Women's Week - North Bank Forum

Page created by Emily Bowman

   Women’s Week
      Launching 5th March

  Hull              ?
         What is it like to be a woman in Hull?
 Do women have an equal role in today’s society?
How far have we progressed in the 100 years since
some women in the UK have had the right to vote?

            Women’s Day 2018
      Celebrating Women’s Achievment
Women’s Week Programme
    DATE & EVENT                NARRATIVE                                                                               TIME OF ACTION                   VENUE CONTACT                CONTACT DETAILS
    TUESDAY                     An Exhibition of the part Dr Mary Murdoch played in the Suffrage movement in Hull       Opening times                    Hull Minister 01482 224460   Cecile Oxaal                   Karen Okra
    27TH FEB – 20TH MARCH       and East Yorkshire and how she campaigned for better health care for women, young       10am - 4pm                       Contact James Symonds        Hull Amnesty Group            07523 947495
    CENTENARY                   people and children.                                                                    Closed Mondays                                                clonbrook@yahoo.com
    Hull Amnesty Group
    Dr Mary Murdoch and the
    Suffrage Movement in Hull
    and East Yorkshire

    MONDAY                      Fair trade will be promoted throughout the week. The public will have an opportunity    Two week campaign with no        Trinity Market               Sharon Clay                    Karen Okra
    26TH FEB – 11TH MARCH       to sign up to being a Fair Trade supporter and will be encouraged to hold a Mega        time restrictions.                (Pop up Shop)               Sharon.clay@hullcc.gov.uk     07523 947495
    Fair Trade Fortnight        Brew within their organisation, group, home and as an individual.                                                                                     www.facebook.com/
    Mega Brew                                                                                                           Pop up Trinity Market opening    Mega Brew sign up various    fairtradehull/
    Pop up Shop Trinity                                                                                                 times                            locations                    Twitter #fairtradehull

    MONDAY 5TH MARCH            Launching the week’s events with the unveiling of five Centenary Plaques dedicated      10:30am – 12:30pm                Guildhall                    Cllr Mary Glew & Karen Okra    Karen Okra
    Women’s Week                to Hull’s Inspirational Women. Groups, organisations, individuals who will be                                                                                                       07523 947495
    Supported by                contributing to the week’s events will be invited to attend in celebration of women’s
    GMB Hull no1 Branch         achievement in Hull, including guests

    TUESDAY 6TH MARCH           Wilberforce LT02, Tues March 6. 5.30pm                                                  Draft Schedule                   Hull University              Matthew Crofts                 Karen Okra
    OpenCampus Talking          Despite the fact that non-male gamers are commonplace, video games and gaming           5.30 – 6.00 Overview             Wilberforce LT02             M.Crofts@hull.ac.uk           07523 947495
    Point: Women and            culture are often portrayed as an inherently masculine space. Taking place in honour    Presentation of Iconic Gaming
    Gaming                      of International Women’s Day, Women In Gaming seeks to utilise the popularity of        Characters
    FREE TO ATTEND              gaming culture to get attendees to engage with issues of feminism and gender.
                                                                                                                        6.00 - 6.45 Panel Discussion
                                The session will consist of a short overview of some of gaming’s most iconic,
                                interesting or progressive characters, followed by a panel discussion that seeks to     6.45 Public Q+A and discussion
                                assess the state of gender representation in video games. What progress is being
                                made? Are titles from big publishers keeping in step with indie developers? Are these
                                characters combating issues like the objectification of women?

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Women’s Week Programme
    DATE & EVENT                   NARRATIVE                                                                              TIME OF ACTION                  VENUE CONTACT                CONTACT DETAILS
    THURSDAY 8TH MARCH             Women are invited to attend a coffee morning to network and share their                10am – 12pm                     Hull Minister 01482 224460   Karen Okra                      Karen Okra
    Inspirational Women’s          achievements. Hosted by a female panel talking about their role in the world today                                     Contact James Symonds                                       07523 947495
    Breakfast                      and celebrating their personal achievements.
                                   1.Victoria Jackson MBE 2. Emma Latimer Hull CCG 3.Speaker tbc TBC 4. Lisa Hilda
                                   Board of Director of Preston Road Women’s Centre

    THURSDAY 8TH MARCH             A place where Young People meet and set their own agenda discussion to influence       10am – 2:30pm                   Guildhall                    Ruth Cowlam                     Karen Okra
    Youth Parliament               change. Voting process; Ballot Box                                                                                                                  Youth Development Team         07523 947495
    Junior and Senior                                                                                                                                                                  ruth.cowlam@hullcc.gov.uk
    schools                                                                                                                                                                            01482 331238

    THURSDAY 8TH MARCH             Open Doors Hull drop in offering Befriending and Counselling Service for Asylum        10am - 3pm                      Princes Avenue Methodist     opendoorshull@live.co.uk        Karen Okra
    Open Doors Hull                Seekers, Refugees and Migrant Workers. Women’s Project is INVITATION ONLY                                              Church                       01482 345132                   07523 947495

    THURSDAY 8TH MARCH             Voices of Women Project                                                                Activities throughout Women’s   Purple House                 Ann Clarkson                    Karen Okra
    Purple House                   Celebrating International Women’s Day and Inclusion projects throughout Women’s        Week                            Preston Road Women’s         ann.clarkson@purplehouse.      07523 947495
    Preston Road Women’s           Week                                                                                                                   Centre                       co.uk
    Centre                                                                                                                                                                             01482 790310
    FOR WOMEN & INVITATION         Please call for more information

    THURSDAY 8TH MARCH             The Centre for Digital Innovation is a commercial and hot desk facility focused on     2m Duration 1hr 10mins          The Theatre, C4DI, @ thedock, Main Reception                 Karen Okra
    C4DI Women in Tech             helping tech businesses grow and traditional businesses innovate. To celebrate                                         31-38 Queen Street, Hull, HU1 01482 304244                  07523 947495
    Tickets will be available on   International Women’s Day, we’ve invited some of Hull’s inspirational women in tech                                    1UU
    Eventbrite                     to share their experiences in the sector

    THURSDAY 8TH MARCH             Citizens Advice Hull & East Riding are working in partnership with The Goodwin Trust                                   The Goodwin Community Hub, Chloe Hart                        Karen Okra
    Goodwin Trust &                to host a chat and a cuppa for young mothers giving support and advice on their                                        Anlaby Rd                  chloe.hart@hull-eastridingcab.   07523 947495
    Citizens Advice Hull           welfare rights.                                                                                                                                   org.uk
    & East Riding Young                                                                                                                                                              01482 224511 Ext#206
    Parents Event

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Women’s Week Programme
    DATE & EVENT                NARRATIVE                                                                                 TIME OF ACTION      VENUE CONTACT                 CONTACT DETAILS
    FRIDAY 9TH MARCH            LECTURE by Prof. Katherine Cockin                                                         1pm – 3pm           Hull Minister                 Cecile Oxaal                  Karen Okra
    Women’s Progression         Dr Mary Murdoch and the Suffrage Movement in Hull and East Yorkshire, inc. Q                                  Contact James Symonds         Hull Amnesty Group & Karen   07523 947495
    Supported by                & A (1hr). Followed by ‘Women’s Progression’ Panel of speakers (Q&A) who are                                  01482 224460                  Okra
    GMB Hull no1 Branch         campaigners for women, women’s rights and equality for all! (1hr)                                                                           clonbrook@yahoo.com
    FREE TO ATTEND              1. Cllr Mary Glew 2. Guest speaker TBC 3. Cllr. Abigail Bell 4.Karen Daniels Unite                                                          075239 47495
                                (Union). In the presence of Lord Mayor Cllr. John Hewitt and Lady Mayoress Honorary
                                Alderman Mrs Betty Hewitt.

    SATURDAY 10TH MARCH         Join us for a celebration of yarn crafting for peace. Drop in and enjoy a day of music,   10:30am – 2pm       Hull Minister                 Karen Okra                    Karen Okra
    Revolutionary Makers        talks and inspiration. Bring your latest project to work on.                              Women’s Choir 1pm   Contact James Symonds                                      07523 947495
    Yarn makers coming                                                                                                                        01482 224460
    together for Goodwill and

    SATURDAY 10TH MARCH         Flash discussion pop up debate at all libraries across Hull (except Longhill)             11am – 12pm         Hull Libraries locations      Matthew Soare                 Karen Okra
    Flash Discussion            The discussions will be supported by Time Bank volunteers and 2017 Volunteers                                 except Longhill Library       matthew.soare@hcandl.co.uk   07523 947495
    Hull Libraries              (TBC)                                                                                                                                       01482 613412

    SATURDAY 10TH MARCH         A collaboration between author Louise Beech & singer song writer Carrie Martin            2pm - 4pm           Kardomah                      Carrie Martin                 Karen Okra
    Courageous Women –          present ‘Maria in the Moon’. Fiona Mills Kingston FM will be chatting to Louise and                           94 Alfred Gelder Street       carrie.carriemartin.co.uk    07523 947495
    Bravery of Women that       Carrie about strong characters in their writing, what inspired these characters and                           Hull
    speak out!                  how they came about, including audience Q & A                                                                 HU1 2AN                       Karen Okra
    Supported by Kardomah       Followed by guest speakers who will talk about what it’s like to be a woman in Hull                           01482 317941                  07523 947495
                                and the challenges they face in their personal lives and in the work they do!
                                Guest Speaker
                                1. Diana Johnson MP
                                2. Guest speaker

    SUNDAY 11TH MARCH           An evening for women with laughter, discussion, cakes, nibbles, reflection and            7:30pm– 9pm         St John’s Church and          Cathy Westby                  Karen Okra
    YOU - Celebration           worship.                                                                                                      Community Centre              07854 339743                 07523 947495
    FREE TO ATTEND              Will comprise of sketches, drama and song                                                                     Rosmead Street
                                                                                                                                              HU9 2TB
    TUESDAY 13TH MARCH          Lunch time talk                                                                           12:30pm – 1:30pm    Hull History Centre           martin.taylor@hcandl.co.uk    Karen Okra
    Women in the 17th           Women in the 17th Century Hull                                                                                Worship Street Hull HU2 8BG   01482 317501                 07523 947495
    Century Hull                                                                                                                              01482 300300/317500
    Mike Rymer

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Women’s Week
             Celebrating Women’s Achievment

                               Dr Mary Murdoch (1864-1916)
‘Standing on an almost limitless shore, we can see, coming slowly in, the great rolling waves
which go to make the inevitable high tide of women’s progress, kept back often by seemingly
       impossible rocks and creeks, but still coming on. And no one can keep it back.’
                                         Chloe Hart
At Citizens Advice Hull and East Riding we see first hand, that despite many positive changes
 more work needs to be done to end gender-based discrimination and achieve gender parity.
Every day we advise women hit by policies and practices that make them worse off. We are a
           voice for these women and campaign on the big issues that affect them.
                                      Hilary Clinton
“I believe that the rights of women and girls is the unfinished business of the 21st Century”

           AMNESTY GROUP                             GRAPHIC DESIGN

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