Page created by Judith Hayes
 Technische Orthopädie


                   12 –13 May 2022
                   Join the Youth.Academy TO
                   at OTWorld in Leipzig
That‘s what awaits you too:

                                                      ALL 2
                    CCCCLL                                             HALLE/H
                                                                                   ALL 4            Massive Open Online Course (MOOC):
                                                                                                    interdisciplinary amputee care
                                                                                                    Caring for patients with an amputation is complex and involves a net-
                       GLASHA                                                                       work of specialists. The Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) provides
                                   LLE /GLA
                                               SSHALL                                               students and trainees with over ten 20-minute videos in which they
                                                                                                    can learn more about the relevant professions and their associated
                       MEETING             IBL
                                  POINT                                                             education paths. Specialists from all over the world will present
                                                                  POCKETP                           examples of good cooperation between the various professions in
         HALLE/H                                                         ARK
sse                 ALL 1                                                                           treatment centres. The MOOC willMbeesspresented
                                                                                                                                           epark     at OTWorld on
                                    HALLE/H                                                         12 May 2022. After the event, the English-language videos will be
                                                 ALL 3
                                                                 HALLE/H                            available free of charge in the media library.
                                                                             ALL 5
                                   Congress                                                         Education Zone
                                   OTWorld enter
altung                                      (CCO)
                                                                                                    In the Education Zone, schools, universities and other learning
                                                                                                    institutions from all over the world will be presenting their advanced
d B2                                                                                                training and further education programmes and providing important
                                                                                                    inspiration for the visitors’ continuing professional development. Fur-
                                                 ee                                                 thermore, lectures on specific topics will be offered on-site and online.
                                                                         Parken P
                                                                                  1   | Car park
                                                                                                   P1Barbecue party in the Pocketpark
          The Youth.Academy TO was initiated by trainees and vocational colleges along
          with the Associations of Teachers of Orthopaedic Technology (ALLOF) and                   On Thursday evening, the legendary barbecue party will take place
          Teachers of Orthopaedic Footwear Technology (ALOST). Conceptual partner is                in the Pocketpark. Ottobock is sponsoring sausages and beer. Once
          the German Association of Orthopaedic Technology (Bundesinnungsverband für                again, the Youth.Academy ticket is required for admission. Please note:
          Orthopädie-Technik (BIV-OT)) in close co-operation with the Orthopaedic State             You can only leave your jacket in the cloakroom in the West Entrance
          Guilds. Organiser of the Youth.Academy is Confairmed GmbH.                                Hall, as this hall is where the exit will be. Both the cloakroom and the
                                                                                                    exit in Hall 5 will be closed. The cloakroom in Entrance Hall West will
                                                                                                    be open until 23:30 o’clock on Thursday and until 18:00 o’clock on
          Welcome back: After a four-year break due to the pandemic we
                                                                                                    Important info:
          can all look forward to personal exchange again! Under a new
          logo, the Youth.Academy TO offers a bouquet of educational                                With your Youth.Academy ticket you can travel free of charge on the
          opportunities - and a unique opportunity to celebrate with                                transport network of the Mitteldeutscher Verkehrsverbund (MDV) to
          like-minded people. You can look forward to two varied and                                and from the exhibition grounds on the days of the event (regions/
          interesting days in Leipzig. See you at the traditional barbecue                          tariff zones: 110, 151, 156, 162, 163, 168, 210, 225). Please always
          event in the Pocketpark!                                                                  carry your Youth.Academy ticket with you on both days of the event,
                                                                                                    as well as your school or student ID.

          Lars Grun                                                                                 Our sponsors:
          Chair of the Vocational Training Committee
usively to
                           Available excl
Programme                                                                                                                              Thursday, 12 May
                                      of J.A TO 2022

Start   End     Event                      Location                              Pre-                            Title / Partner
9:15    10:15   Course                     Open Forum                            in the ticket shop              Mass sport: Requirements and methods for
                                                                                                                 providing insoles
9:15    10:15   Course                     Room 1                                in the ticket shop              Examination technique for the residual limb
9:15    10:15   Course                     Room 2                                in the ticket shop              Neurostimulation
9:15    10:15   Course                     Room 3                                in the ticket shop              Lipoedema/lymphoedema
9:15    10:15   Course                     Room 4                                in the ticket shop              Special features of neurological foot deformities in an
                                                                                                                 interdisciplinary context
9:15    10:15   Course                     Room 5                                in the ticket shop              Digitalisierung
10:30   11:00   Opening ceremony           MeetingPoint J.A TO (glass hall)                                      Youth.Academy TO 2022 reception
10:45   12:00   Symposium                  Open Forum                            No                              Wichtige Aspekte der Biomechanik in der
                                                                                                                 Orthopädie-Technik - ein Überblick
11:15   12:00   Booth tour                 Hall 1, C10/D11                       Yes*                            Össur
11:15   12:15   Workshop                   Hall 3, C17, C18/D17                  Yes*                            Sporlastic: ORGANIC – Inspired by nature (DE)
11:15   12:15   Guided tour                Treatment Route CP, Hall 3, D18/E05   Yes*                            Menschen mit CP - gut versorgt ein Leben lang
11:15   12:15   Workshop                   International Business Lounge         Yes*                            Basko: Versorgung zur Verbesserung des Gangbildes bei
                                           (IBL / glass hall)                                                    funktionellen Defiziten der unteren Extremität
12:30   13:30   Poster Session             Room 3                                No                              Poster presentations with short lectures: Orthotics, Open topics,
                                                                                                                 Foot und Shoe, Rehabilitation, Rehab Technologies
12:30   13:15   Booth tour                 Hall 5, D06/E05                       Yes*                            Bauerfeind
12:30   13:30   Lunch Break                MeetingPoint J.A TO (glass hall)
13:45   14:45   Workshop                   International Business Lounge         Yes*                            Bauerfeind: „Orthopädietechnische Versorgungs-
                                           (IBL / glass hall)                                                    möglichkeiten im olympischen und paralympischen
                                                                                                                 Leistungssport – Rückschau Tokio 2020"
14:00   14:30   Keynote Speech             Room 1                                No                              TMR and Osseointegration
14:00   14:30   Guided tour                Hall 3, G 29/F 30                     Yes*                            Erlebniswelt Sanitätsfachhandel
15:00   16:15   Course                     Open Forum                            No                              MOOC - Introduction Massive Open Online Course
                                                                                                                 "Amputee Care: Prosthetics Treatment and Technologies"
15:00   16:15   Free Paper                 Room 1                                No                              Prosthetics: Knee components
16:30   17:15   Booth tour                 Hall 3, C17, C18/D17                  Yes*                            Sporlastic
16:45   18:00   Symposium                  Open Forum                            No                              Bedeutung der Ausbildung für die interdisziplinäre
16:45   18:00   Symposium                  Room 1                                No                              TMR, osseointegration - Does succes depend on aftercare?
18:00   22:00   Get-together               Pocketpark                                                            Barbecue in Pocketpark (incl. meals and drinks)

                                                                                 * Registration list available at the meeting point.
usively to
                                                 Available excl
           Programme                                                                                                                                    Friday, 13 May
                                                            of J.A TO 2022

            Start      End          Event                        Location                              Pre-                  Title / Partner

            9:15       10:15        Course                       Open Forum                            in the ticket shop    Toe deformities - Pathology, diagnostics, conservative
                                                                                                                             and surgical treatment
            9:15       10:15        Course                       Room 1                                in the ticket shop    Socket technology - New concepts for variable volume sockets
            9:15       10:15        Course                       Room 2                                in the ticket shop    Current treatment approaches and therapy methods for
                                                                                                                             spinal muscular atrophy (SMA)
            9:15       10:15        Course                       Room 3                                in the ticket shop    Pes planovalgus at different ages
            9:15       10:15        Course                       Room 4                                in the ticket shop    Adaption and alignment in osseointegration –
                                                                                                                             Challenges in orthopaedic technology
            9:15       10:15        Course                       Room 5                                in the ticket shop    Untersuchungstechniken bei neuroorthopädischen
                                                                                                                             Krankheitsbildern im Kindesalter
            9:30       10:15        Booth tour                   Hall 1, B01                           Yes*                  Basko
            10:30      11:30        Factory Talk                 CCO, Room 1                                                 Wee need to talk - about seating-shell fittings
            10:30      11:45        Free Paper                   CCO                                   No                    Education in P&O: an international approach
            11:00      11:30        Guided tour                  Hall 3, G 29/F 30                     Yes*                  Erlebniswelt Sanitätsfachhandel
            11:00      11:45        Guided tour                  Versorgungswelt CP, Hall 3, D18/E05   Yes*                  Treatment route cerebral palsy
            11:00      11:45        Booth tour                   Hall 1, D18, D22/E21                  Yes*                  medi
            12:00      12:30        Keynote Speech               Room 1                                No                    Intelligent control and learning in prosthetics
            12:00      12:45        Booth tour                   Hall 1, C10/D11                       Yes*                  Össur
            12:30      13:30        Lunch Break                  MeetingPoint J.A TO (glass hall)
            13:00      14:15        Free Paper                   Open Forum                            No                    Digital production from the process to the product
            13:00      14:15        Satellite-Symposium          Room 1                                No                    Sports and prosthetics
            14:30      15:45        Free Paper                   Room 1                                No                    Prosthetics: Foot components 1
            Those events at the trade show that are open to all trade show ticket holders,             For English titles, a simultaneous translation into English will take place.
            of course are open to you as well.                                                         German titles will not be translated.

                Our sponsors welcome the participants of the Youth.Academy TO to their booths
                anytime. The booths of the sponsors are also recognizable by a stand-up display
                of the Youth.Academy TO.

                Basko Healthcare B. V.                           Halle 1 B01

                Bauerfeind AG                                    Halle 5, D02, D06/E05, E13

                DJO GLOBAL (ORMED GmbH)                          Halle 5, A04/B03                      Only for participants
                FOT Fortbildungsvereinigung
                für Orthopädie-Technik e. V.
                                                                 Halle 1, C43                          of the J.A TO!
                medi GmbH & Co. KG                               Halle 1, D18, D22/E21                 Each participant will receive a
                Ofa Bamberg GmbH                                 Halle 1, A12/B11                      Youth.Academy bag from Össur at
                                                                                                       the meeting point in the glass hall,
                Össur Deutschland GmbH                           Halle 1, C10/D11
                                                                                                       which has a few surprises in store.
                Otto Bock HealthCare Deutschland GmbH            Halle 5, C18/D17

                Sporlastic GmbH                                  Halle 3, C18/D17, C17

                THUASNE DEUTSCHLAND GmbH                         Halle 5, D05
Fortschritt meistern.

Contact Youth.Academy TO:
German Association of Orthopaedic Technology
Reinoldistraße 7-9, 44135 Dortmund, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)231 557050-85
E-Mail: jugendakademie@ot-world.com


                                                Illustration: ©Moto-rama, ©BRO Vector/istockphoto.com

Confairmed GmbH
Reinoldistraße 7-9,
44135 Dortmund, Germany

German Association of
Orthopaedic Technology
Reinoldistraße 7-9,
44135 Dortmund, Germany
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