WEDNESDAY 16TH DECEMBER 2015 - At The Radisson Blu Portman Hotel 22 Portman Square London W1H 7BG

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WEDNESDAY 16TH DECEMBER 2015 - At The Radisson Blu Portman Hotel 22 Portman Square London W1H 7BG

                      At The
                      Radisson Blu Portman Hotel
                      22 Portman Square
                      London W1H 7BG

                      Commencing at
                      12.00 p.m.
                      Light refreshments served at 11.30 a.m.

J. Barnett FRICS
J. L. G. Ross MRICS                          Tel: 020 8492 9449 Fax: 020 8492 7373
WEDNESDAY 16TH DECEMBER 2015 - At The Radisson Blu Portman Hotel 22 Portman Square London W1H 7BG
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WEDNESDAY 16TH DECEMBER 2015 - At The Radisson Blu Portman Hotel 22 Portman Square London W1H 7BG
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WEDNESDAY 16TH DECEMBER 2015 - At The Radisson Blu Portman Hotel 22 Portman Square London W1H 7BG
Order of Sale
    Commencing 12 p.m.

    1     6 Guildhall Street                                         Folkestone      Kent

    2     Flat 6 Creighton Court, Creighton Avenue                   East Finchley   London N2

    3     171/171A High Street                                       Dovercourt      Essex

    4     40 Birnam Road                                             Finsbury Park   London N4

    5     11 High Street                                             Godstone        Surrey

    6     The Bell Inn, 1 Burford Street                             Hoddesdon       Hertfordshire

    7     The Hollybush, High Street                                 Elstree         Hertfordshire

    8     49 High Street                                             New Romney      Kent

    9     54/58 Market Street                                        Crewe           Cheshire

    10    14/14a North Street                                        Midhurst        West Sussex

    11    14a North Street                                           Midhurst        West Sussex

    12    32 Linksway                                                Northwood       Middlesex

    13    Garages r/o 39 & 41 Dawlish Avenue                         Palmers Green   London N13

    14    Garages at Wood Lane                                       Dagenham        Essex

    15    46/48/50 High Street                                       New Romney      Kent

    16    9/9a New Parade, Hill View Road, Ensbury Park              Bournemouth     Dorset

    17    93 Sydenham Road                                           Sydenham        London SE26

WEDNESDAY 16TH DECEMBER 2015 - At The Radisson Blu Portman Hotel 22 Portman Square London W1H 7BG
18    12/18 Crown Hill                                      Croydon             Surrey

19    1–6 High Street                                       Lye                 West Midlands

20    163–167 Grange Road                                   Bermondsey          London SE1

21    34 High Street and 1–6 Coach House Court              Chatteris           Cambridgeshire

22    1/1a Whitby Parade, Whitby Road                       Ruislip             Middlesex

23    38–40 Cheshire Street                                 Market Drayton      Shropshire

24    Units 1, 2 and 3 The Old Coach Works, Simpson Road,
      Fenny Stratford                                       Milton Keynes       Buckinghamshire

25    305 Wood Lane                                         Dagenham            Essex

26    Shop 1B, 3 North Street                               Leatherhead         Surrey

27    66 Hewlett Road                                       Cheltenham          Gloucestershire

28    Russell House, Middleton Street                       Llandrindod Wells   Powys

29    25 Hitchin Street                                     Biggleswade         Bedfordshire

30    27–31 Regent Street                                   Shanklin            Isle of Wight

31    Garden Flat 1, 2 Buxton Road                          Willesden Green     London NW2

32    108 Wilberforce Road                                  Finsbury Park       London N4

33    Front Garden of 148 Falloden Way                      Hampstead Garden
                                                            Suburb              London NW11

WEDNESDAY 16TH DECEMBER 2015 - At The Radisson Blu Portman Hotel 22 Portman Square London W1H 7BG
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WEDNESDAY 16TH DECEMBER 2015 - At The Radisson Blu Portman Hotel 22 Portman Square London W1H 7BG
With 32 years of short term lending experience - we know the market.
Interest charged from 0.99% per 30 days. Typically, no arrangement fees*,
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WEDNESDAY 16TH DECEMBER 2015 - At The Radisson Blu Portman Hotel 22 Portman Square London W1H 7BG
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020 8492 9449
WEDNESDAY 16TH DECEMBER 2015 - At The Radisson Blu Portman Hotel 22 Portman Square London W1H 7BG
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Please call to discuss your requirement:
John Barnett FRICS (Registered Valuer)
020 8492 9449
WEDNESDAY 16TH DECEMBER 2015 - At The Radisson Blu Portman Hotel 22 Portman Square London W1H 7BG
                                                                  020 8492 9449

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020 8492 9449                         
        1                            6 Guildhall Street,                                                      *Reserve          below
                                     Folkestone,                                                                             £100,000
                                     Kent CT20 1DZ                                                               6 WEEK COMPLETION
          View opposite the Property

 SITUATION                                                      ACCOMMODATION
 Occupying a prominent position within the pedestrianised       Ground Floor Shop
 town centre at the junction with Sandgate Road, amongst        Gross Frontage                                   15'1"
 such multiples as Bon Marche, Wilko, 99p Stores,               Internal Width                                   13'11"
 H Samuel, Waterstones, HSBC, Boots, Clarkes, Ladbrokes,        Shop Depth                                       65'6"
 Clinton Cards and many others.                                 Sales Area Approx                                725 sq ft
 Folkestone is a well-known port situated on the south-east     Lower Ground
 coast approximately 8 miles south-west of Dover benefitting    Store Area Approx.                               690 sq ft
 from excellent road communications via the A20 and M20.        First Floor
                                                                Kitchen Area Approx.                             155 sq ft
                                                                2 WC’s
 PROPERTY                                                       Second Floor
 A mid terrace property comprising a Ground Floor Shop          Store Area Approx.                               240 sq ft
 with A3 consent plus Lower Ground Floor Storage, and           Third Floor
 internal access to Ancillary Accommodation at first, second    Store Area Approx.                               120 sq ft
 & third floor levels.
 In addition, the property benefits from rear access from St.   Total Area Approx                            1,930 sq ft
 Eanswythe’s Way for unloading as well as parking for 2 small
                                                                FREEHOLD – Vacant Possession available
                                                                (see Special Conditions of Sale)
 VAT is NOT payable in respect of this Lot

 Shop                                                                                                        JOINT AUCTIONEERS
                                                                           Smith Woolley & Perry, 43 Castle Hill Avenue, Folkestone,

 & Upper Part
                                                                                    Kent CT20 2RB Tel: 01303 226 622 Ref: K. Foster
                                                                                                           VENDOR’S SOLICITORS
                                                                                         Goodman Derrick LLP – Tel: 020 7404 0606
                                                                Ref: Ms Dagmara Selwyn-Kuczera – Email:
 The Surveyors dealing with this property are
                                                                    The successful Buyer will be liable to pay the Auctioneers an administration   9
 * Refer to Point 9 in the ‘Notice to all Bidders’ page                                fee of £500 (including VAT) upon exchange of contracts
             2                            Flat 6 Creighton Court,                                                   *Reserve          below
                                          Creighton Avenue,                                                                        £340,000
                                          East Finchley, London N2 9BS                                                 6 WEEK COMPLETION

                                                                                                                                           Rear Garden

      SITUATION                                                        ACCOMMODATION (Measurements to maximum points)
      Located close to the corner with High Road which is well         First Floor Maisonette
      served by local and multiple retailers, being approx. ½ mile     Bedroom 1          11'10"x 14'1" into Bay
      from East Finchley Underground Station (Northern Line), a        Bedroom 2           8'6" x 11'3"
      short distance from the North Circular Road (A406) and           Living Room        11'9" x 15'6"
      midway between Hampstead Garden Suburb and Muswell               Kitchen             8'6" x 15'6" (max)
      Hill.                                                            Bathroom/WC         8'5" x 5'4"

      PROPERTY                                                         GIA Approx.              645 sq ft
      Comprising an unmodernised 2 Bed Self-Contained
      Maisonette on the first floor of this detached block, accessed   Rear Garden 45' Deep
      via a side entrance with its own front door. The maisonette
      includes gas central heating, entry phone, uPVC replacement      Lock up Garage 14'4" x 8'
      windows, a Private Rear Garden and vehicular access to a
      VAT is NOT payable in respect of this Lot                        Leasehold for a term of 189 years from 25th December
                                                                       1977 at a peppercorn ground rent.

                                                                       Offered with FULL VACANT POSSESSION

      Vacant Unmodernised
      2 Bed Maisonette                                                                                           VENDOR’S SOLICITORS
                                                                                                          Macrory Ward - Tel: 020 8440 3258
                                                                                  Ref: Ms Martina Ward - Email:
      The Surveyors dealing with this property are
10                                                                        The successful Buyer will be liable to pay the Auctioneers an administration
      * Refer to Point 9 in the ‘Notice to all Bidders’ page                                 fee of £500 (including VAT) upon exchange of contracts
        3                            171/171A High Street,                                                                          *Reserve          below
                                     Dovercourt,                                                                                                   £175,000
                                     Essex CO12 3QB                                                                               BY ORDER OF A CHARITY
                                                                                                                        View along the High Street

                                                          6 WEEK COMPLETION

 SITUATION                                                                           PROPERTY
 Located in the town centre close to the junction with                               An end of terrace building comprising:
 Kingsway, opposite Iceland adjacent to Thomas Cook and                              No. 171: Ground Floor Shop
 amongst such other multiple retailers as Boots, Santander,                          No. 171A: Ground Floor Shop with internal and separate
 Superdrug, The Original Factory Shop, TSB, Nationwide,                              rear access via Hordle Place to a Basement and Self-
 Swinton and others.                                                                 Contained Offices on the entire first floor.
 Dovercourt is a busy town situated close to Harwich,                                In addition, the property benefits from rear parking for 4 cars
 approximately 15 miles to the east of Colchester and 70 miles                       accessed via Hordle Place.
 north-east of London with easy access via the A12 and A120.
                                                                                     Note 1: There may be future potential to convert the first
 VAT is NOT payable in respect of this Lot                                           floor offices to Residential Use, subject to obtaining
                                                                                     possession and the necessary consents

  Property          Accommodation                         Lessee & Trade                  Term                Ann. Excl. Rental        Remarks
  No. 171           Internal Width          17'2"         K. Burnett                    5 years from              £12,000              IRI
  (Ground Floor     Shop Depth              45'3"         (Clothing &               3rd November 2015            (see Note 2)          Mutual Break May 2017.
  Shop)             Built Depth             63'9"         Accessories)              (Outside s.24–28 of                                £2,250 Rent Deposit held.
                    Sales Area Approx.      805 sq ft                                 L & T Act 1954)                                  Note 2: The current rent is
                    Store Area Approx.       70 sq ft                                                                                  £9,000 rising to £12,000 in
                    2 WC’s                                                                                                             Nov. 2016 and the Vendor
                                                                                                                                       will make up the rent
                                                                                                                                       shortfall on completion.
  No. 171A          Ground Floor Shop                     Colchester Institute        10 years from               £10,900              IRI
  (Ground Floor     Internal Width          16'11         Corporation                 21st May 2012                                    Rent Review and Tenant’s
  Shop & First      Shop Depth              42'2"         t/a The Learning Shop                                                        Break 2018.
  Floor Offices)    Built Depth             68'4"         (Employability skills &
                    Sales Area Approx.      710 sq ft     adult learning – visit
                    First Floor Offices
                    Area Approx.            1,550 sq ft
                    2 WC’s
  No. 171A
                    Area Approx.            1,740 sq ft
 £22,900 p.a. Plus                                                                      TOTAL
                                                                                                             £22,900 Plus
                                                                                                           Vacant Basement

 Vacant Basement                                                                                                                      VENDOR’S SOLICITORS
                                                                                                                          A S Tibber & Co – Tel: 020 8954 4705
                                                                                                                    Ref: A. Tibber – Email:
 The Surveyors dealing with this property are
 JOHN BARNETT and NICHOLAS BORD                                                         FOR LEGAL DOCUMENTS, PLEASE REFER TO PAGE 4 OF THIS CATALOGUE
                                                                                          The successful Buyer will be liable to pay the Auctioneers an administration   11
 * Refer to Point 9 in the ‘Notice to all Bidders’ page                                                      fee of £500 (including VAT) upon exchange of contracts
             4                            40 Birnam Road,                                                            *Reserve       below
                                          Finsbury Park,                                                                       £1,200,000
                                          London N4 3LQ                                                           ON BEHALF OF TRUSTEES

                                                               6 WEEK COMPLETION

      SITUATION                                                         ACCOMMODATION (Measurements to maximum points)
      Located off Tollington Park in this popular and sought after      Lower Ground
      residential area well served by the local shopping facilities     Breakfast Room                 12'0" ×   9'8"
      and bus routes in Hornsey Road and Stroud Green Road. In          Kitchen                          7'9" × 15'1"
      addition, the property is within walking distance to Finsbury     Bathroom & sep. WC
      Park Rail (Main Line, Victoria and Piccadilly Lines) and Bus      Half Landing (Rear Ground Floor Level)
      stations.                                                         Bedroom 1                      12'2" × 15'3"
      Nearby amenities include Finsbury Park, the Michael Sobell        Ground Floor
      Sports Centre and Arsenal’s Emirates Stadium and being            Reception 1                    11'9" × 15'1"
      only 4 miles north of central London.                             interconnects with
                                                                        Reception 2                      9'8" × 12'2"
      PROPERTY                                                          Half Landing
      Comprising a mid-terrace unmodernised 5 Bed House                 Kitchen                        10'6" × 12'3"
      planned on ground, lower ground, first and second floors. In      Shower/WC
      addition, the property benefits from gas central heating (not     First Floor
      tested) and a rear paved garden.                                  Bedroom 2                      16'2" × 15'0"
                                                                        Bedroom 3                      10'0" × 12'7"
      VAT is NOT payable in respect of this Lot                         Half Landing
                                                                        Kitchen                        10'4" × 12'2"
      FREEHOLD offered with FULL VACANT POSSESSION                      sep. WC
                                                                        Second Floor
      Note 1: There may be potential to convert the property            Bedroom 4                      16'2" × 11'9"
      into 3 Self-Contained Flats, subject to obtaining the             Bedroom 5                      10'1" × 12'7"
      necessary consents.                                               Half Landing
                                                                        Bathroom                       10'5" ×   4'9"
      Note 2: Floor Plans available on request

      Vacant Unmodernised
                                                                        GIA Approx. 2,307 sq ft

      5 Bed House                                                                                                 VENDOR’S SOLICITORS
                                                                                                           Macrory Ward - Tel: 020 8440 3258
                                                                                   Ref: Ms Martina Ward - Email:
      The Surveyors dealing with this property are
12                                                                         The successful Buyer will be liable to pay the Auctioneers an administration
      * Refer to Point 9 in the ‘Notice to all Bidders’ page                                  fee of £500 (including VAT) upon exchange of contracts
        5                            11 High Street, Godstone,                                                                     *Reserve          below
                                     Surrey RH9 8LS                                                                                               £170,000
                                                                                                                                      6 WEEK COMPLETION

 SITUATION                                                                          PROPERTY
 Located at the junction with Salisbury Road on the eastern                         Forming part of a detached building comprising a recently
 side of the High Street.                                                           refurbished Ground Floor Shop with internal access to a
 Godstone is an affluent historic Surrey village approx 1 mile                      Lower Ground Floor Area (formerly sales) with good
 to the south of the M25 (Junction 6).                                              natural light to the rear. The shop also benefits from Front
                                                                                    Forecourt Parking for 5–6 Cars.
 VAT is NOT payable in respect of this Lot                                          In addition, there is separate rear access to 5 Self-Contained
                                                                                    Flats on the ground, first and second floors together with a
 FREEHOLD                                                                           rear parking area.

  Property          Accommodation                          Lessee & Trade                Term              Ann. Excl. Rental     Remarks
  Ground Floor      Ground Floor Shop
  & Lower
                    Internal Width       16'6"
                    Shop and Built Depth 45'5"
                                                                     Note 1: There may be potential to convert the shop to Residential Use by way of
  Ground Floor      Area            Approx.    670 sq ft
                                                                     Permitted Development, subject to prior approval.
  Plus              WC
  Forecourt         Lower Ground Floor
                                                                     Note 2: The Ground Floor & Lower Ground has recently been refurbished
  Parking for       Area            Approx.    685 sq ft
                                                                     including ‘tanking’ of part of the Lower Ground.
  5–6 Cars          Total Area      Approx. 1,355 sq ft
  Flats A, B & D    Not Inspected                          Various               Each expiring between           £300            Each FRI
  (3 Flats)                                                                      December 2082 & 2094         (£100 per flat)    3 Valuable Reversions in
                                                                                                                                 approx. 73 to 79 years.
  Flats C & E       Not Inspected                          Various                   Each expiring               £200            Each FRI
  (2 Flats)                                                                       24th December 2178          (£100 per flat)

                                                                                                          Vacant Retail
                                                                                       TOTAL                Unit plus
 Note 3: In accordance with s.5B of the Landlord &
                                                                                                           £500 p.a.
 Tenant Act 1987, Notices have been served on the
 Lessees and they have NOT reserved their rights of
                                                                                                                                   JOINT AUCTIONEERS
 first refusal. This Lot cannot be sold prior to auction.                                                    Rayners Commercial, 14a Bell Street, Reigate,
                                                                                                                         Surrey RH2 7BG Tel: 01737 222 835

 Vacant Retail Unit (see Note 1)                                                               Ref: A. Mullett – Email:
                                                                                                                                 VENDOR’S SOLICITORS
                                                                                                                         Nicholas & Co – Tel: 020 7323 4450
 The Surveyors dealing with this property are                                        Ref: D. Demetriou – Email:
 JOHN BARNETT and STEVEN GROSSMAN                                                      FOR LEGAL DOCUMENTS, PLEASE REFER TO PAGE 4 OF THIS CATALOGUE
                                                                                         The successful Buyer will be liable to pay the Auctioneers an administration   13
 * Refer to Point 9 in the ‘Notice to all Bidders’ page                                                     fee of £500 (including VAT) upon exchange of contracts
             6                            The Bell Inn, 1 Burford Street,                                  *Reserve     below
                                          Hoddesdon,                                                                 £500,000
                                          Hertfordshire EN11 8HP                                            6 WEEK COMPLETION

      SITUATION                                                        ACCOMMODATION
      Located opposite the Clock Tower and The Pavilion precinct       Ground Floor Pub
      and being just a few yards from the pedestrian town centre.      Gross Frontage                        73'8"
      Nearby multiple retailers include Costa Coffee, KFC, Café        GIA to incl. Bar, Function Room,
      Nero, Boots, Halifax, Morrison’s Supermarket, Timpson            Former Kitchen & WCs                  Approx. 2,200 sq ft
      and Ladbrokes.                                                   Cellar GIA                            Approx. 270 sq ft
      Hoddesdon is a market town located approximately 18 miles        First Floor (see Note 1)
      from central London, 8 miles north of Enfield and conveniently   8 Bedrooms & 2 × Bathroom/WC GIA      Approx. 1,510 sq ft
      situated for the M25 and M11.
                                                                       Plus Rear Ground Floor
      PROPERTY                                                         3 Self-Contained Studio Flats GIA     Approx.    640 sq ft
      An end of terrace Grade II Listed building comprising a          Laundry Room & Store GIA              Approx.    190 sq ft
      Public House with Cellar and separate rear access to
      Residential Accommodation on the first floor. In addition,       Total GIA                             Approx. 4,810 sq ft
      there is a single storey rear extension comprising 3 Self-
      Contained Studio Flats, Laundry Room & Store, Beer               TENANCY
      Garden for seating approx. 50 and a Yard for Parking 4 cars,     The entire property is let on a full repairing and insuring
      all of which can be accessed from Bell Lane.                     lease to G. Kerry and K.S. Read as a Public House for a
                                                                       term of 21 years from 25th July 2011 at a current rent of
      VAT is payable in respect of this Lot                            £50,000 per annum exclusive
      (TOGC available)
                                                                       Rent Reviews 2014 (Outstanding) and 3 yearly.

                                                                       Note 1: Planning Permission was granted on 23/12/08
                                                                       (now lapsed) by Borough of Broxbourne for the
                                                                       “conversion of first floor from 8 bed-sits to 3 one bed

                                                                       Note 2: All of the Residential Accommodation is sub-let

      £50,000 per annum                                                on a daily basis.

      The Surveyors dealing with this property are
      * Refer to Point 9 in the ‘Notice to all Bidders’ page
The Bell Inn, 1 Burford Street,
    Hertfordshire EN11 8HP

                                                                                                   The Property

© CROWN COPYRIGHT. All rights reserved. Licence number 100040809 – Plan not to scale

                                                                                                                               VENDOR’S SOLICITORS
                                                                                                                         Druces LLP – Tel: 020 7638 9271
                                                                                           Ref: Ms Suzanne Middleton-Lindsley – Email:
                                                                                       FOR LEGAL DOCUMENTS, PLEASE REFER TO PAGE 4 OF THIS CATALOGUE
                                                                                         The successful Buyer will be liable to pay the Auctioneers an administration   15
                                                                                                            fee of £500 (including VAT) upon exchange of contracts
             7                            The Hollybush, High Street,                                                           *Reserve               below
                                          Elstree, Hertfordshire WD6 3EP                                                                            £450,000
                                                                                                                                    6 WEEK COMPLETION

      SITUATION                                                      ACCOMMODATION
      Located at the top of Elstree Hill North on the High Street,   Ground Floor Pub
      close to the junction with Watford Road in this affluent       Gross Frontage                  40'10"
      residential area.                                              Internal Width                  38'8" (narrowing at rear)
      Elstree lies midway between Stanmore and Borehamwood           Built Depth                     53'0"
      approximately 12 miles north-west of central London and        Area                            Approx 1,442 sq ft
      benefits from good road links being within ½ mile to the M1    Ladies & Gents WCs
      (Junction 4) and the A41.                                      First Floor
                                                                     3 Rooms, Kitchen, Bathroom, Separate WC
      PROPERTY                                                       Area                            Approx 844 sq ft
      A Grade II* Listed Building erected in the 15th Century with   Plus Large Rear Car Park
      many period features comprising a Former Ground Floor
      Public House with internal access to an Upper Part
      previously used as a Large 3 Room Flat.
      The property benefits from a Large Rear Car Park with
      space for a minimum of 20 Cars all sitting on a
      Site of Approx. ¼ Acre.

      Note: The site has future development potential to be
      used either as a Restaurant, Offices or Residential,
      subject to obtaining the necessary consents.

      VAT is payable in respect of this Lot

                                                                     © CROWN COPYRIGHT. All rights reserved. Licence number 100040809 – Plan not to scale

      Vacant Former Public                                                                                          JOINT AUCTIONEERS
                                                                                           Roundtree Real Estate, 39 Brent Street, Hendon,

      House & Upper Part
                                                                                  London NW4 2ED Tel: 020 8203 2111 Ref: M. Frydenson Esq
                                                                                                                  VENDOR’S SOLICITORS
                                                                                              Kostick Hanan Herskovic – Tel: 020 8800 8866
                                                                                              Ref: J. Kostick – Email:
      The Surveyors dealing with this property are
16                                                                       The successful Buyer will be liable to pay the Auctioneers an administration
      * Refer to Point 9 in the ‘Notice to all Bidders’ page                                fee of £500 (including VAT) upon exchange of contracts
        8                            49 High Street,                                                                            *Reserve          below
                                     New Romney,                                                                                               £300,000
                                     Kent TN28 8AH                                                                                 6 WEEK COMPLETION

 SITUATION                                                                       PROPERTY
 Occupying a prominent trading position close to the junction                    An attractive detached building comprising a Large Ground
 with Ashford Road within the principal retailing area of the                    Floor Shop with rear single storey extension plus separate
 town and being amongst a variety of local restaurants,                          side access to 4 Self-Contained Flats on the first and second
 retailers and multiple traders including Natwest, Lloyds                        floors.
 Bank, Lloyds Pharmacy, Spar, Post Office and The British                        There is a rear yard accessed from the town’s main public car
 Red Cross.                                                                      park allowing off-street parking for up to 3 cars.
 New Romney is an attractive town lying off the main A259,
 being approx. 18 miles north-west of Hastings and 13 miles                      FREEHOLD
 south-west of Folkestone
                                                                                 Note 1: There is potential to extend over the Ground
 VAT is NOT payable in respect of this Lot                                       Floor at the Rear to create additional residential
                                                                                 accommodation, subject to planning.

  Property          Accommodation                         Lessee & Trade              Term                Ann. Excl. Rental        Remarks
  Ground Floor      Gross Frontage          25'11"        DBM Medical Ltd         20 years from               £23,000              FRI
  Shop              Internal Width          23'0" max     t/a New Romney          5th April 2013             (see Note 2)          Rent Reviews 2017 &
                    Shop Depth              50'11"        Pharmacy                                                                 4 yearly.
                    Built Depth             67'8"         (with 3 sureties &                                                       Note 2: The current rent is
                    Sales/Dispensary Area   990 sq ft     3 branches)                                                              £22,000 rising to £23,000
                    Storage/Kitchen Area    250 sq ft                                                                              on the 5th April 2016 and
                    2 WC’s                                                                                                         the Vendor will make up
                                                                                                                                   the shortfall on completion.
  First & Second    Not Inspected –                       Various               Each 125 years from             £500               FRI
  Floors            Each believed to be 1 bed flats                            between 2011 & 2013                                 Each £125 p.a.
  (4 Flats)

                                                                                    TOTAL                    £23,500

 £23,500 per annum                                                                                                          VENDOR’S SOLICITORS
                                                                                                                      Druces LLP – Tel: 020 7638 9271
                                                                                        Ref: Ms Suzanne Middleton-Lindsley – Email:
 The Surveyors dealing with this property are
 JOHN BARNETT and JONATHAN ROSS                                                     FOR LEGAL DOCUMENTS, PLEASE REFER TO PAGE 4 OF THIS CATALOGUE
                                                                                      The successful Buyer will be liable to pay the Auctioneers an administration   17
 * Refer to Point 9 in the ‘Notice to all Bidders’ page                                                  fee of £500 (including VAT) upon exchange of contracts
             9                            54/58 Market Street,                                                *Reserve     below
                                          Crewe, Cheshire CW1 2EX                                                     £1,000,000
                                                                                                                6 WEEK COMPLETION

      SITUATION                                                         ACCOMMODATION
      Occupying a prime trading position on one of the principal        Ground Floor Retail Unit
      retail thoroughfares of this busy town centre, positioned on      Gross Frontage                             39'6"
      the corner of Earle Street and amongst such multiples as          Splay Frontage                             21'0"
      Marks & Spencer, Costa Coffee, Barclays Bank, NatWest,            Internal Width                             34'7"
      Subway, EE, Poundland, Vodafone and others.                       Retail Unit Depth                          73'6"
      Crewe lies approximately 12 miles north-west of Stoke-on-         Area                 Approx.          2,980 sq ft
      Trent and 25 miles south-east of Chester with good road           Basement
      access to the M6 (Junctions 16 and 17).                           Area                 Approx.          3,351 sq ft
                                                                        First Floor
      PROPERTY                                                          Area                 Approx.          3,502 sq ft
      A substantial corner property comprising a Ground Floor           Second Floor
      Retail Unit with Basement Dispensary plus internal access         Area                 Approx.          2,721 sq ft
      to Ancillary Offices at first floor level and Storage at second
      floor level.                                                      Total Area               Approx. 12,554 sq ft

      VAT is payable in respect of this Lot                             (The above floor areas were previously agreed at rent review)
      (TOGC available)
      FREEHOLD                                                          The entire property is let on a full repairing and insuring lease
                                                                        to Boots UK Ltd (T/O for Y/E 31/3/14 £6.3bn, Pre-Tax
                                                                        Profit £507m and Shareholders’ Funds £1.2bn) for a term
                                                                        of 5 years from 30th October 2015 at a current rent of
                                                                        £90,000 per annum exclusive.

                                                                        Note: Boots are a wholly owned subsidiary of Walgreens
                                                                        Boots Alliance and have been trading from this location

      £90,000 per annum                                                 for over 100 years. The lease was recently re-geared
                                                                        from a rental of £127,500 p.a.
      The Surveyors dealing with this property are
      * Refer to Point 9 in the ‘Notice to all Bidders’ page
54/58 Market Street,
    Crewe, Cheshire CW1 2EX
                                                                                                                                              View towards Property

                                                                                                      The Property

© CROWN COPYRIGHT. All rights reserved. Licence number 100040809 – Plan not to scale

                                                                                                                                    VENDOR’S SOLICITORS
                                                                                                                                 Seddons – Tel: 020 7725 8000
                                                                                                         Ref: T. White – Email:
                                                                                       FOR LEGAL DOCUMENTS, PLEASE REFER TO PAGE 4 OF THIS CATALOGUE
                                                                                         The successful Buyer will be liable to pay the Auctioneers an administration   19
                                                                                                            fee of £500 (including VAT) upon exchange of contracts
             10                           14/14a North Street,
                                                                                                                             Guide: £260,000

                                          West Sussex GU29 9DJ                                                                     6 WEEK COMPLETION

                                 AMENDED PARTICULARS TO INCLUDE LOT 11

      SITUATION                                                                   PROPERTY
      Located in this attractive town centre position, close to the               A mid terrace building comprising a Ground Floor Shop
      junction with Knockhundred Row being adjacent to Pizza                      with separate side access via an alleyway to a Self-Contained
      Express and amongst a variety of other multiples such as                    Flat on the first and second floors.
      Costa Coffee, Boots, Tesco Express, Barclays, Cancer                        Please note that part of the flat flies over the adjoining
      Research and The British Heart Foundation all serving the                   building to the left at second floor level.
      surrounding residential area.
      Midhurst lies some 20 miles north of Chichester, 9 miles east               VAT is payable in respect of this Lot
      of Petersfield and enjoys excellent road access via the A272
      and A286.                                                                   FREEHOLD

       Property          Accommodation                         Lessee & Trade         Term                Ann. Excl. Rental        Remarks
       Ground Floor      Gross Frontage          17'1"         Bread Of Heaven     10 years from              £10,000              FRI
       Shop              Internal Width          15'1"         Bakery             9th March 2010                                   Rent Review 2015 not
                         Shop Depth              25'1"         (Bakers having 3                                                    implemented.
                         Built Depth             44'8"         branches)
       First & Second    2 Bedrooms, Living Room,
       Floor Flat        Kitchen/Diner, Shower/WC
                         GIA Approx. 1,045 sq ft
                                                                                                          £10,000 plus
                                                                                                           Vacant Flat

      £10,000 p.a. Plus
      Vacant Flat                                                                                                             VENDOR’S SOLICITORS
                                                                                                                      BPE Solicitors – Tel: 01242 224 433
                                                                                                   Ref: Ms Nicola Corner – Email:
      The Surveyors dealing with this property are
20                                                                                    The successful Buyer will be liable to pay the Auctioneers an administration
      * Refer to Point 9 in the ‘Notice to all Bidders’ page                                             fee of £500 (including VAT) upon exchange of contracts
        11                           14a North Street,
                                                                                                                       Reserve below
                                     West Sussex GU29 9DJ                                                               6 WEEK COMPLETION

                           THIS LOT IS BEING OFFERED WITH LOT 10.
                         REFER TO LOT 10 FOR AMENDED PARTICULARS

 SITUATION                                                             ACCOMMODATION
 Located in this attractive town centre position, close to the         First & Second Floor Flat
 junction with Knockhundred Row being adjacent to Pizza                2 Bedrooms, Living Room, Kitchen/Diner, Shower/WC
 Express and amongst a variety of other multiples such as              GIA Approx. 1,045 sq ft
 Costa Coffee, Boots, Tesco Express, Barclays, Cancer
 Research and The British Heart Foundation all serving the
 surrounding residential area.                                         VAT is NOT payable in respect of this Lot
 Midhurst lies some 20 miles north of Chichester, 9 miles east
 of Petersfield and enjoys excellent road access via the A272
 and A286.                                                             TENURE
                                                                       Leasehold for a term of 125 years from completion at a
                                                                       ground rent of £100 p.a. doubling every 25 years.
 Forming part of a mid terrace property comprising a Large
 Self-Contained 2 Bedroom Flat (accessed via a side                    Offered with FULL VACANT POSSESSION
 alleyway) at first and second floor level.
 There is Gas Central Heating (not tested) and please note
 that part of the flat flies over the adjoining building to the left   Note: The flat was previously under offer at £170,000.
 at second floor level.

                                                                                                                      JOINT AUCTIONEERS
                                                                                                   King & Chasemore, West Street, Midhurst,
                                                                                                                     West Sussex GU29 9NQ
                                                                                                           Tel: 01730 812 456 Ref: S. Edwards
 Vacant 2 Bed Flat                                                                                                 VENDOR’S SOLICITORS
                                                                                                           BPE Solicitors – Tel: 01242 224 433
 The Surveyors dealing with this property are                                          Ref: Ms Nicola Corner – Email:
                                                                           The successful Buyer will be liable to pay the Auctioneers an administration   21
 * Refer to Point 9 in the ‘Notice to all Bidders’ page                                       fee of £500 (including VAT) upon exchange of contracts
             12                           32 Linksway,                                                  *Reserve     below
                                          Northwood,                                                            £2,000,000
                                          Middlesex HA6 2XB                                   COMPLETION 15TH MARCH 2016

      SITUATION                                                       ACCOMMODATION (Measurements to maximum points)
      Located on the prestigious Linksway being adjacent to
      Northwood Golf Club and Ruislip Woods Nature Reserve            Ground Floor
      and conveniently situated for numerous sought after schools     Entrance Hall & Coat Cupboard         16'8"    ×   11'11"
      and being about 1 mile from Northwood town centre and its       Living Room                           20'0"    ×   13'1"
      multiple shopping facilities.                                   Leading to Conservatory/Sun Room      21'10"   ×    8'10"
      The area is well served by public transport being               Dining Room                           16'6"    ×   13'1"
      approximately 1 mile from Northwood (Metropolitan Line)         Kitchen/Breakfast Room                23'4"    ×   10'8"
      Station and only 5 miles from the M25 (Junction 18) for         Utility Room                           8'2"    ×    7'7"
      Chorleywood, 4 miles from Watford and 6 miles from Harrow.      Separate WC

                                                                      First Floor
      PROPERTY                                                        Bedroom 1                             20'0"    × 13'1"
      An impressive individual detached 4 Bedroom House set on        Bedroom 2                             16'7"    × 13'1"
      a wide plot arranged over 2 floors with a 23ft Kitchen/         Bedroom 3                             11'11"   × 11'10"
      Breakfast Room, extensive front and rear gardens and a          Bedroom 4                             10'8"    × 7'7"
      Summer House.                                                   Bathroom
      There is an integral Double Garage, gas fired central heating   Separate WC
      and fitted wardrobes in each bedroom.
      The property may lend itself to a programme of major            Summer House                           18'4"   × 9'10"
      extension or improvement, or alternatively replacement          Double Garage                          20'3"   × 15'0"
      with a new dwelling, subject to obtaining the necessary         55 ft Front Garden with carp fish pond
      consents.                                                       150 ft Rear Garden

                                                                      Total GIA Approx. 2,600 sq ft

      Vacant 4 Bed House
      The Surveyors dealing with this property are
      * Refer to Point 9 in the ‘Notice to all Bidders’ page
32 Linksway,
Middlesex HA6 2XB

                                                                                       Rear Garden

                                                                                       Living Room and Sun Room

© CROWN COPYRIGHT. All rights reserved. Licence number 100040809 – Plan not to scale

VAT is NOT payable in respect of this Lot


Note: No. 36 Linksway (see map above) is a new build 6
bed Octagon home (with a separate studio) which is on
the market for £5,450,000.

                                                       VENDOR’S SOLICITORS
                                  Hanney Dawkins & Jones – Tel: 020 8866 2144
                                 Ref: I. Archer – Email:
    The successful Buyer will be liable to pay the Auctioneers an administration                                             23
                       fee of £500 (including VAT) upon exchange of contracts
             13                           Garages r/o 39 & 41 Dawlish Avenue,                                                 *Reserve                  below
                                          Palmers Green,                                                                                              £30,000
                                          London N13 4HP                                                                          6 WEEK COMPLETION

      Located in this residential area accessed via a roadway
      between 2 semi-detached houses, just a short distance to
      Arnos Grove Underground Station (Piccadilly Line) and
      Palmers Green Rail Station.
      The property enjoys good road links via the North Circular
      Road and the Great Cambridge Road (A10) being approx. 8
      miles north of Central London.

      Comprising 6 Lock-Up Garages.

      VAT is NOT payable in respect of this Lot

                                                                   © CROWN COPYRIGHT. All rights reserved. Licence number 100040809 – Plan not to scale

       Property                       Lessee                            Term                                                 Ann. Excl. Rental
       Garage 1                       Individual                      Monthly                                                        £264
       Garage 2                       Individual                      Monthly                                                        £360
       Garage 3                       Individual                      Monthly                                                        £264
       Garage 4                       Individual                      Monthly                                                        £480
       Garage 5                       Individual                      Monthly                                                        £600
       Garage 6                       Individual                      Monthly                                                        £264
                                                                     TOTAL                                                        £2,232

                                                                                                                         JOINT AUCTIONEERS
                                                                                              Williamson Dace Brown, 22 Canon Hill, Southgate,
                                                                                              London N14 6BY Tel: 020 8886 4407 Ref: A. Brown

      £2,232 per annum                                                                                                 VENDOR’S SOLICITORS
                                                                                                            Barnes & Partners – Tel: 01920 400742
                                                                                                                     Ref: Ms Andrea Greenwood
      The Surveyors dealing with this property are                                                 Email:
24                                                                     The successful Buyer will be liable to pay the Auctioneers an administration
      * Refer to Point 9 in the ‘Notice to all Bidders’ page                              fee of £500 (including VAT) upon exchange of contracts
        14                           Garages at Wood Lane,                                                                           *Reserve              below
                                     Dagenham,                                                                                                          £350,000
                                     Essex RM8 3NH                                                                                      6 WEEK COMPLETION

                                                                       © CROWN COPYRIGHT. All rights reserved. Licence number 100040809 – Plan not to scale

 SITUATION                                                                PROPERTY
 Located behind a well-established retail parade accessed via             An unbroken irregular shaped site comprising 37 Lock-up
 a rear service road which connects with Winmill Road and                 Garages and a Roadway.
 Weylond Road and lies approx. 1 mile north of Dagenham                   Site Area Approx. 0.15 acres.
 Heathway Underground Station (District Line - just over 30
 minutes to Aldgate East).
 Dagenham is a densely populated residential area being                   FREEHOLD
 approximately 4 ½ miles east of Ilford and 3 miles south-east
 of Romford benefitting from good road links to the North                 Note 1: The property is in an area very suitable for
 Circular Road (A406).                                                    residential development or for houses in multiple
                                                                          occupation, which gives potential for future development
 VAT is NOT payable in respect of this Lot                                subject to obtaining the neccessary consents.

  Property                        Lessee                           Term                          Ann. Excl. Rental                Remarks
  24 Garages                      Various                 Weekly/Monthly Tenancies                    £12,480                     Each Garage is let at £520 p.a.

  3 Garages                       Various                 Weekly/Monthly Tenancies                     £2,340                     Each Garage is let at £780 p.a.

  10 Garages
                                                               V A C A N T
                                                                                             £14,820 plus
                                                                                          10 Vacant Garages
                                                                          Note 2: Tenancy information accurate as at time of
 £14,820 p.a. Plus                                                        printing – refer to Special Conditions of Sale.

 10 Vacant Garages                                                                                                                VENDOR’S SOLICITORS
                                                                                                                         Ref: A. Kellner – Tel: 01707 667 300
 The Surveyors dealing with this property are
                                                                              The successful Buyer will be liable to pay the Auctioneers an administration          25
 * Refer to Point 9 in the ‘Notice to all Bidders’ page                                          fee of £500 (including VAT) upon exchange of contracts
             15                           46/48/50 High Street,                                                                 *Reserve               below
                                          New Romney,                                                                                               £400,000
                                          Kent TN28 8AT                                                                             6 WEEK COMPLETION

      SITUATION                                                                                                                    View along the High Street

      Occupying a prominent trading position close to the junction
      with Ashford Road within the principal retailing area of the
      town and being amongst a variety of local restaurants,
                                                                                            The Property
      retailers and multiple traders including Natwest, Lloyds
      Bank, Lloyds Pharmacy, Spar, Post Office and The British
      Red Cross.
      New Romney is an attractive town lying off the main A259,
      being approx. 18 miles north-west of Hastings and 13 miles
      south-west of Folkestone.

      A substantial detached building comprising 3 Ground Floor
      Shops (a Restaurant, Takeaway & an Estate Agent) with
      separate front and rear access to 4 Self-Contained Flats at
      first floor level plus a small area at second floor.
      In addition the property benefits from a rear car park for
      unloading and parking for 9 cars.

      VAT is NOT payable in respect of this Lot


      £41,500 per annum
      The Surveyors dealing with this property are
                                                                     © CROWN COPYRIGHT. All rights reserved. Licence number 100040809 – Plan not to scale
      * Refer to Point 9 in the ‘Notice to all Bidders’ page
46/48/50 High Street,
New Romney,
Kent TN28 8AT

Property          Accommodation               Lessee & Trade               Term                Ann. Excl. Rental        Remarks
No. 46            Gross Frontage     33'3"    K. Gibbons                7 years from               £18,000              FRI
(Ground Floor     Internal Width     31'1"    (with 1 surety)        27th February 2012                                 Rent Review 2016
Restaurant – 60   Restaurant Depth   40'8"    (Aboyne House Fish
Covers)           Built Depth        59'6"    Restaurant)
                  3 WC’s

No. 48            Gross Frontage     22'9"    S. Gibbons                7 years from               £13,000              FRI
(Ground Floor     Internal Width     20'4"    (with 1 surety)        27th February 2012                                 Rent Review 2016
Takeaway)         Takeaway Depth     15'0"    (Fish & Chip
                  Built Depth        34'1"    Takeaway)

No. 50            Gross Frontage     22'11"   Hawkins & Co         9 years & 10 days from          £10,000              FRI
(Ground Floor     Internal Width     20'10"   (with 1 surety)      18th September 2012                                  Rent Reviews 2017 & 2021
Shop)             Shop Depth         15'8"    (Estate Agents)
                  Built Depth        29'9"

4 Flats           Not Inspected               Various                  125 years from                £500               FRI
(First Floor)                                                      between 2011 and 2015                                £125 per flat

                                                                         TOTAL                    £41,500

                                                                                                                 VENDOR’S SOLICITORS
                                                                                                           Druces LLP – Tel: 020 7638 9271
                                                                             Ref: Ms Suzanne Middleton-Lindsley – Email:
                                                                         FOR LEGAL DOCUMENTS, PLEASE REFER TO PAGE 4 OF THIS CATALOGUE
                                                                           The successful Buyer will be liable to pay the Auctioneers an administration   27
                                                                                              fee of £500 (including VAT) upon exchange of contracts
              16                          9/9a New Parade, Hill View Road,                                                           *Reserve          below
                                          Ensbury Park, Bournemouth                                                                                 £150,000
                                          Dorset BH10 5BG                                                                               6 WEEK COMPLETION

      SITUATION                                                                       PROPERTY
      Located at the junction with Coombe Avenue opposite                             A terraced property comprising a Ground Floor Shop with
      Hillview Primary School within this established and fully                       separate front access to a Self-Contained Flat at first floor
      occupied local shopping parade including branches of                            level which benefits from sole use of a rear garden.
      Premier Stores, Rowlands Pharmacy and a Post Office,
      serving the surrounding residential area some 3 miles north                     VAT is NOT payable in respect of this Lot
      of Bournemouth town centre.
      Bournemouth is one of the south coast’s most popular                            FREEHOLD
      seaside resorts with excellent road links via the A31 and A338
      to the M27 and M3.

       Property          Accommodation                         Lessee & Trade              Term                Ann. Excl. Rental        Remarks
       No. 9             Gross Frontage          19'3"         Mrs W. Harrison t/a      6 years from                £4,200              FRI (subject to a schedule of
       (Ground Floor     Internal Width          14'2"         Thai Wellbeing        10th February 2011                                 condition)
       Shop)             Shop Depth              30'7"         (Massage,                                                                Visit:
                         WC                                    Reflexology
                                                               Treatment Centre)
       No. 9a            2 Bedrooms, Living Room, Kitchen,                                                                              Previously Under Offer at
       (First Floor      Bathroom/WC plus Garden                                                                                        £115,000
                                                                                                                £4,200 plus
                                                                                                                Vacant Flat

      £4,200 per annum                                                                                                                 JOINT AUCTIONEERS
                                                                                                               Goadsby, 99 Holdenhurst Road, Bournemouth,

      Plus Vacant Flat
                                                                                                          Dorset BH8 8DY Tel: 01202 550000 – Ref: T. Chapman
                                                                                                                                    VENDOR’S SOLICITORS
                                                                                                                    Bude Nathan Iwanier – Tel: 020 8458 5656
                                                                                                                     Ref: B. Dubiner – Email:
      The Surveyors dealing with this property are
      MATTHEW BERGER and JONATHAN ROSS                                                   FOR LEGAL DOCUMENTS, PLEASE REFER TO PAGE 4 OF THIS CATALOGUE
28                                                                                         The successful Buyer will be liable to pay the Auctioneers an administration
      * Refer to Point 9 in the ‘Notice to all Bidders’ page                                                  fee of £500 (including VAT) upon exchange of contracts
          17                           93 Sydenham Road,                                                                        *Guide:         £275,000
                                       Sydenham,                                                                         OVER 9¼ YEARS UNEXPIRED
                                       London SE26 5UA                                                                             TO WILLIAM HILL
View from Property

                                                            6 WEEK COMPLETION

   SITUATION                                                                       PROPERTY
   Located close to the junction with Mayow Road in this well                      A mid terrace building comprising a Ground Floor Shop
   established retail thoroughfare and amongst such multiple                       with separate rear access to 2 Self-Contained Flats on the
   retailers as Tesco Express, Ladbrokes, Co-op Food, Paddy                        first and second floors. In addition, the property benefits
   Power, Boots, Subway, Post Office, Morley’s and                                 from use of a rear service road.
   NatWest. In addition, Sydenham Railway Station is just a few
   hundred yards away.                                                             FREEHOLD
   Sydenham lies just east of Crystal Palace and South of
   Dulwich, approximately 9 miles from central London.                             Note: In accordance with s.5B of the Landlord & Tenant
                                                                                   act 1987, Notices have been served on the Lessees and
   VAT is NOT payable in respect of this Lot                                       they have NOT reserved their rights of first refusal. This
                                                                                   Lot cannot be sold prior to auction.

    Property          Accommodation                         Lessee & Trade             Term                Ann. Excl. Rental        Remarks
    Ground Floor      Gross Frontage          19'10"        William Hill           20 years from               £18,350              FRI
    Shop              Internal Width          17'9"         Organization Ltd       27th May 2005                                    Rent Review 2020.
                      narrowing at rear to    14'1"         (Having over 2,300                                                      The Tenant did not exercise
                      Shop & Built Depth      72'4"         branches)                                                               their May 2015 Break
                      3 WCs                                                                                                         Clause.
                      Area          Approx    1,095 sq ft
    First & Second    Not inspected                         Various              Each 125 years from             £300               Each FRI
    Floors                                                                        1st January 2004            (£150 per Flat)       Rents double every 25
    (2 Flats)                                                                                                                       years.

                                                                                     TOTAL                    £18,650

   £18,650 per annum                                                                                                            VENDOR’S SOLICITORS
                                                                                                                         Fladgate LLP – Tel: 020 3036 7233
                                                                                                           Ref: A. Wallace – Email:
   The Surveyors dealing with this property are
                                                                                       The successful Buyer will be liable to pay the Auctioneers an administration   29
   * Refer to Point 9 in the ‘Notice to all Bidders’ page                                                 fee of £500 (including VAT) upon exchange of contracts
             18                           12/18 Crown Hill,                          *Reserve          below £3,500,000
                                          Croydon,                                                                (GROSS YIELD 8%)

                                          Surrey CR0 1RZ                                                     6 WEEK COMPLETION

                                                                                                       The Property

      SITUATION                                                         PROPERTY
      Occupying a prime trading position between Frith Road and         Forming part of a substantial corner block comprising a Large
      the pedestrianised North End, in the heart of the Town            Ground Floor Retail Store with excellent window frontage.
      Centre, adjacent to the Centrale Centre and amongst a
      variety of multiple retailers such as Primark, Debenhams,         ACCOMMODATION (¹Area supplied by Vendor.)
      Barclays, Subway, KFC and many others. In addition, the           Ground Floor Retail Store
      daily market (except Sundays) in Surrey Street is directly        Gross Frontage            54'1"
      opposite.                                                         Internal Width            48'10"
                                                                        widening to               69'0" (max)
      There are excellent transport links with the Tramlink running     Shop Depth                123'4"
      directly outside the property as well as the numerous bus &       Built Depth               169'8"
      train services providing easy access to Central London and        GIA                       Approx 12,782 sq ft¹
      other major destinations in the South East.
                                                                        VAT is payable in respect of this Lot
      Croydon has a population over 300,000 and is a major retail
      and commercial centre located some 12 miles south of              TENURE
      London and 9 miles north of the M25 (J6) via the A22.             Leasehold for a term of 999 years from completion at a
      The town is currently undergoing a substantial transformation
      spearheaded by the Croydon Partnership, a joint venture           TENANCY
      between Westfield and Hammerson which will oversee the            The property is let on a full repairing and insuring lease to
      £1 billion redevelopment of the Whitgift Centre into a new        99p Stores Ltd (now owned by Poundland Group Plc
      state-of-the art Retail and Leisure centre with over 300 shops,   having a combined total of 890 branches in the UK)
      restaurants and cafés, together with new transport                (Poundland Group Plc T/O for Y/E 29/03/2015 £1.11bn,
      infrastructure and between 400 – 600 new homes.                   Pre-Tax Profit £36.15m and Shareholders’ Funds
                                                                        £226.6m) for a term of 10 years from 13th January 2012 at a

      £280,000 p.a. rising to
                                                                        current rent of £280,000 per annum exclusive.

      £315,000 p.a. in 2017                                             Rent Review January 2017 to the higher of market rent
                                                                        or £315,000 p.a.

      The Surveyors dealing with this property are                      Note: We understand the store is being rebranded as a
      JONATHAN ROSS and STEVEN GROSSMAN                                 Poundland in 2016.
      * Refer to Point 9 in the ‘Notice to all Bidders’ page
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