Margaret Adams Scholarship 2020 - Walford Anglican School ...

Page created by Erin Parker
Margaret Adams Scholarship 2020 - Walford Anglican School ...
Margaret Adams
Scholarship 2020
                   Margaret Adams

                   Scholarship 2020
The Margaret Adams Scholarship is presented           able to appreciate the vast
by daughters, Eleanor and Claire, in memory of        landscapes of the Flinders
their mother. Both daughters are proud Walford        Ranges as much as the
old scholars.                                         history and cultures of the
                                                      many countries she visited.
Margaret believed every woman should have
access to a well-rounded education in order to        It is the hope of Eleanor and
become her best, whether that be in traditional       Claire, that this scholarship
pursuits or by breaking the glass ceiling. Margaret   will support a deserving girl
chose Walford to educate her daughters so they        to receive her best education,
were well prepared to pursue their talents and        enabling her to find her own
interests with confidence, passion and grace.         passion and path in life
                                                      through knowledge, sport,
Margaret was intelligent, caring, and an active
                                                      caring for others, friendships
participant in her home town of Echunga in
                                                      and active participation in
the Adelaide Hills. She served on numerous
                                                      her community.
committees and supported local groups including
membership of the local Country Fire Service,
Community Hall and the Anglican Diocese of the
Murray. Margaret was a committed Walford parent
who enjoyed the role of class representative in her
daughters’ junior school years.
One of her greatest honours was being elected
to serve the School in the highly distinguished
role of Chair of the Council of Governors from
2000-2003 and 2005, which she performed
with dedication and great expertise.
A librarian in her professional life, Margaret was
an avid book lover who was able to pursue her
passion in her work; she delighted in being a
reliable source of book recommendations. A keen
traveller from a young age, she visited many
places around Australia and the globe and was
                                                        Margaret Adams

General Criteria
• The Scholarship will be awarded at the discretion of the Principal and the selection panel.

• Candidates will be seeking entry into Walford in either Year 10, Year 11 or Year 12 in 2020.
• The Scholarship will run for the duration of schooling, depending on the year level of entry.
• The Scholarship will provide $10,000pa towards the remission of tuition fees.
• Candidates will be Australian citizens or permanent residents of Australia, within the meaning
  of the Australian Citizenship Act 2006.
Selection Criteria
  • Criteria for selection include academic achievement, personal qualities and involvement in
    co-curricular activities and community service.

  • The continuation of the scholarship is subject to satisfactory conduct, satisfactory progress
    reports and contribution to school activities.

  • The Scholarship is awarded on the understanding that the successful candidate will complete
    her secondary education at Walford Anglican School for Girls.

  • Families will have demonstrated financial need.

  • The School will not enter into further discussion or dispute regarding the awarding of this
    scholarship. All applicants will be advised in due course of the outcome of their application.

 Application Procedure
 • The School will advertise on its website and by direct communication when scholarships
   are to be offered.

 • Candidates should complete the appropriate application form available from the school
   website or upon request.

 • No fees are associated with this application.

 • The following information is required to accompany the completed application form:
   - Academic – most recent statement of academic results
   - Statement of other academic achievements
   - Evidence of involvement in school and community activities, such as sport, music, drama, art etc
   - A recent written reference from one person known well by the family and applicant
   - Leadership positions or responsibilities
   - Community service or activities
   - Other significant achievements (awards, commendations)
   - Hobbies or interests
   - Completed confidential Statement of Financial Affairs

    *Please ensure all documents/certificates/reports are copies.

This application form should be returned to the address below by 5:00pm on Friday 29 November 2019.

       Please forward to:                                    For further information please contact:
       Private & Confidential                                Private & Confidential
       Ms Rebecca Clarke                                     Ms Libby Emery
       Principal                                             Director of Admissions
       Walford Anglican School for Girls Inc.                Ph: 8373 4062
       PO Box 430 Unley South Australia 5061                 E:
Margaret Adams Scholarship 2020
                                                         PLEASE TICK

 Applicant Details                                      O Year 10 Entry | O Year 11 Entry | O Year 12 Entry
 Family Name:				                                       Given Names:

 Home Address:


 Date of Birth:

 Present School:

 Names of close relatives who attended Walford:
 (Please include: date of attendance, house, maiden name (where applicable) and relationship)

 Applicant’s Signature:									                                                                Date:   /   /

 Family Details
 Father’s Family Name:				                              Mother’s Family Name:

 Given Name:					Given Name:

 Dr/Rev’d/Mr					Dr/Rev’d/Mrs/Ms

 Home Address: 					Home Address:

 Telephone (home): 				                                 Telephone (home):

 (Mobile): 						(Mobile):

 (Business) : 					(Business):

 Email:						Email:

 Occupation: 					Occupation:

 Name, date of birth and school of applicant’s brothers and sisters:

 Signature of Parent/Guardian: 							                                                              Date:   /   /


CRICOS Provider No 00563J
Walford Anglican School for Girls Inc.
316 Unley Road Hyde Park South Australia 5061
PO Box 430 Unley South Australia 5061
Tel. 61 8 8373 4062 | Fax. 61 8 8272 0313
  /walfordschool |
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