycling ability. The rides will vary in length, and
about once a month a longer ride will be organised (however it will usually include an option to use the train to get
home). The additional time will allow us to visit further away places using the train network. The group will give
preference to using bike paths, however this is not always an option in Melbourne.
   Requirements: Participants should feel comfortable riding a bike, and understand that for most rides they will be in the
saddle for at least two to three hours. Participants need to have a well maintained bike. Local bike stores will be able to
asses and assist you if you are unsure about the appropriateness of your bike. Also be sure to carry a MyKi card with
sufficient credit. Please also carry a spare tube for your bike. While we will be able to assist you if you have a flat, a
spare tube that fits your bike, will make getting back on the road much quicker.

0GAM01: Bridge - Duplicate                                                                              Type: Long Course
Dates: 05/02/2020 - 18/11/2020                                        Frequency: Weekly Course, Wed 12:15 - 15:00
Location: Glenhuntly Green Room 1-2-3 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                                  Tutor: Liz Brady
The Duplicate Bridge course follows the rules of a bridge club without the intensity of play, and scores are available for
each session the following week and on line. As in a bridge club, bridge notes and cheat sheets are not permitted.
Mobile phones must be switched off during play.
   All participants must have completed at least a beginners course either with Dan Phelan or with a recognised bridge
teacher and be familiar with the basic elements of bidding and play. A collection will be made on commencement to
allow the purchase of cards and bidding blocks during the year.

0GAM02: Scrabble                                                                                        Type: Long Course
Dates: 06/02/2020 - 19/11/2020                                          Frequency: Weekly Course, Thu 9:30 - 11:30
Location: Glenhuntly Green Room 1 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                                       Tutor: Del Stitz
We have an enthusiastic group who gather together each week to pit their word knowledge against one another. Why not
join them?

0GAM03: Beginners Bridge                                                                                Type: Long Course
Dates: 03/02/2020 - 22/06/2020                                        Frequency: Weekly Course, Mon 11:30 - 13:15
Location: Glenhuntly Green Room 2-3 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                                 Tutor: Dan Phelan
This course is an introduction to bridge. Fundamentals of the game will be explained. Access to the internet is required.
  Some card playing experience will be helpful. Note: This course finishes on 22 June.

0GAM04: Bridge Supervised                                                                               Type: Long Course
Dates: 07/02/2020 - 20/11/2020                                           Frequency: Weekly Course, Fri 9:30 - 12:00
Location: Caulfield Senior Citizens 8 Cedar Street Caulfield South                                       Tutor: Dan Phelan
This course is for members who have some experience in playing bridge.

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Course Calendar from 03/02/2020 to 20/11/2020

0GAM05: Bridge Theory and Practice                                                                   Type: Long Course
Dates: 04/02/2020 - 17/11/2020                                       Frequency: Weekly Course, Tue 13:00 - 15:00
Location: Glenhuntly Green Room 2-3 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                              Tutor: Dan Phelan
This course is a post beginners’ course where theory will be given for the first 30 minutes. The remainder of the class will
involve bidding and playing hands applicable to the theory given. Brief course notes will be given for each class. Theory
to be covered may be suggested by class participants

0GAM06: Bridge Intermediate                                                                          Type: Long Course
Dates: 03/02/2020 - 16/11/2020                                       Frequency: Weekly Course, Mon 9:00 - 11:45
Location: Ormond Sen Cits Card Room 2 Newham Gve Ormond                                              Tutor: Arie Meydan
This session is supervised with bidding exercises and bidding sessions.
  A basic knowledge of bridge is required.

0GAM07: Mahjong self-directed                                                                        Type: Long Course
Dates: 07/02/2020 - 20/11/2020                                        Frequency: Weekly Course, Fri 12:30 - 14:30
Location: Glenhuntly Green Room 1 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                       Tutor: SELF-MOTIVATED
Only members with experience should attend for self-directed play.

0GAM08: Social Bridge                                                                                Type: Long Course
Dates: 07/02/2020 - 20/11/2020                                        Frequency: Weekly Course, Fri 12:30 - 15:00
Location: Glenhuntly Green Room 2-3 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                        Tutor: Marianne Basler
This course is NOT FOR BEGINNERS. There will be no teaching, just the enjoyment of playing bridge. Partners will
rotate to play against as many others as possible. We will score to see how others played the hand - no overall banking.

0GAM09: Acting through improvisation               NEW                                               Type: Long Course
Dates: 04/02/2020 - 17/11/2020                                                  Frequency: None, Tue 10:00 - 11:00
Location: Glenhuntly Green Room 1 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                            Tutor: John Muirhead
Have you ever had the desire to act and improve your communication skills? This course uses improvisation which is a
practical theatre technique. A series of games will improve your creativity, imagination and spontaneity. The course will
suit both experienced and beginner actors.

0GAM10: Mahjong                                                                                      Type: Long Course
Dates: 03/02/2020 - 16/11/2020                                       Frequency: Weekly Course, Mon 9:30 - 12:15
Location: Glenhuntly Green Room 1 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                              Tutor: Irene Murrihy
Come and join our enthusiastic group and play this fascinating game.

0GAM11: Bocce Bowls                                                                                  Type: Long Course
Dates: 03/02/2020 - 16/11/2020                                      Frequency: Weekly Course, Mon 13:30 - 15:30
Location: Glenhuntly Campus 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                                    Tutor: Lea Sinisgalli
Bocce is a healthy outdoors, entertaining and social game. The present friendly group is very keen and has become
most skillful. Why not join us?

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Course Calendar from 03/02/2020 to 20/11/2020

0GAM12: Mahjong C - Experienced players                                                              Type: Long Course
Dates: 06/02/2020 - 19/11/2020                                      Frequency: Weekly Course, Thu 13:00 - 15:00
Location: Glenhuntly Green Room 1 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                       Tutor: SELF-MOTIVATED
This course is for experienced players. The basics of the intriguing game of Mahjong. We will play a simplified (no
scoring) Western style game where the emphasis is on creating 'Special Hands'.

0GAM13: Croquet - an easy introduction                                                             Type: Short Course
Dates: 04/02/2020 - 25/02/2020                               Frequency: Short Weekly Course, Tue 12:30 - 14:00
Location: Elsternwick Croquet Club 27 Parkside Street Elsternwick                                 Tutor: Geoff Tennant
During four one hour lessons, participants will be introduced to the mysteries of Croquet. All equipment is supplied but
please wear flat soled shoes (no heels) and a hat is recommended. Croquet is a physically low impact sport, but will
appeal to those who enjoy strategic thinking. If you are no longer able to manage golf or tennis, you will find Croquet a
great alternative. Contact Geoff for further information: 0411 217 167

0HIS01: Maritime and Military History                                                                Type: Long Course
Dates: 07/02/2020 - 13/11/2020                                              Frequency: Fortnightly, Fri 9:45 - 11:45
Location: Glenhuntly Green Room 2-3 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                      Tutor: Stephen Peterson
Lectures presented are on maritime and military topics, from any era in history and of any kind of subject, including
battles, geopolitics, equipment, key personnel, intelligence matters and any issues related to conflicts on land and sea.
Numerous different topics are presented throughout the year. Guest presenters, and presentations by class members
interested in doing so, are most welcome. Suggestions from class members for future topics are also welcome and likely
to be acted on.

0HIS02: Jewish History and Culture                                                                   Type: Long Course
Dates: 06/02/2020 - 19/11/2020                                      Frequency: Weekly Course, Thu 11:30 - 13:15
Location: Glenhuntly Red Room 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                                      Tutor: Ben Stark
This is an ONGOING COURSE and is aimed at those who have studied this subject for two years and wish to continue
to explore the history and culture of the Jewish people.

0HIS03: North American history                                                                       Type: Long Course
Dates: 04/02/2020 - 17/11/2020                                      Frequency: Weekly Course, Tue 11:30 - 13:30
Location: Glenhuntly Green Room 1 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                                Tutor: Robert Lee
The history of North America with emphasis on USA, Canada, and Mexico. From the arrival of native Americans and the
Europeans into the 20th century.
  Note: There will be a break after 19 May and the course will recommence on 11 August.

0HIS04: How the monarchy shaped Great Britain                 NEW                                    Type: Long Course
Dates: 04/02/2020 - 17/11/2020                                        Frequency: Weekly Course, Tue 9:30 - 11:30
Location: Glenhuntly Red Room 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                                  Tutor: David Collier
This course builds on the previous study of the Power of Parliament and looks at how, between 900AD and 1914 the
Crown and the Monarchy in general transformed the physical, social and political landscapes of Great Britain.

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Course Calendar from 03/02/2020 to 20/11/2020

0HIS05: 19th Century Europe - Forces of change                   NEW                                      Type: Long Course
Dates: 05/02/2020 - 24/06/2020                                          Frequency: Weekly Course, Wed 9:30 - 11:30
Location: Glenhuntly Gold Room 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                                      Tutor: David Collier
This course looks at influences in 19th Century Europe which changed the cultural landscape and brought about such
consequences as the First World War. It focusses upon the impact of events in Eastern Europe and the relationship
between Russia and Turkey.
  Note: This course is for 5 months and will end on 24 June.

0HIS06: Yiddish Civilization                                                                              Type: Long Course
Dates: 05/02/2020 - 24/06/2020                                         Frequency: Weekly Course, Wed 11:30 - 13:00
Location: Glenhuntly Red Room 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                                        Tutor: Henry Erlich
Our parents' journey from the Yiddish civilization through the holocaust to the distant world of Melbourne, where even the
sun shone from the wrong side. The journey is examined by looking at poetry, songs, stories by the great writers, religion
as well as questions I asked in about thirty interviews. Examples of the questions are: How did you manage to get on
with your life after what you went through? Can it happen again. What does Israel mean to you? Why do you remain a
Jew? What is a Jew? Is luck more important than character?
  This is a continuation of a course from last year.     Note that the tutor will be absent from 6 May and will resume on 3
June. The course will finish on 24 June.

0HIS07: Writing a Family History                                                                        Type: Short Course
Dates: 03/02/2020 - 30/03/2020                                 Frequency: Short Weekly Course, Mon 11:30 - 13:15
Location: Glenhuntly Purple Room 1151 Glenhuntly Rd                                                      Tutor: Garry Fabian
You will be provided with a basic outline for researching a family or organisation's history. There is a wealth of material
that will be lost forever if not recorded while those who were present are still able to recall details of their lives - or have
access to the links of previous generations. While everyone has a story to tell, many feel inhibited to tackle this project.
Some believe they lack the required skills, or adopt the attitude that their story would not be of interest to others.

0LANF02: French Conversation/B                                                                            Type: Long Course
Dates: 06/02/2020 - 19/11/2020                                           Frequency: Weekly Course, Thu 9:30 - 11:15
Location: Glenhuntly Gold Room 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                               Tutor: Fortuna Schachna
An organised class with a relaxed atmosphere which is aimed at people who have some knowledge of the language and
would enjoy speaking in a friendly atmosphere. Fun activities give everyone a chance to participate.

0LANF03: French Conversation/A                                                                            Type: Long Course
Dates: 03/02/2020 - 16/11/2020                                         Frequency: Weekly Course, Mon 11:00 - 12:30
Location: Glenhuntly Gold Room 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                               Tutor: Margaret Goldberg
An organised class with a relaxed atmosphere allowing each participant to express him/herself, discuss, read and
translate. Some writing and grammar when required.

0LANF04: French Conversation                                                                              Type: Long Course
Dates: 04/02/2020 - 17/11/2020                                          Frequency: Weekly Course, Tue 11:30 - 13:00
Location: Glenhuntly Green Room 2-3 1151 Glenhuntly Road                                                   Tutor: Sue Arnold
Some basic conversation knowledge is required. We progress at a fun steady rate, using 'Bien-Dire' resources.

                                   Glen Eira University of the Third Age      Page 19 of 26.
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