Message from our Head of School Message from our Executive Headteacher

Page created by Julian Morris
Message from our Head of School Message from our Executive Headteacher
Friday 28th January 2022 Spring Term Issue # 17

                                    OUR CORE VALUES
                Aspirational Brave Compassionate Determined Enlightened

                         Message from our Head of School
                       Message from our Executive Headteacher
                            What a wonderful week we have had at Lucas Vale!
I am very pleased to inform you that attendance this week has significantly improved. A
huge thank you to the parents who have met with Ms Hilton and I this week to discuss
this – the impact that this has had is very clear. We know that children achieve well when
they are in school every day, and I am so pleased to see the improvements to our
attendance week on week. This, in the middle of a pandemic, is not easy. We cannot thank
you enough for working with us to have all children in school every day.
                                     Lunar New Year
                           On Monday, we will be looking forward to this year’s Lunar New Year
                           celebrations. We will be finding out more about the origins of this festival, and
                           how it is celebrated around the globe. As part of these celebrations, we are
                           asking that children wear something red to school on Monday. This could be a
                           jumper, some shoes, a ribbon. In some cultures, red symbolises harmony, good
                           luck, and happiness – we hope that our school is a place full of all of those

                                              Peace Garden
Many parents, children and neighbours have reached out to us after
hearing the news that our school peace garden was broken into last
week. We are very grateful to you all for your kind words and
thoughts. In a fortnight, we will host a school talent show to raise
money to replace the statue that was stolen. After the blinding
success of the last talent show, we know we are in for a treat this time
around! We will make sure the talent show is filmed for you all to enjoy also. There are no performers quite
as talented as the singers, dancers and jugglers we have at Lucas Vale!

          Have a restful weekend! Remember to spend some time in nature and to keep reading!
                                               Mrs Cobblah
Message from our Head of School Message from our Executive Headteacher
Message from our Executive Headteacher
                                     Welcome back Mr Odege!
                       On Monday, at Lucas Vale, we were proud to welcome back
                       one of our ex-pupils , Mr Benjamin Odege. Mr Odege came
                       speak to children in our assembly and tell them of his story.
                       Back in the 1960s Mr Odege came from Nigeria to England
                    to join his parents who were working here. On a cold January
day he started school at Lucas Vale. Very much inspired by the PE teacher at Lucas
Vale, Mr Odege went on to play football professionally and has the distinction of being the very first black
player to wear an England shirt, way back in 1971- making his debut in a match against Northern Ireland
which England won 1-0.

                       Mr Odege explained to children what it was like coming to
                       England at that time and some of the struggles that black
                       people had. He also had to contend with his own parents who
                       were not keen on him ‘ wasting his time’ playing football.
                       Sometimes he had to hide his football kit so they did not know
                       he was at training!

Ben told us how nervous he was before going onto the pitch to play for England for the first time, but how
his old teacher at Lucas Vale spoke to him on the phone to reassure him before he went on in front of
70,000 people. Mr Odege told children how proud he was to wear an England shirt and to represent his
new country. He also recalled how after the match, when window shopping in Bond Street he was racially
                     abused for no reason by a passer-by and how it made him feel as a young man, to
                     know that he could represent England but not be welcomed in England.
                    He gave advice to the young black players, Rashford, Sancho and Saka to persist and
                    stand up for themselves so that we can build an England that accepts all people what-
                    ever their colour of background. But his final advice to all our young people was to
                    believe in yourself and work to achieve your own goals. Kicking a ball in the playground
                    of Lucas Vale he could only dream of playing for England, but
                   with hard work and encouragement he fulfilled that dream.
Do not let anyone tell you what you cannot be or cannot do. Work to fulfil your
own dreams.

        Thank you Mr Odege, for your time and for inspiring our children.

                                Mr Mickey Kelly MBE NLE
Message from our Head of School Message from our Executive Headteacher
From Nursery
Liam for using his words more to communicate, asking questions and answering with full sentences occasionally.
From Reception
Rayyan for settling in so well and for her cheery personality that brightens up our day!
Lakyila for being so helpful and for being a good friend.
From 1D
Gabriela for writing a fantastic ‘Alien’ fact file and using the suffix ‘-est’
Angel for trying hard with her letter formation and starting to write her name clearly.
From 2H
Youssef for using great noun phrases to write his own version of ‘The Owl and the Pussy-cat’!
Malik for his persistence in all areas of his leaning this week and for challenging himself. Keep it up!
From 3K
Brandon for his continued improvements on tenses.
Imogen for her outstanding work during guided groups.
From 3S
Ebrahima for his great attitude in his learning, especially in maths.
Zion for is growing confidence in class discussions.
From 4N
Millie for thoughtful and reflective comments in her reading record.
From 4O
Ravell and Kymani for adapting to the lifestyle in Luca’s vale. For also taking part in class discussion and showing confi-
From 5F
Christopher for showing a fantastic behaviour for learning.
Joshua for working very hard in maths and showing real resilience.
From 5M
Kieron for improved handwriting and presentation of you learning
Soraya for improved handwriting and perseverance in maths
From 6A
Lekai for really trying hard this week in all areas of his learning. Keep up the positive attitude
Ibrahim for always contributing great ideas during our reading sessions, trying his best to apply strategies taught to infer
From 6D
Kyron and his hard work and effort in his report writing on the Ancient Kingdom of Benin.
                                                    4N              RW           4O
Message from our Head of School Message from our Executive Headteacher
This week in Nursery
In Nursery, we have explored the continent of North America, the countries
Mexico, and the Caribbean islands.
We have read My world, your world by Melanie Walsh and Caribbean Dream by
Rachel Isadora.

                     We have discussed the volcanoes, the weather,
                     landscape, and carnival. We have created a tropical
                     fruit salad, rainforest animal crafts and used role pay
                     to act out travelling to an international airport.

                     For maths we have been working on our number
                     formation and understanding representation.

                                   This week in Reception
We've had another busy week in Reception!

In our mud kitchen, we made mud soup! We talked about what the ingredients
were and then added them in! We used amazing vocabulary as we mixed and
stirred it all together.

                        We also welcomed new friends and had a good bounce!

                        This week we have been reading the story of ‘The Little Red Hen’. The children
                        really enjoyed joining in with this story and worked hard to retell the story to their

                       We also talked about how we should help our friends. We
                      also shared if we would have shared the bread if we had
                     made it without any help!

In Maths, we have been thinking about combining two
numbers to make a total using a GIANT part, part, whole
model on the carpet!
Message from our Head of School Message from our Executive Headteacher
This week in Year 3
                                        This term, Year 3 are reading the picture book ‘
                                                       ’The Last Garden’ .

                            We will use this stimulus to
create several outcomes based upon the events within
the book–
•    Own version extended narrative
•    Advertisement/poster,
•    Instructional flyer, social media updates, dialogue

    As some of you may know, over the last few months we have been hosting Debate Mate
                   sessions at Lucas Vale Primary School for Years 5 and 6.
    The time has finally come where we get a chance to showcase our learning and begin the

                                Our first competition dates are in! Next week
                     Monday 31st January 2022, Year 6 will be competing and on
                         Thursday 3rd February 2022, Year 5 will be competing.
     We would really appreciate if you could join us in supporting them during this process.
                               3:15pm – 5:30pm on both days.
Message from our Head of School Message from our Executive Headteacher
We are available everyday from    Pizza making

  Wraparound Club

             Science experiment: Making Lava lamps
Message from our Head of School Message from our Executive Headteacher
Upcoming Dates 2022
Spring term 1 2022: Wednesday 5th January to Friday
11th February 2022
Half Term: Monday 14th February to Friday 18th
February 2022
Spring Term 2: Monday 21st February to Friday 1st April
Easter Holiday: Monday 4th April to Tuesday 19th
April 2022
Summer Term 1 2022: Wednesday 20th April to Friday
27th May 2022
Half Term: Monday 30th May to Friday 3rd June 2022
Summer Term 2 2022: Monday 6th June to Friday 22nd
July 2022
          Inset Day: Tuesday 19th April 2022
Message from our Head of School Message from our Executive Headteacher Message from our Head of School Message from our Executive Headteacher Message from our Head of School Message from our Executive Headteacher
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