LEARNING at the LEANING Tower 2019 - GONO Congress on Colorectal Cancer Pisa, November 28th - 29th, 2019 - Accademia ...

Page created by Jean Young
                                     Chiara Cremolini
                                     Alfredo Falcone

LEANING Tower 2019                   Marco Carlo Merlano   SECTION OF ONCOLOGY

GONO Congress on Colorectal Cancer
                                                            With the patronage of


Pisa, November 28th - 29th, 2019     10 CME points
aims                                                                                  cme
The goal is to provide an adjourn and discuss on the current scientific ev-           Based on Italian regulations, Accademia Nazionale di Medicina (provider
idence concerning standard and new therapeutic strategies in colorectal               n. 31), will assign to the activity CME (31-266635): 10 CME points.
cancer with a special attention to biological knowledge of treatments and
translational research. Lectures and presentations of National and Inter-             The credit certification is subject to:
national experts will give large prospects in systemic and locoregional ap-           - 90% attendance to the meeting
proaches of early and advanced phases.                                                - Completion of the meeting evaluation form
                                                                                      - Completion of the final questionnarie ( at least 75% of correct answers)

Addressed to                                                                          We would like to remind that only 1/3 of the CME Credits acquired during
                                                                                      the years 2017- 2019 can come from a sponsorship.
Physicians specialized in anatomical pathology, gastroenterology, oncol-
ogy, pharmacology, radiology, radiotherapy, and surgeons involved with
epidemiological, diagnostic, histopathological, biomolecular and instru-              OFFICIAL LANGUAGE
mental management and treatment of patients affected by colorectal can-
cer, and biologists.                                                                  The official language of the Meeting is English. No simultaneous transla-
It won’t be possible to give credits to physicians specialized in different fields.   tion will be provided.
Registration fee: € 100,00                                                              Online registration is possible on the webiste www.accmed.org, without
Registration with accomodation: € 400,00 (including two nights in hotel                 forgetting to send the the wire transfer receipt or the credit card details by
and two dinners)                                                                        fax +39 51 0569162 or by email info.bologna@accmed.org
Under the article 54 T.U.I.R and within the limits set out therein, the costs of par-   Requests received without proof of payment and / or incomplete card won’t be
ticipation in this activity are deductible in determing self- imployment income.        considered valid. The registration will be confirmed by the Secretariat by mail.
To register, please send:
- 	Registration form duly filled out (even when sponsored by a pharmaceu-              CANCELLATION
   tical company)                                                                       •	If the participants minimum number is not reached, Accademia Nazio-
- Privacy statment and consent to the use of personal data                               nale di Medicina will advise all participants by email and proceed with the
- Payment                                                                                 total refund of the fee.
                                                                                        • 	In order to cancel please give advise with a written communication to
To Accademia Nazionale di Medicina – Galleria Ugo Bassi 2- 40121 Bo-                      Accademia Nazionale di Medicina within 10 days from the beginning. A
logna (fax 0039 51 0569162 – e.mail: info.bologna@accmed.org), within                     70% registration fee will be returned.
November 15th, 2019.                                                                      Any cancellation after that deadline won’t be reimbursed.

Payment can be done by:                                                                 FELLOWSHIPS
bank transfer addressed to: Accademia Nazionale di Medicina, Banco                      Some fellowships will be awarded which will include registration, 1 night,
Popolare - IBAN: IT11M0503401405000000000966 - SWIFT(BIC) CODE:                         1 dinner and travel.
BAPPIT22 (please indicate “Registration of Dr….at Course 19_RE_2799)                    Those interested should send the registration form together with a short CV
credit card MasterCard, Visa, EuroCard (no AMEX cards).                                 and a motivation letter within November 1st. The Organizing Secretariat
Credit Card: Write legibly e-mail address to send pro-forma of Pay Pal Pay-             will confirm you the award of fellowship within November 5 th and it will
ment (It is not required to hold a Pay Pal account)                                     proceed with the logistics.
 9.00 Registration                   10.20 	Risk estimation in 2018:      12.05 Induction chemotherapy:           Discovering tumor cells’
                                             the role of tissue and liquid         When? Where? Why?                  metabolism: a new-old
      Introduction and welcome
 9.30	                                      biomarkers                            Alessandro Pastorino              hallmark of cancer
      Alfredo Falcone,                       Vincenzo Formica                                                         Claudio Vernieri
      Marco Merlano and                                                            Radiotherapy challenges:
      Authorities (University of      10.40 	Clinical scenarios:                  what’s next?                       Liquid biopsy from dreams
      Pisa, Azienda Ospedaliero-             interactive discussion                Francesco Pasqualetti              to reality and back
      Universitaria Pisana, ISPRO,           Daniele Rossini                                                          Carlotta Antoniotti
      Comune di Pisa)                                                        12.40 Discussion
                                            Coffee break                                                        15.00 Discussion
		1ST SESSION                                                               13.00 Lunch
   ADJUVANT TREATMENT                  2 SESSION
                                                                                                                      Coffee break
                                       TEAMWORK IN RECTAL                    		3RDSESSION
   OF COLON CANCER:                                                             TRANSLATIONAL                         Immunotherapy in
   BEYOND 3 VERSUS 6                   CANCER: NEWS AND
                                       VIEWS                                    RESEARCH IN                           colorectal cancer: present
   Chairmen:                                                                   COLONRECTAL CANCER                    and future
    Fortunato Ciardiello,              Chairmen: Carlo Aschele,
                                       Luca Morelli                             Chairmen: Cremolini Chiara,           Roberto Moretto
    Roberto Labianca                                                            Gabriella Fontanini
                                            Consequences of a
                                      11.45	                                                                         Microbiota: potential
      Lifestyle and pharmacological
10.00	                                                                            The molecular puzzle of
                                                                             14.00	                                  clinical applications
      prevention: the “new                   suboptimal radiological
                                             staging                               colonrectal cancer in 2019         Andrea Botticelli
      adjuvant therapy”                                                            Federica Morano
      Matteo Clavarezza                      Gianluca Masi
		 4TH SESSION                        		6TH SESSION                          	7TH SESSION
   COLORECTAL CANCER                      OF MCRC                                CANCER
   Chairmen: Filippo De                  Chairmen: Stefano Cascinu,            Chairmen: Giuseppe Aprile,
    Braud, Marco Merlano                   Gianluca Masi                          Giordano Beretta
      GONO “pipeline”: ongoing
16.15	                                 9.00 	The choice of the first-line         The “ABC” of genetic
      and planned clinical studies           treatment                              counseling in the Italian
      Chiara Cremolini                       Alfredo Falcone                       landscape
                                                                                    Stefania Sciallero
16.45 	Interview with the experts:         Treatment after progression:
      the present and future of              an evolving scenario                   Follow up:
      clinical and translational             Sara Lonardi                           recommendations and
      research in colorectal cancer                                                 guidelines
      Interviewer: Fillippo             9.50 Discussion                            Carlo Carnaghi
      Pietrantonio                     10.10	
                                             Coffee break
      Expert: Guillem Argiles                                                       How to deal with fake
                                             Interview with experts:
                                       10.40	                                      news in colorectal cancer?
17.30 Adjourn                                My algorithm of treatment              Vincenzo Formica
                                             of mCRC patients                 12.40 Discussion
                                             Interviewer: Lisa Salvatore
                                             Expert: Sebastian Stintzing      13.00 Lunch
 8TH SESSION                            Peritoneal surgery and
   TEAMWORK IN                             HIPEC: when?
   LIVER-LIMITED AND                       Piero Vincenzo Lippolis
   COLORECTAL CANCER                       Clinical scenarios:
   Chairmen: Piero Buccianti,             interactive discussion
    Fabiola Paiar                          Elena Ongaro

      Oncologist’s perspective:
14.00	                              15.45 Discussion and final
      the choice of the best               questionnaire
      treatment and timing
      Federica Marmorino
      Liver surgeon’s perspective:
      easy, almost easy, difficult
      to resect
      Lucio Urbani
14.30 Liver transplantation:
      current evidence and future
      Vincenzo Mazzaferro
Directors                            Scientific Secretary              Speakers and chairmen
Chiara Cremolini                     Giacomo Allegrini, Pisa (I)       Carlotta Antoniotti, Pisa (I)       Federica Morano, Milan (I)
Department of Oncology,              Carlotta Antoniotti, Pisa (I)     Giuseppe Aprile, Vicenza (I)        Luca Morelli, Pisa (I)
Transplants, and New Technologies    Giuseppe Aprile, Vicenza (I)      Guillem Argiles, Barcelona (S)      Roberto Moretto, Pisa (I)
in Medicine                          Paolo Bossi, Brescia (I)          Carlo Aschele, La Spezia (I)        Elena Ongaro, Aviano (I)
University of Pisa                   Lorenzo Fornaro, Pisa (I)         Giordano Domenico Beretta,          Fabiola Paiar, Pisa (I)
Division of Medical Oncology         Ornella Garrone, Cuneo (I)        Bergamo (I)                         Francesco Pasqualetti, Pisa (I)
University Hospital of Pisa (I)      Cristina Granetto, Cuneo (I)      Andrea Botticelli, Rome (I)         Alessandro Pastorino, La Spezia (I)
                                     Lisa Licitra, Milan (I)           Piero Buccianti, Pisa (I)           Filippo Pietrantonio, Milan (I)
Alfredo Falcone                      Sara Lonardi, Padua (I)           Carlo Carnaghi, Bolzano (I)         Daniele Rossini, Pisa (I)
Department of Oncology,              Gianluca Masi, Pisa (I)           Stefano Cascinu, Modena (I)         Lisa Salvatore, Rome (I)
Transplants, and New Technologies    Roberto Moretto, Pisa (I)         Fortunato Ciardiello, Naples (I)    Maria Stefania Sciallero, Genoa (I)
in Medicine                          Filippo Pietrantonio, Milan (I)   Matteo Clavarezza, Genoa (I)        Sebastian Stintzing, Berlin (G)
University of Pisa                   Daniele Santini, Rome (I)         Filippo Guglielmo De Braud,         Lucio Urbani, Pisa (I)
Division of Medical Oncology                                           Milan (I)                           Claudio Vernieri, Milan (I)
University Hospital of Pisa (I)                                        Gabriella Fontanini, Pisa (I)
                                                                       Vincenzo Formica, Rome (I)
Marco Carlo Merlano                                                    Roberto Labianca, Bergamo (I)
Department of Oncology and                                             Piero Vincenzo Lippolis, Pisa (I)
Specialized Medicine                                                   Sara Lonardi, Padua (I)
Hospital of Santa Croce e Carle of                                     Federica Marmorino, Pisa (I)
Cuneo (I)                                                              Gianluca Masi, Pisa (I)
                                                                       Vincenzo Mazzaferro, Milan (I)
Meeting Venue                      ORGANIZERS                        Organizing SECRETARIAT     WITH THE UNCONDITIONAL
Aula Magna                         ACCADEMIA NAZIONALE               Forum Service
                                                                                                SPONSORSHIP OF
Scuola Superiore S. Anna           DI MEDICINA                       Via Martin Piaggio 17/6,   SILVER SPONSOR
Piazza Martiri della Libertà, 42   General Manager: Stefania Ledda   16122 Genova
                                                                     Hotel booking
How to reach the meeting venue                                       booking@forumservice.net
Pay parking in Largo San Zeno                                        Ph. +39 1083794244         BRONZE SPONSOR
Radiotaxi: +39 50 541600                                             Fax +39 1083794260
                                   GRUPPO ONCOLOGICO
                                   DEL NORD OVEST (G.O.N.O.)

                                   Information and registration:
                                   Tel +39 51 6360080
                                   Fax +39 51 0569162
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