Market trends For week ending March 4, 2022 - Performance Foodservice

Page created by Darrell Dean
Market trends For week ending March 4, 2022 - Performance Foodservice
market trends
For week ending March 4, 2022
Market trends For week ending March 4, 2022 - Performance Foodservice
market trends
WEek ending March 4, 2022


                                                                                             MARKET ALERT
Avocado Force Majeure: Last Friday, the avocado stoppage
in Mexico officially ended and fruit was permitted to ship to              •   Asparagus - EXTREME
the United States on Saturday. Although final numbers are not              •   Avocados – FORCE MAJEURE
completely updated, the projections for week 7 (Feb 20, 2022)              •   Bananas – ESCALATED
                                                                           •   Brussel Sprouts – ESCALATED
were expected to be near 58.4 million pounds. What we do
                                                                           •   Carrots (Jumbo) – ESCALATED
know is that the fruit previously packed before the stoppage was           •   Corn – ESCALATED
a limited amount, and that crossed the border this past Saturday           •   Cucumbers – ESCALATED
(Feb 19, 2022). With that said, all importers trying to cross are now      •   Eggplant (East) - ESCALATED
facing a backlog of 2-3 days due to the increased volume causing           •   Garlic – EXTREME
delays at border crossing sites. New fruit harvested Saturday is           •   Ginger – EXTREME
just now starting to cross into the U.S., and with U.S. inventories        •   Grapes – ESCALATED
are down to 33.8 million pounds. Please know, it’s going to take           •   Limes – EXTREME/FORCE MAJEURE
some time to replenish the supply chain. Demand for fruit in the           •   Mushrooms - EXTREME
field is strong and field pricing is on the rise, despite our partners     •   Pineapple – ESCALATED
best efforts to push pricing down, we can expect to see higher             •   Romaine & Romaine Hearts - ESCALATED
cost fruit for the short-term. Once the supply chain is replenished,
we expect to see a retreat in pricing, however fruit must filter its
                                                                                               WATCH LIST
way through the system, and we expect to see a wide range in               •   Arugula
pricing this week. Newly harvested fruit is demanding a higher             •   Florida Fruit and Veg
cost and we can expect the market to stay elevated for at least the        •   Green Beans
                                                                           •   Snow Peas
next few weeks.
Limes – EXTREME/FORCE MAJEURE- We will see one of the
most challenging weeks as volume will be extremely light crossing
form Mexico and quality continues to be marginal. Force Majeure          will continue to improve from Chile, but we are seeing
and extreme market conditions continue. We ask you continue              some logistical challenge as we get towards the end of
to be flexible on sizing and consider scaling back on portions,          the season. Banana volume has firmed up as shippers
removing temporally, or even subbing to lime juice or fresh lemon        struggle with color and strong demand in all sectors and
where possible.                                                          will be behind on color until they can get ahead of the
                                                                         shortfalls. Volume is remains below normal but should
With regards to veg, moderate weather has allowed for stable             improve over the next several weeks.
volume crossing through Nogales and McAllen on eggplant,
pepper: cucumbers got snug this week due to lighter production
and we should see a huge improvement next week. In the east
Import Cucumbers from Honduras are limited and the season is
winding down; we should start the transition back to Florida over
the next 2-3 weeks. Eggplant is also very tight in the east this
week and may continue through March. Import tomatoes from
Mexico continue to be stale and quality is outstanding, although
in Florida we continue to assess the core tomato items (rounds
and romas) which were impacted by the freeze late last month.
Corn out of Florida remains lighter than normal. Grape volume


Market trends For week ending March 4, 2022 - Performance Foodservice
market trends
WEek ending March 4, 2022

Produce (continued)

TRANSPORTATION                                                      Bananas
                                                                    ESCALATED: Banana availability will continue to be less than
Historically when fuel rates are on the rise, a rise in freight
                                                                    desired, but we are expecting to turn that corner over the next
rates follows closely behind. The national diesel average
                                                                    few weeks. Cooler weather this time of year in the growing
is up to $4.055 per gallon, increasing $0.036 over last
                                                                    regions typically makes Q1 the lowest production period of
week. Diesel prices on the east coast were up $0.069 per
                                                                    the season, and we should see this improve as the weather
gallon, nearly double the national average. The continued
                                                                    begins to warm up. We are still seeing greener fruit in supply
tightened capacity, combined with the large fuel increase,
                                                                    chain than normal due to inventories being so light and turning
has kept east coast rates inching upward. Freight in and out
                                                                    quicker than normal which does not allow fruit to fully color up.
of Canada remains at record highs as the border protests
                                                                    We are seeing some pro-rates and substitutions out there but
persist. As onions and other produce begin to ship out of
                                                                    should improve over the next few weeks.
Texas, we can expect to see tightened capacity and a rise
in rates that will likely be greater than past years due to the
heightened fuel prices. We are still anticipating the market
                                                                    ESCALATED: Availability continues to be okay. The size profile
volatility to continue as fuel prices climb, and capacity
                                                                    is trending to the larger sizes.
remains tight in many areas.
                                                                    ESCALATED: Red grapes are finally making their way to the
Apples & Pears                                                      DCs and availability will continue to pick up.
Apples: West coast new crop apples are being packed;
however small sizes remain tight. East coast apples are
available as well. Market price remains firm on small fruit as
local schools take most of the volume.
Pears: This year’s pear crop was down significantly, with
mostly larger fruit available. Growers are trying to drag
out supply as best as possible until new crop starts next

FORCE MAEJURE: Last Friday, the avocado stoppage in
Mexico officially ended and fruit was permitted to ship to the
United States on Saturday. Although final numbers are not
completely updated, the projections for week 7 (Feb 20, 2022)
were expected to be near 58.4 million pounds. What we do
know is that the fruit previously packed before the stoppage
was a limited amount, and that crossed the border this past
Saturday (Feb 19, 2022). With that said, all importers trying
to cross are now facing a backlog of 2-3 days due to the
increased volume causing delays at border crossing sites.
New fruit harvested Saturday is just now starting to cross into
the U.S., and with U.S. inventories are down to 33.8 million
pounds. Please know, it’s going to take some time to replenish
the supply chain. Demand for fruit in the field is strong and
field pricing is on the rise, despite our partners best efforts
to push pricing down, we can expect to see higher cost fruit
for the short-term. Once the supply chain is replenished, we
expect to see a retreat in pricing, however fruit must filter its
way through the system, and we expect to see a wide range in
pricing this week. Newly harvested fruit is demanding a higher
cost and we can expect the market to stay elevated for at
least the next few weeks.

Market trends For week ending March 4, 2022 - Performance Foodservice
market trends
WEek ending March 4, 2022

Produce (continued)

BERRIES                                                            CALIFORNIA CITRUS
Blackberries                                                       Grapefruit
Supply will be slightly lower than the current levels through      Ruby grapefruit now available. Size is peaking on 32s and
February. Cold fronts and the natural shape of the curve           larger fancy and all small sizes 36s and smaller are tight. Texas
will reduce the supply in the upcoming weeks. We expect            is expected to start very late.
the shift from low to high supply to occur in mid-March.
California’s night temperatures are expected to dip into the       Lemons
low to mid 30’s next week which will reduce the supply             Are in full swing, quality has been good.
availability from the region
Blueberries                                                        EXTREME/FORCE MAJEURE: We are seeing some Force
Supply will continue to increase, driven mainly by Central         Majeure activity, as well as a continued extreme market,
Mexico. Central Mexico production continues to increase with       because of strong demand and extremely light volume. We
peak spring volumes in February. Baja production starting          expect pricing to be at record highs over the next few weeks as
to ramp up in the next few weeks with strong volumes. The          this will be the most difficult weeks of the escalation period. We
South American production is finished for the season. Florida      expect to see pro rates if we cannot secure enough fruit at the
production will begin with light volumes this week.                border for contracts based on the logistics issues and record
                                                                   low volume for this time of year in Mexico. Please be flexible
Raspberries                                                        on sizing and consider scaling back on portions, removing
Volume is holding steady this week but should lightly down         temporally, or even subbing to lime juice or fresh lemon where
trend over the next few weeks, and then pick up as we head         possible.
towards the late April / early May spring peak. Most volume is
coming out of Mexico, Oxnard is producing minimal amounts          Oranges
                                                                   Availability on small sizes have increased, mostly fancy grade,
Strawberries                                                       and pricing around the high teens.
Overall, we expect volumes to increase over the next several
weeks. The upticks in production volume will be primarily driven
by Florida and Oxnard due to favorable weather and great fruit     WEST COAST LETTUCE
size. Recently, Central Mexico has been our largest volume         Butter Lettuce
contributor, however, they are expecting to down trend as they     Overall volume and remains steady, although we continue to
come off peak volumes.                                             see lighter in weights. Quality is good

                                                                   Green Leaf Lettuce
                                                                   Production in the Imperial Valley Holtville are good. Seeing
                                                                   slightly lighter color and appearance with occasional fringe
                                                                   and wind burn. Sizing is 9-11”. Markets and demand have
                                                                   strengthened. Forecast showing cooler temps’ mid-week and
                                                                   may impact harvest times.

                                                                   Iceberg Lettuce
                                                                   Supply continues to be steady this week; however, the next few
                                                                   weeks, reports are for supply to lighten up. Quality has been
                                                                   very good, and the market is steady to slightly higher due to
                                                                   increased demand.

                                                                   Red Leaf Lettuce
                                                                   Supply is lighter, but quality remains good. Demand is good,
                                                                   pricing is stronger.

Market trends For week ending March 4, 2022 - Performance Foodservice
market trends
WEek ending March 4, 2022

Produce (continued)

Romaine Lettuce                                                       Zucchini/Yellow Squash
ESCALATED: Romaine and Romaine Heart production supply                Supplies are steady on both commodities out of Mexico and
is lighter. We continue to experience quality issues at the           Florida. Warm days and minimal rain in the growing regions are
field level ultimately reducing yields with light blister and peel.   bringing on strong volumes and good quality.
Overall quality is good as growers are peeling back as much
of the quality issues as possible. Plants that are healthy are        Green Beans
exhibiting good color and texture, but we will continue to be         WATCHLIST: Bean supply has improved this week and prices
subject to Blister, Peel and lighter weights, most likely through     continue to be down. We need to keep a close eye on supply
the end of the Desert season.                                         over the next several weeks but do expect improvement as
                                                                      newer fields are breaking. Mexico continues to see stable
                                                                      volume due to overall light demand.
Bell Peppers                                                          French Beans
We’re seeing a slight uptick in pricing on green bell peppers         Volume remains stable, quality is strong, and prices are rising
out of Mexico as their production begins to transition from field     due to the lack of green beans.
to shade house. The volumes are still more than adequate to
keep the pricing promotable. Florida quality has been strong,
and pricing has been kept in check by strong volume out of
Mexico. We’re expecting to see firmer pricing in weeks to
come. The colored bell pepper market has slightly adjusted
downward however the demand still exceeds supply.

Mini Sweet Peppers
Supply good loading in Nogales and quality very nice.

Slicer Cucumbers
ESCLATED: The import season will begin winding down this
week and we are seeing lighter arrivals at the port of Miami.
We expect a transition back to Florida over the next 2-3
weeks. In the west, we are seeing higher demand and lighter
supply as growers transition to newer blocks, we should
see volume ramping back up over the next 10 days out of
Nogales, and McAllen.

English Cucumbers
Supply is stable this week crossing through Nogales and FOB
prices were down this week.

Production will remain lighter out of Florida and expected to
get shorter due to freeze damage. We will need to assess
the development of the current crop closely for any potential
GAPS. Excellent supply crossing through Nogales and quality
is very nice out of both regions.

Good supply available out Mexico crossing through Nogales
and quality is very nice.

Market trends For week ending March 4, 2022 - Performance Foodservice
market trends
WEek ending March 4, 2022

Produce (continued)

HERBS                                                              MELONS
Basil                                                              Cantaloupe
We are anticipating a good spring and summer and have              This week and next will be the transition weeks as first cycle
increased our plantings to ensure that there is plenty of basil.   production from Honduras decreases while second cycle
Our current supply of basil is back to where we need it to be.     production from the Zacapa Valley of Guatemala begins to
General                                                            increase. We expect to begin seeing stronger numbers by the
Some items that are short are Tarragon and Lime Leaves.            end of next week into Florida with increased volume into the
These two have taken a setback due to cold temps and               northeast, Texas, and California around March 11th. Growing
looking a little on the yellow side. There is a small amount of    conditions in Guatemala continue to be ideal so far which
tarragon in town but very expensive. We do have lemon grass        means we are expecting high quality melons to close out the
and epazote available this week. We also have Bay Leaves,          last three months of the season. Cantaloupe quality remains
Culantro, Garlic Chives and Lovage.                                strong with brix levels maintaining a 12-14% range with a very
                                                                   good flavor profile.

                                                                   fairly scarce as sizing has shifted mostly to 6s followed by 8s.
                                                                   We expect lighter supply to continue through next week before
                                                                   beginning to elevate the week of March 7th.

                                                                   Lighter supply continues this week crossing through Nogales
                                                                   and Texas with moderate demand. Quality is good and FOB
                                                                   prices remain strong this week and offshore supply limited on
                                                                   cartons out of South Florida.

                                                                   MIXED VEGETABLES
                                                                   Artichokes will have frost damage from recent weather
                                                                   impacts. This is not unusual for this time of year as cold
                                                                   nighttime temperatures will affect the artichokes still on the
                                                                   plants. Some of the frost areas will turn brown over the next
                                                                   few days after packing creating some additional discoloration
                                                                   as well. Supply is improving.

                                                                   We continue to see light supply. Growers continue to see
                                                                   many fields with mildew and yellowing which is causing light

                                                                   EXTREME: The Asparagus situation continues to worsen out
                                                                   of Mexico as cool weather continues to slow growth. Cool
                                                                   weather is still in the forecast through this week so we will
                                                                   continue to see light supply through the first week of March.
                                                                   On the positive side, there is warm weather in the forecast
                                                                   for late next week, so we are expecting supply to increase by

Market trends For week ending March 4, 2022 - Performance Foodservice
market trends
WEek ending March 4, 2022

Produce (continued)

Bok Choy                                                             Green Cabbage
Bok Choy volume is expected to be lighter for the next two to        Supply has improved and has the ability to increase this week.
three weeks. We have seen some wilting issues coming out of          Weights are improving as a result of crop movement; however,
the field and working with grower to correct this issue.             seeing cone shape heads for this week.

Broccoli/Broccoli Florets                                            Green Onions
Supply is very good this week.                                       Supply is finally getting back to somewhat normal; quality is
Brussels Sprouts
Volume continues to be strong. Expect to see strong volume           Jicama
and soft market for the next few weeks.                              Steady supply available crossing through McAllen.

Carrots                                                              Kale (Green)
ESCALATED: Current demand exceeds predicted supply while             Bunched kale supply is expected to be plentiful for the next
lower than average yields caused by cold wet weather has             few weeks. Now is a good opportunity for promotion.
limited availability. Shippers continue to struggle with labor due
to COVID and not having enough workers show daily to pack

Supply is expected to be steady this week.

Lighter supply. Quality is good and the market is steady.

Cilantro volume is expected to be excellent this week. Overall
quality is very nice. Now is a good opportunity for promotion.

ESCALATED (EAST): Supply will remain hit and miss this
week and prices were down We expect a bumpy ride over
the next few weeks as growers are seeing damage immerge
the crop from our last round of weather. We do expect losses
to impact the markets for the remainder of the winter season.
FOB prices were down this week in general due to demand
but expected to remain firm. In the west, supply is stable
crossing through Nogales.

Supply remains extremely snug.

EXTREME: Domestic supply is also very tight. Shippers are
holding to averages but we expect this volatile market to
continue through next summer.

EXTREME Ginger is very volatile due to very inconsistent
supply and market is higher. Supply remains tight for the
foreseeable future.

Market trends For week ending March 4, 2022 - Performance Foodservice
market trends
WEek ending March 4, 2022

Produce (continued)

Mushrooms                                                          Sugar Snap Peas
EXTREME: Quality is good, although supply is extremely short       Good volume. Good quality. Low demand.
and market is higher primarily due to a lack of labor, shortages
in component of growing such as peat moss. We continue             Spinach (Bunched & Baby)
to see this ongoing trend and hope to see some retreat this        Supply and quality are good this week.
                                                                   Spring Mix
Napa Cabbage                                                       Supply and quality are good this week.
Volume and quality are both good, market continues to be
steady.                                                            Sweet Potatoes & Yams
                                                                   New crop cured is in full swing with heavy shipments over
Parsley (Curly, Italian)                                           the holidays. Growing conditions were optimal for this year’s
Parsley supply is expected to be excellent this week. Now is a     crop out of North Carolina. Expect good supply with a wide
good opportunity for promotion.                                    size variety.

Excellent supply this week and next.                               ONIONS
                                                                   The onion market remains strong out of both the Northwest
Red Cabbage                                                        and Mexico. We saw solid demand for yellow onions this
Supply is good out of Holtville. Quality remains consistent with   week on all sizes, so we can expect prices to strengthen a
sizing and overall appearance.                                     touch next week. Red onions continue to be a hot item, with
                                                                   prices increasing this week. We fully expect prices to continue
Snow Peas                                                          to strengthen on all sizes and colors as the growers look to
Good volume. Good quality. Low demand.                             stretch out their crops as long as they can. In Mexico, cooler
                                                                   temperatures have slowed down their ability to get into the
                                                                   fields and really start to move volume. This time last year, most
                                                                   shippers were crossing 30 loads per day compared to the
                                                                   10 per week we’ve been seeing. We fully expect to see more
                                                                   volume start to cross on all colors by the middle of next week.

                                                                   Freezing temperatures in Idaho this week have once again
                                                                   stalled growers abilities to get into their storage and bring
                                                                   in potatoes to run. Weather forecasts show temperatures
                                                                   warming up next week, so hopefully that is the last of the cold
                                                                   delays for this season. The potato market remains pretty stable
                                                                   at the moment, with some deals still to be had on large counts
                                                                   as well as #2’s.

                                                                   Mexican crossings out of the Culiacan growing region are at
                                                                   their peak. Volumes are particularly strong on romas and big
                                                                   size round tomatoes. Grape tomatoes have leveled off pricing
                                                                   wise with promotable volumes. The current crop out of FL is
                                                                   adequate to support the demand. We will see some volume
                                                                   drop off out of Florida come March due to bloom drop from
                                                                   the freeze they’ve experienced at the end of January.

Market trends For week ending March 4, 2022 - Performance Foodservice
market trends
WEek ending march 4, 2022

Beef, Veal & Lamb
Last week, beef production rose 0.9% (w/w) and was up 21.3% from the same holiday-shortened week last year. Year-to-
date beef output is down 0.5% (y/y). Last week, nearby CME live cattle futures (w/w) were modestly lower but near levels not
seen in six plus years. The weekly average USDA Choice cutout was down last week but up 14.5% (y/y). Recent wholesale
beef price declines are much needed, especially before the springtime seasonal gains that usually occur. Per the USDA, Q2
beef production is forecasted to be down 1.6% (y/y), which may be a supportive factor for prices. From 2017 through 2021,
the Choice tenderloin averaged 2.1 %higher during March compared to the prior February. In the last five years, the 112a
Choice ribeye market averaged 6.3% higher in March compared to the average in the prior month. The Average, USDA, FOB
per pound.

         Description           Market Trend      Supplies        Price vs. Last Year
Live Cattle (Steer)             Increasing          Short              Higher
Feeder Cattle Index (CME)       Increasing          Short              Higher
Ground Beef 81/19               Decreasing     Steady-Short            Higher
Ground Chuck                    Decreasing          Short              Higher
109 Export Rib (ch)             Decreasing        Available             Lower
109 Export Rib (pr)             Increasing        Available            Higher
112a Ribeye (ch)                Decreasing        Available             Lower
112a Ribeye (pr)                Decreasing        Available            Higher
114a Chuck, Shlder Cld(ch)      Decreasing        Available            Higher
116 Chuck (sel)                 Decreasing    Steady-Available          Lower
116 Chuck (ch)                  Decreasing       Available              Lower
116b Chuck Tender (ch)          Decreasing       Available             Higher
120 Brisket (ch)                Decreasing       Available             Higher
120a Brisket (ch)               Decreasing       Available             Higher
121c Outside Skirt (ch/sel)     Decreasing    Steady-Available          Lower
121d Inside Skirt (ch/sel)      Decreasing       Available             Higher
121e Cap & Wedge                Increasing    Steady-Available         Higher
167a Knckle, Trimmed (ch)       Decreasing         Steady              Higher
168 Inside Round (ch)           Increasing    Steady-Available         Higher
169 Top Round (ch)              Decreasing    Steady-Available         Higher
171b Outside Round (ch)         Decreasing       Available             Higher
174 Short Loin (ch 0x1)         Decreasing    Steady-Available          Lower
174 Short Loin (pr 2x3)         Increasing       Available             Higher
180 0x1 Strip (ch)              Increasing          Short               Lower
180 0x1 Strip (pr)              Decreasing       Available              Lower
184 Top Butt, boneless (ch)     Decreasing         Steady              Higher
184 Top Butt, boneless (pr)     Decreasing     Steady-Short            Higher
184-3 Top Butt, bnls (ch)       Increasing         Steady              Higher
185a Sirloin Flap (ch)          Increasing          Short              Higher
185c Loin, Tri-Tip (ch)         Decreasing         Steady              Higher
189a Tender (sel, 5 lb & up)    Increasing       Available             Higher
189a Tender (ch, 5 lb &up)      Increasing    Steady-Available         Higher
189a Tender (pr, heavy)         Decreasing       Available             Higher
193 Flank Steak (ch)            Increasing         Steady              Higher
50% Trimmings                   Decreasing         Steady              Higher
65% Trimmings                   Decreasing       Available             Higher
75% Trimmings                   Decreasing         Steady              Higher
85% Trimmings                   Increasing          Short              Higher
90% Trimmings                   Increasing          Short              Higher
90% Imported Beef (frz)         Increasing          Short              Higher
95% Imported Beef (frz)         Increasing          Short              Higher
Live Cattle (Steer)             Increasing          Short              Higher
Feeder Cattle Index (CME)       Increasing          Short              Higher

Market trends For week ending March 4, 2022 - Performance Foodservice
market trends
WEek ending march 4, 2022

The grains markets were strong last week thanks to more uncertainty around the Black Sea region. Conflicting reports on
military buildups or drawbacks along the Ukraine-Russia border led to some dramatic price action for wheat as the week pro-
gressed. The corn and wheat markets are affected most by the Black Sea uncertainty, with Ukraine and Russia combining for
approximately 29% of the world’s wheat exports and 19% for corn, while soybeans continue to push higher on South American
weather. Prices USDA, FOB.

       Description         Market Trend      Supplies        Price vs. Last Year
Soybeans, bushel            Increasing         Short               Higher
Crude Soybean Oil, lb       Increasing         Short               Higher
Soybean Meal, ton           Increasing         Short               Higher
Corn, bushel                Increasing     Steady-Short            Higher
Crude Corn Oil, lb            Steady       Steady-Short            Higher
High Fructose Corn Syrup    Increasing     Steady-Short            Higher
Distillers Grain, Dry       Increasing         Short               Lower
Crude Palm Oil, lb BMD      Increasing         Short               Higher
HRW Wheat, bushel           Increasing     Steady-Short            Higher
DNS Wheat 14%, bushel       Decreasing        Steady               Higher
Durum Wheat, bushel         Decreasing       Available             Higher
Pinto Beans, lb             Decreasing       Available             Higher
Black Beans, lb             Decreasing    Steady-Available         Higher
Rice, Long Grain, lb        Increasing        Steady               Lower

Last week, the cheese block and barrel markets finished higher (w/w) and blocks are averaging 11.5% higher than the 2021 av-
erage. The CME spot butter market closed 7.2% higher (w/w) and is averaging 53.3% in 2022 compared to last year. Last week,
U.S. spot milk purchases were pricing at a small discount to class III government grade. Per the USDA, milk production this year
is forecasted to be a modest 0.4% more than 2021. Milk production in the European Union, New Zealand, and Australia has
been lackluster and a big reason why the international milk and dairy product markets continue to rise. Word is that ocean freight
shipping delays have slowed some cheese, butter, and milk powder exports, which is a testament to growing domestic demand
because the dairy markets have not faded. Domestic butter stocks are tight and need to build especially with the global dairy mar-
kets being above $3.000. The quarterly pivot model for cheese blocks still hints for the upside target of $2.110 being achieved.
The quarterly pivot model for spot butter says higher potential to $2.960 may occur. Class I Cream (hundredweight), from USDA.

         Description       Market Trend       Supplies       Price vs. Last Year
Cheese Barrels (CME)        Increasing          Short              Higher
Cheese Blocks (CME)         Increasing      Steady-Short           Higher
American Cheese             Increasing      Steady-Short           Higher
Cheddar Cheese (40 lb)      Increasing         Steady              Higher
Mozzarella Cheese           Increasing         Steady              Higher
Monterey Jack Cheese        Increasing         Steady              Higher
Parmesan Cheese             Increasing          Short              Higher
Butter (CME)                Increasing      Steady-Short           Higher
Nonfat Dry Milk             Increasing          Short              Higher
Whey, Dry                   Decreasing          Short              Higher
Class 1 Base                Increasing          Short              Higher
Class II Cream, heavy       Increasing         Steady              Higher
Class III Milk (CME)        Decreasing          Short              Higher
Class IV Milk (CME)         Decreasing          Short              Higher

market trends
WEek ending march 4, 2022

Last week, pork production was down 0.5% (w/w) but was 5.0% smaller than the same holiday-shortened week last year.
Year-to-date pork output is down 8.4% (y/y)! Last week, nearby CME lean hog futures were up a whopping 7.0% (w/w)
and the highest since August. Last week, the weekly average USDA pork cutout was up 5.9% (w/w) and was 20.1% higher
(y/y). Per the USDA, Q2 pork output is forecasted to be 1.8% less than 2021. There is likely upside risk for the various pork
markets as all meat proteins are being measured from a fiscal value perspective. Since 2011, the USDA pork cutout has
averaged (cumulative) 11.4% higher in Q2 compared to the average in the prior Q1. Pork belly (bacon) prices have been
increasing rapidly in recent days and are the highest since October. Pork belly prices usually are steady from February through
March. Prices USDA, FOB per pound.

         Description           Market Trend     Supplies     Price vs. Last Year
Live Hogs                       Increasing        Short            Higher
Sow                             Increasing        Short            Higher
Belly (bacon)                   Increasing        Short            Higher
Sparerib(4.25 lb & down)        Increasing        Short            Higher
Ham (20-23 lb)                  Increasing    Steady-Short          Lower
Ham (23-27 lb)                  Increasing       Steady             Lower
Loin (bone in)                  Increasing        Short            Higher
Babyback Rib (1.75 lb & up)     Increasing       Steady            Higher
Tenderloin (1.25 lb)            Increasing    Steady-Short         Higher
Boston Butt, untrmd (4-8 lb)    Increasing    Steady-Short         Higher
Picnic, untrmd                  Increasing       Steady            Higher
SS Picnic, smoker trm box       Increasing       Steady            Higher
42% Trimmings                   Increasing        Short            Higher
72% Trimmings                   Increasing       Steady            Higher

market trends
WEek ending march 4, 2022

For the week ending Feb. 12, chicken slaughter increased 9.1% (w/w) but the average bird weight was down 0.8% (y/y). Ready-
to-cook chicken output increased 8.1% (w/w) and was 2.1% larger (y/y). Year-to-date ready-to-cook broiler production is running
1.1% below a year ago. Feed costs for chicken producers are rising but high chicken breast prices should encourage broiler
production. The USDA is calling Q2 chicken output to be 1.5% larger than a year ago. The chicken breast markets remain
historically inflated, and the chicken wing markets are finding support but are below the $3.000 price they averaged during most
of last summer. As mentioned last week the current price premium of chicken breasts over chicken wings typically doesn’t last and
suggests that price increases from here for breast meat may be limited, but price rises for chicken wings are likely. FOB per pound
except when noted.
        Description           Market Trend      Supplies      Price vs. Last Year
Whole Birds WOG-Nat            Decreasing        Steady             Higher
Wings (jumbo cut)              Increasing        Steady              Lower
Wing Index (ARA)               Increasing        Steady              Lower
Breast, Bnless Skinless NE     Increasing         Short             Higher
Breast, Bnless Skinless SE     Increasing         Short             Higher
Breast Boneless Index (ARA)    Increasing         Short             Higher
Tenderloin Index (ARA)         Increasing         Short             Higher
Legs (whole)                   Increasing    Steady-Available       Higher
Leg Quarter Index (ARA)        Decreasing        Steady             Higher
Thighs, Bone In                Increasing        Steady             Higher
Thighs, Boneless               Increasing    Steady-Available       Higher

        Description           Market Trend      Supplies      Price vs. Last Year
Whole Turkey (8-16 lb)         Increasing     Steady-Short          Higher
Turkey Breast, Bnls/Sknls      Increasing        Short              Higher


        Description           Market Trend      Supplies      Price vs. Last Year
Large Eggs (dozen)             Decreasing     Steady-Short          Higher
Medium Eggs (dozen)            Decreasing        Short              Higher
Liquid Whole Eggs                Steady          Short              Higher
Liquid Egg Whites              Increasing        Short               Lower
Liquid Egg Yolks                 Steady          Short              Higher
Egg Breaker Stock Central      Increasing        Short              Higher

market trends
WEek ending march 4, 2022

The U.S. seafood markets remain firm and are being supported as overall meat protein demand remains strong. Per the
USDA, total U.S. crustaceans (crabs/lobsters) imports during December were up 9.9% year-over-year and were the largest for
the month since 2015. U.S. salmon imports in December were 7.3% larger year-over-year, and in 2021 total salmon imports
were up 9.2% vs. 2020 and was a yearly record. Considering the U.S. is such a big seafood importer and with the persistent
ocean freight slowdowns, it’s a surprise that import volumes have remained strong. The various seafood prices will likely
remain inflated due in part to costly fuel costs for commercial fishing operations and solid demand for fresh fish. Pending sea-
food prices will be influenced by the changing value of the U.S. dollar as a strong dollar will encourage imports (and of course
the opposite is true). Prices FAS monthly imports.

         Description          Market Trend   Supplies     Price vs. Last Year
Shrimp (16/20 frz)              Steady        Short             Higher
Shrimp (61/70 frz)              Steady       Available           Lower
Shrimp Tiger (26/30 frz)        Steady        Short             Higher
Snow Crab, frz                   Steady        Short            Higher
Tilapia Filet, frz               Steady        Short            Higher
Cod Filet, frz                   Steady        Short            Higher
Tuna Yellowfin, frsh             Steady      Available          Lower
Salmon Atlantic Filet, frsh      Steady       Steady            Higher
Pollock Filet, Alaska, frz       Steady        Short            Higher

market trends
WEek ending march 4, 2022

Paper and Plastic Products

           Description             Market Trend  Supplies                Price vs. Last Year
                                 WOOD PULP (PAPER)
NBSK- Paper napkin                  Increasing      Short                      Higher
42 lb. Linerboard-corrugated box    Increasing     Steady                      Higher
                           PLASTIC RESINS (PLASTIC, FOAM)
PS-CHH-utensils, cups, to-go cont.       Steady         Steady-Short           Higher
PP-HIGP-heavy grade utensils             Steady           Available            Higher
PE-LLD-can liners, film, bags            Steady           Available            Higher

Retail Price Change from Prior Month

           Description                    Jan-22            Dec-21             Nov-21
Beef and Veal                            Decreasing       Decreasing         Increasing
Dairy                                    Increasing       Increasing         Decreasing
Pork                                     Decreasing       Decreasing         Increasing
Chicken                                  Decreasing       Increasing         Increasing
Fresh Fish and Seafood                   Increasing       Increasing         Decreasing
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables              Increasing       Increasing         Increasing

Various Markets
Last week, nearby Arabica coffee futures were down 1.9% (w/w) but are still up 81.2 % (y/y). Increasing rainfall has boosted
soil moisture conditions in Brazil, which is aiding its coffee crops. This news brought some modest price relief for coffee prices
late last week. Still, ICE-monitored coffee stocks are the lowest in 22 years. This factor and tight global coffee supplies are like-
ly to keep coffee prices supported but retesting the 10-year-plus high of $2.604 earlier this month could be a challenge. Price
bases noted below.

        Description              Market Trend            Supplies        Price vs. Last Year
Whole Peeled, Stand (6/10)        Increasing              Short                Higher
Tomato Paste-Industrial (lb)      Increasing              Short                Higher
Coffee lb ICE                        Decreasing        Steady-Short            Higher
Sugar lb ICE                         Decreasing       Steady-Available         Higher
Cocoa mt ICE                         Decreasing           Steady               Higher
Orange Juice lb ICE                  Decreasing       Steady-Available         Higher
Honey (clover) lb                     Steady              Steady               Higher

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