The County of Brant is social! QDE @BrantCommunity

Page created by Corey Grant
The County of Brant is social! QDE @BrantCommunity
Summer 2021

              The County of Brant is social!
                QDE @BrantCommunity
The County of Brant is social! QDE @BrantCommunity
We want to connect, engage and share with you
         on all things County of Brant.

To stay up to date:
ƒ Follow us! Q D E @BrantCommunity
ƒ Subscribe to News and Notices by visiting
ƒ W
   atch Council and Committee meetings in the comfort of your
  own home at
ƒ A
   new resident or third generation to the County of Brant we
  want you to connect with us! Visit for many
  helpful online resources.
ƒ Email us at
ƒ Call us at 519.44BRANT (519.442.7268)

 Excellent customer service is our top priority.
The County of Brant is social! QDE @BrantCommunity
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Programs and Facilities may be impacted.
Please check for a list of services that may be affected.

Service Offices                          Table of Contents
Please be advised that during
the Province-wide Stay-at-Home
Order County of Brant Offices and
                                                      2          Mayor and Council
Community Centres are closed.

Visit for updates.                 3          Contact Information

Staff are able to assist you
Monday - Friday from 8:30 am-                         5          Registration
                                                                 and FAQs
4:30 pm. For more information
please phone 519.44BRANT (2.728),
1.855.44BRANT or email            6-7             Online Programs

Online Services
Did you know that we have a number

                                                                                       Q D E Register online at
of online services available?
                                                                 Summer Camps
Visit to learn
                                             12-14               Parks/Trails

                                                    15           Community

   Celebrate this June with us, in the County of Brant!
   There will be contests, ideas on how to stay active and much more.
   Visit and follow us on EQD @BrantCommunity for more information.

                                Visit • EDQ @BrantCommunity
The County of Brant is social! QDE @BrantCommunity
Welcome to the County of Brant
               Mayor David Bailey
               Welcome to the 2021 Summer Community Services Guide. As the Mayor of the
               County of Brant, I encourage you to get active this summer!
               Our dedicated staff are excited to bring you innovative programming. We are
               happy to be offering a number of Summer Camps and online programs and staff
               hope to offer additional programs throughout the summer. In the coming weeks
               we will also be sharing updates on the Paris Community Pool and Splashpads.
               For up-to-date information we encourage you to follow the County of Brant on
               Facebook, Twitter and Instagram as well as subscribe to email updates at brant.
               Over 38,000 people call the County of Brant home. We often say, it is the
               people of Brant that make our community so special. Together, we make our
               community healthier, happier, safer and more beautiful.
               On behalf of Council, we encourage you to explore the programs, parks and trails that our amazing
               community has to offer.

               Mayor David Bailey

                                                                          For more information on the Mayor and Council
               Mayor and Councillors                                      please visit

               Mayor - David Bailey                                   Ward 3 Councillor - John Peirce
               13 Main Street South, St. George, ON N0E 1N0           99 Hillside Drive, Paris, ON N3L 3L4
               226.387.2490 •                   519.442.7134 •

               Ward 1 Councillor - John MacAlpine                     Ward 4 Councillor - David Miller
               280 German School Road, Paris, ON N3L 3E1              15 Sixth Concession Rd., Brantford, ON N3R 0B8
               519.757.9359 •                 519.449.1240 •

               Ward 1 Councillor - John Wheat                         Ward 4 Councillor - Robert Chambers
               25 West St., PO Box 828, St. George, ON N0E 1N0        144 Fairfield Road, RR 3, Harley, ON N0E 1E0
               519.448.1648 •                 519.449.2633 •
                                                                      f. 519.449.2075
               Ward 2 Councillor - Marc Laferriere
               35-80 Willow Street, Paris, ON N3L 0C6                 Ward 5 Councillor - Brian Coleman

               226.934.7379 •                10 Brant County Rd 18, RR 7, Brantford, ON N3T 5L9
                                                                      519.753.2798 F: 519.753.2798
               Ward 2 Councillor - Steve Howes              
               29 Gold Street, Paris, ON N3L 2Z9
               519.442.4955 •                    Ward 5 Councillor - Joan Gatward
                                                                      7 Malcolm Street, Oakland, ON N0E 1L0
               Ward 3 Councillor - John Bell                          519.446.0060 •
               3-158 Willow Street, Paris, ON N3L 0C5                 F: 519.446.0060 (call before faxing)
               519.209.2277 •
The County of Brant is social! QDE @BrantCommunity
Connect with Community Services!
Staff are available to assist you Monday to Friday, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm.
Please give us a call, or shoot us an email. We are happy to assist in any way we can.

Comments, Questions or Kudos? We want to hear from you!
Contact Community Services T: 519.44BRANT (2.7268) • TF: 1.855.44BRANT
 Recreation Services                                       Parks & Facilities - Paris                                        519.442.1944 • Brant Sports Complex
                                                           519.442.3342 • Syl Apps Community Centre

 Accessibility & Transportation Services                   Parks & Facilities - South Dumfries •               519.448.1831

                                                                                                      Q D E Register online at
 Advertising                                               Facility Bookings - Brant Sports Complex                                        519.442.1944 •

 Parks & Facilities - General Information                  Tourism & Special Events                                      519.442.6324 •

 Parks & Facilities - Brant West                           Cemetery Operations
 519.449.5611                                              519.442.3822

Services Available at County of Brant Offices*
*County of Brant Offices are currently closed to the public. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic
services available at offices may be impacted. Please visit or phone
519.44BRANT (2.7268) for more information.
Blue Box ($6):           Burford, Paris - Downtown
Building Permits:        Paris - Downtown
Commissioner -
                         Paris - Wincey Mills - appointment required, please call 519.442.7268.
Marriage License:
Composter* ($15):        Burford, Paris - Downtown
Dog Park Key:            Paris - Downtown
Dog Tag:                 Burford, Paris - Downtown
Energy+ Payments:        Burford, Paris - Downtown
General Inquiries:       Burford, Paris - Downtown
Parking Tickets:         Burford, Paris - Downtown
                         Burford, Paris - Downtown
Taxes:                   Burford, Paris - Downtown
Tennis Key - Paris:      Paris - Downtown - visit to purchase a key online.
*Please contact office for availability, phone 519.44BRANT (2.7328) for more information.
The County of Brant is social! QDE @BrantCommunity
Do you have any of the
                                            following symptoms?

                                  Fever           Cough            Shortness
                                                                   of Breath

                              Sore throat      Runny nose       Feeling unwell

                   Have you been in close contact with someone who is sick or has a confirmed
                   case of COVID-19 in the past 14 days?
                   Have you returned from travel outside Canada in the past 14 days?
                If you answered YES to any of these questions or are showing any of the symptoms
                above, go home and self-isolate right away. Call Telehealth (1.866.797.0000) or the
                Brant County Health Unit (519.753.4937) to find out if you need a test.

               For more information, including updates on County
               of Brant services please visit


                              Thank-you Brant for helping to
                                keep our Community Safe.
                 Connect with us today
                 For updates on County of Brant Programs and Services
                 please visit
        | DEQ

The County of Brant is social! QDE @BrantCommunity
Mark Your Calendar!
 Summer Program Registration Opens - Tuesday, June 8, 2021 @ 8:30 am
 Summer Camp Registration Opens - Tuesday, June 15, 2021 @ 8:30 am
Look for Aquatics information coming soon! Visit for updates!

      Register online with COB Connect - visit to create your account today!

General Program Registration
1) Register ONLINE with COB Connect                              Refund Policy
Did you know we have a registration system called COB            For any registered County of Brant Recreation Program:
Connect? All users will need to set up a COB Connect             • If a program is cancelled by the County of Brant, a
account - visit and follow the links          refund will be provided.
to create your account. Need help setting up your account?
                                                                 • A program refund will be issued if the Recreation
Please contact Community Services for more information at
                                                                   System Administrator is notified five (5) days prior
519.442.7268 during regular business hours (Monday-Friday
                                                                   to the start of the program. After this time, a refund
                                                                   will be considered for medical or compassionate
Registration Information                                           circumstances only. A medical note may be required.

                                                                                                                                 Q D E Register online at
We encourage all participants to register well in advance        • If you register after the program has started we regret
of the program commencement dates as space is limited.             we are unable to prorate the original program fee.
Registrations must be received at any Customer Service
                                                                 • N.S.F cheques will be charged an additional $40.00.
to the commencement of the following week’s programs.            • P
                                                                    ayment plans can be set up with the Recreation
This is necessary so participant information can be forwarded      System Administrator for Camps and the Kids Zone After
to our staff promptly. Late registrations will be accepted if      School Program.
space permits. Program fees may be paid by cash, cheque,         • Payments must be made (5) business days prior to the
debit or credit (Visa and Mastercard online or in person).         first day of the program. Failure to pay may result in your
Please make cheques payable to “The County of Brant”.              child being removed from the program.
Inclement Weather Policy                                         • A $15.00 or 15% administration fee, whichever is less, will
For all recreation programs, excluding fitness, offered during     apply to all refunds issued.
times of inclement weather such as thunderstorms (spring)
and snow days (winter), programs will be cancelled.              Alternate Community Guide Formats
Notices will be posted on the County of Brant Facebook           We offer documents and information in alternate formats.
page @brantcommunity, as well as emailed (for registered         Upon request, we will provide or arrange for the provision
programs only). Staff will make every attempt to contact         of accessible formats and communication supports for
participants prior to the start of program to notify of the      persons with disabilities, in consultation with the person
cancellation.                                                    making the request. Please contact,
                                                                 or call 519.442.7268 x. 3240 for assistance.
The County of Brant will make every attempt to reschedule
programs based on staff and facility availability. Refund and    Please Register Early to Avoid Disappointment
credit notes will not be issued.
                                                                 Sometimes excellent programs have to be cancelled due
For fitness programs offered during times of inclement           to low enrollment. If everyone waits until the last minute to
weather such as snow days, programs will be cancelled at the     register, this could happen. In order to be well prepared,
discretion of the fitness instructor.                            program staff must make a decision 4-7 days prior to
Age Requirements                                                 the start date of a program as to whether or not there is
The County of Brant offers programs for all ages. For the        sufficient enrollment to run the program or course. Enroll
safety of all participants, please ensure that the participant   early to avoid disappointment!
meets the minimum age requirements. Participants turning
the minimum age during the program dates are accepted.
This ensures that all children and parents can enjoy a safe,
fun, quality program.
Program Changes
Please note that all program information is as best as can be
determined at the time of printing. Changes and corrections                             Register Online with
do occur - please visit for a listing of                     
changes and corrections to this publication.
The County of Brant is social! QDE @BrantCommunity
Online Programs
               My Safe Life
               The Virtual My Safe Life – Personal Safety for Kids is suitable for children aged 7-10 years old. This
               program helps to empower children when they are dealing with untrustworthy adults, teens and
               peers with an easy to remember plan to get away and tell a trusted adult. We focus on People Safety
               (including tricky people, getting help from a safer adult and bullying), Online Safety, Fire Safety, Travel
               Safety and basic first aid – including practice sessions on calling 911. This course is fully instructor-led
               and runs over 5 days. A device with camera/mic (laptop, tablet, phone) plus high speed internet are
               required. Participants will receive the My Safe Life – Personal Safety for Kids handbook and certificate
               by mail after the course is over. Ages: 7-10 yrs

                Location        Date             Time        Fee         Barcode
               Online          July 5-8          2-3:15 pm   $36         00002968
               Online          Aug 9-12          12-1 pm     $36         00002969

               SOS 4 Kids Home Alone
               The County of Brant Recreation Team is happy to partner with Safety Courses for Kids to offer the
               Virtual Home Alone Course. Home Alone Online is an engaging course that equips youth with skills to
               create safe environments for themselves at home, school, online and in their communities. By means
               of games, digital media, video and situational-based scenarios, SOS 4 Kids aims to empower youth to
               make confident choices, handle real life and prevent dangerous situations and live a safe life. Fun and
               interactive, kids must earn 7 safety badges to successfully obtain the Home Alone Safety Certificate.
               The self-paced program can be done independently at one’s convenience or with a parent/caregiver
               to help reinforce key safety messaging. The online safety course platform can be beneficial for youth
               with special needs, youth who live in communities that don’t offer SOS 4 Kids’ programs and youth
               who are not willing to spend 7 hours in the classroom. This course is only available to County of Brant
               residents. Once a participant has been successfully registered, a County of Brant staff member will be
               in contact to provide programming information and designated profile. Ages: 9-12 yrs

                Location                  Date                     Time                  Fee          Barcode
               Online                  June 8-Sept 14              Any                   FREE         00002985

               Babysitting Training Course
               This Babysitter training course is designed for youth aged 11 – 15. Participants learn how to run a
               small babysitting business and how to supervise younger siblings or other children in a safe and
               responsible manner. Aspiring babysitters also learn basic first aid skills. During this period of COVID-19
               we have transitioned to virtual or remote learning with a live instructor. We are now offering Virtual

               Classes taught through Zoom Meeting technology over five one-hour sessions. Participants will need
               a device that supports Zoom technology, preferably with audio and video capability and high-speed
               internet. Virtual classes include a digital copy of the Red Cross Babysitting Manual and downloadable
               certificate upon completion. Parents can also purchase a hard copy of the manual (for an extra fee)
               and we will mail it out to you. Ages: 11-15 yrs

                Location                   Date                    Time                  Fee            Barcode
               Online                      July 5-8                12-1:30 pm           $60/1 day       00002970
               Online                      Aug 9-12                10-11:30 am          $60/1 day       00002971

The County of Brant is social! QDE @BrantCommunity
Online Fitness
Register for an online County of Brant Fitness Class with your favourite instructor!
All Fitness classes will be done online through Zoom. Participants will need access to the
internet and a device (computer/tablet/cell phone) with audio (& video if they want to be seen
by the instructor) capabilities. If you require fitness equipment please contact community@ and we will do our best to accommodate you.

Register online with COB Connect Visit (for help creating your account
please visit Fitness Classes are for ages 16 yrs+.

All County of Brant Fitness Instructors have their First Aid, CPR, and are Certified Can-Fit-Pro
Fitness Instructor Specialists. Fitness Classes do not run on Stat Holidays.

                                                                                                                                      Q D E Register online at
Feel great and have fun while moving your body to energizing latin, international, and
popular rhythms! Work on your cardio, coordination, balance, strength and flexibility – all
in a fun, welcoming atmosphere! No dance experience is required and you are always
encouraged to move at your own pace. Instructor: Melanie.

Location                Date                                                       Time              Fee       Barcode
Online with Zoom       Wednesday’s, June 23-July 28                               9:30-10:30 am      $36      00002984

Cardio Combo
This workout focuses on cardiovascular and muscular enhancement for the aging adult.
This one hour class involves movement, weights and overall body conditioning on and
off the floor. Come move your body around the room in a unique way. Think outside the
norm when you step into this class. We work various muscles in different ways. We use
the walls too. Try your hand at a bean bag toss for warm-ups! Get the heart rate rolling
with a little soldier walk around the room interrupted by a few sets of squats. Free weights
are incorporated throughout the entire class. Whatever we do, we do it with style, a style
you can call your own. If you would like to register please contact
Instructor: Sherry

Location                 Date                                                       Time             Fee       Barcode
Online with Zoom         Monday’s, June 21-July 26                                 9:30-10:30 am     $36      00002983

Connect                                                                          Here’s How...

                                                                                 News & Notices > Visit

            with us!
                                                                                 Subcribe to News > Visit
                                                                                 Email > Phone > 519.44BRANT (2.7268)
                                                                                 We are Social! Follow us EDQ @BrantCommunity

       Registration for Online Programs opens Tuesday, June 8
The County of Brant is social! QDE @BrantCommunity
Summer Camps
                            *Registration opens June 15 @ 8:30 am                                  Friday Pizza lunch at Burford &
                               register online with COB Connect!                                   Paris Camps - order online!

               Registration for Summer Camp opens on Tuesday, June 15, 2021 at 8:30 am - visit
               nect to register – space is limited!

               County of Brant summer camps will have appropriate COVID-19 protocols in place, please
               note summer camps are subject to change, based upon Step 1 of the Province’s ‘Road Map to

               Looking to book now and pay later? Please contact 519.44BRANT (2.7268) ext. 3261

               The County of Brant is an Accredited Member of the Ontario Camps Association (OCA). This means
               that we adhere to over 400 standards. Choose an OCA Accredited Camp! Visit www.ontariocamps.
               ca for more information.

               Staff members are chosen for their enthusiasm, creativity, leadership skills, past work experience
               and their ability to work with children. All staff are certified in First Aid & CPR, HIGH FIVE Principles of
               Healthy Childhood Development.

               Our staff/participant minimum ratios below reflect our commitment to quality program supervision:
               • Ages 4-6: 1 staff:6 participants • Ages 7-9: 1 staff:8 partipants • Ages 10-12: 1 staff:10 partipants

               Summer Sizzler - 4 Locations!
               Ages: 4-6 yrs   Locations: See Barcode Below Cost: $168/wk (*$134/four day wk)

               Join us for our weekly themed camp. Our little campers will have an exciting week of games,
               crafts and outdoor play! Extended care available from 8:00-8:30am and 4:30-5:30pm, at no extra

               Date                  Theme                           Burford Community          Brant Sports Complex
                                                                     Centre - Barcode           Barcode
               July 5-9              Monster Mania                   00002940                   00002933
               July 12-16            Colour Craze                    00002941                   00002934
               July 19-23            To the rescue!                  00002942                   00002935
               July 26-30            Treasure Island                 00002943                   00002936

               Aug 3-6*              Splish Splash                   00002944                   00002937
                                                                                                                 Space is limited,
               Aug 9-13              Disney Week                     00002945                   00002938
                                                                                                                  Register early!
               Aug 23-27             Diggin for Dinos                                           00002939

               Date                  Theme                           Scotland Community        South Dumfries
                                                                     Centre Barcode            Community Centre
               Aug 16-20             Happy Holidays                  00002947                  00002949
               Aug 23-27             Diggin for Dinos                00002948

Summer Fun
Ages: 7-9 yrs Location: Syl Apps Community Centre Cost: $168/wk (*$134/four day wk)

Join us for our weekly themed camp. Dive into the excitement of games, crafts and wild camp
activities! Extended care available from 8:00-8:30am and 4:30-5:30pm, at no extra charge.

Date                   Theme                            Barcode
July 5-9               Code Breakers                    00002917
July 12-16             Space is the Place               00002918
July 19-23             Christmas in July                00002919
July 26-30             To Infinty & Beyond              00002920
Aug 3-6*               Let the Games begin!             00002921

                                                                                                Q D E Register online at
Aug 9-13               Lights, Camera, Action           00002922

Aug 16-20              Under the Sea                    00002923
Aug 23-27              So Long Summer                   00002924

Ultimate Adventures
Ages: 10-12 yrs Location: Green Lane Sports Complex Fee: $178/wk (*$142/4 day wk)

Join us for our weekly themed camp. Rock out as we jump into the excitement of games, sports,
campers choice and whole bunch of wild camp activities! Extended care available from 8:00-
8:30am and 4:30-5:30pm, at no extra charge.

 Date                   Theme                               Barcode
 July 5-9               All sorts of sports                 00002925
 July 12-16             You’re up next!                     00002926
 July 19-23             Wild Water Week                     00002927
 July 26-30             Beach Bash                          00002928
 Aug 3-6*               Going for Gold                      00002929
 Aug 9-13               Quiet on the set                    00002930
 Aug 16-20              Choose Your Own Adventure           00002931
 Aug 23-27              Mission Possible                    00002932

            Summer Camp registration opens Tuesday, June 15 at 8:30 am

Specialty Camps
               Specialty Camps run from 8:30 am-4:30 pm. Extended care from 8:00-8:30 am and 4:30-5:30
               pm (registration for extended care is not required).
               Specialty Camp Fee: $180/full wk, $144/4 day wk

               County of Brant summer camps will have appropriate COVID-19 protocols in place, please note
               summer camps are subject to change, based upon Step 1 of the Province’s ‘Road Map to Re-Open’.

               Camp Canvas            Ages: 5-12 yrs
               Unleash the artist in you! Come join us for a week of art camp. This week will be jammed pack with
               paint brushes, clay, drawing and many more workable art projects. Campers will spend half of their day
               participating in artistic fun and the other half participating in a variety camp activities. Make sure to wear
               clothing that can get messy!

               Date                   Location                                                 Barcode
               July 5-9              Syl Apps Community Centre                                 00002960
               July 19-23            Scotland Community Centre                                 00002955
               Aug 3-6               Syl Apps Community Centre                                 00002961
               Aug 9-13              South Dumfries Community Centre                           00002950

               DIY Camp         Ages: 5-12 yrs
               DIY Camp is the place to be for the creative camper who loves to design and create new things. Camp-
               ers will spend half the day creating their own masterpieces and the other half participating in good old
               fashioned camp activities.

               Date                   Location                                                   Barcode
               July 12-16             Syl Apps Community Centre                                  00002962
               Aug 9-13               Syl Apps Community Centre                                  00002963

               Express Yourself Camp                   Ages: 5-12 yrs
               Get ready for a week of crafts, dance, theatre and so much more.

               Date                   Location                               Barcode
               July 19-23             Syl Apps Community Centre              00002964
               Aug 16-20              Syl Apps Community Centre              00002965

                Register online with COB Connect. Don’t have an account?
                Set yours up today! Visit

Registration for
 Summer Camps opens on June
 15 at 8:30 am!

Specialty Camps run from 8:30 am-4:30 pm. Extended care from 8:00-8:30 am and 4:30-5:30
pm (registration for extended care is not required).
Specialty Camp Fee: $180/full wk, $144/4 day wk

County of Brant summer camps will have appropriate COVID-19 protocols in place, please note
summer camps are subject to change, based upon Step 1 of the Province’s ‘Road Map to Re-Open’.

Tons of Fun          Ages: 5-12 yrs
This camp has it all!! It’s all of our specialty camps rolled up into one; Art, Sports, Outdoor Adventures,
and lots of games.

Date                        Location                                                   Barcode
July 5-9                    South Dumfries Community Centre                            00002951
July 12-16                  Scotland Community Centre                                  00002956
August 16-20                Scotland Community Centre                                  00002957

                                                                                                              Q D E Register online at
Aug 23-27                   South Dumfries Community Centre                            00002952
Aug 30-Sept 3               Syl Apps Community Centre                                  00002966

Sports Camp             Ages: 5-12 years
Catch, hit, throw and so much more. This camp is for the athletic at heart, each day will have a focus on
two sports from soccer, baseball, spike ball, tennis and more. This Sports Camp is recreational based
and will give campers the chance to try out several different sports.

Date                         Location                                                   Barcode
July 26-30                   South Dumfries Community Centre                            00002953
Aug 16-20                    South Dumfries Community Centre                            00002954

Outdoor Adventure Camp                      Ages: 8-12 yrs
If you love the outdoors, then this camp is for you. Hike the nearby trails, build outdoor forts, outdoor
amazing races and much more.

Date                         Location                                                   Barcode
July 5-9                     Scotland Community Centre                                  00002958
Aug 3-6                      Scotland Community Centre                                  00002959

Come on Down!           Ages: 5-12 yrs
Have you ever imagined yourself on Family Feud or thought you could be the ultimate Survivor? Well
now’s your chance, Come on Down! Camp is the place to put your competitive spirit to the test.

Date                          Location                                            Barcode
July 26-30                    Syl Apps Community Centre                           00002967

          Summer Camp registration opens Tuesday, June 15 at 8:30 am

County of Brant Parks                                                                  Visit & Explore Year Round
Park                           Location                Amenities
PARIS AREA                                                                                     BURFORD AREA
Axton Park                     57 Schulyer St                                                  Burford Community Centre,
                                                                                                                                14 Potter Dr.                          SP
                                                                                               Optimist & Lions Park
Bean Park                      4 Spencer St.
                                                                                               Broadview Park                   8 Meadow Lane          Open space
Bemrose Park                   86 Whitlaw Way          Toboggan Hill
                                                                                               Harley Events Centre             161 Harley Rd.
Charlton Park                  252 Grand River St. N                          Bean Park
                                                                                               John St. Park                    51 Lorne Ave.                               Burford Community
Cobblestone Common             27 Grand River St. N    Viewing area                                                                                                               Centre
                                                                                               Janice Hunt Memorial Park        3 The Key
Forest Drive Park              23 A Forest Dr.
                                                                                               Burford Lions Art Cadman Park
Gilston Park                   126 Race St.            Open Space                                                               78 Maple Ave.
Grandville Park                146 Grandville Circle   Open Space            Green Lane
                                                                                               New Durham Ball Park             6 Muir Rd. S
Green Lane Sports Complex      8 Green Lane
                                                                                               Optimist Park Scotland           85 Simcoe St.
Jury St. Park                  18 Jury St.
                                                                                               Park Ave Soccer Fields           26 Park Ave.
Kings Ward Park                8 Broadway St. E.       Open Space
                               30 & 60 Laurel St.                      SP
                                                                                               BRANT, OAKLAND, ONONDAGA AREA
Lions Park
                                                                                               Brant Onondaga Park              23 Brant School Rd.                          Onondaga Ball
Penmans Dam Park               116 Willow St.
                                                                                                                                13 Farrow Rd.                                    Park
                                                                                               Foxhill Heights Park
Paris Optimist Park            3 Catharine St.
                                                                                               Mount Pleasant Nature Park       755 Mt. Pleasant Rd.
Rest Acres Ridge Park          40 Long Lane
                                                                                               Mount Pleasant Park              555 Burtch Rd.
Simply Grand Dog Park          8 Green Lane            Membership required call 519.442.1818

                               4 Elm St.                                                       Oakhill Heights Park             39 Isabel Dr.
Two Rivers Stadium
Victoria Park                  30 Churchhill Dr.                                               Oakland Community Centre Park    3 King St. N
Willow St. Park                3 Brock St.                                                     Onondaga Ball Park               31 Brantford St.                              Mt. Pleasant
SOUTH DUMFRIES / ST. GEORGE AREA                                                               Poplar Hills Park                20 Kingsmount Cres.
Centennial Park                363 Blue Lake Rd.

Eric Thomlinson Access Point   Forbes St.

Elliot Field                   218 Hwy #5                                                      Parks Legend:
                               20 German School
Harrisburg Ball Park                                                                                  Baseball Diamond               Picnic Area              Tennis Court
Harrisburg Church Park         81 Harrisburg Rd.                                                      Basketball Court               Playground               Trails
Jacob’s Woods Park             43 Hampton Court                                                       Canoe Launch                   Skate Park               Volleyball Court
King William Park              52 King William St.                                                    Disc Golf                      Soccer Pitches           Washrooms
Rising Park                    5 Brook St.                                   King William        MP   Multi-Purpose Court       SP   Splash Pad               Accessible Services
Snowball Park                  10 Beverly S t. W
                                                                                                     Many parks and trails are access friendly in Brant - please see highlighted features
South Dumfries Community       7 Gaukel Dr.                                                     in light blue. For more information, please contact
Centre/ Arena Park

Sunny Hill Park                87 Sunnyside Dr.                        SP
Trails To Explore                                                                                      Hiking • Cycling • Paddling

 View the Outdoor Adventure Map online at or
 email to find out where you can pick up a copy!

 SC Johnson Trail            The trail runs 14 km between Paris & Brantford.

 Cambridge to Paris          The 18 km trail follows the Grand River through lush Carolinian
                             forest with spectacular river overlooks

 Hamilton to                 Trail users can enjoy 32 km of completely resurfaced trail on the abandoned roadbed of the
 Brantford                   Toronto, Hamilton & Buffalo Railway (TH & B).Horseback riding is permitted on the Hamilton to
                             Brantford Rail Trail. Maps available at

 TH & B Rail Trail*          The trail runs 12 km from Brantford through Mt.Pleasant and Oakland/Scotland to the County of
                             Brant boundary. You can travel all the way to Port Dover.

 LE & N Rail Trail           This stonedust trail runs 4 km from the City of Brantford - Conklin Rd
                             area to the Mt. Pleasant Nature Park.

                                                                                                                                                            Q D E Register online at
                             Maps available at

 Enjoy the Lions Trail along Maple Ave N in Burford & the Nith River Trail at Lions Park in Paris.
 Visit for more information on trails in the County of Brant.

                                                                                                                                    Lions Trail - Burford

Play on the Grand! Paddle, Fish & More!
New for July 1, 2021 - Parking Limited at River Access Sites. Resident only parking permit
zones in effect.
 Grand River Access Points
  1    Glen Morris - Eric Thomlinson Access Ramp
       Access #16. Forbes Street. (Also access to the Cambridge               Ayr
       to Paris Rail Trail.)                                                                                    1   Glen Morris

       Penman’s Dam Access #17. Willow Street, Paris.
  2    A landing dock and walkway on the east bank will help
       you portage around the dam.

  3    Bean Park Access #18. Spencer Street, south end of
                                                                                   Paris         2
  4    Brant Park Access #19. 119 Jennings Rd., Brantford.
       Pull out above Wilkes Dam. (Entry fee to park)
  5                                                                                                                     Brantford
       Ballantyne Drive Access #20 Brantford
  6    Gilkison’s Flats Access #21. Gilkison Street, Brantford.                                                     6       7
       A low-lying area just south of the Veteran’s Memorial
       Bridge.                                                                                                          5
                                                                  Paddling Times
  7    Cockshutt Bridge Access #22 Erie Avenue, Brantford.
       Boat ramp and parking.                                     Glen Morris to Paris: 2.5-3.5 hrs
                                                                  Paris to Brant Park: 3-4 hrs
       Newport Bridge, on Newport Road just after it goes
  8    under Brant County Road 18.
                                                                  Brant Park to Cockshutt Bridge: 3-4 hrs
                                                                  Cockshutt Bridge to Newport Bridge
                                                                  (The Oxbow): 3.5-5 hrs                                        8
  9    Chiefswood Tent and Trailer Park. Access#23.
       Chiefswood Road near Highway 54. (Entry fee)
                                                                  Newport Bridge to Chiefswood: 5-7 hrs

Please contact 519.44BRANT for more information.                                                                                                             13
Park and Playground News!
               For more information on County of Brant parks visit

               Location                        News
               Summit Park – 98 Lorne          • Grading complete. Walkways and foundation installation
               Card Crescent, Paris              scheduled for June.
                                               • Playground and Picnic Shelter scheduled to be installed
                                                 in July
                                                                                                                     Summit Park
               Jay Wells Park – 1 Scenic       • Grading complete
               Ridge Gate, Paris               • Playground, Sport Court scheduled for installation Fall 2021

               Row Lane / Arlington          • Grading and seeding to be completed by the developer
               Parkway Park (To be named)      – Summer 2021
               – 16 Arlington Parkway, Paris • Playground, basketball court anticipated to be installed
                                               – July/August 2021
                                                                                                           Row Lane/Arlington Parkway
               Hartley Ave Park (To be         • Grading to be completed by the developer by the end of June
               named) – 80 Hartley Ave.,       • Park Tender being issued in June. Construction anticipated late summer/early
               Paris                             fall
                                               • Playground, basketball court, pickleball courts to be installed into this park

               Mt. Pleasant Park – 555         • Tennis Court resurfacing scheduled for June
               Burtch Rd., Mt. Pleasant

               Oakhill Heights Park – 39       • Playground Replacement scheduled for July
               Isabel Drive, Brantford                                                                  Oakhill Heights Playground

               Oakland Community Centre        • Playground Replacement scheduled for September
               Park – 3 King St. N., Oakland

                                                                                                                Oakland Community Centre
               Paris Lions Park – 60 Laurel    • Laurel Street Reconstruction – Summer/Fall 2021
               Street, Paris                   • Trunk Sewer Connection Installation – Summer/Fall 2021

                                               • New Swings Installation – September

               Mile Hill Meadows Park – 35     • Grading by the developer to be completed Summer 2021
               Edgar Place, Paris              • Park construction to begin Fall 2021 with completion in 2022
                                               • Junior soccer field, parking lot and playground equipment to be installed at this

                                 Park plans can be viewed online at
                                 For more information contact us a

Community Highlights
Skate Parks      All of our skate parks are good for beginner to intermediate level skaters   Feature

        Syl Apps Commuity Centre - William & Elm St., Paris                 Concrete skate park, quarter pipe, mini half
                                                                            pipe, hubba/bump ledge, combo micro
                                                                            quarter, stair sets
        Burford Community Centre - 14 Potter Drive                          2 quarter pipes, 3 sided ramp with grind rails
        South Dumfries Community Centre - 7 Gaukel Dr., St. George          Grind rail, spine, ramps and step bench

Splash Pads      Please visit to learn more

        Burford Community Centre - 14 Potter Dr.
        Paris Community - 80 Laurel St.                                     Visit to learn more
        South Dumfries Community Centre - 7 Gaukel Dr.

Tennis Courts      Available from Victoria Day until Thanksgiving weekend

        Paris District High School • 4 Courts Open 7 days a wk. Lights available. Purchase a key - visit
        to learn more
        South Dumfries Community Centre - 7 Gaukel Dr • 2 Courts. Purchase a key - visit to learn
        more. Open Mon/Wed/Fri - 1 - 3 pm. St. George Tennis Club - 519.448.1889 -
        Burford Community Centre • 2 Courts. Open 7 days a wk. Lights available.

                                                                                                                                 Q D E Register online at
        Mt. Pleasant Park - Temporarily closed due to resurfacing - Burtch Rd. • 2 Courts. Open 7 days a wk. Lights available.

Picnic Areas     To learn more about our picnic areas call Facility Booking at 519.442.1944 or email

        Lions Park Paris - 80 Laurel St. • 3 Picnic areas. Features: washrooms, playground, ball diamonds and
        Green Lane Sports Complex - 8 Green Lane, Paris • Picnic Shelter. Features: washrooms, ball diamonds,
        soccer fields, beach volleyball courts, trails, Dog Park - Membership required (see below)
        Burford Lions Art Cadman Park - 78 Maple Ave. N. • Picnic Shelter. Features: washrooms, walking trails,
        wooded area, Whiteman’s Creek
        Burford Community Centre - 14 Potter Dr., Burford Optimist Shelter. Features: ball diamonds, soccer
        fields, playground, skatepark, tennis courts & splashpad *No reservations for this location
        Mt. Pleasant Park - 555 Burtch Rd., Mt. Pleasant - Picnic Shelter. Features: playground, baseball and soccer
        fields, tennis courts, walking trails, fishing, skateboard park, portable washroom
        Optimist Nature Park - 755 Mount Pleasant Rd., Mt. Pleasant • *Contact Mt.Pleasant Optimist to book .
        Features: 23 acres, 3 lg ponds, nature trails, open picnic areas
        Sunny Hill Park - 87 Sunnyside Dr., St.George • Picnic Shelter. Features: soccer fields, playground, splashpad &
        King William Picnic Shelter - 52 King William St., St.George • Picnic shelter. Features: playground & washroom

Lawn Bowling        It’s social, fun and competitive!

Paris Lawn Bowling Club - 169 Grand River St., N • Email:
St.George Lawn Bowling Club - 8 Thompson St. • Learn to Lawn Bowl program available.
Call : 519.449.3829 Email:

Dog Park     Accessible year round! Purchase your 2020 Membership

Simply Grand Dog Park, - Green Lane Sports Complex - 8 Green Lane Rd., Paris • Approximately 2 acres with a
small and large dog area. Enclosed by 5’ chain link fencing and a gated entrance that is controlled by key access.
Residents wishing to purchase a membership to the park will need to have a current dog license & vaccinations.
2021 Fee: $20 visit the Simply Grand Dog Park section at to learn more.

For more information, please contact Community Services at 519.44BRANT or email

               In an effort to conserve water and to ensure the supply of municipal
               water, By-law 116-06 only permits outdoor water use, using a hose
               (or any other attachment), every other day between the hours of
               7:00 am to 9:00 am and 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm, year round.

               Outdoor water use days are determined by the last number of a
               property’s municipal address (residential and commercial).
               Municipal Address Ending In:                Outdoor Water Use Day
               0, 2, 4, 6, 8                               Even numbered calendar days
               1, 3, 5, 7, 9                               Odd numbered calendar days

               Outside of the times and days described above, outdoor water use is permitted for:
                • Newly planted grass (seed and sod), trees, shrubs and gardens while being installed and during the 24 hours
                  period after the installation.
                • Lawns being treated with any pesticide, herbicide or fertilizer that requires water during and 24 hours after
                  the application.
                • Watering cans may be used any day, at any time to water trees, shrubs, vegetable and flower gardens. A
                  flowing hose cannot be inserted into the watering can while watering.

               More stringent conservation measures may be required in times of drought or a water supply emergency. (If this
               occurs details will be communicated through the County’s website, local newspapers, letters and radio.

               Outdoor Water Conservation Do’s and Don’ts
               DO                                                         DON’T
                    Set timers on automatic irrigation systems to only      Water lawns and gardens with a hose outside of
                    run during approved times and dates.                    allowed times and dates.
                    Use a rain barrel to collect rainwater for watering     Fill pools, ponds and/or fountains outside of the
                    gardens (be sure the barrel is equipped with            allowed times and dates.
                    a mesh screen to prevent mosquitoes from                Use a hose without a shut-off nozzle.
                                                                            Use a hose to wash your driveway, patios and/or
                    Weed regularly. Weeds compete with plants for           decks.
                                                                            Run sprinklers or irrigation systems while it’s raining.
                    Place mulch and bark around the base of trees,
                    shrubs and gardens to help retain moisture.             Let sprinklers run onto driveways, sidewalks, or roads
                                                                            when watering lawns and/or gardens.
                    Use a commercial car wash. This also helps keep
                    soap and chemicals out of our rivers and uses           Overwater lawns or gardens so the water pools or

                    less water.                                             runs onto hard surfaces.
                    Plant drought tolerant plants.

               TIP: Do not over water your lawn!
               Lawns only require approximately one inch water per week to stay healthy. Use a rain gauge to measure the
               amount of rainfall received and then water accordingly (an empty tuna can is the right depth).

Cemeteries Division
Columbarium Niches are available at the Burford Pioneer Cemetery, Paris Cemetery and
St. George Cemetery.

                                                  A columbarium is a structure consisting of a series of
                                                  niches which are sealed compartments for the
                                                  interment of cremated remains . It offers both a place
                                                  of safe-keeping for cremated remains, and also a
                                                  peaceful gathering place, where our most cherished
                                                  loved ones can be remembered,
                                                  honoured and celebrated.

   Burford         St. George         Paris

Columbarium Niche prices start at $1,695.00 to purchase.
Memorial Trees/Benches are also available to purchase. Prices will vary.
The new section at the St. George Cemetery is now open and cremation lots as well as full burial
lots are available for purchase. For more information please contact the County of Brant Cemetery

                                                                                                           Q D E Register online at
Office at 519-442-3822.

                                      The Cemetery Office (located at 116 King Edward Street, Paris)
                                is open Monday-Friday from 7:30 am -4:00 pm (by appointment only)
                        For more information please phone 519.442.3822 or visit

  Learn more on local projects
  that matter to you!
  Visit today!

                                    Connect • Engage • Share

Emergency Planning
                                   Emergency Preparedness STARTS WITH YOU!
               Would you be prepared if disaster struck? Being prepared for an emergency can help mitigate the
               impact of a disaster. Emergency preparedness starts with knowing the risks, making a plan and
               putting together an emergency kit. Don’t get caught unprepared - it starts with you!
                          Prepare to take care of yourself and your family for up to three days.
                          Make sure everyone in your family knows where your emergency kit items are stored.
                                   Here’s what should be in your EMERGENCY KIT:
                                      Water — two litres of water per person per day (include small bottles)
                                      Food that won’t spoil, such as canned food and energy bars (replace once a year)
                                      Pet food
                                      Manual can opener
                                      Medications
                                      Wind-up or battery-powered flashlight (and extra batteries)
                   Is your            Wind-up or battery-powered radio (and extra batteries)
                family ready?         First aid kit
                                      Extra keys for your car and house
                                      Cash, travelers’ cheques and change
                                      Important family documents such as identification, insurance and bank records
                                      Emergency plan — include a copy in your kit as well as contact information

                                     Emergency Planning             61 Dundas St. E., Paris, ON N3L 3H1
                                     T: 519.442.4500      

                  Fire Prevention

                  Working smoke and
                  CO alarms save lives.
                  For more information on fire prevention,

                  call 519.442.4500 or email
                                                               We’re social!
                                                                                      D @CountyofBrantFD
                  In case of emergency, call 911                                      Q @CountyofBrantFD
                                                                                      E BrantFD

                                     Fire Prevention                61 Dundas St. E., Paris, ON N3L 3H1
                                     T: 519.442.4500      
Solid Waste Information

;   Composting can reduce your curbside
    garbage and create valuable soil
                                                           Blue Box
    for your garden. Composters can                        Acceptable Materials
    be purchased at County of Brant
    Customer Service Offices for $15
    (taxes incl.). Please contact us to order.

;   Additional Blue Boxes (16 gallon and
                                                              Clear plastic                 Black & clear
    22 gallon) can be purchased at County                     ‘clam shell’                 plastic take-out
                                                                                                                         Cardboard               Single-serve
    of Brant Customer Service Offices for                      containers                     containers                                         plastic food
    $6 (taxes incl.). Please contact us to                                                                                                        containers
                                                                                                                                                   (no film or foil)

;   Urban Area Yard Waste Curbside
    Collection Program runs May to
                                                              Plastic plant
    November                                                  pots & trays                Plastic bottles, tubs & lids
                                                                                                                                               Metal cans
                                                                                         Beverage, soap, cleaning bottles,cottage
                                                                                                                                         Metal food & beverage cans
    ƒ Requirements, schedule, and                                                         cheese, cream cheese, dips, margarine,
                                                                                         yogurt tubs & lids - caps go in garbage.         and empty aerosol cans

                                                                                                                                                                          Q D E Register online at
      detailed maps available at
    ƒ Bundles tied with twine at the
      curbside (max size 2 ft. in diam. and
      4 ft. in length) containing limbs and
      branches less than 7.5 cm (3 inches)                  Plastic plates, cups &                      Boxboard
                                                           coffee cup lids (no cutlery)               Flattened - Cereal,               Aluminum foil
      in diameter.                                                                                detergent, tissue boxes etc..        Aluminum pie plates &
                                                                                                                                           baking trays
                                                                                                     Liners go in garbage
    ƒ Open top rigid containers or paper
      yard waste bags are acceptable.
      Plastic bags will not be collected.                                                                                           Mixed paper
                                                                                                                                    Hot and cold beverage
                                                                                                                                    cups,magazines, printer or
                                                                                                                                    photocopy paper, envelopes
;   For more information about solid                                                                                                (including plastic windows),
                                                                                                                                    paper bags
    waste management, please visit                          Glass bottles & jars
                                                             Clear or coloured, food &
    us at, your local                         beverage glass containers

    Customer Service Office, or call Public
    Works at 519.44BRANT (2.7268) or

                                                            Newspaper                Boxed beverage containers                       Corrugated cardboard
                                                                                     Juice & soup boxes, gable top containers       Tied in bundles no larger than 0.8m
                                                             & Flyers                       such as milk & juice cartons               x 0.8m x 0.25m (32” x 32” x 10”)

                        Remember:                                                                                  No plastic
                        • No plastic bags, plastic film or styrofoam.                                              bags or film
                        • Blue boxes must be curbside for pick up by 7 am on your collecton day.
                                                                                                                   in your bin
                        • Plastic food and personal product containers with a #1 to #7 are

                           Your recycling and garbage curbside
                           collection information is just a click away.
                                                                        •   Personalized Collection Schedules
                                                                        •   Updates & Reminders
                                                                        •   A ‘What Goes Where?’ search tool
                                                                        •   And more! Visit
                                                                            for more info

Bylaw Enforcement Division
               The Bylaw Enforcement Division is made up of Municipal Law Enforcement Officers who work
               to provide a safe and enjoyable environment for all individuals in the County of Brant.

               Common complaints are related to:
                                                                           Municipal Law Enforcement Officers
                ;   Snow removal and yard maintenance
                    Property standards and fences
                                                                    !      conduct investigations and respond
                                                                           to resident-reported complaints to
                                                                           determine if there is a violation.
                ;   Zoning
                ;   Parking

               Inquiries or complaints regarding bylaws can be made by phone to 519.449.2451, by email at
      or by using an online complaint form You will be
               required to provide your name and contact information. Anonymous calls or complaints with incomplete
               information will not be investigated. Complainant information is protected by the Municipal Freedom of
               Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

                          Bylaw Enforcement Office is open Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
                       26 Park Avenue, Burford, ON | 519.449.2451 |

County of Brant
Council and Committee Schedule
Meeting schedules are subject to change.
There are no meetings scheduled for the month of August.
All meetings are currently being held online (Council Chambers are closed). To learn more visit

Area                                                         Day                                  Time
County of Brant Council                                      4th Tuesday of each month            6:00 pm
Planning and Development Committee                           1 Tuesday of each month
                                                                                                  6:00 pm
Policy Development and Strategic Direction Committee         2nd Tuesday of each month            6:00 pm

Administration and Operations Committee                      3rd Tuesday of each month            6:00 pm

                                                                                                                 Q D E Register online at
The County of Brant Paramedic Services Committee, local Boards and Advisory Committees meet on a
separate schedule.
Information on all Committee meeting dates, agendas, minutes, etc. is available from the County of Brant
Council and Standing Committee meetings are streamed and are available on the County’s YouTube Channel.
Any questions regarding the Council and Committee structure and schedule may be addressed to the Council
Services Department, or 519.442.7268

                                                 We want everyone
                                                 to get home safely.

Be an Ambassador for safe roads in the County of Brant!

         For more information about Brant Safe Streets,

QDE @BrantCommunity
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