Log Sheet FEBRUARY 2021 - Gulfport Yacht Club

Page created by Christopher Schroeder
Log Sheet FEBRUARY 2021 - Gulfport Yacht Club
Official Publication of Gulfport Yacht Club            FEBRUARY 2021

                           Log Sheet

    Memory Lane…                                       2005 Sailing Camp

Log Sheet FEBRUARY 2021 - Gulfport Yacht Club
                                                        Proposed Member:
      GYC 2021 Governing Board                                             David Ratcliff
                   Flag Officers
Commodore                John Watson Galloway
Vice Commodore           Stephen Simpson
Rear Commodore           Skipper Kalil
Fleet Captain            Brian Sullivan                        Find Your Member Number and Win $50!
Fleet Surgeon            Tony Rizk
Treasurer                Hal Kaigler
                                                        Along with the missing Parrot, members also have the chance to
Secretary                Paul Terrell                    win. We have hidden someone's member number within this
Past Commodore           Barry Cottrell                       publication. It will look something like this, #0810.

            Board Members
One Year             Two Year                            Please understand that the COVID situation
Harry Hewes          Joey Beattie
Finley Ward          Courtney Collier-Borzik            and official edicts and recommendations are
William Van Kirk     John Freeman IV                        changing daily. Although our Club is
Johnny Atherton      Margaret Murdock
                                                             attempting to inch toward normal
Standing Committees       Chairperson                   operations, as the virus situation changes we
Sailing                   Steve Nolte
By Laws and Rules         Paul Terrell                                must also change.
Committee Boat            Steve Nolte
Docks and Piers           Justin McGuffee
                                                         Advertisements of events, programs, dates,
Entertainment             Jennifer Sanders               and times throughout this publication are
History                   Michael Hage
Finance                   Dan O’Neal
                                                                  still subject to change.
House                     Patrick Sanders
Insurance                 Eric Warren
Long Range Capital        Dan O’Neal                                  GUEST POLICY REMINDER
Ladies Auxiliary          Lisa Fagan
Log Sheet                 Samson Vasquez                 GUESTS ARE ONLY ALLOWED ONE VISIT PER MONTH,
Property & Maint.         Pearce Hopkins
Membership                Mike Cassady                  AND NO MORE THAN SIX TIMES PER YEAR. GUESTS ARE
Powerboat                 Johnny Marquez                 REQUIRED TO SIGN IN AS THEY ENTER THROUGH THE
Swim Team                 Christine O'Bannon
                                                                     HEALTH CHECK-IN AREA.
                 Ladies Auxiliary
President               Lisa Fagan
Vice President          Darla Goodfellow
Secretary               Ruthie Kennedy
Treasurer               Karen Vickery
Parliamentarian         Camille Williams
Chaplin                 Judy Seicshnaydre                                             This Facebook group is strictly for
               Contact Information                                                    Gulfport Yacht Club members
           PO Box 600 39502 Gulfport, MS                                              and their immediate family only.
           800 East Pier 39501 Gulfport, MS
   Telephone: 228-863-6796 FAX: 228-863-9843                                          This group will allow two way
 www.gulfportyachtclub.org info@gulfportyachtclub.org                                 communication between the
General Manager: Steve Chatelain           Ext 301                                    staff & membership and be-
Executive Chef :   RJ Jones                Ext 305                                    tween the members. Also, allow-
Reservations/Event Planning:               Ext 306
                                                                                      ing members to share their ideas,
Sailing Director:  Samson Vasquez   228-323-1336
                   samsonvasquez@gmail.com                                            experiences, & pictures.
                                                                                           Please click here to join!
Log Sheet FEBRUARY 2021 - Gulfport Yacht Club
GYC Upcoming Member Events
Sunday, February 7th              Super Bowl, Free Hot Dogs, Chili/ Chips 5:30pm Kick-off
Friday, February 12th             Valentine’s Day Lobster & Steak Dinner (RSVP Required)
Wednesday, March 17th             St. Patrick’s Day Dinner Buffet
Thursday, March 25th              Happy Hour Pickers - Open Jam/Mic Night 6pm
Thursday, March 18th              GYC Thursday Night Trout Tournament 3:00pm-8:00pm
Thursday, April 1st               GYC Thursday Night Trout Tournament 3:00pm-8:00pm
Friday, April 2nd                 “Kid’s Night Out”, Babysitting on the 3rd floor (RSVP Required)
Sunday, April 4th                 Easter Egg Hunt, Pictures with the Easter Bunny, & Brunch
Mon-Tue, April 5-6                US Sailing Level 2 Instructor Course
Wed-Fri, April 7-9                Spring Sailing Camp - 10am-4pm
Saturday, April 10th              GYC Crawfish Boil (RSVP Encouraged)
Saturday, April 10th              Gulf Coast High School Sailing Championships at GYC
Thursday, April 15th              GYC Thursday Night Trout Tournament 3:00pm-8:00pm
Thursday, April 22nd              Happy Hour Pickers - Open Jam/Mic Night 6pm
Thursday, April 29th              GYC Thursday Night Trout Tournament 3:00pm-8:00pm
Wednesday, May 5th                Cinco de Mayo Fiesta 6:00pm
Friday, May 7th                   “Kid’s Night Out”, Babysitting on the 3rd floor (RSVP Required)
Sunday, May 9th                   Mothers' Day Champagne Brunch (RSVP Required)
Saturday, May 29th                GYC Opening Day Flag Raising Ceremony & Boat Parade
Saturday, May 29th                Ship Island Rendezvous (hamburgers & hot dogs for Members
Sunday, May 30th                  52nd Annual Race for the Case

                                              Gulfport Yacht Club—Quick Links
                                      GYC Membership Application
                                           (Page 1 http://su1.co/app1 2 http://su1.co/app2)
                                      Members-Only Facebook Group - Only invite Current Members
        Pot of Gold                   Fish Cleaning Station Donation Form - http://su1.co/gycfcs
                                      Summer Sailing Camp Sign Up Form - http://su1.co/gycsc
                                      Spring Break Sailing Camp Form - http://su1.co/GYCSP
     Every Friday Night
                                      FJ & Optimist Spring Weekend Clinic Form - http://su1.co/FJOPT
          8:00pm                      Swim Team Sign Up Form - http://su1.co/gycswm
                                      Thursday Night Trout Tournaments - http://su1.co/trout

     The Winner will receive a    Find the Hidden Parrot
    credit on their GYC Account
                                  Somewhere in this Log Sheet we have lost our Parrot. Find him
    Must be Present to WIN        by February 5th and let us know where you found him. We will
                                  randomly draw one winner each month. Prizes will range from
                                  GYC Food & Beverage Credit to free Dinners.
      The Pot grows every         15 members found the parrot! Todd Ladner was the
     week in which there is       lucky winner and will receive a $50 credit to his
          no winner!              account! Who will find it this month?
Log Sheet FEBRUARY 2021 - Gulfport Yacht Club
From the GYC Bridge
                                                                             Commodore’s Report
                                                                                  John Watson Galloway

January went by quickly and February is already here. I hope       the pool and deck are on schedule for all of the members to
everyone was able to start the New Year off right. It’s time       enjoy this summer.
for resolutions, and I have one for you. Spend more time at
                                                                This year, one of my many goals it to improve the GYC social
the GYC! The more members that use the club, the better
                                                                media presence. We already have a great text system that
our club becomes. This is your club and you should take
                                                                keeps members informed of upcoming events. Through our
advantage of the amazing benefits it has to offer. Need
                                                                Facebook page, I would love to see the outcomes of these
another resolution? Next time you see someone at the club
                                                                events come to life through posted pictures and videos. To
that you do not know, go introduce yourself. I know it’s not
                                                                share club experiences, photographs, ideas and general
always easy starting a conversation with someone you just
                                                                discussion, a private Facebook group has been set up. This
met, but everyone at the club shares a common interest and
                                                                group is for Club Members Only. To join the group, please go
enhancing our GYC community benefits us all. I value all of
                                                                to https://www.facebook.com/groups/gycmembers. Lastly,
the friendships that I have formed through the club over the
                                                                the club has a new and very useful website; it’s awesome and
years. Not to mention, the first date with my wife, nearly
                                                                compatible with your phone or computer. The website also
twelve years ago, began at the GYC Challenge Cup Regatta.
                                                                has the ability to convert to an app on your phone homepage,
I attended the Entertainment Committee’s most recent please look below for the instructions.
meeting and I’m really looking forward to all of the upcoming
                                                                As always, the club staff is working tirelessly to make the GYC
events. The Super Bowl is on February 7th and I encourage
                                                                a safe place for everyone, but we must do our part. Please
everyone to come on down and enjoy the complementary
                                                                adhere to all of the precautions in place to prevent the spread
hot dog and nacho bar. I know the Saints didn’t have the
                                                                of Covid-19. Please wear your mask when not at your table
outcome we hoped for, but we can still enjoy the comradery
                                                                or at the bar! Let’s take care of each other and keep the club
and watch Tom Brady continue to make NFL history. There
                                                                safe for us all.
will also be a Valentine’s Day dinner on Friday, February 12th.
Call the office to reserve your table for you and your special See you at the Club!
someone. Due to continued Covid-19 protocol, the first
Parents Night Out has been rescheduled for April 1st. Parents
will be able to enjoy dinner, while your kids are being
entertained on the third floor. It’s a win, win!
The Restoration Committee is making great progress. The
first things you will see are new paint and flooring on the
second floor. The paint will be a lighter color and will freshen
things up to make the rooms seem larger and brighter. The
flooring will be a wood laminate. It will be a cleaner and
more attractive upgrade to the existing carpet. Furthermore,

                                                                      HELP WANTED
                                                                          Day 1
                                                                        The GYC Junior Activities Committee is
                                                                          looking for some more volunteers!
                                                                       We need help with planning and executing
                                                                       the Easter Egg Hunt, Halloween Party, And
                                                                        Christmas Gift Exchange. Please, contact
                                                                         Samson Vasquez at 228-323-1336 or in-
                                                                      fo@gulfportyachtclub.org to be added to the
                                                                                       GYC team!
Log Sheet FEBRUARY 2021 - Gulfport Yacht Club
Sailing Director Samson Vasquez
                                     S a i l i n g
                                                          2021 GYC Regatta Schedule
                                                          April 10th               Gulf Coast High School Champs
     2021 High School Sailing Practice Dates:             May 30th                 Race for the Case
                                                          June 12th                New Orleans to Gulfport Race
   St. Patrick Catholic and Gulfport Sailing Teams will   June 18th-20th           GYA Challenge Cup
   practice on Wednesdays & Thursdays 4pm till dark.      June 25th                Gulfport to Pensacola Race
               $150 for the Spring Season.
                                                          July 21st-Aug 1st        Weatherly Regatta
                (Open to 7th-12th Graders)
                                                          August 7-8               Gulf Coast Sportboat Champs
                      February 10-11                      August 21-22             Galloway Regatta
                      February 24-25
                                                          September 18-19          Alfonso Jr. Regatta & Sutter Cup
                       March 17-18
                       March 24-25                        Spring Optimist & FJ Clinic:
                      March 31-April 1
                                                          Saturday’s & Sunday’s 10am-4pm. $384.00 for Mem-
                                                          bers. For ages 6 and up.
                 High School Regattas:                    March 20-21
    April 10 - Gulf Coast High School Sailing Champs      March 27-28
                                                          April 17-18
                                                          April 24-25
                                                          Spring Sailing Camp:
                                                          Wednesday-Friday 10am-4pm $150 For ages 6 and
                                                          April 6th-8th
                                                          Summer Sailing Camp:
                                                          Sessions are two weeks, four days a week. Monday-
                                                          Thursday. 9am-4pm $392 for Members. $492 for Non-
                                                          Members. Limited to 20 Sailors per session: The GYC
                                                          Member sign up period is January-March. Open en-
                                                          rollment for non-members will start on April 1st. All
                                                          spots will be on a first come first serve basis. For ages
                                                          6 and up.
                                                          Session 1  Session 2              Session 3         Session 4
                                                          June 7-10 June 21-24              July 5-8          July 19-21
                                                          June 14-17 June 28-July 1         July 12-15

 Day 2                                                     THURSDAY SPECKLED TROUT TOURNAMENTS
                                                          GYC has some Thursday evening Speckled Trout tournament
                                                          scheduled for the Spring. $15 per person. The two heaviest
                                                          speckled trout will split the pot 70/30 (GYC Credit towards their
                                                          account). Guests are welcome. Boats must have at least one
                                                          GYC member aboard and everyone on the boat must register.
                                                          Dock fishing is allowed as well.
                                                               March 4th - March 18 - April 1st - April 15th - April 29th
                                                            Start fishing anytime after 3:00pm. Anglers must be in line at
                                                                            weigh-in by 8:30pm. Click here.
Log Sheet FEBRUARY 2021 - Gulfport Yacht Club
Ladies Auxiliary’s Report                                   General Manager’s Report
                Lisa Fagan, President                                      Steve Chatelain, General Manager

January 2021 brings forth a new year and new hope         As you visit the club you will notice that the first phase of
for the Gulfport Yacht Club Ladies Auxiliary (GYCLA) to   the Hurricane restoration has begun. We will start with
resume our monthly luncheons, weekly bridge games         painting and flooring in the interior of the clubhouse. Sim-
and gatherings with new friends and old. Our goals        ultaneously we will also be working on the pool house and
this year will be to increase Membership, Participa-      pool. We appreciate your continued patience and under-
tion, Community and Charity.                              standing during this process and look forward to reopen-
                                                          ing full time soon after all construction phases have been
This year, our GYCLA Luncheons will be held on the
fourth Thursday of the month. Please note the
change to Thursday not Wednesday. The GYC sched-          The Entertainment, Sailing and Swimming Committees
ule shows the club closed on Thursdays but Steve has      have all met and put a tentative calendar together for
arranged to accommodate us. Traditionally, the Janu-      2021. A copy of the various schedules, Social Events, Re-
ary Luncheon hosts the Commodore, and the installa-       gatta and Swim Events are enclosed in this logsheet edi-
tion of the new officers. Due to the current COVID-19     tion. As long as the CDC restrictions and guidelines allow
restrictions, a luncheon did not occur. We did, how-      us, we look forward to an exciting year at the club. Keep
ever, have a small private ceremony, in which the         an eye out for any schedule changes posted during the
2021 GYCLA Board was sworn in. We presented Com-          year via email, text, website or our private GYC facebook
modore John Watson Galloway with a gift of appreci-       page.
ation, a handsome GYC fishing shirt.                      The Membership Committee is running another drive this
Our leadership team includes me as president; Darla       year. Former GYC Members in good standing and any Im-
Goodfellow, vice president; Ruthie Kennedy, secre-        mediate Family of a current GYC Member can join with no
tary; Karen Vickery, treasurer and Camille Williams,      initiation fee obligation, this is a $2,000 savings. The join-
parliamentarian. Our chaplain is Judy Seicshnaydre.       ing member will be obligated to pay annual dues
Committee Chairpersons include Linda Domino,              (prorated) upon being accepted. The new member will al-
Events Decorating Chair; Dottie Long, Communica-          so receive a $50 food and beverage credit for the first 6
tions Chair; Dinah Jordan, Luncheon Hostess Chair;        months and the Primary Sponsoring GYC Member will re-
Lynn Ward, Bridge Club Chair; Donna Clausen, Hospi-       ceive a credit up to $500 (depending on the membership
tality Chair and Valerie Pitalo, Special Events. We all   category) on their 2022 dues. If you need more infor-
look forward working with the different GYC com-          mation or an application please let me know.
mittees and bumping into y’all at the Club.               Somewhere hidden in this Log Sheet is a random member
Best Regards to the GYC Community,                        number selected by a blind drawing. If you find the num-
                                                          ber and it’s yours please, call me with the location and win
Lisa Fagan                                                a $50.00 F/B credit on your GYC account. In January at our
                                                          Friday Night weekly Pot of Gold Drawing, Darren Smith
2021 GYC Ladies Auxiliary President
                                                          won a $650.00 credit on his GYC account, Congratulations
                                                          Thank you,

                                                          Steven Chatelain
Log Sheet FEBRUARY 2021 - Gulfport Yacht Club
2021 Gulfport Yacht Club - Swim Team Information
The Gulfport Yacht Club Swim Team Sign-Up Form. You        Swim Meet Dates:
must pre-register each child by filling out the form.      May 27 @ Diamondhead
http://su1.co/gycswm                                       June 3 @ Biloxi Nat.
                                                           June 8 @ Gulfport Rec
Dates: May 17th through June 25th, 2021. The after-        June 15 @ GYC
noon sessions start first on May 17th. Then, adding the    June 21 @ BB
morning sessions on June 1st.

Cost:                                                      Swim Meet Times:
Skimmers - Ages 3-8. $145.00                               4:00 Arrive at Swim Meet
Junior Skimmers - Ages 9-10 years old. $70.00              4:30 Warm-ups
Senior Skimmers - Ages 11-up. $35.00                       5:00 Meet start

Sponsor Fees for all non-members +$75
                                                           Swim Team Championship at GYC
GUIDELINES FOR SWIM CLASSES                                11-18 year-olds: Thursday, June 24. 4:00pm Warm-ups,
Skimmers 3-8 year-olds: (Thirty-nine 30 min sessions)      5:00pm Swim Meet
Children who have NOT taken or mastered basic water        (Make-up rain day Saturday, June 27 12:00pm)
survival skills or safety. Swim Lessons will be taught fo- 10-under: Saturday, June 26. 7:00am Warm-ups, 8:00am
                                                           Swim Meet
cusing on basic water survival skills, water safety, and in-
troducing basic swimming strokes. Children will be bro-
ken into small groups of 6-12 according to swimming abil- Swim Team Banquet on 3rd floor of GYC
ity and ages.                                                Sunday, June 27 @ 4:00pm
Mornings: 9:00am-9:30am (June 1-June 25)
Afternoons: 5:00pm-5:30pm (May 17-June 25)                   Link to GYC Swim Team Google Calendar - https://
Junior Skimmers 9-10 year-olds: (Thirty-nine 45 min ses-
sions) Children who have mastered basic water survival
skills and safety of any age. Swim lessons will review
basic water survival skills and safety and teach basic
                                                             Link to Medical Form - https://
stroke instruction. Children will be broken up into small
groups of 6-12 according to swimming ability and ages.
Mornings: 9:30am-10:15am (June 1-June 25)
Afternoons: 4:15pm-5:00pm (May 17-June 25)

Senior Skimmers 11+: (Thirty-nine 45 min sessions) Chil-   See you at the pool,
dren must be able to jump in the deep end and swim the     Christine O'Bannon
length of the pool independently and safely. Basic and
advanced stroke instruction with an emphasis on stroke     Swim Team Coach
improvement, endurance, flip turns, starts, finishes,      Gulfport Yacht Club
dives.                                                     Cell: 228-861-0273.
Mornings: 10:15am-11:00am (June 1-June 25)                 Email: ccobannon@gmail.com
Afternoons: 3:30pm-4:15pm (May 17-June 25)

(No afternoon Practice on Swim Meet days. No practices
on Friday, June 18)
Log Sheet FEBRUARY 2021 - Gulfport Yacht Club
From the Past: Mike Cassady                   9-foot seas and headed home. But last        apparently could not get the boat back
                                              week, Father Tipton, who is also chair-      into the wind to get him,” he related. The
         The following article appeared in
                                              man of the offshore committee of the         Sting was equipped with an outboard
the New York Times on April 17, 1983,
                                              Gulf Yachting Association which spon-        motor, but it was lifted out of the water
recalling a tragic event that occurred dur-
                                              sored the race, still was trying to learn    so much it was useless.
                                              exactly what happened to the rest of the
CUIT. The G.O.R.C., as it was known, was                                                 Further, continued Father Tipton, “they
a series of offshore racing held in March                                                had just had a major squall come through
during the 70s and 80s and sailed over        Nearly a third of the boats suffered major with hail and lighting and had lost visibil-
three consecutive weekends. The regatta       problems. One sailor was washed over- ity.
was sponsored by the Gulf Yachting Asso-      board and presumed drowned. And at
                                                                                         Two other boats, Slot Machine and Diri-
ciation and generally hosted by the Gulf-     one point, the Coast Guard was coping
                                                                                         go, issued Maydays after they lost their
port Yacht Club.                              with three Mayday calls from the fleet.
                                                                                         rudders. Slot Machine’s anchors would
“Tragedy Shows Peril in Offshore Racing”      The loss of life, as well as the broad not hold, and the boat was taking on wa-
by Joanne A. Fishman                          range of gear failures, has prompted the ter, said Father Tipton, so the crew “did
                                              Gulf Yachting Association, which compris- the smartest thing they could do. They
The Rev. Paul S. Tipton, S.J., rose early on
                                              es of 26 yacht clubs, to investigate. The buttoned up the boat and went below
the morning of the Lightship Race [March
                                              State of Mississippi and the Coast Guard and said, ‘We’re riding this baby to the
25, 1983] to study the weather. Besides
                                              are also investigating.                    beach.’”
being the president of Spring Hill College
in Mobile, Ala., Father Tipton races a 40- The Sting, a J-29 Class sloop skippered by      They set up a survival tent on a barrier
foot sloop called Holy Smoke with a crew William Whitehurst of Pensacola, Fla.,            island, where they were found by Father
of students.                                 was four miles south of the entrance to       Tipton the next morning. After Dirigo, a
                                             the Pascagoula, Miss., channel when it        Hunter 34, lost its rudder, the skipper
For the start of the 180-mile overnight
                                             issued a Mayday, according to a Coast         took the wheel off the boat and lashed
race in the Gulf of Mexico late last
                                             Guard spokesman in Mobile. Nelson             the storm job around it to fashion a sea
month, the marine and aircraft weather
                                             Roltsch, 19, of Gulf Breeze, Fla., an expe-   anchor. This held the boat for 12 hours
reports all forecast the same thing:
                                             rienced dinghy racer, had been lost over-     until the Coast Guard arrived.
Winds would be building to 25 knots with
                                             board when a wave broke on the boat,
4- to 6-foot seas.                                                                         In other mishaps, Father Tipton said, an
                                             rolling it.
                                                                                           Ericson 34 named Rob Roy “opened up in
Good sailing weather. A front was fore-
                                             Father Tipton said he believed Roltsch,       the sea.” The crew kept the pumps run-
cast to come through on Sunday, a day
                                             who was not wearing a floatation device,      ning and raced for port.
after the fleet would have finished. But
                                             was in the cockpit with Mark Manger,
that’s not what happened.                                                                  There were two reports of electrical fires
                                             the helmsman, when the wave struck.
                                                                                           caused by waves washing down the com-
A fleet of 29 boats, primarily club racers Neither was attached to the boat by a
                                                                                           panionways and dousing electronic
rather than grand prix yachts, started in a lifeline, and both were swept away. Man-
                                                                                           equipment in the navigation stations, he
10- to 12-knot breeze on a Friday. There gers grabbed a loose sheet and pulled
                                                                                           said. Two boats lost their rigs. And a 37-
were to race from Gulfport, Miss., to the himself in, said Father Tipton.
                                                                                           foot Heritage, running under bare poles
Lightship at the entrance to the New Or-
                                             The Coast Guard said a man-overboard          after breaking its headstay, was rolled
leans Harbor, then to Mobile and home
                                             buoy and strobe were thrown to Roltsch.       upside down.
to Gulfport. But halfway, the fleet en-
                                             But as Father Tipton noted, the boat was
countered an intense storm with sus-                                                       The Lightship Race was one of three
                                             on a broad reach with beam seas as high
tained, near-hurricane winds pushing up                                                    within the last year that illustrates how
                                             as 20 feet.
seas of 15 and 20 feet.                                                                    prepared for the worst one should be
                                             “Obviously they could not tack in that        when racing offshore. The Newport-to-
About 1 A.M. on Saturday, March 26,
                                             condition and they had to jibe, which put     Bermuda race was postponed at the last
eight hours after the start, Father Tipton
                                             them below where the kid was, and they        moment because of a severe tropical
decided it was no fun slamming into the
Log Sheet FEBRUARY 2021 - Gulfport Yacht Club
storm that sprang to life only hours
before the start. The Fort Lauder-                         Powerboat Committee Report
dale-to-Key West race last January                                 Johnny Marquez, Chairman
was canceled after the 20 knots of
wind forecast for the start shot up     We are looking forward to a great 2021 for fishing and boating activities at
to 50 knots.
                                        the club as we hope to break out of the social distancing requirements. The
In recent years, offshore racing has    power boat committee has been working diligently to rebuild and improve
been going through a revival, with      the fish cleaning station, boat ramp and boat cleaning facilities to be ready
more people competing in more           this spring. As usual, our club members have stepped up with donations and
races. And as Tom Ehman, execu-
                                        have volunteered their labor and expertise to improve the club. We would
tive director of the United States
                                        like to thank all of the donors and the Ladies Auxiliary for their financial sup-
Racing Union, noted, “More people
                                        port to repair and enhance those facilities.
are going out with less preparation.
They don’t necessarily have the         In addition, we would like to specifically thank Ken and Jeff Roskopf for vol-
skills and experience.”                 unteering their labor for the electrical work and improved lighting, John Ru-
In addition, Vincent Monte-Sano,        ble for providing the labor to rebuild the cleaning tables, Joe Cowart for
past commodore of the Storm Try-        providing his plumbing expertise, Hank Lomax for tunneling under the ramp
sail Club and starting-line chairman    to enable a second washdown hose and Darren Smith for harassing every-
for the Bermuda race observed,          one to provide that support. It has been a great team effort, and your new
“The boats are going faster, and the    and improved fish and boat cleaning station will be up running by mid-
faster they go the more dangerous       February.
they become.”
                                        We are planning fishing and power boat events for the upcoming spring and
In offshore racing, he said, “You
                                        summer and will continue to roll those out as we hopefully get visibility on
must be in touch with every con-
                                        improved conditions for group events. The Ship Island Rendezvous is
ceivable facility concerning weath-
er; and, yes, you’re going to have      planned for Memorial Day weekend and our first evening trout tournament
problems. But it seems we are hav-      is set for Thursday, March 4th Stay tuned for more dates and events as the
ing a rash of them now. And they        weather warms.
are connected . . . it’s like a snow-   Tight Lines!                                Click here to donate to the
ball rolling downhill.”                                                                Fish Cleaning Station
Note from my memory: the afore-         Johnny Marquez
mentioned Rev. Paul S. Tipton, S.J.,
once celebrated Mass on the lower
deck of the GYC on a Sunday morn-
ing during the G.O.R.C.

Fishman, Joanne A. “Tragedy Shows
Peril in Offshore Racing.” New York
Times [New York], 17 April 1983,
sec. 5 p. 11.
Log Sheet FEBRUARY 2021 - Gulfport Yacht Club

                               Dine with us on
                                 For Dinner

Gulfport Yacht Club                                                                                               PRSRT STD
                                                                                                                             U.S. POSTAGE
       Billing: PO BOX 600, Gulfport, MS 39502                                                                                    PAID
      Shipping: 800 East Pier, Gulfport, MS 39501                                                                            Permit #135
                                                                                                                           Gulfport, MS 39502

       Cooking Off the Stern                                                 Address Service Requested
grill for this dish. Here in New Orleans, barbecued shrimp
means sautéed shrimp in Worcestershire-spiked butter
    16 jumbo shrimp (12 per pound, about 1 1/2 pounds),
     with heads and unpeeled
 1/2 cup Worcestershire sauce
 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice (about 2 lemons)
 2 teaspoons ground black pepper
 2 teaspoons cracked black pepper
 2 teaspoons Creole seasoning
 1 teaspoon minced garlic
 1 1/2 cups (3 sticks) cold unsalted butter, cubed
 French bread as accompaniment
In a large skillet combine shrimp, Worcestershire, lemon juice,
black peppers, Creole seasoning, and garlic and cook over
moderately high heat until shrimp turn pink, about 1 minute
on each side. Reduce heat to moderate and stir in butter, a few
cubes at a time, stirring constantly and adding more only when
butter is melted. Remove skillet from heat. Place shrimp in a
bowl and pour sauce over top. Serve with French bread for

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                                    February 2021 - GYC Hours of Operation
                                 Mondays         Tuesdays     Wednesdays        Thursdays         Fridays        Saturdays         Sundays

     Chart Room Drinks        11am - 1:30pm        Closed         3pm - 10pm      Closed       11am - 10pm      11am - 9pm       11am - 9pm

    Chart Room Breakfast           Closed          Closed           Closed        Closed           Closed       8am - 11am          Closed

     Chart Room Lunch         11am - 1:30pm        Closed           Closed        Closed      11am - 1:30pm    11am - 1:30pm 11am - 1:30pm

     Chart Room Dinner             Closed          Closed     6pm - 8:30pm        Closed        6pm - 9pm         Closed            Closed

            Pool                   Closed          Closed           Closed        Closed           Closed         Closed            Closed
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