March/April 2021 - Syria Shriners

Page created by Leslie Alexander
March/April 2021 - Syria Shriners
March/April 2021
March/April 2021 - Syria Shriners

March/April 2021 - Syria Shriners
SYRIA SHRINERS DIVAN FOR 2021                                                                            IN THIS ISSUE
                                                                                                      POTENTATE’S GALA         2
                                                                                                      RECORDER’S DESK          4
                                                                                                      POTENTATE’S MESSAGE      5
                                                                                                      PATIENT AMBASSADOR       7
                                                                                                      ROADRUNNERS              8
                                                                                                      CARAVAN 15 GOLF          9
                                                                                                      BAND                    10
                                      Donald I. Green                                                 IN MEMORIAM             11
                                   Illustrious Potentate
                                                                                                      PROVOST GUARD           11
                                                                                                      RODE RIGS               12
                                                                                                      CAMEL WHEELS            13
                                                                                                      KICK OFF/WINE FEST      14
                                                                                                      SHIRT ORDER FORM        15
Terry N. Steinheiser                   Jerry A. Sciullo                     Alan R. Tedeschi          CARAVAN 20              16
   Chief Rabban                       Assistant Rabban
                                                                                                      POTENTATE’S STAG        17
                                                                                                      NIGHT AT THE RACES   18-19
                                                                                                      MASA RESERVATIONS    20-21
                                                                                                      CASH GIVE-A-WAY         22
                                                                                                      LADIES LUNCHEON         23
                                                                                                      ONION ORDER FORM        25
 Thomas E. Prager                     David J. Gardy, P.P.            Robert T. Addleman, Jr., P.P.
  Oriental Guide                          Treasurer                             Recorder
                                                                                                      SC — ERIE               26
                                                                                                      FLYING FEZZES           27
                                                                                                      SYRIA GOLF OUTING    28-29
                                                                                                      SHRINERS INT’L       30-31
                                                                                                      PETITION             33-34
                                                                                                      SUMMER MUSIC SERIES     35
                      Randy L. Hobaugh                 G. Frederick Richardson
                    1st Ceremonial Master              2nd Ceremonial Master                          CALL FOR QUARTERLY MTG. 36
March/April 2021 - Syria Shriners
THE VOICE OF SYRIA SHRINERS — Robert T. Addleman, Jr., P.P., Editor                           Shrine Center Phone: 724-274-7000
Donald I. Green, Illustrious Potentate                 Terry N. Steinheiser, Chief Rabban          Jerry A. Sciullo, Assistant Rabban
Alan R. Tesdeschi, High Priest & Prophet                Thomas K. Prager, Oriental Guide             David J. Gardy, P.P., Treasurer
Robert T. Addleman, Jr. P.P., Recorder              Randy L. Hobaugh, 1st Ceremonial Master
Timothy L. McKiernan, Director       George W. Polnar, P.P., Marshal
                                                             Executive Committee
          Randy L. Hobaugh — 2021                        Timothy L. McKiernan — 2021
            Thomas E. Ruch — 2022                         Alvin D. Douglas, Jr. — 2023

                                                       From the Recorder’s Desk
                                                        Gree ngs, Nobles, Ladies, and friends of Syria Shriners.
                                                        Things are looking up! As our long, dark winter is coming to an end
                                                        and many of us are receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, we eagerly
                                                        an cipate a return to the fun and fellowship of Syria Shriners.
                                                        We are again permi ed to hold Lodge mee ngs and Shrine
                                                        mee ngs in person and while COVID-19 mi ga on orders remain
                                                        in place, requiring us to wear masks, observe physical distancing
                                                        and occupancy restric ons, things are gradually returning to a new
                                                        sense of normalcy for Syria Shriners, our Ladies and friends.
                                                        Before the end of this month, we will come together to “kick off”
                                                        2021 with Illustrious Sir Donald Green’s “One Team, One Dream,”
                                                        pursuing “Fun in ‘21.” A reserva on form has been emailed and
                                                        can also be found on page 14.
                                                        In April, we will take a “Voyage to Paradise” with Don and Debra at

                   to September 4. May will also herald the beginning of our Summer Music Series. Three concerts

        June 4, and runs weekly through October 14. The first season of music shows in the pavilion was a
tremendous success and we expect a bigger and be er season this year as pandemic restric ons ease.
The Syria Shriners Stage Band is preparing to resume monthly dances soon. Watch your email, our website,
Facebook page and the next issue of the VOICE for more details.
Speaking of email and social media, be sure you receive our email communica ons and like and follow us on
Facebook. Communica on is vital to our success, and if the only way we have to reach you is a bi-monthly
magazine, you will be losing much of the value of your Shrine membership. If you don’t receive our emails,
please sign up for our mailing list at Follow us on Facebook at

Yours in the faith,
March/April 2021 - Syria Shriners
A Message from the Illustrious Potentate
has challenged us in many ways. I know things will eventually get back to
what will be the new normal, but no one knows when. We are s ll looking
forward to having “Fun in 21” and con nuing to plan our events. While we
wait for our regular Shrine events to resume, we must focus on suppor ng
our Shriners Hospitals and our Pi sburgh Shrine Center.
In January, we had Caravan 16 and the Directors Staff officers installed on
the same day. Big THANKS to my Chief Aide Pete Simonoff for his a en on
to details and coordina on. In February, while we were installing the

and enthusias c leaders who are ready to have “Fun in 21.”

           the selec on of Shriner clothing to include both ladies and
men. At many of our events the ladies needed a clothing wrap to keep
warm. This new piece of apparel has been included in our clothing line. No inventory is needed, because the
Nobles and Ladies select the clothing then pay for the items. The items are delivered on certain pickup days
at the Shrine Center. This method saves money because of no inventory. The logos “Having Fun” and
“Helping Kids” are embroidered on the clothing to explain to the public what we do as Shriners.
Please take note of the following dates:
1. Saturday, March 27 - Our Protocol and Kick-Off Beach Party with Beach Picnic Food
2. Monday, April 5 - Quarterly Mee ng in the Ballroom
3. Saturday, April 24 - Voyage to Paradise Potentate Gala
4. Thursday, April 29 - Spring Ceremonial - Membership is the key for success
5. Sunday, May 2 - Our first lady’s luncheon in the Ballroom
Our Pi sburgh Shrine Center generates a great amount of revenue from weddings, corporate and non-profit
events, etc. The revenue is needed to help balance our budget. Because of the compe on of hall rentals in
the Pi sburgh area, we need to keep our facility first class to secure future business.
In October of 1994, Syria Shrine Nobles entered our new and current home. A er 26 years of con nual use,
we need to update the look from wear and tear. My wish list for 2021 includes:
1. Installa on of new carpe ng on the steps and ramp in the ballroom
2. Refinishing the wooden railings on all the levels in the ballroom
   Installa on of new
5. A 5-year plan to address the boiler system in the Shrine Center.
In the mean me, our Nobles have been busy improving your Pi sburgh Shrine Center.
I wish you and your family the very best and hope this year brings you con nued good health.
Yours in the faith,
Donald Green
Illustrious Potentate
March/April 2021 - Syria Shriners

                                                             OFFICE HOURS

We con nue to operate with limited staffing, as follows:
Business Office:   Monday               Closed
                 Tuesday              Deanna Ga o                                    9am-3pm
                 Wednesday            Peggy McKillop                                 9am-3pm
                 Thursday             Deanna Ga o                                    9am-3pm
                 Friday               Peggy McKillop                                 9am-3pm
Events Office:     Monday-Friday        Paule e Zano                                   9am-3pm
Facili es Office:  Monday-Friday        Fred Pa erson                                  9am-3pm

Throughout Shriners Interna onal, our Grand Lodges, appendant and concordant bodies under the Masonic

               . Syria Shriners firmly believes that we must proac vely pursue best prac ces in each of
Shriners Interna onal’s 4 Rs Ini a ves: Rela onships, Reten on, Recruitment and Restora on. The COVID-19
pandemic has created both challenges and opportuni es for us to strengthen rela onships with our exis ng
membership. Our communica ons ini a ves during the height of the pandemic last year received strong
posi ve feedback, but at the same me, some members chose to opt out of our email list, feeling that we
were communica ng too frequently. We hope you are receiving our emails, but if you’re not currently on
the list, please visit our website at and sign up.
Members of the Board of Directors made many telephone calls to encourage membership reten on. This

your share. Be sure to have a candidate in our April 29 Ceremonial class. Contact Membership Chairman Jim
March/April 2021 - Syria Shriners

                                        School in the Steel Valley School District. She is the daughter of Syria

                         The Verse     family resides in Munhall.
                         Faith is a pa ent at Shriners Childrens-Erie, where she has been treated for Right
                         Hemiplegic                                         since the age of three. Thanks to
                         SHC, Faith no longer walks primarily on her le toe, has be er balance and can be er
                         navigate terrain.
                         A er the Verse      twins had complica ons in utero, prenatal surgery was performed

                                     on her knees. Extensive therapies and conflic ng diagnoses only served
                         to confuse and frustrate the Verse family.

                         at a local Royal Arch Chapter when they were referred to SHC-Erie. Problem solved.
                         Faith likes second grade at Park Elementary School, even though she is learning at
2021 Pa ent Ambassador
      Faith Verse        dolls, and stuffed animals with her twin sister Hope.
Faith’s favorite color is pink. She loves Disney movies and her favorite food is the chocolate chip pancakes
she makes with her mom. She loves to sing and dance to all kinds of music. She loves to hang out with her
family and she also loves to swim in the summer.
Faith is very excited to be a Shriners Ambassador child! She can’t wait to tell everyone how much she loves
Shriners Hospital and staff, especially Dr. Dede. She says, “Thank you, Shriners, for helping me walk be er!”

that I feel that it is to be a part of this en re fraternal group!”

Twin sister Hope says, “I love how the Shriners help my sister
get be er with walking! Thank you, Shriners, for doing that!”
Big sister Bailey adds, “Thank you, Shriners, for all of the care
and compassion you put into taking care of my sister Faith!!”
According to Brother Brian, Jr. “Shriners did a great job taking
care of my sister, Faith! I am so happy to see the results of her
going there! Shriners always goes above and beyond to make
sure that all of Faith’s needs are met and makes sure her family
is taken care of also!”
Look for Faith and the Verse s and be sure to say hello when
                                                                       The Verse   family at their home in Munhall.
you come out to have “Fun in ‘21!”
March/April 2021 - Syria Shriners





    -               -
March/April 2021 - Syria Shriners
GOLF for the KIDS
Caravan 15,, Syria                      1tth annual golf event on Saturday, 5 June 2021. Loca on: Tam O
              y Shriners will host its 11                                                             O’’ Shanter Golf Course, 2961
S. Hermitage Rd, Hermitage, PA 16148..

Format: 4-person
        4-       Shotgun scramble.

Pu ngg Green,, Lunch,, 1:30 pm     g , 18 Holes of Golf,, Cart,, 1 st, 2nd
                            p shotgun,                                  n
                                                                           and 3rrd p
                                                                                    place cash p
                                                                                               prizes,, Skins,, Skill holes,, Hole
                                                                                                                                     n-One Car,
plus Beer, Soda, Steak Dinner and Prizes galoree – All for $100.00 each player. Golf only and Dinner only op ons available.           e

Mail this entry form and payment to Golf for the KIDS Ou ng c/o Jon Whi aker, 473 Timberland Trail, New Castle, PA 16102
Team Captain: _______________________________                                    Enclosed: * Entry Fee

Address: ______________________________ City: ____________________ State _______ Zip: ____________

Telephone: ___________________ E-mail: ___________________________

Team Member 2:                                              3:                                          4:

                                   Individual entries will be assigned to teams on the day of the ouƟng.

                                     Please consider becoming an Ou ng Sponsor
                                                                 Sponsor Level
                                   Copper--Business card lis ng in the program………………….…..$ 25.00

                                   Bronze--Full page Adver sement in the program………….…….$100.00

                                   Silver--Hole Sponsorship (signage)…………………………….………..$150.00

                                   Gold--Silver plus golf and dinner for 4……………………….………..$550.00

                                   Pla num—Gold plus full page adver sement and
                                        cer ficate of apprecia on…………………………………………..$650.00

Please make your check payable to Caravan 15 Golf Ou ng and send to Jon Whi aker, 473 Timberland Trail, New Castle, PA 16102.
Please provide a business card and what you would like on your sign (2 color, Text only). Full page adver sements in the program
may contain graphics (add full color for an addi onal $25.00). Sponsorship materials required by 15 May 2021.

                                          All Proceeds will be sent to the Shriners Hospital - Erie

March/April 2021 - Syria Shriners

                               With St. Patrick’s Day upon us, here in Band Land, we’re feeling lucky and
                               hope you are too. Everyone’s Irish this month, so let’s look for bright spots
                               just like Darrell Royal when he said, “You’ve got to think lucky. If you fall into a
                               mudhole, check your back pocket—you might have caught a fish.” Wiser
                               words have never been spoken.
                               It may be too early in the season to start fishing in mudpuddles but that won’t
                               stop fine and upstanding Shriners from looking forward to the year’s ac vi es.
                               In fact, we’ve already packed our bags for the Mid Atlan c Shrine Associa on
                               (M.A.S.A.) conven on in Virginia Beach this September. Last year’s conven on
                               was a no-go and 2019’s M.A.S.A. gathering enjoyed the company of Hurricane
Dorian, so we’ve got some fun stored up and can’t wait to celebrate together September 8-11. If you’ve been
to the M.A.S.A. conven on before, you know how great an event it is. If you haven’t, then your luck is about
to change, because you (yes, you) are invited to join in the fun, fes vi es, and foolishness this year. You’ll
find M.A.S.A. registra on forms in THE VOICE throughout the year.
On that note, the Shine Band is ge ng back in tune with one another.
We started socially-distanced and carefully coordinated band prac ce in
February. We are looking forward to jumping back in the saddle, ge ng
back on parade floats, stepping back onto the beau ful Shrine Center’s
ballroom stage, and maybe even falling off the wagon a li le to celebrate

but believe a Highlander or two may be thinking about at least one of
those ac vi es this St. Patrick’s Day as well.
If you’re looking to tune up your own musical chops or would like to join as a non-musical member, the
Shriners Band welcomes friendly faces of all musical abili es. We meet two Thursdays a month for rehearsal
and enjoy ge ng together for events throughout the year. To learn more about the Shriners Band, contact
Shawn Roberts at 412-977-9772.
With that, I’ll share an old Irish blessing: “May you have all the happiness and luck that life can hold—and at
the end of your rainbows may you find a pot of gold.”

                                          COMING EVENTS
MON APR 5   7:30PM            QUARTERLY MEETING                              SHRINE CENTER BALLROOM
SAT APR 24  6:00PM            POTENTATE’S GALA                               SHRINE CENTER BALLROOM
THU APR 29  7:00PM            CEREMONIAL                                     SHRINE CENTER BALLROOM
SUN MAY 2 10:30AM             LADIES LUNCHEON                                SHRINE CENTER BALLROOM
SUN MAY 23 3:00PM             MEMORIAL SERVICE                               SHRINE CENTER BALLROOM
SUN MAY 30 4:00PM             NORMAN NARDINI CONCERT                         SHRINE CENTER PAVILION
THU JUN 3 7:00 PM             THUNDER THURSDAYS BEGIN                        SHRINE CENTER PAVILION
SAT JUN 19 12:00PM            POTENTATE’S STAG                               SHRINE CENTER BALLROOM

                      Necrology Report — December 24, 2020 — February 19, 2021
Frederick C. Adams         Frank A. Engel, Jr.          R. David Lotz                 James R. Shockey
James H. Allmann           Malcolm R. Fisher            Michael L. McKiernan          Henry A. Shoup
William L. Bilka           Robert R. Heaton             James B. Miller               Fred J. Smith
William W. Caldwell        Karl G. Kim                  Raymond Plummer               James R. Wolfe
Robert L. Cholak           Rodney B. Lipscomb           Jerry L. Roth
Daniel Codan               Walter E. Locher             Richard K. Sbarro

                                As I write this in February, the snow is falling and it is bi er cold. But, believe
                                it or not, the Provost Guard is s ll around and ready to provide Syria
                                Shriners’ safety and security. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, there has
                                been very li le ac vity to provide safety and security for.

                                gatherings, which seem to eliminate most of our ac vi es here at Syria. So
                                many things we normally have done for years have either been postponed or

The Provost Guard, along with Caravans 16 and 20 have had to postpone our annual dinner honoring our
new Potentate Donald Green. We are planning to reschedule this event for some me in November.

Right now, our biggest challenge is where to get the vaccine. We are planning for summer events in hopes
they materialize when the pandemic subsides. One such event in the works is a hoagie sale in partnership
with the Rode Rigs (more to come on that). Otherwise, we will see you in the fall when we will be at Virginia
Beach a ending the MASA conven on.

For more informa on or an applica on, please contact Captain Jack Glass, at 412-427-3613 or Secretary Ray
Petronio, PC, at 412-818-2848.

by Dennis Conrad

Well, if it’s not the pandemic that’s got us in lock down, it’s the hard winter weather that’s got us on hold,
thanks to Punxsutawney Phil seeing his shadow and predic ng six more weeks of winter. I don’t know why he
didn’t stay at home in his borrow with his wife Punxsutawney Phyllis instead of coming out to say, “Guess
what, more six weeks of snow and cold.”
Well, enough complaining and let’s start ge ng 2021 moving in a posi ve direc on. We are hoping by June
or July things get back to normal. Parade inquiries are star ng to come in from the Prospect Memorial Day
parade and the Canonsburg Independence Day parade. I know that the guys are star ng to get restless and
want to get back out on the parade route. Some of our rigs are going to have a new look this year, and I think
everyone is going to be crazy over them.
We are making plans to have a food table at the First Choice Wine Fes val to sell our world-famous sand-
wiches. We are also looking into having our first Hoagie Sale some me in June or July, depending on what is
going on. The Rigs have been asked again this year to chair the children’s games at Kennywood and we are
working on some new games and prizes.
Calling all Shriners: If you are looking to join a motorized unit that has loads of fun, then look no further. The
Rode Rigs is the unit for you! Our unit consists of Mini-Tractor Trailers and Mini-Jeeps. We have Loads of fun
on and off the parade route or at our social events.
We offer no Membership Fee or Annual Dues, no parade quotas and we supply parts of the uniform. So, if
you want to get ac ve in a motorized unit, give us a call for all the details of how you can be an owner-
operator of your very own Mini-Rig or Mini-Jeep.
It just so happens that we have a Brand New Mini-Jeep in stock wai ng to
start parading. The cost is $2,481. Call us for the details of how you can be
parading with one of the most popular units at Syria Shriners.
For informa on Call President Joe Micikas at 724-334-0540 or Secretary
Dennis Conrad at 412-956-2245
or Membership Chairmen John Handshue at 412-877-4263

Remember Keep on Truck’n for the Kids

  A Voyage to Paradise
  The 2021 Potentate’s Gala
  Saturday, April 24
  Pi sburgh Shrine Center Grand Ballroom
  See the reserva on form on the
  Inside front cover

by Vic Perry

Let’s start by doing a recap of ac vi es thus far for 2021.
Parades – 0
Social gatherings – 0
Lodge mee ngs – 0
So, from here on, the only way is up!!
Since there’s nothing happening at this me, let’s reflect on past ar cles and present thoughts describing the
unit as noted from the Syria Shriners Website. As a youngster in the Camel Wheels unit, I had to do some
digging for the history. Here is the background that I was able to find on the start of the Camel Wheels unit.
                                         The Camel Wheels Patrol is the first motorized unit in Syria Shriners,
                                         having formed in 1971. Accordingly, this year our unit celebrates its
                                         which was first used on July 31, 1971, during the Apollo 15 mission.
                                         Now back to the history of the unit.
                                         The original Camel Wheels members were all from the Mon Valley and

The equipment used are three-wheeled “trikes,” powered by five and eight-horsepower engines. All of these
vehicles were manufactured by Alsport Tri-Sport in the early 1970’s and can no longer be purchased.

                                       by the riders. Dennis Raible, Randy
Hobaugh, and Don Panzone are our expert Wheeliers (not sure if that’s
really a word or tle), but that’s what they are! Believe me, it takes real
skill to keep that trike in the wheelie posi on

The group performs swi and complicated drills during the parades, including serpen nes and figure-eights.
Audiences ranging from babies to seniors are extremely apprecia ve of their performances and we are invit-
ed back year a er year at the parades we a end.
The Camel Wheels unit par cipates in parades mostly in Southwestern Pennsylvania, but some have been as
far south as Virginia. This group prides themselves as being professional paraders and perform from March
through October, weather permi ng. Mee ngs are usually held the third Sunday of the month in the Camel
Wheels unit room at the Shrine Center. The Camel Wheels unit is currently looking for Nobles to join our unit
                              and you won’t find a be er deal. The only cost you will have is the ini a on fee
                              that covers the cost of the uniform. The trikes are available to ride for any new
                              Please contact Herb Brant at 412-889-6113 if you are interested in learning
                              more about our unit.
Free to a good home!

2021 Syria Shriners Shirt Sale!

by Randy Hobaugh, President

Well here it is, the second VOICE of Syria for 2021 and there is nothing new to report from the last edi on, so
we have the same things to tell you. Pandemic restric ons con nue to frustrate and control what we can
plan. As we con nue to move forward into 2021, Caravan 20 is scheduling several events throughout the
year and I hope you will a end as many of them as possible.
2021 Calendar of Events – Please note all dates are subject to change based on pandemic restric ons
Thursday, May 26 – General Membership mee ng at Pugliano’s
Friday, June 18 – Stag Corn Hole Tournament – Pi sburgh Shrine Center Pavilion
Open to all Shriners, as well as their male family members and their male friends – it is a STAG remember.

Sunday, August 22 – Summer Theater and Dinner – Place To be determined
Sunday, October 3 – Family Steelers Picnic – Sarn Castle – This could change based on the Steelers Schedule
Sunday, November 28 – Installa on of Officers, Holiday, Potentate’s and Bingo Party – TBD
2021 Caravan 20 Officers
President - Noble Randy Hobaugh – 724-858-7158
1st Vice President - Noble Jerry Silverstein
2nd Vice President - Open
Treasurer - Noble Gregory Kobasa
Secretary - Noble George Williams
Anyone interested in joining Caravan 20, please contact
one of the officers above. We are also s ll looking for

                                                of each
month star ng on May 26, at Pugliano’s Restaurant on
Route 286 in Plum. Nobles, while we would love to have
you as a member of Caravan 20, you’re s ll welcome to
come join us for the fun and fellowship we offer even if
you’re not a Caravan 20 member. Think about it and give
our affairs a try.

                                 you. Some recent payments may not yet have had s ck-
                                 ers mailed from Shriners Interna onal HQ in Tampa.
                            Pi sburgh Shrine Center Ballroom

Banquet Tickets will be available soon.

             This event is for the benefit of Syria Shriners and is not Tax Deduc ble as a Charitable Contribu on


                         being served at
6:00 pm, and races star ng at 7:00 pm.
This fund raiser is open to the public so,
please bring family and friends. Walk-ins
are welcomed and you can "pay at the
door". Admission is $20 per person and
includes dinner, so drinks, coffee, and
beer. You can purchase/own a horse for
$10 and if your horse wins its race, you
win $50. There will also be a Trifecta, an
AucƟon Race, 50/50's, Chinese AucƟon,
and other small games of chance.
This is a Fund Raiser for your Pi sburgh Shrine Center, so, please plan to join us Saturday, July 10,, and
come out with your family and friends and enjoy a fun filled NIGHT AT THE RACES. See the reserva on
form on the opposite page.
For informa on,, contact John Handshue at 412-877-4263, 412-461-3186, or

                                                    NIGHT AT THE RACES VOLUNTEERS,
                                                    SPONSORS AND DONORS NEEDED
                                                    Our first Night at the Races for 2021 has been resched-
                                                    uled for Saturday, July 10. If you, or your Unit, Club, or
                                                    Caravan would like to sponsor a race the cost is $100. We
                                                    will also be looking for donated baskets for our Chinese
                                                    Auction. Any size or amount would be appreciated. With
                                                    all of your help and generosity, the Night At The Races

This Fund Raiser is being held to benefit your Pittsburgh Shrine Center.
For more information, to sponsor a race, to                                                John Handshue at
412-461-3186, 412-877-4263, or


Honoring First Lady Debra Green


                    SHRINE CENTER
               VIDALIA   ONION
                       ONION   SALE
                             SALE 2021
                  NOW THRU APRIL 19
               NOW THRU APRIL 19, 2021
                                                  TOTAL ITEMS TOTAL $
ONIONS 10# BAG                 $11.00
ONIONS 5# BAG                  $6.50

CREAMY ONION - 12OZ.            $6.00
CREAMY RANCH - 12OZ.            $6.00
POPPY SEED - 12OZ.              $6.00
RED FEZ - 12OZ.                 $6.00

ONION STEAK SAUCE - 12OZ.      $6.00
ONION BBQ SAUCE - 12OZ.        $6.00

@ $66.00                                               TOTAL $

All Orders to be Picked Up at Shrine Center Pavilion when Notified by John

   CHESWICK, PA 15024

NAME:                                             PHONE#

by Barry Hootman, M.D., member of the SC-Erie Board of Governors
                         Many people may not realize the scope of the Shriners Hospital System. The system is
                         managed by the Colorado Corpora on, a 501(c)(3), based at Shriners
                         States, one in Mexico City, and one in Montreal.

                                  Boston was an early Center of Excellence in burn care and cle lip and palate
                         (Plas c Surgery). The Springfield Shriners Children’s provides the orthopedic care for
                         the Massachuse s region.
                                                                                      at its site. Medicine was
changing and we needed to change, too. SC – Erie was

Again, medicine marches on. Tightening of regula ons and changes in surgical indica ons decreasing surgical
volume made it difficult for some sites to pass accredita ons for on-site surgery centers. Four sites have thus
evolved into the Clinic/Rehab model, where surgeries are done by Shriners Doctors at partner hospitals. This
is the model that SC – Erie, SC – Florida, SC – Minneapolis, and SC – Lexington are using.

         model, the regular Hospital model, and the Center of Excellence model. SC – Philadelphia is s ll a
regular hospital, and one of the partners of SC – Erie. SC – Erie is now a Clinic/Rehab model site, providing
services such as out-pa ent clinic, Physical Therapy, Prosthe cs and Ortho cs (ar ficial limbs and braces),
Radiology, Speech Therapy, Nutri on Support, wheelchair fi ng, and Social Services and family support.
Research is done in our Gait Analysis Lab. Surgeries on our pa ents are done by our doctors at partner sites.
Our partners are SC – Philadelphia, Children’s Hospital of Pi sburgh, and UPMC Hamot in Erie. Dr. Timothy
Ward, Chairman of Pediatric Orthopedics at Children’s Hospital Pi sburgh, is our Medical Director at SC-Erie.

            over the last year. Temples, Caravans, and Clubs have been unable to meet to plan and execute
fundraisers. The Temple and SC-Erie are both in need of support, both financial and with par cipa on in
events and fundraisers. Please help where you can.

              or from becoming infected. The vaccine is the much safer way.

“Pi sburgh Shrine Center.” Please use that name on your flyers, and other
marke ng materials for your events. Despite what the electronic sign at our

become accustomed to using the proper branding when referring to our
organiza on
by Craig “Buzz” Conroy


We are looking forward to the Parade season. The colorful
Syria Shriners Flying Fezzes Parade Plane is seen throughout
the region.

This summer, we have two airport tours planned for July
and August to visit towered airport facili es in the tri-state

Here are the latest happenings with your Brother Nobles of the Flying Fezzes:

x Our own NARDO J. BERARDINELLI, owner of Nardo Airport 77PA, 1140 feet MSL, near Allison Park, is now
   being used as a research venue for a CMU spinoff for a new genera on of avia on naviga on devices.

x Craig J. “Buzz” Conroy has delivered his unique programs Famous Masonic Aviators and Amazing Black
   Boxes via ZOOM to numerous lodges and Masonic bodies.

x Bob Golden is working on a history of our Flying Fezzes unit.

x Bryan DeFranco, our President, is spending more me in the air in 2021 and is constantly improving his
   avia on skills.

x Eric “Stormy” Stormfels, Secretary-Treasurer, and second-genera on Flying Fezzes member , looks for-
   ward to training new and upgrading pilots in warmer weather at ACES AVIATION at the Beaver County
   Airport. We are grateful to have clear runways without 3 inches of white dust referred to as sannoh
   (snow) by the na ves.

As always, we offer the Conroy Family Mantra:
“There are Old Pilots and Bold Pilots but there are no Old Bold Pilots!”

Ask EVERY MASONIC BROTHER to become member of the Shrine. “It’s about our Future.”

We are the fun, flying unit of The Finest Fraternity on the EARTH or in the AIR who never lose sight of our
mission to serve and support Shriners Hospitals for Children™.

For membership informa on, call 412 872-1358, email, or ask any member of the
Flying Fezzes at any Shrine event.



     2021 Syria Shrine Golf Scramble
When:     Monday, July 26, 2021
Where:    Pi sburgh Na onal Golf Club
          287 Monier Road Gibsonia Pa
Time:     Shot Gun Start 9:00
Format:   Four Man Golf Scramble

       Golf, Cart, Lunch, Buffet Dinner, Prizes
      All for the low cost of $100.00 per Golfer.
                   Open to Everyone

Mail this Form
Mail entry form Randy Hobaugh, 39 Rosanne Circle, Irwin Pa 15642
Phone 724-858-7158 – Email:
Send Payment and Make Checks to Syria Shrine.

Golfers Sign up                                - $100 Per Golfer X No. Golfers = $ __________

Team Captain:______________________


City___________________________________                               State __________                   Zip _______________________

Telephone:______________________ Email:________________________________________________

Team member 2: ____________________ 3: _______________________ 4: _______________________

Individual entries will be accepted and assigned to teams on the day of the ou ng.

Please consider becoming an Ou ng Sponsor
Ou ng Sponsorship
Gold Event Sponsor - $3000.00
Includes: Two foursomes Golf and Dinner, Tee Sign, Banner displayed at Sign In and Dinner.

Silver On Course Beverage Sponsor- $1500.00
Includes: One Foursome Golf and Dinner, Tee Sign and Beverage Cart Sign.

Bronze Tee Sign Sponsor - $100.00.

Sponsors Sign-Up Form
Name of Sponsor


City___________________________________                               State __________                   Zip _______________________

Amount of Sponsorship $____________                                      Make Checks to Syria Shrine and mail to
Randy Hobaugh, 39 Rosanne Circle, Irwin PA 15642
Please supply Vendor Informa on for Signs


write   by Charlie Zurcher

On that first June Monday last year, I was ge ng ready in the
comfort of my home office and looking forward to logging into
Zoom and enjoying the brotherhood that’s been really missed as
of late. Earlier, I had been

        occasion, didn’t have me to change my t-shirt and jean
cutoff shorts. The humidity got to my long uncut hair and it was
quite the sight to say the least. All set, logged on, admi ed to the
mee ng, the 7pm mee ng. No, but wait! No, it’s not a 7pm
mee ng but rather a 7:30 mee ng. All that rushing for naught.
Now I had some me and probably should have at least changed clothes.

that I’ve dearly missed through all this. The background music played, and we sort of stared at each other
and there was some back and forth conversa on going on. My t-shirt and unruly hair were definitely no ced
and commented on. It’s all fun and games! Just killin’ me ‘ l the start of the mee ng.
The background music con nued to play, and then it happened. I was stopped cold. In total awe, I had abso-
lutely no idea what just hit me. Perhaps one of the most beau ful and inspira onal songs and videos I’ve ev-
er heard and seen in my life just started playing. I just stared at the video and listened to the lyrics, totally
blocking out the rest of the world. It just went right through me straight to the heart. Totally unexpected and
without any reason. This music and video is everything we are as Shriners. WOW!
So inspira onal, so deep, so powerful, so real.

Since becoming a Shriner, I’ve had many different and mixed feelings and emo ons going in different direc-
 ons. I’ve been in the trenches taking kids and their families to the three hospitals we work with, seeing the
posi ve results at first hand. I’ve been in that parade in my Patrol Unit uniform with those pointed up shoes,
bringing that split second smile to an unknown child as he watches with his family at the curb. I’ve been to a
wide variety of our social events just simply to relax and take in the brotherhood. Listening to this song and
watching the video seemed to put all these emo ons in perfect organized perspec ve.
Please, if you have not seen and heard it before, you need to do this. Every Shriner should watch the video

Brother Damron, you’ve le an everlas ng impression. A hear elt thank you.
I will wear my Fez with honor. I’m a Brother of the Shrine …
Special thanks to my close friend Martha for helping provide the inspiraƟon to write this. Thank you for being You!


Donald I. Green   Robert T. Addleman, Jr., P.P.
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