Page created by Brian Acosta
Volume 14 • No. 2 • April-June 2020

    BUDGET FOR 2020/21' WITH

       06 Covid-19’s effect on poverty and policy response in Bangladesh
            Professor Selim Raihan, PhD

       09 AmCham calls for more allocation for ailing health sector and
            urges not to borrow from banking system

       13 Climate Change Disaster Management and Bangladesh
            Muhammad Abdul Mazid, PhD

      18 Covid-19: Bangladesh and NRBs in an unusual situation
            M S Shekil Chowdhury

      23 COVID-19 hit Readymade Garment Sector of Bangladesh
            and the Bangladesh Economy: Surviving the Odds
            Nazneen Ahmed, Ph.D.

       27 Facets  of the Covid-19 pandemic
          Forrest Cookson, PhD

       34 Scenarios and business impact of Covid-19

       41 CSR: AmCham Initiatives on COVID-19

       44 Miller urges AmCham members to show leadership
            in handling Covid-19 pandemic

       47 Regulatory   monitoring must for curbing food adulteration
          Syed Ershad Ahmed

       50 AmCham In Action

               Volume 14 • No. 2 • April-June 2020

    BUDGET FOR 2020/21' WITH
                                                     We express our gratitude to The Business Standard, we
                                                     have used a few infographics of it in a couple of articles
                                                     as reference.
Syed Ershad Ahmed
President                                Vice President

Country Manager &
Managing Director
Expeditors (Bangladesh) Ltd.

                       N. Rajashekaran                       Syed Hammadul Karim   Mirza Shajib Raihan
                       Member                                Member                Member

                       Managing Director & Citi Country      General Manager       Business Manager-Bangladesh
                       Officer, Bangladesh, Citibank, N.A.   MetLife Bangladesh    Becton Dickinson India Pvt. Ltd

                                        Serajul Islam Quadir
                                          Executive Editor
The covid-19 pandemic has been infecting hundreds of           inter economic relations among
thousands people across the world and has been raising         the developed and developing
human costs as well. The measures that are needed to           economies. One segment of the
protect human safety are severely impacting economic           developed economy helps the
performances and day to day activity. It means that it will    counterpart of the developing
have a deep impact on the performance of economic              economies and vice-versa.
growth across the world and will shrink expansion of
economic achievements at least by 3 percent in the year        The crisis highlights the need
as projected by the International Monetary Fund (IMF).         for urgent action to cushion
Obviously it will be much worse than the previous two years    the pandemic’s health and
– even less than the immediate past decade. The financial      economic consequences, protect
crisis will be beyond imaginable. If the situation gradually   valuable populations, and set
improves, which is highly uncertain – then the economic        the stage for a lasting recovery.
growth might be somewhere around 6 percent after being
helped by political support and government measures.           Due to lockdown for an
                                                               indefinite period the economic
The pandemic has been spreading at an alarming speed           activities have almost been
and millions of people throughout the world are already        halted and its impact will be
victims of the deadly coronavirus that has pushed the          unbearable which may put a
economic activities across the countries including all the     deep stain on the health of the
developing economies to almost a standstill. The countries     country’s flourishing economy.
have been imposing tight restrictions on the movement of       The crisis has been crippling
people and transports to stop the spread of the infection.     almost every aspect and
The death toll has been rising every day and there is no       segment of the economy. The
sign of relief, and the world is unfortunately waiting for a   situation is similar irrespective
second wave in places where the number of infections has       of nations – developed or
been gradually diminishing like China, Italy and some other    developing economies. The
European and Asian countries. So, the economic damage is       scenario of Bangladesh is
already evident and represents the largest economic shock      not different. Oil producing
the world has experienced in recent times. On a longer         countries have already started
horizon, the deep recessions triggered by the pandemic are     to feel the pain due to the sharp
expected to leave lasting scars through lower investments,     nose dive of oil prices across
an erosion of human capital through lost work and              the globe. The Bangladeshi
schooling, and fragmentations of global trade and supply       expatriates, who continue to
linkage.                                                       send home money from these
                                                               countries and support the
The pandemic will push most of the countries into deep         foreign exchange reserves with
recession in 2020, per capita income contracting in the        strong foundations and have
longest fraction of countries globally since 1870. Advanced    been considered as one of the
economies are projected to shrink 7 percent and it will        back bones of the economy, are
have a large impact on emerging markets and developing         now becoming the direct victims.
economies. The economic growth is highly dependent on          They are now being considered

and treated as the burden of the          earlier tabled by Finance Minister         the picture that the success largely
family as well for the society around     AHM Mustafa Kamal with an amount           depends on the speed of recovery
them. A similar picture has been          of 568,000 crore taka, the biggest in      from deadly contagious virus.
observed in the export sector.            Bangladesh’s history while he made         With this aim the American Chamber
                                          arduous efforts to please all sections     of Commerce in Bangladesh
International Financial institutions      of the country. Despite an uncertain       (AmCham) has organised a virtual
like the World Bank, International        and bleak future in terms of recovery      panel discussion titled ‘Budget
Monetary Fund or Asian                    of the global economy the budget           for winning back the economy”
Development Bank delivered a              aims to achieve 8.2 percent                on June 17, 2020, moderated by
commiserate forecast regarding the        economic growth (GDP). The budget          Syed Ersha Ahmed, the President of
economic growth of the fiscal year        has allocated a total of 29,247            Amcham. (For more details, please
of 2019-2020. According to their          crore taka for overhauling the health      visit: https://amchambd.org)
estimates the economy might grow          sector, as the sector which has been
less than 3.0 percent. We cannot          thrashed by the Covid-19 pandemic.         AmCham believes that the
ignore this prediction if we consider     The government has taken up a              government is sincere to return back
the full picture in and around our        comprehensive plan with strategies         the economy to be propelled for the
country. If the covid-19 continues        discouraging luxury expenditures and       interest of downtrodden people. It’s
to last long and if it spreads in a       prioritizing government spending           imperative to follow-up on the above
wide scale like the present wave,         that creates jobs. The budget hiked        mentioned discussion and make
then obviously the economy will be        excise duty on bank accounts with          assertive moves right away, to control
shattered. The day labourers are          significant balances in an attempt         the pandemic wreaking havoc on the
the worst sufferers and victims of the    to increase revenue collection.            socio-economic landscape, business,
situation.                                Agriculture sector, the hero of            mindsets and lives of Bangladesh.
                                          Bangladesh during this crisis, is the      We, the people of Bangladesh
The lives and livelihoods of these        second highest priority in the budget.     require socio-economic recovery
people now need active support            The Finance Minister aimed that the        from this crisis by standing together
from the government and policy            National Board of Revenue (NBR)            in unity.
makers. According to the Bangladesh       would collect 330,000 crore taka
Bureau of Statistics (BBS) around         that is also another unrealistic target.   Immediate steps are required to be
34 million or 20.5 percent of the         Along with the economists we feel          asserted synchronously from both the
total population of Bangladesh            that the targets of GDP growth and         public and private sector before the
have been living below the poverty        revenue collection are highly needed       clock stops ticking. For instance, if
line. An analysis by Dhaka-based          to revise downward and policy              the government of Bangladesh (GoB)
South Asian Network on Economic           makers need to be realistic.               can revisit the budget of 2020-2021
Modeling (SANEM) shows that this          Leading economists across the world        and make necessary re-allocations
number might rise by 36 million if        feel that during this extraordinary        and re-direct funds from the
the income level for the poverty line     period GDP growth matters a little,        government’s treasury to which, the
is raised by 1.25 percent. A good         though they do not ignore the              main contributors are the business
thing is that against this scenario the   significance of economic growth.           community of the nation, then it
Bangladesh government has already         At the moment people are more              would prove to be much beneficial to
announced financial incentives and        concerned about the risk of their          entire county and the nation at large.
packages for handling the situation       daily lives as well livelihoods.
and has been implementing different       Economic destruction and damaging          Internal funds (from budget
social safety net programmes. But         economic efficiency have been              surplus) could be kept aside and
the main challenge is to reach the        greatly affecting jobs and income          disbursed using good governance
fruit to the targeted people without      losses of millions of people across        and transparent tracking of funds
any form of malpractices. So it is the    the walks of life. This is the reality     and accountability to mobilize
holy responsibility of the government     and our policy makers should not           resources and provide subsidies
machinery mainly branches of grass        contend with this. A consensus             with special provisions/legislations
root level government, known as           is there on the horizon that the           by the GoB to open a ‘Job Keeper
local government, to ensure the           recession will be deeper and recovery      Benefits’ scheme applicable to both
implementation of these noble plans.      will be slower than the projection.        the employers and the employees.
                                          The blunder reopening the economy          This could be implemented by the
                                          gradually is clearing the picture          Bangladesh Bank (BB) and NBR
Budget for the fiscal year                that the success largely depends on        through their authorized tax and
2020-2021                                 the speed of recovery from deadly          bookkeeping agents to support large
                                          contagious virus.                          corporations, Small and Medium
Against the context of deep                                                          scale Enterprises (SME’s) for at
crisis arises from the pandemic           A consensus is there on the horizon        least the top 10 to 15 sectors of
both at home and abroad the               that the recession will be deeper          Bangladesh identified by Bangladesh
national parliament has approved          and recovery will be slower than the       Investment Development Authority
Bangladesh’s budget for the fiscal        projection. The blunder reopening          (BIDA) and the other chambers of
year of 2020/21 that has been             the economy gradually is clearing

commerce and industries, which           principal and interest repayments on         Ekushey Padak by the government
have the potential and demonstrated      all loans attached to any business for       for immense contribution in science
financial willingness and capabilities   at least a period of six months, while       and technology, Mohammad Nasim,
to contribute positively towards the     the interest will be capitalized (that is,   one of the top leaders of ruling
GDP of our country.                      extended) and paid off over the life         Awami League and former Health
                                         of the loan. This type of businesses         and Family Welfare Minister, also a
Similar types of schemes/temporary       to be all-inclusive, ranging from the        valiant freedom fighter and proud
reliefs could be applied to creating     big businesses to SME’s to any type          son of one of four National leaders
‘Unemployment Benefits’, ‘Urban          of commercial and non-commercial             Muhammad Mansur Ali, Sheikh
and Rural Socio-Economic Benefits’,      businesses (including not-for-profits        Mohammad Abdullah, State Minister
‘Healthcare Benefits’ and much more      and landlords). This will keep people        for Religious Affairs, and a freedom
involving both the public and private    from being evicted and struggling to         fighter and senior leader of ruling
sector key role players playing active   pay rents and utility bills.                 Awami League, Major General
roles.                                                                                (Rtd.) Anwarul Kabir Talukder, former
                                         If we do not step up our game now,           State Minister for Power, Energy
BB and NBR together can grant a          we will not survive let alone come           and Mineral Resources during
6-month (extendable depending on         up on top of this crisis because this        BNP regime, M Abdul Monem,
the covid situation) offer deferral      situation is much graver than the            a prominent industrialist and the
on loan repayments on mortgage,          Great Depression of the 1930s.               founder of conglomerate Abdul
personal credit products, defer                                                       Monem Ltd, Latifur Rahman, one
                                         It is very sad that during this              of the most leading industrialists
                                         period we lost a number of noted             and Chairman of Transcom Group,
                                         personalities, who were the assets for       Nazmul Karim Chowdhury, the Vice
                                         the nation like Emeritus Professor and       Chancellor of Fareast University,
                                         leading academician Anisuzzaman,             Dr. Saadat Hussain, former Cabinet
                                         National Professor Jamilur Reza              Secretary and ex-Chairman of Public
                                         Choudhurry, who was awarded                  Service Commission, Allah Malik
                                                                                      Kazemi, Change Management
                                                                                      Adviser and former Deputy Governor
                                                                                      of the Bangladesh Bank, and
                                                                                      Niloufer Manzur, founder and
                                                                                      Principal of Sunbeams School,
                                                                                      one of the most prestigious English
                                                                                      medium schools. She will be ever
                                                                                      remembered amid the heart of
                                                                                      hundreds of students both at home
                                                                                      and abroad as an ideal pioneer,
                                                                                      guardian and leading academician.
                                                                                      The covod-19 also snatched away
                                                                                      the most valuable lives of frontline
                                                                                      fighters like doctors, nurses,
                                                                                      members of the armed forces, police
                                                                                      and journalists. This is really an
                                                                                      irreparable loss for the whole nation
                                                                                      which we will never be recouped.

                                                                                      We are also grateful to our esteemed
                                                                                      writers who have been continuously
                                                                                      supporting us by contributing
                                                                                      their well thoughts through their
                                                                                      most valuable pens. Similarly
                                                                                      we acknowledge the importance
                                                                                      of the AmCham members and
                                                                                      other business houses that have
                                                                                      been supporting us by providing
                                                                                      advertisements. We believe that
                                                                                      the readers will find interesting and
                                                                                      informative reading this Journal.

Covid-19’s effect on
poverty and policy
response in Bangladesh
     Professor Selim Raihan, PhD

                                                     of the impact of            probably this is the best method
                                                     Covid-19 on poverty         to understand the poverty impact.
                                                     in Bangladesh involve       However, it is very difficult to conduct
                                                     both the supply-side        any nationally representative
                                                     and demand-side             household survey under the current
                                                     shocks. The supply-         situation. Therefore, so far what
                                                     side shock emanates         we have seen concerning some
                                                     from the shutdown of        primary surveys in Bangladesh,
                                                     economic activities,        using mobile phones, has not been
                                                     whereas the demand-         nationally representative. Also,
                                                     side shock comes from       another challenge is that questions
                                                     falling exports and         in these phone-based surveys are
                                                     remittances.                related to what is happening on
                                                                                 income, whereas the convention of
                                                       In the labour market,     estimating poverty in Bangladesh is
                                                      we fear a large scale      to use the household expenditure
                                                      job loss. As more than     data as a better proxy indicator of
                                                      85% of our labour          understanding households’ economic
                                                      force is in the informal   status. The income data is also not
                                                      sector, this job loss      very reliable for poverty estimation,
                                                      will have important        as, in normal time, people tend to
                                                      implications for the       understate their income, and in the
Bangladesh’s success in poverty        persistence of the aggravated             crisis time, people tend to overstate
reduction over the last two decades    poverty situation in the future. Also,    their income losses.
is noteworthy. From as high as 48.9%   households, highly dependent on
in 2000, the poverty rate, using the   external remittances, are facing          From South Asian Network on
national upper poverty line income,    a new challenge because of the            Economic Modeling (SANEM), we
came down to around 24.3% in           sudden fall in remittance income.         did some model simulations using
2016 (as per the Household Income      Compared to the non-remittance            the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics’
and Expenditure Survey of 2016) and    recipient households, the remittance-     nationally representative Household
further to 20.5% in 2019 (as per the   dependent households appeared to          Income and Expenditure Survey
projected estimate by the Bangladesh   be more vulnerable to cope up with        data of around 46,000 households
Bureau of Statistics).                 the current crisis.                       conducted in 2016 by considering
                                                                                 the above-mentioned supply and
The current health and economic        How do we understand the poverty          demand-side shocks. It appears that
crisis brought by Covid-19 is feared   impacts of Covid-19 in Bangladesh?        a 25% negative shock on households’
to have a devastating impact on        There can be two ways. First, through     expenditure leads to a rise in the
the poverty status of the country.     a country-wide primary survey of          poverty rate in Bangladesh from
The transmission mechanisms            representative households, and            20.5% in 2019 to around 41% now.

This aforementioned rise in the           which has been announced for              to energise the private sector
poverty rate has three important          the readymade garments, the               investment, revive economic activities
implications. First, the success          agricultural sector, and other affected   and get the economy back on the
of reduction in poverty over the          sectors. A large part of the stimulus     high growth path. This will also help
past one and a half-decade in             package is credit-based, through the      to reduce the magnitude of job losses
Bangladesh is under threat now. In        banking system and at the subsidized      and assist people to escape from the
2005, the poverty rate in Bangladesh      interest rate. Effective implementation   poverty trap. One important concern
was around 40% and now in 2020,           of the stimulus package is important      here is that the stimulus package is
because of this crisis, the poverty
rate goes up to 41%. If the crisis
continues, the poverty rate will
increase further. Second, a large
new set of poor people, who were
vulnerable non-poor before the
crisis, are now added to this poor
population. Third, there is a high risk
that a large part of this new poor
will fall into long term poverty, and
the aggravated poverty situation will
persist for some considerable time in
the future.

Given the aforementioned scenario,
what have been the policy responses
so far from the government? There
have been three types of responses.
The first one is the stimulus package

placing additional pressure on the       protection programmes is also a           visible planning, economic activities
banking sector, which is already very    challenge. The country’s tax-GDP          have been opened up since May 31,
vulnerable because of high non-          ratio is less than 9% - one of the        which can significantly increase the
performing loans, mismanagement,         lowest in the world, and in this fiscal   level of health risks, and ultimately
and weak institutions.                   year, this may be as low as around        lead to a large-scale shutdown
                                         8%.                                       of economic activities again. This
The second policy response has                                                     decision, therefore, needs urgent
been related to expanding social          The third response is related to the     reassessment. The victims of such a
protection coverage through food         opening up of the economy from the        policy of attaining the so-called ‘herd
distribution and cash transfer.          lockdown situation as the choice of       immunity’ would mostly be poor
However, there is a huge political-      starting economic activities is now       people.
economy issue of management              preferred to the choice of health
of this expansion of the social          safety for people amid the rapidly        Finally, the lesson we learn from
protection programmes, given the         growing infection number and              the current crisis is that though the
fact that the country spends very low    number of deaths from Covid-19.           country experienced significant
on social protection as a percentage     To begin with, the way the lockdown       achievement in poverty reduction
of gross domestic product (GDP)          was imposed in Bangladesh was             over the past decades, success
- one of the lowest in the world.        wrong. It was declared as a public        remained to be very fragile to
Also, there are huge loopholes in        holiday, which gave a completely          external and internal shocks.
social protection programmes in the      wrong message to the people. Given        Therefore, the ongoing crisis can
forms of leakage, corruption, wrong      the poor public health system in          give us an opportunity to rethink our
targeting and mismanagement.             Bangladesh - as the country spends        development and poverty reduction
During the crisis time, these problems   less than 1% of GDP as public             strategies.
also get worse. Therefore, there is      health expenditure—it has been
a need for strong effort, especially     a very difficult task to handle this      ......................................................
for making the social protection         health crisis from the very beginning.    Dr. Selim Raihan is a Professor
programmes effective, in terms of        Therefore, it is necessary to open        of the Department of Economics,
identifying the poor and vulnerable      up economic activities through            University of Dhaka, Bangladesh,
population, and ensuring that the        proper planning and by phases,            and the Executive Director of the
support actually reaches the poor        considering the health risks and          South Asian Network on Economic
people. The financing of the stimulus    following the health rules. However,      Modelling (SANEM). Email: selim.
package and the expansion of social      unfortunately, without any such           raihan@gmail.com

AmCham calls for
more allocation for
ailing health sector
and urges not to
borrow from banking
                                                              rise further                               the AmCham
 ·   Needs further allocations for
                                                              if and when                                admitted that it
     health sector
                                                              necessary                                  would be a big
 ·   Impose more tax on                                       considering                                challenge for
     undisclosed money                                        the present                                the government
                                                              crisis due to                              to attain the
 ·   Heavy borrowing plan from                                pandemic in                                budget goals.
     banks will harm private                                  the country
                                          Planning Minister                      AB Mirza Azizul Islam
     sector                                                   along with                                 AB Mirza
                                            M.A. Mannan
                                                            other parts of the   Azizul Islam, a former Finance and
 ·   Targets for GDP growth                                                      Planning Adviser to the caretaker
     and revenue collection                                                      government said that the target to
     unrealistic                        “The health sector has already           achieve GDP growth to 8.2 percent
 ·   Customs Act 1969 needs             received highest priority to safe life   is not realistic and achievable.
     amendment                          and also to maintain eco-nomic
                                        activity alongside human life,”          He said that similarly the target
 ·   More focus needs on railway        Mannan said.                             to achieve revenue growth is also
     and waterway development                                                    unrealistic and the deficit would
                                        The minister was responding to           be much higher, adding that the
 ·   Reduce corruption and              a question raised by Syed Ershad         government will have to borrow
     bureaucracy to attract FDI         Ahmed, the President of American         from the banking sec-tor to meet
                                        Chamber of Commerce in                   the deficit, meaning it would harm
Planning Minister M.A. Mannan said      Bangladesh (AmCham) on 17th June         landing to the private sector.
that despite increased allocation       to discuss on the na-tional budget.
for the health sector in the national                                            “Much of the targets were set with
budget for the fiscal year of           Mannan, who was the chief guest          expectations that the pandemic
2020/2021 the allocation might          of the virtual meeting organized by      would not last long, remit-tances and

exports would rebound,” the minister      economy. However, the proposed            He recommended that the rate
said in response to former Finance        budget shall be highly challenging in     should be higher than that of 10
Adviser.                                  the current pandemic and we would         percent otherwise it might dis-
                                          like to highlight few of our concerns.    courage the regular taxpayers of the
“Health is the backbone of the            He said that the epidemic has thrown      country.
economy and for covid-19 it has           the inadequacies of Bangladesh’s
come to the forefront. Prime minister     health sector into sharp contrast.        The AmCham also expressed its
has already said that it would get the    As expected, the Finance Minister         dissatisfaction with the plan to
highest priority to save invaluable       proposed an allocation of Tk29,247        borrow from the banking system to
life,” minister added.                                           crore for the      finance the budget deficit.
                                                                 health ser-vices
He informed the audience that the                                and health         He said that AmCham believes
government approached the World                                  education          private sector credit growth will
Bank, International Monetary Fund                                sector, up by      be hampered if the government
and the Asian Development Bank                                   23.44 percent      borrowed the total amount from the
to finance as the budget support                                 from last          banks worsening the existing liquidity
to assist the projects as the health                             year’s revised     crisis.
related projects are number one              Ahsan-H-Mansur
project.                                  still much below our expectation          “We urge the central bank to devolve
                                          considering the current situation.        a major portion of the borrowed
“She (Prime Minister) said that you                                                 amount on its own accounts, which
can go with a blank cheque, so go         “We’re yet to learn more about the        would also help boost money supply
ahead, if you come forward with           specific guideline on the ‘mega           in the market,” AmCham president
any health related project we will        plan’ for the sector, which includes a    said.
approve it.”                              medium-term 3-year plan and a 10-
                                          year long-term plan addressing the        Echoing to AmCham President
But the minister said that the            severe short-comings exposed by the       remarks on borrowing from the bank
                       government         crisis,” Ershad said.                     AB Mirza Azizul Is-lam said that if the
                       can allocate                                                 government borrows heavily from
                       huge funds for     The AmCham President stressed             the banking sector, it will affect credit
                       the sector but     on the communication and                  flow and investment in the private
                       the prob-lem       transportation sector as it is one of                            sector. The
                       is capability to   the most important infrastructural                               government
                       utilize it.        elements to boost the trade and                                  plans to borrow
                                          investment alone.                                                85,000 crore
Syed Ershad Ahmed,
                     “We can buy                                                                           taka from
                     computers,           “Apart from the road and                                         banks in order
equipment, medicines, can build           airways, if we focus more on                                     to meet the
buildings, more laboratories, but we      developing waterways and railways                                deficit in the
cannot build a doctor over a night.”      communication it would also help             Hossain Bhuiyan     proposed
                                          the common people to reduce                                      budget for
At the beginning Syed Ershad              the cost of transportation for both       fiscal year of 2020-21.
Ahmed, the President of the               goods and passengers ensuring a
AmCham who moderated the dis-             smooth supply chain in a country          “Over-borrowing will hamper funding
cussion said in his opening remarks       like Bangladesh,” the AmCham chief        for private investors, who are going
that the novel covid-19 has been          said.                                     through a tough time due to the
casting a shadow around the world,                                                  coronavirus pandemic,” Islam said.
while the massive loss of human life      He also proposed to discourage the
has been a tragic consequence of          move to legalize the undisclosed          He said that considering the
the corona-virus pandemic, the effect     wealth or money by paying a 10            situation, the government should
on global and national economies          percent tax which he termed as            reduce unnecessary spending on
cannot be understated. In the pro-        “unethical”.                              sectors like foreign travel and focus
posed national budget for the next                                                  more on farm mechanisation,
fiscal year the government has taken      “However, the opportunity to              implementing social safety net
certain measures in support for           stimulate the capital market,             programmes and rural development.
protecting critical domestic industries   industrial investment or any produc-
and for attracting more investment        tive sector to generate employment        “Besides, drastic and tough measures
even in the crisis to win back the        may be acceptable.”                       are needed to curb wide spread

corruption while improvements to                    the upcoming fiscal year is an               construction and maintenance of
the country’s ease of doing business                unrealistic dream, Mansur said that          roads and highways are always
ranking, bureaucratic efficiency,                   the government’s target to achieve           prioritised even though waterways
and rule of law are also crucial for                                     a 55 percent            and railways have high potentials.
attracting both domestic and foreign                                     increase
direct investment,” Islam also a noted                                   in revenue              “If corruption in the railway sector
economist said.                                                          collection              was curbed, it would benefit
                                                                         might not be            passengers the most. Similarly, if the
“The Anti-Corruption Commission                                          met amid the            government sells the sand collected
should carry out their duties without                                    coronavirus             from riverbeds to traders, the cost to
fear or favour while the organisation                                    fallout.                dredge the river would be practically
                                                       Shams Mahmud
itself should be assessed to improve                                                             covered,” said the PRI executive
its efficiency,” he added.                          “The government must bring                   director.
                                                    substantial reforms to the tax
Ever since the two-month long                       administration to improve tax col-           In most cases, contractors leave the
lockdown that began on March 26,                    lection and remove corruption and            dredged sand on banks of the river
                     both domestic                  bureaucracy,” he added.                      from which it came. As a result, the
                     and foreign                                                                 material just seeps back into the
                     investment has                 “There are not many provisions for           water body, he added.
                     slowed down.                   poor people in the proposed budget
                                                    but the government will have to take                                Md Mosharraf
                      “To remedy the                some measures soon in order to feed                                 Hossain
                      situation, the                the nearly 50 lakh people who either                                Bhuiyan,
                      government                    lost their jobs or had their income                                 immediate past
    Aftab ul Islam    needs to                      slashed due to the pandemic,” the                                   chairman of
                      propose a                     PRI executive director said.                                        the National
realistic and pragmatic budget,” said                                                                                   Board of
Ahsan H Mansur, executive director        He said that most borrowers,                              Md Fazlul Hoque     Revenue, urged
                                                            especially micro,                                           the government
                                                            cottage, small                       to reconsider its decision to increase
                                                            and medium                           taxes on mobile phone services. He
  Total operating and development budget:                   enterprises, are                     noted that the automation of the
                                                            not receiving                        customs would ease the cost of doing
   TK568,000CRORE                          Education and
                                           technology       funds from the                       business.
             Health                                         government’s
            Others                         Education and
    Social security                        technology       Tk 20,000 crore                      “We expect that the new Customs
       and welfare                         Social security
                                           and welfare
                                                            stimulus package                     Act will be passed soon, hopefully in
                                           Defence          since the banks’                     the current session of the parliament
      Industry and  0.7
 economic service                          Transport and    prof-it margin is                    as everything is ready and it is now
       Public order
                                                            around 1 percent.                    being scrutinized by the parliament
        and safety                                    Interest
                                                                                                 standing committee on finance,”
                                                      Public administration  “With such a low    Bhuiyan said.
 Power and energy
                                                                             profit margin and
     Entertainment,                                   Subsidy and incentive
culture and religion 0.8                                                     high operation      The small and medium enterprises
                                                        Local government and
           Pension                                      rural development    costs, banks have   (SME) sector, which accounts for 25
                                                                             lost interest in                         percent of the
                                                                             disbursing funds                         coun-try’s GDP,
                                   14.6       11                             from the stimulus                        were affected
                           5.6                          10.8                                                          the most by
                 4.7                                                         package, which
                 4.5                                        6.7              was meant to                             the covid–19
                     4.9                                   6.6               help small-scale                         pandemic,
                           5                        6.5
                                 5.1      5.5 6.9                            firms survive                            according
  Figure in%                                                                 the covid-19                             to former
                                                                                                      Derrick Brown
                                                                             outbreak. The                            AmCham
of the Policy Research Institute (PRI).             profit margin should be around 3                                  President Aftab
                                                    percent at least,” Mansur said.              ul Islam.
Resounding Islam’s sentiment
that 8.2 percent GDP growth in                      He said that unfortunately, the              “We need to boost SMEs in order

to increase       In regards to bank borrowing,             USAID, U.S. Embassy, Dhaka, M. S.
                      the sector’s      Mannan said that the government           Siddiqui, Managing Director, Hydro
                      contribution      plans to borrow from the World Bank       Machines Ltd., Tapas Kumar Mondal,
                      to the national   and International Monetary Fund to        Managing Director, International
                      GDP to 40         meet the budget deficit. Besides, the     Beverages Private Limited, Md.
                      percent,” he      inflow of remittance is still good, the   Abul Kalam Azad, former Principal
  Abul Kalam Azad
                       The fact that
                                                            INFORMAL ECONOMY TAKES A BLOW
banks consider SMEs to be a risky
                                          Less than 10% restaurants                                     Public transports
investment should be changed as           have opened but their                                         getting one-third
the loan recovery rate from this          sales are low                                                       passengers

sector is higher than that of others,
added Islam. He lauded the govern-        Tea stalls have lost

ment for allocating 200 billion taka      80% customers
                                          due to the pandemic                                            Shopping malls
subsidized loan for the SME sector.                                                                       see one-fourth
                                                                                                             to one-third
“But the mentality of the banks and                                                                            customers
financial institutions needs to be        Footpath
changed for the disbursement of the       trades have
                                                                                                        Furniture, Clothing,
                                          come down
money as they treat SME as the risky                                                                          footwear and
sector for lending money.                 by   80%                                                        accessories sales
                                                                                                       down by 75-90%
In response to a question by the          Overall grocery
                                          demand fell by
AmCham President Planning                                                                                Cosmetic Stores
                                          25-40%                                                         See sales halved
Minister MA Mannan said that the
government has been working hard
to protect the job market through       agriculture sector is doing well and      Secretary to the Prime Minister,
numerous initiatives. Apart from the    a decent amount of foreign di-rect        Al-Mamun M Rashel, Country
stimulus packages, the government       investment can be expected to arrive      Manager & Managing Director
has already transferred 2,500 taka      as the government has taken steps to      NATco Packaging Bangladesh Ltd.,
each to 50 lakh ultra-poor families     encourage investors, Mannan added.        N. Rajashekaran, Managing Director
and now plans to feed a further 40                                                & Citi Country Officer-Bangladesh,
lakh families across the country.       The discussions were also attended        Citibank, N.A., Showkat Ali Sarkar,
                                        among others: Shams Mahmud,               Director DuPont Bangladesh, A.
“The target is to bring the poverty     President of the Dhaka Chamber            Gafur, former Executive Director,
rate, which currently stands at         of Commerce and Industry,                 American Chamber of Commerce in
35 percent due to the pandemic          Fazlul Hoque, former President,           Bangladesh and Syed Mohammad
outbreak, back down to 20 percent,”     Bangladesh Employers Federation,          Kamal, Country Manager,
Mannan said.                            Derrick Brown, Mission Director,          MasterCard.

Climate Change
Disaster Management
and Bangladesh
    Muhammad Abdul Mazid, PhD

                                                        The planet is               Again on April 23, 2020 Noam
                                                        approaching perilously      Chomsky , one of the world’s
                                                        close to the global         leading public intellectuals, while
                                                        temperatures of             talking to National Observer
                                                        120,000 years ago,          editor Linda Solomon Wood for a
                                                        when sea levels were        Zoom conversation highlighted
                                                        6-9 meters higher than      the necessity of increasing public
                                                        today. Glaciers are         awareness and about the need for
                                                        sliding into the sea five   government action vis-à-vis climate
                                                        times faster than in        change, ‘the simple answer is: work
                                                        the 1990s, with more        harder. There are no new special
                                                        than 100 meters of ice      tricks. We know what the message
                                                        thickness lost in some      is. We know the barriers that have
                                                        areas due to ocean          to be overcome. We have to find
                                                        warming, and current        ways to shape the message, in words
                                                        losses doubling every       and actions, so as to overcome the
                                                        decade. Complete            barriers. The message is two-fold:
                                                        loss of the ice sheets      First, we’re facing an existential crisis
                                                        would raise sea             that must be dealt with quickly; and
                                                        levels by about five        second, there are ways to overcome
                                                        meters, like drowning       it’. Without mincing words Chomsky
Climate change is by far the                            coastal cities, and         was very candid –‘the message
most serious crisis facing the          with utterly devastating effects            must be conveyed in ways that do
world today. At stake is the future     elsewhere — like the low-lying plains       not induce despair and resignation
of civilization as we know it.          of Bangladesh. As estimates from the        among those inclined to accept it,
Yet, both public awareness and          National Oceanic and Atmospheric            and do not evoke resentment, anger
government action lag way behind        Association (NOAA) suggest that,            and even greater rejection among
what’s needed to avert a climate        if emissions remain unchanged,              those who do not accept what is in
change catastrophe. Meanwhile           by 2100 sea levels could rise by            fact becoming overwhelmingly clear.’
the world watches as it is toward       more than eight feet. This would
a catastrophe of unimaginable           irreversibly affect many of the world’s     Climate change and the
proportions. At 91 years old, US        poorest and most vulnerable people.         management of disaster that follow
linguist and philosopher Noam           This is only one of the many concerns       ,is a problem that cannot be ignored.
Chomsky speaking from his office in     of those who are paying attention           The French journo have put the
self-isolation amid the coronavirus     to what is happening before their           problem squarely: the (French)
pandemic to Croatian philosopher        eyes. The global journey of Covid19         government talks of the end of the
and author Srecko Horvas on 3rd         as pandemic has been deriving the           world, but we can’t get to the end of
April warned that once the pandemic     concern that the bigger catastrophe         the month. Transition to renewable
is over, two critical challenges will   the world will have to face , due to        energy should create a much more
remain - the threats of nuclear war     climate change, is marching fast .          livable environment quite generally,
and global warming.                                                                 but it will inevitably harm some

working people who can ill-afford        still a big huge polluter, but they are   countries which are most vulnerable
the shock, and careful planning is       carrying out massive programs of          to extreme weather events, so is the
necessary to deal with these and         switching to renewable energies way       development objectives of this deltaic
many other problems. That can be         beyond anything else in the world.’       country. Increased investments in
done, and concrete solutions should      In the suburb of US cosmopolitans         adaptation may make the country
have been suggested.                     people are complaining that they          more resilient to natural disasters.
                                         have a thousand dollar electric bill      Three recent Cyclones Phony,
Noam further manifested that             per month ,but won’t put up a solar       Bulbul and Amphan, within a year
‘very single journal should have a       panel; and in fact they found power       , were perhaps less devastating
shrieking headline every day saying      panels missing because you’re             than initially feared because of
we are heading to total catastrophe.     not allowed to produce too much           better early warning systems and
In a couple of generations, organized    electricity’. Some of the economies       more investments in embankment
human society may not survive.           in south Asia is in dilemma whether       infrastructure and shelters. As efforts
That has to be drilled into people’s     they will patronage costly production     to promote a green recovery take
heads constantly. After all, there’s     of electricity through at coal or         hold, Bangladesh may also well
been nothing like this in all of human   nuclear power plants (both pose           placed to attract foreign investment
history. The current generation has      high risk for environment igniting        that will contribute to climate change
to make a decision as to whether         climate change). The causes and           mitigation.
organized human society will survive     impact of recent fire broke out in
another couple of generations, and       Amazon forest or in Australia, and        Bangladesh is highly vulnerable
it has to be done quickly, there’s not   or the devastation that marred the        to varying climate changes. It is a
a lot of time. So, there’s no time for   Sundarban by Cyclones Amphan and          country where three major rivers
dillydallying and beating around         Bulbul have been a symptom, which         converge, a country largely made
the bush.’ Chomsky elaborated that       should worry everyone.                    up of low lying flood plains and
some time ‘the bad news should                                                     that is the statistical focus of the
be combined with discussion of the       In this premise climate change has        cyclone generating Bay of Bengal
things that can be and are being         had already been a priority concern       (BoB). The past has demonstrated
done. For example, the Chinese are       for Bangladesh. As it is one of the       how devastating major climatic

events can be. Storms, such as          intrusion of freshwater reserves in       monsoon rains, and due to the
Cyclone Gorky (1970) ,great             coastal areas and the rise of sea         increased incidences of flash floods
typhoon of 1991, Sidor 2007, Aila       levels.                                   induced by erratic precipitation
2009 - which killed thousands of                                                  regimes. Coastal flooding is a major
people and left numerous people         Many of the impacts of climate            impact of sea level rise, which is
homeless - demonstrate the extreme      change will reinforce the                 higher in Bangladesh because of the
severity of these events. Although      environmental, socio-economic and         effects of tectonic subsidence.
events like these are the extreme
examples, there are numerous other
impacts regionally across a number
of sectors. It is widely accepted
in the scientific community that
climatic events such as these will
increase globally. The Government
of Bangladesh (GoB) has invested a
substantial amount over the last 49
years to make the country resilient
to cope with the recurrent climatic
events. Disaster management
strategies have been developed over
times that are both practical and
effective. The impacts predicted by
the United Nations Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) are
as follows:
                                        demographic stresses already faced        Sea level rise is also associated with
In general, there will be an increase   by Bangladesh. Climate change is          increased riverside flooding, because
in frequency, intensity and magnitude   likely to result in increased flooding,   it causes more backwater effect of
of extreme weather patterns, the        both because of the increase in           the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna

Rivers along the delta.This will result    policies and capital investment)            • Coastal ‘greenbelt’ (afforestation)
in increased drainage congestion           especially for floods and cyclones. Since     projects.
due to higher water levels, which          the 1970s, the GoB with the support of
will be exacerbated by other factors       development partners has invested in:       Recognizing the ‘urgent and
associated with climate change such                                                    immediate’ vulnerability of its
as siltation of estuary branches in line   • Flood management and irrigation           development objectives to climate
with increased surface runoff, and           schemes to raise agricultural             change, GoB prepared the National
higher riverbed levels.                      productivity in low lying areas;          Adaptation Programme of Action
                                                                                       (NAPA) in 2005. This was followed
Higher temperatures will result in         • Flood protection and drainage in          by the preparation of the Bangladesh
increased glacier melt, increasing           urban areas;                              Climate Change Strategy and
runoff from the neighboring                                                            Action Plan (BCCSAP), 2009, by the
Himalayas into the Ganges and              • Coastal embankment projects               Ministry of Environment and Forest
Brahmaputra rivers. The recent               to prevent tidal flooding and             in consultation with all relevant
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate           incursions of saline water;               stakeholders. The BCCSAP has been
Change IPCC Fourth Assessment                                                          the main basis for the Government’s
Report (FAR) states that glaciers in the   • Multi-purpose cyclone shelters;           efforts to combat climate change
Himalayas are receding faster than in                                                  over a 10-year program to build
any other part of the world, and this      • Disaster management, response             the capacity and resilience of
can be attributed primarily to global        and recovery projects;                    Bangladesh.
warming. Increased Vulnerability to
Cyclone and Storm surges. There is         • Irrigation schemes to enable dry          ......................................................
evidence of a 5-10 percent increase          season crop;
                                                                                       Dr. Muhammad Abdul Mazid,
in intensity (wind speed) that would                                                   retired Secretary to the GoB and
contribute to enhanced storm               • Agriculture research programs
                                                                                       former Chairman of the National
                                             to develop saline, drought and
                                                                                       Board of Revenue (NBR);
Bangladesh has a long history of             flood tolerant, high yielding crop
                                                                                       email: mazid.muhammad@gmail.
designing and implementing various           varieties; and
types of adaptation activities (both

IMF predicts deeper
global recession
due to coronavirus
The IMF said it now expects global
output to shrink by 4.9 percent,
compared with a 3.0 percent
contraction predicted in April, when
it used data available as widespread
business lockdowns were just
getting into full swing International
Monetary Fund (IMF) logo is seen
outside the headquarters building in
Washington, US.

The coronavirus pandemic is causing
wider and deeper damage to
economic activity than first thought,
the International Monetary Fund said,
prompting the institution to slash its
2020 global output forecasts further.
                                         that the unique characteristics of        still rising, saw some of the largest
The IMF said it now expects global       lockdowns and social distancing           downgrades, with Brazil’s economy
output to shrink by 4.9 percent,         have conspired to hit both investment     now expected to shrink 9.1 percent
compared with a 3.0 percent              and consumption. “Thus, there             and Mexico’s 10.5 percent and
contraction predicted in April, when     is a broad-based aggregate                Argentina’s 9.9 percent in 2020.
it used data available as widespread     demand shock, compounding
business lockdowns were just getting     near-term supply disruptions due          China, where businesses started
into full swing. A recovery in 2021      to lockdowns,” the IMF said in            reopening in April and new infections
also will be weaker, with global         an update of its World Economic           have been minimal, is the only
growth forecast at 5.4 percent for       Outlook forecast.                         major economy now expected to
the year compared to 5.8 percent                                                   show positive growth in 2020, now
in the April forecast. The Fund said,    Advanced economies have been              forecast at 1.0 percent compared to
however, that a major new outbreak       particularly hard-hit, with U.S. output   1.2 percent in the April forecast.
in 2021 could shrink the year’s          now expected to shrink 8.0 percent
growth to a barely perceptible 0.5       and the euro zone 10.2 percent in         The IMF said that more policy actions
percent.                                 2020, both more than 2 percentage         from governments and central banks
                                         points worse than the April forecast,     would be needed to support jobs and
Although many economies have             the IMF said. Latin American              businesses to limit further damage
begun to reopen, the Fund said           economies, where infections are           and set the stage for recovery.

Covid-19: Bangladesh
and NRBs in an
unusual situation
     M S Shekil Chowdhury

                                                         Bangladeshis step          and in the decade of 2010-2019,
                                                         into the overseas job      6,157,976 expats managed
                                                         market. This workforce     employment giving a remittance of
                                                         sends $15-16 Billion       $142.42 Billion to the country. It
                                                         annually as remittance,    shows that in just a decade there was
                                                         100% of which remains      a 54.7% growth in the employment
                                                         within the country.        sector and 187.1% in foreign
                                                         Remittance is the key      remittance. Licensed Agents and
                                                         source for earning         recruiters in the manpower industry
                                                         foreign currency.          played a pivotal role in achieving this
                                                         In 2019, 700,169           success.
                                                         Bangladeshi workers
                                                         joined the foreign         Analyzing the statistics of 2019, it can
                                                         workforce and during       be seen that only 43.55% of the total
                                                         that time $18.36 Billion   Bangladeshi workforce employed
                                                         in remittance was          overseas had the work relevant skill.
                                                         earned by Bangladesh.      The number of NRBs who actually
                                                         Foreign Remittance is      possess professional skills is even
                                                         the biggest contributor    more disappointing as it is a mere
                                                         of Bangladesh’s Foreign    0.27%. Therefore, it is absolutely
                                                         Reserve. In 11th June      necessary to be more attentive
                                                         2020, Bangladesh has       towards improving the expertise of
                                                         recorded the highest       Bangladeshi workforce so that they
                                                         foreign reserve of         can earn higher salaries. (Skilled
The prime strength of Bangladesh’s
                                          $34.44 Billion and this is accredited     43.55%, Semi-skilled 20.36%, Less-
economy is remittance. In the last 44
                                          primarily to expats. This reserve can     skilled 28.15%, Professional 0.27% &
years post-independence, around 13
                                          cover 8-9 months of the nation’s          Others 7.67%)
Million Bangladeshi’s have entered
                                          import expenditure. Generally, if there
the overseas job market. They have                                                  A total of 13 Million Bangladeshis
                                          is enough reserve to cater for 3-4
immensely contributed in world                                                      live abroad for work purposes while
                                          months of spending on import, it is
economy as well with their talent and                                               another 2 Million are residing with
                                          considered satisfactory.
skill. During this time Bangladesh                                                  a dual citizenship. To sum it up,
has received $210 Billion in form of                                                around 15 Million NRBs are not
                                          In the last decade Bangladesh
remittance. This statistic relates only                                             taking any benefits from the country
                                          has achieved commendable
to the expatriates who have been                                                    and to top it all off, roughly each
                                          success in NRB employment and
discernibly counted as NRB (Non-                                                    NRB is simultaneously catering to
                                          remittance. In the decade of 2000-
Resident Bangladeshi).                                                              the economic and social needs of 1
                                          2009, 3,981,310 NRBs found
                                          jobs in different countries earning       family consisting of 5 members living
Every year 6-7 hundred thousand
                                          a remittance of $49.61 Billion            in Bangladesh. In that respect, expats

The manufacturing sector especially
                                                                                     food manufacturing and global
                                                                                     communication system has been
                                                                                     shaken by this situation. As the food
                                                                                     manufacturing sector has been hit
                                                                                     by the pandemic, it can be predicted
                                                                                     that a food crisis may occur in the
                                                                                     foreseeable future.

                                                                                     Every passing day more and more
                                                                                     people are becoming jobless
                                                                                     and business organizations are
                                                                                     experiencing severe existential
                                                                                     crisis globally due to the Covid-19
                                                                                     pandemic. Development of economy
                                                                                     and employment sector can be
                                                                                     seen as too far-fetched nowadays
                                                                                     where reports of organizations
                                                                                     firing employees and reducing or
are actually taking responsibility         NRBs are residing in 168 countries        suspending salaries and wages of
of 75 Million people and their             worldwide. They are involved in           their workers have become a common
livelihood. Alongside, responsibilities    various sectors in order to support       phenomenon. We are unfortunately
pertaining to their families, these        their livelihood. By looking into         living in oblivion as to when the world
NRBs are also socially awake. Setting      the statistics, we can deduce that        will become normal again. Despite
up health centers, educational             Bangladeshis are majorly working in       all its endeavors, the World Health
institutions in their respective areas     Middle Eastern and countries heavily      Organization is still unable to state
and spending towards development           dependent on oil. Hence majority of       anything for certain regarding this
of communication systems are a few         the expats view Saudi Arabia as their     unknown destructive enemy.
of the social activities conducted by      ultimate job destination. 31.89% of
the expatriates. Thus NRBs are playing     all the expats went to Saudi Arabia.       Plenty of expats are returning to
an indispensable role in the rural         The next destination is United Arab       Bangladesh empty-handed after
economy through their investments          Emirates (UAE), where 18.68%              months of joblessness. Those who
and in many cases these expats are         NRBs went. Following UAE, there’s         came back are in much distress as
doing a remarkable job in lending          Oman with 11.82%, Malaysia with           they are seeing uncertainty about
money free of interests, which further     8.32% and Qatar with 6.36%.               their future. The very expats who
promotes projects/investments of their     Therefore, these countries are the        once supported their families, friends
kith and kin.                              highest remittance senders too. The       and villages are now falling into
                                           2019 data shows that, out of the          an abyss of dismay. Some of them
Unfortunately, these expatriates who       $18.35 Billion of total remittance,       fear they might soon be hit by food
play a crucial role for country’s          19.87% (i.e. $3.64 Billion) came          shortage and financial crisis at the
economy are not prioritized during         from Saudi Arabia and 14.89% (i.e.        same time. The expats who have
national budget allocation. Instead        $2.73 Billion) came from UAE. The         done so much for the countries (both
of receiving priority treatment and        remittance earning trend is somewhat      native and employers) have now
facilities for their continuous aid in     similar every year. These two countries   become dependent on them for their
socio-economic matters, they fall          are the biggest employers and are the     livelihood.
victims to harassments in both home        most sought-after job destinations for
and abroad. Indifferent regions of         more than 50.57% of NRBs. Oman,           As of the latest data, many countries
the country, unethical and greedy          Malaysia, Qatar, Singapore, Kuwait        are rushing Bangladesh to take back
people harass expatriates in multiple      and Bahrain are in the list right after   their workers. Bangladesh is now
ways to take unfair advantage of           the major two nations.                    between a rock and a hard place.
them and dispossess them of their                                                    In one hand where Bangladesh, a
own properties. Sometimes, even            In these trying times of the Covid-19     densely populated country consisting
officers at various administrative posts   pandemic, NRB communities around          of 160 Million people, is struggling
pester these NRBs to obtain immoral        the globe are facing multitudes of        to tackle the spread of Covid-19,
advantages by using them. Despite          difficulties. Due to the Covid-19         numerous expats have returned after
having clear directions in government      crisis, both economic and social          losing their jobs and more are waiting
policies to provide easy facilities to     activities have come to a standstill in   to come back which would make the
NRBs, unethical officials still harass     various countries. People are losing      already tumultuous situation worse.
these expatriates.                         jobs and countries are witnessing
                                           a downward trend in the economy.

Bangladesh is trying its best to fight
the pandemic. However, the severity
of the crisis, lack of expertise in
disease control along with insufficient
preparedness in the field of health
care is pushing Bangladesh, a
middle-income earning country that
achieved 8% development rate for
the last decade, to witness one of
the biggest challenges of its time.
Bangladesh is moving forward with a
fighting spirit by treasuring the strong
willpower of its countrymen and with
the limited resources and wealth it
has. In the near future, Bangladesh
has to battle against many unknown         into arable ones. Bangladesh needs           months. Usually they pay about
challenges. The sudden loss of jobs        to try to increase expert officials in the   Taka 300 Million as the monthly
of daily wage earners, low-income          foreign Missions and lead a strong           salaries of these employees. These
workers, small entrepreneurs and           job search action. The process to            agencies are holding about 70-75
manufacturing industry laborers            explore employment in the agriculture        thousand confirmed visas but workers
alongside expats who lost their            and food manufacturing industries            are unable to go. For this reason,
jobs abroad are proving to be an           in developing countries like Europe          businesses in this sector have around
exasperating test for Bangladesh.          and America should be commenced              Taka 12-13 Billion on hold. They
                                           without delay. That way both the             need financial and policy support for
In this bizarre situation, it is of        participating nations will be benefitted     their survival. This will enable them to
utmost importance that focus is            and the looming food shortage in the         play a pivotal role in safeguarding the
extended in finding new job markets        coming days can also be prevented.           overseas job market for NRBs.
for the NRBs in diverse countries,         As a matter of fact, Bangladeshis are
sustaining the current job market,         inherently adept in agriculture, which       International communities should
attempting to secure support from          is something other countries can             also come forward to support
different international organizations,     make good use of at this time.               Bangladesh and NRBs in this dire
undertaking self-employment projects                                                    situation, especially those countries
in the expats’ respective sub-districts    The manpower employment                      that have benefited from NRBs all
and providing easily attainable bank       agencies can play an integral role in        these years for their own economic
loans and investment friendly policies     maintaining the foreign job market           and social development. The global
for any amount of investment. In light     for NRBs as well as searching for new        organisations should also extend their
of the expertise and work experience       jobs for them. Due to the Covid-19           support in this respect.
garnered by the expats, government         crisis, the manpower industries have
needs to stand beside the NRBs by          received big blows and need to be            Covid-19 is changing the outlook of
                                                                                        the globe. Everyone is improvising
                                                                                        their socio-economic planning as
                                                                                        per demand of the Covid-19 crisis,
                                                                                        chalking out new blue prints for their
                                                                                        action plans. Therefore, Bangladesh
                                                                                        will also have to advance by making
                                                                                        contemporary, time appropriate plans
                                                                                        and discard orthodox processes to
                                                                                        survive the post-pandemic era.

                                                                                        Writer: M S Shekil Chowdhury,
                                                                                        Chairperson, Centre for NRB,
                                                                                        Former Governor, Lions Clubs
                                                                                        International & Former Senior Vice
                                                                                        President, Dhaka Chamber of
encouraging and aiding them towards        lifted from the pit. Around 1600             Commerce & Industry.
entrepreneurship. Efforts should be        licensed business institutions with
made to involve NRBs in agriculture of     their fifty thousand employees are           Email: shekilchowdhury@gmail.
varied countries to turn infertile lands   at a complete loss for the last four         com

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