Liturgical Schedule Weekdays Monday - Friday 9am English

Page created by Annette Fuller
Liturgical Schedule Weekdays Monday - Friday 9am English
May 22, 2022           Liturgical
Sixth Sunday of Easter      Schedule
                         Monday - Friday
                            9am English

                         Saturday Vigils
                             5pm English
                             7pm Spanish

                               7am English
                            8:45am English
                           10:45am English
                           12:30pm Spanish
                                6pm English
                           (Youth Mass)

                             Video Mass

                         Saturday 8am
Liturgical Schedule Weekdays Monday - Friday 9am English
Parish Staff
          Rev. Jerry Brown,
        Administrator Pro-tem

        Rev. Gilbert Arango,
            Parochial Vicar

    Rev. Madhu Appanapalle,
            Parochial Vicar

        Rev. Mr. Jeff Vierra,
        Deacon Pastoral Care
          & Senior Ministry

    Rev. Mr. Ha Ngoc Nguyen,

       Rev. Mr. Fidel Carrillo,

         Mrs. Susie Dickert,
           School Principal

           Mary Ferreira,
            Office Manager
                                           The Pastor's Corner
            Dave Corder,
       Faith Formation Director
                                           Give and it will be given unto you. VII
            Laura Perez,
  Coordinator of Religious Formation       Tithing has been my practice since 1963, and even at times when it
                                           seemed impossible to give sacrificially, somehow, I always was able
             Jacob Wall                    to do it. You recall that as an Episcopal Minister I was married [again
       Director of Youth Ministry          another story] but I recall sitting with my wife going over the budget
                                           at the beginning of our married life. She said to me, “it will be tight,
        Guillermo Garcia Jr.,              but we will just make it.” I looked at her budget and realized that she
      Director of Liturgical Music
                                           had not included the tithe; the result was our first marital fight. “We
            Lynn Poncini                   can’t afford to give that much money” she said, and I agreed, but
          Director of Liturgy              having done so for so many years I was committed. By then I knew
                                           the Malachi text and challenged her that if we were faithful in giving
        Richard Sepulveda,                 10% to the Church that there would be enough to go around. She
          Facilities Manager               was skeptical, but agreed. A handful of years later she stood up on a
                                           Sunday and told that story and witnessed “I didn’t believe it would
    Celso Doria, Martin Espinoza,
                                           work, but it did.” We both still tithe to this day!! Again, I am not trying
 Allan Rodriguez, Lois Wiedenhoeft,        to get you to give more money to St. Anthony, but the principle is
    Jose Martinez, Erica Campos,           worth noting: to the generous person God pours out blessings. This
     Jessica Campos, Jory Kusy,            is actually easy to prove, and this is one area where testing God is
 Monica Poncini, & Barbara Graham          appropriate. “You cannot out give God!” It is the nature of His being
                                           to pour out his generous grace and love upon his children, and when
       MISSION STATEMENT                   we act like God by being generous amazing things can happen.
  We covenant to give ourselves to
Christ as He gives Himself to us in the
Eucharist, so every person might be a
full, active, & conscious participant in
                                                                Thank you for your continued support
  His Church, empowered to share                                                 Week of May 15
            & live the Gospel.                                                    $27,065.95

                                                                              St. Anthony's Catholic Church 2
Liturgical Schedule Weekdays Monday - Friday 9am English
8:45am - Fr. Madhu
                                                             † Elvi Manalaysay (Frances Sia)
                                                             † Jeri Rogers ( Richard & Nanci Gruber)
                                                             † Maria Pires (The Chadinha Family)

Monday, May 23                                             10:45am - Fr. Jerry
9:00am - Fr. Gilbert                                         For the People of the Parish
  † Cenovia Gonzalez & Margarita Manjarrez (Aida Lua)
  † Trinidad & Elizardo Samson (Geny Cademas)               12:30pm - Fr. Gilbert
  (Special Intention) Braylen Cademas                         † Angelita Barbosa Barajas (Gloria Aguilar)
  (Geny Cademas)
                                                            6:00pm - Fr. Larry
Tuesday, May 24                                               † Dante & Nita Felipe (Melissa Felipe)
9:00am - Fr. Gilbert                                          † Felisa Orais & Pura Sy (Tyra & Dave Sandher)
  † Alfredo Lopez Jr. (Anna Lizza Guevara)
  † Cenovia Gonzalez & Margarita Manjarrez
  (Aida Lua)
  † Rachel Rosales (Luz Elena Rosales)

Wednesday, May 25
9:00am - Fr. Jerry
  † Cenovia Gonzalez & Margarita Manjarrez
  (Aida Lua)
  † Justin Lazaro (Charito Lazaro)
  † Talafaiva Kivalu (Malia Matoto)

Thursday, May 26
9:00am - Fr. Madhu
  † Myra Lucas (Art Lucas Jr.)
  (Special Intention) Andrew Munguia
  (Sandra Munguia)
  (Special Intention) Melissa Mendez
  (Sandra Munguia)

Friday, May 27
9:00am - Fr. Jerry
  † Alice Indelicato (Mary Indelicato)
  † Rafael Munguia (Sandra Munguia)
  (Special Intention) May Tempra (T. Tempra)
                                                        "Are you new to the parish?
Saturday, May 28
                                                        To obtain a registration form, please visit our website,
5:00pm - Fr. Madhu
  † Alice Indelicato (Ed & Patti Fichtner)
                                                        email, or call the parish office.
  † Brian Donnelly (Barbara Donnelly)
  † Denis Hansen (Barbara Donnelly)                     Have you moved?
                                                        Had an information change?
7:00pm - Fr. Gilbert                                    Let us know by contacting our parish office by phone
  † Antonio Perez (Maria Espinoza)                      or by email.
  † Moses Sumarin (Maria Espinoza)
  † Rafael Gallardo (Maria Espinoza)                    Monday – Thursday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
                                                        Friday 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Sunday, May 29
7:00am - Fr. Madhu
  † Dudley, Robin, Charlene, & Michael Lightell         209-823-7197
  (Kathy Martinez)
  † Elaine & Danny Dinardo (Kathy Martinez)             We respect your privacy! This information is for St.
  † Ray & Annie Corn (Kathy Martinez)                   Anthony’s Parish use only.

                                                                        St. Anthony'sCatholic
                                                                        St. Anthony's Catholic  Church
                                                                                              Church 3 3
Liturgical Schedule Weekdays Monday - Friday 9am English
Readings for the week of May 22, 2022

Sunday:      Acts 15:1-2, 22-29/Ps 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8 [4]/Rv 21:10-14,
             22-23/Jn 14:23-29
Monday:      Acts 16:11-15/Ps 149:1b-2, 3-4, 5-6a and 9b/Jn
Tuesday:     Acts 16:22-34/Ps 138:1-2ab, 2cde-3, 7c-8/Jn 16:5-11
Wednesday: Acts 17:15, 22—18:1/Ps 148:1-2, 11-12, 13, 14/Jn 16:12-15
Thursday:     Acts 18:1-8/Ps 98:1, 2-3ab, 3cd-4/ Jn 16:16-20
Ascension:    Acts 1:1-11/Ps 47:2-3, 6-7, 8-9 [6]/Eph 1:17-23 or
              Heb 9:24-28; 10:19-23/Lk 24:46-53
Friday:       Acts 18:9-18/ /Ps 47:2-3, 4-5, 6-7/Jn 16:20-23
Saturday:    Acts 18:23-28/ Ps 47:2-3, 8-9, 10/Jn 16:23b-28
Next Sunday: Ascension: Acts 1:1-11/ Ps 47:2-3, 6-7, 8-9 [6]/Eph 1:17-23
              or Heb 9:24-28; 10:19-23/Lk 24:46-53 Seventh Sunday of
              Easter: Acts 7:55-60/Ps 97:1-2, 6-7, 9 [1a, 9a]/
              Rv 22:12-14, 16-17, 20/Jn 17:20-26

                  Lifting up to God for healing those in need of our prayers:
   Christopher & Joe Rowen               Faye Escovedo           Annette Telles      John Michael Cortez-Inocencio
        Elizabeth Cantu                Jocelyn San Juan           Raquel Taylor              Ervin Mendiola
    Duane & Irene Golliher              Athena Sequiera       Daniel Isiah Navarro             Rafael Cruz
        Judy Simmons                     Maria Castanon          Nellie Navarro              Marissa Prater
           Jorge Dias                    Peter Pimentel             Danny Rea               Nery Rodriguez
        Patricia Meyers                 Ricardo Velasco      Michael & Maria Kelly          Susan Ambrose
    Juan & Rosa Gonzalez           Joselito & Gladys Munoz Anthony & Kristin Salinas        Joe Schlemmer
        Brody Kasinger                   Delarine Barut            Chris Lyane               Reuben Payan
          Gilbert Diaz             Ramona & George Phelps    Barbara Pinto-Choate           Debbie Mahaffey
         Sharon Ryder                     Cathy Valente         Richard Gallardo             Dolores Bogart
       Rosalina Gurrola                 Christian Llames    Michael Joseph Marshall       Theresa Maldonado
          Frank Castro                  Victor Alejandro            Jim Ennis                Merry Loudon
         David Daneau                      Arsenio Pino      James & Alice Doyle             Warren Rogers
        Sarah McCarthy                 Jim Knipptenberg         Warren Hikuroa               Brandi Barnes
          Vince Cestra                   Chricea Guillen        Anthony Trusso              Evaristo Vergara
        Louis George III                    Silvita Alvia        Manuel Danna                   Rose Rosa
           Macy Hekl                    Gilbert Camarillo          Joan Kregar                 Oscar Ceron
          Enrigue Rios                   Maria Amador           David Palameno               Raymond Avila
          Paul Rebelo                 Daniel A. Fernandez      Jesus Pangelinan               Trina Cabrera
       Emilia Sanfilippo                    June Torres           Lisa D. Barba           Guadalupe Saldivar
      Anthony Figueroa                  Elizabeth Alvarez        Frank Velasco                Alex Angeles
  Edmundo & Jean Damasco           Mary Catherine Martinez        Liz Parkkoen             Alfonso Villanueva
          Walter Frey                    Maria Medeiros        Elenora Joy Davis             Pam Costanza
          Bob Neeley                  Pablo & Aldo Merlos     Ana Maria Gonzalez            Rowena Tebaldi
          Michele Day                 Mike & Nancy Hogle         Sam Parnham                Rafael Portillo Jr.
          Joan Cowan                        Joseph Pita         Jeremy Fanshier              Rosario Portillo
           Paz Galvan                    Cheridyn Daos         Nancy Schlemmer              Natividad Garcia
        Mary Ann Silva                    Laura Bender            Fran Vdoutch                Lupe Saldivar
        Rodrigo Acosta                      Jared Costa           Ofelia Bation               Zenaida Carr
         Abel Ramirez                     Dave Dineros          Tony, Rey, & Luis        Jacqueline Alexander
           Jim Fields                   Jesus Zambrano               Quezada                 Gemma Mateo
          Dahlia Cano                 Stacey Hutchingson      Edward Thompson               Rachel Martinez
           Marc Pella                Barbara Cardiel-Jagar       Nicole Segura               Margo Hansen
         Victoria Richie                   Ida Teicheira        Diane Pachucki                Joseph Bush
          Serina Horn                     Adelina Serna     Raquel Aglubat Laroco            Mark Bianchini
         Julie Ferreira             Dianne Brewer Donnelly          Gail Quon             Faustino Hernandez
       Michael Relloque                John Nussbaumer               Jim Kelly
           Tara Jones               Kaylee Justine Saldivar      Isabel Perreira

                                                                               St. Anthony's Catholic Church 4
Liturgical Schedule Weekdays Monday - Friday 9am English
Ministries and Activities

                                                        St. Vincent de Paul Society’s Food and Clothing
                                                        Pantry is open Wednesdays and Fridays from
                                                        2:00-3:30 pm.

                                                        New members are welcome
                                                        Please call our office at 209-823-8099 and leave a

                                                        DONATIONS: If you are able to help, please drop off
                                                        donations on Wednesdays and Fridays during our
 PERPETUAL ADORATION                                    open hours of 2:00-3:30 pm.
The Adoration Chapel remains closed at this time.
Adoration & Private Prayer will take place inside       Thank you for all your generosity. We have been
the church as scheduled:                                able to continue to help local people with rent,
Monday, Wednesday, & Friday 9:30 am - 12:00 pm          utilities, and other necessities. If you know of
Thursday Only 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm                         someone in need, please have them call our
Fridays Only 6:00am to 9:00am                           dedicated line for this outreach program only, at
(Adoration is suspended, if a funeral is scheduled)     (209) 302-5702.

                                                                       PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY
    Chaplet of Divine Mercy and Family Rosary
                                                        In addition to shawls and lap robes, we make baby
                                                        blankets, comfort blankets, hats, scarves and more. If
 The Knights of Columbus and Legion of Mary
                                                        you have a talent for crocheting or knitting, if you would
 invite all parish families to our Monthly Chaplet of
                                                        like to learn how, or if you like more information about
 Divine Mercy and Family Rosary to be held on
                                                        Prayer Shawl Ministry, please contact:
 Sunday, May 29th at 3:00pm in the Church.
                                                        Kathleen Gomes at 209-239-2272
                                                        or Bonnie Milford at 209-470-7912.

                                                                       The Italian Catholic Federation

                                                        The Italian Catholic Federation (ICF) is a nonprofit fraternal
                                                        organization for Catholics of all cultures founded in 1924 to
                                                        uphold and develop the religious spirit among members
Second Collection May 28 & 29                           and our community. As Christians, we continue the
Next week our special collection supports the           traditions of love, hospitality and works of charity with a
Catholic Communication Campaign. This                   mission to promote and support the Catholic Faith and
campaign engages and builds Catholic                    values, encourage apostolic and charitable works, and
communities in the United States and developing         establish our Italian American heritage and all the heritages
countries using the internet, television, radio, and    of our communities. You do not need to be Italian to join
print media. Half of the money collected remains        the ICF. While we proudly celebrate the Italian origins, ICF
here in the Diocese of Stockton to fund local           welcomes and encourages Catholics of all heritages to
communications efforts. Your support helps              become members, strengthening the organization through
spread the Gospel message! To learn more, visit         diversity. Contact Birdie Nieri, ICF President for more                                      information to attend one of our monthly dinner meetings
                                                        at (510) 304-7525.

                                                                           St. Anthony's Catholic Church 5
Liturgical Schedule Weekdays Monday - Friday 9am English
St. Anthony’s Parish
             Weekly Events
                                                           ST. ANTHONY'S SCHOOL
                                                St. Anthony's School is now accepting applications
                                                            for School Year 2022-2023!

Monday, May 23                                          Registration for the 2022-2023
9:30 am       Legion of Mary, Mary’s Rm              St. Anthony’s Catholic School year begins
10:00 am      Adoration, Church                 February 1st for re-enrollment of current families.
6:00 pm       Faith Formation, Church              If you are a new family and are interested in
6:00 pm       Edge, Rec Hall                    attending next year, please fill out an application
6:00 pm       Knights of Columbus, Cafeteria        form and come by to visit our classrooms.
                                                        We would love to show you around.
Tuesday, May 24
                                                         PRESCHOOL REGISTRATIONS
9:30 am       Adult Faith Formation, Conf. Rm
                                                     St. Anthony's Preschool is now accepting
Wednesday, May 25                                     applications for School Year 2022-2023!
10:00 am      Adoration, Church                   We are a high quality program which prepares
10:00 am      Legion of Mary, Mary’s Rm                children for kindergarten and beyond.
                                                    We provide a nurturing environment, offers
4:00 pm       Legion of Mary, Mary’s Rm
                                                 structured setting, encourages language, social,
                                                emotional skills and spiritual development aligned
Thursday, May 26                                        with the values of the Catholic faith.
9:30 am       Legion of Mary, Mary’s Rm
4:00 pm       Adoration, Church                 Preschool: 3 year old and potty trained by Sept.1st.
6:00 pm       Legion of Mary, Mary’s Rm             3 day-Half Day or 5 day-Full Day schedule
6:00 pm       Grupo Alabare, Cafeteria           Pre-K: 4 years old and potty trained by Sept.1st.
                                                   5 day -Half Day or 5 day-Full Day schedule
Friday, May 27
                                                   For more information, visit our website at
6:00 am       Adoration, Church         or contact the Preschool
10:00 am      Adoration, Church                    Director, Jennifer Dalen at 209-823-3959

Sunday, May 29
2:30 pm       Knights of Columbus, Church
7:15 pm       LifeTeen, Gym/Rec Hall

                                                                "I have command you:
                                                               be firm and steadfast!
                                                                   Do not fear nor be
                                                               dismayed, for the Lord,
                                                                 your God, is with you
                                                                   wherever you go."
                                                                       (Jos 1:9)
                                                               St. Anthony's Catholic Church 6
Liturgical Schedule Weekdays Monday - Friday 9am English
Youth Ministry
                  Welcome to St. Anthony's Family!
                Edge Night Middle School 6th-8th Grade
             Mondays in the Gym and Rec Hall at 6PM-7:30PM

 Life Night High School 9th-12th Grade and Sundays after the 6PM Mass
               in the Gym and Rec Hall at 7:15pm-8:30pm                                       Infant Baptism:
                                                                                      Minimum of three months notice
  Our goal as a youth group family is to walk with your teens as they                   & pre-baptismal instruction
begin their spiritual journey and relationship with Christ and the Catholic                     required.
Faith. Please reach out to me if you have any questions or if you would
  like to join our youth ministry core team at                     First Holy Communion
                                                                                          For school age children
                                                                                            (2nd grade or higher)
 We're pleased to announce the Availability of FORMED, an online service for           this is a two year preparation.
accessing thousands of Catholic videos, audios and eBooks On Demand
anytime, anywhere! As a member, you will have access to entertaining movies,
inspiring audio talks, informative bible studies, and much more. We are                        Confirmation
providing this resource free of charge to help our members learn and grow in             For students 6th grade or
their faith. You will also be able to easily access any featured content that we       above who desire to become
are promoting within our community from time to time. So please join us. Also             a fully initiated Catholic:
once you have signed up, don’t forget to download the free iOS or Android app          this is a two year preparation.
to put FORMED at your fingertips.
- To sign up for FREE, just visit
                                                                                        Following an appointment a
                                                                                          minimum of six months
- Type in St Anthony of Padua
- click on the Manteca location 505 East North Street, Manteca, CA                        preparation is required.
- then click on next,
- type in your name and email, then click sign up.                                          Christian Initiation
                                                                                       This process provides adults &
We hope you will enjoy this incredible gift and please spread the word to others.      children over the age of 7 the
                                                                                        opportunity to explore their
Youth Faith Formation Orientations/Orientaciones                                      calling to Baptism, Confirmation
2022-2023 Youth Faith Formation Mandatory orientations for new families                and Communion to become a
seeking the Sacrament of First Holy Communion or Confirmation for their               fully initiated Catholic Christian.
child will be on Monday, May 23rd in the church at 6pm in English and 7:30pm
in Spanish. This orientation is for families that did not attend our program last         If you have a question
year. Please note that you will not be enrolling your child on this date and          or would like more information
enrollment is not guaranteed by attending the orientation as space is limited.         please contact the following:
Enrollment will be online at a later date. Please contact the parish office, if
you have not registered your family with the parish.                                    For more information about
                                                                                          Baptism, Matrimony, &
ORIENTACIONES Mandatorias para Nuevas Familias deseando el Sacramento                        Christian Initiation
de Primera Comunion o Confirmacion para su hijo(a) sera el lunes, 23 de Mayo           please contact: David Corder
en la iglesia a las 6pm en inglés y 7:30pm en Español. Estas orientaciones                 209-823-7197 ext. 230
son para familias que no participaron en nuestro programa el año pasado.        
Favor de notar que no va a inscribir a su hijo(a) en este día y que no podemos
garantizar que pueda inscribir a su hijo(a) puesto que hay cupo limitado. Las               For more information
inscripciones serán en línea y se les dará información en la orientación.                 about First Communion &
Comuníquese con la oficina de la parroquia si no está registrada su familia             Confirmation please contact:
con la parroquia.                                                                             Faith Formation:
                                                                                               (209) 239-4302

                                                                                   St. Anthony's Catholic Church 7
Liturgical Schedule Weekdays Monday - Friday 9am English
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

As we find ourselves “on the heels” of the recent consecration of Russia and Ukraine
to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, we are reminded that May is dedicated to Our
Lady as our Blessed Mother. On Mothers’ Day, the second Sunday of May, we
express our love and gratefulness for motherhood. It is a special day when we show
our thankfulness for the gift of life, and the love we have received from our mothers
throughout our lives.

Also, within the providential love of Our Lord, Jesus chose the month of May to send
his Mother to share with the shepherd children of Fátima in 1917, his message of
peace for the Church and the world. It is because of her bidding, that we have
consecrated Russia and Ukraine, and the whole world, to her Immaculate Heart.
Pope Francis’ desire for the Church to join him in this consecration, is not to be seen,
solely, as a pious gesture soon to be forgotten. We are called to continue to fulfill
Our Lady’s request to pray the Rosary for peace and for the conversion of sinners.

Our Heavenly Mother, Our Lady of the Rosary, stresses the importance of praying             "You formed my
the Rosary daily and to commit to the First Saturday Devotion to her Immaculate
Heart. Her instruction was not only to consecrate Russia to her Immaculate Heart,          most inner being;
but, also, to engage our hearts in this special devotion to her Maternal Heart. She        you knit me in my
assured the shepherd children, and assures us, that if this was practiced, there
would, and will be peace; and in the end, her Immaculate Heart will triumph!               mother's womb. I
                                                                                             praise you, so
Let us commit to Our Blessed Mother’s desire, God’s heavenly remedy, which she
proclaimed to the children of Fátima. Let us take up the Rosary during this month of        wonderfully you
May. As a family, make it a point to set up a special prayer space in the home, within         made me;
the domestic church, and pray the Rosary together during this month of May. Be it in
the home or within faith formation classes, we are to teach our children to become           wonderful are
familiar with the Rosary and become disciples of the Rosary.                                  your works!"
I challenge all, during the month of May, to become familiar with the message of            Psalm 139:13-14
Fátima and the six apparitions of Our Lady. Allow the message to serve as a means
to catechize the family. The teaching of the Trinity, the Eucharist, the Gospel,
Heaven/Purgatory/Hell, morals and virtues, and the power of prayer and penance is
all-encompassing in this “school of Mary.” If you, as an individual or as a family, are     "Tú formaste mi
seeking to be evangelized and are desiring to be formed anew in the Faith, look no
further than the evangelical message of Fátima. The Message of Fátima can play a           ser interno, tú me
key role in opening the door to the New Evangelization and Family Catechesis!                  tejiste en el
As mother, Our Lady taught and formed her children and pupils well. Lúcia, Jacinta            vientre de mi
and Francisco, through the gifts of grace and mercy, came to know the depths of the          madre. Te doy
mysteries of faith. So, too, can we!
Lord Jesus, we thank you for your Mother Mary and ask that you bless all mothers,          gracias por tantas
especially, those who have gone before us. May they know your love and mercy.                   maravillas;
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.                                                        prodigio soy,
                                                                                            prodigiosas tus
Our Lady of the Rosary of Fátima, pray for us.
Our Lady, Mother of the Church, pray for us.                                                Psalm 139:13-14
In the Peace of the Risen Christ,
Bishop Myron J. Cotta

                                                                                 St. Anthony's Catholic Church 8
Liturgical Schedule Weekdays Monday - Friday 9am English
El Rincón Del Pastor

                                                                                  Dad y se os dará. VII

                                                                                  El diezmo ha sido mi práctica desde
                                                                                  1963, e incluso en momentos en que
                                                                                  parecía imposible dar con sacrificio, de
                                                                                  alguna manera, siempre pude hacerlo.
                                                                                  Recuerdas que como ministro episcopal
                                                                                  estaba casado [otra vez otra historia]
                                                                                  pero recuerdo estar sentado con mi
                                                                                  esposa revisando el presupuesto al
                                                                                  comienzo de nuestra vida matrimonial.
                                                                                  Ella me dijo: “será apretado, pero lo
                                                                                  lograremos”. Miré su presupuesto y me di
                                                                                  cuenta de que no había incluido el
                                                                                  diezmo; el resultado fue nuestra primera
                       LAS LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA                                  pelea marital. “No podemos darnos el
Domingo:            Hch 15, 1-2. 22-29/Sal 66, 2-3. 5. 6. 8 [4]/Ap 21, 10-14.     lujo de dar tanto dinero”, dijo, y acepté,
                   22-23/Jn 14, 23-29                                             pero después de haberlo hecho durante
Lunes:             Hch 16, 11-15/Sal 148, 1-2. 3-4. 5-6 y 9/Jn 15, 26—16, 4       tantos años, estaba comprometido. Para
Martes:            Hch 16, 22-34/Sal 137, 1-2. 2-3. 7-8/Jn 16, 5-11               entonces conocía el texto de Malaquías y
Miércoles:         Hch 17, 15-16. 22—18, 1/Sal 148, 1-2. 11-12. 13. 14/Jn 16,     la desafié a que si fuéramos fieles en dar
                   12-15                                                          el 10% a la Iglesia, habría suficiente para
                                                                                  todos. Ella se mostró escéptica, pero
Jueves:            Hch 18, 1-8/Sal 97, 1. 2-3. 3-4/ Jn 16, 16-20
                                                                                  estuvo de acuerdo. Un puñado de años
                   Ascensión: Hch 1, 1-11/Sal 46, 2-3. 6-7. 8-9 [6]/Ef 1, 17-23
                                                                                  más tarde se puso de pie un domingo y
                   o Heb 9, 24-28; 10, 19-23/Lc 24, 46-53                         contó esa historia y fue testigo de que
Viernes:           Hch 18, 9-18/Sal 46, 2-3. 4-5. 6-7/Jn 16, 20-23                "no creía que funcionaría, pero funcionó".
Sábado:            Hch 18, 23-28/ Sal 46, 2-3. 8-9. 10/Jn 16, 23-28               ¡¡Ambos seguimos diezmando hasta el
Domingo siguiente: Ascensión: Hch 1, 1-11/ Sal 46, 2-3. 6-7. 8-9 [6]/Ef 1,        día de hoy!! Una vez más, no estoy
                   17-23 o Heb 9, 24-28; 10, 19-23/Lc 24, 46-53 7º                tratando de que le den más dinero a San
                   Domingo de Pascua: Hch 7, 55-60/Sal 96, 1-2. 6-7. 9            Antonio, pero vale la pena señalar el
                   [1. 9]/Ap 22, 12-14. 16-17. 20/Jn 17, 20-26                    principio: a la persona generosa, Dios
                                                                                  derrama bendiciones. Esto es realmente
                                                                                  fácil de probar, y esta es un área donde
                                                                                  es apropiado probar a Dios. “¡No puedes
 VIVIR LA LITURGIA - INSPIRACIÓN DE LA SEMANA                                     dar más a Dios!” Es la naturaleza de Su
                                                                                  ser derramar su generosa gracia y amor
 Todos quieren experimentar la paz. Cuando buscamos que el mundo                  sobre sus hijos, y cuando actuamos
 nos proporcione esto, podemos decepcionarnos fácilmente. Asociamos               como Dios siendo generosos, pueden
 la paz con la ausencia de guerra y conflicto, buenas relaciones entre            suceder cosas asombrosas.
 vecinos y compañeros de trabajo, el logro del éxito e incluso la ausencia
 de ruido. Si bien todos estos son esfuerzos valiosos, perseguirlos
 exclusivamente como un camino para experimentar la paz nos prepara
 para el fracaso. Cuando buscamos la paz fuera de nosotros mismos,
 nunca la encontraremos. La paz verdadera y duradera es algo que viene
 de adentro y no algo que podamos producir por nuestra cuenta o recibir
 de otros. La paz se descubre cuando experimentamos una plenitud y
 armonía internas. Nace de un sentido de conexión con un Dios que es
 mayor y más grande que nosotros, regalándonos su presencia. Es la
 única paz ofrecida por Cristo Resucitado que puede calmar nuestro
 corazón y calmar nuestros miedos. Independientemente del grado de
 tumulto que nos rodea, esta sensación de plenitud que Jesús nos da
 ancla nuestros barcos y evita que nos hundamos.


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