A Master class in bush cooking - Subaru 4wd Club of WA

Page created by Kim Bates
A Master class in bush cooking - Subaru 4wd Club of WA
July 2021

A Master class
in bush cooking
The May weekend outing to Moore River Ranch
proved to be a master class in bush cooking,
thanks to Ian & Nina (seen here), Adrian, Deb, Joy,
Nathan and David. Nina's camp oven apple pie
was a visual and gustatory feast. Full story inside

                   P.O. BOX 434, SOUTH PERTH, W. A. 6951

A Master class in bush cooking - Subaru 4wd Club of WA
Subaru 4WD Club of WA Newsletter                                                           2

Subaru 4WD Club of WA Inc. 2020/21 Committee
PRESIDENT:           David Peck 0402 177 886
SECRETARY:           Deborah Thyne       0420 791 762
TREASURER:           Adrian Longwood 0424 723 558
                     Joanne Norton       0411 151 024
                     Travis Maskey       0422 815 737
EDITOR:              Stephan Millett     0405 221 845
Jim Wilcox 0419 040 969, Ross Mead 0417 920 848, Karen Eldridge 0412 133 629,
Stuart Rosethorne 0408941239, Vanessa Carn 0412937712
Contact ‘all committee’: comm@subaru4wdclubwa.asn.au
MERCHANDISE:         Adrian Longwood
WEBMASTER:           Rob Griffiths 0411 249 933
                     Jim Wilcox 0419 040 969
              Adrian Longwood 0424 723 558
              Keith Low            0407 477 980
              Ross Mead            0417 920 848
              Tony Richards        0414 224 734
Joy UNNO 0429 473 709
              Vanessa Carn         0412937712

                    Club member of the Year 2019-2020
                               Joanne Norton
                               Life members
 Fred Offer, Keith Anderson, Jonel Householder, Ray Stewart, Ian Johnson,
 Peter Andruszkiw, Ron Caunce, Jim Wilcox and Tony Richards

    Masthead image:The Pleiades Star Cluster, Tony Hallas http://www.astrophoto.com/images.htm
A Master class in bush cooking - Subaru 4wd Club of WA
Subaru 4WD Club of WA Newsletter                                                3

15-16 May

I t began on Saturday
  morning with 14 cars and 18
people assembled on the
eastern side of the Gnangara
Road United service station,
ready for quick access to the
Tonkin Highway and
northwards to the Moore
River Ranch. Ian and
Nina – two very
experienced           Camping ideas and a
                      cooking Master class
campers and bush
cooks – would join
us at the campsite.
This weekend overnighter trip   convoy managed to make the
had a twofold purpose – (1)     exit onto the Brand Highway
knowledge sharing by fellow     without any lost cars
club members, aimed at          continuing northward to
newer club members and          Meekatharra.
covering camping equipment,      After a bit over an hour we
setup and vehicle                turned right into Mogumber
modifications and (2) camp       Road and then into the Moore
fire cooking classes.            River Ranch, ending up in a
After a quick demo of stuffing huge sandy paddock spotted
ice into esky drink bottles to   with large gums and copses of
obtain cold water for a couple native shrub. This was to be
of days (if, say you didn’t have our own private campsite for
a car fridge), trip leader       the weekend where we could
Adrian led off. The convoy       light campfires. There were
was long and radio messages other campsites down the hill,       The Moore River Ranch and
had to be relayed between                                        Wildlife Sanctuary – is a
                                 closer to the river but these
the lead car and Tail End                                        working cattle farm but also
                                 were heavily vegetated and a
Charlie but nevertheless, the fire risk at this time of year.    works with animal welfare
                                                                                    Cont. p.6

      Inside your magazine                        Wanted: Editor for our magazine
                                                  My term as Editor has to end at the AGM -
• Camping, cooking and eating pp. 3-11            it's in the Constitution - and we will need
                                                  someone to take over as editor.
• Forthcoming trips pp.13,15
                                                  Whoever puts their hand up, I can help you
• President's report, p17
                                                  learn the ropes and become comfortable
• Replacing wheel bearings pp. 18-20
                                                  with the role. Contact the current Editor,
                                                  Stephan for info.
A Master class in bush cooking - Subaru 4wd Club of WA
Subaru 4WD Club of WA Newsletter                                           4

                                      Some tools
                                      for bush cooks
                                       Top: Clockwise from bottom right. Camp
                                       oven lifters; folding trivets to keep the ovens
                                       off the coals; “Tawa” for naan bread (upside-
                                       down camp oven lid) sits on circular trivet
                                       which has 3 removable legs; high
                                       temperature gloves and long pliers; coffee
                                       grinder and whisk driven by drill and, yes, a
From p.3
                                       Left: Jaffle irons, spade and a barbecue plate.
                                       Below left: Stove-top oven for scones.
                                       Bottom: Camp oven and well-tended coals
A Master class in bush cooking - Subaru 4wd Club of WA
A Master class in bush cooking - Subaru 4wd Club of WA
Subaru 4WD Club of WA Newsletter   6

 Finding a home for tents and trailers
From p.4
groups to take in rescue
animals such as stock, horses,
chickens, geese, turkeys (yes,
there are rescue turkeys), and
even a peahen. They also
work with environmental
organisations to protect the
environment and native
species on the property,
especially echidnas which live
down near the river. They
have added a camping
enterprise with appropriate
requirements to fit in with the
rest of the operation such as a
strict speed limit, lowering
tyre pressures, complete
rubbish removal and a
requirement that campers
bring chemical toilets.
Upon arrival, there was a
frenzy of camp set-up,

Cont. p.8
A Master class in bush cooking - Subaru 4wd Club of WA
Subaru 4WD Club of WA Newsletter                                7

                                   ... geese and
                                   Finska too
                                   The Ranch takes in rescue animals
                                   such as these geese, which have
                                   found the river to their liking. There
                                   was also time and a place for a
                                   leisurely game of Finska.
A Master class in bush cooking - Subaru 4wd Club of WA
Subaru 4WD Club of WA Newsletter                                                  8


From p.6                         set up tables and gear ready     p. 3), rolling out the pastry
                                 to start on the cooking          with a bottle of wine
Loos and logs                    demonstrations for making        (multifunctional items are
                                 afternoon tea as soon as         always good on camping
including the toilet tents for   good coals were produced.        trips, says Nina!). These two
the port-a-loos that people      Adrian demonstrated fire         Master chefs of cast iron
had brought along. Then we       making skills using an air       camp oven cooking have
had lunch, which included a      pump to encourage ignition.      decades of experience under
demo of jaffle-iron sandwich     Nina started off the cooking     their belts and soon had the
making. The Ranch provided       demos with a Mango Fruit         crowd entranced as they
a big heap of cut logs for the   Dessert followed by Ian who
central fire pit and the cooks   assembled Italian scrolls (see                      Cont. p. 9
A Master class in bush cooking - Subaru 4wd Club of WA
Subaru 4WD Club of WA Newsletter   9

From. p. 8

went through the pastry
making process and other
preparations for their
camping culinary delights.
Adrian then showed how to
whip up batches of lemonade
scones which he cooked in his
very nifty stove-top mini-oven
and served with jam and
cream. Deb produced a
double lot of banana and
date damper while I had a
helping hand from Nathan to
mix up a cheese and herb
damper (see p. 8) This last
was cooked in a tiny 2-quart
camp oven which was a
perfect size for one small
damper. Needless to say, we
had an absolute moving feast
for afternoon tea as the
various dishes were
consumed with gusto!
Later in the afternoon some
of the younger generation
got a game of Finska going as

                   Cont p. 10
A Master class in bush cooking - Subaru 4wd Club of WA
Subaru 4WD Club of WA Newsletter                                                     10

                                 Waiting, relaxing ...
 From. p. 9
others sat in camper chairs in
a large semi-circle around the
campfire, digesting afternoon    went up like an umbrella but       before dinner preparations for
tea. David demonstrated his      the ribs were on the outside       a walk down to the river to
Camp Oven Mate, a metal          with the tent hanging              see the little blue wrens (the
shield that protected his        underneath. Available from         males with subdued non-
Bedourie spun steel camp         Amazon, the Night Cat blue         mating season colours) flitting
oven from drafts. Spun steel     model is a lightweight             in the trees and the gaggle of
camp ovens such as the           Summer tent, not waterproof        geese on the river bank along
Bedourie or Hillbilly types      but is insect proof – just         with the great reflection of the
have the advantage of being      perfect for those 40º days in      trees in the water. Nina had
lighter than cast iron ovens     Coolgardie with a million flies.   demonstrated earlier to a
but don’t retain the heat as     Other models are waterproof.       large crowd how to create an
well.                            The advantage of these             amazing apple pie complete

D     avid then went on to       “automatic” tents is that the      with pastry leaf and gumnut
      show how to erect a        packing profile is longitudinal    centrepiece. Ian and Nina
“cake cover” tent that went      like a camp chair rather than      then went on a cooking
up like an umbrella but was      disc shaped like the dome          marathon with Ian preparing a
oblong like a cake cover. I      pop-up tents and they are          pork roast with vegetables in
invited people to look at my     easier to pack in the car.         one camp oven and Nina
“automatic” tent which also,     There was just enough time         creating a mild curry in
                                                                                        Cont. p. 11
Subaru 4WD Club of WA Newsletter                                                       11

From. p. 10
another. I was lucky enough
to be trained in camp oven
cooking on several of Ian and
Nina’s trips and the first thing
I learned was about sacrificial
onions when cooking roasts.
Layer the bottom of the camp
oven with sliced onion rings
and they will prevent the roast
from burning as well as
provide a tasty sauce. Other       curry on a hot camp oven lid        gave a demo about camper
mains included David’s             fixed to a tall, custom-made        chairs, the advantage and
chicken chowder with               trivet sitting over the coals. At   disadvantages of different
dumplings, Adrian’s beef           one point the Ranch owner, a        models. For a while we all
bourguignon and also a             chap called Lincoln, and some       played musical chairs. After
vegetable ratatouille dish.        other workers turned up to          that people went around
Desserts, besides Nina’s           join in the dinner and              looking at the different set
apple pie and cream, included      conversation which was very         ups of cars and tents. There
Neil’s sticky date pudding and     nice of them. And, apart from       was always something to
Tony’s chocolate mousse and        the washing up, that was            learn, even for the long-time
icecream (not                                                                                members
cooked in a
camp oven!). .   ... and a moveable feast                                                    . It was
                                                                                             great to
The cooks were all very busy       Saturday done.                      see so many newer members
but once the camp ovens            Early Sunday morning I              on the trip being able to
were on the trivets over the       forayed down to the river           benefit from the knowledge of
hot coals there was time to        again as Lincoln mentioned          more experienced members.
relax in the camp chairs           that the echidnas often come        Then it was time to pack up
around the fire, chat and          out around dawn. None of            and make our way home.
watch the sunset over the          the monotremes were to be           Thank you, Adrian for
cow paddock. When doing            seen but I did encounter            organising a very successful
camp oven cooking, the             fellow campers and went for a       trip, you did a sterling job.
timing of dishes is variable       3 km walk through the bush          Thanks also to all the great
depending on how much you          along the fire break. Adrian        cooks for their diligent work
are cooking and the heat           had a rough night having his        producing wonderfully
output of the coals etc. The       campsite invaded by small           decadent, scrumptious food.
first dish to be ready was the     ants who wanted to nest in his      And thanks to all the newer
roast pork and vegetables.         clothes bag. Despite this he        members who turned up.
From there it was again a          was busy encouraging people         Good food and convivial
moveable feast as the next         to try out the jaffle irons for a   company. We all had a
meals were done and                breakfast toastie. The trick is     fantastic time.
consumed. Ian was kept busy        to well-oil and pre-heat the        Joy Unno
frying Naan bread for the          irons before use. Adrian then
Please support our newest sponsor
Subaru 4WD Club of WA Newsletter                                                       13
                                                                      jumper and giveaways.
                                     Forthcoming                      Durty Nellie’s is in Shafto
Fiddles and
nibbles                               Club trips                      Lane, 397 Murray Street
July 11 - Day trip                 Karijini,
This day is mainly for pre-trip    Millstream &                       Lancelin Sand
work for long remote
                                   Murchison                          Dunes
upcoming trips, and installing                                        August 21 - Day trip
                                   14-28 August
CB radios, lights and other
                                   This trip takes in some of the     Join us for a day out cruising
basic accessories.
                                   most beautiful sites in the        around the dunes.
Jim Wilcox kindly offers his
                                   Murchison. It will involve self-   If you haven’t driven on dunes
place and workshop to host a
                                   sufficient camping, including in   in your Subi, now is the
day of tinkering, learning,
                                   National Parks campsites.          chance to find out just how
installing and general
                                   It is worth buying an annual       capable our cars are. You’ll
                                   Parks Pass before you go as it     get lots of help and advice,
The priority on the day is for                                        and you’ll be
                                   covers all park entry fees.
members to prepare, service
                                   Camping fees are extra. The        in a group of people with
and inspect cars ahead of
                                   passes are available online. If    similar levels of experience.
long remote trips. Major work
                                   you are an RAC WA member           When we group up at the
such as lift kits and
                                   you can get a good discount        dunes after the trip from the
mechanical repairs cannot be
                                   on the pass.                       northern suburbs meeting
done on this day. However,
                                                                      point we’ll split into groups
there is plenty of experience
                                                                      depending on experience and
and tools on hand to help          Christmas in July
                                                                      start off easy, and progress to
install lights, UHF radios, dual   July 25 - Day trip
                                                                      something more challenging.
batteries, and other similar       Break out the ugly Christmas       Itisafundayinasafearea, with
accessories.                       jumpers and join us for a          experienced members who
While all this is going on we      yummy good-value lunch at          will give you advice on all
will run through basic             Durty Nellies in the city.         facets of driving on sand,
mechanical checks on cars          There will be roast turkey and     including tyre pressures,
such as fluid levels, tyre tread   ham and Christmas pudding.         choosing the right gear ratios
and wear, brakes, suspension       There is also cheap Guinness,      and how to get out after
and air/cabin filters so you       mulled wine and Irish coffee       getting stuck in the sand.
can identify if any of these       for those who fancy it. But        This is suitable for all model
need replacing and prevent         numbers are limited to a           4WD Subarus (except unlifted
major repairs.                     maximum of 30, and our             Libertys or Imprezas).
Morning tea and lunch and a        session is for only an hour and    Outbacks have had a few
relaxing chat in the shade of      a half between 2.30 and 4pm        front clearance problems in
the patio is generally the         But there is live music and we     the past, so if these owners
most popular part of the day.      can retire to the bar after our    have any concerns please
BYO eats, drinks. plates,          meal. Oh, and don’t forget,        contact the trip leader. Also it
cutlery etc. BBQ available.        there will be prizes for the       pays to remove the plastic
                                   best (or worst) Christmas
                                                                                          More p. 15
Subaru 4WD Club of WA Newsletter                                                    15

From p. 13                                                          www.joclewscooking.com/
                                       Forthcoming trips
splash tray under the engine if                                     melangata-c16kf
it has not already been            afternoon and dinner is at the   We will be camping at the
replaced with a sump guard.        pub. Saturday and Sunday is      station on unpowered bush
Bring lunch, drinks, snacks, a     set aside to explore some        sites which are suitable for
tyre pump and tyre pressure        bush tracks and looking for      tents, camper trailers and
gauge if you have them, a          wildflowers.                     caravans. There are flushing
hat, sunscreen and a camera.       Check the Club’s website for     toilets and hot showers at the
And make sure you have a full      costs.                           campsite..
tank of fuel.                                                       If you fancy taking up the
                                   Melangata camping                camp oven cooking classes,
Cocktails and                      & camp oven                      this will cost $85 per person
                                                                    and includes two nights
Jaffles with the                   cooking                          camping, Damper making on
Landcruiser Club                   September 25 – 27                first night, Homestead tour
September 10 - 12                  This is a chance to camp at      and and extended station tour
Once again the Toyota Land         historic Melangata station,      the next morning, getting
Cruiser Club has invited us to     NNE of Yalgoo and around         back around 3pm. Then
join them for their Cocktails      650km from Perth.                there’s the amp oven master
and Jaffles night at the           The homestead was designed       class on the second night and
Qindanning Race Course.            by Monsignor John Hawes,         a shared long table dinner
Campers, tents and vans are        who also designed a number       We will learn to cook (mains
welcome and the course has         of churches in the mid west.     and some desserts) that we
toilets and showers.               This station is run by Jo        will share for the Sunday
Attendees will be split into       Clews, who is famous for her     dinner.
teams and each team has to         camp oven cooking and if you     If you don't have a camp oven
create a savoury jaffle, dessert   wish you can have a camp         you can borrow one as we will
jaffle and a cocktail for the      oven cooking lesson with help    have spares, or join in and
group to taste test and be         from Jo.                         help someone else. You can
voted on.                          https://                         also compare the different
The trip leaves on Friday                                           style camp ovens, cast iron
                                                                    and spun steel, which both
 Camp fire tips                                                     have their own pros and
 * Insert clothes dryer lint into an                                cons.
  empty toilet paper or paper                                       If you don't want to do the
  towel roll, and when you’re                                       camp oven classes you can
  ready to build that campfire,                                     pay for the camping and tours
  just light the lint.                                              separately. Bring your own
 * Doritos make great kindling.                                     meals for Saturday night,
 * Hand sanitizer works as fire                                     lunch and breakfasts.
  starter.                                                          Bring everything for a bush
 * Have closed shoes when sitting                                   camp.
  around the campfire
Subaru 4WD Club of WA Newsletter                                                    17

Cheese and Herb Damper                            President's Report
(Dairy and Gluten Free)
                                                  July 2021

                                                  T   hank you to the club member who
                                                      spotted the camping auction selling the
                                                  Black Stump instant tents. These have been
                                                  popular with club members, and now we are
                                                  going to see a whole lot more of them as I
                                                  think we bought about 15!
                                                  We had planned a trip to Collie in July, to
                                                  have a look at the new mural on the
Ingredients                                       Wellington dam and some of the artwork
2 cups Gluten Free Self Raising Flour             around town, but unfortunately we have had
pinch of salt                                     no volunteers to lead it. This would be the
1 tsp of Italian Herbs                            perfect chance for someone to try leading
1 tblsp of Nuttelex or other butter alternative   a trip. It doesn’t need to be complicated
                                                  and could be as simple as leading the
1 cup soy milk
                                                  convoy from Perth to Collie. If you did want
1 cup of grated, non-dairy cheese (Note: this
                                                  to get a bit adventurous you could even take
often has coconut oil in it)
                                                  some of the back roads from Yarloop or
Method                                            Harvey into the hills and then down the
1. Add flour and salt to mixing bowl              Collie – Tallanalla Road to Collie for lunch.
2. Add Nuttelex and rub through with              We are always looking for new destinations
fingers                                           and camping locations, if you find one
3. Add milk gradually, mixing with a fork or      please share it with the club. We are also
butter knife                                      keen to have as many trips as possible to
4. Mix in grated cheese and herbs to form a       give people plenty of variety. If you are
dough                                             going somewhere that you think other club
5. Cover a low pan trivet with alfoil and         members might be interested in please
lightly flour                                     share it with us. It doesn’t have to be a 4WD
6. Turn out dough onto alfoil-covered trivet      trip, you may be going to a country town for
and place into camp oven                          an event or festival, or just out for a country
                                                  drive to look at the wildflowers. We can
7. Sprinkle top of dough with grated cheese
                                                  make it a private trip so only club members
and a pinch of herbs. Add lid.
                                                  can go on it and limit it to only a few cars,
8. Dig a small hole near camp fire and place
                                                  but it would greatly increase the number of
camp oven on a 5 cm trivet
                                                  trips we have.
9. Shovel hot coals under camp oven and put
                                                  Cheers, David
a few coals around the lid towards the edge
10. Cook for 30 - 40 minutes. Add more coals       Where would you like to go with the
evenly over lid during last 5 -10 minutes.         club? What would you like to do? Let
Deborah Thyne                                      one of the Committee know, and we'll
                                                   try to make it happen.
Subaru 4WD Club of WA Newsletter                                  18


A      fter hearing a very faint
       “noise” from the left
rear hub on Puggle (2014
                                   How to fix Forester
Forester CVT, 170km) with
the aggro BFG 4WD tyres, I
                                   wheel bearings
changed wheels to our              deficient, confirmed by
‘shopping’ tyres but could         spinning the wheel with car on
still hear the noise, which        stands hearing a faint grumble
eliminated any tyre factor.        above the noise of brake pads
The same happened for the          on the disk rotor. There are
RH front bearing at 155k. If it    also other ways of finding
make you feel any better,          which side is noisy.
these wheel bearing could          What follows is a quick
have gone thousands more           overview.
kms before getting
                                   A wheel bearing can be
unbearably worse, so it is
                                   replaced on the side of the
very unlikely that anyone
                                   road, but it is not easy, you
would need to consider a
                                   will want a helper, some
trackside job, or carry spare
                                   specific knowledge and some
wheel bearings – I don’t.
                                   special and HD tools. It would
I deduced the LH was               probably be better to
Subaru 4WD Club of WA Newsletter                              19


monitor, drive slowly, and get
back to town. But, in case you
can’t do that, here is what
to do.
Remove wheel ‘hubcap’
to reveal 32mm axle nut.
Remove stake from nut
and remove the nut (Pic
A) . You will need ¾”
drive on your wrench gear
and an extension steel tube                  C
for this as it is set at a very,
very high torque of 190Nm
for the rear. Push the axle
inwards a bit, the movement
being limited by the               off, and (perhaps) un-
driveshaft travel of the inner     adjusting the self-adjusting
(DOJ) joint on the differential    wheel within ±6:00 o’clock
end. If it will not move, use a    after removing the rubber
lot of CRC and a brass drift       plug.
and hammer. The driveshaft         Remove all handbrake parts.
spline must slide freely before    Take photos, as assembly and
proceeding.                        orientation of the parts is
Carefully remove the ABS           tricky.
sensor (Pic D) and tape it         Note 1: during the next step,
safely aside (costs $550+ if       the drive shaft splines must
you break it!). Remove brake       slide freely from the hub, and
calliper assembly and suspend      the driveshaft should be
aside. Remove disc rotor           supported from the other         E
which may need 2 bolts             side, as the CV semi-hidden
wound alternately into             stone shield must not be
threaded holes to ‘press’ it
Subaru 4WD Club of WA Newsletter                              20
From p.17
damaged. The soft tin shield
protects the ABS ‘Tone
Wheel’ and its many micro
magnets. In one photo, you
can clearly see where the
magnets have aligned the
dust with a Fe (iron) content -
how Australian Outback is
that - what a gauss! (Pic C)
Remove 4 bolts from the back
to release the bearing hub
and brake backing plate from
the main suspension carrier.      copper or graphite grease on
Remove hub and backing            splines and brake moving
plate and swing aside on the      metal contacts parts, but
handbrake cable. Some light       avoid brake shoes and Tone
banging may be required           Ring.
around the hub flange circle      The bearing hub is a total
with a soft-faced or copper       assembly and most car
hammer.(Pic B) The outer CV       manufacturers have adopted
joint will be left dangling in    this method instead of
the main suspension carrier –     individual pieces. It retails at
be careful with the dust          $361.77; Melville Subaru
shield.                           discounted that to $325.60.
To prove the bearing was          Please use only genuine
faulty, I held the studded        Subaru parts for this job. I
spindle in a vice, wound some     believe it is the same part
cord around the bearing           back to the mid-2000s.
section, and pulled it like a     Subaru part # 28473FL040
lawnmower starter cord.(Pic       Note 2: This may not apply to
E) Clear grumbling proved the     114.3 PCD (pitch circle
diagnosis. It can be used as a    diameter) studs, though I
spare, (including the 5 wheel     suspect the procedure is the
studs) on any remote or           same but different hub part #.
extended club trip.               As Ed China would say: “Job
A bit fiddly and some HD          done” or “Result”.
tools, special tools, muscle, a   A fully detailed page of the
helper, and knowledge are         whole procedure and photo
required.                         sequence will later be put on
Assembly the reverse of           the club website Knowledge
above, but work slowly and        section.
refer to your photos. Use a       Cheers, Ian Johnson
light smear of anti-seize         (Puggle).
Subaru 4WD Club of WA Newsletter                                       21
                                               For Sale
Writing a
trip report

O     n each trip the leader
      will get one or more
of the members to write a
report for the magazine. If
you can't write the report
assigned to you, please let
the trip leader know.
Otherwise, send your trip
reports in as soon after the
trip as you can.
Send photos with your                                  Set of 5 ALLOY RIMS
report if you have them.                               with good tyres
The more the merrier.                                  17inch with 100x5 stud
Please send photos as                                  pattern (suit SJ Forester
separate files, and please                             and others). Rubber is
don't embed them in the
                                                       Yokohama G91 with
document, as quality
                                                       approx. 80% tread.
suffers a lot if you do.
Large images are usually
OK to send via email. If                                      AND
you have lots of photos or                             Set of 5 STEEL wheels
large files, you may also                              (17 inch with 100x5 stud
choose to send a link to                               pattern).
your cloud image storage                               $250
folder (eg Dropbox).
Things to include with                                       Stephan
your report.                                                 0405221845
At the top of each report
*      • Put your name
*      • The trip name
       • The date and the
       day of the trip
Thank you all for writing      Set of 6 tyres only. 215x60
reports for the                R16 with ok treads.
newsletter.                    Free for all
You can also read