Kootenay residents face wait for rollout of COVID-19 vaccine - Valley Voice

Page created by Shannon Lewis
Kootenay residents face wait for rollout of COVID-19 vaccine - Valley Voice
January 14, 2021 The Valley Voice                                                                                                                                                                                           1

                                                            Volume 30, Number 1 January 14, 2021 Delivered to every home between Edgewood, Kaslo & South Slocan. Published bi-weekly.
                                                            Your independently owned regional community newspaper serving the Arrow Lakes, Slocan & North Kootenay Lake Valleys.

Kootenay residents face wait for rollout of COVID-19 vaccine
by John Boivin, Local Journalism                  When you get the shots (two                It won’t be until late February or    until three to four weeks ahead of             media. In the meantime, Henry says
Initiative reporter                          injections are needed for both              early March that the second phase         delivery from the National Operations          its important people not let their guard
     The good news is there’s a vaccine      vaccines) depends on where you fall         of the rollout begins. In that round,     Committee overseeing countrywide               down.
for the coronavirus, and it’s in the         in the priority list. Right now, the        the focus starts on seniors in the        distribution.                                       “This virus doesn’t know that
province. But health officials are           groups targeted for the first round         community aged 80+. Also on that list         As for where and when you go to            we haven’t seen our friends in
cautioning it won’t likely be in most        of vaccines are: residents/staff of         are homeless people, prisoners, mental    get the shots in your community, and           months. It doesn’t know that it’s our
people’s arms in this region for several     long-term care and assisted living          health patients, adult group home         how you’ll be notified, that is still          grandmother’s birthday,” she said last
months yet.                                  residences; individuals in hospital         residents and staff, long-term support    being worked out. The logistics for            week. “This is our riskiest time right
     Earlier this month, the Province        or community assessed individuals           recipients and providers, as well as      storage and delivery of the vaccine is         now. We cannot let our guard down
outlined its plans to roll out the Pfizer-   who are awaiting a long-term care           community doctors and hospital staff.     underway now.                                  as vaccination is just beginning. This
BioNTech and Moderna vaccines,               placement; essential visitors in long-          Mass vaccination of the general           You’ll get word on distribution            is our winter, but we know spring
which were approved by Health                term care and assisted living facilities;   population won’t really start until       here in the Valley Voice and other             will come.”
Canada at the end of last year to            healthcare workers providing                March. The speed of its rollout will
combat the coronavirus. And while            front-line hospital care in ICUs,           be dependent again on how much
essential health workers and the             medical/surgical units, emergency           vaccine is delivered to BC. The plan is
most vulnerable are receiving shots          departments, paramedics; remote/            to vaccinate population cohorts – once
now (about 60,000 doses have been            isolated First Nation communities.          the 80+ group is completed, they’ll
delivered), the rollout to the general            The priority populations will get      move on to 75+, then 70+, etc.
population will take some time yet.          the first dose of the vaccine by late           However, “…a detailed approach
     As of January 3, 24,700 doses of        January, and get their second dose          and methodology is being developed –
the Pfizer vaccine had been distributed      about 35 days later, says Provincial        more detail to be provided mid-to-late
in the province, and 1,600 of the            Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry.            January,” says Henry.
Moderna vaccine. Six hundred and             About 150,000 people should get                 The scale of the vaccination effort
thirty-nine doses of the Moderna             the protective shots by the end of          is impressive: in phase one, between
version were sent to Interior Health,        February.                                   December and March, officials expect
which includes the West Kootenay.                 “It is a monumental task, and          to distribute 792,000 doses of the
     Officials say the speed of the          there are many months to go on this,”       vaccine.
rollout depends on just how much             she told reporters earlier this month.          Compounding the complexity
vaccine is delivered to them over the        “It’s constrained by logistics and          of the rollout is the nature of the
coming months.                               how many vaccines we are receiving.         vaccine. The Pfizer version needs
     “The deliveries will continue to        But we are optimistic and focussed          to be stored in special, ultra-cold
arrive on a routine basis and speed          intently on protecting people in long-      freezers (to -80°C). There are only
up over time,” says an official with         term care and assisted living as soon       a handful of those in the province,
Interior Health. “The most important         as we possibly can.”                        and none in the West Kootenay. That
thing of note to share is that vaccine            Again, Henry cautioned the             means locals here will be getting the
is arriving, and will continue to arrive,    rollout is contingent on vaccine            Moderna vaccine (which can be stored
to vaccinate the phase one priority          production and delivery, and the            in normal fridges).
populations. After that, eligibility         timetable will be modified according            Again however, officials caution      Rick Taylor of Kaslo is the winner of the Kootenay Lake Angler Incentive Program’s November
expands to the next groups and so            to the amounts they receive from the        that they won’t know the exact                draw. He turned his fish heads into the Woodbury Resort depot for $1,000 worth of gift
forth.”                                      manufacturer.                               number of doses available for rollout                                     certificates. See story, page 15.

                                                     100% Locally Owned & Operated
Kootenay residents face wait for rollout of COVID-19 vaccine - Valley Voice
2                                                                                              NEWS                                                                           The Valley Voice January 14, 2021

Local villages top list for increased property values
by John Boivin, Local Journalism          says. However, Slocan, Nakusp and         Columbia homeowners can expect             updated assessments is from new                “If a property owner is still
Initiative reporter                       Kaslo all saw higher-than-average         a moderate increase in their 2021          construction, subdivisions and             concerned about their assessment
    Three local communities had           property value increases in 2020,         assessments compared to last year,”        rezoning of properties.                    after speaking to one of our
some of the highest increases in          and several other West Kootenay           says Deputy Assessor Sharlynn Hill.             Homeowners who don’t agree            appraisers, they may submit a Notice
property values in the province last      communities weren’t far behind.           “Some of the smaller communities           with their assessment have a window        of Complaint (appeal) by February
year.                                         The Village of Slocan saw             have experienced higher demand than        of opportunity to challenge the BC         1, for an independent review by a
    BC Assessment has released its        one of the highest increases in the       previous years and that is reflected in    Assessment finding.                        Property Assessment Review Panel.”
annual list of assessed property values   province, at 19%, with the value of the   this year’s assessments.”                       “Property owners… who feel that           The Property Assessment
as of July 2020. That assessment is       average home rising from $165,000              Silverton and New Denver              their property assessment does not         Review Panels, independent of BC
used to help determine the amount of      to $196,000. Nakusp saw a 16%             also saw increases, 10% and 9%             reflect market value as of July 1, 2020    Assessment, are appointed annually
taxes a homeowner will pay in 2021.       increase, from $237,000 to $275,000,      respectively.                              or see incorrect information on their      by the provincial government, and
    Most regions saw up to a 10%          while Kaslo saw a 12% increase, from           For comparison, the City of           notice, should contact BC Assessment       typically meet between February
increase in property assessments last     $269,000 to $299,000                      Nelson saw a 7% increase, with             as indicated on their notice as soon as    1 and March 15 to hear formal
year, the government department               “The majority of Kootenay             the average price of a home there          possible in January,” says Hill.           complaints.
                                                                                    assessed at $504,000.
                                                                                         A higher assessment doesn’t           Agreement reached to help couple
                                                                                    automatically mean higher taxes for
                                                                                    the homeowner. That will depend on         remove home in slide zone
                                                                                    the tax rates set by local governments     by John Boivin, Local Journalism           property, as it’s still not even clear it
                                                                                    later this year, and how an individual’s   Initiative reporter                        will be safe to have work crews on
                                                                                    property increase compares to the               A Slocan Valley couple is going       the site. But Johnson says he hopes
                                                                                    average. If your assessed value stayed     to get help to remove their abandoned      crews will be able to take down the
                                                                                    the same, and your local government        home from their property perched           home before spring runoff intensifies
                                                                                    doesn’t increase taxes, a homeowner        high above the Little Slocan River.        erosion on the property.
                                                                                    will see no change.                             Scott Carlson and Christa                  “Due to the nature of the unstable
                                                                                         “It is important to understand that   Brakmann’s house is in danger of           slope, we are, as of yet, unsure what a
                                          Mon- Fri Castlegar to Nakusp              increases in property assessments          sliding into the river, as erosion eats    safe working distance from the edge
                                           and area                                 do not automatically translate into a      away at the property.                      will be,” he says. “We currently have
                                          Mon/Wed/Fri Vernon to Nakusp              corresponding increase in property              The couple hasn’t lived in the        geotechnical experts monitoring the
                                                                                    taxes,” explains Hill. “As noted on        building since the spring, and have        slope to understand how active it is.
                                          Mon-Fri Castlegar and area
                                                                                    your Assessment Notice, how your           moved to Castlegar.                             “From this data, a safe work
                                          Mon-Fri Grand Forks and area
                                                                                    assessment changes relative to the              But the house still remains a         distance will be determined,
                                          Tues- Fri Kaslo and area
                                                                                    average change in your community is        danger, and in November RDCK               then a viable method of removal
                                          Mon-Fri Nelson and area                                                              officials settled with the couple on a     identified, and finally, an overall cost
                                                                                    what may affect your property taxes.”
                                          Mon- Fri Trail and area                        BC Assessment collects, monitors      deal to help them get the building off     understood.”
                                          Mon-Fri Rossland                          and analyzes property data throughout      the property before it tumbles down             Johnson says their first priority
                                          Saturday delivery service within          the year. Earlier this month, it mailed    to the water.                              is the health and safety of the crews
                                           city limits in Nelson, Castlegar,        out assessments to 150,000 properties           The agreement was revealed in         who’ll be asked to work on the site.
                                           Trail and Grand Forks.                   throughout the Kootenay Columbia           the minutes of the December RDCK                “If qualified professionals
                                          Same day and next day service             region.                                    board meeting.                             determine that the instability of the
                                           available                                     Overall, Kootenay Columbia’s               “The purpose of the agreement is      slope makes it unsafe for removal
                                                                                    total assessments increased from           to make clear the understanding that       of the structure, we’ll have to look
           1368 Forest Rd, Castlegar, BC                                            about $46.6 billion in 2020 to almost      the RDCK will work to remove the           at other options,” he says.
              Phone: (250) 365-0269                                                 $49.8 billion this year. A total of        house, but that the liability ultimately
                                                                                    about $488 million of the region’s         still remains with the homeowners,”        Three New
                                                                                                                               says Chris Johnson, the director of
                                                                                                                               the RDCK’s Emergency Operations
                                                                                                                                                                          Denver area
                                                                                                                               Centre.                                    residents arrested
                                                                                                                                    “For example, if the RDCK is
                                                                                                                               not able to remove the house due to        in early January
                                                                                                                               safety concerns, and it falls down         by Jan McMurray
                                                                                                                               the bank and impacts the river, the             Slocan Lake RCMP report that
                                                                                                                               RDCK will not be held liable.”             they arrested three New Denver area
                                                                                                                                    With the legal technicalities         residents in early January in two
                                                                                                                               settled, the regional government           separate raids. No charges have been
                                                                                                                               and homeowners can begin work              laid in either case, and the individuals
                                                                                                                               on demolishing the building and            are not in police custody. Both
                                                                                                                               removing its materials. The couple         incidents are still under investigation.
                                                                                                                               faces a complete loss on what was               On January 4, police raided a
                                                                                                                               to be their retirement home, and           downtown New Denver business
                                                                                                                               couldn’t afford to have it removed         in the 800 block of Kildare Street,
                                                                                                                               themselves.                                and report they seized a quantity
                                                                                                                                    While it’s a private building         of contraband tobacco as well as
                                                                                                                               on private property, Johnsons says         controlled substances under both the
                                                                                                                               the RDCK has a duty to ensure              Controlled Drug and Substances Act
                                                                                                                               the building doesn’t create an             and the Cannabis Act. According to
                                                                                                                               environmental hazard.                      an RCMP press release, police found
                                                                                                                                    “All local authorities within BC      indications of trafficking of controlled
                                                                                                                               are legislated to operate and maintain     substances from the business, as well.
                                                                                                                               an emergency management program                 The business owners were
                                                                                                                               to manage and coordinate responses         released from police custody pending
                                                                                                                               to emergencies within their political      further investigation.
                                                                                                                               boundaries,” he told the Valley Voice.          On January 6, police executed a
                                                                                                                               “In this case, the emergency is an         search warrant at a residence in the
                                                                                                                               imminent threat of a deleterious           8400 block of Red Mountain Road
                                                                                                                               substance entering a waterway.             and report they seized about 1,200
                                                                                                                                    “Within our role in managing          marijuana plants in various stages of
                                                                                                                               the emergency, our goal is to remove       growth, as well as about 12 pounds of
                                                                                                                               the hazard (the house) before it has a     dry marijuana bud.
                                                                                                                               negative impact on the environment              A 47-year-old male was arrested
                                                                                                                               (the river and its ecosystem).”            at the scene, and police say they will
                                                                                                                                    It’s not known how much it will       be recommending charges against
                                                                                                                               cost to remove the building from the       him.
Kootenay residents face wait for rollout of COVID-19 vaccine - Valley Voice
January 14, 2021 The Valley Voice                                                                            NEWS                                                                                                     3

Possible Bigfoot sighting shocks, excites Silverton residents
by John Boivin, Local Journalism                 recalls. “They were bipedal tracks           who wanders around here,’” she says.          For Spink-D’Souza, the incident       Research Organization through their
Initiative reporter                              in a straight line into the woods…           “It sounds like around here people        has left her with a larger sense of the   website.
                                                     “I got a little spooked, it was          are pretty open to the possibility        magic of the world.
    ‘Twas the night of Christmas
                                                 alarming to see such big prints. But         there is one.”                                “It leaves me with a sense of awe
                                                                                                                                                                                  SHELLEY BORTNICK,
    And through the West Koot
                                                 there were no bear tracks.”                  Investigators arrive                      and wonderment on all the beautiful           MSW, RSW
    Not a creature was sighted                                                                                                                                                        Individual, couple and
                                                     Spink-D’Souza and the others                  The sighting was strong enough       mysteries of this world,” she says,
    Except maybe Bigfoot
                                                 examined and photographed the                that members of an Okanagan Bigfoot       noting Indigenous cultures recognize             family therapist
    At least, that’s how the famous              tracks, and then she filed a report          group returned to the location about      the existence of the sasquatch.                30 years experience
poem could go after a group of                   with a Bigfoot organization online.          10 days after the sighting.                   “In terms of looking for evidence,    Offers counselling services involving
travellers spotted what they say might           ‘Un-hoax-able’                                    But after investigating the          in concrete ways, that’s fine, but I do    mental health (depression, anxiety,
have been a Bigfoot – also known as                  The head of the Bigfoot Field            scene and examining the tracks            hold a respect that there are people         etc.), addictions, grief and loss,
a Sasquatch – near Silverton on                  Research Group, Matt Moneymaker              carefully, the team put a damper on       around who know of the existence            trauma and life transition issues.
Christmas night.                                 (who also co-hosted a long-running           the excitement.                           of sasquatch and that’s marvellous.”
                                                                                                                                                                                   For appointment, please call
    The four friends were heading                Animal Planet TV show called                      “They suspect the tracks are             If you see a sasquatch, you’re
to their home on Hwy 6 just south                Finding Bigfoot), described the              from a very large moose,” says            invited to contact the Bigfoot Field             250-265-3397
of Silverton on the evening of                   tracks as “un-hoax-able.”                    Moneymaker, who’s based in
December 25 when the people in the
front of the vehicle saw what looked
                                                     “The surrounding pristine snow
                                                 proves the tracks were not fabricated
                                                                                              California. “The witnesses may
                                                                                              have seen a large female moose
                                                                                                                                                                         VILLAGE OF
like a “huge, man-like figure” on the
side of the road.
                                                 by humans,” he says. “The stride
                                                 length is beyond the ability of a
                                                                                              facing forward and mistook it for a
                                                                                              man-like figure.”                                                         NEW DENVER
    “I didn’t see the creature myself,           human trying to leap through knee-                But since nearly two weeks had
I saw the prints,” says Erica Spink-             deep snow. The drag marks and depth          passed since the initial sighting,                                         PUBLIC NOTICES
D’Souza, who was in the back                     of the tracks prove they are not from        Moneymaker says there’s still room
seat. She’s become the informal                  a leaping rabbit. The linear pattern         to believe.
                                                                                                                                                      2021 UTILITY BILLINGS
spokesperson for her companions.                                                                                                         Invoices for 2021 water and garbage charges have been mailed
                                                 shows that it was not a bear.”                    “It’s up in the air,” he says. “In
“But the person on the front seat                                                                                                        to property owners. Payments can be made in person at the
                                                     Moneymaker also says it’s                most cases I can usually say it’s
cried out ‘Oh my gosh look at that!’”            unlikely someone was trying to               looking more one way than the other,       Village Office (cash, cheque or debit) or through Kootenay
    “They said it looked like a                  hoax random travellers on an empty           but in this case I can’t. I think there    Savings Credit Union’s online banking.
huge grizzly, or it was a large man,             stretch of road on Christmas night.          are moose tracks in the area, yes, but     Please note that a 5% penalty will be applied to all amounts
standing up.”                                        Spink-D’Souza, who just                  there are witnesses who said they did      that have not been paid by February 15th, 2021. An additional
    But before Spink-D’Souza could               recently moved to the area, says             not see a moose.”                          5% penalty will be applied to all amounts that remain unpaid
catch a glimpse, the figure turned,              she’s never had something like this               Moneymaker says he’d love             at October 1st, 2021.
went on all fours, and headed deep               happen to her before – though she’s          someone with a drone to fly along
into the bush.                                   heard weird animal sounds howling            the trail of the purported tracks to       DOG LICENCE RENEWAL REMINDER
    “We tried to turn around and look            in the bush around her new home.             see where they lead.                       Dog owners in the Village of New Denver are reminded that all
again, but it was gone,” she says.                   She says locals she’s spoken to          Ancient hominid?                           dogs residing in the Village of New Denver are required to have
    After arriving home and putting              have generally accepted her claim.               Sasquatches are thought by             a current dog licence, which can be obtained from the Village
her kids to bed, they returned to                    ‘Well, it’s the Kootenays,” she          some to be present in the West             Office. In accordance with the Village of New Denver’s Animal
the scene to look for signs of the               says, laughing. “I tell them what            Kootenay. Paranormal researchers           Control Bylaw, there is a $15.00 reduction in the licence fees, if
mysterious creature.                             happened, and they start telling me          believe it could be a lost sub-            the licence for the current year is purchased prior to January
    “We saw all these different                  their Bigfoot stories.                       species of hominid, like the extinct       31st or within 30 days of the date that the owner first comes into
tracks, and then we saw these tracks                 “People were saying ‘oh, that’s          Gigantopithecus, a large ape-like
that were really alarming,” she                                                                                                          possession of the dog.
                                                 The Wanderer, there’s a sasquatch            creature whose remains have been
                                                                                              found in southeast Asia. However,                         BUSINESS LICENCES
                                                                                              no convincing physical evidence
                                                                                                                                         A current Business Licence is required for all commercial
                                                                                              has ever been found to support those
                                                                                                                                         undertakings of any kind within the Village of New Denver,
                                                                                                                                         including home-based businesses, professional, personal or
                                                                                                   It pays to                            other services for the purpose of gain or profit. In addition there

                                                                                                advertise in the
                                                                                                                                         is the Inter-Community Business License (ICBL). ICBL allows
                                                                                                                                         eligible businesses to operate across participating communities

                                                                                                 Valley Voice!!!
                                                                                                                                         without having to buy a separate business licence for each
                                                                                                                                         community. For more information or to obtain a business licence,
                                                                                                     Call toll free                      please contact the Village Office.
                                                                                                  1-833-501-1700 for                        EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES
                                                                                                        details                          The Village of New Denver is currently accepting applications
                                                                                               valleyvoice@valleyvoice.ca                for a part-time janitorial position. For more information, please
                                                                                                                                         contact the Village Office.

                                                                                                                                             CENTENNIAL PARK PLANNING
                                                                                                                                         You are invited to help shape the future of Centennial Park.
                                                                                                                                         The Village is undertaking a comprehensive process to develop
                                                                                                                                         a new Master Plan for Centennial Park. Public input will help
                                                                                                                                         inform the design and master planning process moving forward.
                                                                                                                                         As a first step in the public engagement process, we are asking
                                                                                                  Our valley’s green
                                                                                                                                         you to provide feedback through a short survey. Visit our website
                                                                                                  grocer since 1990                      for the link or pick-up a paper copy at the Village Office. Your
                                                                                                                                         participation is highly valued!
                                                                                                   • Fresh                                             2021 BUDGET NOTICE
                                                                                                 • Organic                               The Council of the Village of New Denver invites public
                                                                                                                                         consultation in the preparation of the Village’s 2021 Five Year
                                                                                               • Wholesome                               Financial Plan. Council welcomes public input from residents
                                                                                                                                         of the Village with regards to items they would like to see
                                                                                                    1290 Hwy #6                          addressed in the budget.
                                                                                                   Crescent Valley                       To ensure Council’s consideration please submit your comments
                                                                                                                                         to the Village of New Denver Municipal Office no later than
                                                                                                     250-359-7323                        Sunday, January 31, 2021.
                                                                                                       – Open daily –                           115 Slocan Avenue · P.O. Box 40, New Denver, BC V0G 1S0
   When local residents saw a creature that looked like Bigfoot on Christmas night south of
     Silverton, they returned to the scene later that night and photographed the tracks.      (Closed Christmas & New Year’s day)               (250) 358-2316 · office@newdenver.ca · www.newdenver.ca
Kootenay residents face wait for rollout of COVID-19 vaccine - Valley Voice
4                                                                                            OPINION                                                                                                                      The Valley Voice January 14, 2021

New Denver                               change denier.
                                             We’ve known for years that a
Reading Centre                           pandemic was likely. We’ve also
                                         seen that countries that have taken
    What if New Denver Reading
Centre were to become a regional         strong measures have been able to
service that includes Area H North as    greatly reduce the spread, while
well as Silverton? The membership        those who don’t see a lot of deaths.
records will show the geographical           It’s not as though I trust
range of addresses. Please consider      government. Corporate capture
the many ways our area could benefit     is a thing, as evidenced by the
from an expanded library service.        subsidization of the oil and gas
More/increased hours, selection,         industry, continuation of fish farms
options, support?                        despite the scientific evidence that
                          Carol Bell     it’s killing wild salmon, not to
                           Silverton     mention the barbaric clearcutting of
                                         BC’s forests.
In praise of the                             But I believe that when there’s a
Pavilion                                 health emergency of this nature, we
                                         have a responsibility to wear a mask,
     I was stunned by Elsie Reder’s
                                         social distance, etc.
letter recounting her bad experiences
                                             I’m honestly perplexed, and hope
at the Pavilion. This may be a
                                         someone will edify me.
case of misunderstood COVID
                                                               Diana van Eyk
quarantine protocols, as it does not
reflect in any way the Pavilion that
I am familiar with from weekly           Reality
visits over nearly three years. The
cleaning is impeccable, and the          prescription                                                                                  – KASLO HOTEL IS OPEN –
nurses, care aides, kitchen staff are
all unbelievably kind, compassionate
                                         needed                                                                        Happy Hour is back! 3PM-5PM & 9PM-10PM daily. Drink and appetizer specials.
                                             Through no enabling of                                                         Open from 3Pm Mon-Thurs & from Noon Fri – Sun.
and attentive; their genuine concern     their own, retail staff, front-line
for each resident is obvious. COVID                                                                                                WWW.KASLOHOTEL.COM 250-353-7714
                                         workers and some who work in
restrictions and requirements have       the service industry, because of
                                                                                      The Ingrid Rice cartoon is a satirical look at current events in politics and is sponsored by the Kaslo Hotel. The Hotel does not necessarily share the political views of the artist.

added another layer of responsibility    certain government policy, have            following basic rules designed                                 woods and trails overflowing with                               (VV, December 3) to mean that I cared
to everyone’s job, but the stress of     unwittingly become unpaid law              to protect themselves as well as                               unwashed and unkempt campers                                    not for the unfortunate heart attack
this has not diminished the quality      enforcement officers. Their jobs           customers is cowardly, despicable                              who mostly left their trash for others                          victim at Empire Coffee and that I
of care that I witness each time I am    have had new and at times difficult        and shameful behaviour. Those                                  to pick up. Villagers did not have to                           viewed spitting upon another person
there. I have nothing but gratitude      responsibilities added to an already       deniers of facts, those who believe                            clean up their yards from trash and                             as an appropriate response in a dispute.
and appreciation for the life my         stressful workplace. The workers I         that there is a worldwide conspiracy                           worse when the festival ended.                                  It’s easy to see why many are afraid to
mother enjoys as a Pavilion resident.    have any contact with in our small         of mind control, need a prescription                               I for one, and after speaking with                          speak up right now for fear of being
                     Antonia Ferrier     village are dedicated, personable,         of reality. All they have to do is look                        many of my fellow employers and                                 thus vilified.
                              Winlaw     efficient, and go about their duties       at statistics. This is real. Stay down at                      taxpayers in Kaslo, would rather                                     We are living in extremely divisive
Perplexed                                as before. Anyone who would go             the shallow end of the gene pool but
                                                                                    don’t expect me to join you.
                                                                                                                                                   never see another Jazz Fest darken
                                                                                                                                                   our village. The message I would
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   times. Many are afraid of a virus and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   infractions of ordinances aimed to halt
    I’m having trouble understanding     out of their way to question or abuse
how people I know, like and respect      these workers should be ashamed of              To quote from Albert Einstein,                            have for the council is that the                                its spread while others are concerned
are demanding freedom to not wear        themselves. Perhaps they would look        “Only two things are infinite, the                             Village should never again sell itself                          about encroaching fascism and the
a mask because they think the            in the mirror and ask themselves:          universe and human stupidity, and                              cheap for a festival that has little                            erasure of civil rights and freedoms.
COVID-19 pandemic is a hoax of           “Would I enjoy being treated that          I’m not so sure about the former.”                             or no benefit for the taxpayers and                             How do we heal this division?
some kind. I’ve yet to see a credible    way?” More than likely the answer                                   Jim Van Horn                          residents of the village. As a business                         Certainly not by spitting, nor by name-
source explaining how this can be.       would be no. Along with rights                                                Kaslo                       person, I would say the starting point                          calling, nor by false characterization.
What I’ve seen so far comes from         comes responsibility to your fellow        Open letter to                                                 would be a minimum fee of $100,000
                                                                                                                                                   to be used to reduce, on a pro-rata
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        In her 2006 book, Unplugging
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   the Patriarchy, Lucia Renee proposes
Rebel Media – a source I don’t           human, to do no harm. Hurling
trust – and a doctor who is a climate    epithets and abuse at workers for          Kaslo council                                                  basis, the taxes of all the property                            that our past several thousand years
                                                                                        I have been making my rounds                               owners in the village. I would prefer                           of history is a time characterized by
                                                                                    and talking to my fellow merchants                             no Jazz Fest. But if there is one, it                           power and as such pertains to the
     The Valley Voice welcomes letters to the editor and community news             and taxpayers on Front Street.                                 should be shut down at 9 pm – no                                solar plexus chakra. She says that in
 articles from our readers.                                                         August long weekend of 2020 was                                more 11 pm to midnight noise – and                              order to learn about power, we have
     Letters and articles should be no longer than 500 words and may be             quite prosperous for all of us. There                          the residents of the village should                             needed to experience the abuse of
 edited. We reserve the right to reject any submitted material.                     was no Jazz Fest, but the hotel, motel,                        benefit, not be inconvenienced and                              power. Hence we have seen the rise
     Please mark your letter “LETTER TO THE EDITOR.” Include your                   B&Bs and the campground were full.                             dumped on.                                                      of slavery, imperialism, and more
 address and daytime phone number for verification purposes.                            We all had a good business                                                        John Eckland                             recently corporate capitalism and the
     We will not knowingly publish any letter that is defamatory or libelous.       weekend, and we did not have to deal                                                            Kaslo                          academic military industrial complex.
 We will not publish anonymous letters or letters signed with pseudonyms,
 except in extraordinary circumstances.
                                                                                    with a drugged-out group of drunks
                                                                                    beating their bongo drums at 3 am
                                                                                                                                                   Hope for the heart                                              Renee believes that the only way we
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   will transition out of our current era is
                                                                                                                                                       I was very sad to read Carolyn
     Opinions expressed in published letters are those of the author and not        and disturbing the sleep of villagers                                                                                          by moving into our feeling centre; the
                                                                                                                                                   Parker’s letter (VV, December 17) in
 necessarily those of the Valley Voice.                                             and hotel guests. We did not have our                                                                                          next epoch, she believes, will be ruled
                                                                                                                                                   which she chose to interpret my letter

 The Valley Voice
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   by the heart chakra.
                                                               Box 70, New Denver, BC V0G 1S0                                                                                                                           I do very much care for the woman
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   that suffered the heart attack, as I
        Phone/Fax: 1-833-501-1700 E-Mail: valleyvoice@valleyvoice.ca Website: www.valleyvoice.ca                                                                                                                   care about the hearts of everyone in
 Publisher - Dan Nicholson • Editor - Jan McMurray • Food Editor Emeritus - Andrew Rhodes • Arts & Culture Editor - Art Joyce                                                                                      our beautiful West Kootenays and all
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   around the world. My greatest wish
                        Reporters - Barbara Curry Mulcahy, Moe Lyons & Kathy Hartman                                                                                                                               for this time is that we can continue
                        Local Journalism Initiative Reporter - John Boivin This position is funded by the Government o                                                                                             to debate issues logically while trying
                                                  Published and printed in British Columbia, Canada                                                                                                                our best to remember that the most
       The Valley Voice is distributed throughout the Slocan and Arrow Lake Valleys from South Slocan/Playmor Junction to Edgewood and Kaslo on Kootenay Lake.                                                     important thing in life is unconditional
    Circulation is 7,600 papers, providing the most complete news and advertising coverage of any single newspaper serving this area.                                                                              love and compassion towards each
       SUBSCRIPTIONS: CANADA $54.60, USA $84.00, OVERSEAS $126.00. E-Mail Subscription $22.40 (Prices include GST)                                                                                                 other.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Catherine McGrath
                                Canada Post Publications Mail Agreement #40021191
Kootenay residents face wait for rollout of COVID-19 vaccine - Valley Voice
January 14, 2021 The Valley Voice                                                                      LETTERS                                                                                                           5

Forestry                                    best to do in these circumstances. All
                                            you need to do now is get surgery to           No country for                           one another. How very reckless, in
                                                                                                                                    my opinion!
                                                                                                                                                                             which shook a huge land mass with
                                                                                                                                                                             tidal wave and many lives were lost.
     Sorry I’m a little behind the
times, but I would like to congratulate
                                            remove that silver spoon from where
                                            the sun doesn’t shine. I’m sure it will
                                                                                           old men                                      Weekly I visit a loved one in a
                                                                                                                                    long-term care facility. I am trying
                                                                                                                                                                             The next sign was the dark day of
                                                                                                                                                                             May 19, 1780. This was none other
Philip Pedini on his brilliant letter                                                           I was flummoxed to read
                                            improve your vision and get rid of             ‘Kootenay Freedom questions              hard to avoid bringing COVID             but the warning of the Prophet;
in the December 3, 2020 edition             that entitled outlook you have.                                                         with me. Only a moron would not          Joel 2:31. “The sun shall be turned
regarding the so-called fire-safe                                                          mainstream narrative on
                                                Dr. Bonnie Henry, thank you                COVID-19’ by Jan McMurray in             understand the huge threat to life       into darkness and moon into blood,
logging done near Kaslo. He said            for the terrific job you’re doing.                                                      that COVID poses to these residents.     before the coming of the great and
a lot in a short letter. Well done. I                                                      your December 17 edition. What a
                                            Remember that no matter what you               clearly promotional article on the       Reckless actions risk bringing           terrible day of the Lord.” The next
also noticed, in the same issue, an         do, there will always be people who                                                     COVID into our communities and           sign was the falling of the stars
article about Katrine Conroy’s new                                                         group, complete with colour photo
                                            disagree with what you are doing               showing a coy, smiling lady holding      spreading it to care aides, nurses and   November 13, 1833. History records
job as forest minister. It is nice to see   and will say you should have done                                                       others who live in our communities       these events.
our own MLA in charge of such an                                                           a sign ‘ASK THE ?’s THE MEDIA
                                            this or that.                                  WON’T.’ Besides advertising the          and work in long-term care facilities.        Also, one of the signs of the
important portfolio. In the past, the           Happy New Year and remember                                                             The right to protest is one thing    last days is pestilence. To me
NDP has been reluctant to stop the                                                         next rally, providing full contact
                                            hindsight is (was) 2020.                       details on how to join, the article      – the totally unnecessary flouting of    and I believe and to the world,
rampant raw log exports that have                                    Phil Trotter                                                   public health directives is another.     COVID-19 was a wake-up call that
been a long-standing feature of the                                                        was composed of ‘motherhood’
                                                                           Kaslo           statements and some very disturbing                             Rory Lindsay      it is no longer business as usual!
coastal forest industry. For many
years, BC has been loading logs on          In keeping with                                inaccuracies. Not one word about the                            Lemon Creek       I believe this world still has lots
ships to provide jobs for people in
                                            the season
                                                                                           threat to public health some of the
                                                                                           activities of this group poses.
                                                                                                                                    Unto you a                               of beauty with many good and
                                                                                                                                                                             honest people. But God sees the
other parts of the world, while many
of our own sawmills have been shut          O Holey Plight                                      My question is: why didn’t the      saviour and                              suffering of humanity, and God’s
                                                                                                                                                                             heart of love yearns for His children.
down. Most of those logs have been          The case load is increasing                    media – in this case, the Valley Voice
                                                                                           – ask some questions? For example,
                                                                                                                                    COVID-19                                 This pandemic is a worldwide
coastal logs, many of which came            It is our plight and our fear – here on                                                      Many are looking for answers        problem and there have been many
from old-growth trees. I am sure            Earth                                          the article quotes Podmoroff: “We’re
                                                                                                                                    as to what is going on in our world.     speculations and conspiracies as to
Ms. Conroy is intent on doing what          Long lay the whirled, in mask and social       questioning why we are still on
                                                                                                                                    The purpose of this article is to        how COVID-19 evolved. It doesn’t
is best for the people she represents.      distancing                                     lockdown, especially when there
                                                                                                                                    show how God’s word came true            matter where the virus came from,
Stopping log exports and the logging        ’Til Fauci, Gates, and pharmaceuticals         are so few deaths globally and in
                                                                                                                                    in the past for his first coming, and    God is still in control.
of the last remnants of our old growth      got to work                                    Canada.”
                                                                                                                                    we can place confidence that it will          It shows us all how quickly
is a good place to start. I also think      Six billion dollars, Operation Warp Speed           Pardon me! As of January 4,
                                                                                                                                    come true again.                         things can change. One cannot
she should reinstate the condition          deployed                                       there have been 1,857,480 deaths
                                                                                                                                         Before Jesus came as a baby,        deny there has been a huge decline
that logs should have to be milled          To find a cure, a new vaccine was borne        due to COVID reported globally,
                                                                                                                                    it was prophesized in the Old            in morals even in our own lifetime.
in the same area where they are cut.                                                       and 15,926 in Canada. If that is
                                            Roll up your sleeves O feel the needle                                                  Testament and was fulfilled in           There have been wars, earthquakes
Getting rid of that condition was one                                                      “so few,” one question is just how
                                            insert                                                                                  the New Testament; both are in           and pestilence through the ages. So,
of the worst things Gordon Campbell                                                        many more deaths does Podmoroff
                                            O plight designed, O plight when Sense                                                  harmony with each other.                 what is different now?
ever did. Clearly, the people who                                                          require before she takes notice that
                                            was shorn                                                                                    In fact, before God does                 So, we see in our world one
suffer the consequences of having                                                          something serious is happening?
                                            O plight designed, O plight, O plight                                                   something great or that involves         calamity and disaster following
their forest logged should reap the                                                             As to “why are we still on
                                            designed                                                                                man’s salvation, He sends warning.       hard on the heels of the last one and
benefits of the milling jobs. Good                                                         lockdown,” it is because it has
                                                                                                                                    Amos 3:7 says “surely the Lord God       the intensity is overwhelming. It is
luck, Katrine.                              Led by the media and Fear profoundly           been shown to slow down the virus’
                                                                                                                                    will do nothing, but he revealeth        different now like 1 Thess 5:3 says
                         Rod Retzlaff       wielded                                        spread and hence the death rate. For
                                                                                                                                    his secret unto His servants the         that trouble comes on the earth like
                                  Glade     With masks and shields we maintain             example, in the US where there is
                                                                                                                                    Prophets.” So, in Isaiah 7:14 it         when a woman goes into labour the
                                            social distance.                               reluctance to impose lockdowns,
Bits and pieces                             Led by the hope of normal once returning       the COVID death rate per million
                                                                                                                                    was told a virgin would conceive
                                                                                                                                    and bear a son, and call his name
                                                                                                                                                                             contractions and pains get harder
     When you have to take your car         And wise men of science we have well           population (1088) is more than                                                    and closer together. I think of the
or truck in for warranty service, read                                                                                              Immanuel. In Matthew 1:21-23 an          fire that moved through Paradise,
                                            on hand.                                       two and a half times higher than in
your service manual first to see what                                                                                               angel told Joseph the same news. In      California a few years back; it went
                                            mRNA – a new untested danger                   Canada (420). In case she missed
is required and ask your dealer or                                                                                                  Micah 5:2 it was told that Christ was    through so fast one would not have
                                            But it’s okay – a divine panacea               it, we are again in a situation where
mechanic what they are going to do.                                                                                                 to be born in Bethlehem. In Matthew      been able to outrun it had they been
                                                                                           cases of COVID are spiking and
Some dealers are less than ethical and      Millions of doses, get in line don’t linger                                             2:4-6 the Scribes and Priests also       in the middle of it.
                                                                                           there is a good chance the healthcare
do things like changing your coolant        Behold your arm. On your knees lowly                                                    knew this prophesy and told King              All these signs point to a soon-
                                                                                           system will be overwhelmed in parts
before it is required. Also, you do                                                                                                 Herod that Christ would be born          coming saviour. In Isaiah 24 it talks
                                            bend.                                          of the country. That is why we are
not have to take it to your dealer for                                                                                              in Bethlehem. In Luke 2:8-11, 15,        about some of the signs and why
                                            Behold your arm. You’ll soon be on the         still on lockdown.
service work – it just has to be done                                                                                               16 an angel was sent to shepherds        these things happen. God is long
                                            mend.                                               We are doing very well in the
by a certified mechanic to validate                                                                                                 to tell them of the saviour’s birth      suffering towards us, not willing
                                                                                           Kootenays regarding COVID – so
the warranty.                               Duly I wrought this untested vaccine                                                    in Bethlehem. So here we have            that any should perish, and would
                                                                                           far. That is because most have been
     Have you ever taken your vehicle                                                                                               prophets, prophesying in the Old         have all men to be saved and come
                                            hither                                         abiding by directives, staying in
into a shop to have your winter or                                                                                                  Testament and it being fulfilled in      to a knowledge of the truth.
                                            But by the law I will travel where I please.   our bubbles, not travelling, wearing
summer tires changed and they tell                                                                                                  detail in the New Testament.                  Nature’s laws always work.
                                                                                           masks in public indoor venues, etc.
                                            Chain up all the rest, enslave our refuted                                                   So again, we have prophets          Take the law of gravity for instance.
you your brake pads are worn out                                                           It angers me that Kootenay Freedom
and need to be changed? Thank them          brother                                                                                 telling of His second coming and         One soon learns to respect it at a
                                                                                           needlessly threatens what we have
and get a second opinion. There are         And shed the blame, our toil will be eased.                                             signs around this event, so all may      very early age and we show a high
                                                                                           accomplished. Protest and question
some tire shops and garages that are                                                                                                watch and be warned. In Matthew          regard for it. God’s word is like that.
                                            Sweet conviction we’ll, point the finger       “the mainstream narrative” if you
less than ethical and tell people the                                                                                               24:21,22 it talks about a great          What he says comes to pass and it is
                                            duly                                           want. I’ll listen. But don’t purposely
brakes need replacing to make more                                                                                                  tribulation (Dark Ages). Again, in       sure. We can trust in it. Therefore, in
                                            Censor all quacks and, conspirators all        ignore and undermine the health
money. Some don’t even change the                                                                                                   Matthew 24:29 gives the following        John 14:2,3 Christ tells us “I go to
                                                                                           guidelines in place to protect us all.
brake pads. A good shop will show           the same.                                                                               signs after the great tribulation and    prepare a place for you. And if I go
                                                                                           That turns you from a protester into
you your brakes to confirm they need                                                                                                before His second coming. The            and prepare a place for you, I will
                                            Roll up your sleeves O feel the vaccine        a threat.
changing.                                                                                                                           sun would be darkened and the            come again.”
                                            surging                                             I recently passed a Kootenay
     Mr. Trudeau, I know it’s very                                                                                                  moon shall not give her light, the            Psalm 91 is full of encouragement
                                                                                           Freedom vigil in Winlaw. Huddled
                                            O COVID, you’r eno friend of mine.                                                      stars shall fall from heaven and the     during this pandemic.
hard on the two Mikes in China and                                                         close together like a flock of sheep
their families but you had no choice        O plight designed, O plight                                                             powers of heaven shall be shaken.             May God Bless.
                                                                                           and totally maskless, they were
but to stand tough on China. Had            O senseless plight designed                                                                  In Revelation 6:12,13 it gives                                Rocky Isbell
                                                                                           obviously an accident waiting to
you given in, China would bully us                                                                                                  an additional sign of a great                                           Nakusp
                                            (No irreverence intended. I prefer the         happen should one of them turn
on everything. (I try very hard to buy                                                                                              earthquake. These signs we are
                                                                                           out to have COVID. Then I learned                                                  Smokey Creek Salvage
things from other countries instead         original). “The real cure for COVID is                                                  told, would happen after the great
                                                                                           Podmoroff – and how many others?                                                        24 HR TOWING
of buying Chinese goods. You could          renewing our fractured relationship with                                                tribulation and before his second
                                                                                           – had travelled to Kelowna for an                                                   New & Used Auto Parts, Back Hoe Work,
do the same.) As far as COVID-19 is                                                                                                 coming. All these events happened
                                            the planet” (ref: theglobeandmail.com)         anti-mask rally where hundreds                                                     Certified Welding & Repairs, Vehicle Removal
concerned, you are doing your best.                                                                                                 in consecutive order. The first of             WE BUY CARS & TRUCKS
                                                                        T. Orlando         converged from all over to march
There are no manuals on what is                                                                                                     these beacons of warning was the          359-7815 ; 1-877-376-6539
                                                                           Winlaw          maskless and in close proximity to
                                                                                                                                    great Lisbon earthquake in 1755             3453 YEATMAN RD, SOUTH SLOCAN
Kootenay residents face wait for rollout of COVID-19 vaccine - Valley Voice
6                                                                                             LETTERS                                                                          The Valley Voice January 14, 2021

‘Flying                                  hospital is “double-bunking” COVID
                                         patients due to strains on the ICU.          Time to get                               daily new cases were at least several
                                                                                                                                thousand – most days between 5,000
                                                                                                                                                                           cynical passage of UNDRIP last year.
                                                                                                                                                                                The governments of Canada have
Blind’ report                            January 8, BC Local News reports
                                         strain on hospitals in BC’s Northern
                                                                                      in touch with                             and 10,000 daily new cases. With this,
                                                                                                                                there has been a corresponding spike
                                                                                                                                                                           long been caressed by lobbyists from
                                                                                                                                                                           the resource industries, especially gas
concerning                               Health Region and transfers from             COVID reality                             in daily deaths, mostly ranging from       and oil, to the point where politicians
    A letter in your previous edition    small hospitals to larger hospitals.              In the December 17 Valley Voice      50-100 deaths per day. As I write, the     believe the only way forward is to
quoted a report entitled ‘Flying         In November, a hospital in Winnipeg          a letter from Bill White asks: “Why       total cases are at 489,471; total deaths   double down on extraction.
Blind,’ by the Justice Centre for        was “struggling with capacity”               has Sweden kept their borders open?       at 9,433 with 7,138 new infections on           If climate change and global
Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF), as       forcing nurses to “triage patients           Why did Sweden choose not to lock         this date. (Worldometers, January 8)       warming were merely an abstraction,
a “MUST READ for all Canadians.”         in their cars at times.” Hospital            down or close schools?” The letter             Sweden’s initially non-binding        a foolish person might think it’s fine
The report was quoted as saying:         overload affects the healthcare of           argued that BC’s COVID restrictions       precautionary measures led to what         to continue damming and fracking. In
“The risks posed by COVID-19             everyone.                                    are unnecessary because Sweden            is today a death rate of 914 deaths        fact, it leads to a horrible grey future
have been overestimated and                   3) The JFFC report defines the          didn’t use them. Sweden has been          per million population. Norway and         where humanity hunkers down in
mischaracterized; speculation and        10% of the population that can be            held up by anti-mask people as a          Denmark, with their strict COVID           concrete shelters while nature shows
exaggerated estimates have been          harmed by COVID-19 based as the              paragon of successful reliance on         measures, had death rates of 86            us just how good we used to have it.
used to justify the lockdown policy.”    “elderly and infirm.” Specifically,          “herd immunity.”                          and 256 respectively, per million               It’s ironic that while world leaders
    I wondered why an organization       it claims that “COVID-19 poses                    Ironically, on the exact same day    population.                                are pretending to do something other
with such a fine-sounding name           virtually no risk to children, youth,        as that letter appeared in the Valley          The news of Sweden’s disastrous       than stoke the fires, a huge opportunity
would say such a thing, because          young adults and almost every adult          Voice, news articles all over the         surge in COVID-19 has been widely          is waiting for the leader brave enough
Canada’s (and BC’s) restrictions         under age 60.” Actually, the Health          internet featured the King of Sweden      published in news outlets on the           to make the move. Once that happens,
are clearly based on hard data. I        Canada website today shows that              denouncing his own country’s              internet. Surely people would want         the other leaders of the world will join
downloaded the report, and it seemed     29.7% of patients hospitalized with          COVID-19 policies. Photographs            to check out the current situation         in; it’s just hard to be first.
to be much the same misinformation       COVID are under 60 years old.                show a clearly furious King Gustaf.       in Sweden before telling us all that            Right now, here in BC, the
and conspiracy theory that we are all         The JFFC is a non-profit law firm       Headlines read, ‘King of Sweden           BC should be following Sweden’s            situation is such that one would think
familiar with by now, only dressed       that has filed lawsuits in Alberta and       blasts country’s ‘failed’ coronavirus     example? It is not too much to ask         that plain old common sense would
up in legalese. There is not space in    Manitoba claiming that COVID-19              response’ (The Guardian); ‘Sweden’s       the varied anti-mask persons writing       be enough to have our government
this letter to address all the omitted   restrictions ordered by health               King…: ‘we have failed’ with light-       to the public through the Valley Voice     drop gas and oil production like a dirty
context and anti-lockdown bias           authorities violate the Charter of           touch COVID-19 policy response’           to check out factual sources, not rely     shirt. As it stands, we’re not making a
I saw, but I will cite just a few        Freedoms; it plans to expand this to         (Huffington Post).                        on what the conspiracy sites and           dime from it while at the same time
elements.                                other provinces, including BC. So far             These same articles reported that    anti-COVID belief echo chambers            running up a huge liability. The current
    ‘Flying Blind’ claims that           it appears the courts have not ruled on      Sweden was tightening its restrictions.   keep repeating, which also ignore the      government is subsidizing oil and gas
COVID-19 is “harmless for roughly        the main lawsuits, but the JFFC has          Permissible group sizes were cut          irrefutable facts.                         to the tune of $800 million a year, up
90% of the population.” Harmless?        applied for injunctions against the          down from 300 to 8, and there are now          With two full-page paid messages      79% from the Liberals, who loved
1) Look up “long COVID-19” on            health orders, and two judges ruled          restrictions on businesses and virtual    plus some letters to the editor, I’ve      gas development. At the same time,
the internet. There’s a witch’s brew     against them.                                learning in high schools. While masks     set forth inarguable facts that the        there are 770 abandoned gas wells –
of long-term health problems listed,          A group called North 99 has done        are not mandatory except in hospitals     COVID deniers ignore, as they ignore       leaking methane, we think. We don’t
including psychosis due to brain         corporate research on the JFFC, its          and public transportation, Swedish        repudiating letters written by others.     know because there is no monitoring.
impacts. Most recently, the New York     funders and the kind of lawsuits it has      citizens are now urged to use them.       Why are we still being subjected to        Methane is carbon dioxide on steroids.
Times printed an article (December       filed. On the internet, they cite links to        In summary, instead of enjoying      heedless and endangering urgings           But it gets worse.
16) by three medical doctors and         numerous right-wing funding sources          the ‘herd immunity’ that Swedish          and claims? This subject is not about           We, the taxpayers and ratepayers
researchers, entitled ‘People thought    and think tanks, with endorsements           citizens had been told would              differences of opinion. The ongoing        of BC, are building a dam which
COVID-19 was relatively harmless         that include the Fraser Institute, which     develop, Sweden has encountered a         consequences of this virus has cut into    never should have been built (Site
for younger adults. They were            is widely known for climate change           ‘second wave’ of COVID-19 with            lives everywhere as well as causing        C), not there and not now. Years ago,
wrong.’ They reported a major            denial. I know far too little to draw        skyrocketing deaths (over 200 a day).     intense suffering and protracted           Site C was thought unsafe, and Site E
spike in deaths among US adults          conclusions about the JFFC’s funding         Hospitals have announced that they        impacts in the health of many persons      (near the Alberta border) was the site
25-44 years of age that correlates to    and lawsuits, but ‘Flying Blind’ does        are so overwhelmed with COVID             who seem to have recovered.                of choice. The dam is being built on
the curve of COVID-19 infections.        increase my concern that some of the         cases that they have had to postpone           Today, January 6, 2021 the US         shale so poor that the mere weight of
38% of the deaths are directly related   health-related misinformation about          other health care, including cancelling   had 260,973 new infections and 4,100       the concrete is deforming it, causing it
to COVID diagnosis; the rest are         COVID-19 may be motivated by                 non-emergency operations. This            deaths in 24 hours. In California,         to sink and also to admit water. On top
currently unexplained.                   interests with economic objectives.          week, Swedish parliament passed           intensive care unit beds are at zero;      of that, the dam is sited in the Montney
    2) Is it harmless to have our             When these are small businesses         emergency legislation allowing            hospitals are overwhelmed. And just        gas formation, where fracking-caused
hospitals and caregivers overloaded?     that openly express concern about            stringent national lockdown               as this occurred in other countries,       earthquakes would perhaps be severe
The JCCF report makes a plethora         their financial survival, that’s totally     precautions.                              Canada’s infection rates are steadily      enough to destroy the dam. Fracking
of allegations that not only dismiss     valid, and forces us all to weigh the             The second wave began in             rising. Consider just the last few days:   is allowed within five kilometres of the
concerns about hospital overload, but    values of the economy versus public          autumn. Sweden’s average daily            January 3 - 11,388; January 4 - 9,762;     Peace Canyon dam, and they have had
also accuse government and health        health. But very big money pursuing          cases rose 173% between September         January 5 - 7,222; January 6 - 8,154;      some earthquake scares there.
authorities as misrepresenting the       one objective under the disguise of          2 and October 6; in Stockholm, its        January 7 - 8,834; January 8 - 7,414.           LNG prices are down, to the extent
problem. On January 6, news outlets      another is a different thing altogether.     major city, they rose 405% in the         In those few days, 955 Canadians           that the Kitimat plant being built is
reported that a hospital in Ontario      In either case, when it comes to my          same period. At the end of September,     died. Our refuge from this in the          the only one going ahead globally.
is storing bodies in a refrigerated      health, I’ll believe doctors, not a law      Sweden’s daily new cases were             Slocan Valley is rare, precious and        Yet to provide enough gas to fill
truck due to the morgue being full       firm or corporation or store owner.          in the mid-hundreds; they started         easily lost. It’s for good reason we’re    the pipeline being rammed through
of COVID-19 victims. January 7, the                               Anne Sherrod        increasing through October, and           mandated to take careful precautions,      Indigenous lands, fracking will have
Globe & Mail reports that Edmonton                                  New Denver        through November and December,            measures which, for our protection if      to be increased exponentially, right
                                                                                                                                not your own, you should now adopt,        near the Site C dam. Much of the new
                                                                                                                                while getting in touch with what’s         power infrastructure being built in Asia
                                                                                                                                really going on.                           is either wind or solar, so demand for
                                                                                                                                                       Richard Caniell     LNG will remain soft.
                                                                                                                                                              Silverton         So what will it be? I don’t believe
                                                                                                                                Open letter to                             the will of the people is for this
                                                                                                                                                                           continuing environmental degradation
                                                                                                                                Premier Horgan                             and continuing huge subsidies. Does
                                                                                                                                     The pandemic will end, as             BC want to continue lying about
                                                                                                                                pandemics do, with or without a magic      meeting its climate targets? As long
                                                                                                                                bullet. What won’t end are the huge        as the LNG project goes ahead, and
                                                                                                                                methane emissions from BC unless the       Site C goes ahead, we’re screwed. The
                                                                                                                                government decides to do something         NDP has a once in a lifetime chance to
                                                                                                                                to stop them. Climate change has been      turn the tide.
                                                                                                                                acknowledged (‘Clean BC’) but it’s                             Harvey Armstrong
                                                                                                                                just lip service, about the same as the                         Johnsons Landing
Kootenay residents face wait for rollout of COVID-19 vaccine - Valley Voice
January 14, 2021 The Valley Voice                                                                           COMMUNITY                                                                                                             7
Nakusp council, December 14: ALR exclusion applications cause water concerns
by John Boivin, Local               ratified by council as directors           large ecological, financial and          up customer access to ‘green’               Mayor Tom Zeleznik             likely by February.
Journalism Initiative reporter      of the NACFOR Board. Aidan                 social impact. However, run-             electricity. A letter to that effect   reported to council that the cost   Kudos to decorators
Land for industry                   McLaren-Caux has been                      of-river dams like Silversmith,          will be sent to the BCUC and           of dumping waste at the local           Mayor Tom Zeleznik
     Some residents of Nakusp       appointed by council as the                which are ‘green,’ are hampered          the BC Union of Municipalities.        transfer station is going up in     praised the work done by
came to the Village council         council representative.                    in their access to markets by                 “I think it is very important,    the new year. After meeting         volunteers to prep the village’s
meeting in December to express      Green power                                regulators, said co-owner Hal            I’m tired of dams, and it would        with the RDCK Joint Resource        downtown core for Christmas.
concern about a proposed light          The Village of Nakusp is               Wright.                                  be nice to be more green               Recovery Committee, Zeleznik        The Society for Nakusp
industrial development on a         getting on the ‘green energy’                   Getting municipalities to           with our own power,” said              learned the cost of dropping        Community Events held its
bench above their homes.            bandwagon. In a presentation               lobby government to change               Mayor Tom Zeleznik, noting             one bag off at the dump was         December light-up event earlier
     Village council is applying    in November, the owners of                 the rules to allow them to buy           the Village’s own tiny power           going up from $2.50 a bag           in the month, after volunteers
to the Agricultural Land            Sandon’s Silversmith Power and             power from certified ‘green’             generating system may soon             to $3. A second bag would           spent hours adding lights and
Commission to take two lots         Light Company pitched the idea             companies would help both the            be shut down by government             make it $6 and any more than        decorations to local trees, roofs
on Hot Springs Road out of the      to council that it should call on          local economy and environment,           energy regulations.                    that would be weighed before        and lampposts.
ALR for use by local businesses.    government to allow the Village            Wright said.                                  The motion makes no               charging. Tonnage weight, now           “Broadway was lit up
     The exclusion would            to buy ‘green’ energy, such as                  Council agreed, and after           difference to the way the Village      at $110/tonne, is also expected     beautifully and could be seen
“permit the creation of locally     they produce.                              considering the matter and               buys its power now, but may            to increase.                        from outer space!” joked the
value-added light industry              While most BC power                    deliberating on the wording,             allow for more flexibility in               The changes won’t come         mayor. “The village has now a
and/or possible expansion to        generation is ‘renewable,’ it’s            passed a motion calling on the           the future.                            into effect until the full RDCK     new emergency airplane runway
the airport to allow additional     not ‘green’ – as dams have a               BC Utilities Commission to free          Waste fees rising                      board approves the changes,         when required to land at night.”
amenities for the community,”
the Village says.
     It’s part of Nakusp’s long-                                                Christmas
term strategy to provide more                                                   shopping?
land for job-creating business
in town.
                                                                                Check out our
     But the public hearing on                                                  many gift ideas!!
the plan to remove #1315 and             Animal feed for                          • Fence posts
#2115 Hot Springs Road raised           chickens, horses,                        • Corral panels
some concerns about protecting          pigs, sheep, dogs,                           • Fencing
water users downstream.                    cats & more
     “Anybody on 15th Avenue
                                         Flannel mens &
is on wells, all of us,” said one
                                      Ladies shirts starting
intervenor, Bernie Ryan. “And                                                            Straw bales
                                        at $39.99-$69.99
I’m no expert… but I would at                                                                $13.00
least like to state my concern           Mens reflective
                                      safety jackets $99.99
about the water supply, and any
contamination that’s above it,                         Peat Moss - $19.99
and hopefully that would be             Kuradori Christmas sale now on
addressed in licences and stuff        Wishing You Happy Holidays from all
that go with it.”
                                                 of us @ HOME
     But Ryan emphasized his
                                     We are limiting people to 4 customers in the store at any one time
concern was not with the plan,
but how vague the term ‘light
industrial’ was.                      Fir pellets by the pallet or in 1 tonne bulk bags (no delivery of bulk pellets)
                                     Be winter prepared: snow shovels, safety salt, sandbags, insulation, heat tapes
     “Again, I’m not saying
                                                           — Bird food & suet —
no, [because] we need more                             Face masks are mandatory
space, etc. etc. But I would hate
to see my only water supply
contaminated. I am hoping                                           Open 10-4 daily, including Sunday
that’s a reasonable concern and
someone keeps an eye on that.”
     Another community
resident indicated he was
concerned about the impact the
loss of ALR land could have
on future food production in
the area.
     In the end, council voted to
go ahead with the application
to the ALR. The Village’s
economic development group,
Investment Ready Nakusp, will
pony up the $1,200 application
fee for the Land Commission.
Community sawmill?
    Mayor Tom Zeleznik
dropped a teaser that the Nakusp
and Area Community Forest
was looking into developing
a sawmill to expand its
operations. He’s been appointed
to a committee to look into the
idea. (See more on this story
elsewhere in this issue of the
Valley Voice).
    In other NACFOR news,
the Village’s community-owned
forest company has a new slate
of directors. Melissa Rode,
John Cann, Randy Mackenzie,
Anastasia Hewat, Darlene
Adair and Patrick Judd were
Kootenay residents face wait for rollout of COVID-19 vaccine - Valley Voice Kootenay residents face wait for rollout of COVID-19 vaccine - Valley Voice Kootenay residents face wait for rollout of COVID-19 vaccine - Valley Voice
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