AUTUMN PROGRAMME 2020 - - Sainsbury Centre

Page created by Rick Singh
AUTUMN PROGRAMME 2020 - - Sainsbury Centre
AUTUMN PROGRAMME 2020 - - Sainsbury Centre

This autumn a visit to the                from 14 November. We’re
Sainsbury Centre offers the               also introducing lots of new
perfect escape, with exciting             activities for children and
new exhibitions and Sculpture             families to engage with the
Park projects opening in the              Sculpture Park, both online
run up to Christmas.                      and in person.

Our new major exhibition                  In line with government
Bill Brandt | Henry Moore                 guidance, we are continuing
opens on 20 November,                     to implement proactive
running into March 2021.                  measures to ensure you
If you haven’t managed to                 feel safe as soon as you
visit our beautiful mezzanine             enter our doors. It has been
exhibition Art Nouveau: The               great to hear all the positive
Nature of Dreams, you have                feedback from visitors on
until 3 January 2021 before               their experience. Keep an
we welcome Grayson Perry:                 eye on our Visit page on the
The Pre-Therapy Years.                    website and social media
This November we open our                 for the latest updates.
new cafe The Terrace, serving
artisan coffee and delicious              Thank you as always for
local food and snacks in the              your support through
stunning setting of our                   these challenging times for
East End Gallery.                         the arts. We hope to see
                                          you discovering art, sipping
Lovers of nature and the                  coffee or exploring sculptures
outdoors will be treated to               very soon.
two striking new works from
world-renowned Cristina                   Ghislaine Wood
Iglesias in our Sculpture Park            Acting Director

East Sussex, Bill Brandt, 1963
© Bill Brandt / Bill Brandt Archive Ltd

Sainsbury Centre Visitor
Photo: Andy Crouch
AUTUMN PROGRAMME 2020 - - Sainsbury Centre
ART NOUVEAU: THE NATURE OF DREAMS                                               BILL BRANDT | HENRY MOORE                                                          GRAYSON PERRY:
Until 3 January 2021                                                            20 November 2020 – 7 March 2021                                                    THE PRE-THERAPY YEARS
                                                                                                                                                                   6 February – 16 May 2021

Explore the spectacular and        William Morris, and Gabriel                  Explore the intersecting        Organised by the Yale Center                       Surveying for the first time                 A unique opportunity to
controversial vision of art        Dante Rossetti.                              paths of two great artists      for British Art in partnership                     Grayson Perry’s earliest                     enjoy the artist’s clever,
practice that raged across                                                      of the 20th century.            with The Hepworth Wakefield.                       forays into the art world, this              playful and politically-
the Western world from the         £8 | £7 concessions                          Photographer Bill Brandt                                                           exhibition re-introduces the                 engaged worldview.
end of the 19th century: Art                                                    and sculptor Henry Moore        £13 | £12 concessions                              explosive and creative works
Nouveau.                           50% for under 18s, full-time                 met after they had both                                                            made during his formative                    £12 | £11 concessions
                                   students & Art Fund Members                  created images of the           50% for under 18s, full-time                       years between 1982 and 1994.
A dazzling selection of                                                         London Underground              students & Art Fund Members                                                                     50% for under 18s, full-time
ceramic, furniture, glass,         FREE for Members and UEA                     during the Blitz. They both                                                        The exhibition will display the              students & Art Fund Members
jewellery, paintings, posters      and NUA Student Members                      went on to depict subjects      FREE for Members and UEA                           earliest works – pots, plates
and prints, sculpture, and                                                      including coal miners and       and NUA Student Members                            and sculptures – that first made             FREE for Members and UEA
textiles feature interpretations   The Mezzanine Gallery is not                 their families, Stonehenge,                                                        Perry’s name. It will shine a                and NUA Student Members
of nature and the creation of      accessible for wheelchair users              and the body presented as       Tickets on sale from 19 October                    light on his experimentation
a modern style.                                                                 landscape. Discover almost                                                         and exploration of the potential             The Mezzanine Gallery is not
                                   Supported by                                 200 works, featuring Brandt’s   Principal Supporter: Simon Blakey                  of pottery to address radical                accessible for wheelchair users
Artists and designers include                                                   rare colour transparencies                                                         issues and human stories.
                                                                                                                ABOVE: Bill Brandt, Henry Moore, 1948,
René Lalique, Alphonse             ABOVE: T.W. Camm Studio, Panel, 1888,        and Moore’s little-known        gelatin silver print, Hyman Collection, London
Mucha, Edgar Degas,                Stained Glass, The Brian Clarke Collection   photo collages.                 © Bill Brandt/Bill Brandt Archive Ltd Reproduced   ABOVE: Grayson Perry, Cocktail Party, 1989   Exhibition organised by
                                   of Stained Glass. Photo: Andy Crouch                                         by permission of The Henry Moore Foundation.       © Grayson Perry and Victoria Miro
AUTUMN PROGRAMME 2020 - - Sainsbury Centre
ALFRED COHEN                                                                         TOURING EXHIBITIONS                                                       SCULPTURE PARK
East End Gallery                                                                     Visit for details                                   Visit for details

                                                                                                                                                               Our Sculpture Park sits within                   installation Vegetation
                                                                                                                                                               350 acres of stunning parkland                   Room III (2005) is a defined
                                                                                                                                                               and is the perfect place to                      architectural space, with
                                                                                                                                                               enjoy striking art and the natural               interior walls cast from
                                                                                                                                                               environment all year round.                      organic vegetation.
A free display celebrating                with coastal landscapes,
the life and work of the artist           aerial viewpoints and the                                                                                            On view from 14 November                         This free Sculpture Park
Alfred Cohen, who was born                Italian theatrical tradition of                                                                                      will be two new works from                       display on the West Lawn
in Chicago in 1920 and settled            Commedia dell’Arte.                                                                                                  internationally renowned                         places Iglesias’ work in
in Norfolk in the late 1970s.                                                                                                                                  installation artist Cristina                     dialogue with Norman
                                          Featuring paintings that map                                                                                         Iglesias. Celosía XI (Hafsa                      Foster’s iconic Sainsbury
A remarkable painter and                  out important places and                                                                                             Bint Al-Hayy) (2006) consists                    Centre building. You can
colourist, this selection                 milestones from his lifetime, this                                                                                   of seven terracotta screens                      download a trail map from
of Cohen’s work from the                  display is part of a programme                                                                                       that evoke the lattices in Arab                  our website or pick one up
Sainsbury Centre Collection               of events to celebrate Cohen’s                                                                                       architecture. The immersive                      from the Visitor Services desk.
highlights his fascination                centenary year.

                                                                                     From our base in Norwich,        on to the Laing Gallery in
                                                                                     exhibitions go on to travel      Newcastle. The show will run
                                                                                     the world.                       from 17 October–27 February.

                                                                                     Sainsbury Centre exhibition      We are pleased to continue
                                                                                     Brian Clarke: The Art of Light   our collaboration with
                                                                                     is now at the Museum of Arts     Magnum photos as our
                                                                                     and Design in New York. This     exhibition The Body
                                                                                     extraordinary exhibition of      Observed: Magnum Photos
                                                                                     dramatic glass works will run    opens at Fundación Canal in
                                                                                     until 21 February.               Madrid on 27 October and
                                                                                                                      will run to 28 March 2021.
                                                                                     Following its success at the
TOP: Alfred Cohen, The Conservatory       ABOVE: Alfred Cohen, St. Pauls West View   Sainsbury Centre, Art Deco       ABOVE: Brian Clarke, The Art of Light    TOP: Cristina Iglesias, Celosía XI (Hafsa Bint   ABOVE: Cristina Iglesias, Vegetation Room III
1962–63, Oil on board                     1960, Oil on board,                        by the Sea has moved             Photo: Jenna Bascom                      Al-Hayy), 2006 © The artist, Cristina Iglesias
                                                                                                                                                               Studio and Marian Goodman Gallery
                                                                                                                                                                                                                2005 © The artist, Cristina Iglesias Studio
                                                                                                                                                                                                                and Marian Goodman Gallery
Gift of the Alfred Cohen Art Foundation   Gift of the Alfred Cohen Art Foundation                                     courtesy the Museum of Arts and Design
AUTUMN PROGRAMME 2020 - - Sainsbury Centre
GALLERY SHOP                                              CHILDREN AND FAMILIES                                                  YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULTS
Visit for details                   Visit for details                                Visit for details

                                                                                                                                 Young Associates                   Campus
                                                                                                                                 FREE                               FREE
                                                                                                                                 16-25 year olds                    Throughout the Autumn term,
                                                                                                                                 6 weeks                            starts 1 October
                                                                                                                                 Tuesdays, starts 13 October        Open to all UEA Students
                                                                                                                                 All sessions will take             Calling all UEA students!
                                                                                                                                 place online                       Work with contemporary
                                                                                                                                                                    artists and develop creative
                                                                                                                                 Work with other people aged        ways to engage with the
                                                                                                                                 16-25 to develop your own          distinctive qualities of UEA
                                                                                                                                 arts projects in response to       campus and the university
                                                                                                                                 the Sainsbury Centre. Try          community online. Over three
                                                                                                                                 out new ideas, learn new           months, projects will explore
                                                                                                                                 skills, share your work, meet      ideas of performance and
                                                          Families in                       These free activities must           artists and join a network of      protest, creative responses
                                                          The Sculpture Park                be booked in advance.                new collaborators. Guided          to architecture and mindful
                                                          The Sculpture Park is             Keep an eye on the website           by artist Anna Brass,              making with clay.
                                                          an outdoor space full of          for details.                         sessions will draw on digital,
ABOVE:                  The Sainsbury Centre Shop         fascinating art, architecture                                          art historical and counter-        Take part at
Ferm Homewares
Candles £10 for two     stocks a wide range of            and nature. Explore the           Visit         cultural practices, using the
Candle holders £35      products, from contemporary       fields, woods and UEA             whats-on                             Sainsbury Centre Collections
Hexagon pot £65
Photo: Lily Alden       ceramics and handmade             broad with children of all                                             as a starting point for            Online Studio
                        jewellery to design gifts,        ages. A map is available to       Online Studio                        creative projects.                 Take part in creative at-home
Hasami porcelain        greetings cards and art books.    download on the website           We will be updating our                                                 activities for adults, designed
from £12                As well as stocking pieces        to help you make the most         Online Studio this autumn            To sign up email Nell              by our Associate Artists:
Photo: Lily Alden
                        from exciting makers & artists,   of your trip. There are toilet    to include activities which
                        the Sainsbury Centre shop also    facilities available (including   will help you explore the                                               Unearth your home anew
                        regularly publishes a selection   a baby changing station)          Sculpture Park at your own           Public Programme                   with Rachel Kurdynowska
                        of award-winning books.           for Sculpture Park visitors       pace. Fly out and about              For information about
                                                          during gallery opening times.     with Kaitlin Ferguson and            forthcoming events, join           Adventures of the Mundane
                                                                                            Genevieve Rudd’s bird                our mailing list or visit          with Paul Patrick Fenner
                                                          COMING SOON:                      resources, or burrow cosily
                                                          Outdoor Family Sundays            into a rabbit warren with            whats-on                           Visit
                                                          Fun, creative activities in       Georgie Manly.                                                          online-activities
                                                          the Sculpture Park, on the                                             BELOW: Campus Design: Lily Alden
                                                          first Sunday of every month.      If you aren’t planning a
                                                          Suitable for all ages. Dress      visit, there are lots of other
                                                          for the weather!                  exciting activities in Online
                                                                                            Studio, which you can do at
                                                          November - Explore the            home.
                                                          elements with artists Caitlin
                                                          Howells and Sorrel Muggridge      Visit
                                                          December - Look for treasure
                                                          with artists Genevieve Rudd       ABOVE: Footsteps and Flags
                                                          and Annie Brundrit                family event in the Sculpture Park
                                                                                            Photo: Rach Anstey-Sanders
AUTUMN PROGRAMME 2020 - - Sainsbury Centre
SUPPORT US                                                         SUPPORT US                                                         GALLERY INFORMATION
Visit                           Visit                           Visit for details

                                                                   JOIN OUR EXHIBITION               CORPORATE CLUB –                 INFORMATION / BOOKING           HOW TO FIND US
                                                                   CIRCLE AND ENJOY                  YOUR NEW DIGITAL
                                                                   BESPOKE BENEFITS                  PARTNER                          Sainsbury Centre                BY BUS
                                                                                                                                      University of East Anglia       Check the First Bus website
                                                                   Our philanthropic Exhibition      Corporate life faces new         Norwich NR4 7TJ                 for revised timetables.
                                                                   Circle supporters enjoy a         challenges for communicating
                                                                   bespoke programme of              and “entertaining”, not to       01603 593199. Lines open        25: From Norwich Train
                                                                   exclusive insights into art       mention staff wellbeing.         Monday–Friday, 9am–5pm.         Station, stopping at Castle
                                                                   and how the Centre works          Discover how our dynamic                                         Meadow, Unthank Road and
                                                                   for an annual donation of         exhibition programme,            OUR COLLECTIONS                 South Park Avenue (journey
                                                                   £500 or £1000. Virtual ‘At        curators and art can be          FREE entry to the Sainsbury     time c.35 minutes).
                                                                   Home’ with the Sainsbury          integral to your programmes      Centre Collection.
                                                                   Centre Zoom monthly               digitally.                                                       26: From Norwich Train
                                                                   meetings and news ensure                                           OPENING TIMES                   Station, stops at Castle
                                                                   supporters are the first to       Whether your business            Monday Closed                   Meadow and travels via
                                                                   hear about all our exciting       requires team-building,          Tuesday–Friday 9am–6pm          Earlham Road (journey time
                                                                   plans, opportunities and          wellbeing, networking, or        Saturday–Sunday 10am–5pm        c.35 minutes).
                                                                   exhibitions.                      brand awareness, this flexible
It has been wonderful to         BECOME A MEMBER                                                     package is tailored to suit      See website for exceptions,     BY TRAIN
see so many of our donors                                          In addition to all Members’       your budget.                     including bank holidays.        The Sainsbury Centre is a
and members returning            Be the first to visit our         benefits you will also be first                                                                    35 minute bus journey or
to the Centre. Thank you.        special exhibitions. Enjoy        to receive:                                                        EXHIBITIONS                     25 minute taxi ride from
Your generosity has been         10% off selected items in                                                                            Monday Closed                   Norwich Train Station.
invaluable especially during     the Gallery Shop alongside        – Links to our exclusive art                                       Tuesday–Friday 9.30am–6pm
this challenging time and        other member benefits,              podcasts                                                         Saturday–Sunday 10am–5pm BY CAR
really makes a huge difference   including unlimited free entry                                                                                                        Parking is FREE. No permit
to our programmes.               to exhibitions all year for you   – Socially-distanced              Join us today:                   See website for information      is required until the end
                                 and up to two children per          introductions to new works           on timed exhibition tickets.     November. Please check
Please continue to support       individual member.                  in the sculpture park           join-support/                                                     website for further updates.
or join us now to enable the                                                                                                          TICKETS
Centre to create opportunities Annual membership costs:            – Monthly e-bulletin updates      call 07785 551193		              All tickets must be pre-booked ACCESS
that uplift, inspire, educate and Individual £50                     on the Centre’s exciting        email         online or call 01603 593199      There is level access on
provide pleasure and relaxation. Individual plus a guest £75         plans                                                                                             the ground floor to our
                                  Young member (under 26) £40                                                                         MODERN LIFE CAFÉ                 collections, Modern Life
MAKE A DONATION                   FREE for UEA & NUA Students      – Donor recognition in the 		                                      Monday Closed                    Café, the Gallery Shop and
                                                                     Annual Review and website                                        Tuesday–Friday 9am–5pm           accessible toilets.
You may feel able to support     Join us today:                                                                                       Saturday–Sunday 9.30am–5pm
by making a donation. Thank            – Exhibition Circle card and                                                                        PAYMENT
you. Every contribution is       join-support/                       holder                                                           The cafe is currently serving a  Currently we can only accept
valuable.                                                                                                                             reduced food and drink menu      card and phone payments,
                                 call 01603 593199		               – Priority previews and artist                                     (see online). Socially distanced no cash accepted.
Donate today:                    email                visits when we can                                               seating is available inside,                                                                                                           takeaway available.              FOLLOW US
support/#donate-now                                                                                                                                                        @SainsburyCentre
                                                                                                                                      NEW CAFÉ:
                                 ABOVE:                                                                                                                                    sainsburycentre
call 07785 551193		              Elisabeth Frink                                                                                      THE TERRACE
email         Mirage I and Mirage II, 1969                                                                         Opens mid November                   @sainsburycentre
                                 Photo Andy Crouch.
AUTUMN PROGRAMME 2020 - - Sainsbury Centre AUTUMN PROGRAMME 2020 - - Sainsbury Centre AUTUMN PROGRAMME 2020 - - Sainsbury Centre AUTUMN PROGRAMME 2020 - - Sainsbury Centre
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