Community Education Program - "Education is the cornerstone of our communities and our country" Bill Frist Issue 1 Fall 2019 - Paul D. Camp ...

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Community Education Program - "Education is the cornerstone of our communities and our country" Bill Frist Issue 1 Fall 2019 - Paul D. Camp ...
Community Education

“Education is the cornerstone of our communities and our country” Bill Frist

                                                           Issue 1 Fall 2019

Community Education Program - "Education is the cornerstone of our communities and our country" Bill Frist Issue 1 Fall 2019 - Paul D. Camp ...
Becoming part of the
                                            Community Education Program
                                              Community Education is a community-based
                                            learning program which covers two learning terms:
Community                                     Fall and Spring. All participants must register to
Education Program                              sign-up for lectures, trips, and courses. Some
is a dynamic program for                       events have small fees through-out the year.
adults offered by the
Workforce Development                       All registrations are individual; each family member
Center at Camp Community                         must complete a separate registration form.
College. This program will offer non-       Registrations must be completed for Courses,
credit courses to adults who want to        Program Extras, and On the Go for an accurate
improve their skills, explore new             head count. A person may enroll in as many
ideas, and interact with interesting         courses per term as he/she chooses. There is no
people in their community. Choosing           minimum or maximum limit of courses for which
from a diverse collection of courses,                          you may register.
learners can create their own
development program, expand their              Participants are encouraged to use the website
views of the world and enrich their   
lives and their communities.                    community-education/ to access courses and
Elements of the program include:            registration information. You may also contact us at
                                             757-569-6062 for assistance with registration. You
   Lectures                                       may register in-person at the Workforce
                                              Development Center in Franklin;100 N. College
   Non-credit, community education           Drive; Franklin, VA 23851. You may also register
    courses                                      by mail or email: (
   Opportunities to travel to area                           Fall Catalog
    attractions and museums                         September — December, 2019
                                               Register for all classes/trips 1 week prior to
   Small workshops with local                                  class/event.
    experts in healthcare, financial
    literacy, the arts, etc.

   Social activities                                       Spring Catalog
                                             September 4 - Community Fellowship Potluck

                                                    Time: 1 PM       Place: Room 218
           VOLUNTEER?                               See pg. 20 for more information.
  We need volunteers (instructors,
classroom assistants, administrative         Door Prizes will be provided. Bring your favorite
support staff, etc.) in all capacities to   food items. Drinks and paper products provided.
   help us with our new program.
     Contact Melba Holland at                             January — May, 2020
757-569-6062 to find out more about
      volunteer opportunities!                         Catalog will be available on
                                                          November 29, 2019
We’d love to have you join our team!

Community Education Program - "Education is the cornerstone of our communities and our country" Bill Frist Issue 1 Fall 2019 - Paul D. Camp ...
Not Sure Community Education
                                                        is for You?
                                                  Test Drive A Free Class!
                                             Try one of our free classes below without registering.
                                                   Feel free to drop in on ONE class to see
                                                         what the program is all about.

                                           Biblical Literature Classes

  Community Education                      Book Club

      Program                              Knitting Clubs: Babies and Cancer

                                           Movie Time
         It takes a village…
 To offer the greatest opportunity         Southampton Memorial Hospital
   for personal development and
                                           Technology Classes
    enrichment, we realized that
partnering with local organizations        Understanding Opera
  that were aligned to this vision
     was the key to everyone’s
  success. And we were so right.
    Thanks to all our Community
 Education partners across South
          Hampton Roads:                                  Look for this icon for Test Drive
 Blackwater Regional                                                eligible classes!
 Davenport & Company,
 Franklin Bowling Alley              Meet our instructors and other friends and decide for yourself
 Isle of Wight County                how great our program is! Your test drive also includes a stop
    Museum                                    in The Buzz (Room 218) for the coffee bar.
 IKEA & Norfolk Premium
 Keurig Dr. Pepper
 Mariner’s Museums & Park
                                          We know once you’ve had a taste of Community Education,
 Smithfield & Isle of Wight                                 you’ll want more!
    County Tourism
 SmithfieldVA Events
 Suffolk Center for the                  So after you test drive, join the FUN by registering for
    Cultural Arts
                                          additional Community Education classes / events.
 Sylvan Heights Bird Park
 The Village at Wood’s Edge
 United Way
 Virginia Aquarium & Marine
    Science Center
 Williamsburg Tourism

Community Education Program - "Education is the cornerstone of our communities and our country" Bill Frist Issue 1 Fall 2019 - Paul D. Camp ...
Feature Story                                    Feature Story
                                          Workforce Development Center is proud to
    Mr. Joseph Purvis                   announce that Joseph Purvis and Willard Ricks
                                     joined us as our new Community Education Drivers.
                &                     Joseph worked at Norfolk State University as a
                                     motor coach driver for many years. He has worked
     Mr. Willard Ricks                 with at-risk youth, college and band students,
                                     senior citizens, and also drove for the President of
      Community                                    Norfolk State University.
    Education Drivers                  Willard has retired from Deerfield Correctional
                                      Center where he drove incarcerated persons on
                                                      vans and buses.
                                       They will provide transport for participants in the
                                        Community Education Program, Kids College,
                                     Upward Bound, and Verizon STEM camp. Both are
                                      from the Franklin area and can’t wait to escort us
                                                around the surrounding areas.

                                           Reading Biblical Literature:
                                                The New Testament
         The Arts &
                                       Days:         Tuesdays

  Reading Biblical Literature          Dates:        Oct. 22—Dec. 3, 2019
                                       Time:         10 AM - 12 PM
                                       Instructor:   Rev. Dennis Rhoads
                                       Location:     Workforce Development Center
                                                     Room 218

                                          The Bible is a collection of writings from
                                       different authors writing at different times. In
                                       some ways, that makes it easier to approach
                                                          the Bible.
                                        The Bible itself is a book. But it’s a book of
Please register for accurate class     books which has 66 documents in it. So let’s
                                         get acquainted. This class will be on the
                                              books of the New Testament.

Community Education Program - "Education is the cornerstone of our communities and our country" Bill Frist Issue 1 Fall 2019 - Paul D. Camp ...
The Arts &                     Gaynelle E. Riddick
                                     Storyteller and Author:
                                     Date:         Wed., September 11, 2019
                                     Time:         10:30 AM

       Gaynelle E. Riddick           Location:     Workforce Development Center
                                                   Room 218
     Storyteller and Author          Cost:         $10
                                      Gaynelle Edwards Riddick, an 85 year old
                                       citizen of Franklin, VA has a brilliant story to tell.
                                     She will have recent new information from her book
                                        “Veteran of War” from our local town. Teaching
                                      American History for 24 years, helps her have the
                                         love for storytelling. She has two sons and six
                                     grandchildren that she is very proud of and loves to
                                     talk about. She also was a Tour Guide / Owner for
                                       Royal Tour Travel Agency where she would give
                                      lots of information about the areas people wanted
                                            to visit. She will have autographed items.

                                                     Thursday Movie Time

   Thursday Movie Time               Date:         Every Thursday
                                                   Starting Oct. 10, 2019
                                     Time:         10 AM
                                     Location:     Workforce Development Center
                                                   Room 218

                                        In the past, people would view movies outside in
                                          cars at the Drive-In Theater or the local movie
                                      theater and now we view movies in isolated places
                                         with iPhones and computer screens. But sitting
                                     together in a cozy theater with friends would be the
                                       best. Thursday Movie Time is a chance for friends
                                     and family to come together and watch movies. The
                                       movie selection will be the responsibility of all
                                     movie goers. Join Dennis Rhoads and friends on
                                     Thursdays to enjoy a movie and plan which films will
Please register for accurate class                     be on the schedule.

Community Education Program - "Education is the cornerstone of our communities and our country" Bill Frist Issue 1 Fall 2019 - Paul D. Camp ...
The Arts & Humanities                    Understanding Opera
                                           “TOSCA (Puccini)”*

        Virginia Opera             Date:         Friday, Sept. 20, 2019
                                   Time:         10 AM - 12 PM
Dr. Glenn Winters, also know as
                                   Instructor:   Dr. Glenn Winters, Virginia Opera
 Dr. Opera, received his Doctor    Location:     Workforce Development Center
  of Music from Northwestern                     Room 218

 University, and also holds the       Additional times to go to the Virginia Opera House
     B.M. and M.M. in piano                                on your own:
                                                  Fri., Oct. 4, 2019 at 8 PM and/or
   performance from Indiana                      Sun., Oct. 6 , 2019 at 2:30 PM
    University. As an operatic           (Special Ticket prices for Fri. and Sun. are
                                                    $38, $60, $85 and $130).
 baritone, Dr. Winters has sung              Please Call 866-673-7282 for tickets.

over a dozen principal roles; he
                                    If there is enough interest, we can plan an “Evening At the
made his Virginia Opera debut in   Opera Trip” for Tues., Oct. 8, 2019 @ 7:30 PM (Tues. evening
                                         tickets are $25.00, $49.00, $65.00, and $97.00).
  the 2004 production of The       Contact Melba Holland at or 569-6062.
Merry Widow. He joined Virginia
Opera’s Education and Audience
                                           Understanding Opera
  Development Department in                “IL POSTINO (The Postman) (Daniel Catán)”*
 2004 as Community Outreach        Date:         Friday, Nov. 1, 2019
        Musical Director.          Time:         10 AM - 12 PM
                                   Instructor:   Dr. Glenn Winters, Virginia Opera
                                   Location:     Workforce Development Center
                                                 Room 218

                                       Additional times to go to the Virginia Opera House
                                                          on your own:
                                                Fri., Nov. 8, 2019 at 8 PM and/or
                                                 Sun., Oct. 10, 2019 at 2:30 PM.
                                          (Special ticket prices for Fri. and Sun. are
                                                    $38, $60, $85, and $130).
                                             Please Call 866-673-7282 for tickets.

                                    *If there is enough interest, we can plan an “Evening At the
                                   Opera Trip” for Tues., Oct. 12, 2019 @ 7:30 PM (Tues. even-
                                        ing tickets are $25.00, $49.00, $65.00, and $97.00).
                                   Contact Melba Holland at or 569-6062.

Community Education Program - "Education is the cornerstone of our communities and our country" Bill Frist Issue 1 Fall 2019 - Paul D. Camp ...
Literature                          Sign-up to be a Reading
                                                    Buddy at S.P. Morton
                                                      Reading          School
        Reading Buddy                        Buddy
Children's literature is important      Date:Sign-up   to be2019
                                                    Sept.18,   a
                                        Time:       10 AM
 because it provides students with           Reading
                                        Instructor:     Buddy
                                                    Joyce  Carter at
     opportunities to respond           Location:   S. P. Morton Elementary. Sch.
                                              S.P. Morton
                                                    300 Morton Street (Mobile #25)
  to literature; it gives students           SchoolFranklin, VA
   appreciation about their own
                                                      Volunteers Needed
cultural heritage as well as those of
                                        Come and join us as we volunteer and give back
 others; it helps students develop
                                        to the community. We will meet with Mrs. Carter
    emotional intelligence and           to set up times to work with kindergarteners or
             creativity.                              where we are needed.

                                                 Reading Buddies for Literacy

            Book Club                                   Book Club

                                        Dates:       Every 4th Wed.
                                                     Starting Sept. 25, 2019
                                        Time:        11 AM - 12 PM
                                        Instructors: Dennis Rhoads
                                        Location: Workforce Development Center
                                                     Room 218

                                        After starting a club for our reading pleasure
                                         last year, we have decided to continue. We
                                        will meet once a month to discuss book titles
                                        from Blackwater Regional Library, Franklin.

     Please register for accurate
          class enrollment.

Community Education Program - "Education is the cornerstone of our communities and our country" Bill Frist Issue 1 Fall 2019 - Paul D. Camp ...
The Village at Woods Edge:
  Fitness, Wellness &
                                     Community Block Party

   The Village at Woods Edge:        Date:      Thurs., Sept. 26, 2019
                                     Times:     To Be Announced
     Community Block Party
                                     Location: The Village at Woods Edge
                                               1401 N. High St.,
                                               Franklin, VA
                                       The Village will have a new partnership
                                       with the Community Education Program
                                      this year. The Village will be sponsoring a
                                                Community Block Party.

                                                 Technology Classes

                                     Date: Session 1               Session 2
                                       Oct. 15 & 16, 2019        Nov. 18 & 20, 2019

                                                 Attend 1 or both sessions
                                     Time:      10 AM
     Technology Class                Instructor: Della Stokes
                                     Location: Workforce Development Center
                                                Room 218

                                             Are smartphones and laptops
                                               getting the best of you?
                                       Come and join us for course that teaches 2019
                                       technology. It’s FREE!!! Bring your smart
                                       phones, tablets and/ or your laptops and learn
Please register for accurate class     about Apple and Droid devices. Both will be
                                       taught in the same class. More classes can be
                                       added, if needed.

Community Education Program - "Education is the cornerstone of our communities and our country" Bill Frist Issue 1 Fall 2019 - Paul D. Camp ...
Fitness, Wellness &

Southampton Memorial
 Hospital: In the Know
                                                   In the Know:
                                      Every 4th Tuesday - Starting Sept. 23, 2019
                                                  5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
                                          Southampton Memorial Hospital
                                               East Pavilion Auditorium
                                                  100 Fairview Drive
                                                  Franklin, VA 23851
                                             Presentation on Health Issues
                                                 Free Dinner Included
                                                RSVP by 3rd Tuesday at

   Hobbies & Volunteer
                                             Food Bank
 Food Bank Donations                          Donations
                                         to United Way Food Drive

                                     Date:       Thurs., Nov. 21, 2019
                                                 Tues., Dec. 17, 2019
                                     Time:       10 AM

                                             Fill the Boxes at
                                      Workforce Development Center
Please register for accurate class       —Volunteers Needed—

Community Education Program - "Education is the cornerstone of our communities and our country" Bill Frist Issue 1 Fall 2019 - Paul D. Camp ...
Hobbies & Volunteer             Blankets for Babies
       Interests                           &
                                Hats & Scarves for Cancer

     Blankets for Babies

Community Education Program
                                        support through
  Community Contributions         sewing, knitting and crocheting
            2019                    blankets, hats and scarves.

       Hats & Scarves for

                                Donation Day for Hats & Scarves
                                          for Cancer
                                  Date: Tues., Oct. 29, 2019
                                         Time: 11 AM

                                        Donation Day for
                                       Blankets for Babies
                                   Date: Tues., Dec. 17, 2019
                                          Time: 11 AM

                                       Volunteers Needed
 Please register for accurate
      class enrollment.            Members of “Knitting Club” can
                                      determine meeting times
                                during Fun and Games Club Monday.

Hobbies & Interests                  The Buzz (Room 218):
                                            Fun and Games Club &
           Coffee Break
               Room 218                        Genealogy Club
                                                      Mondays, Sept. 9 - Dec. 9,
                                                  (Except on Oct. 28 and Nov. 18. 2019)
                                          Time:        10 AM - 12 PM
        Make a Cup of Coffee              Location:    Workforce Development Center
                                                       Fun & Games & Genealogy Club
      Donations are Welcomed                           Room 218

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    At any age, playing games is healthy for the mind
                                          and body. They can keep the brain active, involve
    Fun and Games Club                    social interaction, and are a good, inexpensive
    Puzzles                               form of entertainment. We’ll have classic board
    Card Games                             and card games to play; feel free to bring your
                                                     favorites to teach and share!
    Board Games                                       Let’s the games begin!!!
    Wii Games
    Community Contribution
    Knitting Club                                 Wii Games–Bowling,
     Genealogy Club
                                                      Dancing & Tennis
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                          Players Needed

All the Fun Happens in
       the Buzz!!
     Please register for accurate class

Smithfield VA Bacon, Bourbon &
    Hobbies & Volunteer                                      Music Fest
                                                         Windsor Castle Park
                                                            Smithfield, VA
                                                       21 & up only. No infants/pets.
                                          All Volunteers have to register with Group Leader,
                                                Melba Holland. She will take care of the
                                               arrangements. If not volunteering, please
                                                show support by attending the events.
                                          Friday, October 4, 2019         8 AM - 7 PM
                                         Saturday, October 5, 2019        9 AM - 5 PM
Amphitheater Stage:
                                           Last spring was our first attempt at raising funds with
11 AM - 1:30 PM - Brass winds                      great success and only 5 volunteers.
                                          SmithfieldVAEvents has three (3) events that we will
1:30 - 2:00 PM Bacon Eating Contest           be participating in during the calendar year.
Register for a chance to be selected     They are: Bacon, Bourbon & Music Fest, Oct. 5, 2019;
as (1) of the (10) contestants by        BOB Fest, Jan. 18, 2020; & Wine & Brew Fest, Apr. 18,
1 PM at one of the shirt booths
                                         2020. This will be our second volunteering event and
(located in Brew or Bourbon Village).
Be at amphitheater stage at 1:30 PM to                       We Need You.
see if your name is called.                 Over $1,000,000 donated back to the community
                                                         from event proceeds.
2:20 - 5 PM Carolina Soul Band

                                           Features tastings of over (60) high-end, specialty and
Brew Village Stage:                      hard-to-get bourbons, VA Brew tastings, 1/2 lb. of bacon
                                         & a trip thru the bacon condiment bar. Live entertainment
11 AM - 1:30 PM                          on (3) stages, wine, retail and other food vendors. Bacon
Bobby Black Hat Blues Band
                                             Eating Contest winner gets free bacon for a year!
2:20 PM - 5 PM Southside Soul                            GROUP VOLUNTEERS:
                                           An organization that is pre-registered with us that we
Manor House Lawn Stage:                   assign spots to in advance of a fest and they fill them.
                                           Each group has a designated Group Leader that our
11 AM - 1:30 PM Lewis McGehee               Asst. Fest Coordinator communicates with. Group
                                         Leaders are responsible for getting their members signed
2:30 PM - 5 PM                             up by deadline, understanding general knowledge of
Troy Breslow & Sean Parker               assigned spots and ensuring that the folks signing up are
                                                 able to perform the jobs they sign up for.
          For more information:          PROCEEDS FROM THE EVENT ARE DONATED BACK
                                         TO CAMP COLLEGE BASED ON THE TOTAL NUMBER
                                                    OF VOLUNTEER HOURS.

Program Extras!
   Program Extras!                     Program Extras! are events and classes with
                                            registration fees.

           Chair Yoga                                   Chair Yoga
                                     Date:         Mondays, Sept. 9, 16, 23, 30, 2019
                                                   Oct. 7, 12, 21, 2019
Please register for accurate class                 Nov. 4 & 11, 2019
           enrollment.               Time:         9 AM
                                     Price:        $10 per class
                                     Instructor:   Anita Falcone
                                     Place:        Workforce Development Center
                                                   Room 218
                                      Come try chair Yoga! It’s an excellent way to
                                     safely loosen, stretch and strengthen muscles,
                                            reduce stress, improve circulation
                                                   and gain flexibility!
                                            *Minimum of 6 students per class.
                                                 Pay instructor directly.

                                                Beginner’s Spanish Class
                                      Date:        (W/Th.) Sept.18-19; 25-26, 2019
                                                   Oct. 2-3; 9-10; 16-17 & 23-24, 2019
                                       Time:       12:30 PM – 2 PM
                                      Price:       $30 per person for 6 Weeks
                                      Instructor: Gena Brown
                                      Place:        Workforce Development Center
                                                    Room 218
  Beginner’s Spanish Class              Beginners Spanish - is designed as an introductory
                                         course for absolute beginners, and as such, will
                                         establish a strong foundation and promote future
                                        success in Spanish learning. This course features
                                       some interesting online activities, both in listening as
                                       well as reading and writing. It will be fun and educa-
                                            tional! Get ready to learn a new language!
                                              *Minimum of 5 students for this course.
                                                     Pay instructor directly.

Program Extras!
                                     Program Extras! are events and classes with extra fees.
        Program                            Please register for accurate class enrollment.

        Extras!                                           Bubble Up with Soap
                                     Dates:               Tues., Sept. 24, 2019
   Bubble Up with Soap                                    Oct. 22; Nov. 26; Dec. 10, 2019
                                     Time:                1–2:30 PM
                                     Price:               $10.00 per class
                                     Instructor:          Victoria Edwards
                                     Location: Workforce Development Center, Room 218
                                      Victoria is sharing lots of techniques of making soap with a
                                      flare of colors and scents. Come prepared with your safety
                                      gear. (Apron, Safety Glasses, Kitchen Gloves and Closed-
                                                    Toe Shoes) All kinds of soaps!!!
                                     *Minimum—5 students in class. Pay instructor directly.

     Creative Creations                                   Creative Creations
                                     Dates:        Sept. 20, 27; Oct. 18, 25, 2019
                                                   & Nov. 8, 15, 2019
                                     Time:         1 PM - 3 PM
                                     Instructor: Vanessa Collins
                                     Location: Workforce Development Center
                                                   Room 218
                                     Cost:         $10 per class
                                          Creative Creations is a series of art workshops
                                      designed to be fun and entertaining. Adults will create a
                                      variety of exciting projects that include crafts (string art,
                                      mosaics) and sculpture (papier-mâché fiber art) as time
                                        allows. A variety of materials and mediums will be
                                            explored. “First Class is String Art Pictures”
                                                 *Minimum of 5 students in class.
            Brushstrokes                               Pay instructor directly.
      “No Experience Needed”
      “Come join the fun times       Date:       Wed. Nov. 13, 2019
        with Artfully Yours!”        Time:       1 PM - 3 PM
                                     Location: Workforce Development Center; Room 218
Please register for accurate class   Instructor: Twyla Duke, Artfully Yours!
           enrollment.               Price:      $12 per class (Minimum of 12 students)
                                       Pay Camp Community College when you register for this class.

Program Extras!
   Franklin Bowling                    Program Extras! are events and
                                              classes with extra fees.
        Alley                     Please register for accurate head count.
   Bowling was started
    in 1945 and in 1946               Bowling League for
 AMF Bowling launched            United States Bowling College
the first commercial fully                 “Club 55”
  automatic pin spotter.
 League Bowling soared        Date: Tues., Sept. 3, 2019 - Dec. 15, 2019
 in the 1960’s and is still
        going strong.         Time: 10 AM
      Let’s have some         Price: $10 per person for team
           FUN!!!                     $11 per person for individual

                                Please call Allen Gladstone at
                                562-0221 for more information.
                              Join a team or brush up on your skills
                              as you practice as an individual. Club
                               55 is a senior-adult event held away
                              from campus to develop better health
                                skills and community involvement.

                                        Fees are paid to the
                                       Franklin Bowling Alley.

                                DOOR PRIZES, FOOD & FUN!!!

Program Extras               Camp Community Steppers
                 Date:        Sun., Sept. 15, - Dec. 15, 2019
                 Time:        2:30 PM – 4 PM
                 Location:   Hobbs Suffolk Campus; Room; 106
                              271 Kenyon Rd.
                 Price:       $5 (Pay cash at the door)
                 Dance the Night Away. James Jenkins and friends
                 are starting a Line Dance Class for all. A line dance is
                 a choreographed dance with a repeated sequence of
                    steps in which a group of people dance in one or
                  more lines or rows, all facing either each other or in
                   the same direction, and executing the steps at the
                  same time. Come join the line and get in your steps.
                      Please register for an accurate head count.

                             IKEA & Norfolk Premium
  On the Go!                         Mall Trip

                          Love to Walk and Shop?

                  Dates: Tues., Oct 1 & Nov. 6, 2019
                  Time:         10 AM - 4 PM

                     Catch a ride for Shopping Therapy and enjoy the
                     fellowship of exercising and getting the holiday
                                   shopping done early.

                    Pay Camp $5 (when you register) per person
                  (per trip) for transportation and lunch is on your

                                Be at designated areas at
                              appropriate times for pickup.

On the Go!
        On the Go!                    Program Extras! are events and
                                          classes with extra fees.
                                      Please signup for accurate head

Sylvan Heights Bird Park             Sylvan Heights Bird Park
                                   Date:         Tues., Sept. 17 , 2019
                                   Time:         9 AM — 2 PM
                                   Price:        $12
                                   Location:     Scotland Neck, NC

                                    Get up close and personal with the birds of Sylvan
                                    Heights Bird Park. Learn about and observe birds’
                                      behavior. Pay Camp $12 for trip and $5 for
                                   transportation (when you register) for transpor-
                                     tation. Check-in and van loading is at 8:30 AM.
                                   Each person is responsible for his/her own bag
                                                   lunch and snacks.
  Mariner’s Museum
Self-Guided White Sails                     Mariner’s Museum
   over Blue Waters
                                   White Sails over Blue Waters
                                   Date:         Mon., Oct. 28, 2019
                                   Time:         9 AM - 4 PM
                                   Price:        $1 (Pay at Museum)
                                   Lunch:        Restaurant on Premises
                                                 (ON YOUR OWN)

                                   You will enjoy sites and interpret artifacts that cele-
                                   brate the spirit of the ocean. You will also learn how
                                    explorers discovered the world through navigation
                                    and cartography; trace the development of steam-
                                   powered ships and get an insight into the history of
                                     sailing in our International Small Craft Center as
 Please signup for accurate head               you walk through the museum.
             Count.                   Pay Camp $5 (when you register) per person
                                                     for transportation.

                                        Check-in and van loading is at 8:30 AM.

On the Go!                                   On the Go!
                                        Program Extras! are events and
                                    classes with extra fees. Please signup for
    Beginning Kayaking                     accurate class enrollment.
       on the Pond
                                        Beginning Kayaking on the Pond
                                   Sessions 1 & 2: Dates To Be Announced
                                   Instructor:     Blackwater Outfitters/Nottoway River
                                   Location:       Darden Mill Pond
                                   Cost:          $25 per person per session
                                   Pay Camp $3 (when you register) per person for
                                    transportation (if needed) from the Workforce
                                          Development Center to the pond.

                                       Participants may also follow the shuttle or
                                             get directions from our staff.

   Paddling on the River                         Paddling on the River
                                    Come join Toni and her knowledgeable crew on a
                                   relaxed 2.5 mile paddle to experience wildlife view-
                                    ing while exploring our beautiful local waterways.
                                    This is an advanced class for advanced paddlers.

                                   Sessions 1 & 2: Dates To Be Announced
                                   Instructor:   Blackwater Outfitters/Nottoway River
                                   Location:     Nottoway River
                                   Cost:         $25 per person per session
                                   Beginning Kayaking on the Pond or equivalent
                                   Pay Camp $3 (when you register) per person for
                                    transportation (if needed) from the Workforce
Please signup for accurate class          Development Center to the pond.
                                    Participants may also follow the shuttle or get
                                               directions from our staff.

On the Go!                                   NYC Bus Trip 2019 –
                                                  Departing from Suffolk
                                             Date: Sat., Dec. 07, 2019
                                            Time: 12:30 AM (Midnight)
         NYC Bus Trip
                                                             About this Event:
                                               Let’s take a trip to New York City to catch those
                                           remarkable sales we always hear about and see first-
                                           hand in the City that never sleeps. Bring your friends,
                                        family, partner, co-worker, or spouse and take advantage
                                           of the sales like you never seen before. You will have
                                         time to go sightseeing, visit the museums, or just take a
                                                       walk. Do what your heart desires!

  For more information or to make a         Your Price of $100 per person includes:
   reservation, call Freedom Tours
                                           Round-Trip Charter Bus Transportation
Coach Lines direct at 1-800-371-8974;
         Option # 1 or email:              Gift from Santa
                                           Bottle of Water
   All tickets are non-refundable. If      12 Hours in New York City
   weather affects the safety of the
      passengers, the trip will be         Trip Assistant
   rescheduled at the next earliest                             Itinerary
        weekend date available.
                                        12:30 AM Depart Saturday, Dec. 7, 2019 Walmart
                                        -1200, N. Main St., Suffolk, VA 23434
                                        7:00 AM Arrival (approx.) Macy’s Herald Square
Schedule trip on your own.              -151 W. 34th St., New York, NY 10001
                                        7:00 PM Depart (approx.) Macy’s Herald Square
                                        -151 W. 34th St., New York, NY 10001
                                        1:00 AM Arrival Sunday, Dec. 8, 2019 Walmart,
                                        -1200 N. Main St., Suffolk, VA 23434

                                        There is a limited amount of tickets and they are sold
                                         on a first come/first-serve basis. A pre-purchased
                                           ticket is required for an accurate head count.

On the Go!                               On the Go!
                                        Program Extras! are events and classes with
                                                     registration fees.
                                          Please signup for accurate head count.
 Williamsburg’s Christmas
Walking Tour & Candle Making           Williamsburg’s Christmas Walking Tour &
    with Yankee Candles                      Candle Making with Yankee Candle
                                     Date:     Mon., Dec. 16, 2019
                                     Time:        9 AM - 4 PM
                                     Cost:        $20 (Includes transportation)
                                                  Lunch is on your own.
                                     Location: Williamsburg, VA
                                       Williamsburg was founded as the capital of the Virginia
                                      Colony in 1699. The original capital, Jamestown was the
                                       first permanent English-speaking settlement in the New
                                        World founded in 1607. Colonial leaders petitioned the
                                     Virginia Assembly to relocate the capital from Jamestown
                                     to Middle Plantation, five miles inland between the James
                                     and the York Rivers. The new city was renamed Williams-
                                     burg in honor of England's reigning monarch, King William
                                     III. Williamsburg celebrated its 300th Anniversary in 1999.
                                      The Second part of the trip starts at 2 PM to
                                                   Make Candles
                                     Every scented Yankee Candle is made in America with the
                                        finest ingredients from around the world, like natural
                                       fragrance extracts and natural fiber wicks. Our master
                                      candle-makers still observe the same rigid standards of
                                       commitment and craftsmanship from our early days of
                                      making candles by hand. Today, they produce more than
                                       one million jar candles per week at our company head-
                                                 quarters in western Massachusetts.

                                                Extra Cost for Candles:
                                                Making Candles by Hand
 Please register for accurate head        String Candle $3.99, Hand Candle $8,
               count.                               Jar Candle $15

Community                          Community Fellowship Potluck
                                  Date:     Wed., Sept. 4, 2019
     Fellowship!                  Time:     1 PM
    Opening Gathering             Location: Workforce Development Center
                                            Room 218

                                     The Fall Catalog is available at the Workforce
                                       Development Center office or online:

                                     Please feel free to ask any questions and/or
                                                 voice any concerns.
                                  We are looking forward to seeing everyone in the
                                   Fall. Bring your favorite dish and your smiling
                                         faces. Be sure to spread the word.

                                               No Membership Fee!!!

                                            Holiday Celebration Potluck
     Holiday Celebration
                                  Date:          Wed., Dec. 18, 2019
                                  Time:          12 PM - 2 PM
                                  Location: Workforce Development Center
                                            Room 218

                                     We will celebrate with your favorite holiday
                                   dishes for all to share. Then, we will have the
                                  “White Elephant Gift Exchange” followed by an
                                     “Ugly Sweater Contest” to top it off. Invite a
                                  friend from the community and show them how
                                        much we enjoy the Life of Learning.
Please signup for accurate head
            count.                New Catalog will be available by Nov. 29, 2019
                                         for the Spring Semester 2020.

Line Dancing Class
Hobbs Campus—Rm.106
2:30p                   September 2019
Sun        Mon               Tue                Wed                   Thu                Fri               Sat
1     2                 3                 4                      5               6                    7
                         “Club 55”        Community
                         10- Bowling      Fellowship
                                          Potluck 1

8     9 Chair Yoga 9    10                11                     12              13                   14
      The Buzz/                           Gaynelle E. Riddick
      Genealogy         “Club 55”         “Storyteller” 10:30
                        10- Bowling

15    16 Chair Yoga 9 17                  18                     19              20 Virginia Opera    21
      The Buzz/         Sylvan Heights                                           10-12
                                          Reading Buddies
      Genealogy         Bird Park 9-2     Meeting at S.P. Mor-
      10-12                                                                      Creative Creations
                                          ton 10
                                                                 Spanish Class   1-3
                                          Spanish Class
                                           12:30– 2

22    23 Chair Yoga 9 24                  25                     26              27                   28
                        “Club 55” 10-                            The Village
      The Buzz/         Bowling Alley      Book Club 11 –2       Community
      Genealogy         Bubble Up with                           Block Party
      10-12                                                      Time: TBA
                        Soap 1-2:30
                                                                                 Creative Creations
                                          Spanish Class
                        In the Know SMH                          Spanish Class   1-3
                        5:30-7:30         12:30– 2
                        3rd Tues.
                        @ 569-6302

29    30 Chair Yoga 9
      The Buzz/

October 2019
Sun        Mon                 Tue                  Wed               Thu                 Fri                  Sat
                        1                     2                 3                  4                     5
                                              Spanish Class     Spanish Class      Bacon Fest Volunteers Needed
                        IKEA & Norfolk        12:30–2           12:30–2            Smithfield Fri. 9-7 or Sat. 10-5
                        Premium Mall 10-4

6     7Chair Yoga 9     8                     9                 10 Movie Time 10 11                      12

      The Buzz          “Club 55”
                        10- Bowling Alley     Spanish Class     Spanish Class 1
      Genealogy 10-12                         12:30–2           12:30–2

13    12 Chair Yoga 9   15                    16                17 Movie Time 10 18                      19
                        Session 1             Session 1 Tech.
                        Tech. Class 10        Class 10
      The Buzz
      Genealogy 10-12   “Club 55”
                                              Spanish Class     Spanish Class       Creative
                        10- Bowling Alley     12:30– 2          12:30–2
20    21 Chair Yoga 9 22 Bible Lit. 10-12     23                24 Movie Time 10 25                      26
                        Bubble Up with Soap    Book Club 11–2
      The Buzz          1-2:30
      Genealogy 10-12   In the Know SMH       Spanish Class     Spanish Class
                                              12:30–2           12:30–2
                        *RSVP 3rd
                        Tues. @ 569-6302

27    28                29 Bible Lit. 10-12   30                31 Movie Time 10

                        **Donation Day
      Mariners          Hats & Scarves for
      Museum 9-4        Cancer 11

November 2019
                                                                                                  Community involvement
                                                                                                  in the Christmas Parade:
                                                                                                  Practices & Parade will be
                                                                                                  announced with
                                                                                                  more interest.

     Sun        Mon                Tue               Wed               Thu                    Fri                 Sat
                                                                                   1 Understanding           2
                                                                                   Opera 10-12

3          4 Chair Yoga 9 5 Bible Lit. 10-12 6                    7                8                         9
                                                                  Movie Time 10

           The Buzz/          “Club 55”         IKEA & Norfolk
           Genealogy          10 - Bowling      Premium Mall                       Creative
           10-12              Alley             10-4
                                                                                   Creations 1-3

10         11                12                 13                14               15                        16
           Chair Yoga 9
                             Bible Lit. 10-12   Brush-            Movie Time 10
           The Buzz/                            1-3
                              “Club 55”
                              10 - Bowling                                             Creative
                                                                                       Creations 1-3

17         18                19                 20                21               22                        23
                             Bible Lit. 10-12                     Movie Time 10
           Session 2 Tech.                      Session 2 Tech.
           Class 10                             Class 10

                             “Club 55”                             Food Bank
                             10 - Bowling                         Collection Day
                             Alley              Book Club 11 –2

24         25                26                 27                28               29                        30
                             Bible Lit. 10-12

                             Bubble Up with
           The Buzz          Soap 1-2:30

                             In the Know
                             SMH 5:30 pm
                             *RSVP 3rd Tues.
                             @ 569-6302

December 2019
     Sun         Mon            Tue                Wed                  Thu             Fri        Sat
1          2               3 Bible Lit.       4                    5               6          7
               The Buzz
                              10-12                                                           NYC Bus
               Genealogy                                           Movie Time 10
               10-12       “Club 55”                                                          Shopping/
                           10 - Bowling                                                       Sightseeing

8          9               10                 11                   12              13         14
               The Buzz
                           “Club 55”                               Movie Time 10
                           10- Bowling

15         16              17                 18                   19              20         21
           Williamsburg                      Book Club 11–2
                           Donation Day:                           Movie Time 10
           Tour/Yankee     Blankets for
           Village Tour    Babies 11         Holiday
           9-4                               Celebration 12-2
                                             White Elephant Gift
                             Food Bank
                                             Exchange & Potluck
                            Collection Day
                                             Paper Products

                           Bubble Up with
                           Soap - 1-2:30

22         23              24                 25                   26              27         28

                           Christmas Break
29         30              31

Community Education Program Fall 2019
                              100 N. College Drive, Franklin, VA 23851
                                          Phone: 757.569.6050

General Information
First Name:         ____________ Middle: _____ Last                         _____ Suffix ________

Mailing Address:                                                            ________________ ___
                   Street               Apt./Suite            City              State     Zip
Phone:(_____)_______-________ 2nd Phone:(_____)______-_______Email:________________
Date of Birth: ____________Gender: ____ Male ____Female ____Other ____Prefer Not To Answer

Ethnicity & Citizenship Information: Are you Hispanic or Latino? ____ Yes                       ____ No
What is your citizenship status? ____________________
Native (U.S. citizen at birth) ____Naturalized (became U.S. citizen after birth)____
Alien Permanent ____ Alien temporary ____Not living in the U.S. ___
Primary Language ____ English _________________ Other _________________________
Racial/Ethnic Group: ____ Black/African American ____ American Indian/Alaska Native ____ Asian
____ White _____ Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander

Photography Release: I give permission to Camp Community College to use photographs of
me for college publications or advertisements in print or electronic media. I consent to the use of my
name, likeness, voice, and biographical material about him/her in connection with college publicity or
institutional purposes.

Signature: _________________________________________________ Date: ________________

This institution promotes and maintains educational opportunities without regard to race, color, sex,
ethnicity, religion, gender, age (except when age is a bona fide occupational qualification) handicap,
national origin or other non-merit factors.
Emergency Information: In the event of an emergency, accident, injury, etc., please contact
the person below:
1st Emergency Contact: __________________________________ Relation: _________________

Street Address: _______________________________ State: _____________Zip: ____________

Home phone: ________________________________ Cell phone: ________________________

Name: ___________________________________

                                         VIRGINIA COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM
                                                Camp Community College

                                                Community Education Program

 Emergency Contact: ___________________________________________________ Relationship: _________________

 Street Address: ___________________________________ State ___________________________ Zip: ____________

 Home phone: _________________________________________________Cell phone: __________________________

 Your Physician: ________________________________________ Physician’s phone: _________________________

 Medical Release and Liability Waiver - Please read carefully before signing
 The undersigned hereby acknowledges that participation in Camp Community College, Community Education Program
 may involve a small but inherent risk of physical injury, and the undersigned hereby assumes all such risk and does hereby
 release and forever discharge the Community Education team, instructors, at Camp Community College and all agents
 thereof from any and all liability of whatever kind or nature, arising from and by reason of any and all known and unknown,
 foreseen and unforeseen, bodily and personal injuries, damage to property, and the consequences thereof, resulting from
 the registrant’s participation in or involvement with this course. It is strongly recommended that you obtain approval from
 your physician prior to participating in the activities of this course.
 Signature: __________________________________________Date: ______________________________

 Volunteer Opportunities: Would you be interested in collecting for donations?             □ Yes □ No
 We need volunteers in all capacities to help us with our Community Education Program. Check all the areas where you
 would be willing to help:
    ___ Administrative support
    ___ Program development (class/instructor selection)
    ___ Catalog development/distribution
    ___ Hospitality
    ___ Website
    ___ Travel (trip planning, etc.)
    ___ Contribution for The Buzz
     I certify that all of the above information is complete and accurate. I agree to supply the college with
                 supporting documentation related to my application, if I am requested to do so.

 Signature: _________________________________________________ Date: ___________________
 You are urged to attend all courses and activities for which you enroll. Good attendance is important in
 getting future instructors and speakers, many of whom receive no fees or honorarium. Non-attendance
 also results in under-utilized classroom space and often prevents others from participating. If anyone
 wishes to attend a class or course for which he or she is not registered, please call or email Melba
 Holland to inquire if there is still room available. Phone Number: 569-6062 / Email:
NAME: ___________________________________

                                         VIRGINIA COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM
                                                Camp Community College
                                       Community Education Registration Form

√                    Free Courses                            Date                 Time           Instructor/Guides

                                                 Tues. 10/22, 10/29; 11/5,
        Reading Biblical Literature:
                                                 11/12, 11/19, 11/26; &
        Genesis to Revelation pg. 4                                           10 AM-12 PM    Rev. Dennis Rhoads
                                                 Starting on Thur.
        Movie Time pg. 5                         10/10
                                                                                 10 AM       Registered Participants

        Understanding Opera:
                                                 Fri. 9/20                    10 AM-12 PM    Dr. Glenn Winters
        “TOSCA (Puccini)” pg. 6
        Understanding Opera: “IL POSTINO
                                                 Fri. 11/1                    10 AM-12 PM    Dr. Glenn Winters
        (The Postman) (Daniel Catán)” pg. 6

        Encore Reading Buddy at S.P. Morton
                                                 Wed. 9/18                       10 AM       Joyce Carter
        Elem. Sch. pg. 7
                                                 Every 4th Wed.
        Book Club pg. 7                          9/25-12/18
                                                                               11 AM-2 PM    Dennis Rhoads

        Village Community Block Party pg. 8      Thurs. 9/26/19                   TBA        The Village at Woods Edge

        Technology Class—Session 1 pg. 8         Tues./Wed. 10/15 & 16           10 AM       Della Stokes

        Technology Class—Session 2 pg. 8         Mon./Wed. 11/18 & 20            10 AM       Della Stokes

        SMH: In the Know pg. 9                   Starting 9/23                               Southampton Memorial
                                                                              5:30-7:30 PM
        Must RSVP on 3rd Tues.                   Every 4th Tues.                             Hospital
                                                 Thur. 11/21 &
        Food Bank Donations pg. 9                                                 10 AM      Registered Participants
                                                 Tues. 12/17
        Hats & Scarfs for Cancer                 Tues. 10/29 &
                                                                                  11 AM      Registered Participants
        Blankets for Babies pg.10                Tues. 12/17

        1. The Buzz: Games Club pg. 11 ____
                                                 Starting Mon. 9/9            10 AM-12 PM    Registered Participants
        2. Genealogy Club ______
                                                 F 10/4 (8 AM-12 PM
        SmithfieldVAEvent: Volunteering pg 12    or 1 PM-6 PM)               Choose AM/PM    Registered Participants
        Circle the day and time.                 S 10/5 (8 AM-12 PM             either day
                                                 or 1 PM-6PM)

        Community Fellowship Potluck pg. 21      Wed. 9/4/19                      1 PM       Registered Participants

        Holiday Celebration Potluck pg. 21       Wed. 12/18                     12-2 PM      Registered Participants

NAME: ___________________________________

√                    Paid Courses                           Date                 Time               Instructor/Guides

     Storyteller and Author pg. 5
                                                Wed. 9/11                    10:30 AM-12 PM   Gaynelle E. Riddick
     (Pay Gaynelle Riddick $10 at door.)
     Chair Yoga pg. 13                          Starting on Mon. on 9/9          9 AM         Anita Falcone
     (Pay Anita Falcone $10 per class.)
     Spanish pg.13 (6 Week Class)               Starting on Wed. & Thurs.      12:30-2 PM     Gena Brown
     (Pay Gena Brown $30 for 6 classes.)        9/18–9/19
     Bubble Up w/Soap pg. 14                    Tues. 9/24; 10/22; 11/26;     1 PM-2:30 PM    Victoria Edwards
     (Pay Victoria Edwards $10 per class.)      12/10       Circle date(s)
     Creative Creations pg. 14                  Fri. 9/20 & 27; 10/18 & 25     1 PM-3 PM      Vanessa Collins
     (Pay Vanessa Collins $10 per class.)       & 11/8 & 15 Circle date(s)
     Brushstrokes pg. 14                        Wed. 11/13                     1 PM-3 PM      Twyla Duke, Artfully Yours!
     (Pay Camp)                                                                               Price: $12 per class
     Club 55 – Bowling pg. 15 –                 Season begins                    10 AM        Franklin Bowling Alley
     Team Price:       $10 to Bowling Alley     Tues., 9/03 until
     Individual Price: $11 to Bowling Alley     12/10/2019
     Camp Community Steppers pg. 16             Sun. 9/15 until 12/15           2:30 PM       Hobbs Suffolk Campus
     (Pay instr. $5 cash.)                                                                    Room 106
     IKEA & Norfolk Premium Mall pg.16          Tues. 10/1 &                  10 AM-4 PM      Registered Participants -
                                                Wed. 11/6 Circle dates                        Pay $5 to Camp for Van per
     Sylvan Heights Bird Park pg. 17            Tues. 9/17                     9 AM-2 PM      Registered Participants -
     (Pay Camp)                                                                               Pay Camp $17 for admission
                                                                                              and van.
     Mariner’s Museum Self-Guided White         Mon. 10/28                     9 AM-4 PM      Registered Participants
     Sails over Blue Waters pg. 17                                                            Price: $1 Museum +
      (Pay museum $1)                                                                         Pay Camp $5 for Van.
     Beginning Kayaking on Pond pg. 18          To be Announced                1 PM-3 PM      Blackwater Outfitters
     Call and pay instr. $25 per session                                                      Pay Camp $3 for Van.
     Paddling on the River pg. 18               To be Announced                1 PM-3 PM      Blackwater Outfitters
     Call and pay instr. $25 per session                                                      Pay Camp $3 for Van.
     NYC Bus Trip – Depart from Suffolk         Sat. 12/7                      12:30 AM       NYC Charter Bus
     pg. 19
     (Call & pay charter bus co. $100)
     Williamsburg Christmas Walking Tour &      Mon. 12/16                     9 AM-4 PM      Colonial Williamsburg
     Yankee Candle Trip pg. 20                                                                Price: Camp $20
                                                                                              (includes trans)
         Pay for Camp Community College Classes Only                         Camp Total:

                                   Fall Semester 2019 — September—December 2019
                                         Spring Semester 2020— January—May 2020

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