FALL | WINTER 2018 - Wherever Life Takes You 2018 Arch Award Winners - UCalgary Alumni

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FALL | WINTER 2018 - Wherever Life Takes You 2018 Arch Award Winners - UCalgary Alumni

                      Wherever Life Takes You
                      2018 Arch Award Winners
FALL | WINTER 2018 - Wherever Life Takes You 2018 Arch Award Winners - UCalgary Alumni
Derrick Hunter
2018 Management Alumni Excellence Award Recipient

The Management Alumni Excellence Award
recognizes individual excellence in advocacy of
higher education, industry innovation, service to
the university and community influence.

Learn more and nominate a future Management Alumni
Excellence Award recipient:
FALL | WINTER 2018 - Wherever Life Takes You 2018 Arch Award Winners - UCalgary Alumni
Contents                                                                                                                 FALL | WINTER 2018

Diversity, inclusivity and cultural insights have become
critical elements of a university education as the world
becomes more interconnected and competitive. But
what happens when education is in the line of fire, when
your home happens to be a war-torn country? In this
13-page feature on the internationalization of education,
we follow the harrowing journeys of three immigrants
who, in some cases, risked everything they had in
order to land at UCalgary.

 5 | Notebook
14 | In the Field
18 |	POV: Lost in Translation
20 | Mind & Body
22 | Dropping In
24 | Unconventional Paths
52 | Out & About
54 | Where Are We?

                                                26                                           46
                TAKE A PEEK                     Wherever Life                                UCalgary 2018 Arch
                Replay the thrill of
                receiving an Arch Award
                with this video.
                                                Takes You                                    Award Recipients
                alumni.ucalgary.ca/             From career-boosting tips and ridiculously   Meet five extraordinary alumni who
                                                fun new programs to the merits of            embody drive, determination and
                                                volunteering, discover the new direction     teamwork in all that they do. Discover
                                                UCalgary Alumni is taking.                   why their inspiring stories matter.

                                                                                                    UCALGARY ALUMNI MAGAZINE FALL | WINTER 2018   3
FALL | WINTER 2018 - Wherever Life Takes You 2018 Arch Award Winners - UCalgary Alumni
2018-19 SEASON

     SCHOOL OF                                             UCalgary Alumni magazine is published twice a year

                                                           by the University of Calgary Alumni Association.

                                                           Associate V.P.                                                  Illustrator

     PERFORMING                                            Alumni Engagement
                                                           Michael V. Sclafani
                                                                                                                           Kelly Sutherland

                                                           Director, Alumni Marketing                                      Steve Chin
                                                           and Communications                                              Copy Editors
                                                           Rebecca Schulz (on leave)                                       Deb Cummings,
                                                           Kendra Desmarais (acting)                                       Alex Frazer-Harrison
                                                           Editor-in-Chief                                                 Fact Checker
                                                           Deb Cummings                                                    Geri Savits-Fine
                                                           Specialist, Creative Services                                   Contributors
                                                           Thi Vo                                                          Barbara Balfour, Claudia
                                                           Graphic Design                                                  Bustos, Deb Cummings,
                                                           Thomas Magee, Christina                                         Mike Fisher, Alex Frazer-
                                                           Milloy, Theo Wilting                                            Harrison, Graeme Lauber,
                                                           Photographers                                                   Geneviève Laurent,
                                                           Mona Ahmed, Riley Brandt,                                       Andrea Lee Morrow, Erin
                                                           Momen Faiz, Nathalie Guironnet,                                 Mason, Jacquie Moore,
                                                           Derek Heisler, Kelly Johnston,                                  Faryal Nasir, Michael
                                                           Sadie Packer, Adrian Shellard,                                  Sclafani, David Silverberg,
                                                           Ciano Vetromille                                                Mark Witten, Kate

                                                           To Advertise
                                                           Contact information
                                                           Alumni Association, University of Calgary
                                                           105B - 906 8 Ave. SW
                                                           Calgary, AB T2P 1H9
                                                           Email: alumni@ucalgarymag.ca
                                                           Reader feedback phone: 403.220.8500
                                                           Address changes phone: 403.220.8500
                                                           Toll free: 1.877.220.8509
                                                           Views expressed in this magazine do not reflect official
                                                           positions of the University of Calgary or the University of
                                                           Calgary Alumni Association.
                                                           Online address changes:
                                                           Publications Mail Sales Agreement #42717541

               50% off for UCalgary Alumni                 PREFER TO RECEIVE THIS MAGAZINE ONLINE? We’ve
              on all dance, drama and music performances   made it easy for you — just let us know at go.ucalgary.ca/
                                                           alumni-contact or call us at 403.220.8500 or toll-free at
                 scpa.ucalgary.ca/events                   1.877.220.8509.

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                                                                       GOLD                           SILVER



                                                                 CASE                            CASE
                                                                      WINNER                          WINNER



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FALL | WINTER 2018 - Wherever Life Takes You 2018 Arch Award Winners - UCalgary Alumni

Learning Without Borders

        W           hen I was a kid, my parents would alternate beloved cottage holidays with
                    what my brother and I dubbed, “the dreaded educational road trips.” The only
        redeeming highlight of the latter were not all those AMA TripTik viewpoints we’d be forced
        to stop at, but, rather, the spectacular cannonballs my brother and I would perform at the
        motel swimming pools at the end of every day.
           Whether these trips influenced my lifelong love of travel (but not of road trips), I’ve become
        a big believer in gap years and study abroad programs. This love also stems from the answers
        I’ve collected from hundreds of interviews I’ve had with alumni where I have asked them for
        their “biggest regret about their university life.”
           The overwhelming response has been, “I wish I had studied abroad.” The reverse has also
        been true. When asked for a seminal university experience, most will say, “my study abroad.”
           Their reasons, of course, are varied. What, however, we do know is that globalization is here
        to stay and that students who want to work in our global world should likely study overseas
        at some point. In fact, so strongly does UCalgary believe this, it’s committed to seeing that 50
        per cent of its students have an international learning experience by the time they graduate
        (UCalgary is currently at 22 per cent). Don’t believe how life-altering these experiences can
        be? Turn to page 36 where you’ll discover what seven study abroad participants and leaders
        have to say.
           But the internationalization of education isn’t just about encouraging Canadians to
        study abroad. It’s a two-way highway by which Canadian universities are striving to create
        intercultural classrooms by recruiting more international students. In fact, right now, there
        are nearly 4,000 international students representing 120 different countries at UCalgary —
        with undergrads hailing mostly from China, India, Pakistan, Nigeria and the U.S.
           If some of the ideas on tolerance and diversity that we explore in this issue take hold,
        maybe more of us will value an educational experience that fosters the kind of long-term
        relationships that open doors to future trade, commerce and cultural opportunities that will
        benefit us all. That, indeed, was the spirit that drove this particular issue of UCalgary Alumni
        Magazine. We hope you find this edition on international education illuminating and, should
        you want to invest in removing any barriers posed by financial need, you will find a donation
        envelope — something we’ve never done before — tucked into the middle of this magazine.
           If you’re a parent, lifelong learner and traveller like me, you might just want to make an
        international experience an essential and affordable component of a well-rounded education.
        In all its forms — study abroad programs, faculty-led research projects, overseas internships
                                                                                                Riley Brandt
        and co-ops — an international education will enable us to build on the knowledge and talent
        Canada needs to succeed on a global scale. Here at UCalgary, we believe that the intercultural
        classroom is an asset to domestic and international students, alike.
           I love the thought that, somewhere, two lucky kids might still cannonball into a pool, but,
        when they pop up, they might just know how to chat in Spanish, French or Mandarin with all
        the other tykes at the Super 8.
           Do you have a story of your own to share? Email me at d.cummings@ucalgary.ca.
        And be sure to follow us @ucalgaryalumni on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
        — Deb Cummings, MEd’17, Editor U

                                                                    UCALGARY ALUMNI MAGAZINE FALL | WINTER 2018   5
FALL | WINTER 2018 - Wherever Life Takes You 2018 Arch Award Winners - UCalgary Alumni

Connect to the Energy of UCalgary Alumni
UCalgary Alumni is your global network that is nearly 180,000 strong — and growing!
There are so many ways to connect to this energetic hub in Calgary and cities around
the world. Follow @ucalgaryalumni on social media, watch your inbox and visit
alumni.ucalgary.ca for dates and more information about these programs and events.

                                                   NEW:                                       NEW:
                                                  FUTURE ALUMNI NETWORK                       ALUMNI MENTORSHIP
LINKS AND DRINKS                                  Students are future alumni! The Future      This winter, share your skills and
Graduates of the last decade — make               Alumni Network launches in 2019 —           expertise in the new alumni mentorship
connections and learn some important              connecting current students to the energy   program. This is your digital connection
career and life hacks at this atypical            of UCalgary Alumni and building UCalgary    to advancing your career and sharing with
alumni mixer. Drinks provided!                    pride from Day One.                         your alumni community.

                                                                                              ALUMNI PARTNERSHIPS
GROW YOUR CAREER                                                                              UCalgary Alumni supports many
                                                                                              faculty-led programs throughout the year.
CONFERENCE                                                                                    Grow your mind at:
You’ll leave this one-day conference with         DIG IN!                                     • Design Matters
tips and practical advice that will help          Dig in to the most important meal and          (Faculty of Environmental Design)
guide your career journey, no matter if           topics of the day! Join fellow UCalgary     • Sustainability Speaker Series
you’re looking for new opportunities or           alumni for an interactive discussion of       (Office of the Provost)
are aiming to develop professionally in           current events, innovation and trends.      • Death by Chocolate
your current career.                              The coffee is on us!                          (Schulich School of Engineering)

FALL | WINTER 2018 - Wherever Life Takes You 2018 Arch Award Winners - UCalgary Alumni

                                                  COMING SOON
                                                                                               Join the
                                              A new twist on a typical wine and
                                              cheese event and behind-the-scenes
                                                                                            Stay connected with your alma
                                              field trips are two brand-new
                                                                                           mater by diving into our regular
                                              programs to watch for in 2019. Also,
                                              watch out for other exciting events           e-publications or bookmarking
                                              hosted by faculties in partnership               alumni.ucalgary.ca where
                                              with UCalgary Alumni that will run            you’ll discover exclusive alumni
ON THE ROAD WITH                              throughout the year!                           benefits, news and details on
                                                                                           upcoming alumni events. Here’s
A lively discussion with leading UCalgary       NEW:
                                                                                           how you can easily stay in touch:
researchers and experts where you will
explore ideas that challenge perceptions,
                                              WINE + CHEESE +
push boundaries and spark meaningful          WORLD EVENTS
change. Watch for the Idea Exchange Tour      Learn about the state of the world
returning to cities across Canada and the     through wine and cheese. Details
United States starting in February 2019.      coming this spring.
Email energize@ucalgary.ca for additional
information.                                    NEW:
                                                                                             Mid-month in your inbox, you’ll find
Here’s a snapshot of when we’ll be where:     ALUMNI FIELD TRIPS                           Alumni News, showcasing a handpicked
•   Feb. — San Francisco                      Get behind-the-scenes access to              selection of the best stories and videos
•   Feb. – Vancouver                          new and unusual places in the great                       from UCalgary.
•   March – New York City                     company of your fellow alumni.
•   March – Washington, D.C.

                                                                                           At the end of each month, we send you
                                                                                            Alumni Connection — a customized
                                                                                                newsletter packed with event

                                                                                                       Connect with
                                                                                               @ucalgaryalumni on Facebook,
                                                                                                  Instagram and Twitter

                                            SKATE WITH SANTA
                                            Santa returns to the Olympic Oval on
                                            Nov. 25, 2018. Lace up your skates and
                                            bring the whole family to take a spin around
                                            the fastest ice in the world. U

                                                                                             UCALGARY ALUMNI MAGAZINE FALL | WINTER 2018   7
FALL | WINTER 2018 - Wherever Life Takes You 2018 Arch Award Winners - UCalgary Alumni

W          hat prompts someone to offer
           lodging to complete strangers is
a many-varied thing. If you’re running an
Airbnb, it may be for the money, but, if
you’re hosting an international student, it’s
more likely altruism or reciprocity, as the

                                                                                                                                                     Photo: Adrian Shellard
money is just a stipend.
   For Katerine and Emmanuel Delfin, it was
an empty suite in their home’s lower level, as
well as an opportunity, explains Katerine, to
show their two teenage girls “that there are
many ways to be nice to people … and why
                                                              It’s Not About the Money
not learn about the world over dinner?”
   Plus, she adds, “if my girls end up                          “We have kept in touch with him,”           summer-intensive English program: Yuina
travelling or studying overseas, I would                     explains Karen, adding that William’s trip     Fukushima from Japan and Yoori Cho
like to think some kind family would take                    to Calgary launched his travels which have     from Korea. What impressed Yuina the
care of them,” recalling the many friendly                   now taken him from L.A. to Alaska, along       most was, “everything is very big here and
folk Katerine met when she first moved to                    with two long stays in South America.          fathers finish work earlier in Canada. My
Calgary from Peru in 1998.                                      “William is now fluent in French, English   father never gets home before 8 or 9 p.m.,
   Karen and Dave Holmes, who have now                       and Spanish and just graduated from            so we just eat dinner with our mother,
hosted nine students through UCalgary’s                      university,” adds Karen, explaining, as        never our father.”
Homestay program, waited until they were                     proudly as any parent, that his one-month         For Yoori, “it’s the sky and how fresh
empty-nesters. It was the summer of 2013                     English course at UCalgary was the first       and clean everything is — that’s what’s
— their sons had just moved out when a                       time he had ventured outside of Quebec.        different.” — Deb Cummings
fun-loving student from Quebec named                            This past summer, the Delfins hosted           Read the full story online at
William moved in.                                            two students who were enrolled in the          alumni.ucalgary.ca/exchange U

                                                                                Behind the Checkpoints
Photo: Momen Faiz

         T o discuss anything related to
           Palestine, the conversation usually
                                                             of Calgary in 2009, and, this fall, the
                                                             Calgary Public Library has hired him to be     literary heritage as a starting point.
begins and ends with political conflict. But                 a writer-in-residence to assist writers with   Were you surprised by anything you
for his latest book, Pay No Heed to the                      their manuscripts. We recently caught up       uncovered talking to Palestinian writers?
Rockets, Marcello Di Cintio, BA/BSc’97,                      with the award-winning author:                 I didn’t expect to see so many young female
interviewed poets, authors and scholars to                   What motivated you to investigate the          writers. They face oppression in two ways,
learn how imagination and creativity played                  Palestinian literary scene?                    by being both a woman and Palestinian, but
a vital role in uniting Palestinians in the                  The West only sees Palestine on the news       they find freedom on the page. For them,
face of violence and upheaval.                               when a mother is crying over her dead          the art of writing is a beauty to behold in
   Before he embarked on a career as an                      children or when a militant is throwing        and of itself. — David Silverberg
author, Calgary-based Di Cintio spent a                      rocks. But they have a full culture like       Read the full story online at
year as writer-in-residence at the University                anywhere else and I wanted to use their rich   alumni.ucalgary.ca/checkpoints U

FALL | WINTER 2018 - Wherever Life Takes You 2018 Arch Award Winners - UCalgary Alumni

Cool Classes That Will
Make You Wish You Were
Still a Student

                                                                                                                                                                  courtesy NASA/JPL-CALTECH/MSSS
If these UCalgary classes
had been around when we                           Haskayne Wilderness Retreat: Business                 Topics include: building blocks of food,
                                                  students have the unique opportunity to               molecular-level understanding of recipes,
were students, we would                           participate in a six-day wilderness adventure         food-related diseases, physiology of sensory
have taken …                                      in the Rocky Mountains that melds outdoor             apparatus and more. — Deirdre Mooney,
                                                  activities with personal growth challenges,           academic advisor, Student Success Centre
                                                  team building, and cross-cultural First               ENGL 201 — Approach to Literature: You’ve
EVDA 782 — RED: A New Beginning: One              Nations teachings and ceremonies.                     got to love a course where the required
of the design challenges tasked to students       — Jackie Lewis, associate director, Campaign          reading is 20 stories written by Roald Dahl.
in this Master of Architecture course is          EDER 678.03 — Collaborative Creativity                Besides analyzing Dahl’s love of cruelty,
to build livable colonies on Mars. Gravity,       & Design Thinking for Innovation: Offered             lust, madness and murder, you will also
radiation, air and water supply, as well as the   by the Werklund School of Education,                  learn how to make persuasive arguments
inhabitants’ psychological and sociological       this master’s-level cohort recently built             about literature including using interpretive
conditions, are covered as they create a          a life-size orca whale out of cardboard,              strategies for analyzing texts. — Serita Rana,
livable model for four to six people.             newspaper, string and tape. Lessons                   regional alumni specialist
— Deb Cummings, publications editor, Alumni       learned: collaborative skills, organizational         CNST 451 — The Culture of the Calgary
LING 227 — Rap Linguistics: Applying a            structures, creative problem-solving — in             Stampede: Offered by the Department of
linguist’s approach to analyzing language         other words, design thinking. — Jayne                 History, this interdisciplinary course takes
used by rappers such as Eminem, Jay-Z             Dangerfield, development co-ordinator, Werklund       a deep dive into the Stampede’s vision,
and Kanye West, this class also looks at          Biology 202 — The Science of Food and                 history and operation. Of course, you also get
the evolution of hip hop and its impact on        Cooking: Brand-new this year, the course              to spend some of your class hours havin’ a
language and society. — Emily Aalbers, alumni     promises to give students a scientific                rootin’ tootin’ time on the grounds.
relations specialist, Faculty of Arts             understanding of food and cooking using               — Emily Aalbers, alumni relations specialist,
BSEN749 — Rediscovering Leadership: The           principles from a range of biological sciences.       Faculty of Arts U

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                                                                                                                UCALGARY ALUMNI MAGAZINE FALL | WINTER 2018   9
FALL | WINTER 2018 - Wherever Life Takes You 2018 Arch Award Winners - UCalgary Alumni

                                                     Innovator, Optimist,
                                                           When the inestimable Dr. Elizabeth Cannon, BSc’84, MSc’87, PhD’91,
                                                            steps down as UCalgary’s president at the end of the year, she’ll leave big shoes
                                                            to fill. Since arriving from P.E.I. as an undergraduate, through to her steward-
                                                            ship of one of the most ambitious universities (and fundraising campaigns) in
                                                           Canada, Cannon has been a trailblazer, innovator and champion for transform-
                                                          ative change. Her eight years at UCalgary’s helm has raised the bar on student
                                                        experiences, elevated our position as a global research hub, put entrepreneurial
                                                      thinking into action and strengthened community connections. We can’t
                                                   help but wonder about the journey that brought her here.

                                                        “I remember driving toward Calgary and seeing
                                                        the big sky country, the Rocky Mountains — the

EARLY DAYS                                              scale of everything impressed upon me that this
                                                        was bigger than anything I had lived through
Born and raised in Charlottetown,                       before. It was going to be a little uncomfortable,              Lives in residence and
P.E.I. “I’m the youngest of four,                       but I was ready for the adventure.”                             remains unfazed by the
so by the time I came around I
                                                                                                                        scarcity of women in
had quite a bit of flexibility and
                                                                                                                        engineering. “You’ve
freedom — and those were times
                                                                                                                        got to be yourself, be
when, as a kid, you took off in
                                                                                                                        authentic, but get along
the morning, enjoyed the day
                                                                                                                        with people, not get
and came home when you
                                                                                                                        hung up on things —
were hungry.”
                                                                                                                        that’s the way I
                                                                                                                        approach life.”

Parents were both entomologists,                        GOING WEST                                      TRAILBLAZING
but her mother went back to                             Completes undergraduate degree                  Completes undergraduate degree in
university to become a high                             in mathematics at Nova Scotia’s                 engineering and begins her first job
school math and science teacher.                        Acadia University. She loads up                 as the first female engineer hired at a
“Growing up, I don’t know if I                          her Dodge Omni, waves goodbye                   Calgary engineering firm; her interest
appreciated the unique path                             to the east coast, and drives nearly            in GPS/geomatics is unleashed. “What
my mother had forged or the                             5,000 kilometres with best friend               fascinated me was that you had satellites
support she gave me. I didn’t                           and three house plants in tow to                20,000 km above the earth’s surface,
ever feel there were barriers —                         begin her engineering degree at                 travelling at four kilometres per second,
I just did what I wanted to do,                         UCalgary. “I’m not sure why I felt              and you could use their signals to
never thinking that ‘girls                              the need to bring my plants to                  determine your location on earth — it’s
can’t do that.’”                                        Calgary, but I did.”                            mind-blowing. I knew it was going to
                                                                                                        make a difference.”


                                                                                                          Continues research
                       ACADEMIA                                                                           in the GPS/
                       Joins the Faculty of Engineering (now the Schulich                                 geomatics industry,
                       School of Engineering) in 1991. “I was finishing my                                often collaborating
                       PhD around the time of the Montreal Massacre, where                                with colleagues
                       women were targeted because they were studying                                     to commercialize
                       engineering. I hadn’t previously contemplated going                                technology to more
                       into academia, but I was very fortunate to get one of 15                           than 200 agencies
                       new positions created by the government for women in                               worldwide.
                       my field. I was only the second female faculty member
                       at a time when society started to see the importance
                       of having female role models in the classroom — for              Appointed Dean of the Schulich
                       women, and for young men, as well.”                              School of Engineering in 2006.
                                                                                        During her tenure, propels it into the
                                                                                        top ranks of Canadian engineering
                                            PRESIDENCY                                  schools. “That was a pretty 24/7
                                                                                        job — keeping an international
                                            Appointed UCalgary president in
FAMILY                                      July 2010. Led the establishment of
                                                                                        research group on the forefront,
                                                                                        while committing to moving the
Marries a former colleague,                 unprecedented Eyes High strategy to
                                                                                        engineering school forward. I
geomatics engineer Dr. Gérard               elevate student experiences, research
                                                                                        wanted to ensure that I was really
Lachapelle, PhD, who goes on to             outcomes and community partnerships.
                                                                                        serving the students and the faculty
become a UCalgary engineering               Spurs increase in research grants
                                                                                        and staff and, through that, the
professor. “We had our first                and inspires upswing in philanthropic
                                                                                        community and the profession.”
child, Sara, when I was in the              involvement. “It’s about working together
middle of my PhD, and I was                 to deliver on what our community
eight months pregnant with our              members expect of us. I don’t shy away
son when I defended it. There’s             from high expectations — I know this
a lot of pressure in staying                university is ready to contribute even
disciplined in your studies                 more to put Calgary and Alberta on the
during the day and being a                  national and international stage. That’s
mom during your evenings, and               been a fun part of this job — to see that
not letting all of it overwhelm             happen through the work of others.”
you. But kids won’t let a PhD
overtake your life.”

                                                                                        Prepares to leave presidency as of Dec. 31,
                                                                                        2018. “What I’ve been particularly proud
                                                                                        of is that sense that we are truly a great
Determined to make her                      Kicks off historic $1.3-billion Eyes High   university. We are at the starting line of
mark as an expert in GPS,                   campaign that exceeds the $1-billion        really huge achievements. I can feel it;
she returns to UCalgary for                 milestone ahead of schedule. “If you’ve     I can see it; it will happen here. I’ve had
graduate studies in geomatics               got a compelling idea with a clear          the pleasure of working with wonderful
engineering. “I wanted to                   line of sight to an impact, that gets       people. When I walk across campus
call something my own and                   people excited. When I think about          and see the fascinating things that are
understand it well. There                   philanthropy, I go back to my early         happening and meet the terrific people
aren’t many times in life that              days as an engineering professor. If        in our community — well, as university
an opportunity comes with a                 you want to do interesting work, if you     president, I’ve had a front-row seat to
new technology and you’re                   want to have partnerships, you have         all that. It’s been an honour and a
there to be part of it. I knew I            to raise money. When you connect a          privilege and I’m going to miss it.”
was in a unique place and I’d               community member with a piece of            — Jacquie Moore   U
better make something of it.”               the university, great things happen.”

                                                                                              UCALGARY ALUMNI MAGAZINE FALL | WINTER 2018   11

Meet the Saigon
Sub: A Foot of
Food Court
Let’s be honest. Who
hasn’t succumbed to a
foot-long, lip-smacking
legacy of French
colonialism, a.k.a. banh mi
or a Vietnamese Sub?                                                 Owners Mai and Phong Vu

     I      dare you to resist the yeasty smell
            of freshly baked demi-baguettes
                                                        When Khac moved his family to Calgary
                                                    in 1998, “he wanted to throw out those
                                                                                                    As for a “secret recipe,” say the one that
                                                                                                 makes their Spicy Beef w/Cheese Sub their
stacked high with fragrant cilantro stalks, a       recipes, thinking he’d never use them        No. 1 seller, Phong isn’t giving anything
tangle of carrots, crisp slivers of cucumber,       again,” recalls Phong.                       away. He does, however, stress that
peppery beef or chicken satay that wafts out            But, in 2006, the Bake Chef location     everything is made from scratch (no frozen
of Bake Chef in Mac Hall’s Food Court.              at UCalgary became available and Khac        bread or cookie dough here), and that all
   Few of us can, which is why we called up         snapped it up, hauling out that precious     the ingredients are über-fresh and bought
owners Mai and Phong Vu to find out what            box of treasured recipe cards and adding     at local Asian markets.
makes their subs so cult-worthy — they can          subs to the menu. Not long after, most of       To celebrate banh mi’s popularity,
sell, after all, 400 of these toasted babies on     the Vu family began working shifts at the    however, Phong and his wife, Mai, have
a busy day.                                         little shop, toiling from 5 a.m. (when the   endorsed a recipe that (they promise) is
   It turns out the Vu family (refugees from        baguettes have to be made — yes, they        very similar to Bake Chef’s crackly-crusted
Vietnam) got their Canadian start in a              create their own) and shutting things down   toasted wonder. Be forewarned: to truly
bakery in Cranbrook, B.C., where Phong’s            at 7 or 8 p.m., seven days a week.           recreate the Vu family’s version, be sure
dad, Khac, learned English while punching               “There are always students here,”        to wrap it in parchment paper and bind it
and pinching bread dough into all sorts of          explains Phong, who continues to use his     with an elastic band. Watch the Vu family
artful shapes. A few years later, or so the         father’s recipes for the cookies, muffins,   construct a banh mi, backstage at Bake
story goes, a local German baker closed             cinnamon buns and baguettes Bake Chef        Chef’s kitchen and enjoy this recipe at
shop and sold his recipes to Khac, who then         serves every day. “And they are always       alumni.ucalgary.ca/sub-recipe
stuffed them into a shoe box.                       hungry.”                                     — Deb Cummings U

                                       ENTREPRENEURIAL THINKING


                                                                                                                                 coaches would come around to answer our
                                                                                                                                 questions, provide professional guidance
                                                                                                                                 and keep team dynamics in check. Through-
                                                                                                                                 out the afternoon, there would be private
                                                                                                                                 mentoring sessions in workrooms where
                                                                                                                                 we could get specific mentoring in either
                                                                                                                                 design, marketing or pitching. As a team,
                                                                                                                                 we had the freedom to do all our mentoring

                                                                                                       Photo: Ciano Vetromille
                                                                                                                                 right away, then focus on our own work the
                                                                                                                                 rest of the day, or vice-versa.
                                                                                                                                 What was the most challenging part?

From Idea to Startup
                                                                                                                                 Linda: Teamwork. Initially, during the
                                                                                                                                 ideation stage, it was helpful to have diversi-
                                                                                                                                 fied perspectives, but what became an issue
                                                                                                                                 was trying to make a unified decision. It is
EIA participants — (L-R): Belen Castillo (UC Berkeley), Tomas Ribeiro (University of Porto), Matthew
Mannion (Eckerd College, Florida), Mateo Montero (UCalgary), Sophia Bendorf (UC Berkeley).                                       actually very difficult to incentivize a team
                                                                                                                                 of very passionate and motivated individ-
                                                                                                                                 uals and I found it hindered our produc-

   I      n an attempt to nurture entrepre-
          neurial thinking across faculties,
                                                      undergrad students, Mateo Montero
                                                      (fourth-year psychology and marketing
                                                                                                                                 tivity when time was needed to be spent to
                                                                                                                                 ensure team cohesiveness.
last summer, UCalgary participated in a               major) and Linda Zhu (fifth-year business                                  What makes the experience unique?
prestigious program in Portugal called                student). Here’s what they had to say:                                     Linda: It exposes students to a different
the European Innovation Academy (EIA).                What is it like to be with the same 500                                    economic market and political landscape.
The Haskayne School of Business and the               EIA participants for 15 intense days?                                      During the second week, I went to Lisbon’s
Hunter Hub for Entrepreneurial Thinking               Mateo: It felt as if I was trying to quench my                             largest hospital to conduct interviews, so the
accepted 15 students from three faculties             thirst by drinking from a fire hose. I wanted                              interactions I had with locals would not be
who then spent 15 days in Portugal’s capital,         to meet as many people as possible, but I was                              able to be replicated elsewhere.
Lisbon, fully immersed in a wildly intense            quickly overwhelmed by the sheer number                                    Will this experience alter how you
international startup environment.                    of participants — but so pleased that every-                               study, do business, view life?
Partnering with some of the planet’s most             one, no matter their language or cultural                                  Linda: This experience altered my per-
ambitious entrepreneurial institutions such           background, was as open as they were.                                      ception of cultural and language barriers.
as Stanford University, UC Berkeley and               What does a typical day look like?                                         It showed me that, as long as the vision is
Google, EIA’s mission is to guide 1 million           Mateo: At 10 a.m., everyone gathers in                                     well-defined, and that you are vested in
entrepreneurs through its programs by                 a large auditorium in Lisbon to listen to                                  making things happen, then you will attract
2022. Curious about how, exactly, one turns           amazing keynote speakers for two hours.                                    individuals who will support and work with
ideas into startups in a little more than two         Following that is lunch and then teamwork                                  you, even if there are personal differences.
weeks, we checked in with two UCalgary                at 1 p.m. During that time, mentors and life                               — Deb Cummings U

                                                                          2008 University of Calgary Alumni
                                                                          Association ARCH Award recipient

                                                                                                                                        UCALGARY ALUMNI MAGAZINE FALL | WINTER 2018   13
In the Field

A Mapping Success Story
by Alex Frazer-Harrison

     I     t was the rescue mission that fas-
           cinated the world: a race against
                                                           “It was nice for it to [be recognized] that
                                                        there was a use like this for the product,”
time and the elements to save 12 teenaged               adds alumnus Stephen Griffiths, BSc’89,
soccer players and their assistant coach                chief technology officer and executive
from a flooded cave in northern Thailand.               vice-president of data solutions, who came to
   Although a rescuer tragically died, the              Intermap from UCalgary with a background
team was recovered safe and sound —                     in astrophysics. “Humanitarian aid wasn’t
thanks, in large part, to 3D-mapping data               really on our radar, so to have that pop up
provided by Intermap Technologies, a                    was quite humbling. But the only thing that
Denver-based company with strong UCal-                  was important was rescuing the kids.”
gary connections.                                          Griffiths says NEXTMap One was
   Ivan Maddox, BSc’96, has been with                   awarded its patent on June 19 — less than        Ivan Maddox, BSc’96

Intermap for 18 years, and was one of the               a week before the incident. “It was truly
last Faculty of Engineering grads to receive            an international effort: [research and
a Surveying Engineering degree before it                development] was in Calgary along with              Both Maddox and Griffiths have fond
was renamed Geomatics.                                  the engineering team; development in             memories of attending UCalgary.
   “They called us because Intermap’s                   Prague; implementation in Denver.” He               “The geomatics [program at Schulich]
been active in Asia for its entire existence,”          adds at least 10 other UCalgary alumni           is a world leader that’s also defining the
recalls Maddox, Intermap’s executive                    work in the Calgary office.                      industry,” says Maddox. “I thought I
vice-president of commercial solutions.                    So, how did the Intermap team feel as         would be a land surveyor in B.C., but …
“We created the data on demand and deliv-               they saw the teens rescued? “Just happi-         I’m doing things I never thought I’d
ered it to them three hours later. Not just             ness — we were so glad we were able to           be doing.”
the cave, but everything around it, so they             get those kids out of there,” says Maddox.          One of Maddox’s undergraduate pro-
could plan their rescue mission.”                       “The second emotion we felt was apprecia-        fessors remembers him as “consistently
   The data was based on Intermap’s                     tion for the teams on the ground.”               attentive, technically curious and pas-
NEXTMap One, a high-resolution map                         Adds Griffiths: “I would wake up and turn     sionate about the subject.
dataset offering resolution down to                     on the news and it was all we talked about in       “[These were] key characteristics of a
one metre.                                              the office … good news all around.”              future innovative technological leader,”
                                                                                                         says Dr. Gérard Lachapelle, PhD.
                                                                                                            The Intermap team and its UCalgary
                                                                                                         alumni members are embodiments of
                                                                                                         this university’s goal of impacting the
                                                                                                         world beyond the campus, says UCalgary
                                                                                                           President Elizabeth Cannon, BSc’84,
                                                                                                                 MSc’87, PhD’91, who instructed
                                                                                                                          geomatics at Schulich at
                                                                                                                                the time Maddox
                                                                                                                                 attended and
                                                                                                                                 served as dean.
When a sports team became                                                                                                          “I am full of pride
trapped in a cave in Thailand, 3D                                                                                              at Ivan Maddox and
mapping data was used to help co-
ordinate rescue efforts. In this image using
                                                                                                                             Stephen Griffith’s
NEXTMap One data, low elevations are blue,                                                                                  readiness to come to
higher elevations are shown as orange.                                                                                     the aid of the Wild Boars
                                                                                                                         soccer team and their
                                                                                                                       coach,” she says.
                                                                                                                        “What is the purpose of
                                                                                                                    higher education if not to give
                                                                                                                  back to the world?” U
                                                   Map image courtesy: Intermap

In the Field

Should I Take Part in a Research
Study or a Clinical Trial?

 R         ick Young is an amateur pho-
           tographer who likes to spend
                                               coolest rooms on the UCalgary campus,
                                               the Visualization Studio, which has a wall-
his time taking wildlife pictures in the       sized, 35 million-pixel screen. The Lucida
mountains. “Bears are my favourites,” says     study uses the digital wall to project lifelike
the 58-year-old, Airdrie-based marketing       scenes — think sun-dappled mountains
rep for a furniture company. That’s why        and crackling campfires — and replicate

                                                                                                 Photo: Riley Brandt
Young never imagined he would partici-         real-world photography locations.
pate in a UCalgary research study — and           From photography and psychology
that he would have so much fun and learn       to health and beyond, the variety of the
something new in the process.                  more than 400 research studies and
   As a volunteer participant in the Lucida:   clinical trials included on the Participate
Photography Metering Assistant study —         in Research website is quite vast — and all       Grad student Brad Wrobleski, BA’11, is recruiting
                                                                                                 people to test his Lucida app.
which is just one of more than 400 studies     the projects listed are actively recruiting
and clinical trials actively recruiting        participants. If you can think of a topic
participants through the UCalgary Partici-     that interests you — for example, com-               If the study’s summary details and eligi-
pate in Research website — Young gained        puter games, exercise, sleeping, gambling,        bility parameters look like a good fit for you,
eye-opening insights into how to create        stress, social media, e-cigarettes or dance       click the “I’m interested in participating”
better pictures.                               — type the term into the website’s “Search        button and submit your contact infor-
   He was also one of the first people who     research studies” box, and you’re likely to       mation. Discover more at ucalgary.ca/
tested a new photography app in one of the     generate some potential options.                  research/participate. — UToday U

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                                                                                                                       UCALGARY ALUMNI MAGAZINE FALL | WINTER 2018   15
In the Field

                                                                                                                                  Fake It ’Til You Make
Photo: Kelly Johnston

                                                                                                                                  It is Not a Good Plan
                                                                                                                                  for Job Interviews
                                                                                                                                  Researchers who study impression
                                                                                                                                  management in job interviews suggest
                                                                                                                                  honesty is the best policy when talking
                                                                                                                                  about yourself.
                                                                                                                                     Dr. Joshua Bourdage, BA’06, MSc’08,
                                                                                                                                  PhD’12, associate professor in UCalgary’s
                                                                                                                                  Department of Psychology, and Dr.
                                                                                                                                  Nicolas Roulin, PhD, associate professor
                                                                                                                                  of industrial/organizational psychology at
                                                                                                                                  Saint Mary’s University in Halifax, studied
                                                                                                                                  the behaviour of 1,470 North American
                                                   (L-R): Dr. Abdel Aziz Shaheen, MD, with liver specialist Dr. Mark Swain, MD.
                                                                                                                                  job applicants during interviews — a field
                                                                                                                                  called “impression management.”
Antidepressant Could be a Promising                                                                                                  “Faking in an interview tends to be
                                                                                                                                  someone making up for something,” says
Treatment for a Serious Liver Disease                                                                                             Bourdage. “It’s not that you go in and say,
                                                                                                                                  ‘I’m going to fake my way through this
                                                                                                                                  interview.’ It’s an adaptive response to, ‘I

      A    team of scientists at UCalgary’s
           Cumming School of Medicine
                                                                            data, he found a sub-group of people with
                                                                            depression who were healthier than others.
                                                                                                                                  don’t know what I’m doing, I don’t have
                                                                                                                                  the experience, I am uncomfortable in this
have discovered what could be a new option                                     “As I began to look deeper, I realized             situation and this interview is very difficult.’”
for patients suffering from primary biliary                                 these patients were all taking the anti-                 People who sell themselves in an honest
cholangitis (PBC) — a rare, incurable liver                                 depressant mirtazapine, which seemed                  way tend to receive a job offer, whereas
disease that can be fatal if untreated. A drug                              to be having a positive impact on their               those who fake it are often “found out” in
usually prescribed for depression appears                                   liver disease,” says Shaheen, an assistant            reference checks and other verification
to effectively stop progression of PBC.                                     professor in the departments of Community             processes. The researchers also found
   Dr. Abdel Aziz Shaheen, MD, a gastro-                                    Health Sciences and Medicine. “You don’t              that the interviewer can encourage more
enterologist and epidemiologist, was                                        expect to find people with a chronic illness          honesty from an applicant by having
researching the effect of depression                                        and depression to be healthier than those             a longer interview and asking specific
on people with PBC and came upon an                                         patients who don’t have depression.”                  questions about past behaviour or job-
unexpected finding. While combing through                                   — UToday U                                            related situations. — UToday U

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                                                                                                          kevin.p.gardner@ucalgary.ca or 403.220.3398

16                      UCALGARY ALUMNI MAGAZINE FALL | WINTER 2018
In the Field

UCalgary Researchers Discover Why Staph
Infection-Related Sepsis Causes Organ Failure
  F       or patients diagnosed with a
          Staphylococcus aureus infection,
also known as a staph or MRSA infection,
every minute counts. The bacteria create
havoc in the body, the immune system
goes into overdrive and the heightened
immune response can lead to sepsis,
which kills 30 to 50 per cent of those who
develop it. In Canada, sepsis is the 12th
leading cause of death.
   Scientists have known for some time
that one of the reasons a staph infection is
so deadly is the bacteria send out an alpha
toxin (AT) that quickly worsens sepsis.
   Using a process called intravital
                                                                                                                               Photo: Kelly Johnston
microscopy that allows scientists to
see what’s happening inside living             First author of the study, Dr. Bas Surewaard, PhD.
animals, UCalgary researchers recently
discovered the toxin causes platelets to       and kidneys, causing serious damage and              effective in preventing lung damage.
respond abnormally in mice. Platelets’         eventual organ failure.                                 “When we introduced the antibody to
primary role is to help stop bleeding             A team of UCalgary researchers wanted             the bloodstream of mice during sepsis, we
in mammals after injury, but what’s            to know whether an antibody that targets             saw an immediate reduction in the amount
relatively unknown is that platelets           the toxin could be effective in preventing           of clotting,” says Dr. Bas Surewaard, PhD,
also play a role in the body’s defences        platelets from clumping. They started                a postdoc in the Department of Physiology
against bacteria. Normally, platelets          working with MedImmune, a drug company               and Pharmacology and first author of
coat bacteria to prevent the spread of a       that is conducting a Phase 2 clinical trial          the study.
microbe throughout the patient. However,       where an alpha toxin antibody it developed              “A single dose of the antibody reduced
during sepsis caused by staph infection,       is given to intensive-care unit patients             liver damage by 50 per cent. By knocking
as the amount of toxin in the bloodstream      prone to develop pneumonia caused by                 out the toxin, the platelets could begin
increases, the platelets aggregate to form     staph due to long-term use of a ventilator.          flowing in the bloodstream again.”
clumps. Those clumps deposit in the liver      Early indications are the antibody is                — UToday U

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                                                                                                          UCALGARY ALUMNI MAGAZINE FALL | WINTER 2018   17

Lost in Translation
Life Lessons Learned Working in Qatar

by Graeme Lauber illustrated by Kelly Sutherland

     I    am a little ashamed of what happened on May 3, 2015.
          That was the day that my family and I left Calgary, our
                                                                       Communication was a particular challenge. Shortly after I
                                                                    arrived, I hired Noura, born and raised in Qatar and able to help
home for nearly 20 years, and flew to our new home in Qatar,        me navigate the language and culture — and to help me navigate
a small peninsula that juts out of Saudi Arabia into the Persian    Snapchat. Noura made it her mission to teach me a few words of
Gulf, where I was starting a new job as the director of market-     Arabic. Several times a week, she would say to me, “Say XXX!”
ing and communications for the University of Calgary in Qatar       and I would try my lame best to repeat what she’d said. Then she
(UCQ), a nursing faculty.                                           would laugh and say, “That’s hilarious. Here, let me Snap you!”
   My shame comes from the fact that the day I moved my wife        and she would share my ridiculous pronunciation on Snapchat.
and three children 11,000 kilometres around the globe was the       This happened every time I attempted an Arabic word. Every.
first time I had ever left North America. I’d been to New York,     Time. By the time I left Qatar, I was a minor Internet celebrity
Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles and Seattle, but never to Paris       for my terrible pronunciation.
or Dubai or Delhi. In every place I’d ever been, I spoke the           Incapacity with the Arabic language is a liability for someone
language, could navigate the streets, understood the culture. I’d   responsible for communications in an Arabic-speaking country.
never had a cross-cultural adventure, so now I was jumping in       On one occasion, UCQ decided to host an event for some of our
with both feet and my patient spouse and long-suffering children    alumni. I was responsible for the invitations to be sent by email
were jumping in with me.                                            with the subject line, “An Event for Nursing Leaders.” I asked
   The world I discovered in the Arabian desert was very differ-    Noura to translate the invitation into Arabic.
ent than the one I left behind on the Canadian prairie. Starbucks      That afternoon, I was in a meeting when my phone began to
didn’t have cream for my coffee, McDonald’s hamburgers tasted       blow up. It was Ian, a member of the team who did not speak
different and extreme cold was replaced with extreme heat (53°C     Arabic, saying we had a serious problem with the invitation. An
one day). But the differences ran deeper than consumer goods        alumna had replied to our invitation, saying, “This invitation con-
and climate; they extended to the ways society was structured,      tains a word that the university should not use.” Ian couldn’t tell
the ways people thought, the ways they communicated.                which word was the problem, and Noura had gone home sick, so


he took the invitation down the hall to an Egyptian national who        and (through his daughter) made it clear that we were to make
spoke Arabic. She reviewed the invitation and then pointed to the       ourselves at home. Then he and his children left, and we were
word we thought meant “leaders” and said, “This word means a            left alone to enjoy the refreshments and the fire he had provided.
man … who brings women … to other men … for sex.”                       Eventually, we wrote a note of thanks and left. I never learned
   Pimp. I had created a university event for pimps.                    his name, but his son’s name was Sultan, so, in my mind, the
   We sent the invitation to an outside translation agency to be        man will always be Abu Sultan (father of Sultan).
revised and sent a corrected version to our alumni. The next               When I got to work the next morning, I asked Noura about
morning, Noura just rolled her eyes at me, “That alumna was             what had happened. She said, “Oh, you were on his land,
just trying to make your life difficult! She knew what you were         and, as a Qatari, he had a choice to make. He could either be
trying to say!”                                                         reeeeeally nice, or shoot you.”
   Arabic is a language that has small marks around the main               Within our Western culture, there seems to be two schools
letters called diacritics. These marks change the pronunciation         of thought when it comes to relations with the Islamic world.
of letters or words (think about accents in French). The use of         One says, “These people are very different from us! They have
diacritics is generally reserved for specific, formal contexts and      different values and ways of thinking and, therefore, they are
they’re not typically seen in everyday Arabic. This means that          our enemy!” The other says, “These people are basically the
the reader occasionally has to understand which word is in-             same as we are. They want the same things as we do — peace,
tended based upon the context. The words “pimp” and “leaders”           prosperity, security — therefore, they are our friends!”
are different when the diacritics are included, but look the same
in everyday usage. Noura explained all of this to me with a look
of exasperation. We had been played, and I was realizing that I
was a long way from home.
   Language was not the only difference between me and my
Qatari neighbours — there were also fundamental differences
                                                                              ... what was important to me
in the ways we thought. As a Canadian and as an Albertan, I am
an individualist, but most Qataris are collectivists. For them,
                                                                              seemed trivial to them, and
community and relationships take priority over the individual.
This difference is so profound that it’s hard to grasp, let alone
                                                                              what seemed essential to them
articulate. It’s the kind of difference that can influence a person’s
perspective on almost everything — professional goals, relation-
                                                                              often seemed optional to me.
ships, even the definition of “the good life.”
   One of the cultural expressions of collectivism in the Arab
world is the majlis. Majlis can refer to people coming together
for conversation, but it’s more often used to refer to a building
where those people gather — a sort of reception tent or hall.              My experiences in Qatar taught me an important lesson.
The majlis is a place where men can hang out in the evenings to         The people I encountered were different from me — what was
drink tea, smoke, gossip and, ultimately, come to decisions for         important to me seemed trivial to them, and what seemed
the community. The majlis is the beating heart of the commun-           essential to them often seemed optional to me. Abu Sultan
ity and a symbol of Arab hospitality.                                   and I probably lived our lives by different principles and had
   I’ve only ever been in a majlis once. It was a rainy and cold        fundamentally different ways of thinking. We likely had very
(14°C!) day in February. We had a day off and everyone in the           different opinions about politics and community and family.
family was bored, so we decided to go for a drive in the desert.        Yet, in that moment when he had to decide whether to be
After driving on the highway for a while, we thought we’d try a         really nice or to shoot me, he chose compassion. At a mo-
little off-roading in what looked to us to be a barren wilderness.      ment when he had every right to be angry with me, he chose
We’d only been driving for a few minutes when a Land Cruiser            hospitality.
came racing toward us over a distant rise. When it got close to            Abu Sultan showed me that our compassion for one
us, the Qatari driver rolled down his window.                           another is not based on shared beliefs or values, but on our
   “Come! Come!” he ordered.                                            shared humanity. We are kind to each other not because we
   I tried to respond to him, but it was soon clear that he knew        think the same things, hope for the same things or believe the
about as much English as I knew Arabic, so we obeyed his orders         same things. We are kind because we are all human beings.
and followed him to a home nearby. Once there, he invited us            He also showed me that there is a language of compassion
into his majlis tent, where we were greeted by his daughter, who        that is universal — a bit of fire on a cold day and tea and dates
seemed to be about 12 and could speak English, and his son who          in the desert (like we’d offer coffee and doughnuts on the
was about nine. In the majlis, the man lit a fire for us, turned        prairies).
on the TV, and asked his servant to bring us tea and dates. He             It seems to me that this message is more important than
showed us some artifacts he had collected from the land around          ever. U

                                                                                                    UCALGARY ALUMNI MAGAZINE FALL | WINTER 2018   19
Mind & Body

                                                                                         Nowhere in the world is punctuality
                                                                                         more esteemed than in Germany. Be on
                                                                                         time for every appointment, whether for
                                                                                         business or social engagements.

Manners matter in all countries, but cultural missteps can
be deal-killers or cause you to miss out on a meaningful
connection. Here are 10 cultural faux pas to avoid while visiting
10 countries — many with which UCalgary has partnerships or
                                                                                         Remember that the left hand is
shares business
                                                                                         considered unclean in the Islamic world.
                                                                                         When travelling, even in many non-
by Deb Cummings and Andrea Lee Morrow
                                                                                         Islamic areas of Africa and Asia, use the
                                                                                         right hand — especially when it comes
                                                                                         to eating.

            hewing gum. Giving a thumbs-up. Writing on
            business cards. Eating with your left hand.
These gestures may seem entirely benign, but in
some places they are frowned upon — some are even               Try to make
actually against the law — and what you don’t want is           appointments
                                                                between 10 a.m. and
to get tossed into some foreign slammer when travelling
                                                                1 p.m. That’s because
abroad. UCalgary’s International Relations Department           meetings can often
takes the understanding of diverse cultures, customs            take longer than two
and perspectives very seriously — which is precisely why        hours and business
                                                                may only occupy a
they’ve created a beefy primer on how to avoid making
                                                                small portion of this
offensive cultural blunders. Take a peek. Just don’t pat        time. Developing
someone’s head while doing so, especially if you’re in India,   a relationship on a
where it’s considered offensive!                                personal level is key
                                                                to conducting business
                                                                in Mexico.

Mind & Body

The exchange of
meishi or business
cards is critical in
Japan. Typically,
business cards are
presented at the
beginning of a meeting
led by the people
who enjoy the highest
status. Use both hands
to present the card.
When you receive a                                                               When an Indian smiles and wobbles
business card, examine                                                           his head, which may look somewhat
it carefully and avoid                                                           like a Western “no,” do not be fooled.
writing on it.                                                                   This gesture likely means “yes.”

The number eight is the luckiest                                                 Refrain from giving anyone a
number, as well as six. Even numbers     Never, ever, chew gum in                thumbs-up, as it is equivalent to the
are preferred (except four).             Singapore — it is illegal.              middle finger in the Western world.

                                                                                 hosts international visitors,
                                                                                 university delegations,
                                                                                 government officials and
                                                                                 dignitaries each year. It also helps
                                                                                 faculty and staff develop campus
                                                                                 itineraries and organize meetings
                                                                                 and seminars for international
                                                                                 visitors and advise on various
                                                                                 cross-cultural matters — culturally
If you spot a Brazilian flicking their   Like most things in America,
fingertips underneath their chin,
                                                                                 appropriate gifts, forms of
                                         greetings are quite informal. This is
realize they don’t know the answer       just a manifestation of the American    address and country-specific
to your question.                        belief that everyone is equal.          recommendations. U

                                                                                  UCALGARY ALUMNI MAGAZINE FALL | WINTER 2018   21
Dropping In

Goes Global
In an effort to expand its global reach,
the University of Calgary brought its
internationally recognized and accredited
nursing program to Qatar in 2007. Here’s a
peek at its campus in the capital of Doha,
the only post-secondary institution in Qatar
to offer a degree in nursing

by Deb Cummings

     I    t’s 7:30 a.m. on a Sunday at the
University of Calgary in Qatar's (UCQ)
labour and delivery simulation lab. Besides
the unusually early hour (for a university
class) and day of the week, the ultra-mod-
ern teaching lab could be in any North
American city: a wireless birthing manne-
quin known as Noelle lies under a sheet;
an IV pump and blood pressure meter are
clipped to a wall nearby; the typical charts,
bins and equipment are at the ready.                  Explains Hamdeh: “There are many            UCalgary (the only Canadian university).
   Even the students are in scrubs, just as        challenges that face male nurses in Qatar      In some ways, these schools are a study
they would be in any Western-style hospital        as most people expect only women to do         in contradictions — Western ways of
setting, but the similarities may stop there.      this job. I’m here to change that — I’d like   thinking and teaching in what remains
Take a look in any of UCQ’s 27 classrooms          to see the scope of nursing broadened to       an Islamic monarchy, albeit a liberal
and you’ll find a student body far more            give all of us more opportunities.”            one by regional standards. These foreign
multinational than what we’d find in Cal-             Daniah Mereno, a third-year student,        universities represent broad opportun-
gary — Qataris, Sudanese, Syrians, Indians,        agrees, pointing out that the nursing          ities for women in a nation where many
Filipinos and a few Canadians on study             field is “evolving in Qatar,” just one of      families do not allow their daughters to
abroad comprise this student population.           the reasons she values the international       travel overseas to study or to mix casually
And, although you see male nursing student         perspective UCQ provides as it follows the     with men. Although UCQ is still relatively
Abdul Rhman Hamdeh (in the photo), you             Canadian curriculum.                           small, it, along with the others, could be a
would never find a male nurse in any Qatari           In Qatar’s rapid rise to modernity, the     seedbed of change.
hospital treating a female patient. It’s true      country has taken a different approach to         Now at the vanguard of Qatar’s health
that 11 per cent of all UCQ’s 450 current          post-secondary education. For those who        promotion, UCQ’s nursing students and
nursing students are male, but — apart             wanted a Western education, but didn’t         graduates practise in the community, in
from an emergency — they are not allowed           want to live abroad to get it, Qatar decided   primary health centres, clinics, schools
to treat any females, nor are they allowed         some 20 years ago to import a host of          and acute care hospitals. Accredited in
on any “female” ward. They do, however,            foreign universities. Two decades later,       Canada and adapted to the local culture,
receive maternity training and education           Doha is home to degree-granting cam-           UCQ’s curriculum provides students with
at UCQ where they complete their required          puses from top-flight universities such as     the knowledge and expertise to become
clinical hours in this simulation lab.             Cornell, Texas A&M, Carnegie Mellon and        leaders in Qatar’s heath-care sector. Offer-

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