Page created by Erik Wolfe
                22 - 27 SEPTEMBER


                                                                                    of Content

                                                                                    Welcome to Canberra, Australia    5

                                                                                    Committee                        6

                                                                                    Conference Schedule               7

                                                                                    Conference Venues                8

                                                                                    Social Events                    10

                                                                                    Accompanying Persons              11

                                                                                    Invited Speakers                 12

Nothing but                                                                         Discussion Panel                 13

   green skies
                                                                                    Monday 23 September:
                                                                                    Technical Session                14

                                                                                    Tuesday 24 September:

          ahead                                                                     Technical Session

                                                                                    Wednesday 25 September:
                                                                                    Technical Session


                                                                                    Thursday 26 September:
                                                                                    Technical Session                29

                                                                                    Friday 27 September:
                                                                                    Technical Session                36
Gas turbines are more efficient than ever. And we’re making sure they get even
more so. But Rolls-Royce is also working on tomorrow, pioneering hybrid-electric    Venue Map                        39
and all-electric power. This quiet revolution will soon offer the opportunity for
more sustainable growth and reduced carbon emissions. It is the fundamental
change we need to lower our collective impact on the environment.
                                                                                    Speaker Instructions             40
Pioneering the power that matters
Find out more:                                      ISABE 2019 Sponsors              41
                                                      CANBERRA, AUSTRALIA
                                                      Australia is a strong and prosperous nation that, given its location in
                                                      the Southern Hemisphere, bridging the Indian, Pacific and Southern
                                                      Oceans, relies heavily on airbreathing propulsion to remain an
                                                      integral part of the world.
                                                      As a consequence, Australia is strongly dependent          It is populated by all manner of native flora and
                                                      upon the gas turbine for air transport to service our      fauna most especially our kangaroos. Furthermore,
                                                      tourist industry and maintain international trade via      Canberra is best experienced during the September
                                                      our own airlines and those that service our shores.        Spring time when we will host ISABE2019, which
                                                      The Australian Defence Force are also heavy users          will also coincide with the start of Canberra’s famous
                                                      of gas turbines in their aircraft, ships and even tanks.   Floriade festival.
                                                      In addition, Australia has a preeminent position as a
                                                      world leader in hypersonic research, particularly in the   Canberra is home to two of the nation’s leading
                                                      development and flight-testing of scramjet propulsion      universities, as well as the headquarters of the
                                                      systems. This year’s conference theme “Disrupting          Australia Defence Force, Airservices Australia, the
                                                      Distance with Advanced Propulsion Technologies” is         Civil Aviation Safety Authority, and the Australian
                                                      thus particularly apt for ISABE’s return to Australia.     Transportation Safety Bureau. Hidden in the
                                                                                                                 hinterland of the Australian Capital Territory, within
                                                      Australia has a longstanding tradition in ISABE and        half an hour’s drive of the city, the tracking station at
                                                      has been a strong supporter since the beginning.           Tidbinbilla forms a vital part of NASA’s Deep Space
                                                      UNSW Canberra and its academic, industrial, defence        Communications Network, one of three such ground
                                                      and government partners would like to welcome the          stations spread around the globe. Tidbinbilla is now
                                                      ISABE conference back to Australia in 2019. It will        part of Canberra’s rapidly growing role as the space
                                                      have been almost a quarter of a century since the          hub of Australia.
                                                      ISABE conference last graced our shores and it is
                                                      only fitting that we now hold the 2019 conference in We are honoured to welcome you all back to Australia
                                                      Canberra, the nation’s capital.                          in 2019 for the 24th ISABE Conference, where you
                                                                                                               can experience the best of what Canberra has to offer.
                                                      Canberra is a dynamic city, often known as the “Bush
                                                      Capital”. It combines the nation’s grand institutions
                                                      and a vibrant restaurant and café culture in the idyllic
                                                      setting of open spaces and countryside, bringing
                                                      together lakes, rolling plains, forest and mountains.

                                                      Professor Andrew Neely
                                                      UNSW Canberra
                                                      ISABE Vice President and ISABE2019 Conference Chair

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HOS TED BY UNSW CANBERRA                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     HOS TED BY UNSW CANBERRA

Committee                                                                                                                Conference Schedule

                                                                                                                         22                    23                   24                      25                     26                       27
                                                                                                                         Sunday                Monday               Tuesday                 Wednesday              Thursday                 Friday

                                                                                                                                               7.30 - 9.00          7.30 - 8.00             7.30 - 8.00            7.30 - 8.00              7.30 - 8.00
                                                                                                                                               Registration &       Registration &          Registration &         Registration &           Registration &
                                                                                                                                               Coffee               Coffee                  Coffee                 Coffee                   Coffee

                                                                                                                                                                    8.00 - 9.00             8.00 - 9.00            8.00 - 9.00              8.00 - 9.00
ISABE Steering Committee                                                                                                                                            Shinji Suzuki           Alex Simpson           Jörg Sieber              Xiaofeng Sun
                                                                                                                                                                    (ICAS)                  (GE)                   (MTU)                    (Beihang)

Founding President:                                         Administrative Secretary:                                                          9.00 - 10.00         9.00 - 10.00            9.00 - 10.00           9.00 - 10.00             9.00 - 10.00
The late Dr. James E. Bubb                                  Prof. Rainer Walther                                                               Conference Opening   Henrik Runnemalm        Alex Passerini         Kevin Bowcutt            Raquel Salmeron
                                                                                                                                                                    (GKN)                   (Qantas)               (Boeing)                 (Airservices)
President:                                                  Treasurer:
Prof. Richard ‘Ric’ J Parker                                Dr. Glen Snedden (DPSS-CSIR South Africa)                                          10.00 - 11.00        10.00 - 10.30           10.00 - 10.30          10.00 - 10.30            10.00 - 10.30
Vice President:                                             Communications Officer:                                                            Paul Stein           Coffee Break            Coffee Break           Coffee Break             Coffee Break
Prof. Andrew Neely (UNSW Canberra)                          Dr Suresh Sampath (Cranfield University)

Founding Secretary:                                         Review Chair:                                                                      11.00 - 12.00        10.30 - 12.00           10.30 - 12.00          10.30 - 12.00            10.30 - 12.00
The late Dr. S.N.B. Murthy                                  Prof Anestis Kalfas (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)                         Janet Kavandi        Technical Sessions      Technical Sessions     Technical Sessions       Technical Sessions
                                                            Executive Secretary:                                                                                                                                                                                                  9.00 - 14.00
                                                            Robert Proctor (Rolls-Royce)                                                       12.00 - 13.00        12.00 - 13.00           12.00 - 13.00          12.00 - 13.00            12.00 - 13.00                            RAeS
                                                                                                                                               Lunch                Lunch                   Lunch                  Lunch                    Lunch                                    Cool
                                                                                                                                               13.00 - 14.00        13.00 - 14.00           13.00 - 14.00          13.00 - 14.00            13.00 - 14.30                            STEM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Outreach Event
                                                                                                                                               Adam Dissel (REL)    Thomas Prete            MZ Siddique            Cath Roberts             Discussion Panel                    for local high
                                                                                                                                                                    (P&W)                   (GTRE)                 (RAAF)                   Disrupting Distance                  school girls
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            with Advanced
Australian National Organizing Committee                                                                                                                                                                                                    Technologies

                                                                                                                                               14.00 - 15.00        14.00 - 15.00           14.00 - 17.30          14.00 - 15.00            14.30 - 15.30

Chair and National Representative:                          Review Chair:                                                                      Technical Sessions   Technical Sessions      Conference             Technical Sessions       Conference
                                                                                                                                                                                            Technical Excursions                            Closing
Prof. Andrew Neely (UNSW Canberra)                          Professor David Mee (University of Queensland)

Executive Secretary:                                        Technical Chair:                                             15.00 - 17.00         15.00 - 15.30        15.00 - 15.30                                  15.00 - 15.30            15.30
Dr. Bianca Capra (UNSW Canberra)                            Assoc Professor Sean O’Byrne (UNSW Canberra)                 Registration          Coffee Break         Coffee Break                                   Coffee Break             Farewell Coffee

Review Chair:                                               Acting National Representative:                                                    15.30-16.30          15.30 - 16.30                                  15.30 - 16.30
Professor Richard Sandberg, (University of Melbourne)       Dr Dries Verstraete (University of Sydney)                                         Hussein Abbass       Jim MacLeod                                    Michael Smart
                                                                                                                                               (UNSW)               (NRC)                                          (UQ)

                                                                                                                                               16.30 - 18.00        16.30 - 18.00                                  16.30 - 17.30
                                                                                                                                               Technical Sessions   Technical Sessions                             Technical Sessions

                                                                                                                         17.00 - 19.00         18.30                19.00                   19.00                  18.00
ISABE 2019 Committee Members                                                                                             ISABE                 Reaction Engines     ISABE Board &           AIAA Student           ISABE Gala
                                                                                                                         Welcome Drinks        Industry Dinner      Invited Speakers        Networking             Banquet National
Mr Sudip Bhattrai (UNSW Canberra)                           Mr Nathan Long (UNSW Canberra)
                                                                                                                         National Convention   Lainie Anderson      Dinner (by invitation   Reception (by          Arboretum
Prof David Buttsworth (University of Southern Queensland)   Mr Sean McCreton (UNSW Sydney)                               Centre                Australian War       only) Boat House        invitation only)
                                                                                                                                               Memorial             Restaurant              Novotel Canberra
Ms Holly Carter (UNSW Canberra)                             Mr Liam McQuellin (UNSW Canberra)

Dr Gaetano Currao (UNSW Canberra)                           Mr Jeremy Moran (UNSW Canberra)

Mr Diego Exposito-Brioso (UNSW Canberra)                    Dr Danielle Moreau (UNSW Sydney)

Ms Leanne Hew (UNSW Canberra)                               Mr Kannan Munusamy (UNSW Canberra)

Mr Charles Hoke (UNSW Canberra)                             Dr Evan Smith (RAAF)

Dr Zafer Leylek (DST Group)                                 Mr Paulo Vasconcelos (UNSW Canberra)

6         I S A B E 2 01 9 C A N B E R R A   P R O GR A M                                                                                                                                                                           P R O GR A M      I S A B E 2 01 9 C A N B E R R A           7

                                                                                                                                                                   UNLOCKING THE FUTURE OF SPACE
                                                                                                                                                                   ACCESS AND HYPERSONIC FLIGHT

                         1       The National Arboretum                   5       National Convention
                                 Address:                                         Centre Canberra
                                                                                                                                                                              Imagine a truly versatile air-breathing rocket engine. One that can power
                                 Forest Dr, Molonglo Valley ACT 2611              Address:                                                                                 an aircraft to Mach 5 hypersonic flight in the atmosphere, and over 25 times the
                                                                                  31 Constitution Ave, Canberra ACT 2601                                                                          speed of sound for space access.
                         2       Novotel
                                 Address:                                         Australian War Memorial                                                                Just as the jet engine made the world a smaller place, SABRE engines will radically
                                                                          6                                                                                                    change how future generations travel around our planet and into space.
                                 65 Northbourne Ave, Canberra ACT 2601            Address:
                                                                                  Treloar Cres, Campbell ACT 2612                                                              With this technology high speed flight and space access will become routine,
                                 The Australian Transport
                         3                                                                                                                                                                               reliable and affordable.
                                 Safety Bureau                                    The Boat House
                                                                          7                                                                                                                                 Watch this space.
                                 Address:                                         Address:
                                 62 Northbourne Ave, Canberra ACT 2601            Grevillea Park, Menindee Dr, Barton ACT 2600
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Proud to sponsor ISABE 2019
                         4       Airservices Australia                    8       UNSW Canberra
                                 Address:                                         Address:                                                                                                    JOIN US ON THE JOURNEY
                                 25 Constitution Ave, Canberra ACT 2601           Northcott Dr, Campbell ACT 2612

                                                                                                                                     REL19085_horizontal half page ad.indd 1                                                                                                             10/09/2019 14:41

                                                                              2       3


                                                                                                                                     SAF-AP 210x148-5-LEAP-EN-V1.indd 1                                                                                                                  19/02/2019 19:17

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Social                                                                           Accompanying
Events                                                                           Persons
The conference will include a packed social program for                          Those who are accompanying delegates to ISABE2019 can
delegates and accompanying persons including memorable                           register for the Accompanying Persons Program. This will include
dinners at some of the most outstanding venues in the                            a dedicated excursion, with catered lunch, in the Canberra area
Nation’s capital.                                                                as well as informal guided meet ups on the other days at some of
                                                                                 the main cultural and social locations around central Canberra.
Networking lunches and coffee breaks will also be served
                                                                                 Registration also includes tickets to the Welcome Reception, the
throughout the conference for all delegates.
                                                                                 Industry Dinner and the ISABE Conference Banquet.

           Sunday Evening                                                        Sunday
           ISABE Welcome Drinks                                                  Evening: Welcome Drinks at the NCCC
           National Convention Centre Canberra
           (for all delegates and accompanying persons)                          Monday
           Enjoy drinks and canapes following registration
           at the conference venue.                                              Morning: Sightseeing cruise on Lake Burley Griffin followed by a tour of Canberra’s
                                                                                 National Exhibition Centre.
                                                                                 Afternoon: At leisure to explore Floriade, Australia’s biggest celebration of spring.
           Monday Evening
                                                                                 Evening: Reaction Engines Industry Dinner at the Australian War Memorial.
           Reaction Engines Industry Dinner
           Australian War Memorial
           (for all delegates and accompanying persons)
           Join is for dinner and drinks in the ANZAC hall at the Australian     Morning / Afternoon: Excursion to the Canberra Hinterland with wine tastings at
           War Memorial where you can experience the spectacular sound           several wineries and lunch at a local vineyard and smokehouse followed by a visit to
           and light shows under the unique aircraft collection and hear from    a local chocolate maker.
           Churchill Scholar, Lainie Anderson as she recounts the Flight That    Evening: At leisure to experience Canberra’s wide range of eateries
           Changed the World.                                                    (those accompanying Board Members or Keynote speakers - Dinner at the Boat
                                                                                 House Restaurant)
           Tuesday Evening
           ISABE Board & Invited Speakers Dinner                                 Wednesday
           The Boat House Restaurant (by invitation only)
                                                                                 Morning: At leisure to explore Canberra.
           Dinner and drinks in one of Canberra’s ultimate dining experiences.
                                                                                 Afternoon: Conference excursion to the Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve and the NASA
           Perfectly executed cuisine, memorable service and unmatched
                                                                                 Canberra Deep Space Communications Complex.
           views across Lake Burley Griffin.
                                                                                 Evening: At leisure to experience Canberra’s wide range of eateries.
           Wednesday Evening
           AIAA Students’ Networking Reception
           Novotel Canberra (by Invitation only)                                 Morning: A visit to the National Museum of Australia followed by an optional
                                                                                 walking tour of Reconciliation Place at 11.45 am.
           A networking evening for our student delegates and
           VIP guests with food and drinks provided.                             Afternoon: Lunch (not included) at the National Library of Australia. At leisure to
                                                                                 explore King Edward Terrace and surround’s: national galleries, museums and/or
                                                                                 Parliament House (free tours available for each)
           Thursday Evening
                                                                                 Evening: ISABE Gala Banquet at the National Arboretum.
           ISABE Gala Banquet, Village Centre
           The National Arboretum
           (for all delegates and accompanying persons)
           The culmination of the conference social calendar will be a           Informal meet ups, otherwise at leisure to explore Canberra.
           memorable dinner (with a few surprises) in the spectacular
           Village Centre at the National Arboretum overlooking Canberra.

10      I S A B E 2 01 9 C A N B E R R A   P R O GR A M                                                         P R O GR A M       I S A B E 2 01 9 C A N B E R R A      11
Invited Speakers                                                                                                                                                           Discussion Panel
                                                                                                                                                                            Friday Afternoon 27 Sept
                                                                                                                                                                            “Disrupting Distance with Advanced Technologies”

              Dr. Paul Stein                                   Dr. Janet L Kavandi            AVM Catherine Cath Roberts                 Dr. Kevin G. Bowcutt
             CTO, Rolls-Royce                       Director, Nasa Glenn Research Center        Head of Air Force Capability      Chief Scientist of Hypersonics, Boeing

                                                                                                                                                                                Dr. Raquel Salmeron                                    Dr. Kevin G. Bowcutt                                              Capt. Lisa Norman
                                                                                                                                                                             Air Traffic Management Network                       Chief Scientist of Hypersonics, Boeing                         Manager Fleet Operations- Boeing 787,
                                                                                                                                                                            Performance and Analysis Manager,                                                                                                   Qantas
                                                                                                                                                                                     Airservice Australia
            Dr. Adam Dissel                                    Mr. Thomas Prete                   Prof. Michael Smart                    Ms Lainie Anderson
      President, Reaction Engines Inc.                   Engineering Vice President,           Chair of Hypersonic Propulsion,    Aviation Historian and Churchill Fellow
                                                      Pratt & Whitney Military Engines           University of Queensland

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Dr. Nateri Madavan                                     Dr. Stéphane Burguburu
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Trasformative Aeronautics Concepts                       Head of Methodology, Design and
           Prof. Xiaofeng Sun                                   Mr Jim Macleod                      Prof. Shinji Suzuki                     Dr. Joerg Sieber                                          Program, NASA Aeronautics Research                      Simulation tools, Safran Aircraft Engines
   Professor of Aerospace Engineering              NRC Fellow and Chairman of the Aircraft           President of ICAS           Head of Innovation Management, MTU                                            Mission Directorate
  and Director of the Fluid and Acoustic              Icing Reasearch Alliance (AIRA)
Engineering Laboratory, Beihang University

                                                                                                                                                                            The Facilitators

            Mr. Mz Siddique                               Dr. Alexander Simpson                   Dr. Raquel Salmeron                   Dr. Henrik Runnemalm
             Director GTRE                          Executive GE Aviation Cininnati, Ohio     Air Traffic Management Network     Director of Research and Technology
                                                                                             Performance and Analysis Manager,    at GKN Aerospace Engine Systems
                                                                                                      Airservice Australia

                                                                                                                                                                                                           Prof. Richard J Parker                                          Dr. Bianca Capra
                                                                                                                                                                                                                President ISABE                                             UNSW Canberra

                                                           Prof. Hussein Abbass                  Captain Alex Passerini
                                                                 UNSW Canberra                 Chief Technical Pilot at Qantas

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HOS TED BY UNSW CANBERRA                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      HOS TED BY UNSW CANBERRA

Monday 23 Sept                                                                                                                              Early Afternoon Session 14.00 - 15.00

                                                                                                                                                                          14.00                                                              14.30
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Room 1
     07.30-09.00                     Registration | Main Foyer                                                                               Technical Session MoB1: Compressors 1                                                                                       Nicholls Theatrette

                                                                                                                                             Chairs: Hans Mårtensson (GKN Aerospace), Byung Lee (Vantage Partners)
     09.00-10.00                     Conference Opening (Royal Theatre)
                                                                                                                                             ISABE-2019-24033                                                ISABE-2019-24049

                                     Keynote (Royal Theatre)                                                                                 Strategies for Multifidelity Optimization of                    An improved Prediction Model for Corner Stall in
     10.00-11.00                     Dr Paul Stein (Rolls-Royce)                                                                             Multistage Compressors with Throughflow and 3D CFD              Axial Compressors with Dihedral Effect
                                     A New Age of Aviation Propulsion
                                                                                                                                             Markus Schnoes, Andreas Schmitz, Georgios Goinis,               Jiabin Li and Lucheng Ji
                                     Keynote (Royal Theatre)                                                                                 Christian Voß and Eberhard Nicke
     11.00-12.00                     Dr Janet Kavandi (NASA)
                                     The Future of Aviation Research at NASA’s Glenn Research Center
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Room 2
                                                                                                                                             Technical Session MoB2: Ramjets and Scramjets 1                                                                            Menzies Theatrette
     12.00-13.00                     Networking Lunch | Ballroom
                                                                                                                                             Chairs: Hideyuki Tanno (JAXA), Michael Smart (UQ)
                                     Keynote (Royal Theatre)                                                                                 ISABE-2019-24110                                                ISABE-2019-24118
     13.00-14.00                     Dr Adam Dissel (Reaction Engines)
                                     Enabling High-Speed Propulsion                                                                          Dual Manifold Flow Control System for                           Anterior Fuel Streak Suitable for SHSI
                                                                                                                                             Gas-Generator Cycle Air Ramjet Engine

     14.00-15.00                     Early Afternoon Technical Sessions
                                                                                                                                             Ryojiro Minato, Daisuke Nakata, Masaharu Uchiumi, Inaho,
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Shigeo Obata
                                                                                                                                             Yoshikawa, Hiromitsu, Yagihashi and Kouki Arimatsu
     15.00-15.30                     Networking Coffee Break | Ballroom

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Room 3
                                     Keynote (Royal Theatre)                                                                                 Technical Session MoB3: Detonation & Pulsed Engines                                                                                   Swan Room
     15.30-16.30                     Prof Hussein Abbass (UNSW Canberra)
                                     Artificial Intelligence. How our UNSW-Canberra research is transforming the Air to breathe smartness    Chairs: Sean O’Byrne (UNSW Canberra), Ric Parker (ISABE)
                                                                                                                                             ISABE-2019-24254                                                ISABE-2019-24367
     16.30-18.00                     Late Afternoon Technical Sessions
                                                                                                                                             Fuel Injection, Mixing and Detonative Combustion in             Dynamics Of Rotating Detonation Engines With A Pintle-Type Injector
                                                                                                                                             Model Detonation Engine
     18.00-18.30                     Shuttle buses to the AWM | Departure from the side of the NCC
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Takuma Sato, Fabian Chacon, James Duvall, Mirko Gamba, and
                                                                                                                                             Shikha Redhal, Jason Burr and Kenneth Yu
                                     Reaction Engines Industry Dinner,                                                                                                                                       Venkat Raman
     18.30-22.00                     Australian War Memorial
                                     Ms Lainie Anderson, The Flight That Shrank The World - 100th Anniversary of the Epic Air Race

     21.30-22.00                     Shuttle buses back to Crowne Plaza | Departure from the side of the AWM

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HOS TED BY UNSW CANBERRA                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    HOS TED BY UNSW CANBERRA

Early Afternoon Session 14.00 - 15.00                                                                                                                 Late Afternoon Session 16.30 - 18.00

                                               14.00                                                      14.30                                                         16.30                                          17.00                                          17.30
                                                                                                                                            Room 4                                                                                                                                                  Room 1
     Technical Session MoB4: Engine Emissions 1                                                                                        Murray Room     Technical Session MoC1: Compressors 2                                                                                            Nicholls Theatrette

     Chairs: Raquel Salmeron (Airservices), Weeded Ghedhaifi (ONERA)                                                                                   Chairs: Byung J Lee (Vantage Partners), Hans Mårtensson (GKN Aerospace)
     ISABE-2019-24038                                                      ISABE-2019-24307                                                            ISABE-2019-24050                               ISABE-2019-24067                               ISABE-2019-24069

     Experimental Investigation on Impact of Jet Fuel Properties on        3D Simulation of Aircraft Emissions Dispersion in the CAEPport Area         An Evaluate Method for Axial Compressor        High-Dimensional Multi-Fidelity Optimisation   Flow Analysis and Optimization through
     Gaseous Emissions using a Gas Turbine Combustor                       by Tracking Aircraft as Mobile Sources                                      Endwall Flow and Relevant Control Measures     Of A 2.5 Stage Low Pressure Compressor         Tuning of Rotor Blade Geometry for a High-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     loading Transonic Axial Flow Compressor
     Chenxing Ling, Charith J Wijesinghe, Lukai Zheng and Bhupendra        W. Ghedhaïfi, L. Desprez, E. Montreuil, E. Terrenoire, T. Henry-                                                                                                          Stage
     Khandelwal                                                            Lheureux and F. Garnier
                                                                                                                                                       Jiabin Li and Lucheng Ji                       Stefan Hemmert-Pottmann, Christian Voß,        Da Xu, Jinju Sun, Peng Song, Xuesong
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Nicolai Forsthofer and Tim Schneider           Wang and Youwei He
                                                                                                                                             Room 5
     Technical Session MoB5: VSTOL and Thrust Vectoring 1                                                                              Fitzroy Room
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Room 2
     Chairs: Suresh Sampath (Cranfield), Daesung Lee (KARI)                                                                                            Technical Session MoC2: Ramjets and Scramjets 2                                                                                 Menzies Theatrette
     ISABE-2019-24001                                                      ISABE-2019-24412
                                                                                                                                                       Chairs: Michael Smart (UQ), Hideyuki Tanno (JAXA)
     VSTOL Thrust Vectoring and Balancing: Degradation Mitigation          CFD Analysis on a Convergent Divergent Nozzle With and Without              ISABE-2019-24119                               ISABE-2019-24121                               ISABE-2019-24158
     Strategies                                                            Obstacle Thrust Vectoring
                                                                                                                                                       Free-flight Test of Scramjet Powered Vehicle   The Supersonic Combustor Performance           Aerodynamic Characteristics and Parameter
                                                                           Adel Mamdouh, Eslam Said Abdelghany,Gamal elhariry and                      in Shock Tunnel                                Change by Fuel Temperature Variation with      Sensitivity Analysis of Hypersonic Airframe/
     S Sampath, A Pellegrini, I Aslanidou and P Pilidis                                                                                                                                               Regenerative Cooling                           Inlet Integrated Full-Waverider Vehicle
                                                                           Essam E Khalil

                                                                                                                                                       Hideyuki Tanno, Tomoyuki Komuro and            Kyungjae Lee, Inyoung Yang, Yangji Lee         Feng Ding, Jun Liu, Wen-hao Zhang and
                                                                                                                                             Room 6    Kouichiro Tani                                 and Sanghun Lee                                Shao-hua Chen
     Technical Session MoB6: Inlets and Ducts 1                                                                                        Torrens Room

     Chairs: Patrick Hendrick (ULB), Olivier Petit (Chalmers)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Room 3
     ISABE-2019-24020                                                      ISABE-2019-24124                                                            Technical Session MoC3: Simulation and Modelling 1                                                                                        Swan Room

                                                                                                                                                       Chairs: D. R. Reddy (NASA), Zafer Leylek (DSTG)
     Integrated Compressor Duct with Bleed: Experimental Validation of a   Aerodynamic Test Campaign of next Generation Aggressive
     Hybrid RANS/LES Approach                                              Intermediate Compressor Ducts                                               ISABE-2019-24009                               ISABE-2019-24010                               ISABE-2019-24108

     Elias Mikael Vagn Siggeirsson, Niklas Andersson and Markus                                                                                        A Hybrid Structured/Unstructured Grid          Turbulence Model Development for Low &         Direct Numerical Simulation of Separation-
                                                                           Fredrik Wallin, Philipp Langholf and Eberhard Nicke                         Strategy for the Modeling of Technological     High Pressure Turbines Using a Machine         induced Transition in a Very-low-disturbance
     Burak Olander
                                                                                                                                                       Effects on Complex Turbomachinery              Learning Approach                              Environment through a Low-pressure Turbine
                                                                                                                                                       Applications                                                                                  Cascade

                                                                                                                                            Room 7     L Castillon, M Soismier, MC Le Pape, B         Harshal D Akolekar, Yaomin Zhao, Richard       Siya Jiang and Song Fu
     Technical Session MoB7: Nozzles 1                                                                                                Derwent Room     Maugars and B Michel                           D Sandberg, Nicholas Hutchins and
     Chairs: Ibrahim Sinan Akmandor (Pars Makina)                                                                                                                                                     Vittorio Michelassi

     ISABE-2019-24397                                                      ISABE-2019-24353

     Influence of Nozzle Geometry on Detonation-Driven and Shock-Driven    Numerical Analysis of Effects of Pintle Position on Flow in Planar
     Transient Supersonic Jet Flow                                         Expansion-Deflection Nozzles

     Bhavraj Thethy, Mohammad Rezay Haghdoost, Kilian                      John Paul P, Joe Paul Martin M, Prasanth P Nair, Abhilash Suryan,
     Oberleithner, Damon Honnery and Daniel Edgington-Mitchell             Abhay Mohan and Heuy Dong Kim

16          I S A B E 2 01 9 C A N B E R R A    P R O GR A M                                                                                                                                                                                          P R O GR A M   I S A B E 2 01 9 C A N B E R R A         17
HOS TED BY UNSW CANBERRA                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   HOS TED BY UNSW CANBERRA

Late Afternoon Session 16.30 - 18.00                                                                                                                           Tuesday 24 Sept

                           16.30                                               17.00                                           17.30
                                                                                                                                                    Room 4
     Technical Session MoC4: Materials, Structures and Failure 1                                                                               Murray Room

     Chairs: Joe Grady (NASA), Evan Smith (RAAF)
     ISABE-2019-24098                                         ISABE-2019-24025                               ISABE-2019-24201

     Physically Based Versus Strain-Based                     A Study of Cranking Effectiveness as a         Flow Characteristics of High Velocity Oxygen-
     Crack Indicators for Hot Cracking in Welded              Treatment for Rotor Thermal Bow in Gas         Fuel Torch for Evaluating High Thermal
     Structures                                               Turbines                                       Resistive Materials                               07.30-08.00   Registration Main Foyer

     Jonas Edberg, Joar Draxler and                           EO Smith and AJ Neely                          Rajesh Kumar Chinnaraj, Seong Min                               Keynote (Royal Theatre)
     Jesper Mattsson Liljemark                                                                               Hong, Phil Yong Oh and Seong Man Choi             08.00-09.00   Prof Shinji Suzuki (ICAS)
                                                                                                                                                                             Emerging Technologies in Aeronautics

                                                                                                                                                      Room 5
     Technical Session MoC5: Heat Transfer and Cooling Techology 1                                                                              Fitzroy Room
                                                                                                                                                                             Keynote (Royal Theatre)
                                                                                                                                                               09.00-10.00   Dr Henrik Runnemalm (GKN)
     Chairs: Sami Girgis (P&W Canada), Leiyong Jiang (NRC)                                                                                                                   Partnering the Future of Engine Systems
     ISABE-2019-24029                                         ISABE-2019-24174                               ISABE-2019-24398
                                                                                                                                                                             Networking Coffee Break
     Loss Determination at a Linear Cascade                   An Analytical Model for the Heat Transfer of   Conjugate Heat Transfer Modeling                  10.00-10.30
     under Consideration of Thermal Effects                   Array Impingement                              of a Turbine Vane Endwall with Thermal
                                                                                                             Barrier Coatings                                  10.30-12.00   Morning Technical Sessions

     Svenja Aberle-Kern, Thomas Ripplinger,                   Zhen Zhang, Qingsong Wang, Xinrong Su          Xing Yang, Terrence W. Simon and
                                                                                                                                                                             Networking Lunch
     Reinhard Niehuis                                         and Xin Yuan                                   Zhenping Feng                                     12.00-13.00

                                                                                                                                                                             Keynote (Royal Theatre)
                                                                                                                                                      Room 6
     Technical Session MoC6: Inlets and Ducts 2                                                                                                 Torrens Room   13.00-14.00   Mr Thomas Prete (P&W)
                                                                                                                                                                             F135 – The Product of Jet Engine Technical Evolution and Innovation
     Chairs: Fredrik Wallin (GKN Aerospace), Faustin Ondore (TU Kenya)
     ISABE-2019-24290                                         ISABE-2019-24287                               ISABE-2019-24086                                  14.00-15.00   Early Afternoon Technical Sessions

     Optimizing Intakes for Embedded Engines                  Numerical Study on the Effect of a Transonic   Numerical Prediction of Fan Performance                         Networking Coffee Break
                                                              Fan on an S Shaped Inlet                       Response with Inlet Distortion of Aircraft        15.00-15.30
                                                                                                                                                                             Keynote (Royal Theatre)
     David Koo, David W. Zingg, Wajid Ali                     Weichen Zhao, Jie Chen and Guoping             Ryo Kagaya, Yoshinori Ooba and Shinya
                                                                                                                                                               15.30-16.30   Mr Jim MacLeod (NRC)
     Chishty and Hamza M. abo el Ella                         Huang                                          Kusuda
                                                                                                                                                                             Engine Icing Certification: Past, Present and Future

                                                                                                                                                               16.30-18.00   Late Afternoon Technical Sessions
                                                                                                                                                    Room 7
     Technical Session MoC7: Small-Scale Engines 1                                                                                            Derwent Room
                                                                                                                                                                             Bus to the Boat House
     Chairs: Glen Snedden (CSIR), Dries Verstraete (Sydney)                                                                                                    18.30
                                                                                                                                                                             Deperature from the side of the NCC (by invitation only)
     ISABE-2019-24062                                         ISABE-2019-24080                               ISABE-2019-24126
                                                                                                                                                               19.00-22.00   Board Dinner for Keynotes, Boat House Restaurant (by Invitation only)
     The Numerical Aerodynamic Evaluation of                  Thrust Augmentation for Very Small Jet         Analysis of Influence Factors for Efficiency
     Geometrical Configurations of a Vaporizer                Engines Using a Mixer-ejector System           Improvement of The Micro Axial Turbine
                                                                                                                                                                             Bus back to the Crowne Plaza
     Tube Micro-Gas Turbine Combustor.                                                                                                                         22.00
                                                                                                                                                                             Deperature from the Boat House (by invitation only)
     Bronwyn C Meyers and                                     Ralf Schmidt, Andreas Hupfer and               Deng Yang, Huang Guo-ping,
     Jan-Hendrik Grobler                                      Volker Gümmer                                  Xia Chen and Xiang Xin

18          I S A B E 2 01 9 C A N B E R R A   P R O GR A M                                                                                                                                                                                          P R O GR A M   I S A B E 2 01 9 C A N B E R R A   19
HOS TED BY UNSW CANBERRA                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               HOS TED BY UNSW CANBERRA

Tuesday 24 Sept
Morning Session 10.30 - 12.00

                           10.30                                                 11.00                                            11.30                                             10.30                                         11.00                                           11.30
                                                                                                                                                         Room 1                                                                                                                                                 Room 5
     Technical Session TuA1: Compressors 3                                                                                                   Nicholls Theatrette   Technical Session TuA5: Engine Maintenance and Health Monitoring 1                                                                     Fitzroy Room

     Chairs: Nicole Key (Purdue), Peter Schiffer (TU-Darmstadt)                                                                                                    Chairs: Richard Eustace (DST Group)
     ISABE-2019-24102                                         ISABE-2019-24135                                 ISABE-2019-24391                                    ISABE-2019-24251                              ISABE-2019-24423                              ISABE-2019-24421

     3D Blade Stacking Optimization Of A                      Effect of a Single Circumferential Casing        Experimental Validation of a Mixed-flow             Further Investigation On Stall Warning        F414 Engine Performance Condition             Transient Vibration Analysis for Detecting
     1.5-Stage Transonic Compressor Rotor                     Groove on the Unsteadiness of Tip Leakage        Compressor Impeller and Cross-over Diffuser         Approach                                      Monitoring and Sensor Fault Detection Using   Disk Cracks in Aircraft Engines
                                                              Flow in a Transonic Compressor                                                                                                                     Take-off Data

     Xiao-chen Wang, Xiao-dong Ren,                           Xiaoyong Zhou, Qingjun Zhao,Wei Zhao,            PC Swanepoel, SJ van der Spuy,                      Ruize Xu, Dakun Sun, Xu Dong, Fanyu Li,       Richard Eustace, Zafer Leylek, Jad Fakhry     Wenyi Wang and Marco Attia
     Xue-song Li and Long-gang Liu                            Qiangren Xu and Jianzhong Xu                     TW von Backström and GC Snedden                     Xiaofeng Sun and Tianyu Pan                   and Mike Anderson

                                                                                                                                                      Room 2                                                                                                                                                    Room 6
     Technical Session TuA2 Ramjets and Scramjets 3                                                                                         Menzies Theatrette     Technical Session TuA6: Additive Manufacturing                                                                                         Torrens Room

     Chairs: David Buttsworth (USQ), Brad Wheatley (LMCA)                                                                                                          Chairs: Anders Sjunnesson (GKN Aerospace), Lars Ellbrant (GKN Aerospace)
     ISABE-2019-24161                                         ISABE-2019-24172                                 ISABE-2019-24175                                    ISABE-2019-24028                              ISABE-2019-24191                              ISABE-2019-24414

     Theoretical and Experimental Investigation               Multi-objective Optimisation of a Turbofan for   Numerical Simulation of Flow through the            Raising The Technology Level Of An            Advanced Methods for Additive                 Materials and Processes for New Propulsion
     on Airframe/Propulsion Integration for                   a Supersonic Transport Aircraft                  Inlet and Isolator of a Mach 4 Dual Mode            Instrumented Jet Engine Compressor Vane       Manufacturing Demonstrated on an              Systems with Reduced Environmental Impact
     High-Speed Vehicles                                                                                       Scramjet with Geometric Modifications               Fabricated By Additive Manufacturing          Instrumented Compressor Vane

     Anatoly Gubanov                                          Dries Verstraete                                 Alokita Shukla, Rahul Verma,                        Felix Kern, Stefan Bindl, Katharina Kreitz,   Stefan Bindl, Felix Kern, Reinhard Niehuis    Joseph Grady, Raymond Robinson,
                                                                                                               R Thundil Karuppa Raj, Senthilkumar P               Reinhard Niehuis                                                                            Gary Roberts, Sandi Miller, Michael Halbig,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Michael Pereira, Chales Ruggeri and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Lee Kohlman
                                                                                                                                                       Room 3
     Technical Session TuA3: Simulation and Modelling 2                                                                                             Swan Room
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Room 7
     Chairs: D. R. Reddy (NASA), Leiyong Jiang (NRC)                                                                                                               Technical Session TuA7: Combustion and Fuels 1                                                                                       Derwent Room
     ISABE-2019-24041                                         ISABE-2019-24039                                 ISABE-2019-24116
                                                                                                                                                                   Chairs: Bronwyn Meyers (CSIR), M.S. Raju (Vantage Partners)
     Corner Separation Vortex Structures Analysis             Uncertainty and Global Sensitivity Analysis      Numerical Investigation on Performance              ISABE-2019-24007                              ISABE-2019-24064                              ISABE-2019-24173
     of Compressor Cascade under High Mach                    of Compressor Blade with Uncertain Inflow        Improvement of High-Speed Centrifugal
     Number Based on DES                                      Conditions                                       Impeller Using Synthetic Jet                        Preliminary Soot Computations Based on a      Investigation of Novel Configuration of       Numerical and Experimental Analysis of
                                                                                                                                                                   Model Aircraft Combustor With OpenNCC         Hydrogen Micromix Combustor for Low NOx       the Effect of Hydrogen Injection on Flame
     Ruiyu Li, Limin Gao, Lei Zhao, Chi Ma and                Chi Ma, Limin Gao, Ming Cai and Ruiyu Li         Wenlin Huang, Zhiheng Wang and                                                                    Emission                                      Stabilization in Pre-cooled Turbojet Model
     Shiyan Lin                                                                                                Guang Xi                                                                                                                                        Afterburner

                                                                                                                                                                   Manthena S. Raju, Jeffrey P Moder and         Huanrong Lei and Bhupendra Khandelwal         Yutaka Ikeda, Toshiki Okamoto, Che Zhao,
                                                                                                                                                       Room 4      Changju T Wey                                                                               Hiromu Ishikawa, Hideyuki Taguchi,
     Technical Session TuA4: Advanced Aircraft Concepts and Integration 1                                                                         Murray Room                                                                                                  Shinji Nakaya and Mitsuhiro Tsue
     Chairs: Nicolas Tantot (Safran), Patrick Hendrick (ULB)
     ISABE-2019-24264                                         ISABE-2019-24285                                 ISABE-2019-24365

     Large-scale Boundary Layer Ingesting                     Conceptual Design of Distributed Counter-        Propulsion System Optimization for a
     Propulsor Research                                       Rotating Fan Systems for Boundary Layer          Turboelectric Tiltwing Urban Air Mobility
                                                              Ingesting Propulsion                             Aircraft

     Mark L Celestina and Mary J Long-Davis                   BJ Lee, May-Fun Liou and M Celestina             Eric S. Hendricks, Eliot D Aretskin-Hariton,
                                                                                                               Jeffreyes W Chapman, Justin S Gray and
                                                                                                               Robert D Falck

20          I S A B E 2 01 9 C A N B E R R A   P R O GR A M                                                                                                                                                                                                     P R O GR A M    I S A B E 2 01 9 C A N B E R R A         21
HOS TED BY UNSW CANBERRA                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  HOS TED BY UNSW CANBERRA

Tuesday 24 Sept
Early Afternoon Session 14.00 - 15.00

                                               14.00                                                    14.30                                                                     14.00                                                                 14.30
                                                                                                                                           Room 1                                                                                                                                                  Room 5
     Technical Session TuB1: Compressors 4                                                                                     Nicholls Theatrette   Technical Session TuB5: Hybrid Engines and Integrated Systems 1                                                                         Fitzroy Room

     Chairs: Peter Schiffer (TU-Darmstadt), Nicole Key (Purdue)                                                                                      Chairs: Ibrahim Akmandor (Pars Makina), Smruti Sahoo (MDH)
     ISABE-2019-24148                                                     ISABE-2019-24207                                                           ISABE-2019-24220                                                     ISABE-2019-24322

     Study on Design of Asymmetric Leading Edge of Compressor Blade       Optimized Design of Rotor Fillet with Variable Radius along the            Investigation on Performance Improvement of                          The Perspectives of ‘”Electrochemical” Air-breating Engines Based on
                                                                          Flow Direction and Its Influence on the Performance of Transonic           Tesla Turbine Combined with a Cascade                                Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
                                                                                                                                                     Koji Okamoto, Shogo Nishimura, Susumu Teramoto and                   LS Yanovskiy, AV Baikov, IS Averkov and VV Raznosthikov
     Guanhua Yang, Limin Gao, Tianyu Gao and Yu Wu                        Xuning Zhao, Xuhui Zhou, An Yan, Yi Liu And Jiang Chen                     Kazuo Yamaguchi

                                                                                                                                         Room 2                                                                                                                                                    Room 6
     Technical Session TuB2: Ramjets and Scramjets 4                                                                           Menzies Theatrette    Technical Session TuB6: Materials, Structures & Failure 2                                                                               Torrens Room

     Chairs: Brad Wheatley (LMCA), David Buttsworth (USQ)                                                                                            Chairs: Lars Ellbrant (GKN Aerospace), Anders Sjunnesson (GKN)
     ISABE-2019-24178                                                     ISABE-2019-24253                                                           ISABE-2019-24147                                                     ISABE-2019-24422

     The Design Methodology of Osculating Waverider with Controllable     Hot Gas Temperature Distribution in a Gas-Generator for Air Turbo          Gas Turbine Mixer Modelling Strategies and Afterburner Liner Burn-   Stochastic Analysis on Low Cycle Fatigue Life of a High Pressure
     Sweep Angles                                                         Ramjet Engine                                                              Through Diagnostics                                                  Turbine Nozzle Caused by the Perturbation of Turbine Inlet
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Temperature Distribution
     Shao-hua Chen, Jun Liu, Feng Ding and Zhen Liu                       Daisuke Nakata, Ryojiro Minato, Hiromitsu Yagihashi, Koki
                                                                          Arimatsu, Inaho Yoshikawa, Satoshi Inazumi, Masaya Sumiyoshi,              Mikael Stenfelt and Konstantinos Kyprianidis                         Jae-Sung Huh, Yeong-Seok Kang,
                                                                          Masaharu Uchiumi                                                                                                                                Dong-Ho Rhee and JaeHwan Kim

                                                                                                                                         Room 3                                                                                                                                                  Room 7
     Technical Session TuB3 Fluid and Gas Dynamics 1                                                                                  Swan Room      Technical Session TuB7: Inlets and Ducts 3                                                                                            Derwent Room

     Chairs: Lionel Castillon (ONERA), Lars Ellbrant (GKN Aerospace),                                                                                Chairs: Fredrik Wallin (GKN Aerospace), Olivier Petit (Chalmers)
     ISABE-2019-24030                                                     ISABE-2019-24081                                                           ISABE-2019-24454                                                     ISABE-2019-24018

     Effect of Pulsed Energy Deposition on the Mixing of Supersonic Jet   On the Use of Exergy as a Metric for Performance Assessment of CFD         Development of a Novel Boundary Layer Ingestion Engine Intake with   Parametric Design and Aero-Dynamic Analysis of Circular Variable
     Interacting with Oblique Shock                                       Turbomachines Flows                                                        S-shaped Geometry                                                    Aero Engine Inlets for Transonic and Supersonic Civil Aviation

     Fan Liu and Hong Yan                                                 Aurélien Arntz, Alexandre Couilleaux, David Luquet and François            Zoitis Giakoumis, Theofilos G. Efstathiadis and Anestis I. Kalfas    Stefan Kazula, Mark Wöllner, David Grasselt and Klaus Höschler

                                                                                                                                         Room 4
     Technical Session TuB4: Heat Transfer and Cooling Technologies 2                                                               Murray Room

     Chairs: Evan Smith (RAAF)
     ISABE-2019-24072                                                     ISABE-2019-24340

     Hot-Streak Effect on Internally Air-Cooled Nozzle Guide Vanes and    An Experimental-numerical Method for Transient Infrared
     Shrouds                                                              Measurement

     Lei-Yong Jiang, Yinghua Han, Zhong Zhang, Xija Wu, Michael           Nicholas Holgate
     Clement, and Prakash Patnaik

22          I S A B E 2 01 9 C A N B E R R A    P R O GR A M                                                                                                                                                                                        P R O GR A M   I S A B E 2 01 9 C A N B E R R A         23
HOS TED BY UNSW CANBERRA                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         HOS TED BY UNSW CANBERRA

Tuesday 24 Sept
Later Afternoon Session 16.30 - 18.00

                           16.30                                               17.00                                         17.30                                             16.30                                         17.00                                         17.30
                                                                                                                                                    Room 1                                                                                                                                                Room 5
     Technical Session TuC1: Compressors 5                                                                                              Nicholls Theatrette   Technical Session TuC5: New Developments in GT Engines 1                                                                              Fitzroy Room

     Chairs: Nicole Key (Purdue), Peter Schiffer (TU-Darmstadt)                                                                                               Chairs: Rainer Walther (ISABE), Shaji Manipurath (NRC)
     ISABE-2019-24241                                         ISABE-2019-24299                              ISABE2019-24382                                   ISABE-2019-24140                             ISABE-2019-24260                               ISABE-2019-24335

     Effect of Surface Roughness on the                       Generating Compressor Maps To Simulate        A Modelling Approach of Variable Geometry         ENOVAL Low Pressure System Technologies      An Overview of the ENOVAL Project:             Conceptual Design of Ultra-efficient Cores for
     Boundary Layer Transition for a High                     Starting And Windmilling                      for Low Pressure Ratio Fans                       for the next Generation of Aero Engines      Definition and Analysis of Advanced Low        Mid-century Aircraft Turbine Engines
     Subsonic Cascade                                                                                                                                                                                      Specific Thrust Propulsion Concepts and
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Technologies for Year 2025-30 Civil Aircraft
     Weixiong Chen, Yangang Wang, Hao                         Joachim Kurzke                                Mavroudis Kavvalos, Xin Zhao, Rainer
     Wang and Jiawei Hu                                                                                     Schnell, Ioanna Aslanidou, Anestis Kalfas         Joerg Sieber and Edgar Merkl                 John Whurr, Martin Hepperle, Fabian            Tomas Grönstedt, Carlos Xisto, Vishal
                                                                                                            and Konstantinos Kyprianidis                                                                   Donus and Nicolas Tantot                       Sethi, Andrew Rolt, Nicolás García Rosa,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Arne Seitz, Dimitrios Missirlis, John
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Whurr, Nicolas Tantot, Martin Dietz and
                                                                                                                                                  Room 2                                                                                                  Anders Lundbladh
     Technical Session TuC2: Ramjets and Scramjets 5                                                                                    Menzies Theatrette

     Chairs: David Buttsworth (USQ), Brad Wheatley (LMCA)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Room 6
     ISABE-2019-24217                                         ISABE-2019-24429                              ISABE-2019-24279                                  Technical Session TuC6: Turbines 1                                                                                                    Torrens Room

                                                                                                                                                              Chairs: Sami Girgis (P&W Canada), Hamza abo el Ella (NRC)
     Effects of Pylon Geometry on Mixing                      Powered, Aerodynamic Simulations of an        Combustion Instability in Dual-Mode Scramjet
     Enhancement in a Scramjet Pylon-Cavity                   Airbreathing, Hypersonic Vehicle              Combustor                                         ISABE-2019-24031                             ISABE-2019-24053                               ISABE-2019-24093
                                                                                                                                                              Basic Investigations for an Operation Time   Investigation of Flow Parameters               Study of the Flows in Annular S-shaped Inter-
     Aryadutt Oamjee and Rajesh Sadanandan                    Alexander Ward and Michael Smart              Camilo Aguilera, Amardip Ghosh and                Determination Method of High-Pressure        Downstream the Turbine Cascade with            turbine Diffusers
                                                                                                            Kenneth H Yu                                      Turbine Components in a Twin-Spool           Radial Tip Gap
                                                                                                                                                              Turbofan Engine Using CFD-Methods

                                                                                                                                                  Room 3      Stephan Scheidler and Andreas Grois          AD Nepomnyashchiy, VO Nigmatullin and          A Karpenko, O Makohon and S Riznyk
     Technical Session TuC3: Simulation and Modelling 3                                                                                        Swan Room                                                   SV Suntsov
     Chairs: Eric Hendricks (NASA), Zafer Leylek (DSTG)
     ISABE-2019-24129                                         ISABE-2019-24136                              ISABE-2019-24146                                                                                                                                                                            Room 7
                                                                                                                                                              Technical Session TuC7: Small-Scale Engines 2                                                                                       Derwent Room
     Numerical Simulation Study on the Periodicity            Developement and Application of a Predesign   The HBR Turbofan’s Multilevel Mathematical
                                                                                                                                                              Chairs: Sean O’Byrne (UNSW), Dries Verstraete (Sydney)
     of Cascade Wind Tunnel                                   Tool for Aero Engine Power Gearboxes          Model as the Basis of the Engine’s Digital
                                                                                                            Testing Technology                                ISABE-2019-24273                             ISABE-2019-24331                               ISABE-2019-24387

     Ming Cai, Limin Gao and Zhe Liu                          Tom Otten, Richard Becker, Stanislaus         Vladimir Makarov, Sergey Andreev,                 A Small Jet Engine Preliminary Design and    Optimization Based on                          An Overview of Small Gas Turbine Engines
                                                              Reitenbach, Reinhold Schaber and André        Vladimir Frolov and Yuri Fedorchenko              its Performance Calculations                 3D CFD Simulations of An Axial Turbine from
                                                              Engler                                                                                                                                       a Small Gas Turbine Engine

                                                                                                                                                              Lucilene Moraes da Silva,                    Luiz Gustavo Franco Amaral,                    Fabíola Paula Costa, Luiz Henrique
                                                                                                                                                  Room 4      Jesuino Takachi Tomita,                      Rubén Bruno Diaz, Jesuino Takachi              Lindquist Whitacker, Cleverson
     Technical Session TuC4: CENTRELINE 1                                                                                                    Murray Room       Cleverson Bringhenti,                       Tomita, Cleverson Bringhenti and               Bringhenti, Jesuino Takachi Tomita and
                                                                                                                                                              Luiz Henrique Lindquist Whitacker,           Izabela Batista Henriques                      Gustavo Bonolo Campos
     Chairs: Arne Seitz (Bauhaus Luftfahrt)
                                                                                                                                                              Luiz Eduardo Nunes Almeida and
     ISABE-2019-24141                                         ISABE-2019-24193                              ISABE-2019-24151                                  Diogo Ferraz Cavalca

     Design Trade Studies for Turbo-electric                  Optimisation of the Loading Structure for     Experimental Investigation of the Flow Past
     Propulsive Fuselage Integration                          Propulsive Fuselage Concept                   an Axisymmetric Body at Low Speed

     Florian Troeltsch, Julian Bijewitz and Arne              Zdobysław Goraj, Mariusz Kowalski and         Biagio Della Corte, M van Sluis, A Gangoli
     Seitz                                                    Bartłomiej Goliszek                           Rao, LLM Veldhuis and L Orsini

24          I S A B E 2 01 9 C A N B E R R A   P R O GR A M                                                                                                                                                                                                P R O GR A M   I S A B E 2 01 9 C A N B E R R A         25
HOS TED BY UNSW CANBERRA                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  HOS TED BY UNSW CANBERRA

Wednesday 25 Sept                                                                                                                                                    Morning Session 10.30 - 12.00

     07.30-08.00                     Registration Main Foyer
                                                                                                                                                                                       10.30                                          11.00                                          11.30
     08.00-09.00                     Keynote (Royal Theatre) Dr Alex Simpson (GE Aviation) Hybrid Electric Overview
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Room 1
                                                                                                                                                                      Technical Session WeA1: Compressors 6                                                                                           Nicholls Theatrette
     09.00-10.00                     Keynote (Royal Theatre) CAPT Alex Passerini (Qantas) Ultra-Long Haul Commercial Operations
                                                                                                                                                                      Chairs: Stéphane Burguburu (Safran), Rainer Schnell (DLR)
     10.00-10.30                     Networking Coffee Break Ballroom                                                                                                 ISABE-2019-24440                               ISABE-2019-24017                             ISABE-2019-24368

     10.30-12.00                     Morning Technical Sessions                                                                                                       Aerodynamic Design and Application             Design and Performance of a Low              The Potential of Casing Treatments for
                                                                                                                                                                      of a Mixed-flow Compressor with                Fan-Pressure-Ratio Propulsion System         Transonic Compressors: Evaluation Based
     12.00-13.00                     Networking Lunch                                                                                                                 High Hub-Tip Ratio                                                                          on Axial-Slot and Rotor Blade Optimization

     13.00-14.00                     Keynote (Royal Theatre) MZ Siddique (GTRE) Aero Engine Development in India - Achievements and Opportunities                     Hang Xiang, Jiang Chen, Jinxin Cheng,          Rainer Schnell, Erik Goldhahn and            Georgios Goinis, Christian Voß and
                                                                                                                                                                      Xiancheng Song, Han Niu and Yi Liu             Marc Julian                                  Eberhard Nicke
                                     ISABE Technical Tours
                                     • Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve and NASA CDSCC Departs 13.00 by bus (~5 hours)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Room 2
                                     • UNSW Canberra Research Labs Departs 14.00 by bus (~3 hours)                                                                    Technical Session WeA2: Heat Transfer and Cooling Technology 3                                                                 Menzies Theatrette
                                     • Australian Transportation Safety Bureau Departs 14.00 by foot (~1 hour)
                                     • Airservices Australia Network Coordination Centre Departs 14.00 by foot (~0.5 hour)                                            Chairs: Evan Smith (RAAF), D. R. Reddy (NASA)
                                     • Australian War Memorial Aircraft Collection Depart by foot (open till 17.00)                                                   ISABE-2019-24246                               ISABE-2019-24255                             ISABE-2019-24341

     19.00-21.00                     AIAA Networking Dinner for Students and Keynotes, Novotel (by Invitation only)                                                   Off-Design Engine Simulation using Different   A Pragmatic Method for Matching Conjugate    Parallel Rotation for Negating Coriolis Force
                                                                                                                                                                      Cooling Predicting Models                      Heat Transfer Predictions with Experiments   Effect on Heat Transfer

                                                                                                                                                                      Janaina Ferreira da Silva, Ana Adalgiza        Jonathan Hilgert, Heinz-Peter Schiffer and   Ajay Sarja, Prashant Singh and
                                                                                                                                                                      Garcia Maia, Cleverson Bringhenti and          Timm Janetzke                                Srinath V. Ekkad
                                                                                                                                                                      Jesuino Takachi Tomita

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Room 3
                                                                                                                                                                      Technical Session WeA3: Simulation and Modelling 4                                                                                       Swan Room

                                                                                                                                                                      Chairs: Eric Hendricks (NASA), Zafer Leylek (DST Group)
                                                                                                                                                                      ISABE-2019-24196                               ISABE-2019-24336                             ISABE-2019-24357

                                                                                                                                                                      Time Domain Implementation of a Spectral       Multi-Objective Optimisation of Semi-        Optimization of Adaptive Cycle Engine Cycle
                                                                                                                                                                      Non-reflecting Boundary Condition for          Closed Cycle Engines for High Altitude UAV   Parameters Based on Kriging Model
                                                                                                                                                                      Unsteady Turbomachinery Flows                  Propulsion

                                                                                                                                                                      Daniel Schlüß and Christian Frey               Jacopo Tacconi, Wilfried PJ Visser and       Zhang Xiaobo, Ye Yifan and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Dries Verstraete                             Wang Zhanxue
               Thinking ahead –
               the future of aviation now.                                                                                                                            Technical Session WeA4: CENTRELINE 2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Room 4
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Murray Room

                                                                                                                                                                      Chairs: Arne Seitz (Bauhaus Luftfahrt)
                      The aviation industry has set itself ambitious targets, including a
                      dramatic reduction in emissions by the year 2050. In order to achieve                                                                           ISABE-2019-24162                               ISABE-2019-24215                             ISABE-2019-24087
                      this, we need aero engine solutions that surpass the technology
                                                                                                                                                                      Aerodynamics of Boundary Layer Ingesting       Adaption of a Turbofan Engine for High       Integration Aspects for Large Generators
                      of today. 10,000 MTU experts are already working day-to-day with
                                                                                                                                                                      Fuselage Fans                                  Power Offtakes for a Turbo-electric          into Turbofan Engines for a Turbo-electric
                      passion and enthusiasm, bringing visionary ideas to life.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Propulsive Fuselage Concept                  Propulsive Fuselage Concept
                      The future of aviation starts now.

                                                                                                                                                                      Alejandro Castillo Pardo and                   Sebastian Samuelsson, Olivier Petit,         Rasmus Merkler, Sebastian Samuelsson
                                                                                                                                                                      Cesare A Hall                                  Rasmus Merkler and Guido Wortmann            and Guido Wortmann

     Zivil_E_210x148_5_ISABE2019_20190819_01.indd 1                                                                                                 19.08.19 11:13
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HOS TED BY UNSW CANBERRA                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           HOS TED BY UNSW CANBERRA

Wednesday 25 Sept                                                                                                                                           Thursday 26 Sept
Morning Session 10.30 - 12.00

                            10.30                                                 11.00                                       11.30
                                                                                                                                                   Room 5
     Technical Session WeA5: New Developments in GT Engines 2                                                                                Fitzroy Room   07.30 - 08.00   Registration Main Foyer
     Chairs: Pericles Pilidis (Cranfield), Rainer Walther (ISABE)                                                                                                           Keynote (Royal Theatre)
     ISABE-2019-24411                                          ISABE-2019-24002                             ISABE-2019-24044                                08.00 - 09.00   Dr. Jörg Sieber (MTU)
                                                                                                                                                                            MTU’s Technology Roadmap Towards Emission Free Flying
     Multi Stream Turbofan Engine with Built in                Concept of Prototype of Near-Term            Key Technologies for the Next Generation of
     Regenerative Heat Exchanger                               Supersonic Commercial Aircraft with          Civil Aircraft Engines                                          Keynote (Royal Theatre)
                                                               Derivative Engines Based on Existing Cores
                                                                                                                                                            09.00 - 10.00   Dr Kevin Bowcutt (Boeing)
                                                                                                                                                                            Flying at the Edge of Space and Beyond: The Opportunities and Challenges of Hypersonic Flight
     Mohamed Hussein Ahmed,                                    Vladimir Korovkin, Alexander Evstigneev,     Frank Haselbach
     Essam Eldin Khalil, Gamal El Hariry,                      Vladimir Makarov, Dmitry Strelets, Oleg
     Eslam Said Abdelghany and                                 Shevelev, Viktor Kopiev and Ivan Belyaev                                                     10.00 - 10.30   Networking Coffee Break Ballroom
     Ahmed El Saleh
                                                                                                                                                            10:30 - 12:00   Morning Technical Sessions

                                                                                                                                                   Room 6   12.00 - 13.00   Networking Lunch Ballroom
     Technical Session WeA6: Secondary Flows 1                                                                                               Torrens Room
                                                                                                                                                                            Keynote (Royal Theatre)
     Chairs: Faustin Ondore (TU Kenya), Susan Michaelis (University of Stirling)
                                                                                                                                                                            AVM Catherine Roberts (RAAF)
     ISABE-2019-24005                                          ISABE-2019-24212                             ISABE-2019-24410                                13:00 - 14:00
                                                                                                                                                                            The Challenge of Distance for Australia’s Airpower – Partnering with Industry and Academia on Advanced Propulsion
                                                                                                                                                                            Technology Solutions
     Experimental Characterization of Air-oil                  Physico-mathematical Model of Oil Chamber    Effect of Design Parameters on Oil-jet Gear
     Two-phase Flows and Air-oil Separator                     in Bearing Support of GTE Rotor              Interaction - A CFD Study
                                                                                                                                                            14:00 - 15:00   Early Afternoon Technical Sessions
     Performance in Advanced Aero-engines

     Mariano Di Matteo, Olivier Berten,                        OS Gurevich, AI Gulienko and                 Marc C Keller, Christian Kromer,                15.00 - 15.30   Networking Coffee Break Ballroom
     Patrick Hendrick and Benjamin Fulleringer                 YM Shchurovsky                               Laura Cordes, Corina Schwitzke and
                                                                                                            Hans-Jörg Bauer                                                 Keynote (Royal Theatre)
                                                                                                                                                            15.30 - 16.30   Prof Michael Smart (UQ)
                                                                                                                                                                            SPARTAN: small satellite delivery using scramjets
                                                                                                                                                  Room 7
     Technical Session WeA7: Combustion and Fuels 2                                                                                         Derwent Room    16.30 - 17.30   Late Afternoon Technical Sessions
     Chairs: Yolanda Hicks (NASA), Sean O’Byrne (UNSW Canberra)
                                                                                                                                                            17.30           Buses to the National Arboretum Deperature from the side of the NCC
     ISABE-2019-24238                                          ISABE-2019-24256                             ISABE-2019-24404
                                                                                                                                                            18.00 - 22.30   ISABE Gala Banquet, National Arboretum
     Experience in Designing of Pneumatic                      Bio-fuel for Aviation: Brazilian Prospects   Combustion and Emissions Study using a
     Atomizer and Jet Front Module for LPP                                                                  7-point Lean Direct Injector Array
     Combustion of Liquid Fuels                                                                                                                             21.45 - 22.30   Shuttle Buses back to the Crowne Plaza Deperature from the front of the National Arboretum

     VI Furletov, A Yu Vasilyev, VF Goltsev,                   Adalton Ribeiro Martuscelli,                 Yolanda R Hicks,
     AI Mayorova, AA Sviridenkov and                           Cleverson Bringhenti,                        Tyler G Capil,
     OV Zubkova                                                Gustavo Bonolo de Campus,                    Kathleen M Tacina and
                                                               Jesuino Takachi Tomita,                      Robert C Anderson
                                                               Rubén Bruno Diaz

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HOS TED BY UNSW CANBERRA                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         HOS TED BY UNSW CANBERRA

Thursday 26 Sept
Morning Session 10.30 - 12.00

                           10.30                                                11.00                                       11.30                                             10.30                                          11.00                                          11.30
                                                                                                                                                   Room 1                                                                                                                                                 Room 5
     Technical Session ThA1: Fluid and Gas Dynamics 2                                                                                  Nicholls Theatrette   Technical Session ThA5: Small-Scale Engines 3                                                                                          Fitzroy Room

     Chairs: Lars Ellbrant (GKN Aerospace), Lionel Castillon (ONERA)                                                                                         Chairs: Bronwyn Meyers (CSIR), Dries Verstraete (Sydney)
     ISABE-2019-24188                                         ISABE-2019-24451                             ISABE-2019-24195                                  ISABE-2019-24390                              ISABE-2019-24236

     Aerodynamic Ground Effect in Ducted Fan                  Spatio-Temporal Behaviour of a Cylinder      Supersonic Flows Over A 3-Dimensional             Small Aeroengine Turbine Numerical and        Details of Semi-empirical Method for
     UAV Take-off and Landing                                 Wake in Mach 3 Flow                          Bump With Injection                               Experimental Investigation                    Computation of Combustors of
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Small-size GTE
     Shuanghou Deng, Siwei Wang, Jun Wang                     Sean McCreton, Manuj Awasthi,                Jintu K James and Heuy Dong Kim
     and Hongming Cai                                         Con Doolan, Danielle Moreau                                                                    S Riznyk, S Boris, P Varvaruk and             Roman S Medvedev,
                                                                                                                                                             A Karpenko                                    Alexander Yu Vasilyev and
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Anna I Maiorova
                                                                                                                                                Room 2
     Technical Session ThA2: Ramjets and Scramjets 6                                                                                  Menzies Theatrette
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Room 6
     Chairs: Kevin Bowcutt (Boeing), Michael Smart (UQ)                                                                                                      Technical Session ThA6: VSTOL and Thrust Vectoring 2                                                                                   Torrens Room
     ISABE-2019-24059                                         ISABE-2019-24106                             ISABE-2019-24095
                                                                                                                                                             Chairs: Suresh Sampath (Cranfield), Hamza abo el Ella (NRC)
     Impact of Aeroelasticity on Hypersonic Intake            Fluid-Thermal-Structure Interactions on a    Analysis of a Modified Scramjet Intake            ISABE-2019-24186                              ISABE-2019-24316                              ISABE-2019-24187
     Performance                                              Hypersonic Two-Dimensional Intake            for a Low Speed Flight Test Program of a
                                                                                                           Hypersonic Waverider                              Study on the Side Force Prediction in Shock   Fluidic Thrust Vectoring Control on an Air-   Effect of Fluidic Thrust Vectoring on Engine
                                                                                                                                                             Vector Control                                breathing Hypersonic Vehicle                  Performance
     Sudip Bhattrai, Andrew J Neely,                          Gaetano MD Currao, Sudip Bhattrai and        Tamás Bykerk, Dries Verstraete,
     Gaetano MD Currao and Liam P McQuellin                   Andrew J Neely                               Victor Villace, Sebastian Wolf and                KX Wu, SK Raman, VRP Sethuraman and           Shi Jing-wei, Wang Wen-jie,                   T Chandra Sekar, Kundan Jaiswal,
                                                                                                           Johan Steelant                                    Heuy Dong Kim                                 Wang Zhan-xue and Zhou Li                     Ramraj H Sundararaj, Rajat Arora and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Abhijit Kushari

                                                                                                                                                 Room 3
     Technical Session ThA3: Simulation and Modelling 5                                                                                       Swan Room                                                                                                                                                 Room 7
                                                                                                                                                             Technical Session ThA7: Diagnostics, Test and Development                                                                            Derwent Room
     Chairs: D. R. Reddy (NASA), Zafer Leylek (DST Group)
                                                                                                                                                             Chairs: Sean O’Byrne (UNSW Canberra), Yolanda Hicks (NASA)
     ISABE-2019-24377                                         ISABE-2019-24234                             ISABE-2019-24441
                                                                                                                                                             ISABE-2019-24317                              ISABE-2019-24325                              ISABE-2019-24122
     Machine-Learning Based Predictive Analytics              The High Level of Maturity of the elsA CFD   Introduction and Validation of a Mean Line
     for Aircraft Engine Conceptual Design                    Software for Turbomachinery Aerodynamics     Solver for Present and Future Turbomachines       Temperature And Soot Volume Fractions         Leveraging LDV Techniques for the             Automation of Stuttgart University’s Multi-
                                                              Applications                                                                                   Measurements Using Picture Reverse-           Investigation of Unsteady Turbomachinery      Functional Altitude Test Facility
                                                                                                                                                             Reconstruction Method                         Flows
     Michael T Tong                                           Sylvie Plot                                  Nicolai Neumann and Dieter Peitsch
                                                                                                                                                             Victor Chernov                                WJ Gooding, NL Key                            Constanze Schiewe,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Stephan Staudacher and Marvin Elter
                                                                                                                                                 Room 4
     Technical Session ThA4: Seals and Bearings 1                                                                                           Murray Room

     Chairs: Glen Sneddon (CSIR)
     ISABE-2019-24043                                         ISABE-2019-24083                             ISABE-2019-24305

     Bearing Chamber Sealing and the Use of                   Aerospace Sealing Technology for             Development and Testing of GTE Rotor
     Aircraft Bleed Air                                       Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul of          Suspension with Active and Passive
                                                              Engines: a Review                            Magnetic Bearings

     Susan Michaelis                                          Sarah Shabbir, Seamus Garvey and             OS Gurevich, AI Gulienko,
                                                              Sam M Dakka                                  VV Kotunov and AV Livanov

30          I S A B E 2 01 9 C A N B E R R A   P R O GR A M                                                                                                                                                                                               P R O GR A M    I S A B E 2 01 9 C A N B E R R A         31
HOS TED BY UNSW CANBERRA                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          HOS TED BY UNSW CANBERRA

Thursday 26 Sept
Early Afternoon Session 14.00 - 15.00

                                                14.00                                                     14.30                                                                             14.00                                                                                                     14.30
                                                                                                                                              Room 1                                                                                                                                                                                                     Room 5
     Technical Session ThB1: Turbines 2                                                                                           Nicholls Theatrette   Technical Session ThB5: Small-Scale Engines 4                                                                                                                                              Fitzroy Room

     Chairs: Sami Girgis (P&W Canada), Reinhard Niehuis (Bundeswehr University)                                                                         Chairs: Dries Verstraete (Sydney), Bronwyn Meyers (CSIR)
     ISABE-2019-24105                                                        ISABE-2019-24345                                                           ISABE-2019-24380                                                                           ISABE-2019-24125

     Investigation of the Flowfield on a Vaneless Counter-rotating Turbine   Conceptual Mean-line Design of a Low Pressure Turbine for a Geared         Biofuels Combustion Assessment on Small Gas Turbines                                       Complete Engine CFD of a Micro Gas Turbine for Various Shaft
     with Seal Cavity Flow Ejection                                          Turbofan with Rear Structure Interaction                                                                                                                              Speeds by Modelling Combustion as a Heat Source

     Xiuming Sui, Wei Zhao, Qingjun Zhao, Meng Xu and Jianzhong Xu           Xin Zhao, Sebastian Samuelsson, Tomas Grönstedt,                           Ramon E. P. Silva, Fabiola Paula Costa, Pedro T. Lacava                                    Johan Kotzé and Glen Snedden
                                                                             Visakha Raja, Ola Isaksson and Anders Lundbladh
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Room 6
                                                                                                                                           Room 2
                                                                                                                                                        Technical Session ThB6: Flutter and Vibration 1                                                                                                                                            Torrens Room
     Technical Session ThB2: Ramjets and Scramjets 7                                                                             Menzies Theatrette
                                                                                                                                                        Chairs: Jennifer Blackburne (U Stuttgart), Gaetano Currao (UNSW Canberra)
     Chairs: Michael Smart (UQ), Kevin Bowcutt (Boeing)
                                                                                                                                                        ISABE-2019-24117                                                                           ISABE-2019-24137
     ISABE-2019-24369                                                        ISABE-2019-24424
                                                                                                                                                        Blade Vibrations Caused By Tip Clearance Flow In A Centrifugal                             Research on Performance of an Axial Compressor Fan Rotor
     Performance Design Optimization of RBCC Combustor in Ramjet and         TUSQ Wind Tunnel for Supersonic Engine Testing                             Impeller                                                                                   Considering Fluid-Structure Interaction Effect
     Scramjet Operation via Surrogate-Based Evolutionary Algorithms
                                                                                                                                                        Yurun Li, Zhiheng Wang and Guang Xi                                                        Ning Ge, Limin Gao, Lei Zhao, Shuai Zhang and Tianlong Zheng
     Michael Candon, Peter Driscoll, Joseph Salloum,                         Fabian Zander, Byrenn Birch and David R Buttsworth
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Room 7
     Hideaki Ogawa and Masatoshi Kodera                                                                                                                 Technical Session ThB7: Combustion and Fuels 3                                                                                                                                           Derwent Room
                                                                                                                                            Room 3
     Technical Session ThB3: Engine Emissions 2                                                                                          Swan Room
                                                                                                                                                        Chairs: M.S. Raju (Vantage Partners), Sean O’Byrne (UNSW Canberra)
                                                                                                                                                        ISABE-2019-24342                                                                           ISABE-2019-24330
     Chairs: Raquel Salmeron (Airservices), Victor Chernov (ORT)
     ISABE-2019-24308                                                        ISABE-2019-24329                                                           Comparison of RANS and Hybrid RANS-LES Models for Flow Field                               Spray Combustion Analysis in a Lean Direct Injection Combustor using
                                                                                                                                                        Under Non-reacting Conditions in a Swirl-stabilized Can Combustor                          the Flamelet-Progress Variable Approach
     Influence Of Atmospheric Conditions On Contrails Formation: 3D          Modeling Capabilities on the Formation of Contrails in a Commercial
     Simulation Versus Schmidt-Appleman Criterion                            CFD Code                                                                   Shoaib Ahmed, Prashant Singh and Srinath V Ekkad                                           Jong-Chan Kim, Kyobin Lee and Hong-Gye Sung

     W. Ghedhaïfi, A. Bienner, R. Megherbi, E. Montreuil, E. Terrenoire,     Sébastien Cantin, François Morency and François Garnier
     X. Vancassel and A. Loseille
                                                                                                                                            Room 4
     Technical Session ThB4: Materials, Structures and Failure 3                                                                       Murray Room

     Chairs: Joe Grady (NASA), Evan Smith (RAAF)
     ISABE-2019-24433                                                        ISABE-2019-24016                                                                                                            NASA is exploring new technologies to make today’s aircraft quieter and more efficient, to get you from gate-to-gate
                                                                                                                                                                                                         safely and on time, while working to transform aviation into a new economic engine at all altitudes.
     Ice Crystal Icing Wind Tunnel at USQ: Initial Characterisation          Feasibility of Light Weight Composite Fan Outlet Guide Vanes for                                                            We foresee a paradigm shift in commercial aviation, and across NASA, our aeronautics researchers are developing
                                                                             Large Turbofan Engines                                                                                                      transformative and disruptive technologies in aerodynamics, air-breathing propulsion, power, unmanned aircraft
                                                                                                                                                                                                         systems, communications and materials to lead us into that future. We are preparing for the next era of NASA
                                                                                                                                                                                                         experimental aircraft with the all-electric X–57 Maxwell and X–59 QueSST, NASA’s low-boom supersonic demonstrator.
     R I Saeed, Kh Saleh and D Buttsworth                                    Anders Sjunnesson, Dennis Rikemanson and Robert Reimers                                                                     NASA’s Glenn Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio, has a long history of advancing aviation research, and we are
                                                                                                                                                                                                         advancing technologies critical to the development of new, highly-integrated aircraft and systems concepts for the
                                                                                                                                                                                                         future. These emerging systems will significantly reduce the cost, energy consumption, noise and emissions, while
                                                                                                                                                                                                         opening up new markets and opportunities for industry. We are committed to investigating the use of alternative
                                                                                                                                                                                                         energy sources for commercial and general aviation.
                                                                                                                                                                                                         We believe we’re at the right place, at the right time, with the right technology, and we want to lead the aviation industry
                                                                                                                                                                                                         into a renaissance. The dynamic partnerships, infrastructure and capabilities we are building right now will enable
                                                                                                                                                                                                         future generations to continue shaping our next aerospace frontier.
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Welcome to the 24th ISABE Conference. We look forward to engaging with you for any near-, mid- and far-term
                                                                                                                                                                                                         solutions to current and future aviation challenges.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Janet L. Kavandi, Ph.D.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Center Director
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               NASA’s John H. Glenn Research Center


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HOS TED BY UNSW CANBERRA                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       HOS TED BY UNSW CANBERRA

Thursday 26 Sept
Late Afternoon Session 16.30 - 17.30

                                                16.30                                                         17.00                                                                     16.30                                                                17.00

                                                                                                                                                 Room 1                                                                                                                                                 Room 6
     Technical Session ThC1: Turbines 3                                                                                              Nicholls Theatrette   Technical Session ThC6: Flutter and Vibration 2                                                                                        Torrens Room

     Chairs: Reinhard Niehuis (Bundeswehr University), Sami Girgis (P&WC)                                                                                  Chairs: Gaetano Currao (UNSW Canberra), Jennifer Blackburne (U Stuttgart)
     ISABE-2019-24021                                                          ISABE-2019-24396                                                            ISABE-2019-24265                                                     ISABE-2019-24324

     Advance2 - Rolls-Royce Technology for the                                 Numerical Study of Combustor-turbine Interactions Considering a             Reducing Resonant Low Engine Order (LEO) Blade Vibrations by         A fully Coupled FSI Approach for Flutter and Forced Response
     New Pearl Jet Engine Family                                               Two-stage High-pressure Turbine                                             Means of Tip Injection - a Study of the Underlying Mechanisms        Prediction

     Ulrich Wenger                                                             Kenji Miki, Thomas Wey and Jeffrey Moder                                    Jennifer Blackburne, Damian M. Vogt and Stephan Netzhammer           Senad Iseni, Derek Micallef and Francesca di Mare
                                                                                                                                               Room 2                                                                                                                                                 Room 7
     Technical Session ThC2: Heat Transfer and Cooling 4                                                                             Menzies Theatrette    Technical Session ThC7: Hybrid Engines and Integrated Systems 2                                                                      Derwent Room

     Chairs: Nicole Key (Purdue), D. R. Reddy (NASA)                                                                                                       Chairs: Rainer Walther (ISABE), Mavroudis Kavvalos (MDH)
     ISABE-2019-24269                                                          ISABE-2019-24319                                                            ISABE-2019-24459                                                     ISABE-2019-24166

     A Pressure Sensitive Paint Study of Transpiration Cooling Efficiency of   Numerical Investigation of Film Cooling Effects under Transient Inflow      Off-design Performance Analysis of Hybridized Aircraft Gas Turbine   Electrical Power Recovery from Gas Turbines Exhaust Waste Heat
     Porous Materials
                                                                                                                                                           Xin Zhao, Smruti Sahoo, Konstantinos Kyprianidis,                    Ibrahim Sinan Akmandor and Melih Okur
     Kivanc Yildiz, Mathieu Hinse, Patrick Richer, Bertrand Jodoin,            F Bakhtiari and H-P Schiffer                                                Jonatan Rantzer and Michael Sielemann
     Sean Yun, Hamza Abo el ella and Zekai Hong
                                                                                                                                               Room 3
     Technical Session ThC3: Nozzles 2                                                                                                      Swan Room

     Chairs: Olivier Petit (Chalmers)
     ISABE-2019-24047                                                          ISABE-2019-24209

     A Numerical Model for Predicting the Aerodynamic Characteristics of       Computational Study of Planar Double Divergent Nozzles for
     Propelling Nozzles                                                        Reduction of Side Load and Flow Asymmetry

     Aws Al-Akam, Theoklis Nikolaidis, David G. MacManus and
     Devaiah Nalianda
                                                                               Prasanth P Nair, Johny George, Abhilash Suryan,
                                                                               Abhay Mohan and Heuy Dong Kim                                                                       Australia’s aerospace company
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  RESEARCH AND TESTING
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  FOR NEXT-GENERATION
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  PROPULSION AND
                                                                                                                                               Room 4
     Technical Session ThC4: Secondary Flows 2                                                                                            Murray Room

     Chairs: Faustin Ondore (TU Kenya)                                                                                                                                                                                            ENERGY SYSTEMS
     ISABE-2019-24268                                                          ISABE-2019-24435

     Numerical Investigations on the Rubbing Process in Labyrinth Seals for    Modeling and Potentials of Flexible Secondary Air Systems Regarding                                                                               NRC Capabilities
     Full Flight Mission                                                       Mission Fuel Burn Reduction and Blade Creep Life                                                                                                  · Combustion and spray testing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 · Computational analysis
     Oliver Munz, Lisa Hühn, Fabian Bleier and Hans-Jörg Bauer                 Dominik Woelki and Dieter Peitsch                                                                                                                 · Engine aerodynamics testing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 · Engine performance testing
                                                                                                                                                Room 5
     Technical Session ThC5: Noise 1                                                                                                      Fitzroy Room
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   and certification
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 · Engine and probe altitude testing
     Chairs: Richard Sandberg (Melbourne)                                                                                                                                                                                        · Icing research, probe development
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   and certification
     ISABE-2019-24261                                                          ISABE-2019-24289
                                                                                                                                                                   We know jet engines
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 · Mechanical component testing
     Concept Development and Evaluation for a Broadband Noise                  Rotor/Stator Interaction Noise and Aerodynamic Performance of Fan
                                                                                                                                                                             inside out
     Absorbing Acoustic Liner Concept for Aviation                             with Swept-Back Stators and Different Stator Count
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Eric Lefebvre, Aerospace Business Advisor
     Paul König, Marcel Mischke, Michael Pohl, Stefan Kazula and               Genki Omagari, Nobuhiko Yamasaki and Yuzo Inokuchi                                                                                                +1 613-949-7548 ·
     Klaus Höschler                                                                                                                                                                   Proud Silver Sponsor ISABE 2019  


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