Music Booklet 2022 - Brisbane Boys' College

Page created by Erin Mitchell
Music Booklet 2022 - Brisbane Boys' College

Music Booklet

Music Booklet 2022 - Brisbane Boys' College

The Brisbane Boys’ College Music Department                     Junior School Classroom Instrumental Music program
                                                                The Junior School Classroom Instrumental Music program
provides all students with high quality music                   is designed to allow boys to learn, participate in and enjoy
education and performance opportunities. Boys                   music-making through practical performance with an
engage in music education in the classroom, in                  orchestral instrument (students are allocated an instrument
                                                                after testing).
instrumental and vocal teaching studios, and in
                                                                In Years 4 to 6 boys receive one classroom Music lesson
performance ensembles.                                          and one classroom Instrumental Music lesson each week.
                                                                Every Year 4 student learns either the violin, viola, cello or
There are three strands of BBC Music:                           double bass. Year 4 students combine for various concerts
•    Academic classroom learning/classroom instrumental         and perform as the Year 4 String Ensemble.
•    Individual tuition (private lessons)                       Boys in Years 5 and 6 are able to take up/continue with
                                                                Strings or commence tuition on instruments from the Brass,
•    Regular rehearsals and performances (Co-curricular)
                                                                Woodwind or Percussion families. Students have one
                                                                small group class each week for two years on the same
By combining these strands, boys are able to achieve
                                                                instrument; as well as their classroom music lesson. These
excellence in a program that employs innovative and
                                                                small groups combine to form the Year 5 Band or Strings
interactive learning environments to stimulate and empower
                                                                and the Year 6 Band or Strings. These ensembles perform
independent and passionate musicians.
                                                                for the Junior School at various times during the year.
BBC takes a holistic approach to music education.
Classroom learning, individual tuition (private lessons)        Middle/Senior School
and performances all contribute to producing quality            Boys in Years 7 and 8 engage in four lessons of
musicians who can pursue a career in Music, engage in           Academic Music per fortnight, as part of the compulsory
music-making for recreation or simply understand and            BBC Music program.
connect with music they hear around them.                       From Year 9, boys can elect to complete the Music Course
Music at BBC is delivered in a way that is active. Boys sing,   and study it for three periods per week.
play, read, write, analyse and compose music. The College       The College offers a Music Acceleration Course (MAC),
aims to create musicians who will love and appreciate           which allow students to begin ATAR Music in Year 10.
music for the rest of their lives.                              They complete the two-year course at the end of Year 11
                                                                and can take up Music Extension (another ATAR Music
Academic Music                                                  Course) in Year 12. In addition, students can trial Music
The Academic Music program includes Music Every                 Extension in Years 10 or 11 as part of the Music Extension
Day, the Junior School Classroom Instrumental program,          Preparatory Course.
Classroom Music from Prep to Year 8, and Elective
Classroom Music from Years 9 to 12. It is linked through        Individual tuition
common musical terminology and is strengthened and              Individual tuition (private lessons) is available through the
supported by the Co-curricular Music program.                   Music Department for all Orchestral and Band Instruments,
Through engagement in this program, boys develop                Piano, Guitar, Vocal, Theory of Music and Musicianship
musicianship, composition, performance and analytical           Studies, Bag Pipes and Pipe Band Drumming. Students
skills, and are exposed to music from a wide variety of         are prepared for AMEB, Trinity College and other exams
cultures and time periods. They are encouraged to develop       if required.
values such as perseverance and the desire to succeed.          Private lessons are a half hour duration and rotate weekly
In Years 10 to 12, boys can also choose to complete the         (same day, different time) to ensure students do not miss
Music Extension subject. Music Extension challenges boys        the same lessons consecutively. All new enrolments are for
to specialise in composition, performance or musicology         a minimum of one semester (16 lessons). Priority for before
and is important for those who want to undertake Music          and after school times are given to students in Years 11
as a tertiary study. Boys can also elect to complete Music      and 12, depending on the availability of tutors. No lessons
Extension as a trial in Year 10 or Year 11.                     are given during recess, and lessons must rotate weekly
                                                                unless special arrangements are made.
Music Every Day
Students from Prep to Year 3 receive specialist music           Fees
classes every school day. The program aims to instil a love     Lesson costs for 2022 are calculated at $40 per half hour
for music in every child. BBC is one of the few schools         lesson and will be charged to your school fee statement.
in Australia to offer daily music education. The program        Students will receive 16 lessons per semester ($640). You
includes Marvellous Music workshops with local girls’           will be billed $1,280 in Semester 2 for the entire year or
schools and groups also perform for the College community       part thereof.
and friends.
Music Booklet 2022 - Brisbane Boys' College
Please notify your sons teacher or the Music Department
on 07 3309 3520 or before 8.00am
if your son will be absent. In the case of absence due to
exams, sports days or excursions, at least 24 hours notice
must be given. Lessons missed without prior notification
cannot always be made up and may be forfeited.
Timetables are issued at the beginning of each term and
updated as new enrolments are received. Students will be
provided with their own individual timetables each term.
Tuition cancellation must be made in writing to the Head
of Performance Music and four weeks’ notice is required.
All new enrolments are for a minimum of one semester           Ensembles
(16 lessons). Continuing enrolments must also provide a        Ensembles may vary from year to year.
minimum of four weeks’ notice to cancel a lesson.
Hiring instruments                                             Strings
The school has a limited number of instruments available       Senior		 College Strings, Cello Quartet,
for loaning to students at a hire cost of $280 per year. The   		College Symphony
amount will be invoiced on your school fee statement. Hire     Intermediate          Intermezzo Strings, Hudson Strings
of school instruments cannot be guaranteed. Students in        Junior 		             Acton Strings, Junior Strings
Years 4 to 6 will not be charged this fee.
Please note:                                                   Brass, Woodwind, Percussion
                                                               Senior		            Symphonic Band, Big Band, Senior
•    A hire agreement/indemnity form must be completed         		                  Percussion Ensemble, Brass Band,
     and signed by a parent or guardian before an              		                  Brass Quintet, Clarinet Ensemble
     instrument is issued to a student.                        Intermediate Wind Ensemble, Concert Band,
•    The hire period is for a maximum of one school year.      		           Stage Band, Intermediate
•    In extenuating circumstances, extension of the loan       		Percussion Ensemble
     will be considered by the Head of Performance Music       Junior		 Junior Band, Junior Percussion
     in consultation with the Instrumental Music Teacher.      		Ensemble

Co-curricular Music                                            Vocal
                                                               Senior		              Camerata, Collegians
Brisbane Boys’ College offers various ensembles in the
Junior, Middle and Senior Schools. The College also has        Intermediate          BBC Singers, Camerata
a Pipe Band. It is a requirement that boys learning an         Junior		              Colla Voce, Camerata
instrument will join at least one performance ensemble.
                                                               BBC Pipe Band
Students audition for placement in ensembles and are
                                                               Number 1 Band
then invited to join choirs and ensembles as their skills
                                                               Number 2 Band
develop. Continuing students will audition at the end of
                                                               Number 3 Band
Term 3. However, new students are required to audition at
                                                               Pipe Band Development Program for Learners
the start of Term 1. Boys must have regular lessons on their
instrument to be eligible for audition and placement. Boys     BBC Rock Bands
in choirs are strongly encouraged to take vocal lessons.
Many performances are conducted within the College
and out in the wider community. For example, College
ensembles are a regular feature at many ANZAC Day
services throughout Brisbane, and our senior ensembles         Please note: Students must be having regular lessons for the
are afforded the opportunity to perform at the BBC Awards      instrument on which they are performing to be eligible for
Night. These are just a few of the wonderful experiences       membership in instrumental ensembles (excluding choirs, but
that allow our musicians to engage in music-making at the      vocal lessons are encouraged). Students may also choose
highest level.                                                 to participate in Extension/Senior Ensembles. However,
                                                               membership in these ensembles requires an audition.
                                                               Students who have lessons outside the College are also
                                                               encouraged to participate fully in the Ensemble program.

                                                               All students learning an instrument are required to
                                                               participate in at least one of the above ensembles as and
                                                               when appropriate skills are developed.
The Music Department office is open from 8.00am to 4.00pm during
term time. If the office is unattended, please leave a voicemail message
or send us an email.

All enquiries
+ 61 7 3309 3520

Head of Adademic Music
Mr Stuart Quill		      
Head of Performance Music
Head of Strings
Mr Theo Kotzas		       
Head of Voice
Mr Brett Holland
Head of Woodwind
Mrs Bernadette D’Arcy  
Head of Brass and Percussion
Mr Stuart Bent 		  
Director of Pipe Band
Mr Steven Stanley		    

Music Support Group
For information about the Music Support Group, please contact
the Music Support Group President via the Music Office on
+ 61 7 3309 3520.
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