KG3 Monthly Module February 2023

Page created by Jeremy Meyer
KG3 Monthly Module
                     February 2023
During the month of February, KG3 students have
achieved the following:

                      English Language Arts
1. Oral Language & Vocabulary:
    Retell stories.
    Identify sequence of events.
    Identify the main idea and details.
    Learn about how caterpillars become butterflies.
    Learn about things we see in the sky.

Stories we enjoyed listening to:
“What a Beautiful Sky!”, “What Is Science?”, “From Caterpillar To
Butterfly.”, “How Many Stars in the Sky?”, “It is the Wind.”

2.Phonological Awareness:
 Recognize the letter sounds /i/ and /g/.
 Spell, blend and read CVC words with short vowel i sound.
 Read the high frequency words: is, of, many, how, so, where, find,
  from, but, this, came, on.
 Identify statements.
 Use wh-question words.
3.   Songs:
    Muddy Recess.
    Sun, Rain, Wind and Snow.
    Happiness.

      Identify, name, and describe shapes (square, rectangle, circle,
       triangle, hexagon, sphere, cube, cylinder and cone).
      Compare shapes to understand patterns.
      Put shapes together to form new shapes.
      Identify shapes in objects and use shapes to create new objects.
      Model shapes in the world.
      Identify different positions of shapes.

      Life cycle of animals.

      Practice game of oppositions.
      Practice game of two groups.

                          Psychomotor skills
      Encourage the recognition of the concepts right/left on others.
      Introduce the concept of reversibility.

      Valentine’s Day craft.
      Aquatic, aerial and terrestrial animals’ art.
          Check different musical instruments when tapping, hitting, and shaking.

            The Life of Saint Maroun.
            Ash Monday.
            The Wedding at Cana
            Hymn of the month:
             ‫قلبي زغير‬

          Practice making small circles.
          Practice moving hands forwards and backwards.

   Muddy Recess          Sun, Rain, Wind and Snow                   Happiness

I love the mud!          On a sunny day I’m happy         Happiness is something if you
I do!                    On a sunny day I smile                    give it away,
I do!                    Flowers bloom in the sunlight     you give it away, you give it
I love to squish it on   We play outside                               away.
my shoe!                 And we go                        Happiness is something if you
To slip!                 And look for the butterflies              give it away,
To slide!                                                then it comes right back to you.
Through puddles          On a rainy day I’m happy
fast,                    On a rainy day I smile           Oh it's just like a magic penny.
If only                  Hills and trees                 Hold on tight and you won 't get
All this mud             Look fresh and green                             any.
Could last!              And I see                        Lend it, spend it, give it away,
                         Rainbow colored                 then it comes right back to you.
                         Umbrellas in the streets
                                                         A hug is something if you give it
                         On a windy day I’m happy                    away,
On a windy day I smile        you give it away, you give it
All the leaves                            away.
Shake and fly               A hug is something if you give it
And my kite                               away,
Is flying high in the sky   then it comes right back to you

On a snowy day I’m happy     Oh it's just like a magic penny.
On a snowy day I smile      Hold on tight and you won 't get
Snowflakes fall                              any.
On my window                 Lend it, spend it, give it away.
Frozen leaves               Then it comes right back to you.
Shine like silver stars
In a dream                   Love is something if you give it
                              you give it away, you give it
                             Love is something if you give it
                            then it comes right back to you.

                             Oh it's just like a magic penny.
                            Hold on tight and you won 't get
                             Lend it, spend it, give it away.
                            Then it comes right back to you
‫شهر‪ :‬شباط ‪٢۰٢٢‬‬
             ‫ال ّ‬         ‫الروضة الثّالثة‬
                                      ‫صف‪ّ :‬‬
                                          ‫ال ّ‬                      ‫اللّغة العربية‬

      ‫شهر‪ :‬شباط ‪۲۰۲٣‬‬
                   ‫ال ّ‬         ‫الروضة الثّالثة‬
                                            ‫صف‪ّ :‬‬
                                                ‫ال ّ‬                         ‫اللّغة العربيّة‬

                      ‫ماذا تعلّمت هذا الشّهر؟‬

                                                             ‫ش َج ِر – فصل ال ّ‬
                                                        ‫شتاء ‪.‬‬                ‫مار ال َّ‬
                                                                                    ‫ثِ ُ‬

                                                              ‫*المحادثة و المشاهدة ‪:‬‬
                                       ‫ص َّحة‪.‬‬              ‫غ ْس ُل الث ّ ِ‬
                                             ‫مار‪ -‬التُّفّا ُح ِ‬                         ‫دُ ّك ُ‬
                                                                          ‫ان َم ْروانَ ‪َ -‬‬

                                             ‫*القراءة ‪ " :‬ن" ‪ " -‬ز" ‪ " -‬ح"‪.‬‬

                                                ‫*المحفوظات‪ :‬ع ّديّة ‪ :‬فصل الشّتي‪.‬‬

                                                           ‫فصل ال ّ‬

                                   ‫غطى التّلج ك ّل الدّني‬           ‫شتي‬‫ترلّال بفصل ال ّ‬
                                   ‫نرقص نفرح و نغنّي‬                           ‫ترلّال ّ‬
                                                                         ‫يال نلعب‬
                               ‫الرفش و األلعاب‬ ‫حضروا ّ‬                            ‫يال ّ‬
                                                                       ‫يال يا أحباب‬  ‫ّ‬
                                    ‫لنع ّمر أحلى تمثال‪.‬‬            ‫جزرة‪ ،‬قبّوعة وتياب‬
FLE (Français Langue Etrangère )
  I.    Mobiliser le langage dans toutes ses dimensions :
Langage : les pays du monde/ les moyens de transports/ Les métiers.
Phonétique : Découvrir le phonème du [n] / Activités autour du son [n].
               Découvrir le phonème du [d] / Activités autour du son [d].

Ecrit : Identifier et tracer la lettre [n].
        Identifier et tracer la lettre [d].
       Agir, s’exprimer, comprendre à travers les activités artistiques :
Chants/ comptines : Faisons ensemble le tour de la terre / Ça pleut.
Contes : Le chien bleu/Le loup qui voulait faire le tour du monde / Le loup qui ne voulait
plus marcher / Le loup qui voulait être un artiste.

 Faisons ensemble le tour de la terre              Ça pleut
 Faisons ensemble le tour de la terre              Aujourd’hui je ne mets pas le nez dehors
 Survolons les montagnes, les mers,                C’est un temps qu’est bon pour les castors
 Découvrons les plus beaux pays                    Moi je me lève toujours comme un ressort
 Pleins d’enfants, de paysages, de magie           Aujourd’hui je ne mets pas le nez dehors
                                                   Car Ça pleut Ça pleut Ça pleut
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