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 Thank you for downloading this Italian menu cheat sheet and
 for taking the time to bridge the linguistic gap when speaking
 with Italians. You should be so proud of yourself. I know I am!

 Whether you’re planning a trip to Italy, dining in your favourite
 local Italian restaurant or pizzeria or shopping for food, use
 this guide to help you identify the most common terms you
 may encounter. If you can’t find an exact phrase, try looking
 up its component parts.

 Grazie ancora e buon appetito!

 The Intrepid Guide

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abbacchio alla romana            antipasti
Roman-style spring lamb          appetizers
acciughe sott’olio               antipasti misti
anchovies in oil                 mixed appetizers
aceto vinegar                    aperitivo
acqua water                      aperitif
acqua minerale gassata           aragosta
sparkling mineral water          lobster
acqua minerale non gassata       arancia
still mineral water              orange
acqua naturale                   aranciata
still mineral water, tap water   orangeade
affettato misto                  aringa
variety of cold, sliced meats    herring
affogato al caffè                arista di maiale al forno
hot espresso on ice cream        roast chine of pork
aglio                            arrosto
garlic                           roast
agnello                          arrosto di tacchino
lamb                             roast turkey
albicocche                       asparagi
apricots                         asparagus
al forno                         avocado all’agro
roast                            avocado with dressing
chopped bacon and tomato sauce
pineapple                        baccalà
anatra                           dried cod
duck                             baccalà alla vicentina
anatra all’arancia               Vicentine-style dried cod
duck in orange sauce             bagnacauda
anguilla in umido                vegetables (often raw) in a sauce
stewed eel                       of oil, garlic, and anchovy
anguria                          Barbaresco
watermelon                       dry red wine from Piedmont

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B (continued)
Barbera                            branzino al forno
dry red winefrom Piedmont          baked sea bass
Bardolino                          brasato
dry red wine from the Veneto       braised beef with herbs
region                             bresaola
Barolo                             dried, salted beef eaten with oil
dark, dry red wine from Piedmont   and lemon
basilico                           brioche
basil                              type of croissant
bavarese                           brodo
ice-cream cake with cream          clear broth
bel paese                          brodo di pollo
soft, white cheese                 chicken broth
besciamella                        brodo vegetale
white sauce                        clear vegetable broth
bignè                              budino
cream puff                         pudding
birra                              burro
beer                               butter
birra chiara                       burro di acciughe
light beer, lager                  anchovy butter
birra grande
large beer
birra piccola                      C
small beer                         caciotta
birra scura                        tender, white cheese from Central
dark beer                          Italy
bistecca ai ferri                  caffè
grilled steak                      coffee
bistecca (di manzo)                caffè corretto
steak                              espresso with a dash of liqueur
bolognese                          caffè latte
ground beef and tomato sauce       half coffee, half hot milk
braciola di maiale                 caffè lungo
pork steak                         weak espresso

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C (continued)
caffè macchiato                        carré di maiale al forno
espresso with a dash of milk           roast pork loin
caffè ristretto                        cassata siciliana
strong espresso                        ice-cream cake with chocolate,
calamari in umido                      glacé fruit, and ricotta
stewed Squid                           castagne
calamaro                               chestnuts
squid                                  cavoletti di Bruxelles
calzone                                Brussels sprouts
folded pizza with tomato and           cavolfiore
cheese                                 cauliflower
camomilla                              cavolo
chamomile tea                          cabbage
cannella                               cefalo
cinnamon                               mullet
cannelloni al forno                    cernia
baked egg pasta rolls                  grouper (fish)
stuffed with meat                      charlotte
cappuccino                             ice-cream cake with cream,
espresso with foaming milk             cookies, and fruit
sprinkled with cocoa powder            Chianti
capretto al forno                      dark red Tuscan wine
roast kid                              cicoria
carbonara                              chicory
sauce of egg, bacon, and cheese        cicorino
carciofi                               small chicory plants
artichokes                             ciliege
carciofini sott’olio                   cherries
baby artichokes in oil                 cime di rapa
carne                                  sprouting broccoli
meat                                   cioccolata
carote                                 chocolate
carrots                                cioccolata calda
carpaccio                              hot chocolate
finely sliced beef fillets with oil,   cipolle onions
lemon, and parmesan

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C (continued)
cocktail di gamberetti              cozze
shrimp cocktail                     mussels
conchiglie alla marchigiana         cozze alla marinara
pasta shells in tomato sauce with   mussels in white wine
ham, celery, carrot, and parsley    crema
coniglio                            custard dessert made with eggs
rabbit                              and milk
coniglio in umido                   crema al caffè
stewed rabbit                       coffee custard dessert
consommé                            crema al cioccolato
clear meat or chicken broth         chocolate custard dessert
contorni                            crema di funghi
vegetables                          cream of mushroom soup
coperto                             crema di piselli
cover charge                        cream of pea soup
coppa                               crema pasticciera
cured neck of pork                  confectioner’s custard
costata alla fiorentina             crêpes Suzette
T-bone veal steak                   crepes flambéed with orange
costata di manzo                    sauce
T-bone beef steak                   crescente
cotechino                           fried bread made with flour, lard,
spiced pork sausage for boiling     and eggs
cotoletta                           crespelle
veal, pork, or lamb chop            savory crepe
cotoletta ai ferri                  crostata di frutta
grilled veal or pork chop           fruit tart
cotoletta alla milanese
veal chop in breadcrumbs
cotoletta alla valdostana           D, E
veal chop with ham and cheese, in   dadi
breadcrumbs                         bouillon cubes
cotolette di agnello                datteri
lamb chops                          dates
cotolette di maiale                 degustazione
pork chops                          tasting

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D, E (continued)
degustazione di vini               ribbon-shaped pasta
wine tasting                       fichi
dentice al forno                   figs
baked dentex (type of sea bream)   filetti di pesce persico
digestivo                          fillets of perch
dessert liqueur                    filetti di sogliola
dolci                              fillets of sole
sweets, desserts, cakes            filetto ai ferri
endivia belga                      grilled fillet of beef
white chicory                      filetto al cognac
entrecôte (di manzo)               fillet of beef
beef entrecote                     flambé filetto al pepe verde
espresso                           fillet of beef with green
strong, black coffee               peppercorns
                                   filetto al sangue
                                   rare fillet of beef
F                                  filetto ben cotto
fagiano                            well-done fillet of beef
pheasant                           filetto (di manzo)
fagioli                            fillet of beef
beans                              filetto medio
fagioli borlotti in umido          medium-cooked fillet of beef
borlotti (kidney beans)            finocchi gratinati
in sauce of tomato,                fennel au gratin
vegetables, and herbs              finocchio
fagiolini                          fennel
long, green beans                  fonduta
faraona                            cheese fondue
guinea fowl                        formaggi misti
fegato                             variety of cheeses
liver                              fragole
fegato alla veneta                 strawberries
liver in butter with onions        fragole con gelato/panna
fegato con salvia e burro          strawberries and ice cream/cream
liver in butter and sage           frappé
fettuccine                         fruit or milk shake with crushed ice

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F (continued)
Frascati                          gazzosa
dry white wine from area around   clear lemonade
Rome                              gelatina
frittata                          gelatin
type of omelet                    gelato
frittata alle erbe                ice cream
herb omelet                       gelato di crema
fritto misto                      vanilla flavoured ice cream
mixed seafood in batter           gelato di frutta
frittura di pesce                 fruit flavoured ice cream
variety of fried fish             gnocchetti verdi agli
frutta                            spinaci e al gorgonzola
fruit                             small flour, potato, and spinach
frutta alla fiamma                dumplings with melted gorgonzola
fruit flambé                      gnocchi
frutta secca                      small flour and potato dumplings
dried nuts and raisins            gnocchi alla romana
frutti di bosco                   small milk and semolina
mixture of strawberries,          dumplings with butter
raspberries, mulberries, etc.     Gorgonzola
frutti di mare                    strong blue cheese from
seafood                           Lombardy
funghi                            grancevola
mushrooms                         spiny spider crab
funghi trifolati                  granchio
mushrooms fried in garlic and     crab
parsley                           granita
                                  crushed ice drink
                                  grigliata di pesce
G                                 grilled fish
gamberetti                        grigliata mista
shrimp                            mixed grill (meat or fish)
gamberi                           grissini
large shrimp                      thin, crisp breadsticks
gamberoni                         gruviera
jumbo shrimp                      Gruyère cheese

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indivia                            latte macchiato con cioccolato
endive                             hot milk sprinkled with cocoa
insalata                           lattuga
salad                              lettuce
insalata caprese                   leggero
salad of tomatoes and mozzarella   light
insalata di funghi porcini         legumi
boletus mushroom salad             legumes (beans)
insalata di mare                   lemonsoda
seafood salad                      sparkling lemon drink
insalata di nervetti               lenticchie
boiled beef or veal served cold    lentils
with beans and pickles             lepre
insalata di pomodori               hare
tomato salad                       limonata
insalata di riso                   lemon-flavored soda
rice salad                         limone
insalata mista                     lemon
mixed salad                        lingua
insalata russa                     tongue
Russian salad (diced cooked
vegetables in mayonnaise)
insalata verde                     M
green salad                        macedonia di frutta
involtini                          fruit salad
meat rolls stuffed with ham and    maiale
herbs                              pork
L                                  mandarino
lamponi                            mandarin
raspberries                        mandorla
lasagne al forno                   almond
meat lasagna with cheese           manzo
latte                              beef

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M (continued)
marroni                             mirtilli
chestnuts                           bilberries more mulberries or
Marsala                             blackberries
fortified wine                      moscato
marzapane                           sweet wine
marzipan                            mousse al cioccolato
mascarpone                          chocolate mousse
soft, mild cheese                   mozzarella buffalo
medaglioni di vitello               cheese
veal medallions                     mozzarella in carrozza
mela                                fried slices of bread and
apple                               mozzarella
melone                              N, 0
melon                               nasello
menta                               hake
mint                                nocciole
meringata                           hazelnuts
meringue pie                        noce moscata
merluzzo                            nutmeg
cod                                 noci
merluzzo alla pizzaiola             walnuts
cod in tomato sauce with            nodino
anchovies and capers                veal chop
merluzzo in bianco                  olio
cod with oil and lemon              oil
messicani in gelatina               origano
rolls of veal in gelatin            oregano
millefoglie                         osso buco
pastry layered with custard         stewed shin of veal
minestra in brodo                   ostriche
noodle soup                         oysters
vegetable soup with rice or pasta

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paglia e fieno                    patate fritte
mixed plain and green             french fries
tagliatelle                       patate in insalata
paillard di manzo                 potato salad
slices of grilled beef            pecorino
paillard di vitello               strong, hard sheep’s milk cheese
slices of grilled veal            penne
pane                              pasta quills
bread                             penne ai quattro formaggi
panino                            pasta with four-cheese sauce
filled roll                       penne all’arrabbiata
panna                             pasta with tomato and
cream                             chili pepper sauce
parmigiana di melanzane           penne panna e prosciutto
eggplant baked with cheese        pasta with cream and ham sauce
pasta al forno                    pepe
pasta baked in white sauce        pepper (spice)
and grated cheese                 peperoncino
pasta e fagioli                   crushed chili pepper
thick soup with puréed borlotti   peperoni
beans and pasta rings             peppers
pasta e piselli                   peperoni ripieni
pasta with peas                   stuffed peppers
pasticcio di fegato d’oca         peperoni sott’olio
baked pasta dish with             peppers in oil
goose liver                       pera
pasticcio di lepre                pear
baked pasta dish with hare        pesca
pasticcio di maccheroni           peach
baked macaroni                    pesce
pastina in brodo                  fish
noodle soup                       pesce al cartoccio
patate                            fish baked in foil with herbs
potatoes                          pesce in carpione
patate al forno/arrosto           marinaded fish
roast potatoes

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P (continued)
pesto                              polpettone
sauce of basil, pine nuts,         meatloaf
Parmesan, garlic, and oil          pomodori
pinot                              tomatoes
dry white wine from the Veneto     pomodori ripieni
region                             stuffed tomatoes
pinzimonio                         pompelmo
raw vegetables with oil and        grapefruit
vinegar                            porri
piselli                            leeks
peas                               prezzemolo
piselli al prosciutto              parsley
broth with peas, ham, and basil    primi piatti
pizzaiola                          first courses
slices of cooked beef in tomato    prosciutto cotto
sauce, oregano, and anchovies      cooked ham
pizzoccheri alla Valtellinese      prosciutto crudo
pasta strips with vegetables and   type of cured ham
cheese                             prugne
polenta                            plums
boiled cornmeal left to set and    punte di asparagi all’agro
sliced                             asparagus tips in oil and lemon
polenta e osei                     purè di patate
polenta with small birds           mashed potatoes
polenta pasticciata                puttanesca
layers of polenta, tomato          tomato sauce with anchovies,
sauce, and cheese                  capers, and black olives
pollo alla cacciatora              Q, R
chicken in white wine              quaglie
and mushroom sauce                 quails
pollo alla diavola                 radicchio
deep-fried chicken pieces          chicory
polpette                           ragù
meatballs                          meat-based sauce

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Q, R (continued)                     S
rapanelli                            salame
radishes                             salami
ravioli                              sale
stuffed pasta parcels                salt
ravioli al pomodoro                  salmone affumicato
meat ravioli in tomato sauce         smoked salmon
razza                                salsa cocktail/rosa
skate                                mayonnaise and ketchup
ricotta                              sauce for fish and seafood
ricotta cheese                       salsa di pomodoro
risi e bisi                          tomato sauce
risotto with peas and ham            salsa tartara
riso                                 tartar sauce
rice                                 salsa vellutata
risotto                              white sauce made with clear
rice cooked in stock                 broth instead of milk
risotto alla castellana              salsa verde
risotto with mushroom,               sauce for meat, with parsley and
ham, cream, and cheese               oil
risotto alla milanese                salsiccia
risotto with saffron                 sausage
risotto al nero di seppia            salsiccia di cinghiale
risotto with cuttlefish ink          wild boar sausage
risotto al tartufo                   salsiccia di maiale
truffle risotto                      pork sausage
roast-beef all’inglese               saltimbocca alla romana
thinly sliced cold roast beef        slices of veal stuffed with
robiola                              ham and sage and fried
type of soft cheese from             salvia
Lombardy                             sage
rognone trifolato                    sambuca (con la mosca)
kidney in garlic, oil, and parsley   aniseed-flavor liqueur
rosatello/rosato                     served with a coffee bean
rosé wine                            sarde ai ferri
rosmarino                            grilled sardines

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S (continued)
scaloppine                        sogliola alla mugnaia
veal escalopes                    sole cooked in flour and butter
scaloppine al prezzemolo          sorbetto
veal escalopes with parsley       sorbet, soft ice cream
scamorza alla griglia             soufflé al formaggio
grilled soft cheese               cheese soufflé
scampi alla griglia               soufflé al prosciutto
grilled shrimp                    ham soufflé
secco                             speck
dry                               cured, smoked ham
secondi piatti                    spezzatino di vitello
second courses, main courses      veal stew
sedano                            spiedini
celery                            assorted chunks of spit-cooked
selvaggina                        meat or fish
game                              spinaci
semifreddo                        spinach
dessert of ice cream and sponge   spinaci all’agro
cakes                             spinach with oil and lemon
senape                            spremuta di ...
mustard                           freshly squeezed ... juice
seppie in umido                   spumante
stewed cuttlefish                 sparkling wine
servizio compreso                 stracchino
service charge included           soft cheese from Lombardy
servizio escluso                  stracciatella
service charge excluded           soup of beaten eggs in clear broth
Soave                             strudel di mele
dry white wine from the Veneto    apple strudel
region                            succo di ...
sogliola                          ... juice
sole                              sugo al tonno
sogliola ai ferri                 tomato sauce with garlic, tuna,
grilled sole                      and parsley
sogliola al burro
sole cooked in butter

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tacchino ripieno                       trancio di palombo
stuffed turkey                         smooth dogfish steak
tagliata                               trancio di pesce spada
finely cut beef fillet cooked in the   swordfish steak
oven                                   trenette col pesto
tagliatelle                            flat spaghetti with pesto sauce
thin pasta strips                      triglie
tagliatelle rosse                      mullet (fish)
tagliatelle with chopped               trippa
red peppers                            tripe
tagliatelle verdi                      trota
tagliatelle with spinach               trout
tagliolini                             trota affumicata
thin soup noodles                      smoked trout
tartine                                trota al burro
small sandwiches                       trout cooked in butter
tartufo                                trota alle mandorle
ice cream covered in cocoa or          trout with almonds
chocolate; truffle                     trota bollita
tè                                     boiled trout
dessert with coffee-soaked             U
sponge, Marsala, mascarpone,           uccelletti
and cocoa powder                       small birds wrapped in bacon,
tonno                                  served on cocktail sticks
tuna                                   uova
torta                                  eggs
tart, flan                             uova alla coque
torta di ricotta                       boiled eggs
type of cheesecake                     uova al tegamino con pancetta
torta salata                           fried eggs and bacon
savory quiche                          uova farcite
tortellini pasta                       eggs with tuna, capers, and
shapes filled with minced pork,        mayonnaise filling
ham, Parmesan, and nutmeg

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U (continued)
uova sode                              vitello tonnato
hard-boiled eggs                       cold sliced veal in tuna, anchovy,
uva                                    oil, and lemon sauce
grapes                                 vongole
uva bianca                             clams
white grapes
uva nera
black grapes                           W, Z
                                       hot dog
V                                      zabaglione
vellutata di asparagi                  creamy dessert of eggs, sugar,
creamed asparagus with egg yolks       and Marsala
vellutata di piselli                   zafferano
creamed peas with egg yolks            saffron
verdura                                zucca
vegetables                             pumpkin
vermicelli                             zucchine
very fine, thin pasta, often used in   zucchini
soups                                  zucchine al pomodoro
vino                                   zucchini in tomato, garlic, and
wine                                   parsley sauce
vino bianco                            zucchine ripiene
white wine                             stuffed zucchini
vino da dessert                        zuccotto
dessert wine                           ice-cream cake with sponge cake,
vino da pasto                          cream, and chocolate
table wine                             zuppa
vino da tavola                         soup
table wine                             zuppa di cipolle
vino rosso                             onion soup
red wine                               zuppa di cozze
vitello                                mussel soup
veal                                   zuppa di lenticchie
                                       lentil soup

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W, Z (continued)
zuppa di pesce
fish soup
zuppa di verdura
vegetable soup
zuppa inglese
sponge cake with fruit, custard,
and whipped cream

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