Call for Presenters May 6 and 7, 2022 | Banff, Alberta - The Alberta Association of Architects

Page created by Franklin Coleman
Call for Presenters
   May 6 and 7, 2022 | Banff, Alberta
Banff Session 2022
              Every two years the Alberta Association of Architects (AAA) hosts a conference at the
              stunning Fairmont Banff Springs hotel in the picturesque mountain town of Banff, AB.
              The conference, appropriately titled Banff Session, has an illustrious history dating back
              to 1956.

              Banff Session welcomes over 400 architects, interior designers, academics, and
              students from around the world to learn and connect with one another. Over the course
              of two days, attendees are treated to a welcome reception, many inspiring speakers,
              an engaging tradeshow experience, world-class cuisine, a grand evening reception and
              the AAA’s annual general meeting.

How can we harness the power of design to          Be Part of Banff Session 2022
reimagine the built environment and solve          Contribute to the professions of architecture
problems in an ever-changing world?                and interior design by submitting a
                                                   presentation that will incite thought and spark
>   The ways cities and designers can adapt        discussion.
    to climate change
>   How to be adaptive in order to create          Applications will be evaluated on a variety of
    sustainable buildings                          criteria:
>   Adaptive re-use of existing, under utilized    > session content that is clear, concise and
    spaces                                             educational in nature;
>   Adaptation of homes and offices in a           > session content that provides new
    post-COVID-19 world                                information on the theme and supporting
>   Adapt design thinking to incorporate               topics;
    indigenous modalities                          > relevance to the conference theme and
>   How to be adaptive with new and                    supporting topics;
    prospective building and energy codes          > relevancy of the session content to the
>   Designing and creating buildings that              professions of architecture and interior
    adapt to their environments and their              design;
    inhabitants                                    > relevancy of the session content to the
>   Adapting our practices to new and                  structured learning subject areas (refer to
    emerging technologies                              page 1 of the application form)
                                                   > previous presenter experience at similar
Speaker Guidelines & Instructions
Presentation Guidelines
Presenters are asked to be mindful of the following general guidelines as they relate to professional
development sessions:
 > The session must be educational in nature with clearly stated learning objectives.
 > The session must be current and relevant to the practices of architecture and interior design, and
   focus on at least one of the following structured learning subject areas:
    ▪ Legal issues and legislation
    ▪ Safety, health, accessibility, fire protection, and energy conservation
    ▪ Planning, design, and technology
    ▪ Practice, project, and business management
    ▪ Energy and the environment
 > The session content must be educational in nature and not seen as endorsing a particular product or
 > The session should be 90 minutes in length in order to fit the format of our event.

Instructions & Information for Presenters
1. Proposals must be received by December 3, 2021. Submissions can be sent to
2. For submissions with more than one presenter, all communication will be sent to the submitting
   presenter who will be responsible for forwarding any relevant information to the other presenter(s).
3. By submitting a proposal, it is understood that the presenter(s) agree(s) to present and to participate
   as proposed, if accepted.
4. All proposals are to include an accurate presentation description, as it should appear in the final
   program. The AAA reserves the right to edit abstracts.
5. To maximize the learning experience of our delegates, selected presenters agree to submit a
   shareable PDF copy or summary of your presentation to the AAA by April 22, 2022.
6. There is a small budget to pay a modest honorarium to presenters. Therefore all presenters will be
   offered free registration to the event. Travel and accommodation expenses will be reimbursed on
   submission of original receipts and boarding passes. If you wish to receive an honorarium, please
   indicate this in your proposal. Speaker benefits are applicable to a maximum of two presenters
   per session.
7. Conference rooms are equipped with audio-visual equipment including LCD projector, screen, podium
   and microphone. Presenters are asked to bring their own laptops for use in
   their presentation.
8. By submitting a presentation proposal, it is understood that the presenter(s)
   agree(s) to be part of a post-event evaluation.
9. The AAA may take photographs or video recordings of this event for
   communication, promotional and/or educations purposes. By submitting
   a presentation proposal, it is understood that the presenter(s) agree(s) to
   grant the AAA the right to use your name, photograph and/or recording
   for such purposes.
Banff Session 2022
Presentation Application Form

Banff Session 2022 is being planned as an in-person event at the Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel with a
virtual component. All hotel guests and visitors must provide proof of vaccination to access all areas of
the hotel, including the conference center. All provincially mandated COVID-19 health protocols in effect
at the time of the conference will be followed.

Contingency options are being considered in the event that provincial health protocols change. Should a
change in protocol dictate a reduced number of conference delegates, it may be necessary to shift the
balance of planned activities to a virtual environment. This change may mean that we must reduce the
number of in-person presenters while hosting the majority of the presentations online in a pre-recorded
format or that the entire conference may need to be presented virtually.

Should it become necessary to move to a virtual conference platform (hybrid or completely virtual), would
you be willing to deliver your presentation virtually?    Yes                    No

Please provide all details as you would want them to appear in the final conference program.

 Title of Presentation

 Presentation Description
 (100 words or less)
 *a longer description of the
 seminar can be submitted as
 an email attachment

 Learning Objectives:               Learning Objective #1:
 *objectives should describe
 what participants will gain as a
 result of attending the session
                                    Learning Objective #2:

                                    Learning Objective #3:

                                    Learning Objective #4:

Banff Session 2022
Presentation Application Form

Please check off all the           Legal Issues and Legalization
structured learning topics that    Safety, Health, Accessibility, Fire Protection, and Energy
apply to your presentation          Conservation
                                   Planning, Design, and Technology
                                   Practice, Project, and Business Management
                                   Energy and the Environment
                                   Other ______________________________________

Total Honorarium Requested:
(for all presenters)
Audio Visual Needs:                Internet access
All rooms will be equipped         Flip chart
with an LCD projector, screen,
podium and microphone.
                                   Other ______________________________________
Presenters are asked to supply
their own laptops.

Presenter #1 Name
(Contact person):




(60 Words or less)

List of recent speaking
engagements (within three
Banff Session 2022
Presentation Application Form

 Presenter #2 Name:





 (60 Words or less)

 List of recent speaking
 engagements (within past three

Please return completed submission electronically by 4:00 pm MST on December 3, 2021 to:

                                  Kathy Saunderson
                                  Professional Development Officer
                                  The Alberta Association of Architects
                         | 780-432-0619

All applicants will be contacted by the AAA by mid-January, 2022 to inform them of the selection results.

                  Thank you for supporting Banff Session 2022
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