MEDIA PACK - South is the new quarterly lifestyle magazine for the people of the southern South Island.

Page created by Rebecca Berry
MEDIA PACK - South is the new quarterly lifestyle magazine for the people of the southern South Island.
                       The lifestyle magazine for southern New Zealanders

                                 M E D I A PAC K

                      South is the new quarterly lifestyle magazine for
                         the people of the southern South Island.
MEDIA PACK - South is the new quarterly lifestyle magazine for the people of the southern South Island.

                                                     SOUTH IS . . .
                            • The new lifestyle           South is the new quarterly          reaches 28,000 households,
                         magazine for southern            lifestyle publication for the       and drops to high volume
                              New Zealanders.             people of the southern South        locations reach thousands
                                                          Island.                             more readers.
                          • A quality publication
                               with a long life on        The Winter 2022 issue was           Covering what’s happening
                          reader’s coffee tables.         welcomed by the region’s            both in the urban centres and
                                                          readers, with its great mix of      the regions, SOUTH features
                         • Distributed quarterly
                                                          stories on film, music, sport,      in-depth stories on the people,
                         within the Otago Daily
                             Times, and to cafes,         fashion, books, drinks, and         places, and things that those
                              hotels, motels, and         much more.                          living here want to know about:
                            information centres.          Full of quality editorial content   Food & wine / Travel / Festivals
                        • The perfect vehicle for         tailored to the unique lifestyles   / Design & architecture /
                           showcasing seasonal            found in Otago and Southland,       Fashion & beauty / Interior
                           products and events.           SOUTH is inserted in the Otago design / Business / Art &
                                                          Daily Times at the beginning of     culture / Outdoor living /
                          • An exciting new way           each season.                        Adventure sport / Events /
                        for advertisers to reach
                                        readers.          Through this distribution it

                      South also presents excellent opportunities for seasonal advertising features:

                        Spring                       Summer                            Autumn                     Winter
                        Home & living                Holidays and festivals            Weddings                   Snow sports
                        Fashion                      Outdoor living                    Fashion                    Dining
                        Health and fitness           Christmas                         Easter events              Wine

                      The print edition of South will be augmented by both a website and social media presence.
                      Read the Winter 2022 issue online at
MEDIA PACK - South is the new quarterly lifestyle magazine for the people of the southern South Island.

                          SOUTH MAGAZINE ADVERTISING AND
                             SPONSORED CONTENT RATES
                                        • Inside front cover $3250
                                            • Back cover $3000
                                         • Inside back page $2750
                      • Sponsored Content (Available for full page and half page sizes) + 20%
                            • Talk to your sales consultant for annual deals

                                                • Full page $2500

                                                  • Third page $950

                                                  • Half page $1300

                                • Quarter page $825                • Eighth page $400
                                                      All prices exclude GST
MEDIA PACK - South is the new quarterly lifestyle magazine for the people of the southern South Island.

                                             SOUTH MAGAZINE AD SPECS
                                        Please supply artwork as PDF files with all type
                                       converted to outlines to:

                                                     Full page: 245mm high x 230mm wide
                                                    BLEED OPTION: + 12.5mm from type area
                                                       (size above) to trim + 5mm bleed

                       1/3 page landscape: 85mm high x 230mm wide      1/3 page Portrait: 245mm high x 75mm wide
                          BLEED OPTION: + 12.5mm from type area          BLEED OPTION: + 12.5mm from type area
                              (size above) to trim + 5mm bleed              (size above) to trim + 5mm bleed

                      1/2 page landscape: 120mm high x 230mm wide    1/2 page Portrait: 245mm high x 112.5mm wide
                            BLEED OPTION: + 12.5mm from type area      BLEED OPTION: + 12.5mm from type area
                                (size above) to trim + 5mm bleed           (size above) to trim + 5mm bleed

                           1/4 page: 120mm high x 112.5mm wide           1/8 page: 57.5mm high x 112.5mm wide

                                                    TOPLINE READERSHIP

                                                                 153,000 combined                                    READ THE ODT IN PRINT OR
                                                                                                                     ONLINE (DAILY AVERAGE)

                                                                  otago daily readership (000s)
                            93,000            AVERAGE ISSUE

                            180,000 weekly
                                                                  88       80          90          81        85             135

                                                                 MONDAY   TUESDAY    WEDNESDAY   THURSDAY   FRIDAY       SATURDAY

                                                                                                            Source: Nielsen CMI Q1 21-Q4 21

                                                          OUR READERS

                      age in otago                    gender                        age in otago *                           gender *
                                            6%                                      65+
                      70+                          female male                      21%                           female male
                      27%     30-39                                                          18-44                    55%              45%
                               13%                  48%   52%
                      60-69     10%                                                 45-64
                       21% 50-59                                                    40%

                          AVERAGE AGE:                                               AVERAGE AGE:
                              53                                                          45

                               average household income              paid employment                                 home ownership
                             $94,565                              64%                                          66%

                                                                                                                        Source: Nielsen CMI Q1 21-Q4 21,
                                                                                                                        All people 15+ in Otago
                                                                                                                        *Google Analytics, Feb-Apr 2022
                                           SOUTH DEADLINES 2022


                                        Published                   Saturday, September 3
                                        Booking                     Wednesday, August 3
                                        Copy                        Wednesday, August 10
                                        Complete material           Friday, August 19


                                        Published                    Saturday, December 3
                                        Booking                      Wednesday, November 2
                                        Copy                         Wednesday, November 9
                                        Complete material            Friday, November 18

                                                             Autumn 2023

                                         Published                  Saturday March 18
                                         Booking                    Wednesday, February 15
                                         Copy                       Wednesday, February 22
                                         Complete material          Friday, March 3

                                        Published                    Saturday, June 3
                                        Booking                      Wednesday, May 3
                                        Copy                         Wednesday, May 10
                                        Complete material            Friday, May 19

                          SALES MANAGER                          EDITOR                         ART DIRECTOR
                               Nic Dahl                       Gavin Bertram                     Michael Devereux
                           DDI: (03) 479-3545               DDI: (03) 479-3594                   DDI: 03 479-3567
                          Mobile: 0275 548-512

                                    SOUTH magazine: PO Box 517, Dunedin 9054. Phone (03) 477-4760.
                                       Published by Allied Press Ltd, 52 Stuart St, Dunedin 9016.
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