Kuwait's low-fare success story - To infinity and beyond Jazeera widens its focus - Frequentis

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Kuwait's low-fare success story - To infinity and beyond Jazeera widens its focus - Frequentis
Low-Fare & Regional Airlines
Vol 37 No 1 February/March 2020

                                             Mitsubishi’s SpaceJet
                                  To infinity and beyond
                                  Jazeera widens its focus
                   Kuwait’s low-fare
                      success story
Kuwait's low-fare success story - To infinity and beyond Jazeera widens its focus - Frequentis

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Kuwait's low-fare success story - To infinity and beyond Jazeera widens its focus - Frequentis

COVER                                             20 KLM UK ENGINEERING
Long-range view: Jazeera Airlines CEO Rohit       Making MRO the cool choice
Ramachandran talks to LARA about the airline’s    The Norwich Airport-based MRO, KLM UK Engineering, also runs an onsite technical training college
plans to connect Kuwait across the Middle East    that is delivering the next generation of EASA-standard aircraft engineers and technicians through an
and beyond.                                       innovative training approach. Glenn Sands went back to school.

4   COMMENT                                       30 REGIONAL FOCUS                                    51 SUPPLY CHAIN, PARTS AND LOGISTICS
    Thinking positive and planning ahead…              Where the action is – Asia                          Maintaining strong links
    Boeing takes a patient approach to the             Asia is a region that offers huge potential         Waiting for a spare part costs money.
    ongoing MAX grounding.                             for those airlines or start-ups prepared            Airlines, MRO providers and logistics
                                                       to take a gamble. But is it a land of               companies are working together to
6   NEWS                                               opportunity or threat?                              prevent this from happening.
    All the latest news and developments in
    the low-fare and regional airline industry.   34 SPACEJET                                          58 GROUND HANDLING OPERATIONS
                                                       Two Steps Forward...                                The passenger plane pit-stop
12 NEWS ANALYSIS – FLYBE                               David Willis reports on the complex                 Michael Doran reports on the efforts being
    Glenn Sands takes a closer look at the             development and changing requirements               made to ensure turnaround times are kept
    extraordinary events surrounding Flybe’s           impacting Japan’s first steps into the              to a minimum.
    rescue by the UK government.                       competitive world of the regional jet market.
                                                                                                       63 FIVE QUESTIONS TO…
14 JAZEERA AIRWAYS                                                                                         … Gary Vickers, CEO at Aerogility
    Blue skies ahead
    Jazeera Airways has been rapidly                                                                   64 AERO-TECH TRENDS
    expanding its network over the course of                                                               Anomalous; Boxever; Collins Aerospace
    the past year, Kimberley Young reports.                                                                Systems; HiETA Technologies; Meggitt;
                                                                                                           Norwegian Air Shuttle.
   FRESSON                                                                                             66 NEW APPOINTMENTS & EVENTS DIARY
    Seventy years creating cutting-edge           40 SEATING                                               AirAsia; Association of Asia Pacific Airlines;
    solutions                                          Sitting tight                                       Burrana; CDB Aviation; FLYdocs; Infare;
    Cranfield University and its commercial            Kimberley Young looks at the innovations            Norwegian Air Shuttle; Pattonair; Regional
    arm, Cranfield Aerospace Solutions, is             enhancing comfort in high-density seating.          Airline Association; Spirit Airlines.
    quietly leading the way forward in
    aircraft development.                         46 FLIGHT PLANNING OPS                               IN THE NEXT ISSUE
                                                       Smooth Running                                  l Training Special
                                                       Michael Doran examines the positive             l Data & AI Airline Solutions
                                                       impact of three different flight planning       l Aircraft & Engine Leasing
                                                       systems.                                        l IT in MRO

        laranews.net                                                                                                     February/March 2020 LARA
Kuwait's low-fare success story - To infinity and beyond Jazeera widens its focus - Frequentis

                                                                           Thinking positive and planning ahead…
                                                                                                   There’s nothing like being optimistic and after the year Boeing had,
                                                                                                   the only way can be up. It has been telling customers and suppliers
                                                                                                   that its 737 MAX will not start flying regular operations again until
 tel: +44 1252 545993                                                                              mid-2020, based on the aircraft manufacturer’s “experience with the
 Editor: Glenn Sands                                                                               certification process”.
                                                                                                      Boeing also stated this estimate is subject to ongoing attempts to
 Senior Reporter: Kimberley Young                                                                  address “known schedule risks” and warned further developments
                                                                                                   might arise that could affect the re-certification process.
 Asia-Pacific Correspondent: Emma Kelly
                                                                                                      “It also accounts for the rigorous scrutiny that regulatory authorities
 tel: +61 8 9291 9089                                                   are rightly applying at every step of their review of the 737 MAX’s flight control system and
 Contributors: Bernie Baldwin, Michael Doran, John Persinos
                                                                        the Joint Operations Evaluation Board process determines pilot training requirements,” the
 and David Willis.                                                      company said in a statement on Tuesday.
                                                                           “As we have emphasised, the FAA and other global regulators will determine when the
 tel: +44 1252 545993                                                   737 MAX returns to service. However, in order to help our customers and suppliers plan their
 Sales Manager: Toby Walton                                             operations, we periodically provide them with our best estimate of when regulators will begin
                                                                        to authorise the ungrounding of the 737 MAX.
 Media Sales Executive: Richard Prescott                                   “Returning the MAX safely to service is our number one priority, and we are confident that
                                                                        will happen. We acknowledge and regret continued difficulties that the grounding of the 737
 Marketing and Communications Specialist: Emma Walker
                                                                        MAX has presented to our customers, our regulators, our suppliers and the flying public.”
                                                                           The three major US operators of the MAX – American, United and Southwest Airlines – have
 tel: +44 1252 545993
                                                                        changed their schedules a number of times to reflect the return-to-service date being no earlier
 Production and Design Editor: Steve Lodewyke                           than July.
 steve@hmgaerospace.com                                                    While the commercial aviation world waits patiently for regular MAX services to resume,
 Graphic Designer: Paul Firth                                           what has to be remembered is the massive logistical and supplier back-up that is currently on
 paul@hmgaerospace.com                                                  hold. Boeing’s MAX aircraft are racked and stacked waiting to be delivered to their customers
 CIRCULATION                                                            who are now reducing or cancelling future orders. There are 400 completed aircraft stored in
 Subscription Enquiries:                                                Washington State and Texas, all of which need to be paid for, because airline customers pay the
 tel: +44 1252 545993                                                   bulk of what’s owed upon delivery. This situation has seen Boeing temporarily halt production
                                                                        of the type.
 publishing@hmgaerospace.com                                               Of course, the type will get back into widespread service but Boeing and operators are
 Managing Director: Mark Howells                                        ignoring the offers by MROs and others to continue to teach, train and keep staff current on the
 Director: Becky Howells
                                                                        MAX. It could be a very, very busy summer for Boeing and MAX operators once again.
 LARA is published six times per year – in February/March, April/May,
 June/July, August/September, October/November and December/
 January – by HMG Aerospace Ltd. Distribution of LARA is carefully
 controlled for industry-related individuals.
                                                                        Glenn Sands – Editor
 Non-qualifiers can subscribe annually for £100.
 Articles and information contained in this publication are the
 copyright of HMG Aerospace Ltd and may not be reproduced in any
 form without the written permission of the publishers.

 Member of:                             Strategic partner:

 © HMG Aerospace Ltd 2020 ISSN 1753-0598

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LARA February/March 2020                                                                                                                            @LARA_Editor
Kuwait's low-fare success story - To infinity and beyond Jazeera widens its focus - Frequentis
Kuwait's low-fare success story - To infinity and beyond Jazeera widens its focus - Frequentis

                     LOT parent group
                      acquires Condor

The Polish Aviation Group (PGL), owner            The purchase of Condor will mean the           employees, customers and partners
of LOT Polish Airlines, has purchased          carrier can repay the bridging loan it was        stability and a great perspective. We want
German carrier Condor. Previously,             granted by the German government last year.       to further develop the traditional Condor
owned by the Thomas Cook Group,                The transaction for purchasing Condor is          brand in Germany and introduce it to
Condor survived the collapse of the            expected to be completed in April, subject to     other European markets.”
travel group in September 2019.                all the necessary approvals                          Condor’s CEO, Ralf Teckentrup, said
   When Thomas Cook collapsed, the German         PGL’s CEO, Rafał Milczarski, said that         that the new ownership will “secure the
subsidiary was granted a loan by the German    Condor is a perfect match for the Polish          future of our business” and suggested
government, allowing the carrier to continue   Aviation Group’s strategy. Additionally, it       that, “together we will serve twice as
operating in the interim period. The news of   seems that Condor will keep its branding. He      many passengers, thus forming one of the
the acquisition by PGL was announced in        commented: “The purchase secures the              largest aviation groups and the leading
Frankfurt on 24 January.                       future of Condor and thus offers its              leisure airline group in Europe.”

Lübeck Air will connect north Germany
                                                         Lübeck Airport in north Germany            “We are creating an offer that many
                                                         has established a new regional          people don’t even know anymore,” Chief
                                                         airline which will operate scheduled    Pilot Tobias Oberschäfer commented.
                                                         services to Munich and Stuttgart           Each ticket includes one piece of baggage
                                                         from its launch in June 2020.           and hand luggage, a small meal onboard and
                                                            The airport last saw commercial      a seat pitch of 89cm.
                                                         services in 2016 following a filing        “As the Lübeck Air plane surprises with
                                                         for insolvency in 2014. After gaining   seating for only 60 passengers – all of them
                                                         a new operator, the airport is now      window or aisle seats,” Oberschäfer
                                                         in the process of modernising its       continued.
                                                         terminal and plans to resume               The airline’s website describes it as a
                                                         scheduled and charter traffic.          “private aviation company… operated in
                                                            The new carrier Lübeck Air will      collaboration with Air Alsie of Denmark and
                                                         provide scheduled, nonstop              closely affiliated with Lübeck Airport. We are
                                                         services for the city operated with     looking forward to linking the Baltic Sea
                                                         an ATR 72-500 turboprop, which          coast, home to beautiful resorts and Lübeck,
                                                         the company suggests: “has proven       a UNESCO World Heritage Site, with the south
                                                         itself for regional traffic”.           of Germany from spring 2020.”

LARA February/March 2020                                                                                                @news_LARA
Kuwait's low-fare success story - To infinity and beyond Jazeera widens its focus - Frequentis

Airbus establishes Skytra for revenue risk management
Airbus has launched a new venture called                                                                       long-term and make the investments
Skytra which aims to support aviation’s risk                                                                   necessary to sustainable growth.
management of its revenues by developing                                                                          Drawing on research of how other
highly regulated financial instruments and                                                                     industries approach risk management, Skytra
infrastructure.                                                                                                is developing indices and platforms to ensure
   Discussing Skytra at the Airfinance Journal                                                                 that air travel industry has its own class of
Dublin event in January, the team behind                                                                       derivatives to manage ticket price volatility.
Skytra saw that the industry faces volatility in                                                                  “Airbus recognises that the air travel
costs and revenues. This includes changes in                                                                   industry could see substantial value in being
airline ticket prices due to a variety of external                                                             able to control its revenue risk,” Airbus Chief
factors (including politics or economic                                                                        Commercial Officer, Christian Scherer, said.
uncertainty) as well as last minute revenues;                                                                  “Financial predictability is beneficial to the
with the vast majority of airline tickets sold in                                                              whole value chain – from passengers to
the last five weeks before take-off.                                                                           airlines, airports, lessors and aircraft
   Skytra aims to address this need through                                                                    manufacturers – enabling the industry to
the development of a family of global and                                                                      invest in reducing our carbon footprint.”
regional indices which track the daily changes                                                                    In the year ahead, Skytra is seeking
in the price of air travel in each geographic        Scherer: “Financial predictability is beneficial to the   approval from the UK’s Financial Conduct
                                                     whole value chain.”
market. The indices will be used to price                                                                      Authority (FCA) to become a regulated
standardised futures and options contracts to        (such as fuel prices) – the team found there              Benchmark Administrator for its air travel
be offered on a regulated derivatives trading        are no existing instruments enabling them to              indices with the aim of making these
venue that Skytra is developing.                     manage air travel revenue volatility                      available in late 2020. It is also applying to the
   While airlines are currently able to hedge        effectively. This makes airlines financially              FCA for a licence to operate a Multilateral
their cost base using derivative contracts           vulnerable and affects the ability to plan                Trading Facility (MTF).

 ‘Green Financed’ ATR 72-600 lands at BRA
 ATR delivered the first ever ‘Green Financed’       existing fleet of regional jets with ATR 72-600           commercial aviation and lead the way in terms
 aircraft to Swedish regional airline Braathens      aircraft we will emit 7,500 fewer tonnes of CO2           of innovation and sustainable regional
 Regional Airlines, leased from Avation and          per aircraft, per year.”                                  aviation,” also suggesting “it is only natural that
 financed by Deutsche Bank.                             The project to replace ageing regional jets            the first Green Financing deal for a commercial
    The aircraft is part of a new order for five     with new ATR 72-600 aircraft was deemed by                aircraft would involve an ATR and BRA.”
 72-600s and on completion of the order in           Vigeo Eiris, an agency providing Environmental,              “As a lessor, it is essential for us to progress
 early 2020, the airline will operate an entirely    Social and Governance (ESG) ratings, as                   our fleet into new technology low carbon
 ATR fleet, comprised of 15 ATR 72-600 aircraft.     aligned with the Green Loan Principles created            emission aircraft such as the ATR 72-600 which
    BRA CEO Geir Stormorken said the ATR is an       by the Loan Market Association in 2018.                   maintain their value over a long period,” added
 “essential” part of the airline’s environmental        Stefano Bortoli, CEO of ATR, commented:                Jeff Chatfield, Executive Chairman of Avation,
 strategy, adding: “By replacing parts of our        “We are proud to launch Green Financing in                the Singapore-based leasing company.

         laranews.net                                                                                                            February/March 2020 LARA
Kuwait's low-fare success story - To infinity and beyond Jazeera widens its focus - Frequentis

Airline CFOs: Consolidation must
be allowed to happen
The Airfinance Journal Dublin event (21–23
January) brought together industry executives
from across the leasing, aviation finance and
airline sectors to look at some of the
anticipated hurdles ahead and reflect on how
the industry has changed – particularly looking
back over the past four decades as the
publication celebrated its 40-year anniversary.
   With the ongoing cessation of Boeing 737
MAX services, discussions on the impact of the
grounding and when the aircraft might be back
in the air were high on the agenda, along with
the trending topic of sustainability.               CFOs in discussion: (From far left) Steve Gunning, Chief Financial Officer, British Airways; Raffael Quintas Alves,
                                                    Chief Financial Officer, TAP Air Portugal; Iain Wetherall, Chief Financial Officer, Wizz Air; Torbjorn Wist, Chief
LET THE MARKET DECIDE                               Financial Officer, SAS Airlines; Steven Udvar-Hazy, Executive Chairman, Air Lease Corporation (moderating).
Following a year that saw over 20 carriers
cease operations, with Flybmi, WOW Air and             “Quite frankly, one should do the merciful                 the ones making any significant profit and
Thomas Cook all closing their check-in desks        thing and let them go out of business and let                 within that the top five or six are making the
for the final time, airline CFOs highlighted that   others come in and take it up,” Wist continued.               vast majority of the profit.”
consolidation in the European market “needs            Wizz Air’s CFO Iain Wetherall agreed,                         “Things that have held that back are that
to happen”.                                         pointing out that there are double the number                 we’ve had a long positive cycle – in 2016 the
   Responding to an audience question on            of airlines in Europe than there are in the US,               fuel price reduction breathed life into airlines
how the CFOs see consolidation in the year          with “90% of the profits from a select few”.                  that maybe would have gone by the board,
ahead, Torbjorn Wist, CFO for SAS Airlines,            Discussing his own Hungarian airline’s role                and artificial life isn’t the right way forward.”
said it is needed: “So far it is happening          within this environment, he explained: “We’re                    This comes as IAG’s outgoing CEO Willie
through survival of the fittest, through airlines   in a market that’s evolving, and we like slow                 Walsh condemned the UK government’s
going out of business and others going to pick      dying dinosaurs… The further East you look                    rescue deal of troubled regional airline, Flybe,
up the pieces.”                                     this issue is going to get more pronounced.”                  announced in mid-January. Along with other
   He argued that capacity in Europe is                “The industry is ripe for consolidation, but it            airline executives including Ryanair’s Michael
extremely fragmented and adds that this isn’t       needs to be allowed to happen,” Steve                         O’Leary, Walsh criticised the move, calling it a
helped by “artificial life support for state        Gunning, CFO of IAG, added to the debate. “If                 “misuse of public funds”. Find out more about
airlines that don’t have the right to life”.        you look at the 100-odd airlines, the top 12 are              Flybe’s recent rescue agreement (pg 12).

                    Industry view
                   John Plueger, Chief Executive Officer and President, Air Lease Corporation
                  “The advent of LCC and ULCC… has been the single biggest game changer I believe that has led to the growth of traffic,
                aviation and the implementation of new aircraft types. The ability to travel to secondary, tertiary city pairs at cheap airfares
           has been a huge game changer, and I would say it is the single reason why commercial air transportation has become the world’s
       form of mass transportation today for anything over 500nm.”

LARA February/March 2020                                                                                                                     LARA magazine
Kuwait's low-fare success story - To infinity and beyond Jazeera widens its focus - Frequentis
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Kuwait's low-fare success story - To infinity and beyond Jazeera widens its focus - Frequentis

                                                                                                                          Social Media

Boeing/Embraer strategic partnership: “I think Embraer has done a terrific job, but it has never competed with Airbus.”

Navigating new skies
With Boeing’s issues over the MAX and a                      good you are as an independent company, I
recent change of leadership, speakers at                     believe you are handicapped if you are going
Airfinance Journal Dublin were asked to                      to be marketing aircraft in that same
comment on whether they thought the                          space. I think Embraer has done a terrific
manufacturer might still want to go ahead                    job, but it has never competed with Airbus.”
with its strategic partnership with Embraer,                     Taking a slightly different approach,
first announced in summer 2018.                              meanwhile, Domnhal Slattery, CEO of aircraft
   “We’ve never had a time before like we                    lessor Avolon, commented that he thought
have now, where one of the two behemoths –                   the deal would be “imperative” for
Boeing and Airbus – now owning the former                    Boeing “because we’re seeing the power
C-Series (A220). That is a huge game                         of the Airbus/Bombardier C-Series link-up.
changer,” said Air Lease Corporation’s John                  It is transformational and has been a game
Plueger, CEO and President. “No matter how                   changer for the aircraft.”

Magnetic MRO launches
leasing arm
Magnetic MRO and Crestline Investments have
launched a joint venture company, Magnetic
Leasing, to focus on long- and short-term
aviation asset management and leasing.
  The JV will specialise in mid-life Airbus A320
Family and Boeing 737 CL/NG aircraft, along
with engines and landing gear systems for
narrowbody aircraft.
  By the end of 2020, Magnetic Leasing
expects to have a portfolio with $100 million
                                                             Vella: Diversification strategy.
under its management, and in five years the
company expects to manage at least 30                        asset management activities, and teaming
narrowbody aircraft and 20 engines.                          with Crestline Investments as our partners in
  The Chief Operations Officer at Magnetic                   this endeavour, created Magnetic Leasing.”
Leasing, Alex Vella, commented: “As 2020 was                    The company has already signed a deal
approaching, there was a strategic decision                  with Ryanair for a landing gear lease through
made to continue diversifying our business in                an agreement covering an eight-month lease
order to ensure further growth in the next                   period during which the landing gear will be
decade. Thus, we decided that, among other                   used on different aircraft based on the
business objectives, we need to expand our                   airline’s demand.

LARA February/March 2020                                                                                                           @news_LARA

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Shedding light on Flybe deal
Non-denial denials and a hurriedly                   The year was barely a few weeks old when on        possible collapse, replied to media reporters in
worked-out “time-to-pay”                          12 January a tweet appeared on Flybe’s                a similar tone to the officially released
                                                  account, stating: “Flybe continues to provide a       statement, but added that his leadership team
arrangement: Glenn Sands takes a
                                                  great service and connectivity for our customers      “was very focused on continuing to turn Flybe,
closer look at the extraordinary                  while ensuring they continue to travel as             soon to be Virgin Connect, around”. He asked
events surrounding Flybe’s rescue                 planned. We don’t comment on speculation.”            employees not to be distracted by the
by the UK government.                                It was clear that, despite the airline’s rather    “unhelpful and unproductive” speculation and
                                                  non-committal statement, the speculation that         “to continue to work and support each other
                                                  had surfaced just hours earlier across social         as a team to deliver what we know we can do”.

   t was a chaotic 72 hours that followed the     media, that the UK’s largest regional carrier was        Flybe was bought out in February 2019 by a
   Sunday night news announcement that            in financial trouble, had substance. It emerged       consortium called Connect Airways for £2.8
   Flybe – the UK’s largest regional carrier –    that the airline had been in secret talks with two    million led by Virgin Atlantic. Also in the
was on the brink of collapse. As the media        government departments – the Department of            consortium were the Stobart Group and New
were quick to lead with the story on Monday       Transport and the Department for Business,            York hedge fund Cyrus Capital Partners. Cyrus
morning, it emerged discussions with the UK       Energy and Industrial Strategy – to determine         Capital Partners owns a 40% share of Connect
government were already taking place. By          whether the UK government could provide               Airways, while the other partners – Virgin and
Wednesday, a deal had been reached. It was        emergency financing to keep the airline afloat.       Stobart – each own 30%. The airline is due to
fast and furious on social media, but then           In the early hours of the crisis, Flybe’s CEO,     launch as Virgin Connect later this year. The
came the fallout.                                 Mark Anderson, when asked about the                   new owners have committed to injecting funds

                    “Prior to the acquisition of Flybe by the
                                                                                                          “It’s in breach of competition rules, it’s in
                    consortium which includes Virgin/Delta,
                                                                                                          breach of state-aid rules, which is why the
                    Flybe argued for taxpayers to fund its
                                                                                                         government are covering up the deal. They
                  operations by subsidising regional routes.
                                                                                                     won’t publish it... The government can’t keep
              Virgin/Delta now want the taxpayer to pick up the
                                                                                        lending a non-viable airline £100m every three months to
  tab for their mismanagement of the airline. This is a blatant
                                                                                        keep non-essential services available.
  misuse of public funds.”
                                                                                        “If Flybe folds, as it inevitably will, in exactly the same way
  Willie Walsh, the outgoing Chief Executive of IAG, wrote to
                                                                                        as we did after Thomas Cook and after Monarch, Ryanair,
            Transport Secretary Grant Shapps, criticising the
                                                                                        easyJet, BA, Norwegian and others will step in... There will
    government’s involvement in its rescue of Flybe. IAG has
                                                                                        be no loss of regional services.”
            now made a state-aid complaint to the European
                                                                                                      Michael O’Leary, Chief Executive of Ryanair
                         Commission to overturn the decision.
in the turnaround and to build the                                                                           with the support received from the
40-year-old airline into “Europe’s                                                                           government and the positive outcome for our
most loved and successful regional                                                                          people, our customers and the UK.”
airline,” under its new brand name.                                                                            It has proved to be a chaotic 72 hours
The airline was also expected to serve                                                                     within the UK’s regional airline market. From
as a feeder for Virgin Atlantic’s long-                                                                   the initial denials, to confidential discussions
haul services, particularly at                                                                            that had been going on before the news broke,
Manchester Airport and London Heathrow, even                                                              it demonstrated just how fragile the UK’s
though the regional airline had just a handful of                                                         domestic regional airline market is, and
slots at London’s main airport.                                                                           brought to everyone’s attention the UK’s APD
   Within a few hours of the first tweet, official   government announced that they had reached           system; an area of taxation that is in dire need
confirmation by Flybe that it was seeking UK         an agreement on a deal to keep Europe’s              of reform.
government assistance emerged. Unions                largest regional carrier operating. Although             Flybe’s financial difficulties can be linked to
reacted with anger and disbelief that, yet           specific details are still to emerge over the        the APD. The Chief Executive of Airlines UK, a
another UK airline was on the brink of collapse      terms agreed, what has been revealed is a            trade group, asserted that Brexit creates the
and talks had been in progress without any of        request by the carrier’s shareholders to receive     possibility to shelve or lower the passenger tax
its union members being contacted.                   an extended period of time to pay the airline        on domestic flights. Under EU rules, member
“According to reports, the airline could have        passenger duty (APD) on its domestic services        states may not differentiate between domestic
collapsed over the weekend, which would              for three years – a total that is estimated to be    flights and flights between EU countries
have been devastating. This is an appalling          around £100 million.                                 because it considers the bloc one single airline
state of affairs and we demand that the                 The government has since stated that it’s to      market. By applying a lower rate for domestic
owners of Flybe and the government                   launch a review of the amount of APD levied on       flights, it amounts to illegal state aid,
departments involved stop hiding and talk to         domestic UK routes and of the country’s              according to EU regulations.
us about Flybe,” said Brian Strutton, the            regional connectivity needs. “The reviews we             When the UK leaves the EU, there’s the
General Secretary of the pilots’ union BALPA         are announcing today will help level up our          possibility of cutting or completely removing
on 13 January. The GMB Union released a              economy. They will ensure the regional               the APD on domestic travel. The UK levies £13
similar statement and warned that up to 2,000        connections not only continue but flourish in        per passenger departing from a UK airport for
direct jobs and a further 1,400 jobs in the          the years to come,” said the UK Chancellor           a flight in the EU. In the case of Flybe, this can
supply chain were at risk. “Our economy is           Sajid Javid.                                         be £26 in tax for a flight that has an average
tanking. The last thing we need is an airline to        On Twitter, Transport Secretary Grant             fare of £52. For a regional airline it’s simply not
go under – especially one which provides a           Shapps said: “…delighted we have been able           sustainable, alongside the increasing other
vital public service in some parts of the            to work closely with Flybe to ensure Europe’s        costs carriers are having to deal with.
country,” the union’s national officer Nadine        largest regional airline is able to continue             However, although the 31 January ‘Brexit’
Houghton said: “If the UK government is              connecting communities across Britain.”              leave deadline is set, a transition period
serious about infrastructure investment in the          Chairman of the consortium that owns Flybe,       continues until 31 December 2020, and much
regions, it must step in and protect what            Lucien Farrell, said the three shareholders had      of the current EU legislation will continue until
already exists.”                                     “committed to keeping Flybe flying with              then, so tying the UK government’s hands for
   The UK government did step in. On the             additional funding alongside government              removing or at least cutting the domestic APD
evening of 14 January, Flybe and the UK              initiatives,” while Flybe stated it was “delighted   in the immediate future. n

                         “Her Majesty’s Government was notified
                         about the difficulties of Flybe on 11 January,
                         and since then we have worked intensively
                                                                                       “This is a standard time-to-pay arrangement with HMRC [UK
                        with the company to understand their
                                                                                       tax authority] that any business in financial difficulties may
                     financial position and explore options. In the
                                                                                       use… This agreement will only last a matter of months
       light of these discussions the management and shareholders
                                                                                       before all taxes and duties are paid in full.”
       on 14 January took action to set Flybe on a recovery path.”
                                                                                          A Flybe spokesperson speaking after the deal was agreed.
                    Grant Shapps, Secretary of State for Transport

Blue skies ahead
Jazeera Airways has been rapidly expanding its network over the course of                        “If you look back at our financial
                                                                                                 performance, you will notice that every year
the past year, including the launch of the first new service between Kuwait
                                                                                                 going back perhaps 10 years, we have
and London in 55 years, but the airline isn’t stopping there. Kimberley Young                    returned in excess of KWD7.5/8 million
speaks to CEO Rohit Ramachandran about the airline’s plans to connect                            (roughly $25 million) in dividends to our
                                                                                                 shareholders,” he says. “That’s not a bad
Kuwait across the Middle East and abroad.
                                                                                                 return for a small airline, that until recently
                                                                                                 had just seven aircraft in the fleet.”

       aunched in 2004 as the first privately   operation, but simultaneously ensuring a            And for an airline that says it doesn’t judge
       owned airline in the Middle East,        good return for shareholders.”                   success by destinations or fleet size, Jazeera
       Jazeera Airways has held its own in a       Indeed, the Middle East is a competitive      has been going through a period of rapid
challenging aviation environment. Now,          landscape and a challenging area for             growth, going from seven aircraft to
from its HQ at Kuwait International Airport,    airlines to thrive. IATA’s most recent           13 by the end of 2019 (made up of nine A320s
the low-cost carrier is embarking on a          predictions for 2020 painted a grim picture      and four A320neos). Ramachandran explains:
pathway to further growth.                      for airlines in the Middle East after weak       “We were at seven aircraft for many years, up
   “Historically, I think the problem has       economic growth in 2019.                         until 18 months ago when we decided to
been that many airlines are driven by ego.         Some rebound is expected for this year,       focus on expanding the business.”
We, on the other hand, run it as a business,”   but IATA suggested “announced schedules
Jazeera Airways’ CEO Rohit Ramachandran         point to a substantial slowdown in capacity      SNAPPING UP OPPORTUNITIES
tells LARA. “We look at things pragmatically    growth for 2020”.                                The airline became the launch operator for
and we go after commercial opportunities           Despite IATA’s downbeat forecast, Jazeera’s   the A320neo in the Middle East when it took
wherever we find them.                          CEO seems confident in his airline’s position.   delivery of its first aircraft of the type in
   “The Middle East and the Gulf in                For the nine months ended 30 September        2018. The airline now has a quartet of the
particular is a highly competitive landscape,   2019, revenue was over KWD82 million             A320neo aircraft, with the most recent
and often in the news are airlines well-        (approximately US$270 million), up from          delivered in December.
known for placing large aircraft orders and     KWD63 million in the same period in 2018.           A further four deliveries of A320neos have
a super luxury experience,” he says. “We        Operating profit measured over KWD22             been confirmed for 2020, with a possible
judge our success not necessarily by fleet      million for the period in 2019 (approximately    fifth also under discussions with lessors,
size or number of destinations. We focus on     $72 million), up from KWD13 million for the      which would take the fleet up to between
operational excellence and running a good       same period in the previous year.                17 or 18 aircraft this year.

LARA February/March 2020                                                                                                 @news_LARA
London Gatwick

                                                                                                                          Osh, Kyrgyzstan

Jazeera’s going places:
The Kuwaiti low-cost carrier has added a
number of new routes since November with
new flights to Bangladesh starting soon.
                                                                          Kuwait International Airport
   Existing destinations                                                                                                       Kathmandu, Nepal
   Launched since Nov 2019                                        Dammam,                                          Karachi, Pakistan
                                                                Saudi Arabia

                                                                                            Al Ain, Abu Dhabi

     The airline is running on an ‘asset-light’
  model, choosing to lease its aircraft.
  Ramachandran says: “Rather than place big
  aircraft orders – which appears to be the
  norm with airlines in this part of the world,
  we are quite opportunistic. We go after
  distressed aircraft units which are being
  held by lessors for some reason or the other,      says. “But we believe that there should not     – where the airline is providing
  such as if their customer has failed to take       be any ambiguity in the positioning of the      the only scheduled service.
  delivery of those aircraft. Then we come in        product, and we should be disciplined in           Commenting on the launch of flights to
  and take delivery – helping the lessor and         focusing on our low-cost DNA.”                  Al Ain, Ali Hassan Al Shaiba, Acting
  getting excellent terms for that lease.”              As well as removing complexity and costs     Executive Director of Tourism and
     The airline has also shaken-up its fare         from providing this differentiated service,     Marketing at Abu Dhabi’s Department of
  options for 2020, releasing three new              reverting to an all-economy cabin also          Culture and Tourism, said the new route
  categories to offer passengers more choice         means that those six middle seats that were     “marks a significant milestone in tourism
  for the way they travel.                           previously blocked-out now come back into       between Kuwait and Abu Dhabi,” adding:
     The options include Economy Class Light,        the inventory, increasing the capacity of the   “Our strong cultural ties and proximity
  which allows a carry-on and a small bag;           aircraft, the CEO explains: “Which is very      make Kuwait a valuable tourism source for
  Economy Class Value which offers an                important as we move towards higher and         Abu Dhabi.”
  additional 20 kg of check-in baggage               higher seat factors.”
  allowance; and Economy Class Extra which                                                           SMALL IS BEAUTIFUL
  offers allows 30 kg in check-in luggage,           SERVING NICHE MARKETS                           “I find that the biggest success doesn’t
  priority check-in and a choice of Preferred        Along with the growth of the fleet, the         necessarily come from operating the busy
  Seats. The airline also launched a Priority        airline has appeared to be on a route-          international gateways – for us some of our
  Service option which can be pre-booked for         launching spree, introducing nine new           most profitable routes are the smaller cities
  passengers wanting a faster travel experience.     routes in just the past three months,           which are closer to our customers,”
     The airline previously offered Premium          reaching up to 36 destinations – some of        Ramachandran reflects.
  Economy and Business class on its A320neo          which are rather niche.                            The Kuwait to Osh service for example, is
  aircraft, but with these new fare categories the     In just November and December of last         the first direct route between the Middle
  airline has also opted for an all-economy class    year, Jazeera Airways launched a service to     East and Osh, which the airline suggested
  configuration (except on its Cairo flights).       the southern Kyrgyzstan city of Osh,            provides passengers “access to connecting
     “Jazeera has always had Economy class           followed by flights to Kathmandu in Nepal,      flights between the second largest city in
  seats throughout the aircraft, though the first    Karachi in Pakistan and Dammam in the           Kyrgyzstan and its majority Muslim
  three rows offered a larger seat pitch and         Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and operations         population and other cities in the region,
  blocked-off the middle seat,” Ramachandran         to a small airport in Abu Dhabi called Al Ain   notably Jeddah and Medina.”               ❱❱❱
            laranews.net                                                                                             February/March 2020 LARA
                                                          “Whilst the jury is still out on the viability of long-
                                                            haul low-cost, the real question is between
                                                           widebody low-cost and narrowbody low-cost.”
                                                                                                    Rohit Ramachandran, CEO, Jazeera Airways

                                                  Davenport MBE, more Kuwaitis are studying          about a six-seat payload restriction,”
                                                       at British universities than ever before,     Ramachandran explains. “Rather than just
                                                                   more than 6,000. Britain is       block those seats off at the rear of the
                                                                        also a popular travel        aircraft to be in compliance with the
                                                                         destination for             payload restriction, we decided to monetise
                                                                          residents of Kuwait,       that problem.”
                                                                            welcoming over              With this foray into longer-haul
                                                                             150,000 Kuwaitis        destinations, is the airline considering the
                                                                              last year.             possibilities for flying further afield and
                                                                                 Ramachandran        what does Ramachandran make of the
                                                                              explains that the      notoriously risky long-haul low-cost model?
                                                                               route presented a        “Whilst the jury is still out on the viability
                                                                               “very strong          of long-haul low-cost, the real question is
                                                                               commercial            between widebody low-cost and
                                                                             proposition” for        narrowbody low-cost,” Ramachandran
                                                                            the airline, with the    argues. “I think it is clear that the results of
                                                                           large numbers of          operating widebody ‘low-cost’ aircraft are
                                                                         Kuwaitis living or          still ambiguous or marginal at best, whereas
                                                                       studying in London, as        the narrowbody operation is well
                                                                     well as the large South         understood by good low-cost operators.
   “Who would have thought that Osh and           Asian diaspora in the UK and the Muslim            With technology moving forward and the
Kuwait could generate enough traffic to           population. He says: “I think the Muslim           manufacturers extending the range of
sustain a scheduled jet service,”                 population in the UK have been looking for         existing narrowbody aircraft, more
Ramachandran remarks, “The route is               low-cost options to be able to travel to           destinations come within range from our
already highly profitable.”                       Jeddah and Mecca to perform the Umrah              home base of Kuwait – London being a
                                                  and Hajj pilgrimages and for the first time        prime example.
GOING LONG-HAUL                                   with our connections to Jeddah they have              “We are in discussions with Airbus about
It is not all niche markets, however, as the      a low-cost alternative to travel from              the XLR and it certainly increases the radius
airline celebrated a new milestone in             London to Jeddah.”                                 of the circle around which we can fly,” he
October 2019, becoming the first low-cost            Exclusive to the London service, Jazeera        continues. “I think there is still a while to go
carrier in the Middle East to fly to the United   introduced a new Premium Economy class,            before we get to that stage because there
Kingdom, also marking the first new service       offering passengers a 40-kilogram baggage          are many low-hanging fruits within the
to the UK from Kuwait in 55 years.                allowance, 31-inch seat pitch, a middle seat       range of the existing aircraft type we have.
    The route connects Kuwait International       kept free, as well as dedicated check-in           From 2023 onwards it is an interesting
Airport with London Gatwick Airport               counters, priority boarding and a                  option to augment our fleet with.”
utilising the A320neo. “The A320neo in            complimentary in-flight hot meal.
practice has been generating a fuel saving of        While this upgraded option will no doubt        CLOSER TO HOME
18% which we are very pleased to see,” says       be appreciated by those passengers who             In the meantime, the airline has ambitious
Ramachandran, “so it makes quite a lot of         prefer a little more space at a budget-            growth plans for the year ahead that are
sense for us to exploit the A320neo to more       friendly price, the launch of Premium              closer to home, making the most of the
or less its maximum range, through the            Economy on the London route came from              range of its existing fleet. This strategy
Kuwait – Gatwick service.”                        an operational hurdle.                             focuses on three main areas: the first being
    According to Her Majesty’s Ambassador to         “We saw that, at least based on the             growth in South Asia, including India,
the State of Kuwait, His Excellency Michael       planning stages of the flight, we would have       Pakistan and Bangladesh.

LARA February/March 2020                                                                                                    LARA magazine
                                                                                                                             JAZEERA AIRWAYS

   “In India and Pakistan, we are currently                                                                  Finally, the airline plans to continue
limited by traffic rights, so we are in                                                                   expanding within the region, and
discussions with our own government in                                                                    particularly in Saudi Arabia.
Kuwait, as well as the governments in                                                                        “I believe Saudi Arabia has great
India and Pakistan, to enhance and                                                                        potential,” Ramachandran says.
expand on the air services agreements,”                                                                   “Particularly in recent weeks and months
Ramachandran says. Meanwhile, the                                                                         with all the positive news coming out of the
airline will be launching services into                                                                   Kingdom with respect to business
Dhaka and Chittagong in Bangladesh                                                                        friendliness and tourism. Last month we
in February.                                                                                              launched services to Dammam and I expect
   The second focus is the Commonwealth                                                                   at least another four or five destinations in
of Independent States (CIS) where the                                                                     Saudi Arabia in the next year.”
airline already flies into Baku, Azerbaijan;                                                                 The link to Dammam is the airline’s fifth
Tbilisi, Georgia; and Osh in Kyrgyzstan.                                                                  destination in the Kingdom, following Riyadh,
                                                The London Look: Launched in competition with
Within the next year the airline plans to                                                                 Jeddah, Medina and Taif. Flights to the
                                                national flag carriers Kuwait Airways and BA, Jazeera
launch a service to Armenia, and is also        Airways’ 6-hour flight to London’s Gatwick Airport is
                                                                                                          mountain city of Abha started in January.
looking at Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, and       the longest journey in the airline’s schedule and            Alongside the business opportunities for
possibly Kazakhstan next year.                  features a Premium Economy cabin within its A320neo.      focusing on this region, it is also a key

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        laranews.net                                                                                                      February/March 2020 LARA

market for Kuwaitis, with the number of              almost maxxed out of the terminal itself.”
people crossing the Kuwait-Saudi border by           To accommodate this growth the next phase
road equivalent to the capacity of the               of expansion at the terminal is underway
Kuwait International Airport, Ramachandran           and set to be ready for the summer season.
says, which is about 13.5 million.                   Another, “more aggressive” expansion will
   Outside of fleet additions and new routes,        then follow, expected to be ready in two
the airline is also planning to expand at its        years’ time and growing areas across the
home-base at Kuwait International Airport            terminal, from gates to check-in counters
where it operates its own terminal – T5.
   “To the best of my knowledge, we are the
                                                     and parking.
                                                        It appears 2020 is going to be another               Free W-IFE puts
                                                                                                             Jazeera ‘ahead
only airline in the world that has designed,         packed year for the airline with passenger
funded, built and operates its own                   figures expected to continue rising.
terminal,” Ramachandran says. The terminal           Reporting passenger figures for the third
opened in May 2018 featuring self-service
kiosks, duty free, dining outlets and
                                                     quarter of 2019, the airline recorded an
                                                     increase of 14.3% over the same period in
                                                                                                             of the curve’
                                                                                                             Discussions around in-flight
complimentary Wi-Fi at each gate.                    the previous year, while passenger numbers
                                                                                                             entertainment and connectivity in low-
   This operation carries two benefits, the          for the first nine months of 2019 grew 18.1%
                                                                                                             cost cabins can sometimes seem to
airline suggests; operating the terminal             over the period in 2018, reaching 1.8 million.
                                                                                                             split the room. With some arguing these
gives Jazeera Airways a better end-to-end               Suggesting what we might see in the year
                                                                                                             services are necessary to the passenger
control of the passenger experience, and the         ahead, Ramachandran tells LARA: “I would
                                                                                                             experience, while others argue that the
profits add to the airline’s bottom line. Other      be very surprised if we don’t far exceed
                                                                                                             costs of providing IFEC outweigh the
airlines have taken note.                            3 million passengers this year.”
                                                                                                             benefits – or else, if passengers want
   “I have received several requests from               After the rapid growth of the airline over
                                                                                                             the service – they need to pay for it.
other like-minded low-cost carriers                  the past year, Jazeera Airways isn’t looking
                                                                                                                Jazeera Airways falls into that first
operating into Kuwait who want to fly in,            to stop and has much lined up for 2020.
                                                                                                             category with its wireless-IFE system
and operate from our terminal,”                      Ramachandran is buoyant: “The journey
                                                                                                             Jazeera Screens, powered by Bluebox
Ramachandran says. “We are very open to              from seven to almost 20 aircraft in a couple
                                                                                                             Wow, allowing passengers to connect
that idea but at the moment, partly because          of years is quite a challenge, but our team is
                                                                                                             to the network to enjoy content on their
of the rapid expansion of the airline, we are        up to the job.” n
                                                                                                             own devices. The airline also provides
                                                                                                             complimentary Wi-Fi at the gate, and
                                Bishkek bound? Ramachandran meeting with Her Excellency Ambassador
                                                                                                             in-seat power in its A320neo aircraft.
                                Samargiul Adamkulova from Kyrgyzstan to discuss a potential air service to      “Most people carry their own devices
                                the Central Asian city.                                                      now, and this service works very well
                                                                                                             for the younger demographic of people
                                                                                                             who fly with us,” CEO Rohit
                                                                                                             Ramachandran says.
                                                                                                                Meanwhile, he suggests the
                                                                                                             importance of in-seat power to
                                                                                                             passengers is going to rise, becoming
                                                                                                             almost “as necessary as oxygen”.
                                                                                                                “Most people are going to need to
                                                                                                             charge their device if they are watching
                                                                                                             a movie, especially on a six-hour flight
                                                                                                             to London. I think it’s going to become
                                                                                                                more of a basic requirement moving
                                                                                                                 forward – we’re just a bit ahead of
                                                                                                                 the curve,” he says.

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Making MRO
the cool choice
KLM UK Engineering is a world leading MRO offering high-quality products and                      (IAAN) in April 2017, KLMUKE is by far the
services from its airport headquarters in Eastern England. It also runs an                        biggest tenant within the facility, yet the
                                                                                                  company has managed to retain an almost
onsite technical training college that is delivering the next generation of EASA-
                                                                                                  one-on-one teaching capability for its
standard aircraft engineers and technicians through an innovative training                        students.
approach, and the introduction of Virtual Learning. LARA’s Glenn Sands                               Although the requirements for
enrolled for the day.                                                                             qualification of aviation maintenance
                                                                                                  engineers is constantly changing, Flower is

                e’ve been involved in training   procedures than they might get in the first      quick to point out that they’ve kept ahead of
                for more than 45 years, even     year of their job,” says Ray Flower, Head of     the game in this area. “Requirements have
                in our previous guises as Air    Technical College, at KLM UK Engineering’s       shifted rapidly from the British CAA to JAR 66
Anglia, Air UK and now as KLM UK Engineering     impressive facility at Norwich Airport. It was   through to the EASA standards we currently
(KLMUKE), and are actively developing the        clear that he very much enjoys passing on        have here and KLMUKE has always been at
next generation of technicians and               his knowledge and expertise to students          the forefront of this developmental process.”
engineers. It’s worth remembering that           after years in the industry.                        KLMUKE is a fully approved EASA Part 147
when they leave here, they’d have had far           Having moved into the specially built         training college and holds EASA Part 66
more exposure to technical and practical         International Aviation Academy Norwich           Approval for Category A1, B1.1, B2 and B1.1

                                                                                                                        LARA magazine

                                                 Engineering the engineers of the future:
                                                 Ray Flower (pictured right) is KLM UK Engineering’s
                                                 Head of Technical College at the Norwich Airport-
                                                 based MRO organisation’s standalone EASA Part 147
                                                 technical training college. The college offers
                                                 students type courses, a BSc degree programme
                                                 and aircraft mechanic apprenticeships.

to B2 Extension, delivers type courses,          apprenticeship programme. At present we
degree programmes and an apprenticeship          offer a Level 3 which is to the Category A
programme for both in-house and third-           mechanic standard, the future Level 4
party students.                                  programme is to the Category B1
   “All of these courses are focused on the      (Mechanical) or B2 (Avionics) standard.
aircraft maintained within the KLMUKE Part          “The time difference between the Level 3
145 and so it’s making sure that KLMUKE          and 4 programmes is approximately
and the wider industry will have enough          12 months, which is currently within the              available is a third-party apprenticeship.
qualified certifying engineers to sustain        guidelines of the Institute for Apprentice            This means that during their study the third-
future maintenance activities,” Flower adds.     Aircraft Technicians,” says Flower. “The              party apprentices gain all the necessary
                                                 Level 3 should be 48 months in total, but             work experience within their own
LEARNING PARTNERSHIPS                            we have managed to reduce it down to                  organisation and simply return to KLMUKE
The KLMUKE apprenticeship is performed in        36 months without compromising the                    when instruction is being taught or a
conjunction with its training partner, City      apprentice standard. This may still appear a          knowledge examination is needed.
College Norwich, which at the end of the         long-time, but we must meet certain criteria             “We currently have eight of our own
fully funded three-year course delivers a City   for the apprenticeship certificate and more           trainees and four from BA CityFlyer on the
& Guilds/NVQ Level Three/EASA Category A1        importantly the quality of apprentice                 Level 3 (Cat A) course,” says Flower. “Along
qualified aircraft mechanic. During the          leaving our College. Part of the mandatory            with traditional instruction delivery methods
course the trainees focus on aircraft            requirement is that our apprentices have to           we provide all our students with access to our
maintenance and structural tasks through a       complete a set of Professional Engineering            own self-study Virtual Learning Environment
mix of practical and theoretical skills. The     Operations (PEO) modules, which are                   (VLE), which along with instruction equips
students are provided with all the tools and     generic and transferrable engineering skills,         our students for our assessment processes.
safety equipment they need and receive a         whether automotive, marine or aviation.”              The VLE product is open to our own staff and
salary throughout their 36 months of                The PEOs are delivered jointly by City             can be purchased by third-party individuals/
instruction. But in order to remain              College Norwich and KLMUKE; the aircraft              companies/engineers that need to top-up
competitive Flower reveals that in the near      training Approved Cat A or Cat B courses are          their knowledge or skill set. For example,
future: “We’re soon going to add a Level 4       delivered by KLMUKE. An extra option that’s           an aircraft engineer leaving the military ❱❱❱

        laranews.net                                                                                                   February/March 2020 LARA

                                                                                                     “It’s getting them to have
                                                                                                      the ability of being able
                                                                                                          to work without a
                                                                                                     calculator or apply some
                                                                                                     lateral thinking that they
                                                                                                      need to grasp at times.”

                                                                                                    that we need to get them to think about.
                                                                                                    Taking the example above, the detail in the
                                                                                                    processes involved; selecting the egg,
                                                                                                    obtaining the water, the use of utensils and,
                                                                                                    importantly, any safety aspects, and the
                                                                                                    presentation and access to the edible
                                                                                                    elements of the egg. Our essays development
                                                                                                    is geared around this approach, and whilst
                                                                                                    students do find it a struggle initially, they do
who may well be seeking to move into the          quickly under pressure whilst being safe as       grasp the concept eventually.”
civil market.”                                    they navigate the complexity and                     There are between 12 and 13 modules
   With the introduction of third-party           interactions of different systems; although       involved in the KLMUKE basic programmes
students to the apprentice training               we do not expect students to master the           and for many there is a practical
programme KLMUKE took the decision to             fundamentals of ‘thinking outside the box’        assessment. Flower continues, “We are very
start with a clean slate for all these students   in the first two years of their programme.”       conscious within programmes that not
regardless if any had prior knowledge within                                                        everything needs to or should be tested
the industry. Flower explains why: “Although      TRAINING THINKING                                 academically, so we have introduced a more
some may have completed Further Education         Throughout the training the students are          competency-based approach to our
programmes such as Level 2 or 3, we find it       tested through quizzes, practical                 assessment of students. An approach where
best to assume no prior knowledge and little      applications and of course formal                 we rely on other key indicators such as
or no practical skills – in essence we start      examination at the end of each module.            teamwork, engagement and attitude. This is
from the beginning and cover all the basics.      KLMUKE’s approach is to explain,                  all brought together in our Emulation Zone
   “The demanding nature of the syllabus          demonstrate, playback and test and at all         practical activities, which utilises many of
and the need to process a lot of technical        costs to avoid the traditional teach and          the live operational systems in our Boeing
information in a relatively short period of       examine; this in turn can lead to a ‘learn and    737 aircraft.”
time means there are areas where some             dump’ approach by students. Formal tests             No matter what the level of course being
students may well struggle. Invariably we         take the form of multi-choice questionnaires      taught, Flower, as Head of Technical College,
can overcome this by adding a bit of extra        and essays, the latter being a bit of a           is keen to get away from traditional chalk
basic education at the start. As an example,      challenge as students must write logically        and talk and “death by PowerPoint” as he
getting students to develop the ability to        using technical language when describing          calls it; where the students may well be sat
work without a calculator (essential in           specific technical detail or representing         in classrooms for very long periods with
current EASA assessments) and apply               maintenance processes. Flower explains by         little or no exposure to equipment or a real
simple lateral thinking to potentially            way of example, “If you ask a student how to      work environment. “So, we instruct a
complex and multi-system or multi-faceted         boil an egg, he or she would invariably           specific lesson on an aircraft component or
issues is essential,” says Flower. “It’s a        describe how you would ‘take an egg from          system in the classroom, then follow up the
gradual but positive developmental process,       the fridge, put it in hot water and boil for      theory in our purpose-built Emulation Zone.
and our staff are always keen to put the          three minutes, take it out and eat it’.           We find this approach provides students
extra effort in to instil mental agility during     “Whilst this is a true reflection of the        with a varied and more interesting learning
lessons and practical tasks. We require our       process, it is what we would call a superficial   environment, one that reinforces the
students to develop an ability to think           response. There’s a lot more to processes         theory.” This mixture of classroom            ❱❱❱
LARA February/March 2020                                                                                                    @news_LARA
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