Caer Mear QD Volume 43 Issue 2 - Quid Novi February 2022 - Barony of Caer Mear

Page created by Carlos Harmon
Caer Mear QD Volume 43 Issue 2 - Quid Novi February 2022 - Barony of Caer Mear
Caer Mear QD
             Volume 43                           Issue 2

       Quid Novi                      February 2022
A Publication of the Barony of Cear Mear Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc.
From the Baronage
To the Populous of Caer Mear,
     We hope everyone is staying safe we are still examining all aspects
of the surge in cases and looking forward to seeing everyone back in
person when the kingdom reopens.
Yours in Service,
Aedan Aylwyn and Aine Ruadh Inghean Neill
Atlantia Calendar
February - 2022

02-05 - 02-06 : ONLINE Winter University of Atlantia :Atlantia City DC (Atlantia)
02-11 - 02-13 : 47th Tournament of Ymir - Defenders of Dubhlinn :Ellerbe NC (Windmasters' Hill) (Q K
Pr P )
02-12 - 02-12 : Bright Hills Baronial Birthday :Manchester MD (Bright Hills)
02-19 - 02-20 : AEdult Swim 2022 : (Aethelmearc) (K P )
02-26 - 02-26 : Day of Love II :Virginia Beach VA (Marinus) (Q K )
02-26 - 02-26 : Tournament of Love and Beauty :Manassas VA (Ponte Alto)

March - 2022

03-05 - 03-05 : Kingdom Arts and Sciences Festival :Mebane NC (Atlantia) (Q K Pr )
03-11 - 03-13 : Nottinghill Coill Baronial Birthday XLII :Bennettsville SC (Nottinghill Coill)
03-12 - 03-20 : Gulf Wars XXX : (Gleann Abhann) (Q K Pr P )
03-18 - 03-20 : Raven's Cove Baronial Birthday!! :Beulaville NC (Raven's Cove)
03-26 - 03-26 : Defending the Gate 2022 :Spotsylvania VA (Sudentorre)

April - 2022

04-01 - 04-03 : Coronation of Cuan and Adelhait :Boonvile NC (Atlantia) (Q K Pr P )
04-09 - 04-09 : Dragon's Fire - A Celebration of St. George's Day :Easley SC (Saint Georges)
04-09 - 04-09 : Festival of Elvegast: Journey to Avallon :Hillsborough NC (Elvegast)
04-15 - 04-17 : Night Under a Faie Moon :Annapolis MD (Lochmere)
04-22 - 04-24 : Revenge of the Stitch VII :Chestertown Road MD (Spiaggia Levantina)
04-22 - 04-24 : Hidden Mountain Baronial Birthday :Bennettsville SC (Hidden Mountain
Business Meeting Minutes
Old Business:
      • Financial Policy edits in progress

New Business:
      • Ruby Joust:
           o Bid for Ruby Joust and awarded to Mariorie
      • Battery Park Church has invited us back to hold our
         practices and we are examining this option
Officer Reports
• Exchequer: No transactions for this month, doomsday report in

  progress, and financial policy edits are in progress

• Chatelaine: Nothing to report

• Herald: Nothing to report

• Chronicler: Nothing to report

• Minister of Arts and Sciences: Virtual A & S will continue

• Chancellor of Youth: Nothing to report

• Minister of the Lists: Nothing to report

• Knights Marshal: Nothing to report

• Web Minister: Direct link to society COVID-19 Policy has been

Meeting Schedule
All meetings are currently held online through Zoom and Facebook
meeting rooms.

Arts and Science Night: Wednesday 7:00 PM Check Facebook Page
for Location

Fighter Practices: Currently Suspended

Archery Practice: Currently Suspended

Thrown Weapons Practices: Currently Suspended

Business meeting: 2nd Wednesday of the Month at 7:30 PM Check
Facebook for Zoom Link
College of Yarnvid
Business meetings: Held as needed Virtually
Volunteer Opportunities

          • The Chancellor of Youth Deputy
            • Demo Organizational Team
                      • MOL

 If you are interested in serving your Barony please
contact the current position holders or the Seneschal.
•   Baronage:
•   Seneschal:
•   Exchequer:
•   Quartermaster:
•   Chatelaine:
•   Herald:
•   Chronicler:
•   Minister of Arts and Sciences:
•   Chancellor of Youth: Vacant
•   Minister of the Lists: Vacant
•   Knights Marshal:
•   Rapier Marshal:
•   Archery Marshal: Vacant
•   Thrown Weapons Marshal: thrown.marshal@caermear,
•   Youth Armored Marshal:
•   Web Minister:
Cover Page:
       Knight: Boyaval, O. (2013, June 10). Medieval Knight by Etory on Deviant Art.
Retrieved November 25, 2019, from
377118704. (Image edited by Kenric the Hale)

This is the Caer Mear QD, a publication of the Barony of Caer Mear of the Society for Creative
Anachronism, Inc. The Caer Mear QD is available from Kenric the Hale, Subscriptions are free as all publications are available
electronically. This newsletter is not a corporate publication of the Society for Creative
Anachronism, Inc. and does not delineate SCA Policies. Copyright 2021 Society for Creative
Anachronism, Inc. For information on reprinting letter and artwork from this publication, please
contact the Barony of Caer Mear Chronicler, who will assist you in contacting the contents
original creator. Please respect the legal rights of our contributors.
Please send submissions to: or at
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