The Future of Checkout 2022 - Sweets and Snacks Expo

Page created by Jimmie Kim
The Future of Checkout 2022 - Sweets and Snacks Expo
The Future of
Checkout 2022
The Future of Checkout 2022 - Sweets and Snacks Expo
The pandemic has changed how we shop and transact

   • Shopper expectations
     have shifted

   • Retailers have
     significantly more
     challenges to manage

   • Demand for self-
     service and
     frictionless checkout
     technology has
The Future of Checkout 2022 - Sweets and Snacks Expo
In-store, shoppers looked to minimize time and interaction

                                                  • Less trips but bigger

                                                  • Move in and out of
                                                    the store quickly

                                                  • More personal space
                                                    and less interaction
Meanwhile, eCommerce has grown significantly

                                                In 2021, shoppers spent

                                               $982.3 Billion
                                                in MULO+eCommerce

                                                 +4.9% vs YA
                                                  eCommerce has a

                                                19.9% $ share
                                                +2.5pts vs YA
Source: IRI MULO + eCommerce 52 w/e 12/26/21
Retailers continue to face COVID-related challenges

                                                                                 What do you see as the biggest challenge to
                                                                                           your business in 2022?


                                                                                           12%             Supply Chain


 Source: Supermarket News 2nd Annual Retailer Expectations Survey January 2022
As a result, Self-Checkout installations have accelerated

                                                                                                       Global shipments of self-
                                                                                                       checkout machines increased
                                                                                                       by   25% in 2020

                                                                                                       Installations are expected to
                                                                                                       grow in the US by     178%
                                                                                                       in the next 2 years

Source: Retail Customer Experience, Self-Checkout Machine Systems Jump 25% in 2020; December 2, 2021
Source: IHL/Intel Consumer Survey 2021 of FDCM retailers
Shoppers want choice in transaction experience in store – especially

                    Desired checkout experience:
               Most wanted checkout experience by generations



       Scanning/Paying with phone

               No checkout in store

    Scan/Pay with store's device at

       Phone scan/pay at checkout

                                      0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%
       Baby Boomers & Seniors     Gen X  Bridge Millennials Millennials Gen Z

Source: Today’s Self-Service Shopping Journey Grocery Results
Self-service has become ubiquitous across many areas of life for

                  Shoppers see 2022 as the
               “tipping point”
               for self-checkout –
         most used technology in physical

Source: ChaseDesign 2022 Shopper Sentiment Survey; Path to Purchase IQ; 4/26/22
In the Grocery channel, 33% of consumers say they used Self-Checkout
  in their latest purchase

                    Checkout Type for latest purchase in                                    Reasons for Using Self-Checkout
                                                                                                         Faster                       68%

                                           Mobile                                                   No waiting                  51%
                                            7%                                                   Regularly use            35%

                                                                                        Prefer to bag products          27%

                                                                                              See prices better     23%
                      Checkout                                                                Social distancing    19%

                                                                           Cashier                      Privacy    18%
                                                                                     Prefer not to interact with

                                                                                          Only option available    6%

                                                                                                         Other     2%

Source: Today’s Self-Service Shopping Journey Grocery Results
Actual usage of self-checkout varies by retailer

                                                                       % Transactions by Lane

                                                      Retailer A          48.3%                      51.7%

                                                      Retailer B        36.4%                   63.6%

                                                      Retailer C            55.5%                      44.5%

                                                      Retailer D                 66.3%                      33.7%

                                                      Retailer E         41.4%                      58.6%

                                                      Retailer F                 67.6%                      32.4%

                                                                            Cashiered lanes   SCO

                                                                   On average, 59% of shoppers used
                                                        cashiered lanes and 41% used self-checkout

Source: IMC Proprietary Retailer Research 2021-2022
Self-checkout is closing the gap with cashier lane in % of transactions

                                                              % of Shoppers by Lane Type

                                                 70%         66.1%

                                                 60%                         53.3%         51.9%
                                                                             46.7%         48.1%

                                                 30%         33.9%



                                                             2019            2020          2021
                                                                      Cashiered      SCO

                                                       Shopper transactions show the shift in
                                                  increased usage by       14pts since 2019
Source: IMC Proprietary Retailer Research 2021
Availability & familiarity are the top reasons for shoppers to use
  cashiered lanes

                Reasons for Using Traditional Checkout at
                            Only Option                             33%

                           Regularly use                                   40%

                                   Faster                             35%

                Better to interact with

                    Don't want to bag               15%

                                    Other      8%

Source: Today’s Self-Service Shopping Journey Grocery Results
There are still some barriers to self-checkout usage to address

                                                                           60% of consumers are less likely to use
                                                                           when purchasing more than 25 items

                                                                           52% of consumers purchasing fresh

                                                                           50% of age-restricted items are less
                                                                           likely to use self-checkout

Source: Today’s Self-Service Shopping Journey Grocery Results
More self checkout registers solutions are being implemented to
solve for larger baskets

    Belted Self-Checkout   Convertible Lanes        XXL self-checkout
Self-Checkout is expanding availability in the Convenience channel
And across other small format retailers
Consumer mobile checkout is also growing in interest and

                                                                                                              63.4% of respondents
                                                                                                              agreed that they would prefer
                                                                                                              to checkout of a store using
                                                                                                              only their own smartphone to
                                                                                                              scan and purchase items.

                                                                                                              Consumer mobile checkout
                                                                                                              expected to grow by
                                                                                                              300% in the next 2 years

Source: Retail Customer Experience, “The State of Self-Service Checkout: 6 Key Takeaways, December 31, 2021
Source: IHL/Intel Consumer Survey 2021 of FDCM retailers
Retailers are leveraging self-service to address labor challenges

                                                                                          “Every 1-percent shift to self-
                                                                                          checkout is $1 million in labor
                                                                                          expense that could go back into
                                                                                          the store for other purposes"
                                                                                          Dave Wilkinson, President NCR

Source: Convenience Store News: Technology Experts Decode the Year’s Top C-store Trends
And spending more dollars toward future retail innovation

                                                           Higher IT Spend for Innovation

                                                            2018                   2022

                                                           2…                 37%

Source: IHL/Intel Consumer Survey 2021 of FDCM retailers
Shoppers will add incremental items to Click and Collect orders

                                                                                                   When picking up orders in-store

                                                                                                           74% of shoppers
                                                                                                    are picking up additional items

                                                                                                   How often do you pick up additional
                                                                                                        items when pickup order
                                                                                                   Every time            16%

                                                                                             Most of the time                          30%

                                                                                             Some of the time                         28%

                                                                                                       Rarely               19%

                                                                                                       Never     7%

Source: Path to Purchase Institute, Evolution of the In-Store Shopping Experience Jan 2022
Q: When you make purchases online from Grocery, how do you get your items?
Q: When you pick up your orders in store, how often do you purchase additional items?
Consumers want better omnichannel experiences - more experiential
 and less transactional

                                                                                  Today’s consumers are more
                                                                                  experiential and are used to more
                                                                                  engaging digital experiences

                                                                                  1 in 4 have shopped in a virtual
                                                                                  store with 70% having made a

Source: The Metaverse Mindset: Consumer Shopping Insights; Kantar December 2021
The e-Grocery experience is still very transactional
Traditional online
Retailers and      shopping
                 brands areinterface
                            beginning to reimagine the experience

For the foreseeable future, the store will continue to be the primary
 shop for consumables

        Stores will, however,
        transform to reduce
        friction for the shopper:

         Better omnichannel
          integration / more
          seamless experience
         More automation
         More touchless options
          of all kind
         More streamlined

Source: ChaseDesign 2022 Shopper Sentiment Survey; Path to Purchase IQ; 4/26/22
For checkout, computer vision / AI driven technologies reduce friction,
speed up the transaction process, and nearly eliminate wait times
Mashgin [mash-jin ]
A Mash-up of General Intelligence used to
quickly identify items for sale
World's Fastest Self-Checkout

                            Scan multiple items < 1 sec
                       4x faster throughput than legacy POS

    The Most Vetted AI                                       Proven ROI
     Checkout Solution                                 20% increased revenue
  Over 1,000 locations and                                        lift
   40 million transactions                                  34% increased
                                                         transaction volume
         Truly Touchless
       COVID-ready fully                                Backed by the Best
     touchless transactions                            Y Combinator, Matrix
      trusted by hospitals                                Partners, & NEA
●     32% of shoppers will
                                   change retail locations in
                                   response long lines

The Current State            ●     11% will abandon a trip
  Of Checkout                      completely

  (in the physical world)    ●     6M retail workers quit in

                             ●     Average Traditional SCO
                                   takes 85 seconds
                            *Consumers Cringe at Slow Checkout,
                            Forrester 2018
●   Instant Item Recognition

●   Checkout in 5 seconds

●   Fast, Adaptable Install

●   Works with Packaged Goods,
    Produce, & Plates

●   Add items system-wide in 1
Mashgin Awards
Who Uses

   OPEN        PRE-     CPG ITEMS
Mashgin in Action
What Using Mashgin Is Like
ROI for
Touchless Self-Checkout
●   4X Faster Transactions

                          Shorter Lines
Shorter Lines

 Better Bottom Line   ●   Increased Participation

                      ●   20-400% More Revenue

                      ●   Up to 20% larger
●   1 Cashier, many Lanes

Faster Checkout     ●   Reduce Overtime
   Fewer Cashiers
                    ●   Less Part Time

                    ●   More Efficient Staff
●   80% Prefer Mashgin
   A Better
                             100% Say it’s Faster
  Experience             ●

Customers Love Mashgin   ●   99% Say it’s easy to use

                         ●   88% return < 30 days
What The Rise of Self-Checkout
Means for Impulse Purchases
●   Promotions at the Kiosk

                  ●   Predictions based on cart &
SCO & Impulse         loyalty

   What’s Next?   ●   Top impulse items near

                  ●   New layouts and staff
What Can Retailers Do to
Maximize Self-Checkout?
●   Choose High Velocity
  Optimization                ●   Educate Shoppers Early

Get the most out of Mashgin   ●   Get Integrated

                              ●   Train Your Team
What Can Brands Do Next?
●   Get a Mashgin Kiosk at HQ
How Brands Can
                                  Scan products after
                                  production or a packaging
Make Products Mashgin Ready       change

                              ●   Offer “Mashgin Ready”
                                  products to retailers
What’s on your
What about shrink?
    Typical              ●

   Questions             ●   Time to deploy &

Customers Love Mashgin       maintain?

                         ●   Price & ROI
Talk To Us
Thank You!

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