Miners face bleak future as mine ceases operations - Steelburgernews Epaper

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Miners face bleak future as mine ceases operations - Steelburgernews Epaper
Thursday July 22, 2021

Miners face bleak future
The BCM miners are frustrated after the mine stopped operations.

as mine ceases operations
               Gilbert Motseo                  mine’s gates on Monday said, “We were         adjusted level 4 lockdown has severely      and they have to follow proper procedure
                                               shocked when it was communicated to us        affected the mining industry. The           when retrenching," claimed one angry
    BURGERSFORT - It has been more             that we must not report for duty. There was   Department of Mineral Resources and         miner, who chose to remain anonymous.
  than two weeks since Black Chrome Mine       no communication from the management          Energy issued a notice which suspended        Steelburger/Lydenburg News contacted
  (BCM) ceased operations at Driekop,          or from the unions. All we received was       Sail’s mining operations, which meant       the company’s general manager, Wayne
  Mooihoek. The work stoppage has left         messages via SMS that stated we must not      that the company could not continue         Dietrich, who suggested all queries
  about 1 400 workers stranded. They are       report for duty,” said the miner.             operations for a certain period,” the       regarding the mine stoppages and unpaid
  not sure of their July salaries. They have     They said the message were followed by      statement from the Sail group revealed.     salaries be directed to the liquidator,
  also recently witnessed their medical aid    this one: “We are at the mercy of the court   The newspaper has a copy of this letter.    Chris Monyela of Masiye Administrators.
  suspended due to unpaid premiums.            currently. We are awaiting appointment of        The workers alleged that they are          This publication forwarded queries to
    BCM is owned by Sail Contracting           the liquidator and will keep you updated.     still owed their monies for bonuses that    Monyela, who had not responded by the
  Minerals.                                    Please remain calm.”                          were supposed to have been paid on          time of going to press.
    According to the miners, they were           Earlier this month, Steelburger/            July 9.                                        On Tuesday, the mine entrances
  shocked to receive a message indicating      Lydenburg News discovered that the mine          “We want to be paid our outstanding      remained locked with strong security
  that they should not report for duty. “The   released a communique indicating that         payments. The issue of liquidation          presence at the gates. Meanwhile, on
  night shift for July 5 has been cancelled.   Sail had been facing serious financial        must be dealt with the courts and the       Monday, the EFF Sekhukhune visited the
  Employees are urged to remain calm,” the     challenges arising from a lack of funding     company while we continue receiving         miners to hear their grievances. The party
  message read.                                and challenging economic conditions.          our salaries. They must remember that       confirmed that it would investigate the
    A frustrated employee found at the           “The Covid-19 pandemic and the latest       they did not give us retrenchment letters   matter with the national office.
Miners face bleak future as mine ceases operations - Steelburgernews Epaper
2 Steelburger / Lydenburg News                                                                                NEWS                                                                 Thursday July 22, 2021

Police officials seize 40 crates of
illegal liquor thanks to a tip-off
         Michelle Boshoff
recently raided a house and
confiscated 40 crates of illegal
   On Sunday July 19 at 14:00, a tip-
off from an anonymous person about
alcohol being sold out of a house
without a valid liquor licence, led
the Lydenburg police to Stand 406 in
the Old Location residential area.
   There they arrested an Ethiopian

      Ayano appeared
     in the Mashishing
   Magistrate’s Court on
   charges of dealing in
                                                                                                                  Soldier whisky, a no-name brand, was part of the seized liquor.
   liquor without a valid

                                                                                                                  Moz women in court for
national, Bekeze Ayano (34).

                                                                                                                  contravening lockdown
  Among the 40 crates, nine crates
of Castle Lager beer (750ml), six
crates of Heineken (660ml), five
crates of Savannah Dry (330ml), and
18 bottles of Gordon's London Dry
Gin (750ml) were confiscated.                                                                                                  Michelle Boshoff
  Ayano appeared in the Mashishing                                                                                   LYDENBURG - Two women of Xhai
Magistrate's Court on Monday July                                                                                 Xhai, Mozambique, were arrested for the
19 on charges of dealing in liquor         Capt Kaizer Moela, the spokesperson for the
                                                                                                                  possession of illegal alcohol.
without a valid licence.                   Lydenburg SAPS, with the confiscated liquor.
                                                                                                                     The SAPS confiscated the alcohol on
                                                                                                                  Wednesday July 14 after they had received
                                                                                                                  information from a whistleblower at
                                                                                                                  around 12:00.
                                                                                                                     Suzi Khumalo (34) and Thelma Tsobo
                                                                                                                  (34) were halted at the Dullstroom and
                                                                                                                  Roossenekal T-junction on their way
                                                                                                                  to Johannesburg. They were carrying
                                                                                                                  320 bottles of Soldier whisky (200ml) and
                                                                                                                  20 bottles of Caipirinha (200ml).                The goods after the bust at the Lydenburg
                                                                                                                     They were detained at the Lydenburg           SAPS.
                                                                                                                  SAPS for the Contravention of Disaster
                                                                                                                  Management Act (Covid-19) by transporting        Mashishing Magistrate's Court on Friday
                                                                                                                  liquor during lockdown level 4 and for           July 15.
                                                                                                                  the Contravention of Immigration Act for           Capt Kaizer Moela commended the
                                                                                                                  being found in the country without proper        whistleblowers for sharing this important
                                                                                                                  documentation. They appeared in the              information with the police.

       Alicia Stols

                                                                                                                  More bags of liquor.

                                                                                                                   Sales Rep at Steelburger News
                                                                                                                   Steelpoort and Burgersfort area

                                    Contact us              Gilbert Motseo
                                                                                           Code of Conduct                                       Publisher                                   Audit
                                    Group general manager   Advertising
                                    Buks Esterhuizen        Marlene Kleynhans              This newspaper subscribes to the Code of Ethics       Published and printed by Lowveld Media,     The distribution of
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 Email:                             Marius Bakkes           steelburgernews.co.za          the Code, within 20 days of the date of publication   all reports, photographs, drawings and      professional standards
 marius@lowveldmedia.co.za          087-287-6990            Alicia Stols
                                                            063 972 2404                   of the material, please contact the Public            all materials published in this newspaper   administrated by
                                    Distribution manager
                                    Monya Burger            Alicia@steelburgernews.co.za   Advocate at 011 484 3612, fax: 011 4843619. You       are hereby reserved in                      the Audit Bureau of
 Address: PO Box 654,               Lydenburg               Accounts
                                                                                           can also contact our Case Officer on khanyim@          terms of Section 12 (7) of                  Circulations of South
 Lydenburg 1120                     013-235-1624                                           ombudsman.org.za or lodge a complaint on our          the Copyright Act No 96 of                  Africa.
 46 Viljoen Street Lydenburg 1120   Editorial
                                    Michelle Boshoff                                       website: www.presscouncil.org.za                      1978 and any amendments
                                    076-091-8401                                                                                                 thereof.
Miners face bleak future as mine ceases operations - Steelburgernews Epaper
Thursday July 22, 2021                                                                    NEWS                                                        Steelburger / Lydenburg News 3

Police press release and water
mermaid’s warning create panic
             Michelle Boshoff
   LYDENBURG - News reports in the paper
that recalled the Lydenburg floods of 20
years ago led to great consternation among
   A local, so-called seer predicted a repeat
of the disaster the past weekend, and even
the police felt obliged to issue a warning.
   After much speculation regarding
Mongwa Metsi's flood warning last week,
Steelburger/Lydenburg News looked deeper
into the matter.
   This warning went viral on social media
and WhatsApp.
   Capt Kaizer Moela put out a media
statement about the water mermaid's
warning that the flood would be between
09:00 and 12:00 on Sunday July 18.
   Moela also spoke about the warning on
Mash FM and gave the following statement:        This front page of 20 years ago could be part      Members of the Lydenburg/ Mashishing Taxi Association receive their reflector jackets.
"The community of greater Lydenburg

                                                                                                    Taxis take a stand against
                                                 of the confusion.
is hereby warned of possible heavy rain
or storm on Sunday July 18 from 09:00            have confused readers.
to 12:00. The warning is informed by a              The article on the front page was about

                                                                                                    vigilantes and looters
report we received from a member of the          a little girl who discovered an old trophy
public who approached a member of the            in the mud near her house. It had belonged
SAPS informing her that she was sent by a        to the Kruger family. The Kruger family
mermaid to request the police to warn the        members died in the flood and it destroyed
public of heavy rain. The alleged messenger      their house. The articles were in Afrikaans
told the member that the mermaid will be         and the paper wants to point out that the                       Michelle Boshoff
taking her daughter somewhere during that        anniversary of the flood is in December.
time. We warn the community to be extra             “We believe in one God who created                LYDENBURG - The Lydenburg/
careful during that time and ensure that they    the universe and we give honour to Him             Mashishing Taxi Association took the
are indoors and avoid unnecessary driving        and Him alone. We should not corrupt our           initiative to show potential looters and
around. From the police side, we want to put     conscience by giving significance to these         vigilantes that it would not let anything
it very clear that we are just conveying the     rumours. Otherwise, we invite fear to rule         happen on its watch.
message as we received it, if there will be no   our lives. The community should not panic.           The association handed over reflector
rain or storm as mentioned we appeal to the      We accept there are people who believe in          jackets to all its taxi drivers on Friday
community not to point fingers at us because     water spirits, it is very common in African        July 16. Members of the Lydenburg/
our role is to make the community aware of       spirituality. We also accept that the person       Mashishing Taxi Association followed
anything that might endanger the lives and       who warned the police believes in water            up the handover ceremony by driving
properties of the community. We are looking      spirits,” he said.                                 to all town entrances in convoy. Fellow
forward to the safety of every inhabitant of                                                        motorists showed their support by
our society".                                      Some comments from social media                  honking and waving at them.
   Past Takatso Sedidi of AFM Mashishing           users on Facebook                                  The response on the Steelburger/
Assembly, said residents were in fear on                                                            Lydenburg News Facebook page
Sunday and some refused to go to work.             "Please bring the sender to Mash FM.             was overwhelming and social media               Lucy Makola distributes reflector jackets to
Children were crying, begging their parents        We have some questions to ask." -                users congratulated and thanked the             taxi association members.
and grandparents not to leave the house            Kgoptso Rodney Pule.                             association. Within a few minutes, the
before 13:00. He also personally received          "She must be on drugs." - Nyundu                 article trended with hundreds of likes and      meeting in Mbombela and could not attend
calls over the weekend.                            Sameklo.                                         shares.                                         the handover. On his behalf and that of the
   An old front page of Lowvelder                  "The guy I saw lives at the taxi rank. Let's       Boshoff Mkawane, the chairperson              association's, David Mkhondo, its training
(December 14, 2001) accompanied the                respect such announcement." - Solomon            of the Lydenburg/Mashishing Taxi                officer, thanked local businesses that had
article. The headline "Flash flood hell" may       Letsoalo.                                        Association, was attending a regional           made donations towards this initiative.

Miners face bleak future as mine ceases operations - Steelburgernews Epaper
4 Steelburger / Lydenburg News                                                        NEWS                                                                      Thursday July 22, 2021

                                                                                              Vandals destroying
                                                                                              infrastructure in town
                                                                                                           Michelle Boshoff
                                                                                                 LYDENBURG – Vandalism of
                                                                                              municipality property is again rearing its
                                                                                              ugly head.
                                                                                                 Themba Sibiya, communication officer
                                                                                              of the Thaba Chweu Local Municipality
Lindiwe Nkambule gives her colleague Tebogo                                                   (TCLM), said this hinders basic service
Letswalo her second vaccine.                       Joseph Tshabalala (67).                    delivery.
                                                                                                 Several reports of stolen cables, desecrated

Health Department jabs Mashishing                                                             graveyards, theft of critical cables, panels
                                                                                              and components of water treatment plants,
                                                                                              borehole pumps, sewer plants and electrical
                                                                                              substations, have been lodged at TCLM.
            Michelle Boshoff                                                                     TCLM is seriously concerned about the
   MASHISHING - The Department of                                                             increase of these acts.
Health continued its vaccination campaign at                                                     Sibiya stated that theft and vandalism are
the Mashishing Community Hall on Monday                                                       criminal and counterproductive as they deny
July 19.                                                                                      communities their right to service and future
   It was advertised that the age group of                                                    development.
35 to 50 would start being vaccinated on                                                         The municipality is then forced to reinvest
Monday. Registrations for this age group                                                      funds and resources into a vandalised and
opened on July 15.                                                                            stolen property, instead of channelling it into
   The younger generation had to stand                                                        other priority areas.
aside to let the magogos and mkhulos                                                             A continued interruption of basic services       Marius Opperman at one of the damaged
(grandmothers and grandfathers) receive                                                       discourages potential investments required          electrical boxes in Platinum Street. He
their second jab first.                                                                       to create jobs, business opportunities and          brought it under the attention of the
   The department continued its drive at the                                                  future growth of the town. It also affects the      Steelburger/ Lydenburg News.
Lydenburg Town Hall on Wednesday.                                                             smooth running of businesses, schools and
   The minister for health, Dr Zweli                                                          households.                                         no water in the taps.
Mkhize, has urged the elderly to sign up                                                         When electrical cables are stolen and              A vandalised stadium means no
for their Covid-19 vaccines, as the country    Johanna Ndlovu (83) receives her second        streetlights are destroyed, streets are plunged     development of sports teams and athletes.
implemented the second phase of the            jab.                                           into darkness increasing the risk of criminal         Vandalism is a criminal offence
vaccination roll-out plan on Monday. “All                                                     activities.                                         punishable by law.
services are zero-rated and do not need          • Online at vaccine.enroll.gov.za               Stolen cables and components at sewer              The municipality would like to urge the
airtime, data or money,” he said on Sunday.       • Using the WhatsApp line 0600 123456       plants lead to sewage leaks which are               public to refrain from destroying public
   He reminded people that there were              • Via SMS by dialling *134*832#            a health hazard and detrimental to the              assets and infrastructure and instead
five ways to register on the Electronic             • Calling the Covid-19 hotline on         environment.                                        report such activities to the relevant law
Vaccination Data System:                       0800 029 999.                                     Vandalised water treatment plants means          enforcement authorities.

                                                                                             District Command Council to push
                                                                                             for funeral industry vaccinations
                                                                                                           Gilbert Motseo                          “The DCC wishes to remind residents
                                                                                                                                                of the district that social gatherings are
                                                                                               SEKHUKHUNE - The District                        prohibited, while attendance at funerals is
                                                                                             Command Council (DCC) on Covid-19                  limited to 50 persons.
                                                                                             held its meeting on July 16 to reflect on the         “The coronavirus continues to ravage
                                                                                             impact of the ongoing pandemic.                    our country, and we encourage people to
                                                                                               One of the concerns raised by the DCC            avoid gatherings because they increase
                                                                                             was that residents of the Sekhukhune               chances of infections. We should avoid
                                                                                             District Municipality (SDM) continue to            a situation wherein we overwhelm the
                                                                                             attend funerals in large numbers.                  healthcare system to a breaking point,” said
                                                                                                                                                its chairperson, Stanley Ramaila.
                                                                                                                                                   Following deliberations on the challenges
                                                                                                                                                that the funeral service industry faces, the
                                                                                                                                                DCC resolved to lobby for the personnel
                                                                                                                                                who work in this all-important industry to
                                                                                                                                                be prioritised for vaccination.
                                                                                                                                                   “The personnel in the funeral services
                                                                                                                                                are at the coalface of the work; that makes
                                                                                                                                                them extremely vulnerable to Covid-19,”
                                                                                                                                                said Ramaila.
                                                                                                                                                   The government’s vaccination roll-out
                                                                                                                                                efforts were noted and welcomed.
                                                                                                                                                   The DCC encouraged persons between
                                                                                                                                                the ages of 35 and 49 to seize the
Some of the new cars handed to the SAPS.
                                                                                                                                                opportunity and register for vaccination.

New fleet of cars for Limpopo SAPS
                                                                                                                                                Persons over 50 were still encouraged to
                                                                                                                                                get vaccinated.
                                                                                                                                                   “The DCC also extends a word of
                                                                                                                                                gratitude to the people of Sekhukhune
            Gilbert Motseo                       In attendance was the deputy provincial                                                        for refusing to get involved in the looting
                                               police commissioner responsible, Maj Gen                                                         and destruction of property that were
  POLOKWANE - The days of Limpopo              Jan Scheepers, and the provincial head of                                                        recently seen in other parts of the country,”
SAPS lacking vehicles are a thing of the       the Hawks, Maj Gen Thobeka Josi.                                                                 concluded Ramaila.
past.                                            Scheepers appreciated all the teams that                                                          Among those who attended the session
  On Monday, the MEC for transport and         made it possible for the motor vehicles                                                          was the deputy minister in the presidency,
community safety, Mavhungu Lerule-             to be handed over, and encouraged                                                                Thembi Siweya, and Limpopo MEC
Ramakhanya, accompanied by the                 the members to perform their duties                                                              for education, Polly Boshielo, in their
provincial police commissioner, Lt Gen         responsibly while taking care of the state                                                       capacities as political champions of
Thembi Hadebe, handed a new fleet of 13        resources.                                                                                       the District Development Model to the
high-powered motor vehicles to the SAPS          In her special message, Hadebe urged                                                           SDM, as well as the MEC for cooperative
Limpopo Highway Patrol Team and other          members to patrol their designated areas to                                                      governance, human settlements and
units, to enhance service delivery across      prevent criminal activities, especially the                                                      traditional affairs, Basikopo Makamu.
the province.                                  identified hotspots in the province.                                                                The DCC meetings were also attended
  The objective behind this prime                Lerule-Ramakhanya encouraged                                                                   by local mayors and senior officials from
movement was to effectively provide the        members to continue applying their tactics                                                       all municipalities in the district and sector
best service to the residents of Limpopo.      to suppress crime within the province.        The DCC’s chairperson, Stanley Ramaila.            departments.
Miners face bleak future as mine ceases operations - Steelburgernews Epaper
Thursday July 22, 2021                                                                                                      Steelburger / Lydenburg News 5


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Miners face bleak future as mine ceases operations - Steelburgernews Epaper
6 Steelburger / Lydenburg News                                                      MINING                                                            Thursday July 22, 2021

                                                                                         Northam Booysendal
                                                                                                       Gilbert Motseo                    Kiwi, Shaga, Bokhapane and Bosfontein
                                                                                                                                         villages. Gogo Rebecca Ratau of Kiwi was
                                                                                            LYDENBURG - As part of the Mandela           among the recipients; she ululated as she
                                                                                         Day commemorations and 67 Minutes for           was given some groceries. “We thank the
                                                                                         Madiba, Northam Booysendal Mine donated         mine for rescuing us during these tough
                                                                                         groceries to local needy families.              times. We will share this with our kids and
                                                                                           This was also in answer to the call           grandchildren.”
                                                                                         made by President Cyril Ramaphosa, for            Another recipient, Elizabeth Mankge,
                                                                                                   companies to step in and provide      reiterated, “We are grateful for what the
                                                                                                              much-needed help to        mine has done for our community. We
                                                                                                              vulnerable communities     have the neediest people in our area and we
                                                                                                              during lockdown due to     believe the food parcels donated today will
                                                                                                            Covid-19.                    assist our families in the upcoming months.”
                                                                                                               The mine management,        On July 17, the mine management
                                                                                                             led by Jack Selowa, the     continued with these good deeds. They
                                                                                                            stakeholder engagement       proceeded to Rooikrans, Choma Tribal
                                                                                                            coordinator, brought         Office, Protea Farm, Boshoek and
                                                                                                           smiles to the needy as they   Draaikraal, where they continued handing
                                                                                                         donated food parcels to more    out groceries.
                                                                                                       than 100 families in the Thaba      The villagers were ecstatic to receive bags
                                                                                                       Chweu Local Municipality.         of maize meal, rice, cooking oil, veggies,
                                                                                                       The mine also handed out face     packets of tinned food and many more items.
                                                                                                       masks to the communities.           Patrick Phetla, a community leader, told
                                                                                                       On July 16, the mine started      Steelburger/Lydenburg News that the food
                                                                                                   with its first batch of donations.    would last them for more than two months.
                                                                                                It handed out food parcels in              “We are thankful for what Booysendal has

Jack Selowa.

                                                                                          Dave Magolego, Jack Selowa, Elizabeth Mohlala and Innocent Rammutla.

Philemon Makola was on clound nine when he received his groceries from Jack Selowa.                              Community members queue to receive their food parcels.
Miners face bleak future as mine ceases operations - Steelburgernews Epaper
Thursday July 22, 2021                                                              MINING                                                   Steelburger / Lydenburg News 7

carries on Madiba’s legacy through good deeds
done for our people. They handed us proper       lockdown regulations implemented by the
food. We even received washing powder            government and to always maintain a good
and bath soap. This mine really cares about      personal hygiene as advised by public
the needs of ordinary people. Some of            health experts.
our people did not have face masks and             “Booysendal indeed cares about the
the mine helped them.”                           needs of our communities,” Selowa said.
  Kgoshi William Makua of Draaikraal               During the donations, the recipients
applauded Booysendal for this good               were sanitised and adhered to social
initiative. “We would like to thank you          distancing to ensure compliance of
for the gifts. It is surely going to make a      Covid-19 regulations.
difference in our lives. We thank you for          Selowa confirmed that all the families
choosing our community and may God grant         who were handed food parcels were
you more to assist other families.”              chosen by the Mpumalanga Department of
  Speaking on behalf of the mine, Selowa         Social Development.
said, “We are all affected by the Covid-19         “We worked closely with a social
pandemic and the lockdown regulations, but       worker, Anthea Ngomane, to choose the
we find it befitting to help our communities     neediest families through their means
to ensure that our most vulnerable are           test verification process.”
provided for and protected during these            He concluded, “All of us remember
difficult times.                                 Madiba very fondly, so you can be sure
  “We believe in the importance of making        Mandela Day will always be a big success
a difference in the communities that we          and many of our less fortunate fellow
operate in, and this initiative also gives us    citizens will benefit. At Booysendal, we
an opportunity to strengthen the relationship    will do whatever we can to show that
with our key stakeholders.                       we care for the many underprivileged
  “We urge our locals to adhere to the                                                      Rachel Choma receives her food from Jack Selowa.

Community members from Bokhapane with their groceries.

Villagers at Kiwi queue to collect food parcels. Khodani Masindi of    Merriam Mampuru was delighted to have
Northam Booysendal ensures they follow Covid-19 regulations.           received her food parcels.                  Jacob Maidi of Shaga.
Miners face bleak future as mine ceases operations - Steelburgernews Epaper
8 Steelburger / Lydenburg News                                        CLASSIFIEDS                                                                                                        Thursday July 22, 2021

                                                                                                                          referred to in Rule 6 (5) (b) at     LE TAOLO YA TŠHOMIŠO YA
                                                                 0060                                                     which you will accept notice and     NAGA WA MMUŠOSELEGAE
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Mmeakanyi wa Metse, G15,
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Lebatong la Fase la Dikantoro
                                                               PERSONAL                                                   service of all documents in these
                                                                                                                          proceedings. (d) If no such
                                                                                                                                                               WA FETAKGOMO TUBATSE
                                                                                                                                                               WA 2018 PHETOŠO
                                                                                                                                                                                                  tša Motse, 1 Kastania Street,
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Burgersfort, 1150, ka dinako tša
                                                                                                                          notice of intention to oppose be     YA BO 174 le 175.                  tlwaelo tša mošomo tekano ya
                                      0035                URGENT NOTICE                       0910                        given, the application will be
                                                                                                                          made on 07 September 2021 at
                                                                                                                                                               Go tsebišwa gore rena, 4 Tsar      matšatši a 28 go tloga ka di 16
                                                                                                                                                               Street Services (Pty) Ltd, re le
                                     DEATHS                                               PUBLIC / LEGAL                  10:00 or so soon thereafter as
                                                                                                                                                               baemedi ba semmušo ba beng
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Mosegamanye 2021 (e le
                                                                                                                                                                                                  letšatši la mathomo la tsebišo
                                                                                                                          Counsel for the Applicant
                                                         If all repairs are not              NOTICES                      may be heard.
                                                                                                                                                               ba ditsha tša 2314                 ye). Boipelaetšo goba ditletlebo
                                                         collected within                                                 DATED AT BURGERSFORT                 Motse-Toropong wa Burgersfort      ka moka ka kgopelo ye di ka
                                                                                                                          ON THIS THE 24TH DAY OF              Extension 21 le Seripa sa 4 sa     amogelwa ke Molaodi wa
                                                         stipulated time,                          NOTICE
                                                                                                                          JUNE 2021. APPLICANT`S               367 Motse-Toropong wa              Mmasepala, Fetakgomo Tubatse
                                                                                    NOTICE OF MOTION.
                                                         goods will be sold         IN THE HIGH COURT OF
                                                                                                                          ATTORNEYS: MAMMULE                   Steelpoort Extension 4, Karolong   Local Municipality,
                                                                                                                          CHIDI INCORPORATED, C/O H            ya KT, re dirile kgopelo ya go     PO Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150,
                                                         to defray expenses         SOUTH AFRICA (LIMPOPO
                                                                                                                          MASINDI MANDIWANA INC.,              fetoša Sekemo sa Taolo ya          mmogo le nna moemedi wa
                                                                                    DIVISION, POLOKWANE).
                                                         if not settled with        CASE NO: 4668/2021.
                                                                                                                          MONTSHO HOUSE 106,                   Naga sa 2006 sa Greater            mokgopedi gona moo tekanong
                                                                                                                          ONDER STREET,                        Tubatse go ya ka karolo ya 62
                                                         Compu Cell,                In the matter between:                                                                                        ya matšatši a 28 a tsebišo ye go
                                   084-587-5666                                     NAMISHI PHILLEMON
                                                                                                                          POLOKWANE, 0699.                     (1) ya Molawana wa Peakanyo        tloga ka 16 Mosegamanye 2021.
                                                         71 Kantoor Street,                                               REF: CHIDI/CVL 4066/16.              le Taolo ya Tšhomišo ya Naga
                                 DE CLERQ STR 67                                    SHAI (APPLICANT) AND                                          CP006978
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Aterese ya Moemedi wa
                                                         Lydenburg.                 BABINAKGOMO SOCIETY                                                        wa Mmušoselegae wa                 Semmušo: 4 Tsar Development
                                   LYDENBURG                                        (PTY) LTD (RESPONDENT) For                                                 Fetakgomo Tubatse wa 2018, go      Consulting (Pty) Ltd, Postnet
                                                                                    the liquidation of the                         0935                        fetolela ditsha tše go tšwa go     Suite 144, Private Bag x9307,
                                                                                    Respondent. BE PLEASED
                                                                                    TAKE NOTICE THAT the                       TOWN PLANNING                   "Madulo 1" go ya go "Kgwebo 3"
                                                                                                                                                               maikemišetšo e le go netefatša/
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Polokwane, 0700; Aterese ya
                                                                                                                                                                                                  E-mail: admin@4tsar.co.za.
                                   Nigel Henry                           CP006946   abovementioned Applicant                                                   tiišetša le go phošolla tšhomišo   Nomoro ya mogala:
                                                                                    intends to make application on                      NOTICE                 ya bjale ya dikantoro mo
                                     Gebore:                                        the date to be determined by the
                                                                                                                                                                                                  015- 291- 2835. Matšatši
                                                                                                                          LOCAL AUTHORITY NOTICE               ditsheng tše. Dintlha ka botlalo   a Tsebišo: 15 & 22
                                   1966-07-02                                       Registrar of this Honourable          AMENDMENT OF GREATER                 malebana le kgopelo di tla ikala   Mosegamanye 2021
                                                                                    Court for an order in the
                                    Afsterwe:                                       following terms:
                                                                                                                          TUBATSE LAND USE                     go lekolwa phaphošing ya                                  CP006973
                                                                                                                          MANAGEMENT SCHEME 2006
                                   2021-07-12                                       1. That the Respondent
                                                                                                                          IN TERMS OF SECTION 62(1)
                                              CP006983                              Company be placed under
                                                                                                                          OF THE FETAKGOMO
                                                                 0210               provisional liquidation in the
                                                                                    hands of the Master of                TUBATSE LOCAL
                                                             ELECTRICIANS           the High Court.
                                                                                    2. That a rule nisi be issued,
                                                                                                                          MUNICIPALITY LAND USE
                                                                                                                          MANAGEMENT BY-LAW 2018
                                                                                    calling upon the Respondent and       AMENDMENT SCHEME
                                                                                                                          NUMBER: 174 & 175. Notice is
                                                             JOVEL                  all the interested parties to
                                                                                                                          hereby given that we, 4 TSAR
                                                                                    appear and show cause, if any,
                                                         OUTOMATISERING             to the above Honourable Court         Street Services (Pty) Ltd, being
                                                           ELECTRICAL               on a date to be determined by         the authorised agents of the
                                   084-587-5666                                     this Honourable Court why:            owners of erf 2314 Burgersfort
                                 DE CLERQ STR 67            RETAILER                2.1. A final liquidation order        Extension 21 Township and
                                                                                    should not be granted.                portion 4 of erf 367 Steelpoort
                                   LYDENBURG                                        2.2. The costs of this application    Extension 4 Township,
                                                         Repairs on                 should not                            Registration Division KT, have
                                    STRUWIG              appliances:                be costs in the liquidation           applied in terms of Section 62(1)
                                                                                    of the Respondent.                    of the Fetakgomo Tubatse
                                   Jaun-Pierre           • Microwaves               3. That the provisional liquidation   Municipal Spatial Planning and
                                     Gebore:             • Tumble dryers            order be                              Land Use Management By-Law
                                                                                    served by the Sheriff:
                                   1998-11-09            • Lawnmowers               3.1. At the offices of K.N.S.
                                                                                                                          2018 for the amendment of the
                                                                                                                          Greater Tubatse Land Use
                                    Afsterwe:            • Washing Machines         Mgiba Attorneys, 195 Ribbok           Management Scheme, 2006 by
                                                                                    Street, Extension 5, Burgersfort,
                                   2021-07-08            • Dishwashers              being the legal representatives
                                                                                                                          the rezoning of the properties
                                                                                                                          described above, from
                                              CP006980   • Refrigerators            of the Respondent in the
                                                                                                                          "Residential 1" to "Business 3".
                                                                                    pending matter at Praktiseer
                                                         • Electric Fencing         Magistrate`s Court under
                                                                                                                          The intension of the applicant in
                                                                                                                          this matter is to formalize and
                                                         • C.O.C                    Case N0: 1055/2015.
                                                                                                                          legalise existing office use on
                                                                                    3.2. By publication in one edition
                                                         • Solar Geysers            of the Steelburger newspaper          the property. Particulars relating
                                                         • Gate Motors              circulating in the Magisterial        to the applications will lie for
                                                                                                                          inspection during normal office
                                                                                    District of Tubatse, within which
                                                         • Remotes and              the Respondent`s registered           hours at the office of the Town

                                   084-587-5666          Batteries                  address is situated.                  Planner, Development Planning
                                                                                                                          Department, Office G15 Ground
                                                                                    3.3. On the South African
                                 DE CLERQ STR 67         • Garage Doors             Revenue Services, Polokwane.          Floor, Civic Centre, 1 Kastania

                                   LYDENBURG             39 Rensburg Street,        3.4. At the Master of the High        Street Extension, Burgersfort,
                                                                                    Court, Polokwane.                     1150 for a period of 28
                                                           Lydenburg, 1120.         4. Such further and/or alternative    (twenty-eight) days from 16 July

                                  VAN NIEKERK               Contact Office:         relief.                               2021 (being the date of the first
                                                                                    TAKE FURTHER NOTICE                   publication of this notice).
                                      Anitta                 013-492-5082           THAT the affidavit of NAMISHI         Objections to or representations
                                                                         CP006985   PHILLEMON SHAI and the                in respect of the application must
                                     Gebore:                                        annexures thereto will be used in     be lodged with or made in writing
                                   1952-10-30                                       support hereof. TAKE                  to the Municipal Manager,
                                                                                    FURTHER NOTICE                        Fetakgomo Tubatse Local
                                    Afsterwe:                                       that the Applicant has appointed      Municipality,
                                   2021-07-11                                       MAMMULE CHIDI
                                                                                                                          PO Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150,
                                              CP006982                              INCORPORATED, C/O H
                                                                                                                          and the applicant agent within a
                                                                                    MASINDI MANDIWANA
                                                                0505                ATTORNEYS INC, MONTSHO
                                                                                                                          period of 28 days from 16 July
                                                                                                                          2021. Address of authorised
                                                           ACCOMMODATION /          HOUSE, 106 ONDER STREET,
                                                                                    POLOKWANE, 0699, as the               agent: 4 Tsar Street Service,
                                                            ROOMS TO LET            address at which he will accept
                                                                                    notice and service of all
                                                                                                                          Postnet Suite 144, Private Bag
                                                                                                                          x9307, Polokwane, 0700. E-mail:
                                                                                    processes in these proceedings.       admin@4tsar.co.za
                                                                                    KINDLY TAKE FURTHER                   Tel: 015- 291-2835. Dates of the
                                                             KLITZGRAS              NOTICE THAT if you intend             notice: 15 & 22 July 2021.
                                   084-587-5666               CHALETS               opposing this application you are                              CP006972
                                                             LYDENBURG              required: (a)To notify the
                                 DE CLERQ STR 67                                    Applicant`s attorneys in writing
                                   LYDENBURG             • Accommodation            within 5 days of receiving the        TSEBIŠO YA
                                                                                                                          MMUŠO-SELEGAE PHETOŠO
                                                         • DSTV • Free Wi-Fi        application. (b) Within 15
                                                                                    (Fifteen) days after the service of   YA SEKEMO SA TAOLO YA
                                     VILJOEN             • Chapel                   this notice upon you to file your     TŠHOMIŠO YA NAGA SA 2006
                                                                                    answering affidavit. (c) Further      SA GREATER TUBATSE KA
                                       Anita                 082-775-3279           that you are required to appoint      KAROLO YA 62 (1) YA
                                      Gebore:                                       in such notification an address       MOLAWANA WA PEAKANYO
                                    1947-05-31             ROOMS TO LET
                                     Afsterwe:               LYDENBURG
                                    2021-07-12           Safe and secure with
                                                         parking. From R1,600
                                                         per month.
                                                              Contact Pat
Miners face bleak future as mine ceases operations - Steelburgernews Epaper
Thursday July 22, 2021   CLASSIFIEDS   Steelburger / Lydenburg News 9
Miners face bleak future as mine ceases operations - Steelburgernews Epaper
10 Steelburger / Lydenburg News   CLASSIFIEDS   Thursday July 22, 2021
Thursday July 22, 2021                                                        GEMEENSKAP                                                        Steelburger / Lydenburg News 11

 Nog ’n ou Lydenburg hotel: Die Mountain View
                                                           Michelle Boshoff
                                                 LYDENBURG - Van hospitaal na hotel en
                                               nou restaurantkompleks.
                                                 Maar meer as 150 jaar gelede was die
                                               bekende Trout Inn in Potgieterstraat en die
                                               huisie langsaan ‘n spilpunt waarom alle
                                               sosiale gebeure in die dorp gedraai het.
                                               Daar is tennis gespeel, met moderne Model
                                               T-Fords rondgery en met die beroemdes en
                                               adellikes onder kandelabers biljartaande
                                                 Drie weke gelede het die koerant ’n
                                               mooi artikel oor die ou hotelle in Lydenburg
                                               van toeka se dae geplaas. Na dié het die
                                               kunstenaar, boer en bekende historikus
‘n Foto van die Austin Hotel in 1910.          van Ouwerf, Pieter Krügel, ingeloer en
                                               meer inligting van die Austin-familie
                                               gedeel. Hy het ook ‘n paar jaar gelede
                                               ‘n kunstenaarsvoorstelling van die huis
                                                 As 'n mens na die motors en modes op die
                                               foto’s kyk, is dit duidelik dat hulle een van
                                               die meer welaf gesinne op die dorp was. FH
                                               Austin was 'n raadslid van 1918 tot 1931.
                                                 Die vertellinge kom van mondelinge
                                               bronne oor die jare en ook uit die Lydenburg
                                               Museum se argiewe.
                                                 Die Austin Hotel het vroeër (1874) as die     Mountain View in Potgieterstraat was die Austins se woonhuis langs die Austin Hotel.
                                               Caledonian Hotel bekend gestaan. Die huisie
                                               was ook ‘n hotel in die Anglo-Boereoorlog.      prokureurskantore in ‘n deel van die hotel.    Pelgrimsrus. Sy en T McLachlan (gebore
                                               Die gesin moes ook selfs later hulle            Sommiges meen dit was die huisie langs die     Shires) het dit ontvang vir hul werk met
                                               woonhuis langsaan, Mountain View, begin         Trout Inn-kompleks. Niemand kan verseker       malariaversorging onder die delwers.
                                               inspan as ‘n hotel.                             sê nie, aangesien dit ‘n paar jaar gelede         Maria Austin het sewe kinders gehad.
Maria Magdalena Petronella Austin het            Die foto van die Austin Hotel, c1910, kan     afgebrand het en weer herbou is.               Een van haar vyf dogters, Amy Lillian
sedert 1877 op Lydenburg gewoon voor sy in     egter nie versoen word met die gebou in            Die woonhuis van die Austins, Mountain      Marks, het die Burgerkruis van haar moeder
1928 dood is. In 1874 het sy die Burgerkruis   Langestraat, ‘n entjie van Mountain View,       View, se belangrikheid lê in die feit dat sy   geërf. Dié se seun het dit aan die TPA
van pres. TF Burgers vir haar verpleging       nie. Die ingeslote kaart van Austin se erwe     eienares, Maria Magdalena Petronella Austin    Museumdiens verkoop. Waar dit nou vandag
onder die delwers ontvang. Haar seun FH        dui verder aan dat die Austin Hotel eerder in   (gebore Espach) een van die ontvangers         is, is egter nie bekend nie.
Austin was raadslid van 1918 tot 1931. Hier    Potgieterstraat langs Mountain View was, as     van ‘n Burgerkruis was. Hierdie toekenning        Klaarblyklik het Maria Austin by haar
is sy in die rolstoel saam met familie en      in Langestraat. Hoe dit ook al sy, die gebou    is deur pres. TF Burgers in 1874 aan haar      dogter, Sarah Espach Austin, in Mountain
versorgers.                                    bestaan duidelik nie meer nie. Daar is tans     gemaak vir haar verplegingsdienste in          View gewoon tot met haar dood in 1928.
                                                                                                                                                    Public gatherings of more than
                                                                                                                                                     100 people are prohibited. If
                                                                                                                                                    you are concerned about your
                                                                                                                                                     symptoms, call the hotline on

               Since 1887                                                     Thursday July 22, 2021                                                            Free

 gholfspan seëvier
 Lydenburg se gholfspelers het met
 baie tevrede glimlagte teruggekeer van
 Witrivier. Die span het Saterdag 17 Julie
 die Laeveld Liga op die White River
 Country Club gewen. Die finaal is gespeel
 tussen Lydenburg A en Kambaku A van
 Komatipoort. Die telling was 8-0. Arthur
 Steynfaard het onder hewige druk op die
 heel laaste gat die wa deur die drif getrek.
 Die span het bestaan uit Thys Cronje,
 Luan Swart, Jacques Mulder, Christiaan
 Willemse, Kerneels Muller, Slim Smit,
 Lappies Labuschagne, Kobie Pruis, Bert
 Griesel, Jaco Coetser (spankaptein),
 Arthur Steynfaard en Coenie du Preez.
 Lydenburg speel op Saterdag 24 Julie
 die Mpumalanga-finaal teen Bethal op
 Middelburg. Die span bedank graag
 Zizwe as hul borg. Die Lydenburg
 A-gholfspelers. Voor: Kobie Pruis, Bert
 Griesel, Jaco Coetser (spankaptein),
 Arthur Steynfaard, Coenie du Preez,
 (agter) Thys Cronje, Luan Swart, Jacques
 Mulder, Christiaan Willemse, Kerneels
 Muller, Slim Smit en Lappies Labushagne.

PSL teams gear up for the new season
                                                             Gilbert Motseo                    forward to do my best for this team. I wish
                                                                                               to thank the management for giving me an
                                                   Sekhukhune United FC are continuing to      opportunity to be part of this great team."
                                                strengthen their squad ahead of the 2021/22      Meanwhile, Baroka FC is also hard at
                                                football season.                               work preparing for the new season. Bakgaga
                                                   Babina Noko’s latest signings include       have unveiled their new kit for the 2021/22
                                                Nicholas Lukhubeni (25) from Mamelodi          season as well as signings for the first team.
                                                Sundowns, Ryan de Jongh (31) from              This team finished 10th in the premiership
                                                Bloemfontein Celtic and midfielder             last season, their best finish since their
                                                Vusumuzi "Skheshe" Mncube (27) from the        promotion in 2016, and recently announced
                                                GladAfrica Championship side, JDR Stars.       eight new players.
                                                   This latest acquisition brings the number     Baroka’s new recruits are Athenkosi
                                                of new players to eight, which signals         Dlala from the University of Pretoria,
                                                the club's intention of doing well in the      Richards Bay midfielder Bayzel Goldston,
                                                upcoming campaign. Sekhukhune have             Sydney Malivha from Marumo Gallants’
                                                already confirmed new players such as          development side, Train Mokhabi from
                                                Tshediso Patjie, Tumelo Matona, Kamohelo       JDR Stars in the GladAfrica championship,
                                                Sithole, Seun Ledwaba and Thabo Rakhale        Decide Chauke from TS Sporting and Seleka
                                                for the upcoming season.                       Sithole from Cape Umoya. The team also
Ryan De Jongh has signed for Sekhukhune            Mncube said that he was feeling happy       promoted Bennet Bobete and Tshegofatso
United.                                         to be part of the family. “I am looking        Bosega from their development.                   Vusumuzi ‘Skheshe’ Mncube.
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