Page created by Tyler Spencer
Vol. 29 No.3, January 2021                       ISSN 0971-3409


                                               eAbgari   p.26   eCabinet   p.30   PSC-Soft   p.34
Volume 29 No.3, January 2021            Editorial                                                            Content

PATRON                                             wards and recognition are vital to human endeav-          Spotlight
Dr. NEETA VERMA                                    ours, especially when it is about services to the
                                                                                                             Digital India Awards		       04
ADVISORY PANEL                                     nation. They not only help in boosting morales,
Nagesh Shastri                                     but also motivate all stakeholders to learn from
Shalini Mathrani                                   and draw inspiration to keep excelling in deliver-
                                                                                                             From the States
I.P.S. Sethi                                       ing superior products and services. The element of
Ajay Singh Chahal                       celebration and fanfare that is usually associated with every        Andhra Pradesh			10
                                        ceremony to felicitate achievers also serves as a significant
EDITOR                                                                                                       Chhattisgarh			16
Mohan Das Viswam                        milestone in itself by helping organizations to take a pause, to
                                        reflect upon the journey so far, and to get recharged with re-
ZONAL EDITORS                           newed zeal for continuing the ascent towards higher summits.
Dr. Dibakar Ray                                                                                              District Informatics
Reuban K.                                    The Digital India Awards, a prestigious initiative of NIC,
                                                                                                             Changlang			20
Kavita Barkakoty                        MeitY, is held once in every two years. Incepted in 2009, this
Sarbjeet Singh                          initiative is to recognize achievements of government entities       Kamareddy			22
A. K. Dadhichi
                                        in designing, developing and implementing citizen-centric dig-       Khargone			24
WEB VERSION                             ital solutions. The sixth edition of the Digital India Awards held
Sunil Sunsunwal                         few days ago, is a spotlight story of this new year issue of In-

                                        formatics. The issue presents an array of interesting articles.      e-Gov Products & Services
Mukesh Bharti, Rohit Maurya             Chhattisgarh and Andhra Pradesh are the states covered this
                                                                                                             eAbgari				26
                                        time in From the States section. The three award winning dis-
PRINT, CIRCULATION & DISPATCH          tricts; Changlang Kamareddy and Khargone are exclusives in           eCabinet			30
Anita Bhardwaj
                                        the District Informatics. Load Testing as a Service and Securing     PSC Soft				34
PUBLISHED BY                            Mobile Apps are the features in the Technology Update section
National Informatics Centre             this time. PSC Soft-HP, eCabinet and eAbgari are the articles
Ministry of Electronics & IT            covered in the e-Gov Products & Services section. The regular        Technology Update
Government of India
                                        sections such as Accolades and In The News bring you some
A-Block, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road                                                                             Testing as a Service		       37
New Delhi-110003, INDIA                 useful reads.
                                           Hope you enjoy reading this issue. Here’s wishing you a           Securing Mobile apps		       40
INFORMATICS                             very happy and prosperous New Year. Please do take care and
379, A4B4, Floor-3, NIC                 keep healthy.
A-Block, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road
                                                                                                             Appscape			42
New Delhi-110003, INDIA                    -Editor                                                           In the News			44
Phone: 011 -24305365
Email:                                                                                    Accolades			48

                        04                                                              46



02    January 2021

 Digital India
Awards 2020

                                  The Digital India Awards 2020 ceremony (sixth edition)
                                  took place virtually on 30th December, 2020 and the
                                  awards were conferred by the Hon’ble President of India,
                                  Shri Ram Nath Kovind from Rashtrapati Bhawan via vid-
                                  eo conferencing (VC), in the presence of Hon’ble Union
                                  Minister of Law & Justice, Communications and Electron-
                                  ics & Information Technology Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad,
                                  Secretary (MeitY) Shri Ajay Sawhney, Additional Secre-
                                  tary (MeitY) Dr. Rajendra Kumar, Director General NIC Dr.
                                  Neeta Verma, esteemed Jury members and other govern-
                                  ment officials from various Central and State Ministries,
                                  Departments, Districts & other government entities. Due
                                  to the ongoing pandemic, the event witnessed enthu-
                                  siastic participation from multiple locations including
                                  Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi and VC locations at Bhopal,
                                  Chennai, Kolkata and Patna.

  04   January 2021

Instituted in 2009, the Digital India Awards event is organised by NIC, MeitY,
biennially. The Awards aim to recognize brilliance in digital governance initia-
tives by government entities at all levels including Central, State, District and
local bodies.

The Hon’ble President addressed the virtual gathering and congratulated the
winning teams while commending the role of NIC in proactive implementation
of platforms such as Aarogya Setu, e-Office and video conferencing services
backed by a robust ICT infrastructure that has helped the country reduce the
pandemic hardships. Hon’ble Union Minister Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad, Secre-
tary (MeitY) Shri Ajay Sawhney and Director General NIC Dr. Neeta Verma made
their speeches during the occasion.

The Digital India Awards 2020 winners included 22 digital governance initia-
tives/ products by various government entities under 6 categories. Jury Choice
awards were given to ArogyaSetu and eOffice. It is noteworthy that the entire
process of Digital India Awards, right from inviting nominations to Jury interac-
tions to the final conferring of awards was held online.

                                             January 2021 05


06   January 2021


          January 2021   07


08   January 2021


          January 2021 09
From the States

Andhra Pradesh State
Building the State through digital eGovernance

                                                    ational Informatics Centre, Andhra Pradesh
                                                    has always been in the forefront in guid-
                                                    ing the State Government with regard to
                                               the computerization of the processes in various
                                               Government Departments. NIC, Andhra Pradesh
                                               played a key role in design, development and
                                               implementation of many flagship Projects for the
                                               State besides implementing the several e-Gover-
                                               nance Projects for the Central Government De-
                                               partments and Public Sector Undertakings. After
                                               bifurcation of the State in 2014, the usage of new
                                               technology has picked up momentum and NIC
                                               Andhra Pradesh is playing a key role in many of                 Land, a scarce natural resource, has
                                               the new initiatives being taken up by the State             been regarded as a measure of wealth,
The State of Andhra Pradesh has                Government. Apart from software development                 status and power, from the time imme-
                                               for various State Departments, the NIC Andhra               morial. A good land records system is the
made significant contributions in              Pradesh State Centre is providing several ICT Ser-          necessity for any harmonious and pro-
                                               vices such as Videoconferencing, Email Services,            gressive society. A modern, comprehen-
various sectors over the decades.                                                                          sive and integrated land record system to
                                               Network Services and NKN.
With the advent of Information                                                                             provide citizen centric services has been
                                               ICT Initiatives in the State                                developed in Andhra Pradesh, about 2.70
Technology Age, the State has                      Apart from developing and implementing eGov             crore survey numbers. Some of the high-
                                               applications and other customised software, a host of       lights are Meebhoomi, Sarkarbhoomi,
started making good use of the                 Services are offered at the NIC state centre. These in-     e-Passbook, loan charge module, services
                                               clude Video Conferencing and Virtual class rooms and
                                                                                                           through Meeseva, auto mutation, RSR
Technology in more efficient                   supporting various ICT initiatives for state and central
                                                                                                           data purification, Aadhaars seeding, water
                                                                                                           tax levying and collection, sharing of land
                                               government organizations in Andhra Pradesh. In ad-
running of the Administration and                                                                          information to different departments, to
                                               dition, Data Centre Services, Network & Internet Ser-
                                                                                                           arrive the list of beneficiaries under cen-
in the implementation of various               vices, Email Services, NKN Services are also provided.
                                                                                                           tral and state Government schemes.
                                               Video Conferencing and Virtual class rooms                      Government of Andhra Pradesh has
Government Schemes. After the                       VC services are being provided by NIC AP to cen-       taken up Resurvey activity in the entire
Bifurcation of the State in 2014,              tral and state government offices in the state head-        state, after a century. Land Records is the
                                               quarters and 13 districts. VC services were extensively     basic source of information for resurvey,
the State has embarked on a                    used by state government during the Covid-19 Pan-           so that textual and spatial data would be
                                               demic. During period of March – November 2020 a             integrated. It is planned to create an inte-
new beginning and has taken up                 total of 2342 conferences with duration of 4017 hours       grated system covering Revenue, Survey
                                               were conducted with 41 VVIP sessions including 2            and Registration departments together,
many developmental activities in               sessions of Hon’ble President of India with Hon’ble         for hassle free and speedy delivery of ser-
                                               Governor of AP , 9 sessions of Prime Minster of India       vices to public as well as other land related
right earnest. The State has also              with Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh and 30 ses-           Government departments.
                                               sions of Cabinet Secretary with Chief Secretary of AP.                  NIC Andhra Pradesh, the techni-
initiated several new projects                                                                             cal partner for Land Records Programme,
                                               Network/NKN Services:                                       has been playing significant role in many
aimed at Ease of Doing Business                     After new state center is established, Network         ways to achieve the above goal by ex-
                                               operations Center (NoC) started functioning at APSC,        tending services. I appreciate NIC-Andhra
and faster dissemination of                    Amravati. NKN PoP is established at AP Secretariat          Pradesh team, headed by Dr. E. Iniya Neh-
services to the Citizens.                      by shifting backbone links from NKN Hyderabad to            ru, SIO for their positive contribution and
                                               NIC, AP with an established redundant 1 Gbps links          proactive ICT services.
                                               from Hyderabad & Chennai NKN POPs. All the 13 dis-              I look forward for their continued sup-
                                               trict links were shifted to NIC AP from Hyderabad with      port in future as well, and wish them all
                                               redundancy links from Hyderabad, Chennai, Banga-            the best in their endeavours.
                                               lore & Bhubaneswar NKN POPs. AP NoC was created
                                               with operations including maintenance of AP state
                                               NICNET operations, ISP coordination and Cisco and
                                                                                                           NEERABH KUMAR PRASAD, IAS 
                                                                                                          Chief Commissioner of Land Administration
                        Dr. E. Iniya Nehru     Juniper device installation/up-gradations.
                        Dy. Director General                                                                      & Special Chief Secretary
                        & SIO                  Messaging & Data Center services:                                Government of Andhra Pradesh
                             NIC. AP is successfully providing complete email

10       January 2021
From the States

                                                        services in the state including on-boarding and mi-            NIC AP State Centre for payment of compensation
                                                        gration of mailbox and domains to NIC email services           to the eligible project displaced families and proj-
                                                        for paid and free users including state government             ect affected families by constructing the Nuclear
                                                        departments, corporations and universities. Email              Power Plant at Kovvada, Srikakulam District. Bene-
                                                        troubleshooting along with DNS record up-dation,               ficiaries are identified by the District Administration
                                                        security controls, e-forms support, application inte-          and the data had been captured through the web
                                                        gration and user coordination is regularly carried out.        applications. Android application is developed for
                                                        NIC SMS services for AP state including application            Aadhaar Authentication of the beneficiaries to pay
                                                        integration is being taken up. Data center services            the compensations for different awards. Modules
                                                        like VM Hosting, Network and Storage services. Provi-          under Punarvas project are Land Acquisition, Land
                                                        sioning testing and development platforms for open             Alienation, RRAward, Structure and Tree Compensa-
                                                        source application developers based on Linux envi-             tions. Same is replicated for BRR Vamsadhara project
                                                        ronment like Ubuntu, CentOS. Providing system and              of Srikakulam District. It received National e-Gover-
    Andhra Pradesh has always been in                   security administration services like OS tuning, Web           nance award 2018 (Gold Category) under District level
the fore front of adopting ICT for e-Gover-             deployment, App deployment, SSL services and Audit.            IT Initiatives.
nance and Citizen services. After bifurca-
                                                        D-Krishi (e-Seed - Aadhaar Enabled
tion of Andhra Pradesh, when the Andhra
Pradesh Government decided to shift its                 Seed Distribution System)                                      e-Pds -Targeted PDS system
Capital to Amaravathi, NIC quickly rose to                  Distribution of Seeds on subsidized rates to                   NIC Andhra Pradesh has developed fully auto-
the occasion and provided all necessary                 farmers had been a hectic task for the past few years.         mated Public Distribution system from Supply chain
ICT support by way of providing much                    To ensure smooth distribution of seed to eligible              Management to Distribution of food grains to BPL
needed NKN connectivity and other com-                  farmers, NIC, AP has developed and implemented an              Families . Andhra Pradesh NIC digitized and gener-
puting facilitates, NICs E-mail, VC facilities,         Aadhaar enabled seed distribution system. Based                ated about 1.44 crore Rice cards with 100% Aadhaar
e-Office etc., and facilitated smooth tran-             on the total extent held by the farmer, eligibility of         seeding and 99.9 % ekyc verification. It has fully au-
sition of Governance.                                   seeds to be issued is decided by the system. The               tomated 29,783 Fair price shops catering to 4.3 crore
    TPDS is one of the flagship pro-                    farmer can avail the seeds in person or can authorize          people. All the transactions are based on Biometric
grammes and having achieved 100% Aad-                   his/her family member to take the seeds after a suc-           authentication and can draw any where in the state
haar enabled public distribution, it has                cessful biometric authentication at the counter. On            under portability option. All the transactions are cap-
immensely helped in curbing leakages.                   successful Aadhaar authentication using NIC ASA ser-           tured real time through e-pos machines. Ration is
During COVID-19, we could successfully                  vice, system allows to issue coupon with pre-printed           also being issued to MDM and Aganwadi schools. All
reach the needy families through a ro-                  number allotted for each counter in each mandal.               the entitlements, allotment of stocks, RO generation ,
bust system developed by NIC AP. Andhra                 The coupon is submitted at the godown to take                  issue of stocks, issue of food grains, and closing bal-
Pradesh is the first State in the Country               the delivery, where, the QR image on the coupon is             ances are fully automated with real time reports at
issuing rice cards within 10days of applica-            scanned to populate the number automatically.                  various level. Andhra Pradesh e-Pds system has won
tion anywhere in the State through Gram/                                                                               many state and national level awards.
Ward Secretariats with 100% eKYC verifi-                Impact
cation in a very transparent manner with
the help of NIC, AP.
                                                        •   Around 20 lakh farmers across the state getting the        CARD (Computer-aided
    Andhra Pradesh has also become the
                                                            seed in a hassle free manner every season since
                                                                                                                       Administration of Registration
first state to adopt One Nation One Ration
card in the Country                                     •   Bogus Pattadar pass books and Double benefit               Department)
                                                            eliminated.                                                    CARD provides a transparent method of valua-
                                                        •   Middlemen and Recycling of stocks avoided.                 tion of properties and calculation of stamp duties,
      KONA SASIDHAR, IAS                               •   No long queues at any point of time                        simplified the registration procedures, enhanced
    Secretary (FAC), Information                        •   All eligible farmers covered                               speed, reliability and consistency of the system. It
     Technology, Electronics and
   Communication Department &
                                                        •   Very positive response from Media/ Farmers/ Pub-           reduced delays by replacing the manual systems of
                                                            lic Reps                                                   copying, indexing and accounting. Scanning of doc-
  Secretary & Commissioner of Civil
                                                                                                                       uments replaced manual copying. Retrieval of the
   Government of Andhra Pradesh
                                                        Punarvas and PM Kisan                                          documents and obtaining copies is made instanta-
                                                             Punarvas Project is designed and developed by             neous. The overall effect is a smooth public interface.

                          Hon’ble President of India interacting with Hon’ble Governor of Andhra Pradesh through VC supported by NIC, Andhra Pradesh

                                                                                                                                    January 2021   11
From the States

                                                           Department. 4. Reforms for simplifying the Existing
                                                           Laws, Rules and Procedures and 5. Innovations
                                                           Special features
                                                           •   Each Government land is uniquely identifiable, by
                                                               34 different categories with 2.70 Crores Survey Nos.
                                                           •   Records are digitally signed by competent authority
                                                           •   Approvals in the workflow are done with bio-met-
                                                               ric authentication and digital certificates
                                                           •   FMBs, Village Maps, Adangal, 1B
                                                           •   Single source of truth to many Government stake-
                                                           •   Downloadable e-Passbooks with QR code
        Arogya Setu app and S3 portal has                  •   Bhushodak mobile app to verify the genuineness                    I am extremely happy to say that MED-
    helped AP Government in contact tracing                    of the data, from the central server                           HAS developed by NIC has been providing
    and medical resources effectively at hos-              •   e-Crop booking through webland data, being used                transparent, smooth and effective mech-
    pitals. NIC Andhra Pradesh state center                    assessment of crop sown, damage, if any, and crop              anism in bringing end-to-end solution
    has provided excellent support to AP Gov-                  insurance                                                      seamlessly. Dr.NTRUHS has been benefit-
    ernment during Covid-19 pandemic in by                 •   Payment of Direct Benefit transfer to the beneficia-           ed a lot with the digital workflow among
    providing uninterrupted video conference                   ries of PMKISAN and YSR Rythu Bharosa                          Academics, Admission, Examination,
    services which helped us to effectively co-            •   Collection of Water tax                                        Confidential, Finance and Administration
    ordinate during Covid-19 pandemic at AP.               •   Issue of different land related certificates through           wings.
    Now, our government is planning to im-                     CSCs
    plement eHospital application across all               •   Integration of Revenue and Registration under
    GGH & PHC in the state.                                    Auto mutation                                                   Dr. SYAMA PRASAD PIGILAM 
                                                                                                                                          Vice Chancellor
      BHASKAR KATAMNENI, IAS                              •   Computerised Adangals issued through CICs till
                                                                                                                                Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences
    Commissioner, Health & Family Welfare                      date      : 2.77 Crores
       Government of Andhra Pradesh                        •   Record of Rights(ROR-1B) Certificates issued till
                                                               date     : 2.66 Crores
                                                           •   Mutations and Printing of Title Deed cum PPB               established in 1986 at Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh.
Recent Initiatives                                                       : 52.5 Lakhs                                     It conducts various courses like UG/PG Degree/
•   Auto Mutation, CRDA Integration, CFMS Integration,     •   Rectifications of Entries in Record of Rights		            PG Diploma/Post Doctoral Fellowship/Ph.D under
    Sada Bainama                                                         : 54 Lakhs                                       Medical/Dental/AYUSH/Nursing/Physotherapy/Para
•   Online EC & CC, Inventory Stamps Module, Any-          •   Addition of Survey nos. in Adangal and 1B                  Medical streams. There are 292 colleges affiliated to
    where Registration, Ease of Doing Business ( EODB)                   : 2.86 Lakhs                                     Dr. NTRUHS. It has been provided NKN connectivity
•   Registration Services at Gram Sachivalaya              •   Number of Views of Public Portal (Meebhoomi)               with BSNL and STPI as backup for providing band-
                                                                         : 10.6 Crores                                    width. NIC is also taking steps for e-Counselling to
Land Records Management                                    •   Number of Auto mutations Done Since Oct 2019               the admissions of Medical/Dental/AYUSH courses

System                                                                   : 2.45 Lakhs                                     from next year.

    AS part of Good Governance, the Government             •   Major component for achieving Ease of Doing                Key Features of MEDHAS
has given utmost importance for simplification of
                                                               Business Rank.                                             •   e-Affiliation ( Colleges Affiliation Monitoring Mod-

                                                           MEDHAS – Medical Education &
Government procedures and to achieve complete                                                                                 ule)
transparency in administration. Keeping in view of                                                                        •   E-Admission ( Students Admission Monitoring
the same, Revenue department has initiated various         Health Administrative System                                       Module)
set of reforms by way of :                                     MEDHAS is an end-to-end solution provided by               •   E-Pareeksha ( Examination Monitoring Module)
    1. Digitization of Land records, 2.Purification,       NIC-APSC for Dr.NTR University of Health Sciences (Dr.         •   E-QPODS (Electronic Question Paper Online Deliv-
3.Computerization of various services of Revenue           NTRUHS) which is the first Health University in India              ery System)
                                                                                            Launching of Online Original Degree, Official Transcript and Migration Certificate (OD+OT+MC)
                                                                                            for MBBS students of DrNTRUHS using ServicePlus on 14-08-2020 by Dr. K.Syamal Prasad,
                                 D-Krishi - Process Flow                                    Hon’ble VC, Dr. K.Sankar, Registrar of Dr. NTRUHS with Dr. E.IniyaNehru,DDG&SIO

12       January 2021
From the States

              Chief Minister of AP, Shri Y.S. Jagan Mohan Reddy inaugurating Auto Mutation Project on 11/02/2020 with Shri Pilli Subhash Chandra Bose, Hon’ble Minister for
              Registration and Stamps, Shri Neerabh Kumar Prasad, IAS, CCLA & Spl. Chief Secretary, Dr. E.Iniya Nehru, DDG & SIO, NIC, AP and other higher officials.

•   E-Results (Results Processing and Publishing Mod-               ical Colleges, Medical Students and the APMC to              POLYCET entrance exam. State Board of Technical Ed-
    ule)                                                            make the entire workflow in digital mode.                    ucation and Training is the user department, which
•   E-Services ( Online Certificates Delivery Monitoring        •   Renewal of Registration certificate. Issue of NOC,           conducts the Polytechnic Entrance Test (POLYCET)
    Module through ServicePlus)                                     Temporary Registration, Issue of Good Standing               for admission into 3, 3½ years polytechnic diploma.
•   E-Sandesh ( Messaging to Principals/Students                    Certificate                                                  Simply from anywhere with internet facility, student
    Monitoring Module)                                                                                                           can have on the spot Hall Ticket in the desired town
•   E-OPTMIS ( Online Payment Transactions Monitor-             WaterSoft                                                        of his choice by paying the requisite fee through pay-
    ing Module)                                                     WaterSoft – is a comprehensive web based                     ment gateway.
•   E-Chanakya ( Employees Administration Monitor-              MIS designed & developed by NIC, APSC for the
    ing Module)                                                 Department of Rural Water Supply and Sanitation ,                WEB Counseling
•   E-GPF ( GPF Monitoring Module)                              Govt of AP . The application software integrates all                 This application is for admission of the candi-
•   E-Office ( Online File Movement Monitoring Mod-             the RWSS offices and its laboratories of across the              dates to the various professional courses based on
    ule)                                                        State of AP including the RWSS head office and the               their rank in the respective entrance examination,
                                                                Secretary ‘s office. This application aims to bring in           reservation, gender, local/Nonlocal etc and their or-
APMCORS- Andhra Pradesh                                         accountability and transparency. The application                 der of preference given for the colleges and courses.
Medical Council Online                                          under one name WaterSoft is being continuously
                                                                subject to changes with many more new enhance-
                                                                                                                                 This activity is supervised by the department, Andhra

Registration System
                                                                                                                                 Pradesh State Council of Higher education (APSCHE)
                                                                ments to the existing modules and development of                 and monitored by the Conveners appointed by the
    Andhra Pradesh Medical Council is a Body corpo-             new modules to suit the requirement of the field lev-            APSCHE for each CET (Common Entrance Test).
rate established by an Act of the State Legislature.            el users to the strategic users for monitoring , plan-
The Council was first constituted by a notification             ning and decision making . The application can be                 Jeevandan
issued in G.O.Ms.No.662 on 19th December, 1991. NIC             accessed with the url :                       A Portal to facilitate the management of Cadaver
has been entrusted the Online Registration activities
                                                                Online Filing of Applications for
                                                                                                                                 organ harvesting and transplantation on an end-to-
of APMC in January 2020 which includes importing all                                                                             end basis. It provides information and alerts to us-
existing registration into live. NIC –APSC developed a
web based application to make the digital work flow
                                                                POLYCET entrance exam                                            ers on a real time basis, ensuring efficiency, effective-
                                                                                                                                 ness and transparency in the entire operations which
of different stake holders – Medical College Princi-
                                                                    This application program is to file the applica-             are part of the Jeevandan Scheme and is built on an
pals , Students, Doctors and APMC Staff.
                                                                tion, facilitates the candidate to pay the requisite             N-tier.
Salient Features:                                               fee, automatic Exam Centre Allocation and Hall Tick-                 Online transparent end-to-end solution to facil-
•   End to End Solution for all stakeholders like Med-          et down load for the candidates who wants to write               itate the Management of Cadaver Organ Harvesting

                                    Watersoft Application Features                                                              Key Statistics of Watersoft

                                                                                                                                              January 2021 13
From the States

     Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh interacting with Prime Minister of India and other                Hon’ble Chief Justice of Andhra Pradesh inaugurating official website of
     Chief Ministers during Covid-19 Pandemic through NIC VC Services                                   Andhra Pradesh High Court

and Transplantation has been designed developed
and deployed successfully.
                                                                Digital Panchayat Services                                  ning the CIS core application and other peripheries.
                                                                                                                            Permanent servers are to be set up at High Court for
                                                                     Commissioner Panchayat Raj and Rural Develop-
                                                                                                                            running peripheries and CIS. New VMs are setup at
e-Office                                                        ment, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh has initiated Digital
                                                                Panchayat services to provide Online Gram Pancha-
                                                                                                                            National Data Centre, Shastri Park, New Delhi for de-
     eOffice is a step forward into an era of paperless                                                                     ploying website and related applications for dissem-
                                                                yat Services and to offer technology. PRRD is offering
administration in Government of Andhra Pradesh.                                                                             ination of information.
                                                                series of APIs to Government Departments (G2G) as
It is a Digital Workplace Solution that has replaced                                                                            The main application & peripheries implement-
                                                                part of Ease of Doing Business (EoDB ). Entrepre-
the existing manual handling of files and documents                                                                         ed at High Court are Core Information System (CIS)
                                                                neurs can obtain “No Objection Certificate for Small,
with an efficient electronic system                                                                                         and various peripheries such as KIOSK application,
                                                                Medium and Large Scale Industries” through Single
     eOffice is being implemented in all the depart-                                                                        SR, IA, USR Allotment, Scrutiny of Vakalat, File Move-
                                                                Desk Portal of Industries and Commerce department.
ments of AP. Secretariat, 13 Districts and 83 HoDs/                                                                         ment etc.
                                                                Marriage Registration APIs for Pellikaanuka Scheme
157 AOs / 23 SUs. At present, there is no physical file                                                                         Hon’ble Chief Justice of Andhra Pradesh, Sri Jus-
                                                                for financial assistance to marginalized families and
movement in the Government. ITE&C Dept have suc-                                                                            tice Jitendra Kumar Maheshwari has launched the
cessfully implemented the project and are extended              to offer Marriage Certificate. Citizen can also obtain
                                                                Birth and Death Certificates, Marriage Certificates         Website of High Court on 08th January, 2020 in the
to 1,428 departments in Districts up to Gram Pancha-
                                                                and NOC for Small Medium and Large Scale Indus-             august presence of Hon’ble High Court Judges, Regis-
yats level and has created a total of 66,07,427of files
                                                                tries services at “Grama Sachivalyams”.                     trar General & CPC, Registrars of High Court, Assistant
in both State and District level.
                                                                     Citizen can avail Gram Panchayat services              Registrar IT and Dr. E. Iniya Nehru, Deputy Director

Pension Settlement and                                          through Internet. The list of Statutory Services of         General and SIO, NIC, Andhra Pradesh. Website for
                                                                                                                            High Court of Andhra Pradesh was redesigned as per
Management Information
                                                                Gram Panchayat are 1). House Tax Payments 2).
                                                                Property Valuation Certificate 3). Water Tap Connec-        the GIGW standards
System (PSMIS)                                                  tion 4). Trade License 5). Mutation 6). NOC for Small,          During the COVID-19 pandemic, NIC AP High Court
     This application is to calculate and release the           Medium and Large Scale Industries 7). Marriage Cer-         team has developed e-Filing software. This system
pensionary benefits to the retired/nominee of the               tificate 8). Building Permission 9).Layout Permission.      is designed as per the request of Hon’ble Chief Jus-
deceased State Government Employees, Central gov-                                                                           tice of Andhra Pradesh. E-filing system was launched
ernment employees deputed for State (IAS, IPS, and              AP High Court                                               to facilitate Advocates and other people. E-filing of
IFS) and Judicial employees of the State. This applica-            NIC, AP is providing IT support for implementing         court cases is newly implemented at High Court of
tion is used by the Account General’s office who is the         e-Court Services, CIS and other peripheries devel-          Andhra Pradesh. After seeing its success and huge
releasing authority of the pensionary benefits. Right           oped by e-Committee, NIC – Pune and NIC Andhra              response from the public, it was extended to Subor-
from registration of the case till dispose of the case          Pradesh State Centre. The High Court servers were           dinate Courts. A provision to know the Status of the
is taken care by the application                                temporarily installed at NIC AP State Centre for run-       case filed is provided.

                                                                                                  NIC Andhra Pradesh State Centre received the “Award of Excellence” during elets
                              Drugs control Administration web page                               National Water Innovation Summit 2020

14         January 2021
From the States

    During the COVID-19, virtual courts were imple-       line and submit documents online. This has eliminat-
mented using various Blue Jeans in all the 19 courts.     ed the process of student visit various ITIs for doc-
    Five Video Conferencing studios are setup in the      ument verification during this pandemic. APIs have
High Court for conducting State level and National        been designed to get SSC marks data from board and
level VCs.                                                update student details on central skill development
APBOCWWB (Andhra Pradesh                                      Sarathi & Vahan
Building & Other Construction                                 Sarathi and Vahan Services in Andhra Pradesh
Workers Welfare Board)                                    has started to take its shape. Currently it is in testing
                                                          mode. The new e-KYC module which is going to be
    The main objective is to automise the process
                                                          introduced in Andhra Pradesh is first of its kind.
of Distributing Benefits to Building & Other Con-
struction Workers under various schemes. This ap-
plication enables construction workers to register
                                                          ICJS – Interoperable Criminal
online for availing various govt scheme benefits, get     Justice System.
enrolled for skill development training and submit            The Inter-operable Criminal Justice System (ICJS)                           elets Award certificate
request for claims and process the same through a         is an initiative of the e-Committee to enable seam-         websites and other applications. VPN provided to
work flow & role based system.                            less transfer of data and information among differ-         staff to facilitate work from home during lockdown.
    Construction Workers, Assistant Labor officer         ent pillars of the criminal justice system, like courts,        In addition to these, various indigenous s/w ap-
(ALO), Deputy commissioner of Labor (DCL) and             police, jails and forensic science laboratories, from       plications and mobile apps were developed by NIC,
Board Members are the actors of the system. Work-         one platform.                                               APSC and NIC District Centres to support different
ers apply for training and claims which are verified by       Andhra Pradesh has recently bagged 2nd place            Covid-19 related activities across the state.
ALO with in their jurisdiction and forwarded to DCL at    in the awards announced by National Crime records
district & Board at Hq level for further process.         Bureau – NCRB.                                              Accolades
    As on today around 20 Lakhs construction work-
ers are registered on this portal. During Covid-19 this   e-Prisons                                                   •   RWSS Department, Government of Andhra Pradesh
                                                                                                                          and NIC Andhra Pradesh State Centre received the
data has been extensively utilized to provide addi-           Andhra Pradesh has 82 active prisons . central              “Award of Excellence” during elets National Water
tional benefits to workers.                               prisons 4 District jails 8 PAC 1 and Spl. Prisons for           Innovation Summit 2020

DCA (Drug Control
                                                          Women 2, Spl. Sub jails 11 , Sub jails 56. E-prisons
                                                          software is being implemented in these prisons and
                                                                                                                      •   ePanchayat Puraskar – 2020 - Panchayat Enterprise
                                                                                                                          Suite & Digital Panchayat - Ministry of Panchayatraj
Administration System)                                    digitized 11.00 lack back log cases. This software cov-
                                                          ers entire life cycle of a prisoner.
                                                                                                                          Puraskar for efficient usage of IT for 2018-19
     Drugs Control Administration regulates sale and                                                                  •   eGovernance Award for Punarvas – Land Acqui-
distribution of drugs in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
It is work flow based software designed to automate
                                                          e-Prosecution                                                   sition & Rehabilitation at National e-Governance
                                                                                                                          award 2018 (Gold Category) under District level IT
                                                              All the 13 districts of Andhra Pradesh are covered
process and issue / generate license online.                                                                              Initiatives
                                                          with the e-Prosecution software and all the Public
     This software facilitates online Submission of
                                                          prosecutors were trained to utilize the software for        •   CSI-Nihilent Award for the application DKrishi
Application, License fee Payment, Verification by offi-
cials, Grant / Renewal of Drug License, Amendments
                                                          information flow from FIR data, legal opinion to inte-      •   Hon’ble CM AP Appreciation to WEBLAND and
                                                          grate with e-Courts software. This software provides            AePDS applications. Technical team received CM
to existing licenses, Application Status tracking and
                                                          easy access to the Director of Prosecutions at state            appreciation and felicitation during November
monitoring etc., Drug Firm owners/directors apply
                                                          Head Quarters to monitor the progress of various                2018
online for various type of licenses like retail, whole-
sale, restricted, mobile, schedule by submitting de-
                                                          cases.                                                      •   CSI-Nihilent Award for CARD(Computer Aided Reg-
                                                                                                                          istration Department)
sired documents online and making fee payment
online. This application is being used by 105 Drug
                                                          e-Forensics                                                 •   National e-Governance Award (Gold Category) for
                                                               Andhra Pradesh is having 7 Forensic labs cur-              the Loan Charge Module of Webland
Inspectors and 13 Assistant Directors across state. As
                                                          rently . e-Forensics software is being used by all the
on today around 45000 drug licenses are issued by
this system. APIs have developed for Authenticating
                                                          6 forensic labs and State Hq laboratory to register,        Way Forward
                                                          acknowledge and report various samples sent from                National Informatics Centre, Andhra Pradesh
Pharmacist Registration and Identifying Pharma-
                                                          the Investigating officers.                                 State Centre has always been the backbone of the
cist Location to Pharmacy council. Another API is in

                                                          Special IT support during
the process of development for drug license issue                                                                     major technology initiatives in the State and has
through single desk portal (SDP) of AP Govt as part                                                                   been its technology partner in rolling out many Proj-
of EoDB.                                                  Outbreak of Pandemic COVID-19                               ects. Looking ahead, the focus is on new paradigm
                                                              Ensuring round the clock networking and email           shifts in terms of more efficient e-governance ser-
ITI Admission                                             services, smooth execution of Video Conferencing            vices delivery. We look forward to embrace emerg-
            This application is designed to make          meetings of Hon’ble PM, Hon’ble President with all          ing technologies such as Edge Computing, Deep
ITI admission life cycle process online, simple and       state CMs and UT Administrators regarding COVID-19          Learning, Blockchain, AI and ML, and using them ef-
transparent. Main modules of this application is Stu-     were conducted at CM Camp Office for Hon’ble Chief          fectively in the future Projects.
dent Application, Scrutinize the applications, Merit      Minister, Chief Secretary of Andhra Pradesh. Regular
list generation, Seat Matrix allocation, Seat Allotment   review meetings through VC on Covid-19 by Central
and Admission Slip Generation. Around 500 ITIs of         Cabinet Secretary with Chief Secretary, Health Sec-
both government and private institutes use this           retary and Administrators of all States and UTs, DGP,       For further information, please contact:
system for admission process every year. Normally         we conducted through VC services provided by NIC            STATE INFORMATICS OFFICER
around 50,000 students get admitted every year.           APSC.                                                       NIC, 3rd Floor, R & B Building, MG Road
            This year during Covid-19 period, special          24 x 7. NICNET /SWAN/NKN internet services             Labbipet, Vijayawada
module has been designed for students to apply on-        were ensured with constant monitoring of all the            Andhra Pradesh - 520010
                                                                                                                      Email:, Phone: 040-23494300

                                                                                                                                   January 2021 15
From the States

Chhattisgarh State
Digital Empowerment for State Administration during COVID-19 and beyond

                                                       arved out of the erstwhile Madhya Pradesh, the
                                                       Chhattisgarh state came into being on the 1st
NIC Chhattisgarh plays a vital                         November 2000. It is the 10th largest state in In-
                                                 dia in terms of area. The state is blessed with abun-
role in the ICT enablement of the                dant natural beauty, waterfalls, rivers, caves, and vast
                                                 forests with a variety of wild life as well as diamond,
state government. During the                     iron, coal and bauxite mines. The ancient temples
COVID-19 pandemic, as has been                   and structures dating back to 5th century A.D. are the
                                                 surviving symbols of the state’s glorious history and
always, NIC has tremendously                     rich culture.

supported the state government                   ICT Initiatives in the State
to act in a brisk and effective                  CORONA Guidelines, Govt. of Chhattisgarh
                                                     The portal ( as a
                                                                                                                    Chhattisgarh government launched
                                                                                                                “Rajiv Gandhi KisanNyayYojna” in which
manner to counter the ill effects,               single source for all government circulars and infor-
                                                                                                                four thousand five hundred crore rupees
                                                 mation regarding SOP to handle the current COVID-19
and help the people adapt to                     pandemic was developed which is accessible to all
                                                                                                                were transferred to the needy farmers, so
                                                 departments and public as well. The portal facilitates
                                                                                                                that they could arrange the seeds, fertiliz-
the new normal while ensuring                    state as well as district officials to upload relevant
                                                                                                                ers and other items for the next season.
                                                 circulars on the portal.
                                                                                                                Similarly, in order to deliver free ration to
the uninterrupted government                                                                                    stranded migrants under “AtmaNirbharYo-
                                                 COVID-19 Monitoring System                                     jna”, an App has been launched with the
business and public service.                         The System is used to monitor admission of                 help of NIC. Also launched were web page
                                                 Covid-19 positive patients either in identified hospi-         and registration portal whereby migrants
                                                 tals or in Home Isolation. Facility is provided for com-       can register themselves to provide details
                                                 mon man to get the sample test report on line. Till            of their family members and get free ra-
                                                 date about 21 lakh SMS have been sent to the peo-              tion. We appreciate the support of NIC
                                                 ple of Chhattisgarh and around 5 lakh people have              Chhattisgarh throughout to make the ini-
                                                 downloaded their test report.                                  tiatives a success.
                                                     Statistics as on 5.12.2020
                                                 •  Total Tests		                      2500000
                                                 •  Total Admissions		                 242418
                                                                                                                  KAMAL PREET SINGH, IAS 
                                                 •  Total Hospitalized		               99225
                                                 •  Total Home Isolations              140252
                                                                                                                            Secretary, Food
                                                 •  Total Discharged		                 220177
                                                                                                                          Govt. of Chhattisgarh
                                                 •  Total Death		                      2941

                                                                                                            Tracking persons with foreign, inter-state as well as
                                                                                                            intra-state travel history, Home quarantining them as
                                                 •  Analytical Dashboard and District/Hospital/ Lab         per established protocols, followed by photo of dai-
                                                    wise Hospital Admission, Discharge /Death Report
                                                                                                            ly visits by field level health staff etc. were captured.
                                                 •  Home Isolation and Referred Patient Report
                                                                                                            Shelter Camp Monitoring is facilitating tracking of-
                                                    Daily report of total test conducted
                                                                                                            Govt. and Private shelter camps, Capacity, Minimum
                                                    Bed availability in Covid-19 Care Center
                                                 •  Online Test Report and Test Report through SMS
                                                                                                            Basic Facility, Ration provided and uploading of Daily

                                                 •  Linked with Central ICMR Portal
                                                                                                            Inspection Photo. Given the risk assessment, all the
                                                                                                            Home Quarantine persons have been included in the
                                                     State Govt. is issuing COVID-19 pandemic daily
                                                 Media Bulletin based on data available in this portal.     daily photo tracking system.
                        Dr. AK Hota
                                                                                                            District Containment Plan and
                        Dy. Director General     Districts are generating various reports on hospital-
                        & SIO                    isation and Home Isolation data.
                                                                                                            Quaiso Tracker Mobile Application
                                                 Photo-walaTracker: Quarantine                                  Dhamtari District developed the GIS based Con-
                                                 Centre Monitoring System                                   tainment plan which was effectively used in more
                                                     For Individual surveillance and tracking of home       than 20 Districts of Chhattisgarh. District Contain-
                                                 quarantined individuals during the COVID-19 crisis,        ment Plan has Geo-referenced maps of Hospitals
                        YV Sreenivasa
                                                 District Mahasamund has deployed an ingenious              (Govt. & Private) built on Arc GIS platform.
                                                 mechanism, which integrates the efforts of field lev-          District containment plan contains:
                        Sr. Technical Director
                          el health staff with an online, simple-to-use facility.       Logistics details i.e. Medical equipment available

16       January 2021
From the States

                                                        modes, NIC Chhattisgarh has designed an online
                                                        portal powered by ServicePlus during first lockdown
                                                        and was launched on 2nd April 2020. The site offers
                                                        various payment modes like UPI, Net banking, Credit
                                                        Card, Debit Card and branch payment.
                                                        • Total Donations Received      Rs. 29,65,301.00
                                                        • No. Of Donors		               471

                                                        Mobile app for free food
                                                        distribution monitoring
                                                            A Mobile app was developed for the Social Wel-
                                                        fare department, to collect the online information of
                                                        free food distribution in the state to the needy and
       Chhattisgarh government wishes to                homeless persons during the Covid-19 outbreak. The
    compliment for the support and assis-               distribution was carried out by the department in all
    tance rendered by the team NIC during               districts and blocks of the state. The app facilitates
    the COVID-19 unprecedented situation                the district officials to feed the information of the
    as well as lockdown period. In numerous                                                                                   District Containment Plan and Quaiso
                                                        location of the food distribution, number of persons                  Tracker Mobile Application
    ways Chhattisgarh government Labour de-             benefitted along with the photographs.
    partment has reached out to the stranded            •  Total No. of Food packets Distributed 13,16,669       RojgarSangi Mobile App
    migrant workers throughout the country                                                                           The mobile app along with Chhattisgarh State
    and this was all Possible for prompt and            e-SAGA (e-Shramik Aawas-                                 Skill Development Authority (CSSDA) portal facili-
    laudable support and action as well as an
    untiring effort of NIC Chhattisgarh. They           Gaman Application)                                       tated the skilled people looking for job and also the
                                                             Labour Department, being the nodal authority        Employers to get registered and be connected based
    were more than willing to support us. I                                                                      on the skillset mapping. Both the applicants and em-
    wish the team all the very best in future.          for welfare of workers, was supported by NIC Chhat-
                                                                                                                 ployers have the facility to send messages to each
                                                        tisgarh with various online applications for effective
                                                                                                                 other through the app itself.
                                                        management of movement of migrant workers. e-SA-
                                                                                                                    Total Workers under Format-A		             6308
                                                        GA supported migrants to provide their travel re-
                                                                                                                    Workers under Format-B		                   27481
        SONMONI BORAH, IAS                             quests to enable department to arrange train facility
                                                                                                                 •  Registrations through CSSDA portal         96902
              Secretary, Labour
             Govt. of Chhattisgarh
                                                        for them. Module was also developed for keeping re-
                                                        cord of all migrant workers coming through different
                                                                                                                 •  Registrations through App		                21631

                                                        trains to Chhattisgarh from other states.
                                                                                                                 Padhaayi Tunhar Duaar
                                                        •  Persons registered to arrive in Chhattisgarh              NIC, Chhattisgarh worked with the Department of
   up to PHC, CHC, SHC level.                              2,96,902                                              School Education to continue educational activities
•  Manpower availability                                •  Person registered depart from Chhattisgarh 22,739     during the pandemic by developing por-
•  SOPs and Health advisories issued by ICMR and        •  Number of trains organised 86                         tal and Mobile App under the project “Education at
   State Health Department.                             •  Number of passengers commuted 1,09,389                Doorstep”. The site was inaugurated by Hon’ble Chief
    Based on the District Containment Plan, a mobile         Relief Camp Entry Module was developed to keep      Minister of Chhattisgarh on April 6th, 2020 and be-
application was developed to keep records of 403        record of all workers who stayed in the relief camp      came an immediate success with more than two lakh
Quarantine centers and home isolated people within      established by Government and NGOs. Workers were         teacher registrations and 24.52 lakh student regis-
district.                                               categorized in two formats i. Workers Stayed in relief   trations. ‘Education at Doorstep’ is a comprehensive

Online donations for Chief
                                                        camps (Format-A) and ii. Workers stayed in Camps         academic cycle management system which includes
                                                        organized by factory owners and by contractors (For-     text book delivery, lecture videos for each chapter,
Minister’s relief fund                                  mat-B). The Call Center Helpline Module was devel-       online classes, assignments for each student, stu-
    To accept the online payment through various        oped to collect problems and complaints of workers       dent homework management and student doubt
                                                        related to food and shelter etc.                         clearance.

                                CORONA Guidelines web page                                                       COVID-19 Monitoring System web page

                                                                                                                             January 2021   17
From the States

IGKV’s Student App                                           tisgarh. It is highly beneficial for students, employ-
                                                             ees and farmers of Chhattisgarh. IGMIS MOBILE APP
e-KrishiPathshala                                            IGKV introduces the next generation experience to
     The App facilitates students of Indira Gandhi           enhance quality and effectiveness of education and
KrishiVishwavidyalay (IGKV), to carry out learning ac-       learning on favourite mobile/ tablet devices. It pro-
tivities online in the prevailing pandemic times. Fac-       vides access to student profile, registration card, fee
ulty members can upload study materials (in Hindi            receipts, result notifications and an employee corner.
& English), Assignments, video lectures, create exam-
ination question papers and fix exam schedule. They          Home Valuation Module for CGBSE
can also evaluate assignments, answers and record                Chhattisgarh Board of Secondary Education, Rai-
the marks for each student. They can also respond            pur (CGBSE) needed to evaluate the answer sheets
to student queries.                                          of High School and Higher Secondary School Exam-
     Students on the other hand can view the video           ination for academic year 2019-20. Due to COVID-19
lectures of their courses uploaded by the professors         pandemic NIC, Chhattisgarh has provided solution
of their college as well as other colleges affiliated to     to evaluate answer sheets by teachers from their                  Individual surveillance and tracking,
IGKV. They can download assignments, appear for ex-          homes. For this, teachers were provided login-id so           of home quarantined individuals during
ams online at specified time and upload the answer           they can enter required details for Home Valuation.           the COVID-19 crisis, in as non-obtrusive
papers. They can post their queries regarding any            Valuation officer could maintain the stock of answer          a manner possible, while maintaining the
topic pertaining to their registered courses and get         books categorized on subject and class. Detailed              integrity of daily home-visits by a health
the responses of the concerned professors. Mock test         instructions and OTP based profile features are pro-          worker is a good and effective practice ini-
facility has also been provided to enable students           vided on the portal. The valuation module facilitated         tiative by District Mahasamund with the
prepare for the examinations.                                the department with ease of use and safe to work              help of NIC District Centre in Chhattisgarh.
                                                             pattern.Comprehensive dashboard is provided to all
E-Counselling module                                         29 valuation offices/ districts and Head Office.
    The system aims at streamlining the admission            •  Total teachers registered        7492
process during Covid-19 period in all phases of coun-        •  Total answer sheets evaluated 3377328                            KARTIKEYA GOEL, IAS 
                                                                                                                                Collector & District Magistrate
seling and Post counseling of IGKV while providing
100% transparency in the entire process. Seat allo-          Monthly Assignment Module                                                  Mahasamund
cation is done as per the merit, reservation policies            CGBSE has started online streaming of classes
and choices exercised by the candidates in IGKV. For         for students of 10th and 12th Class. NIC Chhattis-
UG, PG & PhD, the candidates have to apply online            garh has developed monthly assignment module
for counseling and deposit the fees through SBI pay-         for students based on which teachers can evaluate
ment gateway to finally seek their admission as per          student’s progress. This web-based system provides
                                                                                                                       tion, Visa Extension, Exit Permit and other services
the rules.                                                   a comprehensive solution to manage and enhance
                                                                                                                       continued without any hindrance during COVID-19
                                                             the assignment and marks entry of every subject in
Integrated Management                                        every month.
                                                                                                                       lockdown period. Online service certificates were

                                                                                                                       rendered to applicants through email. IVFRT system
Information System (igmis )                                     Total students marked for assignment 8,28,992
                                                                                                                       helped in Inter-country movement of stranded for-
                                                                Total assignments submitted
(https://igkvmis.Cg.Nic.In)                                                                                            eigners.
                                                                   • Sep 20         4357654 (94%)
                                                                                                                       Inter-operable Criminal Justice
     IGMIS was conceived as a framework incorporat-                • Oct 20         3989252 (86%)
ing fully digitized solutions for all activities of Indira
Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalya (IGKV), Raipur. It is a         Immigration Visa and Foreigners                           System (ICJS)
web-enabled, role and work-flow based ERP solution
for IGKV to accomplish activities like counselling, ed-
                                                             Registration & Tracking System                                ICJS portal was accessible to all the police sta-
                                                                                                                       tions of state during lockdown period for dynamic
ucation, examination, research, extension, establish-        (IVFRT)                                                   searching and integrated view of ICJS pillars data-
ment, finance, web portal etc. This integrated system            Online C-Form module of the system was uti-           base. e-Forensics Application under ICJS project was
enables e-Governance in 31 Colleges, 8 Research Sta-         lized for generating details of foreigners staying in     in continuous use in Forensic Science Laboratories
tion, 20 KVK situated in most remote places of Chhat-        different Hotels, Guest Houses etc. Online Registra-      for registration and monitoring of the cases.

                                Padhaayi Tunhar Duaar web page                                                         Video Conferencing meetings Report

18         January 2021
From the States

                                  ISFMS Services                                                                      Components of Excise

Video Conferencing Services                                    All India Institute of Medical Science (AIIMS) : NKN
                                                            connectivity made the social distancing possible.
                                                                                                                      tiative of Chhattisgarh State Excise leveraging state-
                                                                                                                      of-the-art modern technology to provide end-to-end
    Chhattisgarh is in the 4thposition among top 10
                                                            Covid-19 portal of AIIMS, Raipur was extensively used.    solution in workflow based manner. It comprises of
states in average Studio utilization during Covid-19.
                                                                                                                      Automated Supply Chain Management for excisable
NIC CG provided extensive Videoconferencing facility
support from 28 districts and 22 studios of Govt. of-
                                                            eKosh                                                     goods, Tracking duty evasion by generating a 360 de-
                                                                Integrated State financial management system          gree profile of the Excise Licensees, Issue Permits &
fices at Raipur which includes Raj Bhawan, CM office,
                                                            (ISFMS) is an IT-based budgeting and accounting           Passes for movement of excisable goods, Pendency
Mantralay etc.VC of Hon’ble CM with Hon’ble Prime
                                                            system that manages spending, payment process-            checker for tracking process pendency at all hierar-
Minister and Hon’ble Governor with Hon’ble Presi-
                                                            ing, budgeting and reporting for governments and          chical levels.
dent were organised regularly during COVID-19.
                                                            other entities. Components include computerization
•  Total number of studio based VC during lockdown
                                                            of Treasuries, eBudget, KarmikSampda, ePayroll, eP-       ERP Solution for C.G. Text Book
                                                                                                                      Corporation, Raipur
                                                            ension, ebill, vendor Payment System, Pension and
•  Total Studio participated       71
                                                            Cyber Treasury.
•  Desktop VC		 600                                                                                                       Intelligent & Integrated Book Printing & Distri-
•  Number of Sites participated 13609                       Seamless operations of                                    bution Process Management System has been im-
•                                                                                                                     plemented covering Online Tender Management
                                                            Treasuries during Covid-19
   Total Site hours		              19267
                                                                                                                      with respect to paper suppler/Paper Mill, Printer,
NKN Connectivity                                            period                                                    Transporter, and Paper Depot, Book Depot Manage-
    NKN Connectivity at Universities/Institutes                                                                       ment. Printers Window facilitates tender login, paper
                                                                 NIC CG provided the facility to Treasury Officials
played a vital role during Covid-19. Also keeping the                                                                 Demand generation, Challan generation for dispatch
                                                            for work from home using OTP-Based authentication
network up was a big challenge for NIC as most of                                                                     of book as provided by distribution section. Book-
                                                            in cyber treasury application. DDOs prepared the
the officials were working from home. 24/7 roster                                                                     seller can register and buy books online. Automatic
                                                            bills and sent the scanned copy to Treasury. The new
was prepared to monitor the links for smooth con-                                                                     discount is applied depending on the order quantity.
                                                            option of voluntary contribution was enabled in the
nectivity.                                                                                                            Keeping Covid-19 situation in view, eBook (Online
                                                            e-payroll module and a provision was made to de-
    Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya (IGKV) : Sci-                                                                Flip book) facility has been developed which requires
                                                            posit the said amount in the CM Relief Fund under
entists of University using NKN connectivity could                                                                    less bandwidth to load the book page by page for
                                                            the Cyber Treasury. Budget was uploaded for the new
prepare more than 100 research papers and submit-                                                                     reading by the school students.
                                                            financial year and the budget distribution module
ted for publications.                                       was opened for budget controlling officers.               Beneficiaries of the solution
    Indra Kala Sangeet Vishwavidyalaya, Khairagarh :                                                                  •   5161958 Students
Most of the foreign students were stuck in the hostel       Excise                                                    •   4720 State Govt. High Schools
s during lockdown and they regularly used NKN link.             e-Excise is a strategic administrative reform ini-    •   2662 -Cluster of Schools

                             ERP Solution for C.G. Text Book Corporation                                              Key features of Single Window System

                                                                                                                                                 Continued on Page 33

                                                                                                                                  January 2021 19
District Informatics

Changlang District
The ICT initiatives in The Land of Bio-diversity

                                                          he Changlang District, which is one of the
                                                          eastern most districts of India, located in the
During Covid-19 pandemic period                           south-eastern corner of Arunachal Pradesh,
                                                     having international boundary with Myanmar (Bur-
ICT services of the National                         ma) in the east and the south. It has an area of 4,662
                                                     sq. Km and a population of 1, 48,226 persons as per
Informatics Centre Changlang                         2011 Census. Changlang District was created as the
                                                     10th District of the Arunachal Pradesh on 14 Novem-
District Centre became all the                       ber 1987 by carving out part of Tirap District.
more important. The District                         NIC District Centre, Changlang
Centre in collaboration with                              With its inception in July 1989 NIC Changlang
                                                     district Centre started its journey with just one NIC
the State Centre implemented                         officer and a single 386 machine with a handful of
                                                     terminals. However, the modest resources did not                    Changlang NIC Website has become a
various services, which facilitated                  come in its way towards providing ICT support to the            single window platform for accessing var-
                                                     district administration and in implementation of ICT            ious citizen services, certificate applica-
emergency movement of people                         based citizen services and government schemes in                tions, Tender notices, Beneficiary details
                                                     the district. Being one of the remotest districts of the        of Government schemes and tourism re-
and goods. Support was also                                                                                          lated information & services.
                                                     country with no other ISPs, in the early years NICNET
provided to help the District                        played a pivotal role in providing Internet services to             24x7 IVR helpline for public grievanc-
                                                     district administration and other departments in the            es, e-passes and online portal for goods
Administration in enabling large-                    district. At present it is one of the most active Dis-          delivery during Covid-19 pandemic have
                                                     trict Centers in the State in terms of providing NICNET         catalysed online delivery of citizen ser-
scale Testing and Contact Tracing.                   Connectivity and comprehensive e-Government Ser-                vices.
                                                     vices to the citizen.                                               This has brought transparency in work-
                                                                                                                     ing of local administration and ushered in
                                                     Major ICT Initiatives in the                                    digital governance.
                                                          In addition to its usual Video Conferencing ser-
                                                     vice and NICNET service, which interconnect vari-
                                                     ous departments of the District Administration, NIC
                                                                                                                          Dr. DEVANSH YADAV, IAS 
                                                     Changlang also provides a bouquet of e-Government
                                                                                                                              Deputy Commissioner
                                                                                                                       Changlang District, Arunachal Pradesh
                                                     services for benefit of the people of the district. Most
                                                     important among them are:
                                                          Schedule Tribe certificate, Income certificate, De-
                                                     pendent certificate, Permanent and Temporary Resi-         •   A web portal was also launched for online deliv-
                                                     dent certificates, Character certificate, Birth & Death        ery of essential goods from local shops to citizens
                                                     certificate, Marriage certificates, Government ID Card,        during COVID-19 early lockdown time.
                                                     Inner Line Permit, Vehicle Registration Certificate,
                                                     Driving Licences, Aadhaar services, Arms Licence, etc.     •   Aarogya Setu Dashboard and App were used for
                                                          During Covid-19 pandemic period ICT services of           contact tracing information.
                                                     the District Centre, become all the more important.        •   Constant coordination and support to Medical
                                                     District Centre in collaboration with the State Cen-           officers in uses of Web portal and mobile App for
                                                     tre implemented various services, which facilitated            transferring Rapid Antibody Test and RT-PCR data
                                                     emergency movement of people and goods. Support                to ICMR portal for probable +ve/-ve cases, through
                        Radhe Hinda                  was also provided by the District Centre to help the           Medical officer’s mobile phones.
                        Technical Director & DIO     District Administration in enabling large-scale Test-
                         ing and Contact Tracing. Some of the important ser-        •   Constant coordination and support to Medical
                                                     vices provided during this period are -                        officers in monitoring, addition and updating of
                                                     •  E-Pass application for essential Services imple-            COVID-19 dedicated facilities, updating of positive
                                                        mented, for Vehicle Pass, Medical emergency Pass            cases, etc.
                                                        and other entry Passes during COVID-19 lockdown
                        KESHAV SINGH
                                                                                                                District Website
                        STA & ADIO                   •   Mobile app for inviting orders and essential items         A major initiative of the NIC District Centre is
                     delivery service during COVID-19 lockdown.             the District Website developed on S3WaaS Platform.

20       January 2021
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