Women Power in Karnataka - KSRTC on Expansion Mode - Advantage Karnataka

Page created by Joanne Duran
Women Power in Karnataka - KSRTC on Expansion Mode - Advantage Karnataka
January - February 2018 | Vol 4 | Issue 1


        Women Power in

Neelamani N Raju                                 Ratna Prabha
    DG - IGP                                      Chief Secretary

                   KSRTC on Expansion Mode

                                                       Price: Rs. 60 /-
Women Power in Karnataka - KSRTC on Expansion Mode - Advantage Karnataka
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ADVANTAGE KARNATAKA

              BUILDING A
              � Krishi Bhagya:
                    Extended irrigation facilities through farm ponds and
                    water tanks, leading to increased agricultural produce.

              � Employment Opportunities:
                    Ensuring life security to prospects by creating 15 lakh
                    job opportunities.

              � Road Development:
                    Construction and development of nearly 30,000 km
                    of state and district highways, connecting nooks and
                    corners of the state.

To know more, WhatsApp / Telegram 99011 00000, Download SIDDARAMAIAH mobile app                                  It shall be the duty of every citizen of India to strive towards excellence in all spheres of
                                                                                                                 individual and collective activity, so that the nation constantly rises to higher levels of endeavour and achievement.
  Karnataka Information   An IEC initiative by the Commissioner, Department of Information & Public Relations.
Women Power in Karnataka - KSRTC on Expansion Mode - Advantage Karnataka

                                      January - February 2018 | Vol 4 | Issue 1

                                                                                                                                                                                           TO WORK

                                                                                       Development is the


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Training 5 lakh youth every year with essential job market skills.
            Women Power in
                                                                                       Keyword in Karnataka
                                                                                       as Poll Year Dawns

                                                                                                                                                                                                 Training youth, to be job ready.
                                                                                              very New Year brings hope and promise of a better future. At the
                                                                                              beginning of the year, resolutions are made and activities begin

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          for a brighter tomorrow.
                                                                                              in earnest to turn them into reality during the 12-month period.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               100 new Government ITIs
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Providing Industrial training.
                                                                                      However, sometimes, the situation is different. The work initiated to

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Kaushalya Karnataka
                                                                                      achieve the resolutions cannot be continued throughout the year. It has

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Nurturing today,
    Neelamani N Raju                                       Ratna Prabha               to be completed as soon as possible. With elections to the Legislative
        DG - IGP                                            Chief Secretary

                                                                                      Assembly around the corner, 2018 is one such significant year for
                             KSRTC on Expansion Mode                                  Karnataka.
                                                                                        The dawn of New Year is witnessing hectic activities in the State. All of
                                                                 Price: Rs. 60 /-     them need to be completed before the election dates are announced.
                                                                                      All wings of the Government, the bureaucracy, and other officials are on
                                                                                      their toes, giving their best to make things happen.
A magazine showcasing the                                                               The political leadership is also active. With the Siddaramaiah
latest news updates and                                                               Government having focused on overall development, equality and
                                                                                      social justice, during its nearly five-year rule, the ruling party is well-
events of Karnataka
                                                                                      placed to approach the people with confidence.
                   Editorial Adisory Board                                              The yatras taken out by Chief Minister Siddaramaiah and other leaders,
                                                                                      along with house-to-house campaigns, have enlightened people on

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       An IEC initiative by the Commissioner, Department of Information & Public Relations.
Dr. C.G. Krishnadas Nair                                                              the schemes and projects implemented by the Government. Yatras
Dr. D. S. Ashwath IAS (Retd)                                                          were taken out by Opposition parties also. They chose to attack the
                                                                                      Government’s policies. With the leaders of Congress, the ruling party,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     To know more, WhatsApp / Telegram 99011 00000, Download SIDDARAMAIAH mobile app
Shri. Ivan Nigli Ex. MLA
                                                                                      putting up a valiant defence, the political temperature in Karnataka has

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              It shall be the duty of every citizen of India to strive towards excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activity,
Maj Neil Castelino (Retd)                                                             risen by several degrees.
Sunny Jerome                                                                            One of the major successes achieved by the Congress government in
Managing Editor                                                                       Karnataka, which is completing its full term, is in the field of women’s
                                                                                      empowerment. The most striking evidence for this fact is the leadership
Preethi M                                                                             of the State bureaucracy. In a striking coincidence, the posts of the Chief
Associate Editor                                                                      Secretary and the State Police Chief are occupied by women who have
                                                                                      led distinguished careers. Both women came to the top by sheer merit

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              so that the nation constantly rises to higher levels of endeavour and achievement.
For Publishing Articles & Advertisements                                              and seniority. Their appointments also reflect the high social indices
Editor, ADVANTAGE KARNATAKA,                                                          achieved by the State.
Aerosun Media Pvt. Ltd., B-2, SAPPHIRE,                                                 Karnataka has shown the path to other states in Science, Industry,
1st, Block, 3rd Street, 2nd Cross,                                                    Information Technology, Startups, Biotechnology, Artificial Intelligence
                                                                                      and Aerospace, along with basic infrastructure development. With
Prakruthi Town ship, Babusapalya,
                                                                                      the elections fast approaching, many more projects are envisaged
Kalyan Nagar,
                                                                                      encompassing all these sectors.

Bangalore. 560113
                                                                                        Advantage Karnataka wishes a very happy 2018 of all-round
Tel : 080 25604055.                                                                   development for the State as well as its people.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Karnataka Information
Cell: + 91 94490 61925, 94805 51925.
Email : info@advantagekarnataka.in
www. advantagekarnataka.in

           Edited, Printed & Published by Sunny Jerome, Managing Editor, ADVANTAGE KARNATAKA,Aerosun Media Pvt. Ltd.,
                B-2, SAPPHIRE, 1st, Block, 3rd Cross, Prakruthi Township, Babusapalya, Kalyan Nagar, Bangalore - 560113.
                                   Printed at Rashtrotthana Mudranalaya, 19/1, K.G. Nagar, Bangalore - 19

4                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 5
Women Power in Karnataka - KSRTC on Expansion Mode - Advantage Karnataka

                      8 Mighty Women Power on Display in Karnataka

                      10 ‘Jana Snehi Police will be Implemented in All Earnestness’: DG-IGP
                      12 Ratna Prabha - Right Person at the Right Place
                      14 “Our Corruption-Free Government will Retain Power”
                      16 Arathi Krishna- A Multifaceted Symbol of Women Power
                      18 Siddaramaiah Govt in Top Gear

                      22 Thriving Industrial Sector of Karnataka

                      24 Investors Meet Woos Industries to Invest in Karnataka

                      26 President Inaugurates Adamya Chetana Seva Utsav 2018
                      28 Seven Years of Excellence at the Helm of WTCB
                      30 Meritor Leads the Thriving Axle Manufacturing Industry in India

                      33 R V Devraj- An Astute Politician and Dedicated SocialWorker
                      34 Ashirvad Pipes – Two Decades of Commitment and Hard Work
                      36 Gadget World
                      40 ‘NativeCreativ’- A Proof of Fulfilled Promises for Startups
                      42 KSRTC on Expansion Mode

                      44 Surin Automotive Races to be among India’s Top 10
                      48 ‘Carnatic Music - A Therapy for Soul and Challenge for Mind’

                      52 Belthangady’s own Bangera
                      54 Karnataka Tourist Destination - Gokarna

                      56 Sports Arena - 2017, A Career-High for India’s ‘Hitman‘

6                                                                                             7
Women Power in Karnataka - KSRTC on Expansion Mode - Advantage Karnataka

            Mighty Women Power on Display in Karnataka
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        less experience in Karnataka. But, Chief
    With two women at the helm of               Chief Secretary Ratna Prabha being                                                                                                                                                      Minister Siddaramaiah has gone ahead
  the State administrative mechanism,         felicitated by DG-IGP Neelamani N Raju                                                                                                                                                    strictly by seniority and appointed her as
  Karnataka has yet again set an ideal                                                                                                                                                                                                  the state police chief.
  example for other states to follow.                                                                                                                                                                                                     The Chief Minister has later tweeted to
  Chief Minister Siddaramaiah has                                                                                                                                                                                                       mark the historic moment in the history
  considered only seniority while                                                                                                                                                                                                       of Karnataka Police “Congratulations
  choosing Ratna Prabha as the Chief                                                                                                                                                                                                    to Karnataka’s first woman DG-IGP
  Secretary and Neelamani N Raju                                                                                                                                                                                                        Neelamani N Raju on her appointment.
  as the State’s first woman Director                                                                                                                                                                                                   Wish her a successful tenure in the post”.
  General and Inspector General                                                                                                                                                                                                         DG-IGP post is unique to Karnataka. Most
  of Police. Both officers, pursuing                                                                                                                                                                                                    states have DGP as the top post in the
  distinguished careers, are all set to                                                                                                                                                                                                 police.
  leave a lasting legacy in Karnataka’s                                                                                                                                                                                                   Neelamani N Raju, a 1983 batch IPS
  Administrative History.                                                                                                                                                                                                               officer, has earlier held the post of DGP,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Fire and Emergency Services before she
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        was elevated to the top post in police. She

 W       hen Chief Minister of Karnataka
         Siddaramaiah     has     tweeted,
“Karnataka’s admin (civil & police) is now
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        has replaced DG-IGP Rupak Kumar Dutta
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        on his retirement. Raju has been chosen
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        by Siddaramaiah after consultations
headed by two women,” he created                                                                                                                                                                                                        with Home Minister Ramalinga Reddy.
history in the State. Through his tweet,                                                                                                                                                                                                Neelamani Raju has taken up the role of
the Chief Minister has referred to the                                                                                                                                                                                                  the State’s top police officer on November
appointment of senior IAS officer Ratna                                                                                                                                                                                                 1 as Karnataka celebrated Rajyotsava Day.
Prabha as the Chief Secretary as well                                                                                                                                                                                                     Soon after her appointment has been
as that of Neelamani N Raju as the first                                                                                                                                                                                                announced, Neelamani N Raju said “It
woman Director General and Inspector                                                                                                                                                                                                    is a responsible post. I am honoured
General of Police (DG-IGP) of the State.                                                                                                                                                                                                to be selected. I would like to focus
Now, both the top two administrative                                                                                                                                                                                                    on increasing the conviction rates. My
posts – Chief Secretary and DG-IGP –                                                                                                                                                                                                    focus will be on making the police more
in Karnataka are occupied by women                                                                                                                                                                                                      citizen-friendly.”
officers.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Commenting on her experiences
  Ratna Prabha, 59, is the third woman                                                                                                                                                                                                  as a woman officer, she has told a TV
Chief Secretary of the State after Teresa                                                                                                                                                                                               channel that there is equal opportunity
Bhattacharya (2000) and Malathi Das          officers, Ratna Prabha has been leading an   mother a doctor. One of her brothers          “Even though the journey has been long,         been a better time to be a woman in this        for men and women at all levels. “I have
(2006). She has succeeded Subhash            excellent career, with one of her biggest    is an IAS officer, and the other a plastic    it has always been good. I have been            country,” she said.                             never seen myself as a woman officer. It
Chandra Khuntia on his superannuation.       successes being the Invest Karnataka         surgeon.                                      fortunate that both my parents were               Commenting        on     women        as      doesn’t really feel that way to me. But a
Ratna Prabha’s term lasts till March 2018.   Summit 2016 and her role in encouraging        The Chief Secretary has said that hard      educated. I come from a family where all        entrepreneurs, Ratna Prabha has said            lot of people see it that way. Women face
  With the Assembly election set to          women entrepreneurship. She has also         work and commitment of her parents            are treated as equals,” said Ratna Prabha       that, women need to compete with                problems in different spheres of life. If my
take place early in 2018, Siddaramaiah       bagged the ‘Woman of the Year’ award         influenced her. “My parents were always       at a function.                                  men and not look out for arrangements.          elevation helps them in some way, I am
seems to have played the right cards by      from the American Biographical Institute     helping people and I think my pleasure          She has said: “During my early days as        Though there are various provisions by          happy about it.”
choosing Ratna Prabha, who hails from        Inc. in the US.                              and passion lies in helping people,” said     an IAS officer, I had a simple sense of style   the government for SMEs, while funds are          Neelamani Raju has later said that her
Dalit community, to the top post. The          Ratna Prabha has served as Additional      Ratna Prabha in an interview.                 and so people often mistook me for a            allotted, women entrepreneurs are not           first priority, like any other cop, would be
State Government can request the Centre      Chief Secretary before taking up the           Initially   posted       as     Assistant   housewife or a typist, rather than an IAS       given priority, and hence there is need to      the maintenance of law and order. The
to extend the term of the Chief Secretary    present post. She has earlier served as      Commissioner of Bidar 32 years ago,           officer. It did not matter to me, but I felt    recognise and support them. The media           safety and security of people and their
till the Assembly elections are over.        the Secretary of Information Services for    she is still fondly remembered by the         proud that I looked like other women.           should highlight the achievements of            property is the most important thing.
  Earlier, the State Cabinet had given       many years in the united Andhra Pradesh      people there for the work done in the         This has made my journey comfortable in         women entrepreneurs, she said.                  Other things come as when they occur.
full authority to Siddaramaiah on the        state, before returning to Karnataka a few   area. She has later played a major role       the sense that I had no struggles.”              Major Milestone for Police                     Though crime and rate of conviction are
choice of the Chief Secretary. The Chief     years ago. Last year, she has lost out the   in formulating the Karnataka Industrial         “Women are tomorrow’s leaders,                  In last October, Karnataka Government         also important, law and order will be the
Minister, sticking to rules, has chosen      race for the Chief Secretary’s post to her   Policy during her stint as Additional Chief   entrepreneurs, visionaries, artists and         has chosen Neelamani N Raju, 57, the            priority always.
Ratna Prabha, the senior most IAS officer    batchmate Subhash Chandra Khuntia.           Secretary in Industries and Commerce          influencers. They are change-agents with        senior most IPS officer in the State, to head     Neelamani N Raju, who spent 23 years
in Karnataka, for the top post.                Ratna Prabha belongs to a distinguished    Department. She has also worked in IT         a rebel-yell, though in gentle voices.          the force, though she was not leading the       on Central deputation, has said that
  Belonging to the 1981 batch of IAS         family; her father was an IAS officer, and   industry, e-governance and social sector.     Although it’s far from perfect, it has never    race for the post considering her relatively    Karnataka is a well-managed state and

 8                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               9
Women Power in Karnataka - KSRTC on Expansion Mode - Advantage Karnataka

                      ‘Jana Snehi Police will
                      be Implemented in All
                       Earnestness’: DG-IGP
                                                Could you shed more light onto Jana           the negative public perception towards
                                              Snehi police scheme, which is a priority        police behaviour.
                                              initiative of the state police?                   The state government wants to get it
                                                The main objective of Jana Snehi police       implemented at the earliest. I am directly
                                              is to make the police force more people-        monitoring its effective implementation
                                              friendly and thereby making the services        in all earnestness at the earliest.
                                              more accessible to the public. Most
                                              people are afraid or not confident enough         As the state police chief, what are your
                                              to approach or enter a police station.          priorities for improving the law and order
                                              This must change, and people should             situation in the state?
                                              not be afraid of the police as we are here        My first priority will be to ensure a
                                              to help them solve their problems. The          peaceful life for the public by controlling
                                              police department is taking many steps          the rowdy elements in the society. The
                                              to provide good treatment to those who          police will take stringent action against
                                              approach us with their complaints.              anti-social elements in the society and
                                                The Jana Snehi scheme is one such             thereby bring a significant reduction in
                                              initiative which will reduce people’s           crime rates. I will also focus on increasing
                                              apprehension and fear in approaching the        the conviction rates by speeding up the
                                              police. A reception will be established in      investigation in many pending cases.
                                              every police station which will have a ‘May     Also, the police force will be directed to
  With the reins of the state                 I Help You’ placard written in Kannada as       complete the investigation effectively
                                              well as English. The reception will have a      without any lag so that the guilty could be
 police in her able hands,                    proper desk and chair for the reception         punished.
   DG-IGP Neelamani N                         officer and some chairs, fans, and water          My second priority will be on reducing
                                              for the complainants.                           the cybercrime rate in the state.
   Raju, the first woman                        A visitor’s register will be kept at the      Karnataka records higher number of
  police chief, speaks to                     reception desk which will record the            cybercrimes, especially using mobile
                                              details of the visitor like name, telephone     phones, compared to other states. With
   Advantage Karnataka                        number, time of visit, the nature of            the help of latest technology, the cyber
  about her thoughts on                       complaint/work              signature/thumb     cell is working on checking cybercrimes
                                              impression etc. It will also register the       and ensure cyber security. To tackle the
improving the effectiveness                   name and badge number of the officer            growing number of cybercrimes in the
 of the police department.                    who attended to the visitor. At least three-    state capital, Cyber Crime Police Station,
                                              four personnel of each police station will      Bengaluru city has been established, and
                                              be given a training in soft skills as this      is empowered to register and investigate
                                              initiative may help the department fight        the offences under the IT Act 2000.

has a good police organisation. However,      “When I came to Karnataka in 1985, there        State Disaster Response Force. In 1985,
the State has a relatively low conviction     were only three women officers, including       soon after confirmation, she was posted
rate of 38% according to National Crime       me. Over the years, there has been a lot        as Superintendent of Police of Bengaluru
Records Bureau’s report for 2015. The new     of changes happened. But a lot more has         Rural district. She has later served as a
police chief wants to change the situation.   to change, and I want the police to be          secretary in the Indian embassy in Nepal,
“Conviction rates are not just based on       friendly with all citizens”. She has stressed   and in the Central intelligence, as Joint
the police system, although there is a lot    the need to increase gender diversity           Director of the Intelligence Bureau. She
that can be improved,” said Neelamani         in Karnataka police by inducting more           has returned to Karnataka in 2016 and
Raju.                                         women personnel.                                was posted as DGP of Internal Security
  When asked about the role of women            Neelamani N Raju’s earlier stints include,    Division in May that year. Her term as
in police force, Neelamani N Raju has said    Chief of Home Guards, Civil Defence and         police chief lasts till January 2020.

10                                                                                                                                           11
Women Power in Karnataka - KSRTC on Expansion Mode - Advantage Karnataka
                                                                                                                                                    † Promotion of Art, festivities & Culture of Karnataka,
   Ratna Prabha - Right Person at
          the Right Place                                                                                                                           † NRls / NRKs Entrepreneurs Guidance Cell
                                                                                 When K Ratna Prabha took charge
                                                                                                                                                    † Business Incubation Centre
                                                                                                                                                                            NRI      for NRKs
                                                                              as the Chief Secretary of Karnataka,
                                                                                                                                                    † Encouraging Cross border     Entrepreneurship
                                                                                 it was a momentous occasion for
                                                                                the State. With Assembly elections                                                          Karnataka
                                                                               fast approaching, the Chief Minister

                                                                                                                                                    † Facilitation of General Welfare issues of NRls / NRKs Dr. Arathi Krishna
                                                                                  appeared to be making the right                                  Sri Siddaramaiah
                                                                               move in selecting Ratna Prabha – a                                  Hon’ble Chief Minister                                                                      Deputy Chairman
                                                                              Dalit and a people’s favourite – to the                        & Chairman, NRI Forum, Karnataka                                                                NRI Forum, Karnataka
                                                                              top bureaucratic post. Ratna Prabha
                                                                                  speaks to Advantage Karnataka                                     † NRls/NRKs Support Service Centre
                                                                                                                                                 Government of Karnataka

                                                                                  about the new responsibility she
                                                                                      has been entrusted with.
                                                                                                                                                    † Welfare services to Migrant workers & NRls/NRKs returning home
 What would be your priorities during          my journey comfortable in the sense that I       Even though the journey of my life and
your tenure as the Chief Secretary of          had no struggles.                              career has been long, it has always been       Highlights of Policy Measures
Karnataka?                                                                                    good. I have been fortunate that both
 My priority will be to strengthen the           What are your plans for women                my parents were educated. I come from a
public grievance system.                       empowerment             and          women     family where all are treated equally.
                                                                                                                                                    † Non Resident Kannadiga (NRK) Card
                                               entrepreneurship?                                                                                    † Creating a network of "Non-Resident Kannadigas"
  Your appointment is at a time when             Being a woman, I can do many things            Industries in Karnataka have been
elections are fast approaching. The            for women. Special Women’s Tech Parks          receiving a lot of encouragement from                 † Encourage Kannada Kootas all over the world
government will focus more on                  are coming up in Hubballi, Dharwad,            the Government. How do you view this?
implementation of various programmes.          Mysuru, Ballari and Kalaburagi. Women            Over the last several years, successive
                                                                                                                                                    † Promotion of Art, festivities & Culture of Karnataka,
Don’t you think you will be overburdened?      are tomorrow’s leaders, entrepreneurs,         state governments have made policies                  † NRls / NRKs Entrepreneurs Guidance Cell
  I don’t mind being overburdened with         visionaries, artists and influencers.          conducive to the growth of industry. As
work. I have the experience of handling        Although it’s far from perfect, it has never   a result, Karnataka has become home to                † Business Incubation Centre for NRKs
multiple roles, and I am confident that        been a better time to be a woman in this       IT, Aerospace, Defence, Textile, Pharmacy
I will be able to manage time as well as       country.                                       and Manufacturing industries as well as           Deputy Chairman, NRI Forum, Karnataka
                                                                                                                                                    † Encouraging Cross border Entrepreneurship
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Member Secretary, NRI Forum, Karnataka
priorities. I am sure that I will be able to     Women need to compete with men,              Startups and R&D.                                     † Facilitation of General Welfare issues of NRls / NRKs
complete all the tasks given to me.            and not look out for arrangements.
                                               Though there are various provisions by
                                                                                                The people of the State are fortunate to
                                                                                              be in a happening place, and now, more
                                                                                                                                                Government of Karnataka
                                                                                                                                                    † NRls/NRKs Support Service Centre
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Government of Karnataka
  Could you talk about how society has
treated you as a career woman?
                                               the government for SMEs, while funds are
                                               allotted, women entrepreneurs are not
                                                                                              people and talent from other places want
                                                                                              to be here.
                                                                                                                                                Room No. 6&7, Vikasa Soudha,
                                                                                                                                                    † Welfare services to Migrant workers & NRls/NRKs returning home Room No. 220F, 220E
  I have always received encouragement
since childhood. I have never faced
                                               given priority, and hence, there is a need
                                               to recognise and support them. Also,             What is your vision regarding Bengaluru
                                                                                                                                                Dr. BR. Ambedkar Veedhi, Bangalore - 560 001                         Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Veedhi, Bangalore - 560 001
any discrimination on the lines of
gender. I have always got opportunities
                                               I think the media should highlight the
                                               achievements of women entrepreneurs.
                                                                                              as well as Karnataka?
                                                                                                Several industrial parks are coming up          Karnataka, India                                                     Karnataka, India.
that I deserved. I have lived up to the
expectations, and will continue to do so.        While leading an illustrious career, who
                                                                                              in Bengaluru and other places, where
                                                                                              fresh things are happening. These places          Ph: +91 80 2237 4818, Fax: +91 80 2237 4708
                                                                                                                                                Deputy Chairman, NRI Forum, Karnataka                                Ph: +91 80 22035076/ 22286778, Fax: +91 80 2237 4708
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Member Secretary, NRI Forum, Karnataka

                                                                                                                                                Email: dycnriforum@karnataka.gov.in                                  Email : msnriforum@karnataka.gov.in
  I have a simple sense of style and so        influenced you the most?                       attract talent. Karnataka provides the            Government of Karnataka                                              Government of Karnataka
people often mistook me for a housewife          The hard work and commitment of my           right ecosystem for growth, and shows             Room No. 6&7, Vikasa Soudha,                                         Room No. 220F, 220E
                                                                                                                                                Dr. BR. Ambedkar Veedhi, Bangalore - 560 001                         Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Veedhi, Bangalore - 560 001

                                                                                                                                                       arathikrishna.dychairman@gmail.com                                    memsecy@gmail.com
or a typist, rather than an IAS officer        parents have influenced me the most.           the path for the rest of India. The policies      Karnataka, India                                                     Karnataka, India.
during the early phase of my career. It did    They were always helping people and            which make all this happen will be                Ph: +91 80 2237 4818, Fax: +91 80 2237 4708                          Ph: +91 80 22035076/ 22286778, Fax: +91 80 2237 4708
not matter to me, but I felt proud that I      I think my only pleasure and passion is        strengthened.                                     Email: dycnriforum@karnataka.gov.in                                  Email : msnriforum@karnataka.gov.in
looked like other women. This has made         when I help people.                                                                                     arathikrishna.dychairman@gmail.com                                    memsecy@gmail.com

12                                                                                                                                                                                             nriforum.karnataka.gov.in
                                                                                                                                                                                               nriforum.karnataka.gov.in                                     13
Women Power in Karnataka - KSRTC on Expansion Mode - Advantage Karnataka

      “Our Corruption-Free
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       who have elected me.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Recently you have been appointed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       as the District-in-Charge Minister for

  Government will Retain Power”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Chamarajanagar. Also, you are the first
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       woman minister to hold this post. What
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       are your priorities for Chamarajanagar?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Chamarajanagar town is one of the
                                                                       Writing has always been my passion                                                                                                                              oldest towns in Karnataka. 23 years ago,
                                                                      and even now I pen down my thoughts                                                                                                                              before my husband became an MLA, town
                                                                      whenever I get free time. But now, I have                                                                                                                        was a more of a small village only. Also,
                                                                      bigger things to do. The people and                                                                                                                              Mahadeva Prasad had been the district-in-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       charge Minister of Chamarajanagar three
                                                                      government have entrusted me with a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       times. During his term, Chamarajanagar
                                                                      responsibility. Now, I work to fulfil that                                                                                                                       had witnessed several developmental
                                                                      responsibility. Since I am new to politics,                                               Dr. Gita Mahadeva Prasad with Chief Minister                           projects being implemented with a
                                                                      I have to learn a lot. Hence, I constantly                                              Siddaramaiah during his Nava Karnataka Yatra                             medical college, engineering colleges,
                                                                      engage with public affairs, and stay                                                                                                                             etc. He had widened many narrow roads,
                                                                                                                                          in Karnataka, earlier, has witnessed a        Whenever I got free time, I was into           cleared several illegal constructions,
                                                                      approachable for people anytime. Keeping
                                                                                                                                          triangular argument among the farmers,        writing. My two books of poems in              and had given the town a brand-new
                                                                      their faith in me by serving them, in the best                      factory owners and the government. But,       Kannada, “Nivedana” and “Taayigagi”            identity over these years. Now, many
                                                                      way I can, is my priority now. I work to fulfil                     Mahadeva Prasad was able to handle the        were released earlier. Later, a collection     developmental projects are happening
                                                                      my responsibility towards people, who have                          portfolio efficiently. He had streamlined     of my poems in English, “Interiors”            throughout the district and I personally
                                                                      elected me, says Dr. Gita Mahadeva Prasad,                          everything, and it was a win-win game for     was released in Bengaluru along with           monitor each of them. All the ongoing
                                                                                                                                          everyone. This has put the industry on the    my travelogue “My Visit to USA”. After         projects will be completed soon. There is
                                                                      Karnataka Minister for Sugar and Small
                                                                                                                                          path of progress over these years. Now,       completing my Ph.D. in 2014, I wrote a         a lack of a law college and we are trying to
                                                                      Scale Industries. Dr. Gita speaks to Anantha                        the price level of sugar has gone up and      book “104 Women Will Inspire”, based on        bring up one.
                                                                      Narayanan of Advantage Karnataka about                              the industry is growing. Moreover, this       the general data from my Ph.D. thesis.
                                                                      her recently-begun political life.                                  year we have received good monsoons.          The book was released by Chief Minister          How will you assess your government’s
                                                                                                                                          So, we expect better prospects for the        Siddaramaiah in 2016. The book depicts         performance? Are you confident that your
                                                                    He had believed that only through proper education a society          farmers in next year.                         the saga of 104 women achievers in             party will retain the power after the 2018
                                                                    can rise. He had opened many schools and colleges for that. In          We have opened a new tissue culture         Karnataka. Now, I am working on the            assembly elections?
                                                                    Gundlupet we have 8 Morarji Residential schools.                      centre at the sugar technology institute      Kannada translation of the book. Also, I         The congress party will definitely
                                                                      But, many of the super projects in the constituency were            in Belgaum. This will help to produce new     have written two more travelogues based        retain the power after the elections.
                                                                    incomplete at the time of his demise. For example, the Rs.540         breeds of sugarcane and supply it to the      on my visits to China and Australia, and are   Siddaramaiah is one of the best Chief
                                                                    Crores drinking water project for 131 villages in the constituency,   farmers. At present, we have 72 registered    ready to be published. I hope to release       Ministers the state has ever seen. He is
                                                                    along with several villages from Chamrajanagar district. There        sugar factories in the state and most of      them soon. I have been recognised              about to set a record by completing the
                                                                    was a plan for 26 water filtering units and Mahadeva Prasad           them are running profitable. We also have     by the Department for Kannada and              term as CM, a first in the last 40 years.
                                                                    had completed the inauguration of only five of them. Another          12 Sugar Cooperatives.                        Culture, in the book ‘Mysore Darshana’         The rivals have never been able to shake
                                                                    project was the filing up of lakes with water from Kabini river         Karnataka is also one of the top three      as a prolific writer both in Kannada and       his pro-people and corruption-free
                                                                    which will bring all bore wells into life. There were many other      sugar producing states in India. The sugar    English, and also the only English writer of   government. The government have been
                                                                    incomplete projects. I wanted all those projects to be completed      industry in the state has a crucial role in   Chamarajanagar District.                       able to complete almost all the promises
                                                                    for the larger good of the society. That would be the best way        the economy and earns foreign exchange.         The truth is that after entering politics    the party made in the 2013 election
                                                                    to pay homage to Mahadeva Prasad, who had dedicated his life          It also helps in the development of rural     I get free time very rarely. Thoughts          manifesto, especially various policies
                                                                    for the welfare of his people. Being new to politics helps me to      areas by being an agro-based industry.        often come to my mind, but I hardly get        in education sector like free education,
           Dr. Gita Mahadeva Prasad, Karnataka Minister             learn more about the society, because it makes me want to know        We are further planning to help the           time to turn them into words. Writing          uniform, books, hostel etc. for students.
                for Sugar and Small Scale Industries                more about people’s problems.                                         farmers with more incentives and welfare      demands our time and dedication. You           The government have never differentiated
                                                                      That was the main reason I agreed to contest the election. The      programmes.                                   cannot scribble something for the sake         between the rural and urban regions
                                                                    people have faith in me. With their support, I won the election                                                     of writing and get away with it. But now,      when it comes to development. Old age

 Y    ou have begun your political career from the Gundlupet
      constituency, where you have registered a thumping
victory in the election. Could you talk about the various
                                                                    with a margin of over 10000 votes. Now, I am completing
                                                                    all those pending projects. The drinking water project was
                                                                    completed on the 100th day after the election, and the other 21
                                                                                                                                            Apart from your political career, you
                                                                                                                                          have been known as a writer and a poet.
                                                                                                                                          You have published a travelogue and a
                                                                                                                                                                                        I have bigger things to do. The people
                                                                                                                                                                                        and government have entrusted me with
                                                                                                                                                                                        a responsibility. So, I thought I should set
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       pension has been increased from Rs.500
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       to Rs.1000. There are many schemes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       for women like Mythri, Mathru Poorna
developmental policies you have taken for your constituency?        water filtering units were also completed. The rest of the projects   poetic collection ‘Interiors’. What are the   aside my literary career for the time being    etc. The government have waivered
  Politics was totally a new sphere for me. I was never involved    are being implemented fast.                                           latest developments in your literary life?    and concentrate on my public life. Since       agricultural loans of farmers twice. There
in politics unlike my husband who had a distinguished political                                                                           How do you manage both politics and           I am new to politics, I have to learn a lot.   is Anna Bhagya Scheme to ensure nobody
career that spanned over three decades. It was entirely new           As the Minister for Sugar Industry how will you assess              literature?                                   Hence, I constantly engage with public         starves in Karnataka. The crime rates have
for me. In spite of that, I entered politics because senior party   the growth of the industry in Karnataka? What are the new               Writing has been a passion for me even      affairs, and stay approachable for people      gone down compared to previous years.
leaders and workers asked me to contest elections from our          developments in the sector?                                           from childhood. I spent my leisure time       anytime. I do not want my literary carrier     The people have acknowledged all these,
constituency after the demise of my husband. Mahadeva Prasad          I was so happy to receive the portfolio of Sugar because            by writing poems and stories in English.      to be a barrier in my public life. I work to   and their support will help us to win the
had done a lot for Gundlupet constituency in the last 24 years.     it was previously held by my husband. The sugar industry              Later, I started writing in Kannada also.     fulfil my responsibility towards people,       election again.

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Women Power in Karnataka - KSRTC on Expansion Mode - Advantage Karnataka

     Arathi Krishna- A Multifaceted                                                                                             in the US. She has also held
                                                                                                                                the post of an Adviser to
                                                                                                                                                                   brought Arathi into contact
                                                                                                                                                                   with       Indian     community
                                                                                                                                                                                                        their motherland. Arathi has
                                                                                                                                                                                                        initiated the plans to create a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          impact until the Siddaramaiah
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          government        agreed      to

        Symbol of Women Power
                                                                                                                                the largest Indian American        members from all over the US.        database of agencies offering     allocate a budget and come
                                                                                                                                organization in the US namely        Finally, she has decided to        overseas jobs to prevent          out with a new NRI policy.
                                                                                                                                the National Federation of         give it all up and return to India   fraud. NRI Forum has also         Arathi Krishna has said that
                                                                                                                                Indian American Associations       to assume a social service role      started creating a registration   the NRI Forum is hoping a
                                                                                                    Anantha Narayanan K         (NFIA) in an honorary capacity.    in her home-state of Karnataka       system for around four lakhs      paradigm shift with enough
                                                                                                                                  After her studies she            and thereby fulfilling her           Non-Residents Indians (NRI)       funds from state government.

                                   L   inguistic and cultural
                                       barriers can never be
                                  the hurdles in a woman’s
                                                                  for her when it comes to
                                                                  getting something extra
                                                                  in life, Arathi has always
                                                                                                 Arathi has also moved out
                                                                                                 of Udupi in pursuit of her
                                                                                                 dreams. She has joined
                                                                                                                                has been appointed as
                                                                                                                                Community         Development
                                                                                                                                Officer in the Indian Embassy
                                                                                                                                                                   dream of being useful to the
                                                                                                                                                                   poor and downtrodden in the
                                                                                                                                                                   state. For achieving that she
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Kannadigas, including 1.9 lakh
                                                                                                                                                                                                        in the Gulf and about 90,000 in
                                                                                                                                                                                                        the United States. Karnataka
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            For her contributions to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Karnataka,     the      Sahyadri
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Association has recognised
                                  journey to chase her            believed that whatever         Mysore University, where       in Washington DC in 2007           has made a small beginning           NRI forum has further started     and honoured her in February
                                  dreams and the stories          be the family support,         she secured a Masters in       by Th Indian Ministry of           in 2009 by starting the              pre-departure orientation for     2008. The Global Organization
                                  of such valiant women           ultimately     one     must    Political Science. After her   Overseas Indian Affairs where      Krishna Foundation to provide        blue collar workers following     of People of Indian Origin
                                  are many in Karnataka.          prove oneself if one is to     marriage, she has moved        she got the opportunity            education opportunities for          many instances of them            (GOPIO) has felicitated her
                                  Dr Arathi Krishna, current      really succeed in life. And    to the United States           to be in touch with Indian         economically disadvantaged           landing in legal trouble due to   in June 2008, at a function
                                  Deputy      Chairman       of   one’s innate qualities,        where she continued her        affairs. As a Community            children        and      improve     ignorance of law.                 in Washington DC for her
                                  Karnataka NRI Forum, is         intelligence, the passion      studies at George Mason        Development Officer, Arathi        infrastructure facilities in rural     NRI welfare committees will     activities for helping Indian
                                  one such woman who              to serve people etc., make     University and earned a        has networked extensively to       schools. In 2016, the state          be set up in all districts for    diaspora abroad. Arathi has
                                  has become a symbol                                                                           take the message of India’s        government has appointed             the first time, to help those     also been conferred Honorary
                                  of woman power in                                                                             engagement with the Indian         Arathi       as   the     Deputy     seeking employment abroad,        Doctorate by the Kuvempu
                                  Karnataka through her                                                                         American community to all          Chairman of Karnataka NRI            legal aid, counselling etc.       University in Shimogga. Arathi
                                  endless efforts in various                                                                    parts of the continental United    Forum. Ever since then the           The forum, set up in 2008         krishna has received Mahatma
                                  spheres of life. Being a                                                                      States. It has opened vistas       NRI Forum, under Arathi              with the main objective of        Gandhi Samman award at
                                  multifaceted personality,                                                                     for her to travel around the       Krishna’s leadership, has been       addressing the grievances         Global conclave on India’s
                                  Arathi Krishna is a well-                                                                     length and breadth of America      doing its best to reach out to       of the Non-Resident Indian        economic Development held
       Being a multifaceted       read     scholar,     skilful                                                                 publicising the schemes of         Kannada diaspora abroad and          (NRI) community, has been         in Bangok, for her immense
                                  diplomat, art-lover, singer,                                                                  Indian NRI ministry. It has also   make them come closer to             struggling to make much           service to NRIs for 20 years.
 personality, Arathi Krishna      steadfast social worker
                                  and a philanthropist.
is a well-read scholar, skilled   Having spent most time
                                  of her career in the US as a    the difference between         Masters in International
 diplomat, art-lover, singer,     key personality interfacing     dismal failure and grand       Commerce and Public
                                  with the Indian-American        success. It is undoubtedly     Policy.
     steadfast social worker      community and its life          this principle, she put into      During her studies at
                                  there,     this    Kannada      practice, that has helped      Mason University, Arathi
 and a philanthropist. This       Rajyotsava Award 2013           her to be successful in        has helped in bridging
                                  winner has shown that a         life and create her own        linkages between the
Kannada Rajyotsava Award          proud Kannadiga woman           distinct identity in the       University with India. She
                                  can do many things for          society.                       has helped setting up an
2013 winner has shown that        her state and above all the        Arathi has shown a          India Study Centre in the
                                  nation. Currently, at the       natural     tendency     for   George Mason University
a proud Kannadiga woman           helm of NRI Forum, Arathi       diplomacy and tact from a      and worked for the “India
                                  Krishna is spearheading         young age and it has made      Study Abroad” Program
     can do many things for       its activities to be a          her successful in whatever     as the project coordinator.
                                  succour for non-residential     she endeavoured to do.         Arathi has also helped in
 her state and above all the      Kannadigas.                     Arathi has always had an       forging linkages between
                                    Hailing from Karnataka’s      urge for the rough and         the Bangalore University
     nation. Currently, at the    Udupi, Arathi Krishna           tumble of the politics of      and the George Mason
                                  has born in a family            democracy. Oratorical and      University. Throughout her
 helm of NRI Forum, Arathi        with a strong political         organisational skills in her   life in the US, Arathi has
                                  background.           Arathi    blood have made her a          got the chance to interact
 Krishna is spearheading its      Krishna is the daughter of      proficient public speaker.     with the NRIs and PIOs
                                  Begane Ramiah, former           In 1980, when her father,      in the US. She has built,
activities to be a succour for    Karnataka Minister, and         then an MLA, had to move       maintained and nurtured
                                  Seetha. Though being the        to Bengaluru after being       extensive contacts with
non-residential Kannadigas.       daughter of a politician        appointed as a minister in     the influential Indian
                                  has been an advantage           the Gundu Rao cabinet,         American        community

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Women Power in Karnataka - KSRTC on Expansion Mode - Advantage Karnataka

Siddaramaiah Govt
    in Top Gear
                        With Chief Minister Siddaramaiah’s ‘Nava Karnataka
                       Nirmana Yatra’, good governance, active party workers as
                       well as leaders and ‘Mane Manege Congress’ programme,
                       the Congress is leaving no stone unturned to retain
                       power in Karnataka in the coming Assembly elections.
                       Advantage Karnataka examines the scenario.
                                                                                                             Chief Minister Siddaramaiah addressing the crowd during his Nava Karnataka Yatra.

                        T    he ‘Nava Karnataka Nirmana
                             Yatra’ taken out by Karnataka
                       Chief Minister Siddaramaiah has
                                                                  his tour from Bidar in north Karnataka
                                                                  was seen as a move to increase the
                                                                  influence of Congress in regions
                                                                                                             gave to ‘Nava Karnataka Nirmana Yatra’,
                                                                                                             could be judged from his decision to
                                                                                                             skip all three programmes organised in
                                                                                                                                                              “The Chief Minister’s programmes were
                                                                                                                                                              fixed much earlier. That was the reason
                                                                                                                                                              he went ahead with his programmes in
                                                                                                                                                                                                             and claimed that the ‘yatra” would
                                                                                                                                                                                                             lead to the ouster of the Siddaramaiah
                                                                                                                                                                                                             government. Shah has alleged that the
                       not only attracted big crowds, but         where BJP enjoys considerable              Bengaluru during President Ram Nath              Srinivaspura, Mulbagal and Bangarpet.          funds released by the Central government
                       also made his path to victory in           support. To strengthen its prospects       Kovind’s official visit to the city. The Chief   The CM received the President at the           to the state were not reaching the people
                       the coming Assembly elections              in the Assembly elections, the             Minister, at that time, was engaged with         airport and also met him at Raj Bhavan,’’      they were intended to benefit.
                       smoother. During the month-long            Congress will take out another yatra       his yatra in Kolar district.                     said a senior Congress leader.                   The party had installed its first-ever
                       tour across the state, the Chief           - one headed by Karnataka Pradesh            Siddaramaiah, who received the                                                                government in south India in 2008.
                       Minister launched development              Congress Committee (KPCC) chief G.         President at HAL Airport, was also not             BJP’s Charges
                       projects in many districts, and            Parameshwara in March.                     even present at the airport when the               Meanwhile, the BJP, launching a scathing       Well-Oiled Congress Machinery
                       highlighted the achievements of the          According to political observers,        President left the city later. Bengaluru         attack on the Congress government in             The Congress has said that it was up
                       Congress government.                       the ‘Nava Karnataka Nirmana Yatra’         Development Minister K J George and              Karnataka, accused it of being “corrupt.”      for any challenge from the saffron party.
                         Siddaramaiah’s tour came when his        has proved that in Karnataka, few          Governor Vajubhai Vala went to the               BJP chief Amit Shah has said the               While the contest is between the Congress
                       two rivals of the Congress —Bharatiya      can match Siddaramaiah and his             airport to see off the President.                Siddaramaiah government had broken             and the BJP, the chances of the Janata Dal
                       Janata Party (BJP) and the Janata Dal      popularity, making him almost                At the centenary celebrations of the           “all records” in the matter. Launching the     (Secular) also cannot be dismissed, AICC
                       (Secular ) — also took out statewide       indispensable to the Congress. In          National Education Society of Karnataka,         BJP state unit’s ‘Nava Karnataka Nirmana       general secretary in-charge of Karnataka,
                       yatras to criticise his government’s       fact, the Chief Minister is not just       Siddaramaiah’s message was read out,             Parivarthana Yatra’ at a rally in Bengaluru,   K.C. Venugopal told party workers.
                       policies and consolidate their             eying to retain power in the Assembly      while Medical Education Minister Dr.             Shah has claimed that a survey had found         He has been conducting division-
                       respective vote bases.                     elections, but is also seeking to lay      Sharan Prakash Patil represented the             that the Karnataka government was the          wise review of booth-level committees,
                         Addressing meetings during his           the foundation for the 2019 Lok            state government at the NIMHANS                  “most corrupt” in the country.                 keeping the Congress party machinery
                       yatra, Siddaramaiah did a good job by      Sabha elections. With these two            convocation. The CM’s name was                     He has described state BJP chief B S         well-oiled. Venugopal has alleged that
                       defending the record of his four-and-      elections ahead, the Congress hopes        mentioned in the invitations for two of          Yeddyurappa, who is spearheading the           the BJP was trying to polarise votes in the
                       a-half-year rule as well as promoting      not just to retain power in Karnataka      the events attended by the President.            yatra, as the prospective chief minister       state, but the Congress too was leaving no
                       his idea of ‘Nava Karnataka Nirmana’       but also to get a fresh lease of life in
                       (building new Karnataka). “The             national politics.
                       Sarvodaya model of development,              In the 2014 Lok Sabha elections,
                       based on the belief that each citizen      the party had won nine seats in
                       benefits from development, forms           Karnataka, while the BJP had won
                       the basis for the ‘Karnataka Model of      17. A win in 2018 Assembly elections
                       Development’,” Siddaramaiah wrote          would provide the Congress not just
                       on Twitter before he started his yatra.    the hope of a revival under Rahul
                         Siddaramaiah       was,    in    fact,   Gandhi but also put a check on BJP’s
                       challenging Prime Minister Narendra        agenda of a ‘Congress Mukt Bharat’,
                       Modi’s rhetoric of the ‘Gujarat            and its entry into south India where
                       Model’. The Sarvodaya model draws          it has little or no presence at all. The
                       inspiration from 12th century social       improved show put up by Congress
                       reformer       Basavanna,     Mahatma      in the Gujarat Assembly elections has
                       Gandhi and Babasaheb Ambedkar,             also boosted the confidence of the
                       among others, said Siddaramaiah.           party unit in Karnataka.
                         The Chief Minister’s decision to start     The importance, Siddaramaiah              Huge crowd assembled for CM Siddaramaiah’s public addressing as part of Nava Karnataka Yatra.

18                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  19

                                                                     Congress government headed by Siddaramaiah over the last
                                                                     four- and- a- half years. While the BJP is propagating its ideology
                                                                     here, the Congress is chanting the mantra of development and
                                                                     welfare of one and all,” said Venugopal.
                                                                       He has been visiting Karnataka regularly to review the progress
                                                                     of different tasks assigned to ministers, legislators and office-
                                                                     bearers by Rahul Gandhi and himself, holding meetings with
                                                                     leaders of four divisions, Kalaburgi, Belagavi, Mysuru and

                                                                       ‘Mane Manege Congress’ Making Waves
                                                                       The KPCC, meanwhile, launched the ‘Mane Manege Congress’
                                                                     (Congress for every home) programme to inform people about
                                                                     what it called the government’s ‘Kaam ki Baat’. Siddaramaiah has
                                                                     said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s radio show ‘Mann ki
                                                                     Baat’ would not work against the Congress government’s ‘Kaam
                                                                     ki Baat. “Mane Manege Congress will checkmate the BJP in the
                                                                     next elections,” he said.
                                                                       In connection with the launch, a mega function was organised
                                                                     at Mahadevapura in Bengaluru East to educate households
                                                                     about the benefits they have received under Anna Bhagya,
                                                                     Ksheera Bhagya, Pashu Bhagya, Arogya Bhagya, Krishi Bhagya,
                                                                     Vasathi Bhagya, Vidya Siri, midday meals, scholarships, and a
                                                                     large number of rural and urban development programmes.
                                                                       Siddaramaiah has said that the government will set up
                                                                     Indira Canteens by March in all district headquarters to make
                                                                     Karnataka hunger-free. Already, farmers’ crop loans were waived
                                                                     off and more than 150 poll promises implemented.
                                                                       KPCC chief Parameshwara has said that the ‘Mane Manege
                                                                     Congress’ aims at gradually transforming the Congress from
                                                                     being a mass-based party to a cadre-based one with active
                                                                     participation of booth-level agents.
                                                                       Covering all the 224 Assembly seats in the State, about 6.5
                                                                     lakh booth-level committee members in 54,262 booths are
                                                                     distributing booklets containing the government’s performance
                                                                     to all households under the programme. The agents not only
                                                                     inform people about the achievements of the Karnataka
                                                                     government, but also give feedback to the party on what people
                                                                     think about their elected representatives. Each booth-level team
                                                                     has 15 to 20 members
                                                                       “Siddaramaiah government has set a record in developmental
                                                                     as well as social welfare activities. People of Karnataka are
                                                                     happy with the government’s programmes, and hence, to take
                                                                     governance to another level, this campaign was launched,” said
                                                                       On BJP rule at the Centre, he said “They have promised
                                                                     ‘Achhe Din’ but have delivered nothing. They have given only
                                                                     sorrows and miseries to the people of the country. For instance,
                                                                     demonetisation was brought in to curb black money, counterfeit
                                                                     menace and to fight extremism, but the purpose has not been
                                                                       “The youth are losing jobs and financial crisis is hanging over
                                                                     the nation. GDP growth has come down drastically and GST has
                                                                     only worsened the situation,” said Venugopal.
stone unturned to return to power in the state. “We have fulfilled     In the run-up to the 2013 polls, the Congress had launched
almost all the promises made in our 2013 election manifesto and      programmes like Congress Nadige Janara Balige, Congress
will fulfill the rest in the coming months,” he said.                Nadige Krishneya Kadege, Congressge Banni Badalavane Thanni
  “We are going before the people with the achievements of the       to highlight the ‘bad governance’ of the previous BJP regime.

20                                                                                                                                         21

             Thriving Industrial Sector                                                                                                        sector through effective discharge of
                                                                                                                                               developmental and facilitation roles.
                                                                                                                                                                                             various SEZs, industrial parks, estates etc.
                                                                                                                                                                                               There are several good investments
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            have various vendor development,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            cluster development and employment

                   of Karnataka
                                                                                                                                               Cutting edge research also has to happen      happening in these places. Recently,           generation programmes. We offer
                                                                                                                                               for promoting industrial growth and           Goldstone Infratech Ltd has invested           margin money assistance up to 30
                                                                                                                                               attracting investment, talent etc. We have    Rs.500 Crores for their electric bus           percent for setting up business. For
                                                                      The Karnataka government has formulated                                  conducted a lot of focused activities in      manufacturing facility in Bidar. Shahi         promoting women entrepreneurship,
                                                                     various policy initiatives with an aim of providing                       R&D, developing centres of excellence by      Exports are setting up their facility          we are providing 10% interest subsidy
                                                                     a nurturing ecosystem for thrust areas and focus                          utilising various platforms of both central   for readymade garments in Dharwad,             for women entrepreneurs who take
                                                                     sectors where the state has already proven its                            and state governments like Central            which is one of the top industrial spots       loans from state financial agencies. Also,
                                                                     strength. With improved infrastructure, R&D                               Institute of Plastics Engineering and         in the North Karnataka. In Belgaum also,       we provide subsidy for first-generation
                                                                     facilities, centres of excellence, industrial parks,                      Technology(CIPET) for advanced polymer        investment talks are on. More than 10000       entrepreneurs to attract more newcomers
                                                                     SEZs etc., Karnataka ranks first in India in                              research, and Central Manufacturing           acres in Tumkur is being developed as          to various sectors.
                                                                     terms of investments and the state Industries and                         Technology Institute (CMTI) for setting up    an industrial area. HAL’s Helicopter unit        We help MSMEs in various programmes
                                                                     Commerce department is spearheading industrial                            aerospace parks.                              and Havell’s manufacturing plant are also      like    energy      conservation,     water
                                                                     growth, says Darpan Jain, Commissioner for                                  The department has taken various steps      there in Tumkur.                               conservation etc. Plans are being mooted
                                                                     Industrial Development and Director of Industries                         for promoting employment generation,            The government is further focussing          to allocate industrial areas for MSMEs. In
                                                                     and Commerce. Darpan Jain speaks to Advantage                             especially, self-employment. There are        on Cluster Development in these regions        the coming budget, there are more plans
                                                                     Karnataka about the various aspects of industrial                         several Self-Employment generation            for supporting them to set up facilities       for startups in IT, BT and Semiconductor
                                                                     growth in Karnataka.                                                      schemes formulated by the State and           for value additions. Each district should      sectors. For artisans and Village Industries,
                                                                                                                                               Central Governments from time to time         have one cluster like Auto cluster in Bidar,   we are providing marketing assistance,
                                                                    Storage policy. Then,         The government is doing everything           and are being implemented. Last year, we      Resins cluster, Heat Treatment cluster in      wage incentives, funds for technology
                                                                    there is Retail Policy to   needed to promote rapid and orderly            have supported setting up around 7000         Hubballi etc.                                  adoptions etc. We are also working with
                                                                    promote investment          establishment        and      development      MSME units to. Each unit will have at least                                                  Khadi and Village Industries Board, Coir
                                                                    in retail sector. New       of industries. Many initiatives have           eight employees, so in total 56000 people                                                    Corporation and Coir Federation for
                                                                    policies for Agriculture    been taken for providing industrial            got employment through this.                                                                 improving the living livelihood of workers
                                                                    and Food Processing         infrastructural facilities and other             Another initiative is ‘Kaikarika Spandana                                                  in these sectors.
                                                                    industries are also         amenities in industrial areas of Karnataka.    Programme’, which is a district level
                                                                    there. Through these        We have set up several industrial              meet with industrial associations,                                                             Could you discuss other key goals set
                                                                    policies, we aim at         parks and estates to provide state-of-         representatives to understand their                                                          by the Government in areas of industrial
                                                                    providing the right         the-art infrastructure. Karnataka has          problems and resolve them at local level.                                                    development?
               Darpan Jain ,                   support for concerned sectors to grow            Special Economic Zones for various             Vendor Development programmes are                                                              Employment generation and increasing
          Industries Commissioner              faster. By improving infrastructure, R&D         sectors. Textile SEZ, Hassan (474 acres),      also there to establish link between                                                         investments are the important goals of
                                               facilities and centres of excellence we are      Pharmaceutical SEZ, Hassan (125 acres), IT/    vendors and OEMs. More than 700                                                              the government. Our target is to create

 C    ould you talk about the new
      initiatives to further strengthen
Karnataka’s reputation as a key
                                               attracting more investments in all sectors.
                                                 With Invest Karnataka Forum, we
                                               have set up a separate vehicle for
                                                                                                ITES SEZ, Mangalore (89 acres), Aerospace
                                                                                                related SEZ, Devanahalli,     (252 acres)
                                                                                                IT/ ITES SEZ, Gamanagatti, Dharwad (30
                                                                                                                                               micro small units have participated in
                                                                                                                                               around 3000 meetings between vendors
                                                                                                                                               and OEMS, giving further momentum.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            3 lakhs employment and investments
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            worth Rs.1 Lakh Crores per annum.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Over the past four years 12.5 Lakhs
investment destination?                        attracting investments in a focussed             acres) etc. are examples.                      Timebound delivery of services under                                                         employment opportunities have been
  There are many initiatives from the part     manner. Invest Karnataka Forum is a                We are also working on new industrial        Sakala Scheme, reformed Inspection              What are the updates on Karnataka            created. Karnataka ranked first in India to
of Industries and Commerce Department          professional institution to undertake            areas in Mysore, Kolar and the projects        systems etc. are also highlights.             Aerospace Park in terms of investment          attract investments with over Rs.4 Lakh
in this regard. First of all, the government   market research. Its advisory board has          are already in pipeline. We are inviting                                                     and expansion plans?                           Crores of investment in the last four years.
has formulated various policy initiatives      top business leaders from Karnataka as           private and foreign entities too for setting     Could you talk about promoting                More than 1000 acres of land has already       Another goal is to improve skill
with an aim of providing a nurturing           brand ambassadors who propose new                up their facilities in our industrial areas,   industries in North Karnataka and             been earmarked for aerospace park at           development facilities with the help of
ecosystem for thrust areas and focus           strategies. We collect feedback from them        and we are getting good response. For          Mumbai-Bengaluru Industrial Corridor          Devanahalli near Bengaluru. US based           Skill Development Department. We also
sectors where the state has already            about how to further improve our eco-            example, the allocation of 70 acres land,      regions?                                      aerospace major Boeing Aerospace will          aim at enhancing technology adaptions.
proven its strength. For example, sectors      system like infrastructure, ease of doing        in Devanahalli have been approved for            North Karnataka and Bangalore-Mumbai        start a new facility there in around 40        Karnataka also stands second in India after
of aerospace, automobiles, IT & IT services,   business etc.                                    Century Development Corporations from          Industrial Corridor (BMEC) regions are of     acres. Boeing will invest Rs.800 Crores to     Maharashtra in terms of exports. Another
pharma, agriculture processing, machine            Another important aspect we are              Taiwan. We have also built land banks          much importance, and are growing very         set up an engineering and technology           goal is to become the top in exports too in
tools and heavy engineering etc. We have       focusing on is the ease of doing business.       for expeditious acquisition of lands for       fast. To ensure balanced development          facility there. The High-Level Clearance       coming years. For promoting IT exports,
already come up with separate policies         Many policies have been formulated for           industrial and infrastructure purposes.        throughout the state the government           Committee of government has cleared            we are focusing on new areas like Artificial
for almost all these sectors, especially       ensuring hassle-free business for investors      This will ensure lands at important            aims to improve infrastructure in tier 2      the project already. We are discussing         Intelligence, Robotics, Nano Technology,
aerospace and automobile, to further           and entrepreneurs. These include                 locations to set up new projects in future.    cities too. Most of these cities lie in the   with many other companies like Bharat          Big Data Analytics etc.
consolidate their strength.                    online services, single-window services,                                                        North Karnataka and BMEC regions which        Electronics Limited regarding investment         Promoting electric mobility, improving
  There are lot of changes taking place        information wizards etc. Moreover,                 Could you give an overview about some        includes Hubballi-Dharwad, Tumkur,            in the park. A SEZ is also there to attract    infrastructure for exports, with more
in automobile sector, like increasing          online services add to transparency and          of the key initiatives of the Commerce and     Gulbarga, Bidar, Belgaum, Yadgeer,            companies.                                     logistics parks, are also on the agenda.
the production of electric vehicles. The       accountability.                                  Industries Department?                         Vijayapura, Davangere, Chitradurga,                                                          Improving connectivity through better
government look at electrical mobility           Could you talk about improvements in             The Department of Industries and             to attract industries in these areas. The      What are the various initiatives for          rail, roads and port facilities is part of
very seriously, and have announced a           infrastructure facilities in industrial areas    Commerce acts as a catalyst for the            government is promoting industrial            promoting MSMEs in Karnataka?                  achieving this goal.
separate Electric Mobility and Energy          and estates?                                     overall development of the industrial          growth in these regions by developing          For the promotion of MSMEs, we

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