My NTI Journal 2019-2020 - Please return this entire journal to your teacher after EACH NTI Day. Please make sure your child's name is on each ...

My NTI Journal 2019-2020 - Please return this entire journal to your teacher after EACH NTI Day. Please make sure your child's name is on each ...
My NTI Journal

Please return this entire journal to your
     teacher after ​EACH​ NTI Day.

Please make sure your child’s name is
        on each journal page.



       This is your NTI Journal. It is very important that you keep this at
home to use on days we are out of school for inclement weather. Inside
you will find directions to complete each activity. ​Please return your
child’s journal the next day we are in school.​ We will be checking the
work for completion and sending the journal back home. We​ ​will​ ​be​
​available​ ​for​ ​immediate​ ​answers​ ​to​ ​questions​ ​via​ ​email or Remind
 11:00am-1:00pm​ ​on​ ​NTI​ ​days.​ ​ However, we will be checking email
 throughout the day after these times. If you have any questions please do
 not hesitate to let your child’s teacher know. Thank you for your support!


The First Grade Team

Emily Simpson

Samantha Orange

Lisa Worthington

Shawn Carlstedt

Veronica Bohnett
Using Clever at Home to Access Educational Programs

1. Go to the RDES website: ​
2. In the middle, just under our mission statement, you will see a link to “Clever.” This is in the gray

3. If your child has his/her Clever badge, and your device has a camera, click on the “Clever Badge
   Log in” and scan the badge. ​OR​ If your child does not have his/her Clever badge or a device with
   a camera, you will need to type in his/her school email address and password (this information is
   at the bottom of the page).

4. Once your child has logged into Clever, he/she will have access to our educational programs (i.e.
   Lexia, BrainPop, MobyMax, and more!). If you have any problems with your child’s Clever badge,
   you can use your child’s school email and password. Your child’s teacher should provide this for
   you below.
Name ​____________________

                               NTI Day 1 Student Checklist: 1st Grade

                    Activity                       Amount of Time (Mins)     Parent/Guardian

Math​: Log-in to MobyMax. Spend 20-30 minutes
practicing math.                                       20-30 minutes
Teachers will monitor the program usage report
for each child to ensure students completed the          MobyMax
allotted time.

Reading​: Log-in to Lexia.
Teachers will monitor the program usage report         20-30 minutes
for each child to ensure students completed the
allotted time.

Complete Each Additional Journal Page
                                                         15 mins.
   ●   Math
                                                         15 mins.
   ●   Reading
                                                        20-30 mins.
   ●   Writing
                                                        10-20 mins.
   ●   Specials
Math Day 1

     Choose ​ONE​ box and show your work below.

                Box 1                                         Box 2
Skip count by 10’s to 100 starting at 0.   Write the number that comes before and
       Then skip count by 10’s             after the following numbers: 10, 19, 3, 20
        starting at 13 to 103

                                  1.MP.8                                      1.MP.7

                          I chose Box # _____.
                             Here is my work:
Reading Day 1

                           A Day at the Pumpkin Farm

                                           Photo Credit: JR Conlin

Perry and Paula are visiting the pumpkin farm. Mom drives as Dad sings with them in

the car. Finally, they see Farmer Jack’s Pumpkin Patch.

It is a huge field of pumpkins. The pumpkins grow on vines. Farmer Jack shows them a

perfect pumpkin.

“This is the stem,” he says. “It is attached to the vine.”

He says the outside of the pumpkin is the rind and the lines are called ribs. He cuts the

pumpkin in half. Perry and Paula touch the seeds and pulp inside. It is sticky and gooey!

Farmer Jack gives them roasted pumpkin seeds. They are crunchy!
© 2013 ReadWorks​®​, Inc. All rights reserved.

Question: How does the author describe the seeds and pulp?


Writing Day 1
Write a story about a fun snow day​. ​Be sure your story has a beginning, middle,
and end.​ Use the checklist at the bottom to check your work.











__ Starts with a capital letter          __Written neatly __Finger spaces __Punctuation












___Starts with a capital __Written neatly ___Finger spaces __Punctuation
Specials Day 1

                         Choose ​ONE​ box & complete the task.
                            If you need to show your work,
                        you can use the space below the boxes.

                                   2. ​Computer​: Practice typing     3. ​Gym​: ​GoNoodle Indoor
                                   skills for 15 minutes. You can                Recess​:               4. ​Music​: Music Listening:
                                    use the Typing Links on the      Do GoNoodle indoor recess.          Please listen to a style of
   1. ​Art​: Go to the following    RDES Website (Go to RDES           (10-20 minutes of activity)      music of your choice for 15
              website               Students→ Computer Lab→                Have an adult go to           minutes and write a brief​.      Typing Links). You may play​ and      description of the music on a
*Pick one "how to draw video"       games for 15 minutes and/or      sign up. ​Select Channels at     piece of paper. Please tell me
 *Watch and draw along with          practice on        the top, scroll down and         what you listened to, how it
  the video, color if you have        can choose “Sign in with        choose an Indoor Recess           made you feel, and what it
 coloring materials at home.             Google” or use your         activity​. You can also search    made you think about. Make
                                      email/password to login.          Youtube and search for        sure you have an adult sign or
                                   Make sure to use the correct              “Indoor Recess                  initial your activity!
                                         fingers for typing!                    GoNoodle.”

                                            I chose Box # _____.
Name ​____________________

                               NTI Day 2 Student Checklist: 1st Grade

                    Activity                       Amount of Time (Mins)      Parent/Guardian

Math​: Log-in to MobyMax. Spend 20-30 minutes
practicing math.                                       20-30 minutes
Teachers will monitor the program usage report
for each child to ensure students completed the          MobyMax
allotted time.

Reading​: Log-in to Lexia.
Teachers will monitor the program usage report         20-30 minutes
for each child to ensure students completed the
allotted time.

Complete Each Additional Journal Page
                                                         15 mins.
   ●   Math
                                                         15 mins.
   ●   Reading
                                                        20-30 mins.
   ●   Writing
                                                        10-20 mins.
   ●   Specials
Math Day 2

    Choose ​ONE​ box and show your work below.

                Box 1                                         Box 2
    Represent the number 49 in 3          Write all the ways to make 10. How do you
           different ways.                       know there are no other pairs
(Ex. words, ten frames, base ten, etc.)                  that make 10?

                                 1.MP.4                                     1.MP.2

                         I chose Box # _____.
                            Here is my work:
Reading Day 2

                                        Wolf Spiders

Wolf spiders live all over the world. They are often brown, black, or gray. They have

eight eyes. They also have eight legs.

Wolf spiders hatch from eggs. Baby spiders are called spiderlings. Their mom takes

good care of them. The spiderlings climb onto her back. They stay there for weeks.

As a spider grows, it molts. That means it sheds its skin. A wolf spider molts many times

during its life. Each time, it gets bigger.

Most spiders build webs to catch prey. Wolf spiders do not. They hunt for food. Wolf

spiders eat insects and other spiders. They also eat very small animals.
© 2014 ReadWorks®, Inc. All rights reserved.

Question: What does the word ​molt​ mean?


Question: How do wolf spiders catch their prey?


Writing Day 2
Write your opinion about whether or not you like snow days. Write at least 2
reasons why you do or don’t enjoy them.​ Use the checklist at the bottom to check
your work.











__ Starts with a capital letter          __Written neatly __Finger spaces __Punctuation












___Starts with a capital __Written neatly ___Finger spaces __Punctuation
Specials Day 2

                         Choose ​ONE​ box & complete the task.
                            If you need to show your work,
                        you can use the space below the boxes.

                                                                     3. ​Gym​: ​Exercise Listing​:
                                                                            Make a list of:
                                                                              3 Rotations
                                                                              3 Stretches
                                                                                                     4. ​Music​: Go to the “Sphinx
                                     2. ​Computer​: Type a letter             6 exercises
 1. ​Art​: Complete any of the                                                                               Kids!” website:
                                   with at least 3-5 sentences and         Wait one minute
drawing activities listed below.                                                                     (
                                      e-mail it to Mrs. Campbell.         Get a drink of water
     *create a self portrait                                                                         and spend 15 minutes doing
                                                                         Redo your exercises
 *create an imaginary animal                                                                          different activities. Write a
  *create a winter landscape                                                                          short description about the
                                   ​)             Write to me and tell me what
                                                                                                          activities you chose.
                                                                       you did, and how it felt.

                                             I chose Box # _____.
Name ​____________________

                               NTI Day 3 Student Checklist: 1st Grade

                    Activity                       Amount of Time (Mins)      Parent/Guardian

Math​: Log-in to MobyMax. Spend 20-30 minutes
practicing math.                                       20-30 minutes
Teachers will monitor the program usage report
for each child to ensure students completed the          MobyMax
allotted time.

Reading​: Log-in to Lexia.
Teachers will monitor the program usage report         20-30 minutes
for each child to ensure students completed the
allotted time.

Complete Each Additional Journal Page
                                                         15 mins.
   ●   Math
                                                         15 mins.
   ●   Reading
                                                        20-30 mins.
   ●   Writing
                                                        10-20 mins.
   ●   Specials
Math Day 3

      Choose ​ONE​ box and show your work below.

                 Box 1                                      Box 2
  Using items in your house model the     Write the following numbers from least to
 following problem. Susie had 9 cans of                    greatest:
soda, she drank 4 cans. How many cans                  13, 6, 28, 11, 19
           does she have left?

                                 1.MP.1                                      1.MP.1

                         I chose Box # _____.
                            Here is my work:
Reading Day 3

                                           Troy’s Treat

                                        Photo Credit: Flying Toaster

Troy was excited. He had saved $5 to buy his sister a special treat. It was Tara’s
birthday. She was going to be five years old. They walked to the ice-cream store.

“I have a surprise,” Troy said.

“What is it?” Tara asked.

“Happy birthday; pick a treat!” Troy said.

“Thank you,” said Tara. “I’ll have a vanilla sundae with chocolate on top.”

Troy saw that the price of a sundae was $5. Then the girl at the counter smiled at Troy
and Tara.

“Today, we have a special sale price,” she said. “You can have two sundaes for $5!”
© 2013 ReadWorks​®​, Inc. All rights reserved.

Question: Who are the characters in the story?


Question: What is the setting of the story?

Writing Day 3
What is your favorite season? Write at least 2 reasons why it is your favorite.​ Use
the checklist at the bottom to check your work.











__ Starts with a capital letter          __Written neatly __Finger spaces __Punctuation












___Starts with a capital __Written neatly ___Finger spaces __Punctuation
Specials Day 3

                           Choose ​ONE​ box & complete the task.
                              If you need to show your work,
                          you can use the space below the boxes.
1. ​Art​: ​Illustrate the following
Think about what you pictured                                              3. ​Gym​: ​Snow Conquest​:
 in your head as you read the         2. ​Computer​: Type or write 5     When snow is available, and
 poem. Draw your idea with a          things you can do to stay safe    your student can dress warmly     4. ​Music​: Make a shaker (egg
   pencil on the back of this           online. You can watch the        to go out, you can go outside      shaker or otherwise). Bring
  paper. Be creative and use          BrainPop Jr.* video on Internet               to do this..          your shaker to school and play
       your own ideas!                 Safety or BrainPop video on      ● Students make 20-30              a rhythm with it OR send Mr.
                                      Online Safety to help give you      snowballs to throw at targets    Schatko a short video of you
        “Snowman”                     ideas. (If you type your ideas,     (trees, fences, empty cans).      using your shaker to play a
     by Helen H. Moore                  please e-mail them to Mrs.      ● Students can also build a                    rhythm.
     Snowflakes falling                Campbell or print them out.)       snow fort as a base to throw
       Thick and fast,                                                    from.                           (dylan.schatko@jessamine.kys
      Build a snowman                 (​kim.campbell@jessamine.kys      ● Use good technique, and         
      Make him last . . .             ​)               different distances to throw
     Snowflakes falling,                                                  from.
       Swirling, slow,
    My snowman melted –
       Where’d he go?
        *To access BrainPop Jr. (​​) and BrainPop (​​), your child should be able to use
        his/her Clever login page.

                                                I chose Box # _____.
Name ​____________________

                               NTI Day 4 Student Checklist: 1st Grade

                    Activity                       Amount of Time (Mins)      Parent/Guardian

Math​: Log-in to MobyMax. Spend 20-30 minutes
practicing math.                                       20-30 minutes
Teachers will monitor the program usage report
for each child to ensure students completed the          MobyMax
allotted time.

Reading​: Log-in to Lexia.
Teachers will monitor the program usage report         20-30 minutes
for each child to ensure students completed the
allotted time.

Complete Each Additional Journal Page
                                                         15 mins.
   ●   Math
                                                         15 mins.
   ●   Reading
                                                        20-30 mins.
   ●   Writing
                                                        10-20 mins.
   ●   Specials
Math Day 4

         Choose ​ONE​ box and show your work below.

                 Box 1                                         Box 2
How many tens and ones are in the following   Count backwards by 1’s starting at 50. Then
   number 26? Explain how you know.            count backwards by 10’s starting at 100.

                                     1.MP.2                                        1.MP.8

                            I chose Box # _____.
                               Here is my work:
Reading Day 4

                                     A Trip to the Store

                                            Photo Credit: GerryT

We ran out of milk and apples. My dad says food is a need. We need food to live. I tell

him I need candy too. He says that candy is a want. We do not need candy to live.

My dad and I go to the grocery store. We see many kinds of apples on sale. We choose

four Granny Smith apples. We put them in our shopping cart. We also put milk in our

cart. My dad pays for the apples and milk. All together, they cost seven dollars and 30

© 2013 ReadWorks​®​, Inc. All rights reserved.

Question: Name something that is a ​want​.


Question: Name something that is a ​need​.

Writing Day 4
What is your favorite holiday? Write at least 2 reasons why it is your favorite.​ Use
the checklist at the bottom to check your work.











__ Starts with a capital letter          __Written neatly __Finger spaces __Punctuation












___Starts with a capital __Written neatly ___Finger spaces __Punctuation
Specials Day 4

                         Choose ​ONE​ box & complete the task.
                            If you need to show your work,
                        you can use the space below the boxes.

                                   2. ​Computer​: Practice typing     3. ​Gym​: ​GoNoodle Indoor
                                   skills for 15 minutes. You can                Recess​:               4. ​Music​: Music Listening:
                                    use the Typing Links on the      Do GoNoodle indoor recess.          Please listen to a style of
   1. ​Art​: Go to the following    RDES Website (Go to RDES           (10-20 minutes of activity)      music of your choice for 15
              website               Students→ Computer Lab→                Have an adult go to           minutes and write a brief​.      Typing Links). You may play​ and      description of the music on a
*Pick one "how to draw video"       games for 15 minutes and/or      sign up. ​Select Channels at     piece of paper. Please tell me
 *Watch and draw along with          practice on        the top, scroll down and         what you listened to, how it
  the video, color if you have        can choose “Sign in with        choose an Indoor Recess           made you feel, and what it
 coloring materials at home.             Google” or use your         activity​. You can also search    made you think about. Make
                                      email/password to login.          Youtube and search for        sure you have an adult sign or
                                   Make sure to use the correct              “Indoor Recess                  initial your activity!
                                         fingers for typing!                    GoNoodle.”

                                            I chose Box # _____.
Name ​____________________

                               NTI Day 5 Student Checklist: 1st Grade

                    Activity                       Amount of Time (Mins)      Parent/Guardian

Math​: Log-in to MobyMax. Spend 20-30 minutes
practicing math.                                       20-30 minutes
Teachers will monitor the program usage report
for each child to ensure students completed the          MobyMax
allotted time.

Reading​: Log-in to Lexia.
Teachers will monitor the program usage report         20-30 minutes
for each child to ensure students completed the
allotted time.

Complete Each Additional Journal Page
                                                         15 mins.
   ●   Math
                                                         15 mins.
   ●   Reading
                                                        20-30 mins.
   ●   Writing
                                                        10-20 mins.
   ●   Specials
Math Day 5

      Choose ​ONE​ box and show your work below.

                Box 1                                      Box 2
Draw a ten frame and explain to a family   Mrs. Carpenter has 6 cats, 3 dogs and a
member how you can use it to add 5 + 4       bird. How many animals does Mrs.
                                                      Carpenter have?

                                  1.MP.3                                    1.MP.1

                          I chose Box # _____.
                             Here is my work:
Reading Day 5

                                           I am a Robin

                                         Photo Credit: Alan Vernon

Chirp. I am a young robin. My parents are robins. I hatched from an egg. I have

brothers and sisters. We lived together in a nest.

My parents fed me and my brothers and sisters. We ate earthworms. After about two

weeks, my brothers and sisters and I left the nest. My parents followed us around for a

few days. They kept feeding us.

Then Mom left to build a new nest. Dad stayed with us. He made sure we knew where

to roost at night. I rested in a tree with other robins. Soon, I was ready to be on my own.
© 2013 ReadWorks​®​, Inc. All rights reserved.

Question: Underline the sentence that tells you what the word ​roost​ means.
Writing Day 5
What is your favorite subject in school (not recess). Tell your opinion and why it
is your favorite.​ Use the checklist at the bottom to check your work.











__ Starts with a capital letter          __Written neatly __Finger spaces __Punctuation












___Starts with a capital __Written neatly ___Finger spaces __Punctuation
Specials Day 5

                         Choose ​ONE​ box & complete the task.
                            If you need to show your work,
                        you can use the space below the boxes.

                                                                     3. ​Gym​: ​Exercise Listing​:
                                                                            Make a list of:
                                                                              3 Rotations
                                                                              3 Stretches
                                                                                                     4. ​Music​: Go to the “Sphinx
                                     2. ​Computer​: Type a letter             6 exercises
 1. ​Art​: Complete any of the                                                                               Kids!” website:
                                   with at least 3-5 sentences and         Wait one minute
drawing activities listed below.                                                                     (
                                      e-mail it to Mrs. Campbell.         Get a drink of water
     *create a self portrait                                                                         and spend 15 minutes doing
                                                                         Redo your exercises
 *create an imaginary animal                                                                          different activities. Write a
  *create a winter landscape                                                                          short description about the
                                   ​)             Write to me and tell me what
                                                                                                          activities you chose.
                                                                       you did, and how it felt.

                                             I chose Box # _____.
Name ​____________________

                               NTI Day 6 Student Checklist: 1st Grade

                    Activity                       Amount of Time (Mins)      Parent/Guardian

Math​: Log-in to MobyMax. Spend 20-30 minutes
practicing math.                                       20-30 minutes
Teachers will monitor the program usage report
for each child to ensure students completed the          MobyMax
allotted time.

Reading​: Log-in to Lexia.
Teachers will monitor the program usage report         20-30 minutes
for each child to ensure students completed the
allotted time.

Complete Each Additional Journal Page
                                                         15 mins.
   ●   Math
                                                         15 mins.
   ●   Reading
                                                        20-30 mins.
   ●   Writing
                                                        10-20 mins.
   ●   Specials
Math Day 6

    Choose ​ONE​ box and show your work below.

                Box 1                                        Box 2
    Represent the number 33 in 3           Write all the ways to make 5. How do you
           different ways.                know there are no other pairs that make 5?
(Ex. words, ten frames, base ten, etc.)

                                 1.MP.4                                      1.MP.2

                         I chose Box # _____.
                            Here is my work:
Reading Day 6

                                     Fruits Have Seeds

Fruits grow in different ways. Apples grow on trees. Grapes grow on vines. Blueberries

grow on bushes.

All fruits have something special. Do you know what that is? Seeds! Some fruits have

one seed. Others have many seeds.

A peach has one seed. A coconut has one seed too. A pumpkin has many small seeds.

A strawberry has many tiny seeds. They are on the outside of the fruit.

Seeds are important because they can grow into new plants.

What happens when seeds fall to the ground? Plants grow. Those plants will have

stems, leaves, flowers, fruits—and more seeds.
© 2014 ReadWorks​®​, Inc. All rights reserved.

Question: Why are seeds important?


Writing Day 6
What is your favorite book? Give at least 2 reasons why it is your favorite.​ Use the
checklist at the bottom to check your work.











__ Starts with a capital letter          __Written neatly __Finger spaces __Punctuation












___Starts with a capital __Written neatly ___Finger spaces __Punctuation
Specials Day 6

                           Choose ​ONE​ box & complete the task.
                              If you need to show your work,
                          you can use the space below the boxes.
1. ​Art​: ​Illustrate the following
Think about what you pictured                                           3. ​Gym​: ​Snow Conquest​:
 in your head as you read the         2. ​Computer​: Type or write 5     When snow is available, and
 poem. Draw your idea with a          things you can do to stay safe    your student can dress warmly     4. ​Music​: Make a shaker (egg
   pencil on the back of this           online. You can watch the        to go out, you can go outside      shaker or otherwise). Bring
  paper. Be creative and use          BrainPop Jr.* video on Internet               to do this..          your shaker to school and play
       your own ideas!                 Safety or BrainPop video on      ● Students make 20-30              a rhythm with it OR send Mr.
                                      Online Safety to help give you      snowballs to throw at targets    Schatko a short video of you
        “Snowman”                     ideas. (If you type your ideas,     (trees, fences, empty cans).      using your shaker to play a
     by Helen H. Moore                  please e-mail them to Mrs.      ● Students can also build a                    rhythm.
     Snowflakes falling                Campbell or print them out.)       snow fort as a base to throw
       Thick and fast,                                                    from.                           (dylan.schatko@jessamine.kys
      Build a snowman                 (​kim.campbell@jessamine.kys      ● Use good technique, and         
      Make him last . . .             ​)               different distances to throw
     Snowflakes falling,                                                  from.
       Swirling, slow,
    My snowman melted –
       Where’d he go?
        *To access BrainPop Jr. (​​) and BrainPop (​​), your child should be able to use
        his/her Clever login page.

                                                I chose Box # _____.
Name ​____________________

                               NTI Day 7 Student Checklist: 1st Grade

                    Activity                       Amount of Time (Mins)      Parent/Guardian

Math​: Log-in to MobyMax. Spend 20-30 minutes
practicing math.                                       20-30 minutes
Teachers will monitor the program usage report
for each child to ensure students completed the          MobyMax
allotted time.

Reading​: Log-in to Lexia.
Teachers will monitor the program usage report         20-30 minutes
for each child to ensure students completed the
allotted time.

Complete Each Additional Journal Page
                                                         15 mins.
   ●   Math
                                                         15 mins.
   ●   Reading
                                                        20-30 mins.
   ●   Writing
                                                        10-20 mins.
   ●   Specials
Math Day 7

      Choose ​ONE​ box and show your work below.

                 Box 1                                      Box 2
  Using items in your house model the     Write the following numbers from least to
following problem. Jacob had 12 cans of                    greatest:
soda, he drank 7 cans. How many cans                  54, 28, 21, 42, 12
           does he have left?

                                 1.MP.1                                     1.MP.1

                         I chose Box # _____.
                            Here is my work:
Reading Day 7


How do you hear? With your ears, of course! Hearing is one of your five senses.

There is sound all around you. Your ears help you take in those sounds. That way, you

know more about what is happening around you.

The part of the ear that you can see is called the pinna. This is the part that gathers

sounds. From there, the sound goes further into your ear.

When the sound goes further in, it reaches your eardrum. Your eardrum is not a real

drum! It’s a piece of skin. The sound makes your eardrum shake. And that makes other

parts far inside your ear move, too. When that happens, your brain knows that you

heard a sound. It tells you what you heard!

© 2017 ReadWorks​®​, Inc. All rights reserved.

Question: Write 2 new facts you learned about hearing.


Writing Day 7
If you could be the teacher for a day what would you do? Write a story to tell what
you would do with your class.​ Use the checklist at the bottom to check your work.











__ Starts with a capital letter          __Written neatly __Finger spaces __Punctuation












___Starts with a capital __Written neatly ___Finger spaces __Punctuation
Specials Day 7

                         Choose ​ONE​ box & complete the task.
                            If you need to show your work,
                        you can use the space below the boxes.

                                   2. ​Computer​: Practice typing     3. ​Gym​: ​GoNoodle Indoor
                                   skills for 15 minutes. You can                Recess​:               4. ​Music​: Music Listening:
                                    use the Typing Links on the      Do GoNoodle indoor recess.          Please listen to a style of
   1. ​Art​: Go to the following    RDES Website (Go to RDES           (10-20 minutes of activity)      music of your choice for 15
              website               Students→ Computer Lab→                Have an adult go to           minutes and write a brief​.      Typing Links). You may play​ and      description of the music on a
*Pick one "how to draw video"       games for 15 minutes and/or      sign up. ​Select Channels at     piece of paper. Please tell me
 *Watch and draw along with          practice on        the top, scroll down and         what you listened to, how it
  the video, color if you have        can choose “Sign in with        choose an Indoor Recess           made you feel, and what it
 coloring materials at home.             Google” or use your         activity​. You can also search    made you think about. Make
                                      email/password to login.          Youtube and search for        sure you have an adult sign or
                                   Make sure to use the correct              “Indoor Recess                  initial your activity!
                                         fingers for typing!                    GoNoodle.”

                                            I chose Box # _____.
Name ​____________________

                               NTI Day 8 Student Checklist: 1st Grade

                    Activity                       Amount of Time (Mins)      Parent/Guardian

Math​: Log-in to MobyMax. Spend 20-30 minutes
practicing math.                                       20-30 minutes
Teachers will monitor the program usage report
for each child to ensure students completed the          MobyMax
allotted time.

Reading​: Log-in to Lexia.
Teachers will monitor the program usage report         20-30 minutes
for each child to ensure students completed the
allotted time.

Complete Each Additional Journal Page
                                                         15 mins.
   ●   Math
                                                         15 mins.
   ●   Reading
                                                        20-30 mins.
   ●   Writing
                                                        10-20 mins.
   ●   Specials
Math Day 8

       Choose ​ONE​ box and show your work below.

                Box 1                                  Box 2
Model how to add the following equations:      Skip count by 3’s to 30.
              10 + 10 =
               6+9 =
              19 + 10 =

                                   1.MP.2                                 1.MP.8

                          I chose Box # _____.
                             Here is my work:
Reading Day 8

                                 How the Ocean Helps

Many people love the ocean. They like to go there to see the beach. They like

swimming in the water. Some people like sailing or fishing in the ocean.

But the ocean isn’t just a fun place to visit. It’s also important to our earth!

How does the ocean help our earth? It stops the earth from getting too cold. Here’s how

it does that. First, the sun shines on the ocean. The ocean’s water can take in the heat

from the sun. Then, that water flows around the world. It moves that warmth around the

world. Because this warmth gets spread around, more parts of Earth can have living

things. That’s a big help!
© 2017 ReadWorks​®​, Inc. All rights reserved.

Question: How does the ocean help our Earth?

Writing Day 8
If you could have a super power what would it be? Write to tell what you would
choose and how you would use your power.​ Use the checklist at the bottom to check
your work.











__ Starts with a capital letter          __Written neatly __Finger spaces __Punctuation












___Starts with a capital __Written neatly ___Finger spaces __Punctuation
Specials Day 8

                         Choose ​ONE​ box & complete the task.
                            If you need to show your work,
                        you can use the space below the boxes.

                                                                     3. ​Gym​: ​Exercise Listing​:
                                                                            Make a list of:
                                                                              3 Rotations
                                                                              3 Stretches
                                                                                                     4. ​Music​: Go to the “Sphinx
                                     2. ​Computer​: Type a letter             6 exercises
 1. ​Art​: Complete any of the                                                                               Kids!” website:
                                   with at least 3-5 sentences and         Wait one minute
drawing activities listed below.                                                                     (
                                      e-mail it to Mrs. Campbell.         Get a drink of water
     *create a self portrait                                                                         and spend 15 minutes doing
                                                                         Redo your exercises
 *create an imaginary animal                                                                          different activities. Write a
  *create a winter landscape                                                                          short description about the
                                   ​)             Write to me and tell me what
                                                                                                          activities you chose.
                                                                       you did, and how it felt.

                                             I chose Box # _____.
Name ​____________________

                               NTI Day 9 Student Checklist: 1st Grade

                    Activity                       Amount of Time (Mins)      Parent/Guardian

Math​: Log-in to MobyMax. Spend 20-30 minutes
practicing math.                                       20-30 minutes
Teachers will monitor the program usage report
for each child to ensure students completed the          MobyMax
allotted time.

Reading​: Log-in to Lexia.
Teachers will monitor the program usage report         20-30 minutes
for each child to ensure students completed the
allotted time.

Complete Each Additional Journal Page
                                                         15 mins.
   ●   Math
                                                         15 mins.
   ●   Reading
                                                        20-30 mins.
   ●   Writing
                                                        10-20 mins.
   ●   Specials
Math Day 9

      Choose ​ONE​ box and show your work below.

                   Box 1                                     Box 2
Identify the fact family for the numbers:    Represent the number 13 in 3 different
                  3 5 8                                      ways.
                                             (Ex. words, ten frames, base ten, etc.)

                                    1.MP.7                                     1.MP.4

                           I chose Box # _____.
                              Here is my work:
Reading Day 9

                              Groundhogs are Diggers

Groundhogs are furry animals. They like to eat grass and other plants. Groundhogs live

in homes called burrows. The burrows are under the ground. Groundhogs dig long

tunnels into their burrows. Then they dig special rooms in the burrows. Some rooms are

for groundhog babies. Some rooms are for sleeping. Some rooms are bathrooms.

Groundhogs are clean animals. They keep their burrows clean too.
© 2013 ReadWorks​®​, Inc. All rights reserved.

Question: What is a burrow?



Question: Write 1 fact about what groundhogs do in their burrow.


Writing Day 9

What is your favorite animal? Write to tell where it lives, what it eats, and what it
looks like.​ Use the checklist at the bottom to check your work.











__ Starts with a capital letter          __Written neatly __Finger spaces __Punctuation












___Starts with a capital __Written neatly ___Finger spaces __Punctuation
Specials Day 9

                           Choose ​ONE​ box & complete the task.
                              If you need to show your work,
                          you can use the space below the boxes.
1. ​Art​: ​Illustrate the following
Think about what you pictured                                           3. ​Gym​: ​Snow Conquest​:
 in your head as you read the         2. ​Computer​: Type or write 5     When snow is available, and
 poem. Draw your idea with a          things you can do to stay safe    your student can dress warmly     4. ​Music​: Make a shaker (egg
   pencil on the back of this           online. You can watch the        to go out, you can go outside      shaker or otherwise). Bring
  paper. Be creative and use          BrainPop Jr.* video on Internet               to do this..          your shaker to school and play
       your own ideas!                 Safety or BrainPop video on      ● Students make 20-30              a rhythm with it OR send Mr.
                                      Online Safety to help give you      snowballs to throw at targets    Schatko a short video of you
        “Snowman”                     ideas. (If you type your ideas,     (trees, fences, empty cans).      using your shaker to play a
     by Helen H. Moore                  please e-mail them to Mrs.      ● Students can also build a                    rhythm.
     Snowflakes falling                Campbell or print them out.)       snow fort as a base to throw
       Thick and fast,                                                    from.                           (dylan.schatko@jessamine.kys
      Build a snowman                 (​kim.campbell@jessamine.kys      ● Use good technique, and         
      Make him last . . .             ​)               different distances to throw
     Snowflakes falling,                                                  from.
       Swirling, slow,
    My snowman melted –
       Where’d he go?
        *To access BrainPop Jr. (​​) and BrainPop (​​), your child should be able to use
        his/her Clever login page.

                                                I chose Box # _____.
Name ​____________________

                               NTI Day 10 Student Checklist: 1st Grade

                    Activity                       Amount of Time (Mins)      Parent/Guardian

Math​: Log-in to MobyMax. Spend 20-30 minutes
practicing math.                                       20-30 minutes
Teachers will monitor the program usage report
for each child to ensure students completed the          MobyMax
allotted time.

Reading​: Log-in to Lexia.
Teachers will monitor the program usage report         20-30 minutes
for each child to ensure students completed the
allotted time.

Complete Each Additional Journal Page
                                                         15 mins.
   ●   Math
                                                         15 mins.
   ●   Reading
                                                        20-30 mins.
   ●   Writing
                                                        10-20 mins.
   ●   Specials
Math Day 10

   Choose ​ONE​ box and show your work below.

             Box 1                                   Box 2
How many tens and ones are in the     Count backwards by 1’s starting at 30.
     following number 40?                  Then count backwards by
     Explain how you know.                    10’s starting at 100.

                             1.MP.2                                    1.MP.8

                     I chose Box # _____.
                        Here is my work:
Reading Day 10

              Our President Lives in the White House

Washington, D.C. is the capital of the United States of America. The White House is in
Washington, D.C.

The president and the president’s family live in the White House. The president’s pets
live there too.

The White House has 132 rooms. It has 35 bathrooms.

It has a swimming pool and a movie theater.

The White House has a special office. It is called the Oval Office. The president works
in the Oval Office.

The White House has a lot of color. It has a room named the Blue Room where the
president meets many of his guests. It also has a Green Room and a Red Room! Both
rooms are sitting rooms usually used to welcome guests or to celebrate an event.
© 2013 ReadWorks®, Inc. All rights reserved.

Question: What is the Oval Office?


Question: Write happens in the Blue Room?

Writing Day 10

If you could choose any place to visit where would you go? Write at least 2
reasons why you chose your destination.​ Use the checklist at the bottom to check
your work.











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___Starts with a capital __Written neatly ___Finger spaces __Punctuation
Specials Day 10

                             Complete the task.
                      If you need to show your work,
                   you can use the space below the box.
     ​Gym/Health​: ​Green Light Foods​ are good to eat almost any time (e.g., fresh fruits, veggies, & whole grains);
           Red Light Foods​ are “once in awhile foods” that can be unhealthy if you eat too much too often.
●   Use a paper plate, or a piece of paper, and draw the Green Light Foods that you would want to place on your plate to eat.
                     Students may also cut out pictures (with permission) from magazines and glue them on.
Extra Journal Pages
You can use these pages to write, draw, or to complete
 activities from your journal if you need extra space.




























































You can also read