Transcriptomic signatures in breast cancer - RSC Publishing
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View Article Online / Journal Homepage / Table of Contents for this issue HIGHLIGHT | Molecular BioSystems Transcriptomic signatures in breast cancer Jianjiang Fu and Stefanie S. Jeffrey* DOI: 10.1039/b618163e High throughput DNA microarray technology has been broadly applied to the study of breast cancer to classify molecular subtypes, to predict outcome, survival, response to treatment, and for the identification of novel therapeutic targets. Open Access Article. Published on 05 June 2007. Downloaded on 11/17/2021 1:24:38 PM. Although results are promising, this technology will not have a full impact on routine clinical practice until there is further standardization of techniques and optimal clinical trial design. Due to substantial disease heterogeneity and the number of genes being analyzed, collaborative, multi-institutional studies are required to accrue enough patients for sufficient statistical power. Newer bioinformatic approaches are being developed to assist with the analysis of this important data. Introduction now aimed at tailoring treatment for the profiling and other ‘‘-omic’’ technologies individual patient, known as ‘‘person- facilitate discovery of relevant signatures Breast cancer involves a wide range of alized medicine’’.5 This requires develop- that may have an impact on prognosis pathological entities with diverse clinical ing an accurate prognostic profile to (forecasting clinical outcome), prediction courses. It is the most common malig- define which patients should receive (forecasting tumor response to a specific nancy and leading cause of cancer death systemic therapy (hormone or chemo- therapy), and provide further insights among American women between the therapy) before and/or after surgery, into tumor biology,6,7 informing both the ages 20 to 59 and the second cause of and to decide which systemic treatments clinician and the scientist. cancer death in women aged 60 to 79.1 In are most suitable for a given patient. the UK and US, breast cancer mortality The recent development of DNA Molecular classification by is declining,2 attributed to the implemen- microarray and related technologies tation of widespread screening mammo- gene expression profiling provides an opportunity to perform graphy, earlier diagnosis, and advances more detailed and individualized tumor Using DNA microarrays, breast cancer in adjuvant treatment.3 Treatment deci- characterization. heterogeneity has been confirmed at the sions are usually made according to Microarray technology, with its ability gene expression level.8 Multiple breast general guidelines,4 but not all patients to simultaneously analyze tens of cancer subtypes with distinct gene benefit from their treatment. Efforts are thousands genes, has transformed our expression patterns and different pro- understanding of human breast cancer. gnoses have been identified in primary Stanford University Medical Center, MSLS Previous classification systems histori- breast cancers and their metastases. A Building, Room P214, 1201 Welch Road, M/C cally relied on light microscopic findings Stanford–Norway collaborative research 5494, Stanford, CA, USA 94305-5494. E-mail:; and single marker-tumor features (e.g. program revealed that breast cancers can Fax: +1 650-724-3229; Tel: +1 650-723-0799 estrogen receptor, ER). Expression be classified into five or six distinct Jianjiang Fu, PhD, graduated her medical and postgraduate from China Pharmaceutical training at the University of University with a BS degree. California, San Francisco. Dr He earned his PhD from the Jeffrey is Associate Professor of Institute of Materia Medica at Surgery at Stanford University Peking Union Medical College School of Medicine and the as a pharmacologist specializing John and Marva Warnock in tumor pharmacology. Dr Fu Faculty Scholar in Cancer is a postdoctoral research fellow Research. She was a key mem- in the Jeffrey lab at Stanford ber of the Stanford–Norway University School of Medicine. team that pioneered the use of His current interest is in the DNA microarrays to study genomic characterization of breast cancer. Her lab is now circulating tumor cells and developing and applying novel Jianjiang Fu metastases in breast cancer. Stefanie S. Jeffrey technologies for the study of circulating tumor cells and can- Stefanie S. Jeffrey, MD, graduated from Harvard University with cer metastases. an AB in Chemistry and Physics and an MA in Chemistry. She did 466 | Mol. BioSyst., 2007, 3, 466–472 This journal is ß The Royal Society of Chemistry 2007
View Article Online immunohistochemical protein markers (e.g. ER, PR, HER2, HER1/EGFR, basal cytokeratins).22 Recently, the lumi- nal A and basal-like subtypes have been analyzed and validated on three different microarray platforms.23 In addition to previously identified genes, signatures revealed distinct biological pathways: luminal A tumors expressed genes involved in fatty acid metabolism and Open Access Article. Published on 05 June 2007. Downloaded on 11/17/2021 1:24:38 PM. steroid hormone-mediated signaling; basal-like tumors expressed cell prolif- eration and differentiation genes and pathway genes involved in p21-mediated and G1-S checkpoint signaling. A possi- ble new subtype characterized by high expression of interferon (IFN)-regulated genes has been identified and linked to lymph node metastasis and poor prognosis.16 Using a novel approach and combined data from 599 microarrays, Kapp et al.24 present evidence in support of the Fig. 1 Expression profiles of 119 breast cancers and 16 normal tissues. Tumors cluster into most consistently identifiable subtypes: defined molecular subtypes. ESR1+/ERBB22, ESR2/ERBB22, ERBB2+. Different sets of gene pairs molecular subtypes based their microar- express genes characteristic of breast were considered, statistically validated, ray expression data and this result has basal epithelial cells, including strong and compared to clinical outcome. been established in other datasets world- expression of basal cytokeratins 5, 6 Tumors described by Sorlie centroids wide9–17 (Fig. 1). and 17. These tumors show high expres- were generally grouped into expected Perou et al.10 originally showed that sion of proliferation/cell cycle-related categories (luminals were ESR+/ breast tumor samples separate into two genes, lack ER and ER-related genes, ERBB22; basals were ESR2/ERBB22; groups defined by ER status. Tumors in show low ERBB2 (HER2/neu) expres- and ERBB2-overexpressing tumors were the ER-positive group have expression sion; and show low expression of BRCA1 mainly ERBB2+ subtype). patterns reminiscent of the luminal protein.19,20 In addition, basal-like epithelial cells of the breast, expressing tumors usually have aggressive features Outcome prediction by gene luminal cytokeratins 8/18, ER (ESR1) such high tumor grade and TP53 muta- expression profiling and genes associated with ER overex- tions.11,18,21 The ERBB2-overexpressing pression such as GATA3 and NAT1. subtype is characterized by overexpres- Metastases are the main cause of death in There are at least two subtypes of ER- sion of genes in a 17q amplicon that breast cancer patients, and improving the positive tumors,11 luminal A and luminal include ERBB2 and GRB7. Like the means of foretelling their development is B (we now term the luminal B group basal-like subtype, ERBB2-overexpres- a major goal of current clinical ‘‘highly proliferating luminals’’).18 These sing tumors have a high proportion of research.25–30 Genomic-based tests pre- two hormone receptor-overexpressing TP53 mutations,11,18,21 and are signifi- dicting the likelihood of tumor recur- tumor classes are distinguished by gene cantly more likely to be grade III.21 rence provide information about the expression patterns and markedly differ- Finally, a normal breast-like subtype molecular biology of metastasis and ent clinical outcomes. Luminal A tumors was identified that has some character- provide a gauge of outcome prediction have, in general, the highest expression of istics in common with normal breast for new cases.7–9,13,31–40 ER and ER-related genes. Luminal B tissue, including adipose and other non- A 70-gene prognosis signature was tumors show expression of luminal/ER- epithelial tissue components of the tumor developed by van’t Veer31 et al. In this related genes, but are further distin- microenvironment. These tumors, like study, the investigators selected 78 lymph guished by relatively high expression of normal breast tissue, show relative over- node-negative patients, with primary proliferation and cell cycle-related genes. expression of basal epithelial genes and sporadic breast cancer, who were less Conversely, hormone receptor nega- relative underexpression of luminal than 55 years old; expression profiles tive breast cancers comprise two distinct epithelial genes. Invasive lobular breast were compared between 34 patients who subtypes, ERBB2-overexpressing and cancers often show normal-like expres- developed distant metastasis within basal-like, that differ in biology and sion profiles.11,12 5 years and 44 patients who remained behavior; both show comparatively poor The distinct subtypes of breast disease-free for at least 5 years. ER status outcomes. Basal-like tumors highly cancer have also been characterized by and other clinical variables were not This journal is ß The Royal Society of Chemistry 2007 Mol. BioSyst., 2007, 3, 466–472 | 467
View Article Online considered when the molecular predictor signature would have potentially spared Histological grading of breast cancer was developed. A 70-gene marker set was as many as 40% of node-negative provides clinically important prognostic developed to classify tumors into good patients for whom chemotherapy would information.56–59 Gene expression profil- and poor prognosis groups. Not surpris- have been recommended.44 This signa- ing of tumors having different histologi- ingly, genes significantly up-regulated in ture also warrants prospective testing in cal grades is under study. Ma et al. the poor prognosis signature included larger clinical trials. However, as many created distinct low grade (grade I) and those involved in cell cycle, invasion and clinicians know, ER-positive patients high grade (grade III) signatures based metastasis, angiogenesis, and signal may relapse distantly 8 or more years on laser microdissection and DNA transduction. This 70-gene signature has after diagnosis, so 5 year follow-up microarrays.60 Sotiriou et al.61 identified been validated in larger series.32 The may be too short a time interval for a 97-gene signature that they designate Open Access Article. Published on 05 June 2007. Downloaded on 11/17/2021 1:24:38 PM. largest series evaluated 302 multi-institu- distinguishing good vs. poor prognostic the gene expression grade index (GGI). tional tumor samples from 403 node- signatures, particularly for patients of This was comprised mainly of genes negative women, who were less than 60 years or less.45–48 involved in cell cycle regulation and 61 years old and who did not receive Hypoxia (low oxygen) is clinically proliferation. Based on this signature, systemic therapy, and found that the 70- recognized as an important determinant intermediate grade (grade II) tumors gene signature added independent prog- of metastasis and poor patient outcome were subdivided into two groups with nostic information to conventionally of breast cancer.49,50 Chi et al. analyzed high and low risks of recurrence, demon- used prognostic criteria, although it differential expression in global tran- strating that the GGI may be used to did not perform as well in this script levels in response to hypoxia in classify intermediate grade tumors more larger trial with longer clinical follow- primary epithelial cells, including renal accurately.62 More recently, a group up.41 Commercially available on the proximal tubule epithelial cells, normal from the Genome Institute of Singapore MammaPrint1 array (Agendia BV, breast epithelial cells, and endothelial reported six genes highlighted from 264 Amsterdam, The Netherlands), the 70- cells. This gene expression signature was grade-associated genes identified by the gene profile will be prospectively proposed to serve as a measure of expression profiles of 347 primary inva- compared to a clinical-pathological hypoxia response activation in different sive breast cancers. These six genes were prognostic tool (Adjuvant! Online) in human cancers, and to provide clinical able to subdivide high and low grade selecting approximately 6000 node- outcome prediction in breast cancer.51 tumors and also classify intermediate negative patients for adjuvant chemo- Furthermore, when lysyl oxidase (LOX), grade tumors into two distinct subtypes, therapy in the microarray in node an extracellular matrix enzyme up- termed G2a and G2b, which possessed negative disease may avoid chemother- regulated by hypoxia, is overexpressed similar, but not identical, clinical out- apy (MINDACT, in human tumors, it is associated with come to grade I and grade III tumors, services/unit/mindact/) trial from the poorer distant metastasis-free and overall respectively.63 European Organization for Research survival in ER-negative breast cancer Metastases to sites distant from the and Treatment of Cancer.42 patients, and LOX inhibition eliminates breast may contain tissue-specific expres- A different prognostic signature based metastasis formation in a model sion profiles. Breast cancer most com- on a different array platform was system.50,52 Given that cancer invasion monly spreads to bone marrow, lung, recently published by Wang et al., speci- and metastasis possess many histological liver, brain, and adrenal gland.64,65 fying 76 genes (60 genes for ER-positive similarities and may parallel some Discovering genes that are functionally and 16 genes for ER-negative breast cellular behaviors of normal wound important for tissue-specific metastasis tumors) that distinguished lymph node- healing,53,54 Chang et al. identified a could help explain underlying tissue- negative patients who developed distant 677-gene signature based on gene expres- tropism.66 Using the MDA-MB-231 metastases within five years.33 This pro- sion profiles of fibroblasts from ten human breast cancer cell line as a model file was found to be applicable to both anatomic sites in response to serum system, Kang and Minn et al.67,68 identi- pre- and postmenopausal patients and exposure, which seems to represent the fied a gene set that acted cooperatively to patients with 10–20 mm tumors, an role of fibroblasts in wound healing.55 cause osteolytic metastasis. Analyzing especially common but not well-studied More recently, the reproducibility of the this cell line-derived bone profile in group. The genes in this prognostic association between this serum-response 25 primary breast tumors, there was signature belonged to many functional gene expression signature and breast 67% sensitivity and 80% specificity for classes, including cell death, cell cycle cancer progress was examined on a developing bone-only metastases in and proliferation, transcriptional regula- database of 295 breast cancer patients, patients. An 86-gene bone metastatic tion, immune response, and growth, which also had been used to identify signature was identified by Woelfle and suggesting that different pathways can and validate a 70-gene profile.31,32 colleagues between tumors from BM- influence disease progression.33,43 A The results revealed that not only positive and BM-negative patients. This multi-center trial testing this signature distant metastasis-free survival but also gene set was mainly characterized by on a separate group of 180 breast tumors overall survival was strikingly reduced transcriptional repression genes and verified it as a strong predictor for in patients whose tumors expressed requires validation in a different data remaining distant metastasis-free at this serum-response signature compared set.69 Smid et al. reported that 69 genes 5 years. Moreover, comparing it to to tumors that did not express the may be involved in bone metastasis based conventionally-used criteria, use of the signature.34,35 on 107 primary breast tumors in patients 468 | Mol. BioSyst., 2007, 3, 466–472 This journal is ß The Royal Society of Chemistry 2007
View Article Online who all were lymph node-negative at the high-throughput reverse transcriptase microarrays to analyze the gene expres- time of diagnosis and who experienced polymerase chain reaction technique.78 sion profiling of oncogene and tumor- relapse in the bone and other organs.69,70 They developed an 85-gene classifier for suppressor gene regulated pathways.86–88 They found that bone-only metastases partial or complete response, which was In each case, they identified a signature involved the fibroblast growth factor validated in an additional 26 patients. that represented the activated status of receptor-MAPK pathway. A study ana- Two groups, one from Baylor College of each oncogenic pathway. In addition to logous to Kang’s report described a lung Medicine and the other from Millennium successfully predicting the activation metastasis profile for breast cancer.72 A Pharmaceuticals and the M. D. status of each of the pathways in a range 95-gene set was identified and reduced Anderson Cancer Center, have used of human and mouse tumors, oncogenic to 54 candidate genes by requiring microarrays to study the response of pathway activation predicted the in vitro Open Access Article. Published on 05 June 2007. Downloaded on 11/17/2021 1:24:38 PM. that these genes also be differentially locally advanced breast cancers to pri- sensitivity of a broad range of human expressed across multiple independent mary chemotherapy in 30 and 42 patients, tumor cell lines to drugs targeting spe- lung-metastatic clones of breast cancer respectively.79–82 Multi-gene predictors cific pathways. The analysis of oncogenic cell lines. The 54-gene signature was of response were generated. These pathway signatures may offer guidance validated in a cohort of 82 breast cancer included a 92-gene list that initially in the appropriate selection of tumor- patients with a 10 year follow-up, and predicted at least 75% tumor regression specific combination therapies—multiple appeared to be a strong clinical predictor in response to four cycles of docetaxol in drugs that target multiple pathways— for lung selective metastasis.72 The ability 24 patients, which was validated in an based on information specifying the to predict site-specific metastasis based independent set of six patients. However, activation state of these pathways. TM on gene expression profiling of a primary further analysis of residual tumors after Oncotype DX is a commercial clini- tumor may permit targeted therapeutic three months of docetaxel treatment, cally-validated multi-gene assay that intervention and could help increase revealed the residual cells had similar provides a quantitative assessment of patient survival. expression profiles to those that the likelihood of distant breast cancer were initially resistant. Differentially recurrence in lymph node-negative, ER- Gene expression profiling for expressed genes between initially sensi- positive breast cancer and also assesses prediction of response to tive and ultimately docetaxel-resistant the benefit from adjuvant chemotherapy cells included those involved in cell cycle in these patients. This 21-gene signature treatments arrest at G2/M, fatty acid/phospholipid was established based on the paraffin- Breast cancer is among the most sensitive metabolism or the mammalian target of embedded tumor tissue from tamoxifen- to chemotherapy compared to other solid rapamycin (mTOR) survival pathway treated patients89–94 and was shown to tumors. Systemic therapy for breast that involves vesicular trafficking, predict risk for distant recurrence or cancer includes hormonal therapy, chem- oxidative bursts, and protein/organelle death in several independent studies. otherapy, and novel agents.5 Several metabolism.83 A separate 74-gene list Studying similar tumors, another signa- single agent and combination chemother- predicting pathologic complete response ture, the HOXB13 : IL17BR expression apy regimens are effective treatments for to sequential weekly paclitaxel and ratio was identified and confirmed to breast cancer, such as cyclophosphamide, fluorouracil + doxorubicin + cyclopho- predict survival and recurrence in tamox- doxorubicin, 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) and sphamide (T/FAC) neoadjuvant chemo- ifen-treated patients with ER-positive taxanes.5 In clinical practice, chemother- therapy in 24 patients was independently node-negative breast cancer.95–97 In a apy is applied empirically despite the fact validated in an additional 18 patients. different study, Jansen and colleagues that not all patients benefit from those Another group from Germany reported a identified genes that predicted response agents. Hence, there is a need to identify 512-gene signature, enriched for genes to tamoxifen in recurrent ER-positive predictive biomarkers for its efficacy. involved in transforming growth factor- breast carcinomas.98 Golub’s group Currently, with the recent technological beta and RAS-mediated signaling path- recently described a ‘‘connectivity advances, it is anticipated that gene ways, to predict pathologic complete map’’ linking bioactive small-molecule expression profiling in predicting efficacy response to primary systemic therapy perturbagens, gene signatures, and dis- and safety of breast cancer treatment with gemcitabine, epirubicin, and doce- ease states based on DNA microarray may allow the definition of a pattern of taxel.84 Although all groups reported an assessment.99 clinically useful discriminatory gene association between gene expression pro- expression. file and treatment outcome, the predic- Limitation and prospects Taxanes are a class of antimicrotubule tive power was too low for current agents that are proven to be effective and clinical use and larger validation studies DNA microarray analysis has been are routinely used in multidrug therapy are underway or planned. shown to be a powerful tool in uncover- of primary and advanced breast can- Huang et al. established several gene ing the mechanistic insights into tumor cers.73–77 Several groups have analyzed expression phenotypic models controlled biology. It is being used to study almost the gene expression profiles of patients by oncogenes, such as HRAS, MYC and all the aspects of cancer biology, from that may benefit from taxane therapy. E2Fs, and applied microarrays to analyze diagnosis to prognosis to drug responses, A Japanese group studied 44 primary regulatory pathways that predicted and for the development of new antic- or locally recurrent breast cancers oncogenic phenotypes.85 More recently, ancer agents. It provides opportunities treated with docetaxel using a 2453-gene Bild et al. from the same group used for more detailed characterization of This journal is ß The Royal Society of Chemistry 2007 Mol. BioSyst., 2007, 3, 466–472 | 469
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