Thornlie-Cockburn Link - PROJECT DEFINITION PLAN JUNE 2018 - Parliament of Western Australia

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Thornlie-Cockburn Link - PROJECT DEFINITION PLAN JUNE 2018 - Parliament of Western Australia
Thornlie-Cockburn Link
Thornlie-Cockburn Link - PROJECT DEFINITION PLAN JUNE 2018 - Parliament of Western Australia
Contents                                                                        Foreword

FOREWORD                                          1   METRONET                  First proposed in 2000, the Thornlie-Cockburn Link is Perth’s first east-west

PROJECT SNAPSHOT                                  2   partner agencies          rail connection and will help link six important strategic centres – the CBD,
                                                                                Burswood Peninsula, Canning City Centre, Canning Vale Strategic Industrial
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY                                4                              Centre, Jandakot Aviation Hub and Cockburn Central Secondary Centre.
  The Strategic Need                              4                             We need to support growing employment centres, and better connect and
  The Project                                     4                             move people. We also need to help create new opportunities for integrated
  Project Objectives                              6                             and liveable communities to meet our infill targets.
  Delivery Strategies                             6
                                                                                That is why we have established METRONET – a new approach which
  Timing                                          6
                                                                                brings transport and land use planning together to work as a team as we
1 METRONET OVERVIEW                               8          Department of      design and deliver development intensifying rail infrastructure.
2 PROJECT OVERVIEW                               10                             The Thornlie-Cockburn Link is a catalyst for redevelopment in Canning Vale
  2.1   Planning Context                         10                             with two new stations at Nicholson Road and Ranford Road and will serve
  2.2 Transport Context                          10                             the growing areas between the Armadale and Mandurah lines.
  2.3 The Project                                12                             Not only will provide a high-level of service for passengers on day one
  2.4 Land Use Integration                       13          Public Transport   of operations, it will also help to take pressure off existing stations like
3 STRATEGIC JUSTIFICATION                        16                             Thornlie, Cockburn Central and Murdoch.

  3.1   Supporting Economic Growth               16                             This Project Definition Plan is an important step in defining the project
  3.2 Supporting Metropolitan Growth             19                             scope, which will be delivered in the coming years, creating around 1,600
  3.3 Supporting Regional Growth                 19                             jobs as the railway is built.
  3.4 Addressing Transport Service Gaps          20
4 ROUTE CORRIDOR                                 22                             Hon Rita Saffioti MLA
                                                                                Minister for Transport; Planning and Lands
  4.2 Environmental Considerations               22
  4.3 Heritage Considerations                    23
  5.1   Rail Operating Strategy                  24
  5.2 Bus Operating Strategy                     24
  5.3 Infrastructure Requirements                26
6 STATIONS AND PRECINCTS                         30
  6.1   Nicholson Road Station and Precinct      32
  6.2 Ranford Road Station                       36
  6.3 Thornlie Station                           40
  6.4 Cockburn Central Station Modifications     40
  6.5 Precinct Delivery Strategy                 40
  7.1   Transport Infrastructure Cost Estimate   42
  7.2   Sources of Funds                         42
  7.3 Procurement Strategy                       42
8 IMPLEMENTATION FRAMEWORKS                      44
  8.1   Project Governance Structure             44
  8.2 Approvals                                  45
  8.5 Issues Management                          48
  8.6 Digital Engineering                        48
  8.7 Communications and Engagement              48

Thornlie-Cockburn Link - PROJECT DEFINITION PLAN JUNE 2018 - Parliament of Western Australia
Project snapshot

                                                                                                    Modifying                                                                                         Ranford

                                 11 3                                                 2
                                                                                                   Thornlie                                                         Canning                          Road and

                                                                                                   Station into a                                                                                    Karel Ave

                                                                      Access to                                                                                    River Rail

                                                                    Stadium                       through                                    Pedestrian
                                                                                                                                            crossing         Bridge                              Bridge
           km                                                       Station                       station                                                    duplication                       modifications
                                  km                     km                           new                             ‘dock-style’
                                                                                                                                             at Elliot and
        passenger rail                                                              stations                         platform at
                          relocation of           duplication                                                       Cockburn
       connecting                                                                                                                           streets
                         freight rail            of passenger                      at Nicholson
      Thornlie and                                                                                                  Central
                         lines                  rail between                      and Ranford
                                               Beckenham                          roads
                                               and Thornlie

                                 Nicholson Road Station*                                                                      Ranford Road Station*

                                                   2,350 daily boardings (2031)                                                               1,985 daily boardings (2031)

                                                 26-minute journey to Perth                                                                 29-minute journey to Perth

                                               1,000 parking bays                                                                         400 parking bays

                                              7 bus stands                                                                               12 bus stands

                                            10 u-rail and 2 bike shelters                                                              10 u-rail and 2 bike shelters

                                           Passenger toilets                                                                          Passenger toilets

                                          Lifts and stairs                                                                           Lifts and stairs
                                                                                                                                                                *Final details of station features

                                        Universal access                                                                           Universal access
                                                                                                                                                               are subject to a detailed design
                                                                                                                                                              process and may change.
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Thornlie-Cockburn Link - PROJECT DEFINITION PLAN JUNE 2018 - Parliament of Western Australia
Executive Summary

    The Strategic Need                                       population of close to 73,000, based on 2016 figures.
                                                             The population in these areas has grown by 30 per
    Perth’s population is expected to grow from 2.02         cent since 2011, accounting for around 15 per cent of
    million in 2017 to 3.5 million by 2050 (Perth and Peel   the total growth of the wider sub-region in the past
    @3.5 million).                                           five years.
    The Thornlie-Cockburn Link project straddles the
    boundaries of the Central and South Metropolitan-        The Project
    Peel sub-regions of the greater metropolitan area.
                                                             The transport infrastructure investment includes:
    Planning frameworks for both sub-regions have now
    been finalised and seek to:                              •   constructing a new 14.5 kilometre passenger
                                                                 railway from Thornlie to Cockburn Central
    •   achieve more consolidated urban form and
        development within the sub-regions;
                                                             •   duplicating three kilometres of track between
    •   meet long-term housing requirements;
                                                                 Beckenham and Thornlie stations;
    •   strengthen key employment centres, including
                                                             •   relocating 11 kilometres of freight lines;
        activity centres and industrial centres to meet
                                                             •   developing a new station at Nicholson Road
        the future needs of industry, commerce and the
                                                                 complete with station infrastructure, including
        community; and
                                                                 parking, bus interchanges, passenger amenities,
    •   provide transport linkages that connect people
                                                                 cycling facilities and standard station systems
        with key centres of activity and employment.
                                                                 to cater for around 2,350 daily boardings (2031)
    The South Metropolitan Peel sub-region covers                and offering an approximately 26 minute journey
    an area of almost 5,000 square kilometres and                to Perth;
    comprises the cities of Armadale, Cockburn, Gosnells,    •   developing a new station at Ranford Road
    Kwinana, Mandurah and Rockingham, as well as the             complete with station infrastructure, including
    shires of Murray, Serpentine–Jarrahdale and Waroona.         parking, bus interchanges, passenger amenities,
    The sub-region is expected to experience strong              cycling facilities and standard station systems to
    population growth from approximately 520,000                 cater for around 1,985 daily boardings (2031) and
    people today to over 1.2 million people by 2050. The         offering an approximately 29 minute journey to
    forecast growth is influenced by, among other things,        Perth;
    the provision of relatively affordable housing as well   •   modifying Thornlie Station into a ‘through’
    as employment and lifestyle opportunities.                   station and building a new platform at Cockburn
                                                                 Central Station;
    The project will help to ensure the growing
                                                             •   duplicating the Canning River Rail Bridge and
    population has equitable access to jobs, services and
                                                                 modifications to Ranford Road Bridge; and
    amenity, in both the Southern Metropolitan Peel and
                                                             •   constructing a footbridge at Elliot Place to
    Central sub-regions, by connecting the Mandurah
                                                                 replace the pedestrian level crossing.
    and Armadale passenger rail lines. Delivering
    Perth’s first cross-corridor passenger rail will allow   The new station precincts will be planned for longer
    people living in the southern metropolitan region to     term transit-oriented development, providing the
    access employment, health and education facilities       catalyst for land use enhancement in adjacent areas
    in Cockburn Central, Murdoch and Canning City            to promote liveability, connectivity, increased housing
    Centre; strategic commercial and industrial jobs in      diversity, improved community amenity and local
    Jandakot and Canning Vale; and major sporting and        employment opportunities.
    entertainment events at Optus Stadium and Crown
                                                             The station and supporting facility designs,
    Resort in Burswood – without needing to transfer
                                                             particularly at Nicholson Road, allows for future
    through the Perth CBD.
                                                             pedestrian connections and parking modifications to
    By introducing new stations at Ranford Road and          help integrate with the future land use.
    Nicholson Road, the project will also address growing
    public transport ‘service gap’ areas in the sub-
    region. These service gap areas cover approximately
    81 square kilometres and contain a combined

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Thornlie-Cockburn Link - PROJECT DEFINITION PLAN JUNE 2018 - Parliament of Western Australia
Project Objectives                                    Delivery Strategies                                       The project will support
    The Thornlie-Cockburn Link aims to:                   Transport Infrastructure                                 longer term redevelopment
    •   provide an improved transport alternative         The rail infrastructure outlined in this document       in the area to more
        to private vehicle transport in the South
        Metropolitan Peel sub-region to increase
                                                          will be delivered by the Public Transport
                                                          Authority (PTA). The PTA conducted a                   intensive employment
        connectivity of the network;                      detailed procurement option analysis, which           and urban development
    •   address public transport service gaps that
        exist between the existing rail corridors in
                                                          recommends the following models to deliver the
                                                          necessary work and best value for money:
                                                                                                               around Canning Vale.
        the South Metropolitan Peel sub-region; and
                                                          •   bundling the main project works for the
    •   alleviate current and future capacity
                                                              Thornlie-Cockburn Link and Yanchep Rail
        pressures on the existing rail network and
                                                              Extension, into a single Competitive Alliance
        surrounding road network in the South
        Metropolitan Peel sub-region.
                                                          •   using individual Design and Construct
    The Thornlie-Cockburn Link is the first initiative        contracts to procure appropriate enabling
    in the potential establishment of a longer term           and forward works on each site; and
    orbital rail service for Perth, which would help      •   procuring professional services using
    to improve connectivity to major centres of               standard PTA procurement processes with
    activity, employment and community services.              the option to include additional projects
                                                              based on performance.
    While in the short to medium term the station
    precincts will play an important role as transit      Station precincts
    hubs, the project will support longer term            The METRONET Office will continue to work
    redevelopment in the area to more intensive           with state agencies, local governments and the
    employment and urban development around               private sector to develop planning frameworks
    Canning Vale.                                         around Ranford Road and Nicholson Road
    The METRONET Office has completed                     stations, which enable the precincts to transition
    conceptual Thornlie-Cockburn Link Station             to mixed-use centres over time.
    Precinct planning as part of this PDP to ensure       The State Government will consider applying
    the placement and design of the new transport         state planning schemes or mechanisms to
    infrastructure maximises the surrounding              station precincts to facilitate METRONET
    area’s potential. These placement and design          outcomes. This would be in the form of an
    considerations include:                               improvement scheme administered by the
    •   locating new stations to provide the best         Western Australian Planning Commission
        available transport links, via Ranford and        (WAPC) or a redevelopment scheme managed
        Nicholson roads, to the identified service        by the State’s land development agency
        gap areas south and south-east of the new         (LandCorp/MRA).
    •   providing at-grade and grade-separated            Timing
        crossings to connect the stations and wider
        precincts, allowing safe pedestrian and cycle     Procurement for the Thornlie-Cockburn Link
        movement. This is particularly important          is expected to take up to 12 months, with
        given the major movement network                  construction beginning in 2019. During the
        corridors around both station precincts have      procurement and detailed design stage, the
        the potential to create significant barriers to   contractor will be requested to optimise their
        non-car movement;                                 construction methods and strive to achieve the
    •   locating bus transfer stations to have            Government’s target completion date in 2021.
        the least impact on pedestrian and cycle
        movement, and designing the bus transfer
        stations to complement future development;
    •   enhancing public transport connectivity
        to adjoining employment areas in Canning
        Vale through a higher frequency bus service
        between the stations.

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Thornlie-Cockburn Link - PROJECT DEFINITION PLAN JUNE 2018 - Parliament of Western Australia
1 METRONET Overview

    METRONET is the Government’s vision to               The Forrestfield-Airport Link project is well
    integrate transport and land use planning in         into construction and on track for scheduled
    Western Australia and provide a framework            completion in 2020. The Yanchep Rail Extension
    to support sustainable growth of greater             and Thornlie-Cockburn Link projects are at PDP
    metropolitan Perth over the next 50 to 100           stage and the remaining projects are in concept
    years.                                               development phase.

    More than just a rail infrastructure program,        This PDP has been prepared by the METRONET
    METRONET planning goes beyond the station            Office to document the further evaluation and
    forecourts to shape and support development          refinement of the preferred option and inform
    of communities within the surrounding walkable       an investment decision.

    The Thornlie-Cockburn Link (TCL) is one of
                                                         Figure 1: Proposed METRONET projects
    a series of METRONET projects that will add
    significant capacity to Perth’s public transport
    network. Combined, METRONET Stage 1 is                            Yanchep
    proposed to deliver approximately 72 kilometres
    of new passenger rail and up to 18 new stations,                                                               Bellevue

    which represents the single largest investment
    in public transport in Perth’s history (Figure 1).

    The following Stage One METRONET projects                                                            Airport

    will create the opportunity to transform Perth
    through an expanded rail network that will
    see urban intensification in more than 5,000
    hectares of land within METRONET station
    precincts, supporting delivery of the State’s
    metropolitan growth strategy Perth and
    •   Forrestfield–Airport Link;                                                      Link

    •   Yanchep Rail Extension;                                                                     Byford

    •   Thornlie-Cockburn Link;                                                 Karnup

    •   Morley–Ellenbrook Line;
    •   Byford Rail Extension;
    •   Karnup Station;
    •   Midland Station relocation and
        Bellevue extension;
    •   Level crossing removal on the
        Armadale and Midland lines;
    •   Automatic Train Control; and
    •   Railcar procurement.

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Thornlie-Cockburn Link - PROJECT DEFINITION PLAN JUNE 2018 - Parliament of Western Australia

     2 Project Overview                                                                                            Figure 2: Recommended TCL alignment

                                                                                                                                                                                  y                                                                      JUNCTION
                                                             2.1     Planning Context

     Connecting the Thornlie Line to the Mandurah                                                                                                                              hH

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               son R
                                                                                                                         BRENTWOOD                                           ac                   High Rd
     Line at Cockburn Central station will see Perth’s                                                                                                                     Le
                                                             Planning for the TCL is aligned with the following:

     first east-west passenger rail connection.

     This important connection not only helps                •     Central and South Metropolitan-Peel Sub-                                                                                                    PARKWOOD

     develop an efficient and sustainable metropolitan             Regional Planning Frameworks (2018)                                                                                                                                                                  THORNLIE
     transport system, it will significantly influence the         establish planning guidance for the TCL                                                                                              w
                                                                                                                                                    BULL CREEK                                         H
     way people in Perth’s South Metropolitan-Peel                 region to 2050. Both frameworks reinforce                                                                                       e
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Ro               CANNING                                   NICHOLSON RD
                                                                   the importance of the TCL to the sustained                                        South St                                                                                               STATION
     Sub Region live and move around the city.                                                                                                                                                    RANFORD RD        VALE
                                                                   growth of both the central and southern                                                                                        STATION

     The project will address three problems

                                                                   metropolitan areas.

                                                                                                                                                          Karel A

     impacting public transport in the South                                                                                                                                                                                                                               to

                                                             •     The South Metropolitan Peel Sub-Regional                                                                                                                                                              ar

                                                                                                                                                                                                             Ra                                                     t             THORNLIE

     Metropolitan-Peel Sub Region:                                 Planning Framework:                                                                                                                            rd

                                                                                                                                   Kwinana Fwy
     •   PROBLEM 1: Connectivity of the existing                   −− identifies the TCL alignment as a ‘Stage
         transport system is insufficient to cope with                1 METRONET proposal’ with stations at
                                                                      Nicholson Road and Ranford Road;

         population growth and support employment

                                                                   −− identifies Jandakot Airport as a                                                               JANDAKOT

         nodes in the region.                                                                                                                                         AIRPORT                                                                           SOUTHERN

                                                                      Specialised Centre supporting


                                                                                                                                                                                                                            o l son Rd
     •   PROBLEM 2: The radial design of the current
         passenger rail network creates service gaps                  employment growth in the region; and
         and reduces system resilience which limits                −− shows potential urban expansion and                                                              Jandak
                                                                      development at Huntingdale and Piara

         passenger mobility in the region.                                                                                                                                                d

     •   PROBLEM 3: Economic and population                           Waters, which will add further pressure on                                              COCKBURN
         growth pressures in the South Metropolitan–                  transport service gap areas.                                                            STATION

         Peel Sub-region are leading to increased                                                                                                                    Arm
                                                             •     The Central Sub-Regional Planning                                                                       ad
                                                                                                                                                                              a   le R
         congestion and crowding across the transport              Framework:                                                                                                         d

         system, adversely impacting the productivity              −− identifies South Street–Ranford Road as
         of the system.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     HARRISDALE
                                                                      an urban corridor which could potentially
                                                                      support increased housing density and
     The Thornlie-Cockburn Link (Figure 2) starts at                  diversity of land uses;                                  City Shaping Benefits                                                                                     City Serving Benefits
     Beckenham Station with the duplication of three               −− identifies Murdoch as a major Specialised
                                                                                                                               •                 The Thornlie-Cockburn Link is                                                           •            Reduces congestion and crowding on the
     kilometres of passenger rail to Thornlie Station.                Activity Centre and employment centre
                                                                                                                                                 the first initiative in the potential                                                                existing transport network and the associated
     From there, the line will continue along the                     for the southern corridor;
                                                                                                                                                 establishment of a longer term                                                                       impacts this has on productivity.
     southern half of the existing freight rail corridor,          −− identifies the Strategic Metropolitan
                                                                                                                                                 orbital rail service for Perth,                                                         •            Increases the robustness of Perth’s movement
     with 11 kilometres of freight track relocated to                 Centre at Cannington and the Secondary
                                                                                                                                                 which would help to improve                                                                          network to help cope with expected
     the northern half of the corridor. Stations at                   Activity Centre at Cockburn Central, which
                                                                                                                                                 connectivity to major centres                                                                        population growth in Perth’s South-East.
     Nicholson Road and Ranford Road will cater                       will benefit from enhanced access for
                                                                                                                                                 of activity, employment and                                                             •            Creates the foundation for addressing service
     for commuters living in the identified service                   regional employment and services through
                                                                                                                                                 community services.                                                                                  gaps through a potential longer term orbital
     gap areas, while strengthening rapid transport                   the TCL project.
                                                                                                                               •                 Is a catalyst for redevelopment                                                                      rail link, which will build further system
     access to strategic metropolitan centres such as                                                                                            to more intensive employment                                                                         resilience and improve passenger mobility in
     Cannington and Cockburn Central.                        2.2 Transport Context                                                               and urban development around                                                                         the ‘middle ring’ suburbs.
                                                                                                                                                 Canning Vale.                                                                           •            Frees capacity at Thornlie Station, which is
     The 14.5 kilometre passenger line will then travel      The Thornlie-Cockburn Link was first proposed
                                                                                                                               •                 Supports the development of                                                                          currently one of the busiest stations on the
     through the existing Glen Iris tunnel and continue      in the South West Metropolitan Railway Master
                                                                                                                                                 Stage 2 of the Murdoch Health                                                                        Armadale Line, carrying 9.3% of all average
     to a new dock-style platform at Cockburn Central.       Plan (April 2000). In July 2001, the then State
                                                                                                                                                 and Knowledge Precinct.                                                                              weekday boardings.
                                                             Government announced a major change in the
     The project will support growth and accessibility
                                                             route to follow the alignment of the Kwinana
     across the southern suburbs by providing direct
                                                             Freeway. However, at this time a spur line from
     access to employment, education and recreation
                                                             Beckenham Station to Thornlie was constructed
     opportunities. It will also create new opportunities
                                                             and future-proofing included to eventually extend
     for integrated, liveable communities and improve
                                                             this spur line to connect to the Mandurah Line.
     access to employment in the areas surrounding
     the stations at Nicholson Road and Ranford Road.

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Thornlie-Cockburn Link - PROJECT DEFINITION PLAN JUNE 2018 - Parliament of Western Australia
•   Maintenance and support facilities – additional       In the medium-to-longer term, the stations will be
                                                                                                                              railcar maintenance and stabling facilities are not   a catalyst for change in their immediate vicinity,
                                                                                                                              required. Additional buses can be stowed at the       encouraging the transformation of underutilised
                                                                                                                              existing Canning Vale Depot.                          urban and industrial land into new transit-oriented
                                                                                                                          •   Principal Shared Paths (PSP) – new local              precincts featuring:
                                                                                                                              connections into the existing PSP network
                                                    In the medium-to-longer term,                                             to provide suitable access to the stations at
                                                                                                                                                                                    •   a diversity of housing, including medium-to-high
                                                                                                                                                                                        density around the stations;
                                                   the stations will be a catalyst                                            Nicholson and Ranford roads.
                                                                                                                                                                                    •   high-amenity public spaces leading into and
                                                  for change in their immediate                                           2.3.3 Non-Asset Investment                                    around the stations;
                                                                                                                                                                                    •   greater diversity of land use at key locations to
                                                 vicinity,encouraging the                                                 Outside of this project scope is non-asset investment
                                                                                                                                                                                        provide increased amenity and local economic
                                                transformation of underutilised
                                                                                                                          in travel demand management (TDM) initiatives,
                                                                                                                                                                                        activity, including office, retail, cafes and
                                                                                                                          which are designed to optimise patronage of the new
                                               urban and industrial land into                                             rail service and overcome barriers to uptake, such as
                                                                                                                                                                                        the transformation of existing industrial areas
                                               new transit-oriented precincts.                                            the low cost of parking, low congestion levels and
                                                                                                                          lower urban density in the TCL catchment area.
                                                                                                                                                                                        close to the stations into contemporary, smart,
                                                                                                                                                                                        high-amenity and intensive employment zones;
                                                                                                                          2.4 Land Use Integration                                  •   the opportunity for local, high-frequency
                                                                                                                          Following an integrated transport and land use                public transport linking Nicholson Road and
                                                                                                                          planning (ITLUP) approach, the METRONET Office                Ranford Road stations through the Canning Vale
     2.3 The Project                                          2.3.2 Asset Investment
                                                                                                                          has undertaken a preliminary evaluation of all                employment area.
                                                              Key infrastructure components include:                      proposed station precincts to identify opportunities
     2.3.1 Operations
                                                              •   Stations –                                              for integrated land use development. The evaluation
     On day one of services, the Thornlie-Cockburn
                                                                  −− Nicholson Road – a new railway station               included:
     Link is expected to have approximately 12,225 daily
                                                                     and bus interchange with bus passenger               •   baseline analysis of existing precinct character
     boardings growing to about 17,425 in 2031. To meet
                                                                     transfer, drop-off area, walk on/cycle transfers,        and latent development potential;
     peak demand Armadale/Thornlie line services will
                                                                     approximately 1,000 car parking bays and             •   identification of future precinct typologies and
     operate at 12 trains per hour (TPH) – using four-car A
                                                                     active mode facilities.                                  land use characteristics;
     series trains; eight on the Armadale Line and four on
                                                                  −− Ranford Road – a new railway station and             •   assessment of market profile and demand for
     the Thornlie Line when services commence.
                                                                     bus interchange with bus passenger transfer,             future land uses; and
     With the Government’s commitment to replace the                 drop-off area, walk on/cycle transfers,              •   prioritisation of station precincts for planning/
     A-Series with higher-capacity six-car railcars, the             approximately 400 parking bays and active                development intervention.
     same operating patterns could be maintained until               mode facilities.
     2031 subject to other future investment, including           −− Thornlie Station – upgrade and modification          In the short term the Thornlie-Cockburn Link’s new
     platform lengthening.                                           of the existing station to allow it to function as   station precincts at Nicholson Road and Ranford
                                                                     a ‘through’ station to Cockburn Central.             Road will principally support access to the new
     Though Thornlie, Nicholson Road, Ranford Road and
                                                                  −− Cockburn Central Station – extension of the          rail service, including parking and bus transfer
     Cockburn Central stations will have six-car platforms,
                                                                     existing island platform to service a third          facilities, and improved cycle and pedestrian links to
     extending platforms at existing stations along the
                                                                     ‘dead end’ line to be added between the              surrounding residential and employment areas.
     Armadale Line is outside this project scope, and not
                                                                     existing Mandurah Lines.
     required to support initial demand on the Thornlie-
     Cockburn Link, similar to other works that may be        •   Railway infrastructure – relocating 11 kilometres
     necessary to meet longer term demand on this line.           of freight railway within the rail corridor, 14.5
                                                                  kilometres of new dual-passenger rail track, plus
     New and amended bus services will support and
                                                                  a three kilometre duplication of the existing
     complement the rail operations, with 12 new buses
                                                                  Thornlie Spur. The track structure and gauge
     to be purchased outside of this project scope to
                                                                  will be consistent with the existing Thornlie and
     cater for the expanded network. Some bus services
                                                                  Mandurah lines.
     will be redirected from Thornlie Station to the new
                                                              •   Bridge crossings – duplicating the Canning
     Nicholson Road Station and a new route introduced
                                                                  River Rail Bridge on the south-east side of the
     linking Nicholson Road Station with Maddington
                                                                  existing bridge, a footbridge to replace the
     Station. Given its location along an existing high-
                                                                  existing pedestrian level crossing between
     frequency bus corridor, all passing services will be
                                                                  Cameron Street and Elliot Place, modifying the
     diverted into Ranford Road Station, with a number
                                                                  southbound Ranford Road traffic bridge to
     of services extended to and some lower demand
                                                                  accommodate the four-track arrangement for
     services truncated and terminated at the station.
                                                                  TCL, and an additional span for Karel Avenue
                                                                  Bridge to accommodate clearances for two extra
                                                                  passenger lines.

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Figure 3: METRONET ITLUP approach

         Station        A detailed analysis of each precinct using Western Australia’s Integrated Land Information
         precinct       Database (ILID) and site verification identified latent land use potential that can be realised
                        through transport infrastructure investment. This analysis will inform the integrated land use
         analysis       plans for each precinct.

         Precincts      To facilitate the proper application of existing policy and address gaps to deliver optimal
          policy        outcomes, the METRONET Office developed a policy framework to inform planning, design
                        and assessment approaches to integrate transit within precincts. The policy operates on three
                        •   Station precinct typologies: a system-wide approach to identifying the long-term role,
                            function and form of stations and precincts. The Station Precinct Typology Framework
                            provides an overview of the expected long-term outcome for each station precinct,
                            covering development intensity, optimal land use mix, urban design considerations,
                            infrastructure investment and operational requirements.
                        •   Precinct design: addresses the wider approach to integration of transit within new
                            or existing centres, it details land use, built form, movement network and landscape
                            considerations in advance of the Design WA Precinct Policy being finalised.
                        •   Station design: addresses the design of the transit infrastructure and immediate
                            environment within the wider precinct context.

          Station       In collaboration with local governments, state government planning and land development
         precinct       agencies and private landowners, existing structure plans are being reviewed and new
                        plans developed for METRONET precincts. These plans are being prepared to align with
         planning       METRONET projects.

         Economic       To best consider the scale of land development for METRONET projects, SGS Economics &
        and market      Planning was commissioned to assess the greater Perth land development market to:
        assessment      •   model anticipated absorption rates across land use sectors;
                        •   identify station precincts that should be targeted for early intervention;
                        •   confirm which of the new precincts should be made ‘planning ready’ for market
                            responsive development over time; and
                        •   identify likely development staging timeframes.

       Infrastructure   The METRONET Office will be working with the WAPC’s Infrastructure Coordinating
        coordination    Committee and the new Infrastructure WA to ensure cross-government coordination and
                        the timely delivery of services to support the staged delivery of METRONET transport
                        infrastructure and station precincts. The State Government’s netVIEW platform is being used
                        to coordinate short, medium and long-term infrastructure requirements.

       Planning and     Along with transport infrastructure investment, planning and development certainty is
       development      essential to stimulate investment in METRONET station precincts and clarify future land use
                        expectations. To optimise the benefit and return from the METRONET investment in public
         certainty      transport infrastructure, the METRONET Taskforce has confirmed that State intervention may
                        be required to achieve planning and development certainty. The State Government has two
                        legislative models available depending on the level of intervention required:
                        •   Redevelopment Areas and Schemes under the Metropolitan Redevelopment Authority
                            Act 2011; and
                        •   Improvement Plans and Schemes under the Planning and Development Act 2005.
                        The METRONET Office is reviewing each station precinct to recommend the preferred
                        planning and development model.

          Early         To deliver early development activity, amenity around new stations and improve passenger
        activation      comfort and experience, METRONET is developing strategies to provide a focus for local
                        community development and potentially catalyzing early private sector investment. The
                        METRONET Office is working with landowners to determine the necessary infrastructure and
                        development pre-conditions that will support the start of station operations.

14                                                                                                                        15
Thornlie-Cockburn Link - PROJECT DEFINITION PLAN JUNE 2018 - Parliament of Western Australia
3 Strategic Justification                                                                                                             Perth is strategically located
                                                                                                                                          as a key international gateway
                                                                                                                                          between Australia, Asia
                                                                                                                                         and the Indian Ocean rim.
     The Thornlie-Cockburn Link supports Western            3.1      Supporting Economic Growth
     Australia on an economic, metropolitan and
     regional level, providing:                             Perth is strategically located as a key international
                                                            gateway between Australia, Asia and the Indian
     •   Public transport benefits                          Ocean rim. Sharing the same time zone with major
         −− Public transport travel time savings – from     international cities including Shanghai, Singapore
            a reduction in the time spent on public         and Hong Kong provides Perth with a distinct
            transport journeys.                             advantage over Australia’s other capital cities,
         −− Increase in public transport fare revenue –     making it an attractive option for foreign investors.
            from new public transport users.
         −− Crowding – the project reduces crowding on      Perth contributed approximately $150 billion to the
            bus services and on the northern section of     national economy in 2015/16, corresponding to an
            the Mandurah Line.                              average GDP per capita of approximately $72,000,
         −− Improved amenity – public transport             roughly four per cent above the Australian
            users will make use of new train stations       average. Between 1991 and 2016, Western Australia
            and travel on new railcars, which has an        increased its Gross State Product, outperforming
            improved amenity over travelling on a bus       Australia as a whole in 20 out of these 26 years2.
            service accessed via a road side bus stop.      During the mining investment boom from 2002
         −− Benefit of travel demand management –           to 2012, the economy grew significantly through
            encouraging more people to use public           investment activity flowing from outside the State
            transport over and above the level that         and has seen a corresponding peak in population
            would use the new stations.                     growth and demand for housing (Figure 4). At
     •   Road user benefits                                 the same time there was significant investment in
         −− Road user travel time savings – from a          promoting the City’s profile for retaining a globally
            reduction in the amount of road travel due      qualified workforce, highlighted by significant
            to the switch towards public transport          investment in the city centre.
            travel.                                         The Thornlie-Cockburn Link core benefit cost ratio
         −− Reduction in unperceived road vehicle           is 1.2, increasing to 1.7 including WEBs.
            operating costs – the reduction in car travel
            also has resource cost savings, some of
            which are unperceived.
         −− Road crash cost savings – a reduction in the    2
                                                             ‘Perth as a Resilient Economy’, Committee for Perth and
            level of car travel, reduces road crashes.      the University of Western Australia, November 2017

     •   Second round transport benefits – Over the
         longer term, by 2031, the project is believed to
         result in population redistribution towards the
         new stations, as people choose to live in closer                                                              Figure 4: Perth’s Population and forecasted population, 1988-2026
         proximity to transport nodes that reduce their
         travel time. This adds to the public transport                                                                3500000
                                                                                                                       3250000                                                                     Mining Production                         Forecast
         and road user benefits.                                                                                                                                                                    Phase (2013-2016)                        (2017-2036)
                                                                                                                       2750000                                                                           CAGR: 0.9%                         CAGR: 1.8%
     •   Wider economic benefits                                                                                       2500000                                                Mining Investment
         −− Agglomeration benefits – from productivity                                                                 2250000                                                 Phase (2002-2012)
                                                                                                                                       Pre Mining Investment
            benefits of firms being closer to markets                                                                  2000000
                                                                                                                                          Phase (1991-2001)                        CAGR: 2.6%
         −− Imperfect competition – productivity gains                                                                 1750000
                                                                                                                       1500000                 CAGR: 1.5%
            from greater competition, induced through                                                                  1250000
            improvement in accessibility.                                                                              1000000



                                                                                                                       Source: Historical data (1988-2016) Australian Bureau of Statistics (2017) Cat No 3218.0 – Regional Population Growth, Australia, 2016, accessed
16                                                                                                                     1/12/2017; Forecasts*: Based on the assumption that Perth will reach 3.5 million people by 2050 as outlined in Perth and Peel@3.5million           17
Figure 5: METRONET alignment with metropolitan growth strategies                                                                                                    To remain one of Australia’s leading capital cities      3.3 Supporting Regional Growth
                                                                                                                                                                           and a key international gateway, Perth must continue
                                                                                                                                                                           to invest in essential infrastructure that supports      The Thornlie-Cockburn Link area includes a mix
                                          VISION                                                                                                                                                                                    of established suburbs, such as Canning Vale and
                                                                                                                                                                           continued economic productivity and attracts
                                                                                                                                                                           international investment.                                Thornlie, and developing suburbs such as Southern
                                               Perth and                       Perth and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    River, Harrisdale and Piara Waters.
                                             Peel@3.5million                Peel@3.5million
                                                                              - Transport               METRONET, as a program of projects,                                3.2 Supporting Metropolitan Growth                       These areas are experiencing significant population
                                                                                Strategy                will create the opportunity to transform                                                                                    growth due to the availability of urban zoned
                                                                                                                                                                           The State Government’s growth strategy, Perth and
                                                                                                        Perth through an expanded urban                                                                                             land and continuing demand for affordable land,
                                                                                                                                                                           Peel @3.5 million, estimates the greater metropolitan
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    particularly from young families. This growth is
                                         When Perth reaches a               A vibrant, connected        rail network to support connected                                  population will increase from 2.02 million in 2017 to
                                         population of 3.5 million          and productive Perth                                                                                                                                    expected to continue (Table 1) as large undeveloped
                                         people, it will continue to be     will need a transport       communities and opportunities for                                  3.5 million by 2050. To accommodate this projected
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    areas have approved structure plans in place, which
                                         an innovative 21st century city    network.
                                                                                                        business and jobs to grow.                                         population growth, and to protect lifestyle values
                                         delivering distinctive Western                                                                                                                                                             will guide and coordinate further urban development
                                                                                                                                                                           into the future, the strategy is focussed on creating
                                         Australian lifestyle choices and                                                                                                                                                           over the coming years
                                         global opportunities.                                                                                                             a connected city that is liveable, prosperous and
                                                                                                                                                                           collaborative, linking metropolitan centres with         Table 1: Projected population growth in the
                                          OBJECTIVES                                                                                                                       priority transport.                                      Thornlie-Cockburn Line area
                                                                                                                                                                           The companion strategy, Perth and Peel @3.5million        Description                2016             2021             2031
                                         Prosperous: A city that            Maintains a safe,

                                                                                                       METRONET                        Program Benefits                    - Transport Strategy, seeks to create an integrated                             Population       Population       Population
                                         capitalises on technology and      productive freeway
                                         innovation to deliver a strong,    and arterial road          Objectives                                                          transport network that:
                                         competitive economy; efficient     network for the                                                                                                                                          Ranford Road
                                         infrastructure; and an engaged     efficient distribution                                                                         •   focuses on connecting centres and encourages          and Nicholson
                                         community and will become          of people and                                                                                                                                                                        61,632          65,073            65,951
                                                                                                     Economic growth          •   Maximise economic development                transit-oriented development that provides for all    Road stations
                                         a destination of choice for        freight.
                                         skilled migrants and business                                                            and employment growth around                 modes of transport;                                   core areas
                                                                                                     Support economic
                                         investment from around the                                                               stations                                 •   prioritises active and public transport to meet
                                                                                                     growth with better
                                         globe.                                                      connected businesses
                                                                                                                              •   Improve accessibility to employment
                                                                                                                                                                               the significant increase in travel demand that        Wider TCL
                                                                                                                                  by public transport                                                                                                          139,703           180,011         219,885
                                                                                                     and greater access                                                        population growth will generate; and                  catchment
                                                                                                                              •   Improve productivity
                                                                                                     to jobs.
                                                                                                                                                                           •   maximises opportunities for integrated land use       Total                     201,335         245,084          285,836
                                         Liveable: A city with an           Delivers high            Strong connected         •   Support vibrant communities by               development to occur.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Source: PwC analysis; Department of Planning MLUFS output, April 2017.
                                         enviable quality of life           frequency, ‘turn up      communities                  optimising public and active transport
                                         characterised by a community       and go’ mass rapid                                    options, connecting the natural
                                                                                                     Facilitate the
                                         which is diverse and inclusive;    transit connected                                     environment and places of interest       The METRONET program aligns with the strategic
                                         engaged and creative; safe         with effective public    development of               and minimising community severance
                                                                                                     great places to                                                       objectives of Perth and Peel @3.5million and its
                                         and healthy.                       transport feeder                                  •   Plan for improved housing diversity,
                                                                            services.                live and work with           affordable living and engaged            supporting transport strategy (Figure 5). Each
                                         Connected: A well serviced,                                 improved transport           creative communities                     METRONET project supports shaping of Perth into a
                                         accessible and connected city      Provides a safe,         accessibility,           •   Require enhanced amenity and
                                         with strong regional, national     connected active         housing affordability                                                 more compact urban form, while serving the existing
                                                                                                                                  comfort in station precincts that
                                         and international links. People    transport network        and diversity; and           supports Perth’s enviable quality        structure of the city in a more sustainable and
                                         will be able to move freely        of primarily off-road    enhanced levels of           of life                                  responsible way.
                                         around the city via a choice of    cycleways and            comfort and amenity.     •   Delivers high frequency mass rapid
                                         efficient transport modes.         walkways.                                             transit connected with effective
                                                                                                                                  feeder services

                                         Sustainable: Perth will            Optimises use of the     Sustainable              •   Reduce environmental footprint
                                         responsibly manage its             existing network.        development                  through the efficient use of land
                                         ecological footprint and                                                                 and the promotion of sustainable
                                         live within its environmental                               Planning for Perth’s         transport modes
                                         constraints, while improving                                future growth by         •   Minimise the use of public funds
                                         our connection with and
                                         enjoyment of the natural
                                                                                                     making the best use
                                                                                                     of our resources and
                                                                                                                                  required for the capital and operating
                                                                                                                                  costs while maximising revenue
                                                                                                                                                                                          These areas are
                                         environment.                                                funding.
                                                                                                                                  sources such as value capture
                                                                                                                                  Identify opportunities for early
                                                                                                                                                                                         experiencing significant
                                                                                                                                  intervention to catalyse development                   population growth due to
                                         Collaborative: Government,         Integrates with land     The METRONET             From day one of planning, this team                       the availability of urban
                                         business and the community         use and across the       office brings together   interweaves these skills and knowledge
                                                                                                                                                                                       zoned land and continuing

                                         will collaborate to progress the   public transport,        people from across       to plan and design stage one projects,
                                         aims and objectives of the city
                                         as a whole.
                                                                            active transport and
                                                                            road networks.
                                                                                                     Government to
                                                                                                     represent transport,
                                                                                                                              ready for investment. Once in
                                                                                                                              construction and delivery, the team will
                                                                                                                                                                                      demand for affordable
                                                                                                     rail, land use,
                                                                                                     development, housing
                                                                                                                              be the champion of each project’s vision
                                                                                                                              and objectives and monitor the project’s
                                                                                                                                                                                     land, particularly from
                                                                                                     and economic
                                                                                                     development planning.
                                                                                                                              implementation.                                       young families.

18                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           19
Figure 6: Location of the service gap areas

                                                                      CANNING BRIDGE                                                                                          Cannington                                      SERVICE GAP AREA
                                                                                                                                                CANNINGTON                                                                    EXISTING RAIL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              THORNLIE - COCKBURN LINK
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Kenwick           EXISTING STATIONS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              PROPOSED STATIONS

                           BULL CREEK                                                   y                                                                                                                              MADDINGTON

                           STATION                                                    Hw               High Rd

                                                                                                                                                       lson R
                                                                                  h                                                                                                                                    STATION                             N
            Booragoon                                                         Le

                                                                                                                                                                                         STATION                         Maddington
                                     c h Dr

                                                                Bull Creek

                                                             MURDOCH                                                                  Roe Hwy




                                                                                                                                                                      NICHOLSON RD

                                                                                                              er      Canning Vale                                    STATION
                                                                                   South St              n
                     Murdoch                                                                           Ba
                                              Kwinana Fwy



                    Mu                                                                                                                                                                     nt


                                                                                                                  Ra                                                                           gd
                                                                                                                                                                                                 ale                    Gosnells

                           Dr                                                                                       nfo

                                                                                                                       rd                                                                              Rd
                                                            Leeming                                RANFORD RD
                                                                                                   STATION                                               Rd                       Rd
                                                                                                                                                     ell                      n              Huntingdale

                                                                                                                                                   pb                     ar
                                                                                                                                                 am                      W


                                                                                                                                                                   Southern River

                                                                                                                           Canning Vale


       Bibra Lake




                                                                            a ko

                                                                                   t Rd


                                                                                                                                                                                       Southern River



                                                                  CENTRAL STATION

                           Arm                                                                                                                                   Harrisdale
                               a    dal
                                                                                                                      Piara Waters

                                                                                                                                                          Armadale Rd
                                                                      AUBIN GROVE


     3.4 Addressing Transport Service                                                                                                             total growth of the wider sub-region in the past five
         Gaps                                                                                                                                     years. These areas (Figure 6) include:

     In the South Metropolitan–Peel Sub-region, the                                                                                               •               Canning Vale – East;
     passenger rail network has two separate lines linking                                                                                        •               Canning Vale – West;
     the Perth CBD to Armadale in the south-east and                                                                                              •               Forrestdale–Harrisdale;
     Mandurah in the south-west. Rapid urban growth                                                                                               •               Piara Waters; and
     has resulted in new areas being developed that are                                                                                           •               Huntingdale–Southern River.
     physically separated from existing passenger rail                                                                                            The Thornlie-Cockburn Link will provide a much
     corridors, creating public transport ‘service gap                                                                                            need public transport service to these gap areas,
     areas’ in the region.                                                                                                                        improving access for local residents to jobs, services
     These service gap areas cover approximately                                                                                                  and amenity.
     81 square kilometres and contain a combined
     population of 72,730, based on 2016 figures. The
     population in these areas has grown by 30 per cent
     since 2011, accounting for around 15 per cent of the

20                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             21
4 Route Corridor
                                                                                                                         Figure 7: Environmental Constraints


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         BECKENHAM JUNCTION

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Canning                             KENWICK
                                                                                                                              N                                                                                   y

                                                                                                                                                             BRENTWOOD                                          Hw                                                                        River                               STATION

                                                                                                                                                             BULL CREEK
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Le                                                                                                                          MADDINGTON

                                                                                                                                                             STATION                                                                                                                 Tom                                            STATION
                                                                                                                               LEGEND                                                                                                                                                Bateman
                                                                                                                                  Existing PTA track                                                                                                                                                                                   THORNLIE
     The Thornlie-Cockburn Link will follow the existing       Every opportunity is made to avoid, minimise or                    alignment
     Thornlie spur line, south of Beckenham through            rehabilitate as much as possible.                                  Proposed PTA                                     BULL CREEK
                                                                                                                                  track alignment                                                                                 w
     the existing Kenwick Tunnel under Albany Highway

                                                                                                                                  Single line track -                                                                       Ro                                                            NICHOLSON RD
                                                               Key environmental issues identified for the Thornlie-              duplicated
                                                                                                                                                           MURDOCH                 South St                                                   CANNING                                     STATION
     and across the Canning River to Thornlie Station.                                                                                                     STATION                                                           RANFORD RD         VALE
                                                               Cockburn Link include:                                             Existing station                                                                           STATION
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Rd                                                          GOSNELLS
     An additional three kilometres of track will be

                                                                                                                                                        MURDOCH                                                                                                   n

                                                                                                                                                                                        Karel A
                                                                                                                                  Proposed station                                                                                                            o                                                                   STATION

     constructed to duplicate the line along the route.

                                                               •   clearing of conservation significant vegetation,



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Ra                                                          t

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        nfo                                                                                             STATION
                                                                   including:                                                     Development
     No modifications will be required to the Kenwick                                                                             envelope
                                                               •   some areas of Banksia Woodlands of the Swan                                                                                            Ken Hurst           Reserve
     tunnel, however the Canning River rail bridge will be                                                                        Bush forever                                                            Park
                                                                   Coastal Plain;                                                 areas

     duplicated for the new passenger railway.

                                                                                                                                                                     Kwinana Fwy

                                                                                                                                  Swan River Trust

                                                               •   vegetation within Bush Forever areas;


                                                                                                                                  control area
     Thornlie Station was designed to accommodate the          •   black cockatoo habitat;                                                                                                           JANDAKOT
                                                                                                                                  Parks and
     future Thornlie-Cockburn Link and will be converted       •   wetlands of the Swan Coastal Plain.                            recreation zoning
     into a through station. From here the route will          •   disturbance of a contaminated site;                                                                                                       ko
                                                                                                                                                                                                               t    Rd
     continue in the roughly 30 to 40 metre wide rail          •   localised impacts to neighbouring residential                                                                                                                                                                                                              y

     corridor running south-west to a proposed station at          areas from noise and vibration.

                                                                                                                                                        COCKBURN CENTRAL                                                                                                                                         To
     Nicholson Road. Along this section, the pedestrian                                                                                                 STATION
                                                               METRONET and the PTA will continue to work closely                                                                                        ale
     level crossing between Cameron Street and Elliot
                                                               with the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA)
     Place will be removed and replaced with a pedestrian                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 HARRISDALE
                                                               and other State and Commonwealth environmental
     footbridge.                                                                                                         design phase of the project to finalise the design and                                                          disturbance to Aboriginal heritage sites will be
                                                               agencies to adequately identify and assess the
                                                                                                                         location of noise walls.                                                                                        minimal and that the proposed railway extension
     From Nicholson Road Station, the track will continue      environmental values of the area and further refine
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         will have benefits for the general community.
     under Ranford Road Bridge to the proposed Ranford         the project’s footprint.                                  The operational noise and vibration assessment was
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Their support is conditional on the following
     Road Station.                                                                                                       referred to the DWER for technical review in early
                                                               4.2.3   Noise and Vibration                                                                                                                                               recommendations:
                                                                                                                         2018. Feedback received was generally supportive of
     Finally, the route will continue under Karel Avenue
                                                               Without appropriate mitigations the Thornlie-             the assessment and its recommendations.                                                                         •         the requirement to submit a Section 18
     through the Glen Iris Tunnel, which was constructed
                                                               Cockburn Link construction and operation is likely to                                                                                                                               application for the Canning River Crossing and
     as part of upgrades to the Kwinana Freeway. The                                                                     Construction noise and vibration will be required to
                                                               increase noise and vibration impacts for surrounding                                                                                                                                Nicholson Road Station (potential wetland site)
     extension will come up between the Mandurah                                                                         comply with the Environmental Protection (Noise)
                                                               residents, who already experience some impact from                                                                                                                                  (completed);
     Line and become a single spur just to the north of                                                                  Regulations 1997, in order to minimise impacts to the
                                                               the existing freight railway. For major redevelopments                                                                                                                    •         the submission of a Heritage Information
     Cockburn Central Station where an additional dock-                                                                  amenity of the community.
                                                               within an existing rail corridor, State Planning Policy                                                                                                                             Submission Form to the DPLH in respect of the
     style platform will be provided to terminate the route.
                                                               5.4 – Road and Rail Transport Noise and Freight           4.2.4 Light                                                                                                               wetland area at Nicholson Road;
                                                               Considerations in Land Use Planning (2009) (SPP5.4)                                                                                                                       •         in view of the possibility of encountering
     4.2 Environmental Considerations                          requires mitigation measures to be considered which
                                                                                                                         Any light overspill which may impact on the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Aboriginal cultural material, Aboriginal monitors
                                                                                                                         surrounding properties due to the project will be
                                                               take into account the:                                                                                                                                                              should be engaged to be on-site when initial
     4.2.1 Regional Setting                                                                                              assessed during the final detailed design stage to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ground disturbance associated with the project
     The Thornlie-Cockburn Link is located on the Swan         •   existing transport noise levels;                      ensure compliance with AS/NZ 1158: 2005 – Lighting
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   works is taking place.
     Coastal Plain, which is low-lying and mainly woodland     •   likely change in noise emissions resulting from       for Roads and Public Spaces (including car parks)
     with a complex series of seasonal wetlands. The               the proposal; and                                     and AS 4282: 1997 – Control of the Obtrusive Effects                                                            4.3.2 European Heritage
     average annual rainfall is in the order of 800mm per      •   nature and scale of the works and the potential       of Outdoor Lighting.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         The Heritage Council of Western Australia’s database
     year, with most of the rainfall received during the           for noise amelioration.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         did not identify any state heritage places located
     winter months between June and August.
                                                               An operational noise and vibration assessment was         4.3 Heritage Considerations                                                                                     within the project area.
     4.2.2 Environmental considerations                        conducted in 2017, and recommended a combination
                                                                                                                         4.3.1 Aboriginal Heritage                                                                                       The Register of National Estate is a list of heritage
                                                               of four-metre high noise walls and anti-vibration
     State Government takes its environmental obligations                                                                The Department of Aboriginal Affairs (DAA) heritage                                                             places that were protected under the EPBC Act.
                                                               ballast matting under both the freight and passenger
     very seriously.                                                                                                     inquiry database identified one registered Aboriginal                                                           The register closed in 2007 and listed places are no
                                                               lines to reduce noise and vibration to the same or a
                                                                                                                         heritage site within the project area, located at the                                                           longer protected under the Act. Three sites listed
     METRONET will play a key role in meeting Perth’s          lessor level than the existing situation.
                                                                                                                         Canning River (Site number 3538).                                                                               in this archival register were identified as being
     future growth by connecting people in a sustainable                                                                                                                                                                                 potentially impacted by the project footprint:
                                                               Three community workshops with landowners
     way by providing an environmentally friendly                                                                        An additional Aboriginal heritage survey identified a
                                                               sharing a boundary with the rail reserve were held
     transport option.                                                                                                   potential new heritage site, associated with a small                                                            Ken Hurst Park and Adjacent Areas (ID 100375);
                                                               in December 2017 to discuss the project’s early
                                                               recommendations for noise and vibration mitigation,       wetland, at Nicholson Road Station. This potential                                                              1.        Brixton Street and Associated Wetlands (ID
     Infrastructure projects require land to build them
                                                               given the need to balance mitigation and local            site has been referred to the Department of Planning,                                                                     19538); and
     on, and while every effort is made to construct
                                                               amenity impacts. Overall support was received for         Lands and Heritage (DPLH) for investigation.                                                                    2.        Jandakot Airport Area (ID 18051).
     new transport facilities in established corridors,
     sometimes this is not practical.                          the recommended mitigation measures. Further              Whadjuk representatives have given their conditional                                                            Consideration should be given to reducing any
                                                               consultation will be necessary during the detailed        support for the project, on the grounds that
22                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       impacts to these sites by the project.                                                                    23
5 Transport Operations                                                                                              Figure 8: Current Arc Infrastructure track design

       and Infrastructure

                                                                                                                         South-Western Boundary

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      North-Western Boundary
                                                                                                                                                                          15.9                                         4.46                                   19.64

                                                                                                                                                                                                        Existing Freight    Existing Freight
                                                                                                                                                                                                           UP Track            ON Track

     5.1     Rail Operating Strategy                            service frequencies on some alignments, such as
                                                                Ranford Road to Murdoch Station and the Murdoch
     5.1.1   Day One Service Frequency                          Activity Centre precinct, and direct links to the
     Upon opening, the recommended service patterns for         Cannington activity centre via Nicholson Road.
     the extended Thornlie Line are very similar to those       Bus services currently run between Murdoch Station
     currently operating, so integration of these services is   and either Maddington, Thornlie or Cannington
     not envisaged to cause timetabling issues.                 train stations, as well as from Bull Creek Station to
     Morning peak on day one of services will require 12        Cannington Station.
                                                                                                                                                     Existing APA
     trains per hour (TPH) – eight on the Armadale Line                                                                                              Gas Main
                                                                5.2.1 Day One Service Frequency                                                      (location varies)                                                                                                          Existing ATCO
     and four on the TCL – to meet passenger demand.                                                                                                                         Existing BP Oil Pipeline                                                                              Gas Mains
                                                                                                                                                                                 (location varies)
     This is based on using existing four-car A-Series          A comprehensive feeder bus service is integral to                                                                                                                                                               (location varies)

     trains.                                                    the project’s success and new routes will be required
                                                                to service the new rail stations and support regional                                                                INDICATIVE TYPICAL CROSS SECTION - EXISTING
     5.1.2 2031 Service Frequency                               travel patterns.                                                                                                   LOOKING TOWARDS KWINANA (WK 18km to WK 30km)
     With retirement of the A-Series trains expected to         The success of the Joondalup and Mandurah lines
     begin around 2026, the three-car B-Series trains                                                                    Figure 9: Proposed TCL and Arc Infrastructure track design
                                                                demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed
     (currently used on the Mandurah and Joondalup              model, with feeder bus routes operating between
     lines) will be moved to the Thornlie-Cockburn Link.        train stations. Each bus route ‘loops’ between two
     The existing signalling capacity on the Thornlie and       train stations and formalised bus–train connections
     Armadale lines is approximately 15-16 TPH. Based on        are arranged at the train station closest to Perth, as                             Boundary                                                                                                                             Boundary
                                                                this is the direction in which most passengers travel.                            Rail reserve                                                                                                                         Rail reserve
     PTA’s longer term planning, three-car B-Series trains                                                                                                                                        PERTH                    BYFORD

     could meet demand in 2031 with the introduction of         An indicative bus operating strategy has been
     Automatic Train Control (ATC).                             developed to identify bus rolling stock and service                               Services          Access      V-Drain                                                                                             V-Drain
                                                                                                                                                   Zone              Track
                                                                kilometres needed for day one of operations and the
     5.1.3 Rolling Stock Requirements
                                                                ultimate network when development has progressed.
     Three six-car trains are required to reallocate rolling
     stock within the existing railcar fleet to operate the     Final service details will be determined 12-18 months                                                                         Passenger                Passenger                    Freight      Freight
                                                                                                                                                                                              Down Main                 Up Main                     Up Main     Down Main
     extended Thornlie Line. These are being delivered          before operations begin following detailed planning
     under the METRONET Railcar Program.                        and community consultation to ensure the bus                                            Oil                   Drainage                                                   Common                                Drainage
                                                                                                                                                      Pipeline             Infrastructure                                                Boundary                           Infrastructure
                                                                network best aligns with local development and
     5.1.4 Rolling Stock Maintenance and Stabling               community needs.
                                                                                                                                                                          TYPICAL SECTION WITH SIGNALS AND LOC (ON ARC CORRIDOR)
     It is not envisaged that additional rolling stock
     maintenance and stabling facilities will be required to
     support initial operations on the Thornlie-Cockburn

     5.2 Bus Operating Strategy
                                                                                                                                                   Boundary                                                                                                                             Boundary
                                                                                                                                                  Rail reserve                                                                                                                         Rail reserve
                                                                                                                                                                                                  PERTH                    BYFORD

     5.2.1 Current Bus Services
                                                                                                                                                  Services          Access
     Transperth operates an extensive network of feeder                                                                                            Zone              Track

     bus services in the south-east suburbs with high-

                                                                                                                                                                                                     Passenger         Passenger                    Freight      Freight
                                                                                                                                                                     Bollards         V-Drain        Down Main          Up Main                     Up Main     Down Main

                                                                                                                                                        Oil                   Drainage                                                   Common                                Drainage
                                                                                                                                                      Pipeline             Infrastructure                                                Boundary                           Infrastructure

                                                                                                                                                                           TYPICAL SECTION WITH SIGNALS AND LOC (ON PTA CORRIDOR)
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5.3 Infrastructure Requirements                           5.3.2 Track Alignment                                       The new passenger lines will veer south through the
                                                               All works to the passenger rail infrastructure will be      existing, but currently unused, Glen Iris Tunnel, and
     5.3.1 Civil works                                         in compliance with PTA’s Narrow Gauge Code of               onto dedicated tracks within the Mandurah Line
     Generally, the design has aimed to balance cut and fill   Practice. All works on Arc infrastructure will be in        corridor to terminate at a new single track dock-style
     quantities whilst maintaining existing freight vertical   compliance with Arc’s Narrow Gauge and Standard             platform at Cockburn Central Station, constructed
     curves (which are more onerous than the PTA’s),           Gauge Codes of Practice.                                    specifically for the termination of the Thornlie Line
     providing for new maintenance access tracks and                                                                       services.
                                                               Arc Infrastructure’s twin track dual gauge lines,
     minimising impact to utility services. The current                                                                    Introducing the TCL also provides an alternative
                                                               which forms part of the freight network between
     design only requires around 200m3 of imported fill,                                                                   route to the south, which will be extremely beneficial
                                                               Forrestfield and Kwinana, is generally positioned
     but further opportunities to balance cut and fill, and                                                                for transporting patrons to and from events at Optus
                                                               centrally in the rail corridor. To accommodate the new
     reduce the extent of retention needed should be                                                                       Stadium. The design therefore allows for alterations
                                                               twin track electrified PTA lines, Arc Infrastructures
     examined through detailed design development.                                                                         to the existing Perth Stadium Station to provide a
                                                               track will be relocated to the north side of the
     Significant cut will be required:                         corridor with the new passenger services running            rail connection to the southern suburbs, including
                                                               parallel.                                                   platform modifications and supporting track and civil
     •   from the end of Thornlie Station to allow for                                                                     works.
         the extension of the passenger tracks. This cut       On completion, a boundary fence will separate the
         impacts on the existing Thornlie Station car park,    two systems (Figure 8 and Figure 9).                        These modifications include stowing five, six-car
         which will require reconfiguration; and                                                                           trains on the down loop, which will provide capacity
                                                               At the southern end, on the approach to the Glen Iris       to serve southbound passengers via the TCL and
     •   on the approach to Glen Iris Tunnel, a significant
                                                               Tunnel, the freight lines will continue on their existing   onto the Mandurah line after special events. The
         amount of cut will be required along the southern
                                                               alignment beneath the Kwinana Freeway, through              works include modifications to the existing platform
         side of the corridor. This will also have an impact
                                                               to the Cockburn Triangle and onwards to Kwinana/            and associated track and civil works.
         on the existing BP Oil and APA (Parmelia) Gas
                                                                                                                  Passenger Track
     The earthworks design has been developed to stay                                                                      The passenger alignment has been designed for
     within the rail corridor using 1:2 batters. Where this                                                                maximum 140km/hr track speeds from Thornlie
     was not achievable, retaining walls or soil nailing                                                                   Station to Glen Iris tunnel. The section from
     treatment has been identified to avoid additional                                                                     Beckenham to Thornlie Station will retain existing
     property impacts.                                                                                                     track speeds of 110km/hr with reduced speeds
                                                                                                                           through the tunnel at Glen Iris. The majority of the
                                                                                                                           passenger rail line will be at-grade, similar to the
                                                                                                                           existing location of the freight rail line. The track and
                                                                                                                                                                              Freight Track
                                                                                                                           associated infrastructure design will be consistent
                                                                                                                           with the existing passenger rail network.                   The new alignment allows for 80km/hr track speed
                                                                                                                                                                                       over the extent of works impacting the existing
                                                                                                                           All rail will be 50kg/m rail on concrete sleepers with      freight alignment, extending from west of Spencer
                                                                                                                           200mm of crushed stone ballast, consistent with the         Road to east of the Kwinana Freeway.
                                                                                                                           existing Mandurah Line Railway, and in line with the
                                                                                                                           requirements of the PTA Codes of Practise.                  The alignment at Glen Iris has been designed to
                                                                                                                                                                                       tie into the existing freight alignment before the
                                                                                                                           Slab track used at Kenwick Tunnel, Canning River            Kwinana Freeway to ensure that it will not have any
                                                                                                                           Bridge and Glen Iris Tunnel will use 60kg/m rail.           impact on the freeway bridge structure (Glen Iris
                                                                                                                           The design has 11 turnouts in total, with five
                                                                                                                           crossovers and a turnout that allows the dual
                                                                                                                           Thornlie tracks to converge into a single track on
                                                                                                                           approach to the Cockburn Central Station dock-style
                                                                                                                           platform. The five crossovers replace the operational
                                                                                                                           functionality of the existing crossovers and enable
                                                                                                                           trains to transfer between the Thornlie Line and
                                                                                                                           Mandurah Line.

                                                                                                                           The design also has provision for a future central turn
                                                                                                                           back facility immediately west of the Ranford Road
                                                                                                                           Station platform for resilience.

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