5.00 Transportation Principles                      transportation projects. It is important that
                                                    state and local government officials have the
The United States’ transportation systems are       ability to use federal transportation funding
essential to the economic growth, vitality and      as they properly determine.
resilience of our nation’s cities and towns and
the country as a whole. These systems can           C. Modal Equity
preserve and strengthen local and regional          NLC supports investment in the nation’s
economies, stimulate economic growth, and           infrastructure and encourages the federal
strengthen our competitive position in world        government to enact policies and programs
trade. The safe and efficient movement of           that would expand public and private
people and goods must be the prime objective        investment in all areas of infrastructure.
of transportation policy at all levels of           Federal policy should treat all transportation
government, and federal, state, and local           modes with equity and should urge federal,
governments should be guided by the                 state, and local officials to work together on
following principles in the development and         the safe, efficient, and environmentally
implementation of transportation policies and       friendly designs for solving transportation
programs.                                           problems. Public subsidies for particular
                                                    modes of transportation, if used, must be
A. Local Control                                    explicit in the outcomes required and must
Fundamental responsibility for overall              support and enhance the efficient operation
transportation decision-making is a shared          of our market-based economic system. Rural
federal, state, and local responsibility but        and urban transportation needs should be
emphasis should be at the local level. NLC          addressed equitably.
supports the ability of states and
municipalities to set their own priorities in       D. Intermodalism/Multimodalism
transportation investment, and to have a            NLC recognizes the need for regional and
greater voice in influencing transportation         federal strategies to create a robust and
plans that satisfy local needs and objectives.      multimodal national transportation system. It
                                                    is essential that the nation’s transportation
Where there are overriding national or              system be seamless and mode neutral.
statewide transportation concerns, federal          Federal policy should encourage closing the
and state governments have a legitimate role        gap of independent modal elements of the
in planning and decision-making, but local          transportation system, with the goal of
governments should never be excluded from           ensuring that efficient connections between
those processes. Congress should strengthen         modes are available for the movement of
provisions for local decision-making as a           people and goods.
central component of any federal
transportation program, and any funds               NLC supports federal priority funding for
intended for local use must not be diverted to      improving the efficiency of the connecting
state governments.                                  modes of intermodal/ multimodal facilities.

B. Flexibility
NLC supports local flexibility to build,
operate and maintain local and regional

                         2021 Transportation and Infrastructure Services
E. Integrated Management and                        5.01 Transportation Policies
Federal policy must encourage integrated            A. Transportation Planning
management and operation of all                     1. Metropolitan Planning Organizations
transportation systems at regional and local        The federal government must continue to
levels, maximizing the use of information           require     that   Metropolitan      Planning
technology for management of traffic and            Organizations (MPOs) be responsible for a
transit, monitoring structural integrity, and       continuing, comprehensive, and coordinated
enforcement for public safety.                      transportation planning process that develops
                                                    multimodal transportation programs in
F. Advanced Transportation                          cooperation with state transportation
    Technologies                                    departments, public transportation agencies,
City leaders welcome advanced technologies          and local implementing agencies. The MPOs
that can improve safety, reduce congestion,         endorsement of these plans and programs
and decrease costs within the transportation        must be a prerequisite for approval of
networks. It should be a federal policy to          federally assisted transportation projects in
accelerate the testing, deployment, and             urbanized areas. The federal government
integration of advanced transportation              should continue to provide adequate financial
technologies, such as automated, connected,         assistance to MPOs for planning efforts.
electric and shared vehicles, that have the
capability to increase mobility options and         The federal government should allow the
accessibility, while simultaneously ensuring        MPOs and/or the local government to plan
safety and reducing emissions, collisions, and      projects that use alternate design standards
congestion. This should be done in close            while meeting environmental objectives
consultation with cities and include a robust       when the use of rigid federal design standards
public engagement process and appropriate           is inconsistent with local needs.
regulations that ensure the unique needs of
each municipality are accounted for.                Federal regulations should continue to
Adoption of new technologies should also be         require that the elected officials of general
linked to solutions to address persistent           purpose local governments be adequately
challenges including funding, data for              represented on the MPOs and that such
research and integrated transportation              officials participate in the designation and re-
planning.                                           designation of the planning organization and
                                                    its membership.
G. Disadvantaged Business Enterprise
    (DBE) Requirements                              MPOs representing metropolitan areas with
The federal government should seek greater          populations of more than 50,000 must be the
economic opportunity for disadvantaged              direct recipients of federal transportation
businesses in federal procurement and               funding for all transportation planning and
financial assistance programs. DBE goals            program efforts in those areas. Small cities
should be high enough to be effective, and          with populations less than 50,000 should
enforcement should be reasonably consistent.        have the option to receive federal
Furthermore, a flexible, efficient waiver           transportation funding directly or retain the
procedure should be instituted to take into         current practice of state sub-allocation.
account the percentages of DBEs in an area
and the availability of DBEs.

                         2021 Transportation and Infrastructure Services
The federal government shall require states to      The project delivery process must:
work cooperatively with MPOs to develop             • Mandate concurrent reviews among all
joint forecasts of anticipated federal                 federal and state agencies involved in the
transportation funding to create more                  environmental review of all federally
accountability in federal highway projects.            funded transportation projects;
                                                    • Standardize environmental policy and
2. Rural Consultation                                  the review/approval process within U.S.
The federal government must require states             Department of Transportation modes;
to implement a process for consulting with          • Develop clearly defined procedures for
local jurisdictions in rural, non-MPO areas,           resolving disputes among those agencies;
regarding transportation project planning and       • Require all agencies to determine
decision making.                                       appropriate time frames to complete their
3. Project Identification                           • Eliminate duplicative environmental
States should be prohibited from                       review by crediting equal or more
implementing projects unless they are first            stringent state environmental review
included in the transportation improvement             actions during the federal environmental
plans, except for Management and                       review process;
Operations (M/O) projects.                          • Continue to allow federal transportation
                                                       dollars to be used by local and state
NLC urges the federal government to require            government to provide the resources
states to consult with affected local                  necessary to meet the time limits
communities on transportation projects                 established for the federal environmental
regarding the inclusion of environmental               process; and
retrofits, such as storm water runoff and noise
                                                    • Include locally elected officials in any
abatement, as part of projects that are exempt
                                                       pilot program created to examine
from federal environmental requirements,
                                                       environmental streamlining efforts.
including categorical exclusions.
                                                    5. Municipal Impact Analysis
4. Project Delivery
                                                    The social, environmental, economic, and
The federal government must streamline the
                                                    energy impacts of proposed federal
federal transportation project delivery
                                                    transportation legislation and regulations
process to facilitate construction of federally
                                                    should be identified by the MPOs or local
funded projects and reduce project delays.
                                                    jurisdictional body prior to implementation,
Delays in the implementation of federally
                                                    and steps should be taken to mitigate any
funded transportation projects must be
                                                    adverse impacts. Existing and proposed
eliminated in order to increase local control
                                                    federal transportation programs and
and make more effective use of limited
                                                    regulations must be carefully designed to
financial resources. The federal government
                                                    ensure that actions taken support municipal
should require states to implement
                                                    elected officials and their constituents’
transportation projects identified on the local
                                                    efforts to improve the social, economic, and
level and of local importance with the same
                                                    environmental sustainability of their
timeliness and priority as other regional
                                                    communities and flexibility in the use of
transportation projects.
                                                    federal dollars to achieve local goals.

                         2021 Transportation and Infrastructure Services
6. Research and Development                         movement,      and     congestion     relief
The federal government should continue to           improvements, leveraged private capital, and
research, develop, and conduct local pilot and      the promotion of innovative technologies.
demonstration projects of new technologies
through federally financed programs, and            While TIFIA has provided flexible funding
include local governments as key partners at        for major transportation projects and helped
the request of local officials.                     local governments leverage private and other
                                                    non-federal investments, limited budget
B. Transportation Finance and                       authority and delays in the approval process
    Administration                                  can result in cost increases. NLC supports an
1. The Federal Role                                 increase in the available funding for the
The current federal surface transportation          TIFIA program and greater flexibility for
programs are not meeting the financial needs        U.S. Department of Transportation in
of the transportation system. NLC supports          approving projects that can take advantage of
broadening the definition of innovative             favorable financing.
financing techniques beyond debt financing
to include:                                         c. Revenue Generation
                                                    The federal government should encourage a
a. Innovative Management of Funds                   new generation of creative and innovative
NLC encourages the federal government to            revenue generation options at the state and
permit municipalities to use innovative             local levels such as public-private
financial management techniques such as             partnerships to help finance critical
advanced construction financing, toll credits       transportation infrastructure needs. (See also
and flexible federal – local match options          FAIR Section 1.02C.5, Increasing the Supply
with federal transportation funds to maximize       of Municipal Capital.)
limited public funds and leverage private
capital. Innovative management must follow          d. Debt Financing
generally applicable accounting principles.         Debt financing for highway and transit
                                                    projects is an important financial tool if
b. Credit Assistance                                exercised prudently. Low cost loans from the
Credit assistance, tax incentives and other         federal government can be extremely useful
transportation finance tools have been              in getting highway projects moving and
effective tools in expanding the available          resolving significant transportation funding
revenue for transportation investments. NLC         issues. Where federal funds are involved,
supports federal direct (low interest) loans,       NLC recommends ensuring sufficient
loan guarantees and credit line assistance          protections     to    balance      immediate
with favorable terms through programs like          transportation needs against the financial
Infrastructure Banks and the Transportation         burden on future generations. Such
Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act           protections include, but are not limited to,
(TIFIA). NLC supports the application of            debt ceiling caps and required public
objective approval criteria for credit              referenda.
assistance. Approval factors should include,
but not be limited to, threshold cost               e. Federal Aid Turnback
requirements, consistency with long-range           NLC Strongly opposes proposals to
regional and state transportation plans,            dismantle federal transportation finance by
generation of economic benefits, goods

                         2021 Transportation and Infrastructure Services
turning back all or a portion of the federal aid          transportation revenue system must
to the states.                                            provide for a seamless, gradual transition
                                                          to ensure stable revenue collections, tax
2. Surface Transportation Revenue Sources                 fairness, administrative ease, and policy
a. Guiding Principles                                     stability.
NLC endorses the preservation of federal fuel
taxes to fund the Highway Trust Fund (HTF),           v. Revenue      Generation:     Any     new
which funds national surface transportation              transportation revenue system must be
needs. All federal fuel taxes need to be                 able to generate more revenue than
increased in steps to reflect inflation since the        collected currently, and it must maintain
last increase and then indexed for inflation in          the precedent under the current system’s
future years. In addition, the decrease in HTF           design that protects against cheating to
revenue collections indicate the need for                avoid paying one’s fair share of fuel
alternative transportation funding system.               taxes.
Vehicle miles traveled (VMT) and other
experimental ideas should be developed to             vi. Reliability: Revenue streams must be
meet the nation’s long-term needs. These                  reliable and sufficient to meet the diverse
programs should have a mechanism that both                and growing transportation infrastructure
reflects inflation and vehicle gross weight,              needs of the nation.
and emissions.
                                                      vii. Technology        Improvements:       The
The following principles should guide federal              increasing shortfall of revenues from fuel
efforts to achieve this objective:                         taxes caused by the reduction in gasoline
                                                           usage from increasingly fuel-efficient
i. Fairness: Any new transportation                        vehicles and alternative fuel cars and
   revenue system must ensure that no                      trucks     (i.e.,  hybrid,    all-electric,
   single segment of the population bears an               alternative fuel, and hydrogen-electric
   inequitable financial burden.                           vehicles), and higher use of alternative
                                                           transportation systems that utilize no
ii. Privacy: The design of any new                         gasoline must be offset with alternative
    transportation revenue and related tax                 revenue sources to fairly reflect their
    collection system must integrate                       share of road usage. At the same time, the
    reasonable privacy protections yet                     need for revenue stability should be
    provide information related to miles                   balanced with the need for federal, state,
    driven within travel jurisdictions.                    and local policies to encourage
                                                           reductions in vehicle emissions,
iii. Administrative Ease: The design of any                particularly in urban areas.
     new transportation revenue system
     should       improve      administrative         b. Fuel Taxes as HTF Revenue Source
     effectiveness and efficiency. At                    Until a new, national transportation
     minimum,       there  must    be      no            financing system is in place; Congress
     administrative deterioration from the               must maintain a dedicated federal fuel tax
     current system.                                     on diesel, gasoline, and gasohol that
                                                         generates sufficient annual revenues
iv. Seamless       Transition:              The          dedicated to the HTF for transportation
    implementation    of     any            new          purposes only. These funds must not be

                           2021 Transportation and Infrastructure Services
diverted for other purposed and need to          c. Funding Public Transportation
    be (a) increased to reflect loss of              NLC supports an increase in funds
    purchasing power and (b) indexed to              designated for public transportation and
    account for future inflation and the             urges Congress and the federal government
    federally mandated Corporate Average             administration to both preserve current
    Fuel Economy (CAFÉ) standards                    guaranteed funding mechanisms and to
                                                     increase the percentages allocated to the
•   Congress should require heavier trucks to        federal transit program.
    increase their contribution to the HTF so
    that they pay in proportion to the costs         To provide a viable alternative to the
    they impose on the highway system. The           automobile, public transportation services
    heavy-use truck fee should continue to be        need to be of quality and frequency if they are
    required until such time as the U.S.             to attract a significant number of passengers.
    Department of Transportation can                 This shift in passenger traffic can only be
    recommend to Congress an alternative             accomplished with an increased commitment
    tax which is more equitable than the             of public funds for essential equipment, staff,
    heavy-use tax, easy to administer, and           and maintenance.
    will generate at least as much revenue as
    the use tax. This could be in the form of        NLC opposes state-by-state minimum
    a VMT to reflect annual mileage traveled         allocations for federal transit funding. NLC
    and indexed to reflect gross vehicle             opposes the imposition of “caps” on the
    weight. This would operate as a national         amount of federal transit funding a state may
    program but would not exclude similar            receive. Caps do not address differences in
    state programs. Devices such as studded          transit needs in the country and force a “one-
    tires are permanent or seasonally                size-fits-all” approach to federal spending on
    permanent that increase wear and tear            transit programs.
    abnormally on highways should bear a
    portion of highway maintenance expense           A federal commitment should be made to
    through        the      imposition        of     new funding and not by shifting funding from
    mount/dismount or other installation fees        existing transportation programs. States or
    at the state level.                              localities that provide a greater financial
•   Congress should allow the use of toll            commitment shall receive higher priority for
    financing on federally aided highway,            federal funding for public transportation
    tunnel, and bridge projects.                     systems.
•   Congress should develop incentives for
    local governments to increase their              Maintenance and productivity indices should
    contribution to the federal highway              be incorporated into federal allocation
    program, for instance, by allowing               formulae and there should be incentives in
    localities to increase the local matching        the matching-ratio to encourage productivity
    share of highway funds at their                  improvements and maintenance of existing
    discretion. However, those increased             transit facilities. However, productivity
    contributions should not be considered a         improvements alone will not mitigate the
    substitute for the federal highway funds         problems of rising transit costs and
    to which a state or locality is entitled.        inadequate transit revenues.

                          2021 Transportation and Infrastructure Services
Federal policy should also continue to                priorities. NLC believes that such earmarks
emphasize the proper management of                    are inefficient, and often reduce the funding
existing  transit  systems   and   the                available to a state or locality for higher
implementation of low cost transit                    priority projects.
                                                      C. Federal Responsibility for Planning
3. Transportation Tax Policy to Encourage                 and Funding Freight Mobility
    Commute Alternatives                              The U.S. goods movement system needs
NLC supports changes to the tax code and              greater      federal    leadership.     Freight
federal tax incentives to encourage                   bottlenecks can be found all over the country,
vanpooling, ridesharing, transit usage,               but the task of prioritization and fixing them
telecommuting,       and    other     commute         is often beyond the means of the states,
alternatives. Current law prohibits employers         counties and cities in which projects are
from providing tax-free commuter benefits.            located. A national freight strategy and
NLC seeks reinstatement of those tax-free             dedicated, competitive and formula funding
benefits that were deleted by Congress as part        is critical in order to maintain the efficiency
of the 1986 Tax Reform Act. NLC urges the             of the transportation system and the U.S.
federal government to ensure that pretax              economic competitiveness. NLC urges the
benefits offered for commute alternatives,            federal government to adopt the following
including transit, are equal to or greater than       specific measures:
those offered for parking.
                                                      1. National Freight Strategy:
NLC strongly urges the federal government             The Secretary of Transportation should be
to     promote      transportation    demand          directed to develop a national freight strategy
management programs for both passenger                that addresses multi-modal freight needs in
and freight movement and other commute                the United States. In addition to covering
alternatives. NLC supports federal tax                domestic freight, the strategy should address
incentives for small employers to coordinate          the movement of U.S. imports and exports
and promote ridesharing programs, including           through U.S. ports.
the use of new connected vehicle
technologies, and services that provide               2. Senior, Focused Freight Leadership:
flexibility. Cities should be encouraged to           A multi-modal freight office led by an
coordinate with other transportation agencies         official at least at the assistant secretary level
to spread the movement of highway                     should be established with the Office of the
passenger and freight traffic from peak to            Secretary of Transportation. This official
non-peak times.                                       would develop the national freight strategy
                                                      and associated policies, advocate for freight
4. Federal Aid Turnback                               across the modal administrations, and award
NLC strongly opposes proposals to dismantle           funding for goods movement programs and
federal transportation finance by turning back        projects.
all or a portion of the federal aid to the states.
                                                      3. Dedicated Freight Program and
5. Federal Earmarks                                       Funding:
NLC is opposed to federal earmarks in the             A dedicated, formula-based goods movement
congressional transportation funding process          program with dedicated funding should be
that are inconsistent with regional and local         created within the U.S. Department of

                           2021 Transportation and Infrastructure Services
Transportation. Ports should be eligible to         certain rail infrastructure investments that
seek funding from this program for freight          generate public benefits.
projects both inside and outside their
terminals.                                          7. States’ Freight Planning:
                                                    Each state should be required to develop a
4. Projects         of       Regional/National      freight plan and establish a freight advisory
    Significance:                                   committee that includes local representation
A discretionary, merit-based grant program          and represents passenger rail interests serving
for projects of national significance should be     cities along the routes.
established. Freight measures should be
heavily weighted among the criteria used to         D. Air Quality
select projects for funding.                        Specific air quality policies are contained in
                                                    Section 2.03 of the EENR chapter.
5. Freight      Eligibility    for   Existing
    Programs:                                       Transportation sources are significant
Eligibility requirements for existing surface       contributors to the levels of pollutants, and as
transportation programs should be expanded          congestion increases in cities and the nation,
to better address freight requirements.             levels of these pollutants increase as well,
                                                    despite efforts to reduce emissions from
a. Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality            mobile sources. Addressing transportation
(CMAQ): Although freight projects are               issues is an effective way of reducing
currently eligible for CMAQ funding, they           emissions in cities. Therefore, NLC urges the
are not major recipients of funds. CMAQ             federal government to offer a funding
criteria should be refined to more                  program for non-attainment areas and those
appropriately recognize freight’s potential to      cities struggling to maintain attainment to
contribute to air quality improvements.             address emissions from mobile sources. The
b. Road-rail grade separations: The criteria        U.S. Department of Transportation, and not
for funding grade separation projects should        the states, should administer this program.
be expanded to acknowledge congestion
relief and freight benefits, as well as safety      E. Congestion Mitigation
benefits.                                           To maintain economic and environmental
c. TIFIA: The TIFIA program should be               viability, congestion mitigation programs
clarified to include projects located within a      must be available to all cities. A
port terminal that improve the intermodal           comprehensive, federal funding program to
interchange, transfer, and surface access of        address congestion would foster project
goods into and out of ports and that reduce         innovation, enhance intermodal planning,
environmental impacts of freight movement.          promote savings in infrastructure investment,
                                                    and increase the livability and economic
6. Tax Credit for Rail Infrastructure               viability of communities across the country.
   Investment:                                      The federal government must develop a
To encourage the expansion of freight rail          congestion mitigation program that provides
capacity, a tax credit should be created for        direct funding to all cities to address
                                                    congestion problems in their communities.
                                                    Eligible projects could include intelligent
                                                    transportation systems, projects to increase
                                                    vehicle occupancy, demand management

                         2021 Transportation and Infrastructure Services
strategies, traffic flow improvement projects,      H. Racial Equity
congestion pricing, mode shift including            America’s cities need transportation
transit and non-motorized modes, and                infrastructure and services that support
innovative transportation technologies such         opportunities for all. Federal policy must
as automated, connected, electric and shared        support municipal efforts to provide essential
transportation that would address the               transportation systems, with a focus on
efficiency of cities’ transportation networks.      communities of color and other underserved,
                                                    disadvantaged populations.
F. Transportation of Hazardous
     Materials                                      NLC recognizes that federal policymakers
The condition of the nation’s roads and             have too often accepted limited input from
railroad infrastructure impacts the frequency       these      communities,      creating    racial
and severity of accidents. Consequently,            disparities, and gaps of economic opportunity
increased investment in this infrastructure         and social mobility in vulnerable
will also help reduce the number and severity       populations.       NLC     supports     federal
of accidents involving hazardous materials          transportation policies that:
by improving the safety of roads, bridges, and      • Ensure opportunities for input in the
rail. Therefore, NLC continues to advocate              transportation planning process from
for increased federal investment in this                affected communities;
critical infrastructure.                            • Promote safety and address disparities in
                                                        traffic fatalities among people of color;
NLC supports existing federal performance           • Provide resources to municipalities to be
standards to guide the selection of highway             able to incorporate community impact
and rail routes along which hazardous                   assessments        and    health    impact
materials can be shipped including shipments            assessments into the transportation
made by or under the direction of the United            planning process;
States Department of Energy or Defense.             • Provide resources to municipalities to
                                                        strengthen minority business enterprise
States and localities must be allowed to adopt          (MBE) and disadvantaged business
and enforce highway and rail route                      enterprise (DBE) programs;
requirements       (including      time-of-day      • Restore communities destroyed, divided,
restrictions, escorting, and local bans) that           or economically disadvantaged or
are consistent with the federal performance             divided by past decisions regarding
standards. NLC supports federal exemptions              placement           of       transportation
when a state or locality can demonstrate that           infrastructure; and
it has unique local safety requirements.            • Provide access to safe and affordable
                                                        multimodal transportation options with
G. Surface Transportation Security                      equity across all communities based on
NLC does not support diverting any portion              need.
of the federal fuel tax to fund security
measures for surface transportation systems.        Transportation system shall include affected
Securing these systems is a matter of national      locally elected officials in the planning
security and must be funded as part of our          process. NLC urges the federal government,
national defense.                                   in cooperation with local governments and
                                                    transportation system operators, to assess the
                                                    vulnerabilities of the entire surface

                         2021 Transportation and Infrastructure Services
transportation system. Federal agencies must       to any non-transportation purposes, including
assist local governments by sharing                reducing the federal deficit.
information, intelligence, technology, and
best practices, and by providing adequate          NLC also supports adoptions of a VMT based
funding for vulnerability assessments.             funding mechanism that increasingly
                                                   captures the use of highways and roads by
NLC urges all sectors of the transportation        alternatively powered vehicles such as
industry, including public transportation          hybrids and electric vehicles as well as the
systems, water transportation, public and          value of the transportation product generated
private transit and rail companies, and            by all vehicles as a function of gross vehicle
highway systems, to participate in                 weight.
cooperative     vulnerability  assessments,
emergency response plans, and drills. Federal      Every state should also be guaranteed a
financial assistance must be made available        minimum percentage of funds to cushion any
to implement these plans and assessments.          negative annual shifts in a state’s historical
                                                   share of federal transportation funds. Any
NLC expects the federal government to:             funds that may be distributed by the federal
• Provide technical assistance to local            government to the states should be
  governments to develop possible                  distributed in each state on an equitable basis.
  countermeasures to deter, detect and
  delay the consequences of terrorist threats      B. Bridges
  against vulnerable assets;                       NLC urges the federal government to
• Continue to research technologies to             maintain the current Bridge Replacement and
  detect chemical, biological, and nuclear         Rehabilitation program with sufficient
  contaminants in transit systems and              funding to repair bridges that are structurally
  provide technical and financial assistance       or operationally deficient. Off-system
  to local governments to implement these          bridges should continue to be eligible for
  technologies;                                    federal bridge funds, and the discretionary
• Develop methods to harden assets                 bridge program should be preserved.
  deemed most vulnerable;
• Provide current security guidelines for all      NLC urges the use of information technology
  transportation systems; and                      in monitoring the structural integrity of
• Encourage the use of information                 bridges.
  technology in traffic management,
  including the enforcement of traffic laws,       NLC also strongly urges efforts at all levels
  monitoring infrastructure integrity, and         of government to review road and bridge
  public safety.                                   needs and work to provide adequate revenue
                                                   to ensure the safety of our transportation
5.02 Streets and Highways
                                                   C. Highway Beautification
A. Highway Trust Fund Finance
                                                   NLC recommends that the responsibility for
To balance the effects of inflation on the
                                                   controlling    outdoor    advertising    and
Highway Trust Fund by indexing the gas tax
                                                   junkyards     should    be     returned    to
to the consumer price index (CPI), NLC
                                                   municipalities and to states in areas outside
strongly opposes diverting any of these funds
                                                   municipalities. These governments should

                        2021 Transportation and Infrastructure Services
have the authority to order the removal of           deployment and an increase in federal
those signs and the relocation of those              funding for these purposes. By applying ITS
junkyards that are incompatible with state           technologies and services, we can improve
and local land use plans and zoning laws and         the safety and efficiency of goods movement,
allow sign and junkyard owners to amortize           and thus the competitiveness of America’s
their losses through advertising revenues.           intermodal and         international freight
                                                     transportation systems.
Federal controls over outdoor advertising
should be retained only on interstate                The federal government should give funding
highways outside the jurisdictions of                priority to ITS projects that improve traffic
municipalities and on federally aided primary        flow on existing streets and highways as
highways selected as scenic highways by              alternatives to major new construction,
states.                                              especially in high-density areas. Priority
                                                     should also be given to street and highway
D. Transportation Alternatives Program               improvements which benefit public transit,
NLC         supports the    Transportation           such as preferential lanes for high occupancy
Alternatives set aside in the Surface                vehicles, bus lanes, ramp metering,
Transportation Block Grant Program, which            computerized traffic control, one-way streets,
serves as a dedicated source of federal              reversible traffic lanes, traffic signal priority
funding for local transportation priorities          for buses, and parking management
including bicycle and pedestrian trails and          strategies.
                                                     With the rapid advent of autonomous,
To foster fiscal certainty and security in the       connected, electric and shared advanced
transportation planning process. NLC urges           transportation technologies, the federal
the U.S. Congress to maintain a funding level        government should facilitate the testing and
for the Transportation Alternatives set-aside        deployment of demonstration projects
that is equal to, or greater than, the inflation     including single, multiple-occupancy and
adjusted levels established under the most           transit vehicles in those cities that choose to
recent previous authorization of the                 accelerate and integrate their adoption, in
Transportation Alternatives Program. These           order to increase mobility options while
programs should be protected from recession.         simultaneously reducing emissions, crashes
                                                     and congestion.
NLC encourages the federal government to
maintain the Transportation Alternatives set-        The federal government should facilitate the
aside as a dedicated source of funding for           use of uniform technology in the collection of
transportation projects because such projects        tolls on roads across jurisdictions and
have strengthened our nation’s multi-modal           transportation systems such as vehicle
transportation system and have contributed           mounted toll tags or passes and transit
significantly to economic development and            stickers or passes.
environmental improvement at the local and
regional level.                                      F. Road Safety
                                                     Federal safety programs should provide local
E. Intelligent Transportation Systems                governments with increased resources and
NLC supports intelligent transportation              tools to address safety issues on all roads to
systems (ITS) technology development and             save lives. Greater consideration should be

                          2021 Transportation and Infrastructure Services
given to safety in planning, design, and              points on roads which are not a part of the
construction. Additional resources need to be         designated truck network.
focused at all levels of government on
research, education, and enforcement to               3. Regulation of the Motor Carrier Industry
increase road safety, including work zones.           The federal government should encourage
NLC supports the use of incentive grants to           increased competition within the trucking
encourage states to adopt more stringent              industry and remove barriers to free entry by
impaired driving and seat belt use laws. NLC          increasing the flexibility of carriers to set
also supports the use of information                  rates and establish routes. No federal action
technology in traffic enforcement and                 should be taken to weaken truck safety
pedestrian and bicycle safety to save lives.          requirements in any way. NLC also urges that
                                                      federal motor carrier safety requirements be
NLC supports funding to eliminate grade               applied uniformly for both domestically
level crossings for high traffic rail lines in        registered and foreign-registered vehicles.
urban areas with the addition of underpasses,
overpasses, and pedestrian bridges where the          4. National Commercial Truck Driver
railway bisects cities and towns impeding the             Standards
flow of traffic and creating public safety            NLC continues to support federal national
issues.                                               uniform standards for the training and
                                                      licensing of interstate and intrastate drivers of
G. Motor Carriers                                     commercial motor carriers States should
1. Truck Weight and Size Limits                       administer those standards.
NLC opposes increases in truck weight limits
unless and until such increases are                   5. Enforcement of Motor Carrier Safety
accompanied by simultaneous and sufficient                Regulations
increases in the heavy truck-user tax.                The federal government should continue
                                                      adequate Highway Trust Fund funding for
NLC opposes allowing longer combination               the Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program
trucks (i.e., “triple-trailers” or “truck trains”)    (MCSAP). This program provides grants to
both on and off the designated national               states for development and implementation
network of truck highways until the impact of         of programs (including roadside vehicle
increased truck length and width standards on         inspection programs), which enforce federal
highway costs and safety is assessed and              and compatible state motor carrier safety
reflected in highway user fees and                    regulations.
appropriate safety regulations.
                                                      The federal and state governments should
2. Truck Routing                                      identify and develop new technologies and
NLC supports federal government study of              innovative strategies, which will enhance and
the impact of the designation of routes along         improve commercial motor carrier safety,
which longer, wider trucks may travel. This           protect the driving public from commercial
study should be used in the development of            motor carriers that do not pass safety
any performance standards for such                    inspections, and promote and enforce much
operations. State and local governments               stricter safety standards for commercial
should also retain authority to designate truck       motor carriers, such as adequately securing
routes, truck access pickup and delivery              truck loads and imposing penalties for
                                                      missing treads.

                           2021 Transportation and Infrastructure Services
6. Motor Carrier Substance Abuse                    pedestrian/cycling        overpasses         and
    Assistance Program                              underpasses.
NLC supports a federal incentive grant
program for states that wish to conduct             5.03 Public Transportation
random roadside inspections for driver
alcohol        and      drug     abuse.             A. Support for Public Transportation
                                                    Mobility is central to individual prosperity, as
7. Motor Carrier Data Collection                    well as to commerce and to the growth of
NLC urges the federal government to                 communities. Public transportation can
develop a centralized system for collecting         contribute to the viability of the nation’s
and disseminating information on motor              cities by helping to reduce congestion,
carrier drivers and vehicles. The federal           protect the environment, stimulate economic
government should:                                  development, and create employment
• Expedite the development of the National          opportunities. Transit investment is in the
    Driver Register (NDR);                          national interest of an effective, national
• Ensure that commercial truck driver               transportation system, especially where it
    records are included in the Register;           alleviates congestion and increases economic
• Adequately fund the program; and                  productivity.
• Assist states with collecting, exchanging,
    and maintaining comprehensive truck             B. Role of the Private Sector
    accident and violation data and truck           NLC believes the federal and state
    driver and inspection records and history       governments should make public-private
    of substance abuse.                             partnerships an option for all communities
                                                    for viable, appropriate projects that they
H. Barriers to Connectivity                         decide will serve their community.
NLC       believes     that     well-connected
communities are better able to serve all of         However, federal or state imposed,
their residents and create economic                 competitive privatization of transit service
opportunity for all parts of the community. In      undermines the public-serving nature of
many cities and towns, problematic past             transit, and privately provided transit services
placement of federal highways has divided           will never serve all transit needs.
communities and created dangerous and
isolating barriers to mobility, especially          Decisions about the terms and conditions of
pedestrian and cycling mobility within a            private sector participation in transit,
community. These barriers have in many              including the decisions to subcontract with
instances created or worsened racial divides,       private providers if warranted, should be
food deserts, and access to healthy recreation      made at the local level, not the federal or state
or employment opportunities. These                  level.
problems can be extremely difficult and
costly to remedy. In light of the federal           C. Local Control
highway program’s responsibility for                NLC believes that local control is paramount
creating these barriers, additional dedicated       in transit decisions. NLC encourages the
federal funding should be created to assist         federal government to require a public transit
cities and towns in addressing these barriers       operator that accepts federal funding to
and reuniting divided communities with              cooperate with cities whose residents
                                                    contribute to the funding of the operator

                         2021 Transportation and Infrastructure Services
concerning the location, operation, and               Existing accessible services, where it is
maintenance of transit stops, routes and              demonstrated that such services adequately
facilities within those cities.                       serve the needs of those with mobility
                                                      impairments, should constitute local
D. Role of Federal Partnership                        compliance with federal accessibility
NLC urges a continued federal role in public          requirements. Under no circumstances
transportation policy, and strongly opposes           should the federal government impose
federal actions which would reduce or                 additional      accessibility     requirements
eliminate the federal commitment by turning           (beyond the performance requirements) on
back the transit program to states, eliminating       existing fixed guideway systems or require
funding eligibility for new fixed rail starts, or     existing bus fleets or rail systems to be
phasing out operating assistance.                     retrofitted with accessibility equipment.
The federal government should facilitate the
use of uniform technology in the collection of        G. Procurement Requirements
tolls on roads across jurisdictions and               NLC supports federal procurement policies
transportation systems such as vehicle                that expedite the production and procurement
mounted toll tags or passes and transit tickets       of transit vehicles. Alternative bidding
or passes.                                            procedures which are better suited to present
                                                      transit production conditions should be given
E. Labor                                              due consideration. Additionally, NLC
With regard to the Fair Labor Standards Act,          supports federal performance and equipment
the federal government should not make                standards that replace the present transit
determinations on “traditional and integral”          design specifications, and that give
functions of state and local government               manufacturers latitude in choosing an
without consulting local governments and              appropriate technology to meet a specific
documenting the fiscal impact on state and            technical objective.
local governments.
                                                      H. Innovative Transportation
F. Accessibility                                          Technologies and Demonstration
Public transportation is an essential public              Projects for a Seamless
service that provides mobility for all people,            Transportation Network
including the disabled, elderly, and                  Recognizing the nation’s dependency on a
economically disadvantaged, in all places             single type of transportation fuel, which has
and is not simply for those who can afford to         serious negative impacts on both the
pay for the service.                                  environment and economy, and the need to
                                                      explore other fuel sources and transportation
NLC supports federal performance standards            alternatives, NLC endorses the use of
that indicate the level of handicapped-               innovative transportation technologies and
accessible service that is to be provided             demonstration projects, such as Personal
without specifying the means for achieving            Rapid Transit or congestion pricing, that are
the service levels. Decisions regarding the           specific to the needs and requirements of
specific nature and level of service for              each city to further enhance mass transit and
citizens with special mobility needs should           transportation         efficiency.      These
be made at the local level, based upon locally        transportation       technologies      should
identified needs, goals, and resources.               complement and work with existing regional

                           2021 Transportation and Infrastructure Services
technologies to create a seamless, national          be allowed to compete for discretionary
transportation network.                              funds.

5.04 Air Transportation                              NLC supports increased AIP flexibility,
NLC advocates federal policy that provides           including extending AIP eligibility to
adequate, predictable, and long-term funding         groundside improvement projects. However,
for airport development projects which               NLC opposes diversion of AIP funds for
enhance system capacity and ensure aviation          federally mandated security projects.
                                                     3. Block Grants to States
However, NLC opposes attempts by the                 NLC strongly opposes proposals to
federal government to mandate expansion of           restructure the airport grant program for
federally aided airport facilities, or to            small- and medium-sized airports into a state
otherwise limit the ability of local                 block grant program. Local governments and
governments to continue to determine the             airports sponsors must continue to be directly
scope and type of airport facilities needed, or      responsible for airport planning and
the type of airport use restrictions, including      development.
airport noise or airport access restrictions,
imposed in their particular location. Local          4. Off-Airport User Fees
airport operators and local governments must         NLC opposes federal preemption of a local
have the authority to regulate airport use and       government’s ability to charge off-airport
development in order to protect the public           user fees.
health    and     safety    of      surrounding
communities, to enforce airport uses that are        5. Passenger Facilities Charges
appropriate to the airport’s capacity and to         NLC supports local jurisdictions setting
ensure      that     local       transportation,     passenger facilities charges (PFCs), which
environmental (including noise control) and          give local airport authorities the flexibility to
economic needs are met.                              address capacity and to implement major
                                                     capital     equipment       upgrades,       new
A. Funding                                           technologies, and operational costs. These
1. Airport Trust Fund                                fees should be raised with inflation in order
The user-generated Airport and Airway Trust          to maintain their purchasing power to build
Fund should continue to be used to finance           and maintain modern airport facilities.
airport development and improvements.
Funds from aviation user fees and tax receipts       B. Small Communities
should be appropriated and should not                Insufficient service and unreasonably high
accumulate unspent in the Trust Fund.                fares have left some small communities
Aviation users should benefit from the               without commercial air transportation
aviation-related taxes they pay.                     service. To address these problems, NLC
                                                     recommends the following policies:
2. Federal Airport Improvement Program
The federal Airport Improvement Program              1. Essential Air Service Programs
(AIP) should continue to be disbursed to air         The federal government should maintain
carrier airport sponsors through existing            current funding for the Essential Air Service
funding mechanisms. Eligible airports should         (EAS) program and NLC urges Congress to
                                                     fully fund the EAS program.

                          2021 Transportation and Infrastructure Services
To promote competition and ensure efficient          E. Aviation Security
use of federal dollars, the U.S. Department of       A thorough assessment of the current and
Transportation should hold designated EAS            potential threat to the air transportation
air carriers to existing performance                 industry is required. The Transportation
standards.                                           Security Administration (TSA), the FAA and
                                                     other aviation experts, in partnership with
2. Small      Community       Air    Service         locally elected officials and law enforcement,
    Development Program                              must work cooperatively and take immediate
Projects funded through this program have            action to ensure that the aviation security
the potential to identify a broad variety of         system is capable of responding to specified
options to expand and improve service in             threat levels. The public interest demands an
small communities. NLC urges continued               aviation system capable of deploying a mix
Congressional support of this program.               of technology and procedures as a unified
                                                     system     capable      of    countering   all
C. Airport Noise and Pollution                       vulnerabilities, while considering effects on
The federal government must intensify its            passenger convenience.
efforts to provide prompt relief to residents of
cities located close to airports from                NLC strongly urges the federal government
unacceptable levels of aircraft noise and            to ensure air travel safety through
aircraft pollution. (See clarifications at           implementing the screening of commercial
EENR Section 2.09, Noise Control, and CED            cargo on passenger planes, improving
Section 3.06, Land Use)                              passenger and airport employee screening
                                                     procedures, expanding traveler programs,
This should be tied to encouraging changes in        and improving terminal safety requirements.
local zoning regulations to restrict noise           NLC also encourages Congress, or the U.S.
sensitive property development.                      Department of Homeland Security through
                                                     the regulatory process, to further strengthen
The Federal Aviation Administration should           the “known-shipper” program by improving
require adherence to fly-quiet programs,             procedures for monitoring and auditing
preferred runway usage, preferred flight             “known-shippers” of cargo.
paths, and local curfews as established by
local governments and authorities.                   To develop an effective aviation security
                                                     policy, Congress must clearly define
NLC encourages the appropriation of funds            responsibilities within the structure of the
to cities and towns that adjoin an airport but       federal transportation program. The TSA,
do not operate the facility for compatible land      FAA, state and local governments, and the
use and noise mitigation planning purposes.          U.S. Department of Transportation must
                                                     develop a coordinated plan to determine the
D. Federal Role in Air Traffic Control               level of authority each agency and
The federal government should provide                government entity controls in any situation.
funding for and ensure all airports are
participants in a national air navigation            Since aviation security is a matter of national
system which provides for safe aircraft              defense, any funds necessary to assure
operation such as the conversion of radar-           security must come from defense funding,
based guidance systems to GPS.                       not from additional fees levied on passengers.

                          2021 Transportation and Infrastructure Services
Shippers could be subject to additional fees        investment in both passenger and freight rail
for cargo screening. NLC opposes continued          mobility.
diversion of AIP and PFC funds for aviation
security measures. The federal government           3. Rail Safety
must reimburse local governments for the            NLC urges the federal government to
expenses incurred from the mandated local           promote safe and efficient passenger and
law enforcement presence at airports.               freight rail transportation and to seek creative
Congress should also reimburse costs to             solutions.
airports accrued from compliance with
mandated security upgrades, including               4. Ensure Adjustments Do Not Jeopardize
installation and deployment of Explosive                Passenger Services
Detection Systems.                                  NLC urges Congress and the Federal
                                                    Railroad Administration (FRA) to ensure that
F. Unmanned Aircraft Systems                        the expectation set in the Rail Passengers
Congress and the Federal Aviation                   Service Act of 1970 (RPSA) for reasonable
Administration must not preempt the                 cooperation between intercity passenger rail
authority of local governments to create and        providers and railroad companies is upheld.
enforce regulations with regard to the use of       Adjustments to existing passenger rail
Unmanned Aircraft Systems as it relates to          providers and rail service should not be
land use, zoning, privacy, trespass, noise, and     subjected to unreasonable compensation
law enforcement operations.                         demands or unjustifiable access delays. The
                                                    FRA should utilize its authority to achieve
The Federal Aviation Administration should          the intent of the law.
establish a transit zone for privately owned
and commercially operated Unmanned                  Federal and state governments should require
Aviation Systems that is sufficiently high          operator funded local rail safety programs to
enough above ground level that it prevents          reduce safety hazards at railroad crossings
disturbances to landowners while also               through rail relocation, sealed quiet zones,
protecting navigable airspace.                      grade separation, or by other means. To
                                                    increase traffic safety at crossings, stricter
5.05 Rail                                           penalties for rail crossing violations should
                                                    be imposed.
A. Rail Principles
1. Local Role in the Nation’s Rail Planning         NLC supports the continued implementation
    Program                                         of rail safety systems, such as positive train
The federal government should require states        control (PTC) systems, to ensure safety on
to involve local governments as stakeholders        passenger rail lines to limit injuries and
in state rail planning efforts required under       derailments.
federal law to ensure that local needs and
objectives are satisfied.                           5. Operations and Maintenance
                                                    Continued maintenance is the individual
2. Financing                                        responsibility of the rail owner. NLC urges
NLC supports investment in the nation’s rail        the federal government to readdress rail track
infrastructure and encourages the federal           standards for dual freight and intercity
government to enact policies and programs           passenger rail uses through appropriate rail
that would expand public and private                improvements.

                         2021 Transportation and Infrastructure Services
NLC further urges the federal government to         NLC recommends the following:
redefine the responsibility for funding             1. Amtrak’s Self Sufficiency Requirement
mechanisms to maintain tracks that carry            NLC urges repeal of Amtrak’s statutory self-
both freight and intercity passenger rail           sufficiency requirement since no known
traffic.                                            passenger rail system operates without
                                                    government subsidies.
6. Environmental Impacts
Federal law regulating railroad activity            2. Development of and Access to a High-
should not preempt local, state, or federal              Speed Rail Network
environmental review and requirements for           NLC supports the investment in high-speed
permitting and mitigation of railroad               rail development as an important part of our
activities. The environmental impacts of            national transportation network. Networks
railway activities and facilities, including        should be developed only after detailed
pollution, poor air quality, land use,              analysis of their operational and financial
vibration, light pollution, and noise, should       feasibility and with local consent. NLC urges
not be exempt from local environmental,             Congress to support creation of new high-
public health, safety, or welfare-based             speed rail.
                                                    3. Funding Options for Amtrak and
Railroads should be subject to light pollution          Passenger Rail Operators
and noise constraints. Rail yard lighting           NLC supports the development of a long-
standards and types need to be established          term funding mechanism for infrastructure
that minimize lighting impact on neighboring        acquisitions, improvements, and rights-of-
communities. There is a need for uniformity         way and operating costs. In addition to
among the different federal agencies in their       appropriations, options include:
policies governing acceptable noise levels.         • Increasing the federal funding sources
(See also EENR Section 2.08, Railroad Noise             specifically for passenger and commuter
Policies)                                               rail;
                                                    • Directing the diesel fuel tax currently
B. Passenger and Commuter Rail                          levied for rail operations and deposited
NLC urges Congress and the Administration               into the general fund be moved into a
to develop a long-range vision and fund for             newly created Trust Fund for rail
passenger rail in the United States. This               improvements;
vision must be in cooperation with state and        • Allowing state, regional, and local
local transportation officials, citizen groups,         government entities the option to spend a
and other stakeholders. National passenger              portion of their federal transportation
rail plans should include acquiring and                 allocation on intercity rail; and
improving rail lines that would otherwise be        • Allowing federal and state governments
abandoned. NLC urges the Administration to              to issue tax-exempt or tax-credit bonds
prioritize the safety review and approval of            for financing rail improvements.
the use of information technology and
crashworthy vehicles, such as passenger rail        C. Freight Railroads
cars on low speed urban dual use passenger          1. Freight Rail Service
and freight lines.                                  Congress and the public and private sectors
                                                    must cooperate to ensure and provide for the
                                                    efficient movement of freight, especially

                         2021 Transportation and Infrastructure Services
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