New Frontiers from Translational in Inflammation: Research to Clinic - 15th World Congress ...

Page created by Eddie Mcgee
New Frontiers from Translational in Inflammation: Research to Clinic - 15th World Congress ...
New Frontiers
     in Inflammation:
  from Translational
      Research to Clinic


         First Announcement
New Frontiers from Translational in Inflammation: Research to Clinic - 15th World Congress ...
New Frontiers in Inflammation:
         from Translational Research to Clinic

                                                 Scientific Programme Committee
                                                 Blandizzi     Corrado       Italy
                                                 Bruscoli      Stefano       Italy
                                                 Bucci         Maria Rosaria Italy
                                                 Cirino        Giuseppe      Italy
                                                 Cuzzocrea     Salvatore     Italy
                                                 Esposito      Emanuela      Italy
                                                 Fornai        Matteo        Italy
                                                 Molteni       Raffaella     Italy
                                                 Racagni       Giorgio       Italy
                                                 Riccardi      Carlo         Italy
                                                 Vergnolle     Nathalie      France

                                                 Steering Committee
                                                 Blandizzi   Corrado
                                                 Cirino      Giuseppe
                                                 Cuzzocrea   Salvatore
                                                 Racagni     Giorgio (Chair)
                                                 Riccardi    Carlo
                                                 Sortino     Maria Angela

                                                 IAIS Executive Committee
Scientific Secretariat                           President:
                                                 Dr. Nathalie Vergnolle
                                                 Digestive Health Research Institute, France

SIF - Italian Society                            Vice-President:
of Pharmacology                                  Pr. Jason McDougall
Via Giovanni Pascoli 3                           Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada
20129 Milan - Italy                              Past President:
Ph +39 02 29520311                               Pr. Graham Wallace
@                       University of Birmingham, UK
Organizing Secretariat                           Pr. John L. Wallace
                                                 Antibe Therapeutics
Via Sassonia, 30                                 Pr. Mauro Teixeira
                                                 Bel Horizonte University, Brazil
47922 Rimini - Italy
Ph +39 0541 305873                               Communication:
@                           Arpita Maiti, Pfizer
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New Frontiers in Inflammation:
          from Translational Research to Clinic

Welcome Message of                                             Welcome Message of
the Scientific Committee                                       the President of the IAIS
   The 15th World Congress on Inflammation                     Dear Friends and Colleagues,
(WCI2022) will be in Rome for the first time in 2022.          The World Congress of Inflammation 2022 (WCI-
The Congress will bring together researchers,                  2022) to be held in Rome, Italy, from June 5th to
clinicians, industry representatives, advocacy                 8th 2022 promises to be an unforgettable event
groups, and decision-makers across the field of                that will bring together delegates from all over
                                                               the world with a common interest: inflammation
                                                               research and treatment of inflammation-
WCI2022 will include latest developments in
                                                               related diseases. The congress co-organized by
basic, translational and clinical research on
                                                               the International Association of Inflammation
inflammation, including cell biology, signalling,              Societies (IAIS) and the Italian Society of
genetic, inflammatory/autoimmune diseases, new                 Pharmacology (SIF) will gather international
biomarkers and new therapeutics approaches for                 leaders at the forefront of inflammation
human diseases.                                                research, presenting the most recent advances
The biennial WCI Congress, that will bring together            in both basic science and clinical translation.
a number of Scientific Societies within the                    Considerable advances have been made in our
International Association of Inflammation Societies            comprehension of inflammation-related diseases,
and others Scientific Societies who attend the                 and recent scientific breakthroughs have paved
Congress, will represent a key opportunity to                  the way to novel therapeutic approaches. This
share knowledge across borders and professional                congress will provide a unique opportunity for
disciplines as we work towards a common goal                   networking, educational and scientific exchanges
                                                               for government, academic, clinical, industry, or
of improving the understanding and therapeutic
                                                               health care professionals. We value and encourage
control of inflammatory diseases.
                                                               the active participation and contribution of all
The congress will enhance the international
                                                               professionals interested in inflammation.
community’s knowledge base and will provide new                Attending the conference will also provide the
opportunities for international collaboration.                 delegates with a unique opportunity to enjoy
On behalf of the Congress Organising Committee,                eternal and magnificent Rome, during one of the
we would like to invite you to attend and support              most pleasant season.
the WCI 2022 here in Italy from 5-8 June, 2022. The            We look forward to welcoming you at WCI-2022,
congress will be hosted for the first time in Italy, in        for a never-to-be-forgotten professional and life
Rome and will be organized in Hotel Ergife.                    experience.
                                          Corrado Blandizzi                                Nathalie VERGNOLLE
                                           Giuseppe Cirino                                  President of the IAIS
                                         Salvatore Cuzzocrea
                                           Giorgio Racagni
                                            Carlo Riccardi

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New Frontiers in Inflammation:
         from Translational Research to Clinic

Topics                                           Plenary Lectures
• Ageing                                         • Inflammation, a metanarrative
• Biomarkers, Pharmacogenomic,                     from cancer to COVID-19
  Pharmacogenomics                                 Alberto Mantovani, Italy
• Cancer and immunotherapy
• Cardiovascular Inflammation                    • Targeting neuroinflammation:
• Emerging Therapeutics                            novel therapeutic approaches
  and Clinical Trials                              for neuropathic pain
• Fibrosis                                         Daniela Salvemini, United States
• Gastrointestinal Diseases
• Headache                                       • Glucocorticoids in the control
• Infectious Diseases                              of inflammation: role of Gilz and Gitr
                                                   Carlo Riccardi, Italy
• Mediators of Resolution
• Metabolic Syndrome                             • Endothelial lipid metabolism as
• Metabolism and inflammation                      modulator of inflammatory responses
• Microbiota, Gut, Inflammasome,                   William Sessa, United States
  Brain Axis
• Neuro-inflammation
• Pain
• Precision Medicine
• Psoriasis and other skin diseases
• Respiratory and Lung Diseases
• Rheumatology
• Vaccines

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New Frontiers in Inflammation:
          from Translational Research to Clinic

Program at a glance
             DAY ONE - Sunday 5 June 2022         DAY ONE - Sunday 5 June 2022
             PLENARY ROOM
  17.30      Opening Ceremony

  18.00      Plenary Lecture
  19.00      Welcome Reception

             DAY TWO - Monday 6 June 2022         DAY TWO - Monday 6 June 2022
             ROOM 1                               ROOM 2                ROOM 3                ROOM 4
  9.00       Morning Simposia 1                   Morning Simposia 2    Morning Simposia 3    Morning Simposia 4
  10.30      Coffee Break - Exhibition Area
  11.00      Industry Simposia                    Industry Simposia     Industry Simposia     Industry Simposia
  12.00      Plenary Lecture
  13,00      Light Lunch - Exhibition Area
  14.00      Afternoon Simposia 1                 Afternoon Simposia 2 Afternoon Simposia 3 Afternoon Simposia 4
  15.30      Coffee Break - Exhibition Area
  16.00      Oral Communication                   Oral Communication    Oral Communication    Oral Communication
  18.00      Poster Session & Drink

             DAY THREE - Tuesday 7 June 2022      DAY THREE - Tuesday 7 June 2022
             ROOM 1                               ROOM 2                ROOM 3                ROOM 4
  9.00       Morning Simposia 5                   Morning Simposia 6    Morning Simposia 7    Morning Simposia 8
  10.30      Coffee Break - Exhibition Area
  11.00      Industry Simposia                    Industry Simposia     Industry Simposia     Industry Simposia
  12.00      Plenary Lecture
  13.00      Light Lunch - Exhibition Area
  14.00      Afternoon Simposia 6                 Afternoon Simposia 7 Afternoon Simposia 8 Afternoon Simposia 9
  15.30      Coffee Break - Exhibition Area
  16.00      Oral Communication                   Oral Communication    Oral Communication    Oral Communication
  18.00      Poster Session & Drink

             DAY FOUR - Wednesday 8 June 2022     DAY FOUR - Wednesday 8 June 2022
             ROOM 1                               ROOM 2                ROOM 3                ROOM 4
  9.00       Morning Simposia 9                   Morning Simposia 10   Morning Simposia 11   Morning Simposia 12 TBD
  10.30      Coffee Break - Exhibition Area
  11.00      Oral Communication                   Oral Communication    Oral Communication    Oral Communication
  12.00      Plenary Lecture
  13.00      Closing Ceremony

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      Organizing Secretariat

            Via Sassonia, 30
         47922 Rimini - Italy
        Ph +39 0541 305873
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