FEBRUARY 11 2022 - Lipman Family Farms

Page created by Ian Mcdaniel
FEBRUARY 11 2022 - Lipman Family Farms
FEBRUARY 11 2022
FEBRUARY 11 2022 - Lipman Family Farms
ROUND TOMATOES                                                         BELL PEPPERS
FL round tomato growers have settled into a light, but steady          Despite the cold weather of 10 day ago, FL’s bell pepper
production groove as they move past the recent frost/freeze            production continues to provide adequate numbers to meet
event. The overall numbers are down from the same time last            Eastern demand this week. Quality is holding up nicely but
year, but there’s an adequate supply to meet this week’s light         we are starting to see a lot of smaller fruit as a result of the
demand. The size profile varies by grower, so there’s a good           prior temperatures. Look for larger retail sizes to be a bit
mix of larger and smaller fruit in the industry this week.             snug next week.
However, as the cool night/warm day weather pattern
continues (which sizes up the fruit), we’ll start to see less          Sonora and Sinaloa growers are still bringing steady, good
availability on the smaller sizes in another 5-7 days. Lipman          volumes of bell peppers into Nogales. All sizes and grades are
continues to harvest in Naples with mostly bigger sizing and           available with good quality. Some growers are currently
really nice quality. The frost event’s effects on quality were         flushing on larges and mediums, so there are deals available
minimal and very short term, as the plant foliage did a good           if those sizes work for your customer.
job of protecting the fruit that’s in harvest now. As we enter
the first or second week of March, the cold-weather induced            CUCUMBERS
bloom drop will keep yields and production at lower levels for         Honduras cucumber imports keep hitting bumps in the
a few more weeks.                                                      road/water. The port congestion issues are, in large part, due
                                                                       to labor factors and have impacted quality and availability to
Mexico continues to offer good volumes of both mature                  the point that growers stopped harvesting last week to allow
green and vine-ripe tomatoes. Volume should remain strong              time for the situation to get cleaned up. There aren’t enough
through the month of February, as this is the prime time of            USDA inspectors, unloaders, loaders or transportation, so
production. Expect sizing to stay on the larger side of the            some product has been sitting on the boats longer than is
spectrum through this time frame. Quality has been good                optimal, creating freshness issues. The current plan is to
with no major issues to report.                                        harvest in only a minimal way for several days, allow the ports
                                                                       to get cleaned up, then come back with more normal volume
ROMA TOMATOES                                                          next week. With FL out of the picture until about mid-March
As with rounds, FL roma harvests are light but steady which            when Spring crops get started up, we’re hoping to see the
should continue for at least the next 10 days or so. Lipman’s          congestion issues clear up and availability improve soon.
fruit has been beautiful and our sizing has been trending to
jumbos, due to a combination of daily temperature                      Overall cucumber volume through Nogales has lightened up this
fluctuations and varietal characteristics.                             week as a few growers are going into a gap for the next couple of
                                                                       weeks. We may see lighter supply for the short term, pending
West Mexico expects to have continued good supply of romas             weather. All grades/sizes are currently available and quality is
from Guaymus, Cauliacan and Guasave throughout the month of            very nice, with that deep green color that is characteristic of
February. As with rounds, sizing will be heavier to larger fruit and   shadehouse-grown product.
overall quality is very nice.
                                                                       YELLOW & ZUCCHINI SQUASH
GRAPE TOMATOES                                                         Between Homestead, Immokalee, and even Plant City, there’s
FL’s grape tomato crops have recovered from the cold                   a little more zucchini around in FL this week, but yellow
weather event a little faster than the larger rounds and               squash remains extremely limited. Due to the recent cold
romas. Yields have improved and volume has spiked this                 weather event, we anticipate production to be “skippy” for the
week as multiple plantings come together for some farms.               next few weeks. By the middle of March, things should begin
 After this week’s “flush,” we expect to see harvests ease back        to get back on track with more consistent production. Poor
down to a more consistent pace next week. Quality is good              quality (scuffing, scarring, etc) is one of the factors impacting
with no major issues to report.                                        the yellow squash situation, but zucchini quality has been
                                                                       pretty good with only a few issues here and there.
Although Mexico's grape tomato production is at lighter levels
than a few weeks ago, there’s still plenty of product available.       Continued on page 2
Volume should continue at the current levels for at least the
next few weeks. Quality is good as long as the fruit is fresh.

                                                                                                           ON THE HORIZON | 01
FEBRUARY 11 2022 - Lipman Family Farms
YELLOW & ZUCCHINI SQUASH...Continued                                    volume as they get back on track with new harvests/fruit sets.
After a few weeks of squash being pretty snug in Nogales, we            Quality is good from most, with only the occasional issue reported.
have started seeing new Mainland Mexico crops kick in with
increases. Weather is great in the growing areas which will             HH ENGLISH CUCUMBERS
help keep supply in good shape for the next few weeks. Then,            English cucumber production has been strong this week and
we expect volume to lighten up as plantings wind down and               there's an abundance of product available from Mexican growers
production transitions to the northern districts sometime in            in Nogales. Although the bulk of growers in Canada won't get up
mid-late March. There’s a strong supply of medium-sized fruit           and running until March, we're already seeing some cucs from the
on both colors and quality reports are good.                            Ontario area this week. As long as border crossings go smoothly,
                                                                        we anticipate strong availability to continue next week.
FL’s eggplant production remains at minimal levels which will           MINI SWEET PEPPERS
likely continue until late March/April. There are hit or miss           Baja has moved into a slower production pace on mini sweets as
quality issues (soft & sunken areas, liver spots, etc.) on the          cooler nighttime temperatures are slowing growth and maturity.
fruit that’s available, further limiting the supply of fancy, retail-   But, Mainland Mexico farms continue to go strong and have great
grade product.                                                          quality so we don't expect any gaps in supply.

Mainland Mexico’s eggplant is in high demand, as their                  MINI PERSIAN CUCUMBERS
production and quality are significantly stronger than that in          Although both Baja and the Mainland's production of mini cucs
the East. The fruit has been really nice and should continue to         has slowed down, supply has been adequate and quality remains
be as favorable weather patterns persist.                               good this week. Due to the normal growing cycle patterns, we
                                                                        could see somewhat of a gap in March.
FL’s chili pepper crops continue to plug along at minimum               ORGANIC ENGLISH HH CUCUMBERS
volume levels on select SKUs (jalapenos, poblanos, long hots,           Spring production has ramped up earlier than anticipated in
Hungarians and Cubanelles). We expect another month or so               Mexico and there's big volume available. This is rare for February
of limited supply then a slow start to the Spring season in             as we usually don't see this kind of volume until March.
mid-to late March, with more volume coming online in April
when Plant City gets into the thick of things. Quality has been
                                                                        ORGANIC SQUASH
holding up pretty well, but we’re definitely starting to see
                                                                        Cooler weather has slowed down production on organic yellow
issues related to older, tired plants, especially on Cubanelles.
                                                                        squash and zucchini with fancy fruit moving quickly each day.
                                                                        Availability is a little better on yellows mostly due to lighter
Sonora and Sinaloa’s chili pepper crops continue to provide
                                                                        demand. Overall quality is good, although there are some
good volumes and quality on all of the mainstream chili
                                                                        occasional concerns.
varieties this week. Our own Victory Gardens crops are
currently producing good numbers on jalapenos and
tomatillos.                                                             ORGANIC COLORED BELL PEPPERS
                                                                        After a period of strong production, the supply of organic colored
GREEN BEANS                                                             peppers has lightened up. Orange and red bells are snug, but
                                                                        there are still inventories of yellows. Once this product moves,
FL’s green bean harvests have been impacted by the recent
                                                                        expect light supply on all three colors until new blocks start up in
blast of cold weather. Some plantings were taken out of the
                                                                        about two weeks.
mix due to freeze/frost concerns and others are still struggling
with quality. But, they are harvesting in multiple areas this
week, and there is light volume available. We expect
availability to be up and down with occasional skips through
February and March, then normalizing in April.

Some of Mexico’s bean- growing areas have been
experiencing some cooler, cloudy weather which will serve to
lighten up production for a short period of time. But, supply is
expected to swing back quickly as the temperatures have
warmed back up and we expect steady numbers for the next
several weeks. Quality has been good on recent harvests.

Colored pepper volumes have lightened up in both Central
and Western Mexico this week, especially on oranges. The
season has ended for low-tech growers in the Central region,
leaving only a limited amount of production from high-tech
operators. Houses in the Culiacan area have been flushing for
several weeks, but have now moved past that and are in a
lighter production mode. Availability will remain on the snug
side for the next two weeks, then we’ll see more consistent

                                                                                                            ON THE HORIZON | 02
FEBRUARY 11 2022 - Lipman Family Farms
     The national average price for diesel fuel is still on
     the rise with one of its highest increases yet this
     week. A gallon of diesel fuel now averages $3.95
     per gallon- up $.10 from last week's $3.85 price
    All reporting regions in the country saw major             ITEM             QUALITY            PRICING
    price increases, ranging from $.07 per gallon on
    the West Coast to $.135 per gallon in the Lower            Bell Pepper        Good            E-Steady; W-Steady
    Atlantic area.
    Diesel fuel prices are $1.15 higher than the same
    time last year.                                            Cucumber        Mostly Good        E-Higher; W-Higher
    The highest diesel prices are reported from
    California ($4.95) and the West Coast ($4.62),             Eggplant           Varied          E-Steady; W-Higher
    while the lowest costs can be found on the Gulf
    Coast ($3.73) and in the Midwest ($3.81).
    Truck availability is mostly adequate at Mexico            Green Beans        Varied          E-Lower; W-Lower
    crossing points, but shortages continue in other
    active shipping areas. The "mostly" price for a
                                                               Jalapeños          Good            E-Higher; W-Steady
    truck from Nogales to Atlanta is $6,900 while
    running a truck from South Florida to Atlanta
    will cost approximately $1900 per load.                    Squash-Hard     Mostly Good        E-Steady; W-Steady

                                                               Squash-Soft        Varied          E-Elevated; W-Lower

                                                               Tomatoes           Good            E-Lower; W-Steady

            DID YOU KNOW?
                                                                 March 3-5, 2022
-Ancient Aztecs were reportedly the first to
use jalapenos, but they dried and smoked the                     SEPC's Southern Exposure
peppers rather than eating them.                                 Swan & Dolphin Resorts
                                                                 Lake Buena Vista, FL
 -Jalapenos are of mild to medium pungency                       www.seproducecouncil.com/events
(between 2,500 and 10,000 Scoville units)                        Team Lipman looks forward to seeing you at
depending on the growing conditions, age of                      booth #124!
the pepper, and thickness of the placenta that holds the
seeds and white pith.
                                                                 May 21-24, 2022
-After harvest. jalapenos can have a shelf life of 3-5 weeks
                                                                 National Restaurant Association Show
if stored at 45 degrees.
                                                                 McCormick Place
                                                                 Chicago, IL
-Jalapenos were the first peppers to travel in space! In
1982, they were taken on board the Columbia space
shuttle by William B. Lenoir. The peppers had been grown
by a fellow astronaut.

                                                                                                 ON THE HORIZON | 03
FEBRUARY 11 2022 - Lipman Family Farms

                                              ON THE FARM
Weeding Robots Put Farms in                                           In another research trial, between-row tractor cultivation
                                                                      removed 66% of weeds on the bed-top and the Titan removed
Better Control                                                        91%. In this trial the Titan reduced hand weeding by about
                                                                      half compared to between-row tractor cultivation. In another
WWW.VEGETABLEGROWERSNEWS.COM                                          commercial field trial the Stout removed 98% of in-row weeds
By: Sam Hitchcock Tilton                                              and reduced hand weeding time by about half compared to
                                                                      between-row tractor cultivation (although in another pass it
February 1, 2022                                                      reduced weeds by 52% – again, results are variable). The Dino
                                                                      was fitted with finger weeders, and it removed 61% of weeds
This is another installment of a series of stories updating and       compared to between-row tractor cultivation that removed
tracking the latest technology trends in specialty agriculture.       41% of weeds.
Dan Brainard at Michigan State University Horticulture pulled
together some of our region’s best and brightest to talk              Fennimore was impressed with the ability of these machines
about weed control, and through the magic of technology we            to operate accurately in fields with high weed densities. In
also got to hear from an expert in California. In this article I’ll   July, there was a lettuce field overrun with purslane. He
describe the basic types of robotic weeders, examples of              thought they had to cancel the trial because the computer
what they are capable of and how they are being used                  could not tell the difference between the lettuce plants and
commercially in California.                                           weeds, but the Stout company figured it could do it. The
                                                                      standard tractor cultivation effectively removed none of the
Steve Fennimore from University of California, Davis works            weeds in the row, but the Stout removed 76% of in-row
with growers who use these weeding robots in vegetables.              weeds. With the high weed density it took a long time to
First he made a few distinctions between the different types          make it through the field – the standard tractor cultivation
of robotic weeders. The first, with the lowest level of               required 78 hours per acre whereas the Stout needed 30
complexity, are camera-guided hitches. These are towed                hours per acre. Although in general, growers around Steve
behind a tractor by the three-point hitch and the toolbar is          have found that tractor-mounted robotic weeders can
moved left and right (perpendicular to the direction of travel)       cultivate a 10-acre field in 8-10 hours.
by hydraulic cylinders. The movement is controlled by
cameras that “see” the crop, keeping the tools centered on            Fennimore said that as an Extension specialist he cares about
the crop row. Camera-guided weeders merely keep                       production costs; even if these robotic weeders work
traditional weeding tools centered on the row.                        wonders, if they increase production costs by too much, they
                                                                      aren’t good for growers. He cited a study comparing the
Next, with an intermediate level of complexity, are tractor-          costs of robotic weeders to hand weeding in lettuce (Tourte
mounted in-row robotic weeders. These are also towed                  et al., in review). They figure that it costs on average $161 per
behind the tractor by the three-point hitch, however, they do         acre to hand weed lettuce. Then they figured the costs for
not use traditional weeding tools, rather, there is a camera          three different types of tractor-mounted in-row robotic
for each row and the camera guides a piece of steel moving            weeders – they varied from $166-$204 per acre (including a
in between individual plants. Tractor-mounted in-row robotic          tractor, operator, cost of machine and maintenance). Use of
cultivators need a person to drive the tractor or to control it.      these machines could reduce hand weeding costs to $100 per
                                                                      acre, but overall costs for weed control using the robotic
The final type of weeding robot, with the greatest level of           weeders ranged from $266-$304 per acre.
complexity, are autonomous robotic weeders. These
machines do not need a tractor or operator and once a field           This means that using robotic weeders costs more than hand
map is inputted they move on their own through the field for          weeding. So why are some growers in California adopting
hours at a time, day or night. For now these autonomous               these robotic weeders? Fennimore did some research and
robotic weeding machines can carry traditional weeding tools          thinking to figure out why. He found a survey of CEO’s asking
(sweeps, finger-weeders, etc.) and not the camera-controlled          them why they want to adopt technology (Economist,
blades that weed in between each plant.                               1/16/21). They said that machines can reduce risk (fewer
                                                                      people get hurt), be more reliable than employees and help
Fennimore has conducted a lot of trials, and he shared his            with making costs more predictable. Additionally, herbicides
data about the time required for each tool. Growing an acre           are showing diminishing returns and fewer young people
of lettuce costs about $439 per acre to weed. Of this total           aspire to be hand weeders.
weeding time, hand weeding requires 68%, 9% is for tractor
cultivation, and 22% is herbicide application. Hand weeding is        Because these robotic weeders require investment (a
the major cost of weed control.                                       standard Stout model is $350,000) some companies contract
                                                                      out the use of the machine – much like how you would hire
Fennimore identified three different robotic weeders that are         out a custom sprayer or harvester.
being used in California. The Stout is a tractor-mounted in-
row robotic weeder. The Titan is also a tractor-mounted in-           For now, these autonomous robotic weeders and tractor-
row robotic weeder but it comes with its own tractor, and the         mounted in-row robotic weeders are concentrated in our
 Dino is an autonomous robotic weeder with traditional tools.         nation’s largest vegetable-producing areas in Southern
                                                                      California and Arizona. But I spoke with the CEO of Stout,
The machines’ performance was variable (just like farming).           Brent Shedd, and he tells me that they have machines in
For example in one trial in a commercial field the Titan              Florida and Georgia, and interest from the Midwest. So we
machine removed 69% of the weeds in the row and reduced               will see how these robotic weeders spread.
hand weeding time by about half (compared to traditional
between-row cultivation), but in another trial it removed only        This story has been edited for content and space. To read the entire
                                                                      selection, please visit www.vegetablegrowersnews.com
31% of weeds in the row and reduced hand weeding time by
about 10%.
                                                                                                             ON THE HORIZON | 04
News in the Grocery Trade
Study Affirms Importance of Appearance                      Grocery Prices Jump Again in January
Throughout the Omnichannel                                  WWW.WINSIGHTGROCERYBUSINESS.COM
                                                            By: Christine LaFave Grace
By: Lynn Petrak
                                                            February 10, 2022
                                                            Prices for groceries are 7.4% higher than they were a year
February 8, 2022                                            ago, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Feb. 10, as
                                                            inflation for food at home came as close as it has been in
As it turns out, consumers really do judge a book by its    the past year to inflation in the overall economy.
cover – or, in this case, groceries by their appearance –
both online and in store. According to a new report         Overall, prices for all goods and services were up 7.5% in
from commerce experience management platform                January year over year, according to the BLS' latest
Salsify, nearly half of shoppers won’t buy a product if     Consumer Price Index report. In December, when overall
they don’t find detailed information online and nearly      inflation ran at a hot 7%, grocery prices were up 6.5%
a third (30%) say they won’t purchase something if          year over year.
images are missing or of poor quality.
                                                            January's 7.5% jump was the largest in 40 years, with
                                                            rising prices for food, electricity and shelter leading last
Findings from Salsify’s new report, “Consumer
                                                            month's pricing surge. While inflation crept higher
Research 2022: How to Meet the Demand of
                                                            throughout 2021, six months ago—when the BLS
Omnichannel Shoppers,” uncovered other ways that            released its July CPI report—inflation year over year
consumers seek out information about the products           stood at 5.4% for the overall economy and 2.6% for food
they encounter digitally and in brick-and-mortar            at home.
stores. When evaluating products, U.S. shoppers
primarily look for lower price, familiar or trusted         In addition, prices for food at home were up a full 1% in
brand names, same-day delivery options, positive            January 2022 over December 2021 in the largest month-
reviews and product selection and availability.             over-month climb in grocery prices since September.
Increasingly, consumers eye products for recyclability
details and information on sourcing and sustainability.     Cereals and bakery products, as well as eggs, tallied the
                                                            biggest month-to-month price increases in January.
The report also underscores the importance of the           Prices of cereal/bakery products were up 1.8% last
digital channel in providing products as well as            month over December and 6.8% year over year; within
information. Salsify’s research shows that 68% of           the category, flour prices rose the most, with flour and
shoppers will purchase in store and 56% of those in         prepared flour mix prices more than 10% higher than
                                                            they were a year ago. Egg prices were up 2% in January
that same group also will buy products online through
                                                            over December and 13.1% year over year.
a retailer’s site. In contrast, 66% of respondents say
they did not buy groceries online before the pandemic.
                                                            Meat prices, which soared in 2021, moderated a bit in
                                                            January. While prices for meat, poultry and fish still were
The grocery channel remains important to today’s            up 12.2% in January over year-ago levels, prices for beef
shoppers, even as their lifestyles have changed. Only       and veal declined month over month for a second
13% of U.S. consumers are likely to buy directly on a       straight month, falling 1.3% in January vs. December.
brand site, compared to 26% of French shoppers and          Pork, too, recorded a second consecutive month-to-
19% of British buyers. At the same time, shoppers in        month slide in prices, although prices remain 14% higher
this country are fairly brand loyal: 45% of American        than they were a year ago. Chicken prices edged down
respondents said they were willing to pay more for a        0.3% in January but are up 10.3% year over year.
similar product if it came from a brand they trusted,
compared to just 30% of shoppers in 2021.                   Inflation at the grocery store exceeded even the hottest-
                                                            in-decades surge at restaurants and other foodservice
"As economies reopened, the omnichannel experience          venues in January: Over the past 12 months, food-away-
has evolved," said Vijayanta Gupta, SVP of growth           from-home prices climbed 6.4%, the largest increase that
strategy for Salsify. "It's no longer purchasing in-store   sector has seen since 1982. Prices at limited-service
                                                            restaurants were up 8% year over year, while prices at
or online. Shoppers have blended the experience to
                                                            full-service restaurants rose 7.1%. School and employee
create a journey that personally suits them. This has
                                                            foodservice sites continued to see prices lower than they
massive implications for omnichannel retailers
                                                            were a year ago, moderating inflation for food away
optimizing the digital shelf to provide access to the       from home overall.
information consumers want when they want it
through brand pages."                                       Within grocery, other products seeing above-average
                                                            inflation over the past 12 months included:
                                                                Bacon (prices up 18.1% year over year in January)
                                                                Fats and oils (10.7%)
                                                                Coffee (8.6%)
                                                                Fresh fruit (8.2%)
                                                                Fresh whole milk (8.2%)
                                                                Baby food (7.8%)

                                                                                              ON THE HORIZON | 05
                                                              subscriptions and pre-paid house accounts. About 80%
                                                              say they would likely purchase a subscription for a
                                                              specified number of meals in a month, if offered by a

 Industry News                                                favorite restaurant. Three out of four are inclined to
                                                              open “house accounts,” given the option. This sales
 Generational Divide May Reveal                               model provides a discount for prepaying. For example, a
                                                              customer who pays $50 gets $60 added to an account to
 Emerging Restaurant Trends                                   spend at the restaurant. Only 37% of boomers report
 WWW.RESTAURANT.ORG                                           that they’re likely to purchase a subscription, and 38%
                                                              say they’re apt to open a house account.
 February 2, 2022
                                                              4. Portable potent potables: When the pandemic
 The National Restaurant Association’s 2022 State of          temporarily shuttered dining rooms in 2020, more than
 the Restaurant Industry report(Opens in a new                35 states issued emergency orders allowing alcohol-to-
 window) reveals a generational divide in consumer            go. Many localities have since made this a permanent
 behavior. Millennials (born 1980-1995) and Generation        policy—a    decision   widely    favored    by    younger
 Z adults (born 1996-2003) are embracing technology,          generations. More than three-quarters of Gen Z adults
 new     business    models,    and   more    nuanced         (age 21+) and 58% of millennials say they included an
 relationships with restaurants. These up-and-coming          alcohol beverage with a to-go order in the past 6 months,
 generations have the power to shape consumer                 compared with a mere 10% of baby boomers.
 expectations for years to come.
                                                              Alcohol-to-go has emerged as a selling point with the
 Here are five trends to keep an eye on:                      younger crowd. 70% of Gen Z adults and 62% of
                                                              millennials say the option of including alcohol with a
 1. Partners in meal prep: Younger generations view           takeout or delivery order would make them more
 restaurants as a partner in their at-home meal prep.         inclined to choose one restaurant over another similar
 It’s no longer a simple binary choice between a              restaurant. Just 12% of boomers agree.
 restaurant meal and home cooking.
                                                              5. High-tech transactions: Online ordering and payment
 More than half the adults surveyed for the 2022 State        have become commonplace; even a majority of baby
 of the Restaurant Industry report say they are more          boomers (61%) say they are likely to use these methods.
 likely to incorporate restaurant-prepared items into         Meanwhile, Gen Z is adapting newer approaches, with
 meals made at home than they were before the                 69% reporting that they would likely order through voice-
 pandemic. This is particularly popular with Gen Zs and       enabled platforms like Amazon Alexa or the iPhone’s Siri.
 millennials, with more than 70% indicating increased         Only 26% of boomers say they’re apt to use a virtual
 reliance on mixed meals.                                     assistant for ordering.

 Millennials and Gen Zs also hunger for make-at-home          Technology-enabled transactions could change the face
 meal kits that contain pre-measured ingredients, along       of tableservice dining. Eight out of 10 millennials and Gen
 with cooking instructions. Eight in 10 of them are           Z adults say they would be likely to use a tablet for
 inclined to purchase a meal kit if offered by one of         ordering at the table, if offered by a restaurant they
 their favorite restaurants, compared with 47% of Gen         patronize. Given a choice between sitting in a restaurant
 Xers and 33% of baby boomers.                                section offering traditional wait service or a section with
                                                              tablet/smartphone ordering, slightly more than half of
 2. To go-to is the new go-to: Young adults view takeout      Gen Z respondents opted for high-tech ordering. This
 and delivery as their go-to food, with 72% of                could signal the need for fewer servers as Gen Z
 millennials and 66% of Gen Z calling it “essential” to       becomes a larger consumer segment.
 their lifestyle. The vast majority use 3rd-party delivery,
 even though they indicate a slight preference for
 ordering directly from a restaurant. 85% of Gen Z
 delivery customers ordered through a 3rd-party
 service in the past six months; only 38% of boomer
 delivery customers did so.

 A whopping 94% of millennials say they would likely
 order an expanded variety of to-go foods if there were
 improved packaging to maintain food temperature,
 taste and quality. Seven in 10 would be willing to pay a
 little more to cover the cost of upgraded packaging.
 That’s compared with 47% of boomers.

 3. New sales models: Gen Z and millennials are eager
 to try new purchasing methods, including restaurant


                                                                                               ON THE HORIZON | 06
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