Meeting Minutes Bruny Island Ferry Reference Group - Meeting 21

Page created by Allen Gutierrez
Meeting Minutes
Bruny Island Ferry Reference Group –
Meeting 21

Date: Wednesday, 3 March 2021                   Time: 9:00 am – 11:00 am

Location: Jane Finn Room, Bruny Island Health Centre, Alonnah


Trevor Adams            Chair, Bruny Island Ferry Reference Group
Paul Davis              Bruny Island Ferry Reference Group
Mathew Fagan            Bruny Island Ferry Reference Group
Alan Gluyas             Bruny Island Ferry Reference Group
Siobhan Gaskell         Bruny Island Ferry Reference Group
Lindon Haigh            Bruny Island Ferry Reference Group
Bernice Woolley         Bruny Island Ferry Reference Group
Belinda Loxley          Kingborough Council
Tania Matthews          General Manager – Tasmania, SeaLink
Nicole Trounce          Assistant Director Public Transport, State Growth
Ian Booth               A/G Project Management Team Leader, Project Services, State Growth
Mat Kluver              Senior Contracts Officer, State Growth

Post-Meeting Update (12 April 2021):

This Communique reflects the information current at the time the meeting was held on 3 March
2021. There has been some delay in publishing this Communique and where information has
changed, an update has been provided.

Summary of community Question and Answer (Q&A) session held prior to the
BIFRG meeting
On 3 March 2021, 23 community members attended the Q&A session. The community asked
questions about the ongoing infrastructure works, the booking system and general ferry
operations. Attached to the communique is a summary of questions asked and responses
provided at this meeting. Some questions and responses have been edited or combined for
brevity and clarity. The responses reflect the position at the time of the meeting.
Item   Agenda Item                                                                    Action

1)     Introduction and apologies
          •   The Chair opened the meeting at 9.40 am.

2)     Confirmation of minutes of the previous meeting
          •   The minutes and communique of the previous meeting were
              confirmed via email on 23 November 2021.

3)     Community Matters
          •   Booking System Discussions
                 o SeaLink explained that it was progressing the booking system
                      and App.
                 o The BIFRG members, with the support of various Bruny
                      Island groups, has written to the Minister for Infrastructure
                      and Transport requesting that the implementation of a
                      booking system be abandoned.
                 o The BIFRG broadly discussed the booking system. Members
                      raised concerns about:
                            uncertainty of how the system will operate
                            how vehicles longer than 6m will be catered for
                            whether passengers could make last-minute bookings
                            whether passenger will be able to reschedule if they
                               miss a booked crossing for any reason
                            how SeaLink will prevent business operators from
                               booking all available spots
                            how the system will work operationally within the
                               terminal areas, and
                            whether the booking system may deter visitors or
                               tourists who haven’t booked.
                 o UPDATE: The Minister responded to the letter on 8 April
          •   Vessel capacity
                 o A question was asked about the carrying capacity of the
                      second new vessel.
                 o SeaLink explained that with the two new vessels operating at
                      the same time, and an increase in the speed and turnaround
                      time, there will be the potential for more departures and
                      more overall capacity daily (measured in lane metres). This
                      will allow SeaLink to respond to growing demand, which will
                      benefit the whole community. Bowen will be available to
                      provide further capacity where demand warrants it.
                 o Operationally, the actual vehicle capacity will always depend
                      on the type and length of vehicles carried on a particular
                      crossing. Nairana and Parrabah are not limited by the height
                      of vehicles that they can carry.
Item   Agenda Item                                                                        Action

          •   Order of unloading vehicles
                 o A question was asked about the order of unloading vehicles,
                     and in particular, whether residents and other cars could be
                     unloaded before slower vehicles, such as trucks or vehicles
                     towing caravans. SeaLink advised that the logistics of loading
                     and unloading vehicles can be difficult, and the order can
                     depend on the mass, length and width of a vehicle. SeaLink
                     endeavours to unload vehicles in the same order that they
                     were loaded, which at times includes slower vehicles later in
                     the load where practical.

4)     SeaLink Service Update
          •   Peak season update
                 o For the period December 2020 to February 2021, overall
                      total vehicle numbers were down on previous years, however
                      resident and landowner travel was higher than the equivalent
                      period in the previous year.
                 o SeaLink advised that it will continue to operate the current
                      timetable until after Easter 2021. Information about changes
                      to the timetable when the two new vessels are in service will
                      be provided as soon as practicable.
                 o In response to a question raised about how SeaLink assesses
                      whether to operate the current 6:30 pm ‘on-demand’ service,
                      SeaLink responded that it usually runs on a Friday, and on
                      other days only as required.
                 o SeaLink advised that it hands out Bruny Island Tourism Inc.
                      maps at the ticket booth. SeaLink is a major sponsor of the
                      tourism maps, and prints and distributes the maps with more
                      than 14,000 distributed in the past month.
                 o A question was asked about whether SeaLink is unofficially
                      allowing some passengers priority over others. SeaLink
                      explained that it only provides priority to passengers under
                      the terms of its contract (i.e. for the school bus, emergency
                      services and other urgent medical matters).
          •   New vessel update
                 o The second new vessel has been painted and is on the water.
                      Sea trials will occur towards the end of March 2021, and
                      handover is expected to occur after Easter 2021, at which
                      time the Nairana will be removed to undergo alterations to
                      enable it to be used on both the current ramp and the new
                      ramp when construction is complete. The alterations will
                      increase its loading and unloading capabilities and compatibility
                      with the new ramp infrastructure.
                 o The Mirambeena and the second new vessel will provide the
                      ferry service, supported by the Bowen (as needed). Once the
                      Nairana returns to the service, the Mirambeena will be cease
Item   Agenda Item                                                                     Action

                     to provide the service. State Growth is currently considering
                     options for the future of the Mirambeena.
                  o UPDATE: The new vessel has been named Parrabah and was
                     delivered to Kettering on 13 April 2021.
          •   Bowen Update
                  o In response to feedback from the BIFRG, SeaLink is installing
                     fabric deflectors near the loading ramps of Bowen to reduce
                     the impact of spray onto the vehicle deck. SeaLink has already
                     installed noise suppression mufflers on the Bowen to reduce
                     its operating noise.
          •   Resident and Landowner Stickers
                  o SeaLink advised that all correctly submitted sticker
                     applications have now been processed. Where insufficient or
                     incorrect information was provided, SeaLink has responded to
                     applicants to seek the required information. SeaLink is
                     progressively starting to cancel stickers which have now

5)     State Growth Update

          •   Infrastructure Update
                   o State Growth advised that the terminal infrastructure upgrade
                       works are scheduled for completion in mid-2021.
                   o The marine works started on 9 March 2021. These works
                       involve the installation of socketed piles to support the
                       concrete pile caps that will in turn support the new steel
                       loading ramp and fenders. Piling works will be conducted from
                       a marine barge and mobile cranes will be utilised throughout
                       the process. The marine works will not interrupt the current
                       ferry service and the emergency vessel berth located at
                       Roberts Point will remain in service at all times during
                   o There will be some temporary traffic changes to ensure the
                       safety of workers and road users during the works. Lane
                       closures and a reduced speed limit will be in place during
                       work hours and may affect travel times.
                   o The work will also involve the use of machinery which
                       generates some noise. Contractors will make every effort to
                       minimise noise by turning off machinery and vehicles
                       whenever possible.
                   o SeaLink will operate to its usual timetables throughout
                       construction, though at times there will be more heavy
                       vehicles either at the ferry terminals or on the ferry than
Item     Agenda Item                                                                   Action

                     o     A BIFRG member raised concerns about the safety of the
                           worksites at Roberts Point and Kettering. State Growth
                           committed to raising the concerns with the relevant

 6)       Other Business
              •   No other business was raised.

 7)       Review agreed actions from the previous meeting
              •   There were no open actions from the previous meeting.

 8)       Next meeting
              •   The next BIFRG meeting will be held in mid-2021. Dates and location
                  details will be published on SeaLink’s BIFRG webpage prior to the
Meeting closed at 11:40 pm.

Action                                                            Due
         Responsibility Agreed Actions                                      Status
Item                                                              Date
#21-1    DSG           DSG to respond to community questions      Meeting   Open
                       about modelling data                       22
#21-2    DSG           DSG to discuss the concerns raised about   Meeting   Open
                       the safety of the worksites at Roberts     22
                       Point and Kettering with relevant the
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