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JMK, VOL. 23, NO. 1, MARCH 2021, 76–83                                                           DOI: 10.9744/jmk.23.1.76–83
ISSN 1411-1438 print / ISSN 2338-8234 online

                   AMONG BANK EMPLOYEES

                 Nalini Thamotharan1, Abdul Halim Abdul Majid2*, Noor Asma Jamaluddin3
                         School of Business Management, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia
             Distinguished Research Fellow, IBCSI College of Business, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia
                 Tunku Puteri Intan Safinaz School of Accountancy, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia
       *Corresponding author; Email:; 2*;

             This study investigated the relationship between quality of work-life, perceived union effectiveness and
       job security with union commitment among bank employees in Malaysia. This study was motivated by the
       decline of union density worldwide in recent times. Indeed, the National Union of Bank Employees (NUBE)
       had experienced a huge decline of membership, which might weaken and challenge the union to perform effi-
       ciently. Survey questionnaires were distributed based on a simple random sampling procedure to all five
       branches of the NUBE in Malaysia. Data were collected from 350 respondents and analyzed using correlation
       and multiple regression analysis. The findings of the study indicated that quality of work-life and perceived
       union effectiveness had positive and significant influences on union commitment. On the other hand, job
       security showed no significant influence on union commitment. Thus, membership declining dilemma and
       union commitment issue might be resolved by giving more priorities on quality of work-life and perceived
       union effectiveness among those banking employees.

       Keywords: Quality of work-life, perceived union effectiveness, job security, union commitment.

                      Introduction                               Department of Malaysia, the membership of union in
                                                                 Malaysia consists only 875,193 members or 6% out of
      A trade union can be defined as an association of          the 14.5 million workers in 2018. Moreover, Hector
employees whose primary aim is to represent the job              (2017) made a remark that private sector’s union
related interests of their members to employers, and in          membership also shows a marked decrease from
some situations to the state, but which is not controlled        433,702 in 2009 to 359,206 in 2017.
by either of the party’s concerned (Paragshil, 2013).                  According to Barling, Fullagar, and Kelloway
Globally, trade unions are undergoing a tough stage.             (1992), the main drive of the union strength is
Many unionized organizations are facing the chal-                obviously membership commitment, which is one of
lenges of business dynamics, heavy competition and               the internal organization factors that influences the
rapid changing environments (Bryson, 2005), as well              power of unions to impose sanctions. Union commit-
as decreases in union density which lead to the                  ment also can be defined as the member’s wish to
weakening of the union influence (Aminuddin, 2008).              remain as a member of the union, readiness on behalf
Bryson (2005) also quoted that the decline in alternate          of the union to make an effort and the confidence in
unionism has been a major characteristic of many                 and recognition of the objective of unions (Gordon,
nations. Further, over the decade, unions’ enrollment            Philbot, Burt, Thompson, & Spüler, 1980; Johari,
in most developed nations such as USA, UK, Australia             2006; Li, Huang, Zang, & Yang, 2019). It is therefore
and most other Western Europe have recorded                      pertinent to empirically revisit the variables that
declining trends (Rosenberg, 2020; Carter & Cooper,              influence union commitment.
2002) in which participation in labor unions in 2019
continued their decades-long decline. For instant,                                 Problem Statement
union membership in the American workforce was
also down to 10.3 percent in 2019 from 10.5 percent in                The question that has often raised the attention of
2018 as reported by Bureau of Labor Statistics of USA            unionist, members, theorist, researcher, employer,
(Rosenberg, 2020).                                               management and academicians is “Why would
      Setting up unions is also remained a big challenge         individuals choose to be loyal to a labor union?”
for Malaysia in comparison to the other Asian                    According to Gordon et al. (1980), Johari (2006), and
countries. According to the Trade Union Affairs                  recently Li et al. (2019), the union leaders take great

Thamotharan: Influence of Quality of Work Life, Perceived Union Effectiveness   77

delight in the member’s commitment and strongly                 variables were selected, namely the quality of work-
depend on the loyalty of their membership for the               life, perceived union effectiveness and job security that
union to have capacity to jointly negotiate with strong         may have significant influence on the union commit-
employers. Besides, company’s administrators are                ment among NUBE’s members.
puzzled and often wary of the employees’ loyalty to                    This section examines the empirical works
trade unions, partly because they see this loyalty as a         carried out by researchers in the fields of union
possible reduction in their ability to direct the company       commitment, quality of work life (QWL), perceived
in the way they think it is best.                               union effectiveness (PUE), and job security (JS).
       Moreover, union commitment is the key variable           Inferring from the literature review, work life quality
at understanding unions, which is most discussed in             can be defined as individuals’ evaluation of their
any applied psychological approach for union studies            work/life balance, job characteristics, supervisory
(Gordon et al., 1980; Johari, 2006; Li et al., 2019). In        behaviour and compensation/ benefits. Specifically, a
fact, it is a formidable task to persuade the members to        study conducted by Fiorito, Jarley, and Delaney (1995)
know better about the effectiveness of the union and            among national unions in United States of America
the role of union in the tripartite system. As an entity of     (USA) had as its primary goal to examine union
employee’s representative, the trade union is fully             members’ perception of union performance. In similar
focused in fulfilling the member’s hopes. Without the           research, Fiorito et al. (1995) have stated that
commitment of the members, unions may not be                    efficiency in organizing as a pulling factor to attract and
effective and sustainable.                                      keep union members. Meanwhile, findings from other
       Newton and Shore (1992) have stated that                 studies have expressed support for the proposed
commitment towards union is defined as the positive             relationship between perceived union effectiveness
attitude of members towards their trade union and it is         (PUE) and union commitment (UC).
the basis of the trade union movement. Researchers                     Furthermore, according to Davy, Kinicki, and
investigate the psychological connection of an                  Scheck (1997), security in job is defined as one's
employee to the union because it is labelled as the             expectations of continuity in an employment situation.
strongest measure of the strength of the union (Barling         It includes highly desirable employment, such as
et al., 1992). In practice, studying the union's commit-        opportunities for promotion, current employment
ment is a key for organized work, as its strength               conditions and future career opportunities. On the other
determines the union's ultimate success in achieving its        hand, job insecurity refers to an employee’s negative
overall objectives (Barling et al., 1992; Johari, 2006; Li      reaction to the changes concerning their jobs (Sverke,
et al., 2019) and the offered services by union are             Hellgren, & Näswall, 2002). Greenhalgh and
ultimately intended to create such commitment.                  Rosenblatt (1984) stated that insecurity in employment
       Considering those in a context, the National             is characterized by “powerlessness to maintain desired
Union of Bank Employees (NUBE) is a trade union for             continuity in a threatened job situation”.
most of the private banks in Malaysia. It is considered         There are evidences derived from past studies that have
as a strong and effective union compared to other               formed positive relationship between security in job,
unions in Malaysia. The reason is that it has active            membership in union and commitment towards union,
participation from members, done proper preparation             although there are some exceptions (Allvin & Sverke,
for further negotiations before hand, highly involved in        2000; Sverke et al., 2004).
political and civil activities, a strong union mentality               Taking into consideration of the above back-
and most of all it has a set of professional leaders            ground and literatures, three (3) research questions
(National Union of Bank Employees, 2018; Raduan,                were derived:
Naresh & Nagiah, 2011). However, NUBE has been                  1. Does quality of work life have significant positive
experiencing a decline of membership in the past few                influence on the union commitment?
years (National Union of Bank Employees, 2018). The             2. Does perceived union effectiveness have signi-
declining membership in NUBE is weakening the                       ficant positive influence on the union commitment?
union and challenges the union to perform well in the           3. Does job security have significant positive
market. From a peak of 20,000 members in the year                   influence on the union commitment?
2005, it dropped to 11,589 in the year 2017. It was a
huge drop in membership in the history of the union                               Underpinning Theory
(National Union of Bank Employees, 2018).
       In view of that, it is crucial to examine the                  The social exchange theory has been a key
elements or variables that affect union commitment in           framework for explaining individuals work related
the case of NUBE. Within the scope of this study, three         attitudes as well as employee union behaviors. The

social exchange theory proposes that human beings          determination table was referred. Accordingly, a
behave in specific ways based on the need to               sample size of 370 would be required for a population
reciprocate and the anticipation that their reciprocal     of 11,589. Luckily, the researchers managed to get 350
behaviors will be rewarded (Blau, 1964). Social            responses (representing 94.5% of response rate),
exchange relationship represents improperly specified      although slightly lower than the target amount.
terms with favorable action from a party being repaid            The questionnaires were distributed to the
in a non-specific and flexible way over a period of time   National Union of Banking Employees through their
(Blau, 1964). In social relationships, the obligations     respective branches. The branches were PKP (Penang,
established by the parties involved are essentially not    Kedah, and Perlis), SMJ (Seremban, Melaka, and
explicitly stated, but the exchange relationship           Johor), KT (Kelantan, Terengganu), Ipoh and KLSP
typically thrives on the idea that benefits are mutual.    (Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, and Pahang). The respon-
                                                           dents were the employees of the banking sector, both
               Conceptual Framework                        clerical and non-clerical. The selected samples are
                                                           employees of both genders from different ethnic
     Figure 1 below displays the potential relationship    groups and aged between 22 and 55 years old.
between independent variables (quality of work-life,
perceived union effectiveness and job security) on the                     Research Instrument
dependent variable of union commitment.
                                                                 The questionnaire set was composed of five parts.
                                                           Part A contains items for the demographic profile of
                                                           the respondent; Part B contains items for the union's
                                                           commitment; Part C contains items for the quality of
                                                           working life; Part D contains items for the perceived
                                                           effectiveness of the union; and Part E contains items
                                                           for the measurement of job security. Refer to Table 1.
Figure 1. Conceptual framework                             Table 1
                                                           Summary of Measurements
                  Research Method
                                                           Part        Variable                  Source
      This section describes the research methods           B Union Commitment Bayazit, Hammer, and
applied that include research design, sampling                                     Wazeter (2004)
                                                            C Quality of Work Life Huang, Lawler, and Lei
technique, population of study, unit of analysis, pilot
test, adopted measures and data collection procedure.       D Perceived Union      Chacko (1985)
The information sources were from both primary and            Effectiveness
secondary data. In addition, primary data were              E Job Security         Oldham, Kulik, Stepina, and
collected via questionnaires distributed to members of                             Ambrose (1986)
the National Union of Bank Employees (NUBE) in
Malaysia from five (5) different branches.                       The reliability test was carried out using pilot
      A set of questionnaires has been developed and       testing. Cronbach alpha value is used to measure the
distributed to selected respondents using random           consistency of the scale, how well a set of items
sampling. The population was the entire number or the      measures the construct. The greater the value of the
group of possible numbers for observation (Zikmund,        alpha coefficient, the more reliable the construct
2013). The population of this study was the members        measurement variable is. Table 2 shows that this study
of National Union of Bank Employees (NUBE). The            has high Cronbach’s alpha coefficients for all
current population of NUBE is 14,074 members               constructs, thus the reliability tests are acceptable.
(National Union of Bank Employees, 2018).                        In this study, the three hypotheses were tested
      This population represents both members in           using simple Pearson correlation that shows the
benefit and members not in benefit. For this study, only   correlation coefficient (r). It measures the strength and
the active members, the ones in benefit were selected,     direction of linear relations among pairs of the tested
in total it is about 11,589 members.                       variables. Besides that, a multiple regression was also
      In order to determine the required sample size for   used to predict a variable’s value based on the other
this study, Krejcie and Morgan’s (1970) sample size        variable’s value.
Thamotharan: Influence of Quality of Work Life, Perceived Union Effectiveness   79

Table 2                                                          at p= 0.01, p

of their unions in term of their performance and                   Unions protect employees from arbitrary
priorities increases, their commitments towards their        employer actions and provide them with legal
union would be more encouraging.                             assistance in the event of a workplace problem that
      Effectiveness of union in term of bargaining,          could lead to discipline or dismissal, such as sexual
organizing, politics, member solidarity and many more        harassment or complaints from customers. Before an
are the reasons for members to stay and commit to their      employee can be terminated, he or she can proceed
unions. Members’ satisfaction with union repre-              with a grievance process and arbitration if necessary.
sentation is higher where unions are perceived as            In recent years, however, it has become increasingly
effective. Union representative role is one of the influ-    difficult for trade unions to keep jobs safe, because
ential roles in the union which can greatly affect the       many industries have had to make mass redundancies.
trade union membership.                                      Market forces like globalization, the most recent
      Bayazit et al. (2004) concluded that union             pandemic COVID-19 (Sarah & Stella, 2020), chang-
member’s perception of leadership priorities was             ing technology and using robotics instead of people to
positively correlated with their attitudes and behaviors     perform tasks have caused a decrease in job security.
towards the union. The literature review like Johari         As a result, membership of the union has declined. The
(2006) and Li et al. (2019) in their studies also revealed   tendency among most workers, especially younger
among others that union instrumentality perceptions          ones, not to remain in the same job or workplace for
and satisfaction with the union were positively              their entire career is also contributing to the decline in
associated with pro union voting behavior and/or union       membership of the union. This has been highlighted by
commitment. It was suggested that even though                many unions worldwide, however this issue remains
employee dissatisfaction might attract interest in union     inconclusive.
representation, it did not necessarily result in pro union         NUBE has managed to resolve many issues
vote from union members, instrumentality perceptions         regarding job loss and layoff, nevertheless there were
indeed would be the major determinant of the direction       scenarios whereby the conditions and laws are in favor
of union vote.                                               of employers rather than the union. Subsequently,
                                                             some members may feel in secured and show less
      In general, NUBE members have good percep-
                                                             support and commitment towards union. However,
tions towards their union and the leaders of the union
                                                             this doesn’t mean that the union has not performed
because the collective bargaining functions towards a
role dominated by the voice and representation of
workers appears to have taken place against the
background of unionism of high density. Protecting
employees against unfair work practices and encoura-               This correlation and regression method employed
ging employee training is one of NUBE's main res-            for this survey study was basically to explore the
ponsibilities. One of the factors related to union success   relationship between QWL, PUE and UC among
in organization is having a good leader because a            union employees of the National Union of Bank Em-
strong leadership certainly will gain confidence and         ployees, Malaysia. The study examined the variables
trust from the members in the union. In return,              based on the responses of 350 union members from
members will express strong support in the union.            different bank and different region in Malaysia.
Many members have benefited and also gained                  Participants were consisted of clericals and non-
knowledge from the union by participating in union           clerical staff in the banking industries. The social
activities.                                                  exchange theory served as the main theoretical under-
                                                             pinning for the research. The theoretical framework
     Finding and Discussion #3: Influence of Job             from the theory proposed that QWL, PUE and JS will
      Security (JS) on Union Commitment (UC)                 predict UC. Respondents were given Likert type
                                                             questionnaires to answer after which their responses
      The findings from this study show that the             were subject to analysis.
influence of JS on UC hypothesis is not supported.                 The study revealed that quality of work life and
Based on regression analysis, the result for the third       union effectiveness predict union commitment, but job
hypothesis is (β=0.043 at p= 0.85, p>0.05). There is no      security does not predict the union commitment. These
correlation between job security and union commit-           relationships indicate that a union member’s psycho-
ment, meaning that commitment to union does not rely         logical attachment to the union is likely a determinant
on whether employees have job security issue.                of his or her behavioral engagement in the activities of
Thamotharan: Influence of Quality of Work Life, Perceived Union Effectiveness   81

the union. Unions may be considered effective based            that quality of work-life and perceived union
on how they relatively bargain for and also how                effectiveness are believed to influence the union
responsive they are to their members in terms of their         commitment positively. When NUBE is playing its
commitment to them.                                            roles effectively in terms of negotiations on member’s
       Practically, the finding suggests that if unions        rights and benefits with their employers, members
want to influence membership commitment as well as             would feel secured and thus remain committed to their
positive attitudes and behaviors, utmost attention             union. In brief, if the members’ quality of work life and
should be given to improving the quality of work-life          job security have been taking care of, and if the
of its members which requires unions to take pragmatic         members have good perception on the union
steps such as collaborating with employers to improve          effectiveness then the members will be more
the welfare of employees as well as solving their work         committed to the union. Indirectly, the issue of
related issues. These would lead to a reduction of or          declining membership can be resolved by the union
slower the number of declining of membership in                representatives.
       Based on the study, it is understood that the           Practical Implications
employers’ policy and moves, global movements, as
well as the government laws are among the main                        In this context, the practical implications suggest
causes of the unwanted condition happening in trade            possible approaches or solutions to improve and solve
union history, especially the declining of membership          those particular issues related to the area of the study.
in recent years.                                               This study offers evidence and support for NUBE and
       As a final note, it is hoped that observations made     the union members with regard to their perceptions
in this research shall not only be useful to the               towards the importance of union commitment. Thus,
unionization literature, but it can be extent to aid           membership declining dilemma and union commit-
organizations and government agencies who interested           ment issue might be resolved by offering more
in improving the welfare of employees by providing             priorities on quality of work-life and perceived union
them with appropriate strategies. Lastly, considering          effectiveness among those banking employees. From
the present pandemic of COVID-19 (2019 – 2020 and              this study, opportunities and way forward to realize and
may continue until end of 2021), off course similar            sustain NUBE as a strong and effective union
study should be replicated to see what are the latest          compared to other unions in Malaysia is far brighter.
development and variables that influence union
commitment.                                                                        Recommendations

                      Implications                                   Based on the results, only QWL and PUE are
                                                               significantly associated with UC, whereas JS has no
      Findings of this study provide an insight and            correlation with UC. Researchers may consider further
understanding on the issue of union commitment and             study by providing broader and comprehensive
membership that might be useful for National Union of          measures for the JS scales in order to be more reliable
Bank Employees (NUBE). Potential implications and              and accurate to predict member’s commitment to this
contributions of this study are classified and discussed       union.
in the following sub-sections.                                       Next, trade union has very broad roles in shaping
                                                               the future of work force. So, it is essential for the
Theoretical Implication                                        researchers to analyze deeper on the history and also
                                                               the factors affecting the union commitment or a rather
      Theoretical implication from this study is related       general organizational commitment (Purani, Abdul-
to union commitment, which is associated with quality          Halim & Noor Asma, 2020; Sarah & Stella, 2020) in
of work-life and perceived union effectiveness. Social         recent years. Hence, to get in depth data on issues
Exchange Theory by Blau (1964) has been the                    related to the unions researchers may need to employ
underpinning theory in explaining the findings of this         qualitative study, in which researchers can meet face to
study. According to social exchange theory, self-              face and have interviews with the union member and
interest drives people to social exchanges (Blau, 1964).       at the same time with the management of the union or
Therefore, depending on their judgments, people enter          the representatives of the union. This may give
and leave relationships pertaining to the benefits and         different perspectives on the future study about trade
costs of the relationship. Results of this research show       unions and union commitment.

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