Media Facts 2021 of the German Coeliac Society (Deutsche Zöliakie-Gesellschaft e.V.) - DZG

Page created by Jack Greene
Media Facts 2021 of the German Coeliac Society (Deutsche Zöliakie-Gesellschaft e.V.) - DZG
January 01, 2021 - N0. 30

   Media Facts 2021
   of the German Coeliac Society (Deutsche Zöliakie-Gesellschaft e.V.)
Media Facts 2021 of the German Coeliac Society (Deutsche Zöliakie-Gesellschaft e.V.) - DZG
Prices for advertising No. 30 – effective as of January 1, 2021
Printrun                       40.000 copies
Technical details              Magazine format:        200 x 280 mm
                               Print space:            170 x 232 mm (width x height)
                               Printprocess            Web Press
                               Print order:            Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black
                               Printing data delivery: Print-PDF, in booked advertising size incl. bleed

Dates DZG Aktuell 2021
                                                                        DZG Aktuell I                    DZG Aktuell II                 DZG Aktuell III               DZG Aktuell IV
 Advertising booking deadline/copy deadline                             January 12, 2021                 March 11, 2021                 June 22, 2021                 September 13, 2021
 Printing material deadline                                             January 28, 2021                 March 30, 2021                 July 13, 2021                 September 30, 2021
 Deadline for desivery of insert materials                              February 12, 2021                April 26, 2021                 July 30, 2021                 October 15, 2021
 Release date                                                           February 26, 2021                April 30, 2021                 Augusz 13, 2021               October 29, 2021

Advertising formats and prices
 Format                                                                 Größe                            Anschnitt                                                         Preis Euroskala
 Format 1 - 1/1 page                                                    200 x 280 mm                     Bleed: all-round 5 mm                                             € 3.000,00
 Format 3 - 1/2 page landscape                                          200 x 140 mm                     Bleed: all-round 5 mm                                             € 1.800,00
 Format 4 - 1/2 page ertical format                                     97,5 x 233 mm                    Bleed: all-round 5 mm                                             € 1.800,00
 Format 7 - 1/4 page                                                    170 x 55 mm                      Within print space (without bleed)                                € 1.000,00
 Format 8 - 1/6 page                                                    170 x 38,8 mm                    Within print space (without bleed)                                €    450,00
The prices are effective for provided files (in the proper format, as PDF-X3 or higher). The production takes place in the computer-to-plate process (CtP); therefore the PDF-files have to be
submitted. By delivering in other file formats we charge extra for the editing of files (also for the conversion of non-standard files).
Media Facts 2021 of the German Coeliac Society (Deutsche Zöliakie-Gesellschaft e.V.) - DZG
Advertising formats DZG Aktuell
 Format 1                        Format 3                        Format 4                       Format 7                        Format 8
 1/1 page, Euro scale            1/2 page, landscape             1/2 page, vertical page        1/4 vertical page format        1/6 vertical page format
 Bleed: allaround 5 mm           Euro scale                      Euro scale                     within print space              within print space
 Size: 200 x 280 mm              Bleed: allaround 5 mm           Bleed: allaround 5 mm          without bleed, Euro scale       without bleed, Euro scale
                                 Size: 200 x 280 mm              Size: 200 x 280 mm             Size: 170 x 55 mm               Size: 170 x 38,8 mm

We are considering the best position within the inner part, but cannot consider positioning requests for advertisements in the inner part.
Data delivery send to:

 Preferable positioning: P2 P3, P4 (page) plus 35%
 Reductions: Reductions if advertisements are consecuitiveley booked and published for the following year: 2 bookings/ear: 3 %
                                                                                                           3 bookings/ear: 10 %
                                                                                                           4 bookings/ear 15 %

Inserts Aktuell                                                                  Payment terms:
Insert Aktuell (max. 4 pages, format 200 x 280mm): € 2,500.00, plus possible     Payments are to be made within 14 days minus 2% early payment discount, or
postage fees, plus insertion fee per 1,000 copies / € 25.00.                     after 30 days net. The prices are plus the current VAT rate.
Costs not eligible for discount or early payment discount.                       The invoicing in case of 4 bookings/year is sent out after the printing of the
                                                                                 first issue of the year.
Media Facts 2021 of the German Coeliac Society (Deutsche Zöliakie-Gesellschaft e.V.) - DZG
Your Counterparts:
     Advertising administration:                                           Production DZG Aktuell:                                               Mail-order and insert delivery:
     Deutsche Zöliakie-Gesellschaft e.V.
     Kupferstr. 36                                                         Harsch & Zieger oHG                                                   Wolanski GmbH
     70565 Stuttgart                                                       Porschestraße 2                                                       Ernst-Robert-Curtius-Str. 6
                                                                           73269 Hochdorf                                                        53117 Bonn-Buschdorf, Germany
     Phone: +49 (0) 711 / 45 99 81-17
     Contact: Birgit Stein                                                 Telefon 07153 / 4 36 56 61                                            Phone: +49 (0) 228 / 555 80 42
     (Mon., Tue. and Thurs. 8.00 - 17.00)                                  E-Mail:                                        Email:
     Fax: +49 (0) 711 / 45 99 81 - 50

Payment terms:
Payments are to be made within 14 days minus 2% early payment discount, or after 30 days net. The prices are plus the current VAT rate.
The invoicing in case of 4 bookings/ year is sent out after the printing of the first issue of the year.

General Terms and Conditions:
1. These General Terms and Conditions, the respective current advertisement price lists, and the        delivered in time. Missing or faulty control data are no right to receive a reduction or compensa-
written order confirmation are decisive criteria for the order. Other regulations require a written     tion for the contractee.
statement. A contract is only considered legally awarded if the DZG confirmed it in writing.
                                                                                                        7. Claims of any sort have to be provided within 14 days after receiving the invoice and have to be
2. A subsequent amendment to the ongoing advertising and booking of one or more advertisements          in writing.
of the same size for one calendar year is not possible after the first released advertisement of the
                                                                                                        8. Correction copies are only delivered on demand. Is the correction copy not sent back in time, it
                                                                                                        is considered to be an authorization for the print.
3. The DZG reserves the right to reject advertisements, bound inserts, and insert orders or even
                                                                                                        9. Costs for changes of originally agreed completions, as well as the production of necessary new
single recalls within the frame of a deadline due to the contents or the origin in accordance with
                                                                                                        files, films, and printing plates are to be paid by the contractee.
consistent regulations.
                                                                                                        10. The duty to keep films, fine-drawings, or other print material ends 3 months after the release of
4. Competitive exclusion cannot be ensured.
                                                                                                        the last advertisement, if no other agreement was made.
5. The printing technical, proper rendition of the advertisement in accordance with the provided
                                                                                                        11. In case of late payment the DZG is entitled to defer the contract until full payment is received.
documents is ensured. The contractee is only entitled to a reduction of the payment or can claim for
compensation if the errors compromise the purpose of the advertisement due to partly illegible, in-     12. DZG is not to be held liable for damages due to force majeure, strikes, or other circumstances
correct, or an incomplete print of the advertisement. If the errors are due to lacking text documents   the DZG is not responsible for. There is particularly no claim for compensation of non-published
or files, there exists no claim for compensation. There is particularly no claim for compensation,      advertisements or not timely published advertisements.
if there are colour deviations and the mandatory hardproof was not supplied by the contractee.
                                                                                                        13. Place of fulfilment and place of jurisdiction is Stuttgart, Germany.
6. The contractee has to ensure that the impeccable documents according to the planned print are
Media Facts 2021 of the German Coeliac Society (Deutsche Zöliakie-Gesellschaft e.V.) - DZG
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