Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - All Saints Catholic Church and Catholic Academy - Parish Websites

Page created by Dennis Clarke
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - All Saints Catholic Church and Catholic Academy - Parish Websites
All Saints                      Catholic Church and Catholic Academy
         Rev. Thomas M. Lawless           *   Deacon Timothy J. McAuliffe         * Deacon Gary J. O’Connor
                     We come together in prayer so that our lives reflect the faith we profess

          Nineteenth Sunday                                       in     Ordinary Time

     Watch 10:30am Sunday Mass August 8th LIVE:

            Question of the Week: How does receiving Jesus in the Eucharist strengthen me on my journey?
                                   When have I needed a second nudge to go on?

                                                 Spiritual Communion Prayer
 My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament. I love You above all things and I desire to receive
You into my soul. Since I cannot now receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if
        You were already there, and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen.
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - All Saints Catholic Church and Catholic Academy - Parish Websites
ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC CHURCH                                            ALBANY, NY

                                             Monday, August 9, 9am                            All Living & +Deceased Parishioners
                                             +Francesco Alfano by Sister
                                                                                              Sunday, August 15, 10:30am
                                             Tuesday, August 10, 9am                          The Assumption of the BVM
                                             **Living Intention** Barbara Mislan &            +Concetta & Anna Maria Bonaventura
Saturday, August 7, 4pm
                                             Ned Morgan by The Harris Family                  by daughter Tina & Family
+Arthur Smith 10th Anniversary by
                                                                                              +Maria Commisso & Leona Camarata
The Smith Family
+Janet M. Frisbie by Son, Daughter,          Wednesday, August 11, 9am                        Anniversary by Angie & Chris
                                             All Living & +Deceased Parishioners              Camarata
                                                                                              +Giuseppe Greco by Family
+Jennie Prudente by All Saints
Men’s Association                            Thursday, August 12, 9am                         +Kevin Smith Birthday Remembrance
                                             +Michael Barbato by The Barbato                  by The Smith Family
All Living & +Deceased Parishioners
                                             +Augustino Parrottino Birthday                                   Bread & Wine Memorial
Sunday, August 8, 8am                                                                                               August 8th
19th Sunday in Ordinary Time                 Remembrance by Family
+Mary Neiles by Family                                                                                              In Memory of:
+Elizabeth Bair Anniversary by Janet         Saturday, August 14, 4pm                                               Leo W. Stout
& John Rausch                                +Mary Bolognino by Rita & Joe                                          24th Anniversary

+Joseph Claughsey by Mary Bender             Catalano
                                             +Ruth F. Manzi Anniversary by                                         Donated by:
& Family
                                             Teresa                                                          Wife, Daughter & Family

Sunday, August 8, 10:30am                    +Joseph Iannuzzi by Maria Marchio
19th Sunday in Ordinary Time                 +Catherine Alida Himick by Rose &
                                                                                                           Sanctuary Light Memorial
+Leo W. Stout 24th Anniversary by            Dino Barbato
                                                                                                                 August 8th
Wife, Daughter & Family
+Robert Ladouceur Anniversary by             Sunday, August 15, 8am                                               In Memory of:
Paul                                         The Assumption of the BVM                                         Christopher Dailey
+Gino Bonaventura 17th Anniversary           +Bernice Valentine by Tony & Mary                                  Birthday Remembrance

by daughter Tina & Family                    Amodeo
                                             +Kevin & Rev. Brendan Sullivan by                                     Donated by:
  MASS INTENTION suggested donation $15.00                                                                    Angie & Chris Camarata
                                             Mary Jane & Richard Sullivan

         In Loving MEMORY                           +Donald Collins 08/08/2012
      Please continue to pray for                    +Rosa De Leo 08/08/2011
      the deceased of our parish                  +Maddalena DiNardo 08/09/2019
           and their families.                       +Carol Fabozzi 08/08/2019
                                                     +Ruth F. Manzi 08/12/2014
 Remember, Lord, those who have died                +Raymond Tolar 08/09/2013                   May these, and all who sleep in Christ,
and have gone before us marked with the             +Lorraine Vallee 08/13/2019               find in Your presence light, happiness and
 sign of faith, especially those for whom          +Richard Volmer 08/08/2016                   peace. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
                we now pray:

All Saints Catholic Church                   Parish Office:                                  Parish Center:
16 Homestead St, Albany, NY 12203            Monday-Friday 9am-12pm & 1-4pm                  10 Rosemont St, Albany, NY 12203         12 Rosemont St, Albany, NY 12203                (corner of Western & Rosemont)
                                             (P)518 482 4497 * (F)518 482 4719               Parking off Brevator Street
Rev. Thomas M. Lawless, Pastor               Cylon George, Music Director
Deacon Gary O’Connor                         Matthew Gilligan, Faith Formation Director      Parish School:
Deacon Timothy McAuliffe                     Mary Oxaal: Bookkeeper                          All Saints Catholic Academy
                                             Mary Rothaupt, Secretary                        10 Rosemont St, Albany, NY 12203
In-person Mass: has resumed                  Paul Dearing, Facility Manager                  (P)518 438 0066 * (F)518 512 4049
                                                                                             Grades K-8, 3 & 4 year old Pre-K
Livestream 10:30am Mass:                                                                                                                 / ASCA_Albany
v=DnTRIwmQfdI                                                                                Ms. Traci Johnson, Principal
                                      Mrs. Carrie Coffey, Business Manager
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - All Saints Catholic Church and Catholic Academy - Parish Websites
August 8, 2021            Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

      Time                        Talent                      Treasure                  Time              Talent               Treasure

         PARISH Support                                         Re-Igniting Our Faith                         MEN’S Association
Thank you to all those parishioners and
friends who contributed towards our Weekly
Budget and expenses of $9,000.00.
August 1st Collection: $5,882.00
                                                                                                          The winning number drawn on 8/2 was
     ONLINE GIVING PLATFORMS:                                                                             661 and AGAIN this week we are
         Webpage / Mobile / Texting                               happily able to give away $200.00 to the
WEBPAGE:                                                                                                  owner of that number. Dorothy Behrle,
Click onto the following URL:                                                                             your check is on it's way.
                                                              The Re-Igniting Our Faith campaign has                                                                         Congratulations Dorothy!
                                                              raised $201,220.00 from 91 families
                                                              towards our goal! Thank you so much to          Men’s Association 500 Club
                                                                                                              April 26, 2021 ~ October 18, 2021
1NWpaeyJZ3boW2nR4CUpF10CbNo6M3Jt1                             those of you who have already
HeSvS9BZlor5bF2VlB2NC9G2d-                                    generously contributed to this effort.

Visit our website:
                                                                      2nd Collection                      Thank you to the family and friends                                  August 22nd                        of Mary Bolognino for naming All
                                                                                                          Saints Catholic Church as the
                                                                                                          designated charity at the time of
                                                                                                          their loved one’s death.

MOBILE:                                                                                                   Please continue to
                                                                                                          pray for the deceased
                                                              The Appeal primarily supports home
                                                                                                          of our parish and their
                                                              mission dioceses, that is, those
TEXTING:                                                      dioceses in the United States that are
Text message to # 844-957-3603                                unable to offer their people the basic
                                                              pastoral ministries of word, worship,
       THANK YOU for signing up &
                                                              and service without outside help. It may
                                                              also give grants to other dioceses in the         Sr. Maureen Joyce
PARISHIONER’S TESTIMONY:                                      U.S. for particular projects, and to                Soup Kitchen
I was so pleased to see that All Saints instituted on-line    organizations and religious
giving. When the pandemic required churches and other         communities engaged in missionary
businesses to close down, I noticed a large decrease in
the weekly offering collections for our church. This          work.
concerned me because I understand that All Saints, in
addition to the spiritual aspects of our church, is also a
business that has expenses just as we have in our daily
                                                              The Subcommittee funds a range of
lives. My hope is that on-line giving will provide a          pastoral services. However, it
convenience for other members of All Saints and that we
                                                                                                             Our next dates to volunteer
                                                              principally focuses on:
can provide for our church community with an increase in                                                            August 22nd
                                                              1. evangelization activities
weekly donations. The process was simple to set up                                                            September 12th & 26th
and, in addition to weekly offerings, it has many different   2. religious education
options to choose from such as holy day offerings,
                                                              3. ministry training for priests,                 369 Livingston Ave, Albany
special collections, Mass intentions. I encourage those
who are comfortable with technology to choose on-line              deacons, religious sisters and
giving. If you are not comfortable with that option,               brothers, and laypeople                   Please use the signup sheets
I encourage everyone to continue mailing or bringing
their offering to church - it is important that we provide
                                                              4. support of poor parishes across the            in the church vestibule
for our church. - Jean Ryan                                        country.
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - All Saints Catholic Church and Catholic Academy - Parish Websites
August 8, 2021     Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

  Time                Talent             Treasure                  Time              Talent               Treasure

 Women’s Pilgrimage                            FAITH Formation                               Parish NURSE

Albany NY Chapter of Magnificat                                                      Is any one among you sick? Let him
(a Ministry to Catholic Women)                                                       bring in the priests of the Church and let
is hosting its first in-person event                                                 them pray over him, anointing him with
since November 2019.                                                                 oil in the name of the Lord and the
                                                                                     prayer of faith will save the sick man
            Join us for a                                                            and the Lord will raise him up and if he
      Women’s PILGRIMAGE                                                             be in sins, they shall be forgiven him.
   Saturday, September 11, 2021                                                                    James 5:14-15
        11:00AM – 2:00PM
at Our Lady of Martyrs Shrine, 136                                                          Anointing of the Sick
                                         It’s not too early to register for the
   Shrine Road, Fultonville, NY.
                                         2021-2022 school year! Registration fee
                                                                                      In the Catholic church, the Anointing of
                                         remains at $40 per child or $75 for 2 or
We will gather at 10:30am by the                                                     the sick, also once known as Extreme
                                         more children. Payments can be sent to
Coliseum for this day of spiritual                                                   Unction, is a sacrament administered to
                                         the parish office at 12 Rosemont St.
renewal on Holy Ground where Sts.                                                    a Catholic to bring spiritual and physical
                                         Albany NY 12203 attention Matthew
Isaac Jogues, Rene Goupil and Jean                                                   strength during an illness, awaiting
                                         Gilligan. Checks should be made
de Lalande were martyred and the                                                     surgery or near death. The special
                                         payable to All Saints Church.
birthplace of St. Kateri Tekakwitha.                                                 grace of this sacrament has effects such
                                                                                     as uniting the sick person to Christ. The
The day includes Mass, Rosary, lunch                                                 holy oil used is blessed by the Bishop at
(bring a bag lunch and beverages),                                                   the Chrism Mass.
Praise & Worship, a Reflection by
Fran Schmidt                                                                         The steps to the sacrament are:
topic: “New Beginnings” (Honoring                               What is              1. The Priest, family and friends gather
those who died and survived 9/11”.                         Confirmation?             to pray
                                                     Confirmation is a               2. Priest sprinkles holy water on the sick
Cost: Free-will Donation – RSVP by                   celebration of your full        person
Wednesday, Sept 8.                                   initiation into the Catholic    3. The Word of God is proclaimed
                                                     faith. A public commitment      4. The priest lays hands on the sick
To register: email us                                to the promises made on         person
at and                    your behalf at baptism. A       5.The priest anoints the forehead and
include your name, phone # and                       gift of strength for a deeper   palms of the sick person with oil
parish. Let us know if you are                       life of faith.                  6. Viaticum (Eucharist)
interested in carpooling. Questions,
call Diane Bigos @ 518-810-1310                               I look forward         A person does not need to be conscious
or visit:                             to hearing        to receive this sacrament. Family
ny-albany; or                                    from you,         members are able to request it on their
albanymagnificat.                                                    Matthew         behalf.
                                                                                              Source: Catholic Online
Invite your daughters, granddaughter,
sisters and friends to this day of                                                            Carol Hough, RN
renewal!                                                                                      “Beloved I pray that all may go
                                                                                              well with you and that you may
                                                                                              be in good health, as it goes
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - All Saints Catholic Church and Catholic Academy - Parish Websites
August 8, 2021           Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

                                             SUPER RAFFLE
                                             TO SUPPORT ALL SAINTS PARISH

All Saints Parish has set a goal to sell up to 250 Super Raffle Tickets. The price per ticket is $100.00
(checks only). Buy as many tickets as you like, buy tickets as part of a group, but don’t miss out only 7
weeks left to purchase a ticket !!

The breakdown of prizes will be as follows                                                       Thank you!
All Saints Parish – 40% of total sales up to $10,000.00
First Prize – 40% of total sales up to $10,000.00
                                                                                         reached 51% of our goal
Second Prize – 40% of total sales up to $2000.00
Two third prize winners – 4% of total sales up to $1000.00
Two fourth place winners – 2% of total sales up to $500.00
Breakdown of prizes will be pro-rated according to the # of tickets sold.
                                                                                                 TICKET #
The winning prizes will be drawn at the parish picnic, 3pm Sat Sept 25,2021
At the Italian American Community Center at the Pavilion. Need not be present to win.       DON’T MISS OUT
Winners will be notified. Proceeds will go towards our Music Ministry and                BUY YOUR TICKET TODAY
Church improvements.

Tickets are being sold before and after each Mass & at the Parish office

           must preregister
                                                      & SUPER Raffle drawing
       FREE BBQ Lunch - Drinks - Dessert                                    3pm SUPER Raffle drawing

                    12pm Saturday September 25, 2021
                Italian American Community Center                                       at the   Pavilion
                                     257 Washington Ave Ext Albany, NY 12205

     Yes, please reserve ___ seat(s) for: _____________________ FAMILY

                                Please drop in our Collection Basket
                Mail: All Saints Catholic Church 12 Rosemont Street Albany, NY 12203
                    Call us: 518 482 4497    Email:
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - All Saints Catholic Church and Catholic Academy - Parish Websites Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - All Saints Catholic Church and Catholic Academy - Parish Websites Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - All Saints Catholic Church and Catholic Academy - Parish Websites
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