Manor Brook Headwater Stream Restoration Project - The Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How of the project. Zoom meeting to be held on Monday ...

Page created by Cynthia Joseph
Manor Brook Headwater Stream Restoration Project - The Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How of the project. Zoom meeting to be held on Monday ...
Manor Brook Headwater
 Stream Restoration Project
The Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How of the project.

          Zoom meeting to be held on Monday,
              January 4, 2021, 7:00 p.m.
Manor Brook Headwater Stream Restoration Project - The Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How of the project. Zoom meeting to be held on Monday ...
Zoom Info
• William Koons is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

• Topic: Manor Brook 319 grant
• Time: Jan 4, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

• Join Zoom Meeting

• Meeting ID: 885 4688 0797
• Passcode: 296111
Manor Brook Headwater Stream Restoration Project - The Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How of the project. Zoom meeting to be held on Monday ...
What is a 319 grant from the OEPA?
• Grants from the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency are state-
  wide, highly competitive grants given to municipalities and other

• A chance to make improvements in our storm water management
  and to restore a stream is an opportunity for the village to make life
  better for our residents.

• Thanks to Whitetail Run Community Association, Inc. for considering
  our request to use your property to improvement our village.
Manor Brook Headwater Stream Restoration Project - The Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How of the project. Zoom meeting to be held on Monday ...
Who is in charge of the project?
• South Russell Village received a $276,000 grant from the Ohio
  Environmental Protection Agency to reduce erosion and
  sedimentation, restore floodplain access and improve stream habitat.
  The village will contribute $184,000 for a total project cost of
• South Russell Village secured the grant and the Chagrin River
  Watershed Partners will administer the grant.
• CT Consultants will design the project.
• A contractor will be hired in early 2021 to build the project.
Manor Brook Headwater Stream Restoration Project - The Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How of the project. Zoom meeting to be held on Monday ...
What Will Be Done?
• CT Consultants designed the project to expand the present stream
  running through SRV by installing approximately an additional 950
  linear feet of stream restoration and approximately 1 acre of riparian
  revegetation on four separate properties owned by Whitetail. The
  stream length will be 1,360 feet when the project is completed.

• The next four slides show a typical stream restoration project
  previously engineered by CT Consultants.
Manor Brook Headwater Stream Restoration Project - The Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How of the project. Zoom meeting to be held on Monday ...
Manor Brook Headwater Stream Restoration Project - The Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How of the project. Zoom meeting to be held on Monday ...
Where will construction occur?
• The northwest and southwest corners of the intersection of Manor
  Brook Drive and Chillicothe Road on property owned and now
  properly titled to the Whitetail.
When will construction begin and end?
     What are important dates to be aware?
• Construction to be completed by September 30, 2022.
• A two-year plant warranty provides for the replacement of plants that
  do not successfully establish within the first growing season.
• This agreement can be terminated by the Whitetail or South Russell
  Village upon thirty (30) days’ written notice to the other party.
• The village shall have the sole responsibility for the Project
  maintenance for a minimum of 30 years.
Why should this project occur?
• This project will reduce erosion and flooding of the homes on the east
  side of Chillicothe.
• By slowly releasing the water south toward Fox Run, Sugar Bush,
  Southwyck and eventually to McFarland Creek, erosion and flooding
  will also be reduced in these neighborhoods.
• The next three slides show water flooding homes and property on the
  east side of Chillicothe Road.
Ditch on the east side of Chillicothe Road
flowing west to Manor Brook Drive
How will this project be built?
• Storm water from the east side of Chillicothe Road will be quickly moved, then
  held, cleaned and slowly released through the restored and lengthened stream
  presently located in the northwest corner of Manor Brook Drive and Chillicothe
• Restoration of approximately 1,360 linear feet of stream and reconnection of the
  stream to 1,360 linear feet of floodplain will occur by excavating areas along the
  stream and regrading streambanks to a 3:1 or more gradual slope.
• Rock protection may be used at the toe of the streambanks in addition to the
  installation of native woody plant species along the entire regraded streambanks
  for further long-term stabilization.
• Woody debris may also be used to create aquatic habitat diversity and additional
  slope stabilization. Revegetation of 1 acre of riparian corridor with native woody
  tree an shrubs will occur.
• Will the completed project be visible from Manor Brook Drive?
• Will the Whitetail Run Community Association incur any financial
• Will the village maintain the property?
• Will residents have access to the area?
• Will a walking path be built on the north side of Manor Brook Drive
  from Whitetail Drive east to Chillicothe Road?
• How extensive will be the noise, dirt on the roads and traffic issues
  during construction?
• What are plans for the culverts under Chillicothe Road?
Our next meetings
• Monday, January 18, 2021, 7:00 p.m.

• Monday, February 1, 2021, 7:00 p.m.

• SRV council meets on Monday, February 8, 2021, 7:30 p.m.
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