Series Center for Security Studies

Page created by Judy George
Center for Security Studies
The Institute für Strategie- Politik- Sicherheits- und Wirtschaftsberatung (ISPSW) (Institute
for Strategic, Political, Security and Economic Consultancy) is a private institute for
research and consultancy. It offers a range of services, including strategic analyses,
security consultancy, executive coaching and intercultural competency. ISPSW publications
examine a wide range of topics connected with political economy, international relations,
and security and defense.
Publishers:        Institut für Strategie- Politik- Sicherheits- und Wirtschaftsberatung
Publications:      Mehrheit der Russen ist unzufrieden
                   The New Thirty Years War (2018-2049)
                   US-Kongresswahlen – Szenarien der Künftigen Gewaltenkontrolle
                   der Weltmacht: Vorentscheidung über die Zukunft Donald
                   Trumps, Amerikas und der Internationalen Beziehungen bei den
                   Zwischenwahlen am 6. November
                   The Legal Dimension of Terrorism in Human Trafficking – The
                   Cases of Italy and Greece
                   Gouverneurswahlen in Russland: Machtpartei Verliert Deutlich an
                   The Three Cornerstones of Mongolia’s Independence and Foreign
                   China’s Interests and Challenges in the Mediterranean
                   Vietnam Seeks US Reparations for the Chemical Agent Orange
                   Is There Really Such a Thing as NATO Airspace?
                   Dynamics in and around North Korea: Finally, Business as Usual
                   Russland auf Partnersuche im Osten US-Sanktionen verfehlen ihr
                   The Historic 2018 Maritime Boundary Treaty between Timor-Leste
                   and Australia
                   Russland: Heftiger Protest gegen die Erhöhung des
                   After Beidaihe
                   Idlib Militants Eye China, Central Asia as Next Targets
                   Seoul Seizes the Initiative
                   Korea at the Crossroads
                   An `Arab NATO` and America´s Militarized Mideast Policy
                   The Hegemon´s Surge – China´s Grand Strategy
                   Putin: 2024 keine anschließende Amtszeit
                   Whither Bilad al-Sham
                   Rede zum 65. Jahrestag des Volksaufstandes vom 17. Juni 1953
                   The Importance of Electronic Warfare in a Disrupted World
                   After the Pyongyang Talks
                   The Trump-Kim Summit: What´s Next?
                   Whither Turkey
                   Iran´s Triumph in Iraq
                   Putins „Direkter Draht“
                   Sachsen am Scheideweg
                   The End Is No Longer Nigh
                   Geopolitical Trends in the South Pacific: Is the US or China
                   Lehre aus Nordkorea: Ein Angriff auf den Iran ist für Trump eine
                   lohnende Option
                   Narco Economy in Myanmar: From Opiates to ATS
                   Die neue russische Regierung
                   Chasing the Centre of Gravity in the Age of Accelerations
                   Donald Trump - Die Spinne im Netzwerk der Macht
                   Russischsprachige im Fokus: Wie Russland und die AfD Einfluss
                   Medwedew soll erneut Regierungschef werden
                   China Could be the Wild Card if US Conducts Regime Change in
                   China Urged to Play a Greater Role in Middle East Turmoil
                   Partition of Syria: US and Israel Eye Golan Heights Oil
                   Nuclear Ambition and the Importance of Intelligence, Strategies and
Treibt der Westen Myanmar in die Arme Chinas?
Redefining Extremism in Central Asia
Afghanistan: Battle of Narratives, Power Contestations and Cycles
of Violence
Putins Wiederwahl
Mit Sicherheit gefährlich: Mit seinen Strafzöllen hebelt Trump auch
die US-Gewaltenkontrolle und die internationale Ordnung aus
Der Kampf um Anerkennung als politische Herausforderung
Putins Botschaft zur Lage der Nation
Great Expectations and Challenges for the North East Region of
Internationalisten und Realisten: Unterschiedliche Weltsichten dies-
und jenseits des Atlantiks
New Geopolitical Developments in the South Pacific: The Cases of
Australia and New Zealand
Präsidentschaftswahl in Russland
Towards Integrated C4I – NATO Experience in Building C4I Systems
Game Changer – Cyber Security in the Naval Domain
North East and the China-Myanmar Economic Corridor (CMEC)
Myanmar: A Bridge Too Far?
Russland: Wie kam Putin an die Macht?
Trump´s ´new´ Afghanistan and South Asia Strategy & India-US
Strategic Partnership
TAPI Pipeline: A Confidence Building Measure for South Asia
After the Earthquake – Perpetual Victims
How South Africa´s Upcoming ANC Electoral Conference will
Impact the Country for Years to Come
The Changing Dynamics of India-China Relations Post Doklam
The Changing Geopolitics in Oceania: A View Towards ASEAN´s
Navies Role in Migration Operations
Maritime Power Politics in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR)
The 21st Century Maritime Silk Road – A View from Europe
Entwicklungsszenarien und externe Bedrohungen für Russland
The 4th Industrial Revolution from an Ethical Perspective
The End is Still Nigh: New Developments in the Middle East and
Baghdadi´s Audio Message
Die politischen Diskurse zwischen Werben und Hetzen:
Anerkennung und Kritik als Ziele der Demokratie?
The Belt and Road and China´s Long-term Visions in the Middle
Aufbau einer neuen Migrationsbehörde in Russland
Deutschland im Fokus des internationalen Terrorismus:
Bedrohungslage und Abwehrmassnahmen
The Korean Crisis: Kim´s New Posture, and the US Position
Russland: Rotation von Generälen in den Sicherheitsdiensten
Deutschland im Fokus des internationalen Terrorismus:
Bedrohungslage und Abwehrmaßnahmen
Charting an Uncertain Course in the Caliphate
PESCO umsetzen: Handlungsfeld Cyber
Golan Oil Gives China a New Mideast Role
US Continuing Sad Record on International Agreements, Treaties
Russische Innenpolitik: Systemanalytische Überlegungen
Why Saudi War on Yemen seen as US State Terrorism
What to Do about North Korea?
Can China be a Regional Stabilization Force in a Post-Conflict
Middle East?
The Art of Transition: Will the Democratic Transition Bring Genuine
Change to Myanmar?
After Baghdadi?
Russische Innenpolitik Juni 2017
Concise History of the Afghanistan-Pakistan War
The South China Sea Disputes: The Energy Dimensions
Trump Administration´s Operation in the South China Sea: Better
Late than Never
Russland: Studie u#ber das politische System
Brexit: The Future of Regionalism and Security Implications
Brexit: Die Zukunft von Regionalismus und
Die Asyl- und Flüchtlingspolitik der Bundesregierung – Aktuelle
sicherheitspolitische Fragen
Perspectives of ASEAN-European Security Cooperation
For China, Syria is the ´New Afghanistan´
Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism: A View from Europe
South China Sea and ASEAN-China Relations: Joint Development
in the South China Sea?
Myanmar´s Rohingya Problem in Context
Russland: Aktuelle Innenpolitische Entwicklungen
NATO, Turkey, and the ´East-Asianization´ of Europe?
Can China and Israel Reconcile their Interests in Syria?
After the Era of the Kims?
Diplomacy in the 21st Century: Digitisation and Government
Russland: Aktuelle innenpolitische Entwicklungen
UAE´s Increasing Role in China´s Security Calculus
Optimistisch Wege finden – Resilienz und Europäische Sicherheit
Das 2 Prozent-Ziel als Messlatte: Sieben Thesen zur
sicherheitspolitischen Einordnung
Russland: Präsidentenwahl 2018
NATO in Gefahr! Europäische Staaten suchen Ausflüchte von ihren
Der ´neue´ Trump und der ´alte´ Putin: Nach drei Jahren Ukraine
Konflikt – Opfert der ´Westen´ die Charta von Paris?
Why Border Controls Won´t Protect Europe Against Terrorism
How Technology Can Unlock the Growth Potential along the New
Silk Road
Die geostrategische Bedeutung der Seidenstraßen-Initiative Chinas
Russische Innenpolitik: Parteitag von ´Einiges Russland´
Anmerkungen zur notwendigen sicherheitspolitischen Kooperation
des Westens
Strategiefähigkeit fördern und ausbauen: Den Vernetzten Ansatz
Schock und Stress standhalten
Will the World See an African Spring in 2017?
New Security Arc in Mideast
Russland: Neue Doktrin zur Informationssicherheit sowie Kudrins
einschneidende Wirtschaftsvorschläge
Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism: A View from Europe
How the US Ends Up Training al-Qaeda and ISIS Collaborators
Russland: Aktuelle Innenpolitische Entwicklungen
China, Israel, and a Return to the Cloverleaf World
Russland: Aktuelle Innenpolitische Entwicklungen
The History of What´s Next
How Egypt´s Youth Could Decide the Country´s Future
White Helmets – US Hybrid Warfare for Regime Change
Engaging China as a Security Actor in a Multi-Partner World
Russland: Die Staatsdumawahl sowie Personelle und Strukturelle
Veränderungen in der Sicherheitsarchitektur
Building Resilience Readiness against Hybrid Threats - A
Cooperative European Union / NATO Perspective
Terrorism and Counter-terrorism Update: A View from Europe
Hybrid Threats - And How to Counter Them
Counter#terrorism and the Importance of Intelligence
Russland: Ablösung des Leiters der Präsidialadministration
Social Media and its Influence on Democratization in Africa
Russland: Grösster Personalwechsel seit Jahren
Das Ukraine-Bild in Deutschland: Die Rolle der russischen Medien
US War Hawks’ Eurasia Goal: Prevent Russo-German Coalition,
China´s OBOR Project
China, Central Asian States Watch as US Legitimizes Al Qaeda in
Thesen zum Banken-/Finanzmarkt in Europa
Russia Looks South
The Role of Faith: In Regard to Lasting Security, Economic
Development and Sustainable Leadership
Die Welt im Umbruch am Beispiel der Flüchtlingskrise
The Military Coup in Turkey – Initial Observations
Weißbuch 2016 – Hilfloses Aufbäumen gegen
sicherheitspolitischen Wandel
The Asylum and Refugee Policy of the Federal Government
Russland: Aktuelle innen# und außenpolitische Entwicklungen
War over Water? Tibet, the Sino#Indian Power Play and Potential
Consequences for Asia
Erdo#an´s Trident
After Mideast, will the Saudi-Wahhabi Nexus Destabilize East Asia?
Saudi Arabia’s and Turkey’s Pipeline Wars in Yemen and Syria
Die Notwendigkeit von Strukturreformen in der russischen
Cyber an die Front – Zur Handlungsfähigkeit der Bundeswehr im
Cyber – und Informationsraum
Maritime Security: New Perspectives of a Familiar Subject – The
Role of Navies, Coast Guards and NGOs in Today’s Maritime
Big Data meets Gulf Security – Exploiting the Strength of
Networked ISR Systems
Will China Support an Independent Kurdistan?
The Maritime Silk Road - An Ambitious Undertaking
Migration - A New Form of Hybrid Warfare?
Global Epidemics, Pandemics, Terrorism: Risk Assessment and
European Responses
Russland: Aktuelle sicherheits- und wirtschaftspolitische
The Jihad Escalates in Europe
OSCE – A New Transatlantic Approach to Engage China on Syria?
Die Europäische Union und ihr Kampf gegen den internationalen
New Airliner Threat: Arming Syrian Jihadists with US Anti#Aircraft
The New Trilateral: Enhancing U.S.#Europe#Japan Cooperation to
Reinforce the International Institutional Order
Die russische Rüstungsindustrie
Russland: Mögliche Auswege aus der der Wirtschaftskrise
CAR#Evolution: Mobility, Connectivity & Big Data meet Cyber
China’s Maritime Silk Road – An Ambitious Undertaking: A View
from Europe
Coastal Erosion and Its Impact on Some Aspects of Maritime
On Texas Secession, Syrian Partition and Imploding Nation-States
The End is Nigh
A Tale of Two Buffer Zones in Syria and ISIS’ Pivot to Asia
China’s Maritime Silk Road – An Ambitious Undertaking: A View
from Europe
Libya's Jihad
Asian Rebels in Aleppo, Western Blind Spot
Sleeping with the Enemy: Opposition Grows to CIA-Backed al-
Qaeda Proxies in Syria
Danger on the High Seas: The East Asian Security Challenge
NATO’s Readiness Action Plan for Assurance and Deterrence –
Progress & Challenges on the Road from Wales to Warsaw
Syrien im 5. Jahr des Krieges: Wir schaffen – Was?
Aktuelle Aspekte russischer Innen#, Außen# und Wirtschaftspolitik
Turkey, NATO, and Risk of Nuclear Escalation with Russia
More Heretical Musings on the Coming End-of-time Battle
Solving Libya’s Crisis
Overlapping Maritime Claims in the East China Sea between China
and Japan: More than Meets the Eye?
Erdo#an’s Neo-Ottoman Vision Meets Xi’s Silk Road Dream In the
Middle East
The Evolution of Russian, Syrian, and Iranian Actions Against the
Jihadist Movements and Turkish-US Responses
Mit Daten siegen – Big Data verändert Wirtschaft und Streitkräfte
Aktuelle Entwicklungen in Syrien/Irak und in der Flüchtlingskrise
Israel’s Oil in Golan, Megiddo#Jezreel Valley
The New Silk Road: Idea and Concept
UN Chief, China and Germany, Prioritize Syrian Stability to Resolve
Refugee Crisis
Russland: Aktuelle innen# und außenpolitische Aspekte
Proactive Counter Espionage as a Part of Business Continuity and
Search and Rescue at Sea: An ASEAN Security Force?
Qatar’s Jihad and Mideast Failing States
Analyse der russischen Regionalwahlen
The New Colour of War: Hybrid Warfare and Partnerships
The Importance of the Global Maritime Domain for World Politics
and Security
The European Union and Its Counter-Terrorism Strategies
Hot Spots East and South China Seas and the Importance of Crisis
The Russian Deployment in Syria and Iraq Makes its Presence Felt
Russia, Syria, and the Crossroads of Strategic Development
With Assad's Permission, China Can Send Troops to Combat
Chinese Terror Group TIP in Syria
Cyber verändert die Welt: Bürger und Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft und
Staat vor neuen Herausforderungen
The Japan#India#Australia “Alliance” as Key Agreement in the
China-led SCO Troops May Follow Russia to Syria
The Rise of the Caliphate II
Was verstehen die Russen unter Demokratie
Germany, Europe and the Challenges of a Multipolar World
Turkey’s Double Standard on Terrorism
Hot Spots East and South China Seas and the Importance of Crisis
Management: A European Perspective
The Islamic State in West Africa – Boko Haram Up-Date III
Syrian Buffer Zone – Turkey-Qatar Pipeline
After “The Iranian Agreement”
Machtrivalitäten in Moskau
Rogue Nukes: The Secret History of the Joint Nuclear Program of
Iran and North Korea
Die Ukraine – Manövriermasse zwischen Russland und dem
Crossing Red Lines? Turkey’s Assault of China’s Sovereignty and
Incitement of Xinjiang Insurgency
ISIS and the Saudi Wahhabi Threat to Asian Security
Security of Supply in Europe during the Ukraine Crisis
After Osama bin Laden and in the Aftermath of the Khorasan
The Rise of the Caliphate
Is a Eurasian Military Bloc Arising to Combat the Army of Conquest
in Syria?
Why Did Assad Show a Christian Gospel Film in Damascus Back in
Heretical Musings on the Coming End-of-Time Battle
Die Beziehungen Russland-Ukraine
Chinese General: Anti-Chinese Uyghurs are in Syria’s Anti-Assad
Major Powers in Europe: Crisis Management Policy and Structure
of the EU
Maritime Surveillance Regimes as a Facilitator for Maritime Regime
Building to Initiate a Process for a Joint Activity
Die maritimen Sicherheitsstrategien der EU und der NATO – Ein
The Islamic State in West Africa – Boko Haram Up-Date II
Der wahre chinesische Traum
Crisis in Ukraine – The Emergence of Hybrid Warfare
Fostering Cooperation in East Asia via Maritime Domain Awareness
Will the Turkey/Saudi Anti#Assad Force Draw China#Russia#Iran
into a Syrian War?
Crisis Management: The Importance of OSINT and Intelligence – A
European Perspective
Confidence#building Measures: An Important Element for
Establishing a New Regional Maritime Order in East Asia
Unraveling and Capitulation
The Islamic State in West Africa – Boko Haram Up-Date
Autonomous Warfare – A Revolution in Military Affairs
Trust But Verify: How Sanctions Produced an Iran Nuclear Deal
The Coming Wars with Iran
Volksrepublik China: Ein Erfolgsmodell?
As Allies Pivot to Beijing’s Asia Bank, It Is Time for US to Seek
Partnership with China
China Divides the West
Junckers Vorschlag einer „Europa Armee“
Online Radicalisation and the Specter of Extremist Violence in India
The DNA-®evolution of Agriculture
Digital Agriculture
Die Konsolidierung der Europäischen Union und eine
Friedensordnung für Europa
China’s Back to Jerusalem Movement
Germany and Japan: A Comeback Story
Libya Now Assuming a Central Place in Islamic Caliphate Thrust
Against Egypt, Maghrebi States, and Africa
Die Expansion des ,Islamischen Staates’ in Nordafrika
Weißbuch 2016 – Empfehlungen der Politisch-Militärischen
Minsk II: Putin sichert seine Destabilisierungsoption – Poroschenko
‚muss’ einlenken
Brasilien: Noch stimmt die Balance nicht
Russia, the Islamic State, and Emerging Non#Traditional Security
Challenges for NATO
Iran UN Sanctions Relief: The Road Towards S#400 and Deterring
US/Israeli Airstrikes?
Die neue russische Militärdoktrin
Die Krise in der Ukraine – Höchste Zeit für Deeskalation
The Boko Haram and Nigerian Jihadism
Boko Haram – An Analysis of the Latest Developments
As US ‘Leads from Behind’, Asian Allies Seek Nuclear Weapons
Aktueller Wochenbericht zur Lageentwicklung in Libyen
In the Middle East, Much Hangs on Which Way Iran Could Evolve
Für eine klare Priorität in der deutschen Verteidigungspolitik
Boko Haram: No Longer Just a Threat to the State of Nigeria but to
the Entire Continent of Africa and the West
China and the Islamic State
Sudan’s Hidden Agenda Toward South Sudan Emerging as
Khartoum Plays the Role of Mediator Between President Salva Kiir
and Riek Machar
The Paris Jihad, Ready or Not, Has Begun, and Will Widen
Warum enthielt sich Deutschland im Sicherheitsrat bei der
Abstimmung über die Einrichtung einer Flugverbotszone über
Relevanz, Attraktivität und Zukunftstüchtigkeit – Bundeswehr 4.0
ante portas
Souverän durch Rüstung
Central Asia: The Long Road to Statehood
Open Source Information: The Missing Dimension of Intelligence
Redefining Article Five?
India is Set to Play a Key Role in the Indian Ocean
Removing Assad will Harm China-US Relations
Thesen zum Ukraine-Konflikt
Al Qaeda and ISIS Have Declared War on China – Will Beijing Now
Arm the Kurds?
Lee Kuan Yew: To Stop Terrorism, Go After the Queen Bees
Stemming ISIS Funding – US Asian Allies Diversify Away from
Qatari LNG
Challenges and Opportunities in Search-and-Rescue Operations,
The Third Party in Conflict Resolution: As Facilitator, Mediator or
South China Sea: Current Issues and Recent Developments in
Maritime Security
„Partner Desejado“ – Reflections on Brazilian Multilateral Choices
in Global Security
North Korean Refugees in South Korea
Vom Terror zum Kalifat
Review of the Japan Cybersecurity Strategy
Strategisches Denken als Lernziel
Putin hält sein Faustpfand in der Ost-Ukraine und konterkariert das
Ziel des Westens
Israel, China, and US/NATO – Counter-Terrorism as War Crimes?
Putins Aggressivität in der Ukraine – Ohne wirksame Antwort des
The Importance of Intelligence in the Maritime Domain
Deutschlands außenpolitische Verantwortung
Die Ukraine zwischen Russland und der Europäischen Union
Putin’s Proxy Warfare Strategy
Die neue Putin-Doktrin
Russland – Kein Vertrauen in die Wirtschaftspolitik der Regierung
Nordkorea – Vorbild für Russlands Nationalisten?
Die strategische Partnerschaft zwischen der EU und Afrika nach
dem Gipfeltreffen in Brüssel
Nine Questions of India’s Nuclear Strategy: Implications for Japan-
India Relations
The Boko Haram and Nigerian Jihadism
Boko Haram – A Serious Threat
Reflections on the Ukraine Crisis
ISR Platforms and the Future of C4ISR Systems Integration in the
Are the Russian Armed Forces a Threat to NATO?
The Khorasan Pledge – Up-Date
The Khorasan Pledge
Can India Stay the Course in Post 2014 Afghanistan?
Putins Klaviatur der Machtpolitik – Der Westen zwischen Reaktion
und Deeskalation
Der Konflikt in und um die Ukraine: Eine Betrachtung mit
Clausewitz’ Einsichten
Die strategische Partnerschaft Afrika–Europäische Union auf dem
Der Konflikt in und um die Ukraine: Der VN Sicherheitsrat blockiert
– EU und NATO gefragt
Will Beijing Fill the US Power Vacuum in the Middle East?
Challenges and Opportunities of a Sustainable Energy Supply in a
United Germany
Whither Iran
China’s Growing Spy Threat
Corruption, Guanxi, Family and Favors
Africa – The Looming Yet Preventable Crisis
Heretic’s Musings on the Third Anniversary
The Central African Republic
Brazilian and European Perspectives on the Global Security Order
Ukrainische Innenpolitik
Politisches Engagement in Konflikten: Optimierung der Interaktion
zwischen zivilen und militärischen Akteuren
Sudan Prepares for Major Military Operations to Divert Focus From
Growing Internal Unrest
The Emergence of the “Islamist Alliance” in Syria
EU Policy toward Asia and the Pacific: A View from Japan
What the United States Can Expect from Germany after the
Security Dialogue on the Maritime Domain
Heretic’s Musings on the Aftermath of the US-Russia Agreement
Der Krieg in Syrien: Können 1.000 Tote erreichen, was über 100.000
nicht bewirkten?
Heretic’s Musings on the Chemical Strike in Damascus
Towards Comprehensive Capabilities
The Common Security Policy Strategy of the European Union and
Perspectives for Cooperation with Northeast Asia
A Heretic’s Musings on the Triumph of Heritage
Building an Actionable Knowledge Base for Dealing with the Sahel
Region and its Particular Challenges
In the Annals of Sino-Indian Relations: Contours across the PLA
Intrusion Crises
Afghanistan und die internationale Gemeinschaft – Eine
(un-)endliche Geschichte
Syrienkrise und Bürgerkrieg zeigen multiple Kollisionen von
Die Krise in Mali: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen Gemeinsamer
Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitik der EU
Long-Term Kaya-Identity Analysis and Prerequisites of a
Sustainable and Green Economic Growth in a 2°C World
Iran and Sudan Plan and Begin to Execute Moves to Dominate
Central and Western Africa
A Heretic’s Musings on Victory in Syria
The Taiwan Question in Sino#Israel Relations
The Importance of the Arctic Region: Implications for Europe and
Cutting Edge Science & Technologies towards Food, Environment
and Health
Regionale und globale sicherheits- und militärpolitische
Perspektiven der mongolischen Politik des „dritten Nachbarn“
The Maritime Dimension of the European Union’s and Germany’s
Security and Defence Policy in the 21st Century
China’s Strategic Maritime Ambitions - A European Perspective
Building C4ISR Capabilities in and for the Gulf
China’s Strategic Shift towards the Region of the Four Seas
Strategic Shift towards Asia: A European Perspective
Operational Cyber: A Global View
Combating Piracy and Maritime Terrorism: A Common Challenge
for Europe and Asia
Maritime Security: Perspectives for a Comprehensive Approach
Von Serdjukow zu Schojgu – Wechsel der russischen
Enabling Cooperation via Common Situational Awareness –
Pragmatic Considerations on NATO-China Cooperation
China-NATO Engagement in the Mediterranean Basin
Russische Militärrefom – Interview mit Generalleutnant Sarudnizkij
Security and Prosperity in a Different World
New Chinese Leadership in Saddle: Challenges and Opportunities
Syrien heute – ein Beispiel für multiple Kollisionen von Interessen
Heretic’s Musings on What It All Means
Dragon in the Great Sea
The ROK President of 2013 – 2018: Who Should Lead the Nation at
This Critical Time?
The Heretic's Lament
Der Spannungsbogen Organisierte Kriminalität, Wirtschaft und
Staat in Russland, der Ukraine, Belarus und Moldowa
The Explosion on The Turkish-Syrian Border Continues
The Coming Calamity in Syria
Explosion on the Syrian-Turkish Border
Wither Transparency Mask in Impending Chinese Leadership
China's Tryst with Media Tools of Statecraft
Power Change in Egypt – Internal and External Repercussions
Power Change in Egypt – Islamist Roots
The Middle East Riots – Cui Bono?
Interesse und Standpunkt der Bundesrepublik Deutschland zur
Drittnachbar-Politik der Mongolei
The Psychological/Communicative Preconditions for the
International Arbitral Process
Neue Szenarien über die weitere Entwicklung Russlands
Civilian and Private Security Contractors – Yes, They're Here to
Hizballah in Africa
Apocalyptic Musings about Syria
Mexico After the Elections
Why Syria?
Risks and Challenges for Business Protection in the 21st Century
The NATO and EU in the Asia-Pacific Century
The Research Method of Participative Action Analysis as a Means
for Reconstructing Occurring Intercultural Communication
Wie weit kann die Krise mit dem Iran führen?
NATO#China Cooperation: Opportunities and Challenges
Integrity as an Entrepreneurial and Political Quality
Die Personenrochade an der russischen Staatsspitze
A Heretic’s Up#Dated Musings on Syria
Maritime Security: Operation Atalanta
On the Reorientation of the Bundeswehr - Meeting the Challenges
Piracy and Maritime Terrorism: Common Threats to South Korea
and Germany
Building Maritime Security Situational Awareness
The Magic of Russian Economic Statistics
Die strategische Partnerschaft zwischen der Afrikanischen Union
und Europa
The Middleman – The Asian Way of Solving Conflicts
Food Security at the Crossroads: A Wake Up Call
Making Security Smart
Iran: The Need to Continue a Political Dialogue
How Pakistan’s Unstable Tribal Areas Threaten China’s Core
High Tide – Low Tide – Defence Budgets: Increase in Asia,
Decrease in Europe and America
NATO mit neuem Strategischen Konzept
Europäische Sicherheit – umfassend und vernetzt
Vernetzte Sicherheit – Perspektiven deutscher, europäischer und
NATO Nachbarschaften mit der Mongolei
Die Rolle der EU als dritter Nachbar hinsichtlich der
Ressourcenentwicklung der Mongolei
Musings on Morocco
The European Union and Its Fight Against International Terrorism
Maritime Security: New Challenges for Asia and Europe
Die russischen Parlaments- und Präsidentschaftswahlen
China’s New Silk Road to the Mediterranean
The Role of the Long Term Investors Club for the Exit Strategy
A Heretic’s Musings on Syria in Lieu of Libya
Die Russische Militärreform unter Verteidigungsminister Serdjukow
Reconsidering the Relevancy of Air Power – German Air Force
China’s Silk Road Strategy in AfPak: The Shanghai Cooperation
Wherewithal of China's Grand Periphery Military Strategy
A Heretic's Musings on Syria, Iran and the Middle East
The Waning World Power
Entwicklungspolitik als Erweiterte Kooperations- und
Do Sanctions Work?
A Heretic's Musings
The PLA's
NATO and its New Strategic Concept
Combatting Piracy – China's Contribution
Military Confrontation on the Korean Peninsula
Time to Rethink the Fight Against Maritime Piracy in the Indian
Drones for German Foreign and Security Policy?
Europe's Security in a Global Perspective
Maritime Domain Security
The Role of the Submarine in the Fight for Naval Supremacy in the
Coping with the Rise of China
The Taiwan Calculus in China's Strategy Towards the North Korea -
Iran Axis
Long Term Investments and New Financial Instruments for
Economic Growth
Afghanistan – Quo Vadis?
Ende oder Wandel der klassischen Diplomatie?
China’s Economic Espionage Prowess
The Konrad-Adenauer Foundation in Asia
The UK Defence Review and the Implications for Germany
Iran: Foreign and Security Policy Aspects
Labour Unrest in China and the Foreboding
Der außen- und sicherheitspolitische Entscheidungsprozess in der
Europäischen Union nach dem Vertrag von Lissabon
Information Warfare in the Corporate Business Environment
Critical Energy Infrastructure Protection in the Electricity and Gas
Transforming Germany's Armed Forces
Afghanistan heute – Ein umkämpftes Land
China's Export Search and the Debate
Counter Insurgency - A Messy Business
Transformation Under Fire
Beziehungen Deutschland - Südkorea
Possibilities of Cooperation in the Central Asian Region Between
Major Regional and Global Actors
Afganistan – Pakistan and Central Asia
Low Intensity Terrorist Threats – A Future Trend in Europe?
Prospects for Cooperation, Competition and Confrontation in
Central Asia
Influence of the Global Crisis on Political Thinking
Does Germany Need a National Security Council?
Gründung Deutsch-Russischer Universität in Berlin
Israel's Kennedy Doctrine on Damascus
Germany's Presence in Afghanistan and the Failure of
Halbzeit Medwedew: Eine innenpolitische Bilanz
Hacktivism of Chinese Characteristics and the Google Inc Cyber
Attack Episode
The Geopolitical Dimension of Resource Security
The Fight against Corruption, Industrial Espionage and Economic
The Writing on the Wall
China's Arithmetic in Fence-Mending Diplomacy with Japan
EU Relations with China, Japan and North Korea
China and Maritime Cooperation: Piracy in the Gulf of Aden
NATO's Role in the 21 Century and its Potential Contribution for
Peace and Stability in the Asia-Pacific Region
Europe's Security Policy
Maritime Terrorism – A Threat to World Trade?
Zehn Jahre Europäische Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitik
Public Private Security
New Containment Policy
Japan-North Korea Relations
Vietnam Opens Wider for Business
Putting Together the North Korea Puzzle
North Korea: Nuclear Power or Rogue State?
Recessionary Spiral and China
Russland – Innenpolitische Entwicklungen
For Such a Time as This
Guidelines for Germany's Africa Policy
The Importance of Cross-Cultural Competence
Lessons of the Global Economic Crisis
Medwedews erstes Amtsjahr - Eine innenpolitische Bilanz
Russland - Innenpolitische Trends
Aktuelle innenpolitische Entwicklungen in Russland
India's Tryst with Corruption Menace
Korruption und Korruptionsbekämpfung in der VR China
Differenzen zwischen Medwedew und Putin
The Prince of Rosh: Russian Energy Imperialism and the
Emerging Eurasian Military Alliance of the Shanghai Cooperation
Passenger Rights in Aviation
Indiens 9/11
German-American and Transatlantic Relations Under President
Barack Obama
Die Europäische Union und Ostasien
German Companies on the Road to Success in India
China: The Architect's Copyright
NATO und die Europäische Union
A Security Strategy for Germany
Radicalization Process in the Horn of Africa
Friedenspolitik in Zeiten der Globalisierung
European Legislation on Aviation Safety
Fair Wages
China and India
A New Market Takes Shape
Militarisation of China's Energy Security Policy
The Race Between Cooperation and Catastrophe
The Al-Shabaab Al-Mujahidiin
African Regional Integration and the Role of the European Union
La política energética de Chile
NATO in Afghanistan
Combating Terrorism in Africa
National Crisis Management
The Struggle for the Control of the Nile
The Geopolitical Importance of Pakistan
International Terrorism and the Threat of a Dirty Bomb
                   Water Security
                   The Threat of Transnational Crime
                   The New PRC Antitrust Law
                   Africa - Europe: Neighbours and Partners in the 21st Century
                   Keeping Pace with Innovation
                   Risiko Wirtschafts- und Wettbewerbsspionage
                   Turkey 2007
                   The Rise of Africa in the International Geopolitical Landscape
                   Aviation Security
                   China: Keine Angst vor dem Drachen!
                   Indien: Boomland voller Chancen und Herausforderungen
                   China: The End of Cheap Labour?
                   Is Brazil on the Winning Side of Climate Change?
                   Sicherheitspolitik und Verteidigungsindustrie
                   Cocaine Smuggling through Africa is an
                   Aviation and Emissions Trading
                   Air Traffic Slots
                   Europe Needs a Debate on Missile Defence
                   The New PRC Insolvency Law
                   India and China - The New Drivers of Global Change
                   Militärpolitische Aspekte des israelisch-libanesischen Konflikts
                   Defense Procurement and Internal Market
                   Anmerkungen zur politischen Lage am Horn von Afrika
                   Lateinamerika im 21. Jahrhundert
                   Israel bedarf der uneingeschränkten Unterstützung der westlichen
                   Past Oil Price Shocks: Political Background and Economic Impact -
                   Evidence from Three Cases

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