Manor Fields News Spring 2018 - Manor Fields Primary School

Page created by Angela Alvarez
Manor Fields News Spring 2018 - Manor Fields Primary School
Manor Fields News                        Spring 2018
A new look for the new year and beyond     @MFPrimary
Manor Fields News Spring 2018 - Manor Fields Primary School
Welcome to our New-look Termly News!                                                                              Admissions Information
I am delighted to welcome you to our new-look newsletter.
                                                                                                          Parents who are considering applying for Manor Fields Nursery in September
This will not a replacement for our weekly information                                                    2018 may be interested to know that from the start of the 2018 - 19 academic
newsletters, but is a celebration of what your children have                                              year, the school will be offering wrap-around care for nursery-aged children.
done over the last few months. We plan to publish this                                                    This high quality provision will include breakfast and afterschool clubs that can
newsletter every term and, in the future, it will feature a                                               be tailored to meet your childcare needs.
resumé of class news as well as many of the wonderful events                                              Manor Fields will have one intake in September 2018 for children born from 1
and activities that have happened at Manor Fields. As you will                                            September 2014 and 31 August 2015. Applications will open on Monday 5
see with this first edition, we hope to bring you lots of lovely                                          February and close on Friday 16 March 2018. Parents who apply will be advised
photos of the children getting involved and having fun - there                                            by letter on 23 April 2018 if they have been successful in obtaining a place.
is always such a lot going on!
                                                                                                          Parents who are interested in applying for a Nursery place are invited to join
In this issue we cover Harvest, Christmas, the Grove Cottage                                              Nursery staff for ‘stay and play’ sessions with their children. These will be
Art Gallery and Science Week.                                                                             running during February; please contact the school office on 01279 757193 or
Happy reading!                                                     In This Issue:                         email for further details.

                                               Mrs Helen Smith     2    Welcome
                                                                   3 Harvest & Christmas
      Sporting Champions!                                                Craft Day

                                                                   4    Christmas

                                                                    5   Grove Cottage Art
                                                                                                                               Fun at the Panto!
                                                                   6    Science Week
                                                                                                         On 11 December, Years 3,4,5 and 6 visited the Rhodes Centre to watch the annual
                                                                    8   What’s Coming Up                 pantomime, Snow White.
                                                                                                         All children and staff
                                                                                                         thoroughly enjoyed the
                                                                   Manor Fields are the new County
                                                                                                         show - and some even got
                                                                   Basketball champions!
                                                                                                         on stage to really join in the
                                                                   After one year of practising, Manor
                                                                                                         fun! We are looking
                                                                   Fields have made a massive
                                                                   improvement from being 5th last       forward to next year’s                                                            3
                                                                   year in the district, to County       performance of Beauty and
                                                                   Champions!                            the Beast.
Manor Fields News Spring 2018 - Manor Fields Primary School
Last term was a busy one and was punctuated by some wonderful
whole school events. The Harvest Assembly which took place in
October was our annual celebration and thanks for all that we

                                                                                                                                                  Christmas Craft Day
have. The children took part in a heart-warming assembly which                          On Christmas Craft Day dressed for the festive season,
was watched by many of our parents. The school also collected                           the children, staff, parent and grandparent helpers got
food and grocery items for Bishop’s Stortford Food Bank.                                stuck into (literally) all the activities. There was
                                                                                        handprinting, bookmark-making, finger painting,
Following the Harvest assembly, parents were invited to Open
                                                                                        glueing and sticking all day long – everyone was
Classrooms where they had the chance to see what has been
                                                                                        extremely busy and the resulting decorations were
going on so far in the year. It was lovely to see parents and their
                                                                                        wonderful! We had lots of help and all our visitors
children looking through and discussing the work.
                                                                                        were treated to a cup of tea and a mince pie at break
                                                                                        time. A big thank you to all those who came into help
                                                                                        on the day. It makes a big difference and your
                                                                                        participation is much appreciated.

                                                                      Left: Harvest
                                                                      Assembly and
                                                                      Open Classrooms

                                                                      Below, right and
                                                                      above right: Pupils
                                                                      and helpers having
                                                                      fun on Christmas
                                                                      Craft Day

 3                                                                                                                                                              3
Manor Fields News Spring 2018 - Manor Fields Primary School
Our Christmas performances are always much anticipated. This
year Reception children presented The Christmas Story, and Years
1 and 2 performed Baubles - A Tree-mendous Nativity. A full
house of parents, grandparents and friends watched all of the
performances with much delight. They were wonderful shows; all
the children worked very hard and performed beautifully.
Nursery children also performed a nativity play for parents which
was equally wonderful. We are very proud of their energy and
enthusiasm especially at the end of a long term. It was a great
way to round off and celebrate prior to finishing for the Christmas

Manor Fields News Spring 2018 - Manor Fields Primary School
                                             Amazing Art! - Grove Cottage Gallery
                           Year 2

                                                    Year 3

                                                               The Manor Fields Art Gallery was open for
                                                               business in November. All of our children had
                                                               been busy creating amazing pieces of art which
                                    Year 4                     were displayed in the hall and then auctioned off
                                                               as part of the Grove Cottage Grow a £1 appeal.
                                                               We were delighted to welcome many parents to
                                                               the gallery as well as Richard Smith and Tracy
                                                               Fisher from Grove Cottage. Everyone was very
    Reception                                                  impressed with the quality of the art on display.
                                                               In total we raised £828 for Grove Cottage.
                                                               Excellent work everyone!

    Year 1

                                                                                                       Year 3
3            Year 6
                                                     Year 5
Manor Fields News Spring 2018 - Manor Fields Primary School
What’s Coming Up                                                                            Fabulous Science Week!
                           February                     As part of our topics this term, we held a Science Week for all year groups towards the end of January. The children were very
March                  12 - 16      Half term           hands-on and were keen to get involved in all things Science! They enjoyed carrying out a variety of experiments which included
                                                        examining how colour is dispersed, how and why raisins float in lemonade, and the frequency at which a dropped slice of bread
1    National Book Day                                  falls butter-side down! Watching the colour bleed out from a plate of Skittles was really exciting! We were delighted and
12   Life Bus Week                                      grateful to the team from GSK who organised the workshops: Becky Scott, Jo Storey, Phil Hackett and Philip Burston. Thanks
19   Run for Fun for Sports Relief                      also to Neema Jabbar, Stacey Collings, Lucy Storey, Katie Nykanen, Louisa Kirby, Rachel Hackett, Natasha Smith and Cheryl
                                                        Barber for assisting with the workshops.
20   World Down Syndrome Day
27   Parent Consultations - Yrs R,2 & 6                 It was a wonderful way for the children to learn and expand their scientific knowledge; and we all had lots of fun in the process!
28   Parent Consultations - Yrs R,2 & 6
     3.30pm-5.00pm and 5.30pm - 7.30 pm
29   Term ends
                          16     Term starts
          KS1 SATs this month
7         Bank Holiday
14 - 18   KS2 SATs
21        Outdoor Learning Week
27 - 31   Half Term
                      4        INSET Day
                                                                                   Fabulous Science Mark!
July                                                                    We are also delighted to report that last term we became the proud recipients of
2    Year 4 Fossey to Burwell                                           Primary Science Quality Mark, Silver Award given to us the University of Hertford-
9    Year 4 Darwin to Burwell                                           shire and the Why & How Primary Science Teaching Trust. This recognises all the
10   Year 6 Evening Production        Full term dates and calendar      hard work and dedication from our staff in the area of Science. As last week’s
12   Move Up Day                                                        Science Week shows, we are continually working towards expanding and sparking
                                     information is available on the
                                                                        your children’s interest in Science.
24   30th Birthday Celebrations              school website:
25   Term Ends             

Manor Fields News Spring 2018 - Manor Fields Primary School
Manor Fields Primary School
Penningtons, Bishop’s Stortford, CM23 4LE
           tel: 01279 757193
Manor Fields News Spring 2018 - Manor Fields Primary School Manor Fields News Spring 2018 - Manor Fields Primary School Manor Fields News Spring 2018 - Manor Fields Primary School
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