Kelompok penilikan "COVID & Sesudahnya" yang pertama menetapkan kerangka kerja
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Articles in Bahasa Indonesia, Deutsch, English, Español, Français, Korean April 2021 Kelompok penilikan “COVID & Sesudahnya” yang pertama menetapkan kerangka kerja K “ elompok Penilikan” dari proses “Apa yang ditun- tut Tuhan dari kita? Menilik, Mengaku, dan Bersaksi di Masa COVID-19 dan Sesudahnya” World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) mene- tapkan kerangka kerja untuk melan- jutkan pekerjaan. Pertemuan awal ini diakhiri pada hari Rabu, 10 Maret, dengan sebuah pertemuan virtual, meninjau masu- kan dari sesi sebelumnya dan menye- diakan waktu bagi 48 peserta dari seluruh dunia untuk berdiskusi dalam kelompok-kelompok kecil. global yang mencakup eksploitasi kontekstual yang dapat membantu “Kerangka yang sedang dibangun dan ketidaksetaraan sosial-ekonomi, orang untuk merangkul keberadaan ini mengarahkan Persekutuan pengucilan politik dan sosial, dis- mereka dan realitas di sekitar mer- WCRC untuk menjadi pengakuan kriminasi ras dan etnis serta ketida- eka, karena Roh terus membara dan yang hidup bagi dunia,” kata Hanns kadilan gender dan penindasan het- harapan terus memberi semangat. Lessing, Sekretaris Eksekutif WCRC eronormatif. Persamaannya di sini Karena keselamatan tidak dapat untuk Persekutuan dan Teologi. bukan hanya unsur rasial tetapi juga ditemukan di tempat kekuasaan “Menurut saya, proses ini telah sifat penindasan yang meluas secara tetapi di pinggiran, kita perlu berhasil melibatkan seluruh Perseku- sistemik, penuh kekerasan dan totali- memikirkan kembali apa arti kesela- tuan dalam hal bagaimana kita ter,” kata Allan Boesak dalam pre- matan bagi orang-orang yang paling menanggapi krisis mendesak zaman sentasinya. menderita karena pandemi?” kita yang telah ditunjukkan oleh Dalam meringkas sesi penguku- Sesi sharing kedua, yang diadakan pandemi ini,” kata Philip Vinod Pea- han dan pleno tema pertama, yang pada tanggal 24 Februari dan ber- cock, Sekretaris Eksekutif WCRC diadakan pada tanggal 27 Januari fokus pada Eropa dan proses RAN untuk Keadilan dan Kesaksian. dan berfokus pada penilikan, Kath- (rasisme, otoritarianisme, dan nasi- “Proses ini telah menimbulkan erine Cunningham mencatat bahwa onalisme), membuat Anna Case- beberapa pertanyaan sulit, tetapi kita kita tidak hanya menangani satu kri- Winters bertanya-tanya, “Mungkin berhasil mendengar suara mereka sis tetapi sebuah kompleks berbagai visi kita tentang gereja perlu lebih yang biasanya dibungkam.” krisis — ekonomi, lingkungan, besar. Gereja telah meninggalkan Proses ini dimulai dengan sesi rasial, politik — yang harus ditang- gedungnya. Kita dapat mengatakan pembukaan pada 9 Desember, yang gapi oleh gereja. bahwa Gereja telah turun ke jalan. memperkenalkan konsep “apartheid Kita mengatakan bahwa gedung Merangkum sesi sharing pertama global”, menggambarkan berbagai gereja itu sendiri ditutup, tetapi yang diadakan pada tanggal 10 Feb- krisis yang muncul ke permukaan Gereja terbuka. Gereja bukanlah ruari yang berfokus pada perempuan akibat pandemi COVID-19. “Kita bangunan, Gereja adalah gerakan.” dan Afrika, Meta Ginting men- mungkin berbicara hari ini tentang gatakan, “Di masa krisis, ada kebu- fenomena yang kita sebut apartheid tuhan untuk membentuk teologi Bersambung ke halaman 2
SPRING 2021 Reformed Communiqué Kelompok penilikan “COVID & Sesudahnya” Churches, civil groups Lanjutan dari halaman 1 amplify calls to stop human “Ini adalah dorongan untuk mengaku, untuk berkata, Tuhan, rights abuses in Philippines A apa yang Engkau inginkan dari s a report on human kami sebagai Persekutuan saati ini?” rights abuses in the Phil- kata Najla Kassab, Presiden WCRC. ippines was delivered to “Sebagai satu Persekutuan, penting the United Nations by untuk merasa terusik agar dapat the global group Investigate PH, The group was created after the maju. Kita harus berani menggu- churches and human rights groups United Nations Human Rights muli, melihat diri kita sendiri, men- reiterated their concerns over propa- Commission decided to pull back on getahui bahwa kita tidak sendiri, gation of a culture that allows the suggestions for it to conduct a full- untuk percaya bahwa Tuhan sedang abuse to happen. blown probe in the Philippines. melakukan perjalanan bersama kita.” The report indicates that changes Chris Ferguson, general secretary “Proses penilikan ini akan terus in culture, not just policies, are of the World Communion of berlanjut. Kami mendapat masukan needed to curb human rights abuses. Reformed Churches, said during the dari suara, pengalaman, dan wilayah Investigate PH is an independent online forum that one of the recom- yang berbeda, dan penekanan pada body composed of various faith- mendations of the report was for the pekerjaan yang kita lakukan ber- based and civil groups from all over group to determine how many Fili- sama untuk menyebut dunia tempat the globe. pinos are against a possible authori- kita tinggal, untuk menganggap seri- World Council of Churches tarian government. us konteks saat ini,” kata Chris Fer- (WCC) moderator Agnes Abuom “I think that we need to immedi- guson, Sekretaris Jenderal WCRC . spoke during an online forum hosted ately go to some of the concrete rec- “Kita akan terus membangun ling- by Investigate PH. “Even if we need ommendations of this dramatic situ- karan ini dan mengundang orang. policy changes and maybe constitu- ation, and one of them of course is Kita tidak akan menyimpulkan den- tional changes, it is not enough,” she to locate what we’re doing in terms gan jawaban monolitik tetapi men- said. “It has to do with a culture that of the world rising up,” said Fergu- emukan tanggapan yang beragam, needs to be changed.” son. “We’re gathering energy to see yang berakar kuat dalam visi kita Abuom said that leadership needs people who are saying no to authori- sebagai koinonia global yang dipang- to understand that they are part of tarian governments and no to the gil untuk persekutuan dan berkomit- the global community. erosion of mechanisms of interna- men pada keadilan.” Pertemuan kedua dari empat The Investigate PH report has been sent to the United Nations tional law.”• kelompok pertemuan, “Mengaku,” Human Rights Commission. (Article courtesy of WCC.) bertepatan dengan Prapaskah dan “This is an urgent matter,” said Paskah, akan dimulai pada hari Abuom. “It’s a matter that has been Rabu, 24 Maret, dengan sesi siaran going on for very long in terms of langsung. violations, and I think it is a shame Informasi lebih lanjut tentang to the global community that, even proses penilaian “COVID & when we have evidence-based infor- Beyond” dapat ditemukan di wcrc. mation, it is still not enough to push ch/id/dituntut.• for transformation.” Abuom said that Investigate PH is bringing evidence-based informa- tion from the ground to the various UN bodies. Investigate PH is collating and submitting reports on alleged rights abuses in the Philippines, especially those that occurred under the term of President Rodrigo Duterte. 2
Reformed Communiqué SPRING 2021 동북아시아지역협의회가 가상회의를 통해 커뮤니언을 강화하다 코 로나-19 전염병으로 담당자로는 각각 of Christ in China, HKCCCC) 인해 세계 일본그리스도교회 (the Church of 찬랩-이 (Chan Lap-Yi)는 코로나 개혁교회 협의회 Christ in Japan, CCJ)의 슈헤이 시기 동안의 새로운 정치적 (WCRC)의 2021년 오이시와 카린 쿠시마가 개발로 인해 홍콩인들과 홍콩 동북아시아지역협의회 (NEAAC) 선출되었다. 교회들이 겪는 도전들을 전했다. 은 대만 장로교회 (PCT)의 주최 모임에서는 또한 회원 교회들이 허백기는 “이것은 정말 가슴 아픈 아래 2월 8일 가상 회의로 모였다. 어떤 창의적인 방식으로 이 전염병 일이다. 홍콩의 교회들과 사람들을 모임을 위한 발표에서 WCRC 사태에 대응하고 있는가에 초점을 위해 기도하겠다.” 라고 말하며 회장 나슬라 카삽 (Najila Kassab) 두고 그들의 근황을 들었다. HKCCCC를 향한 깊은 염려를 은 청중들을 향해 코로나-19 “이 세계적 전염병은 자국 내 표현했다. 전염병 사태 아래 교회들이 취할 선교 활동뿐 아니라 국제적 NEAAC의 회원 교회로는 PCT, 수 있는 조치에 대해 생각할 것을 관계와 에큐메니컬 협동에도 많은 KCCJ, CCJ, HKCCCC, PROK, 격려했다. 카삽은 이 어려운 시기 어려움을 불러왔다,” 라고 한국 그리고 대한예수교장로회 동안 커뮤니언의 중요성에 대해 기독교 장로회(Presbyterian Church (Presbyterian Church of Korea, 강조하며 이 모임의 주제인 in the Republic of Korea, PROK)의 PCK)가 있다. 커뮤니언의 재발견: 힘, 공정한 임청환이 말했다. “직접 만나서 PCT 청년 대표 이 지아-치 양( 참여, 그리고 복음의 급진성의 회의를 하거나 대화를 나누는 孃)의 보고. • 재생에 응답했다. 것은 불가능하지만, 우리는 기조 연설자 시우 카이-리 코로나-19 사태에서 우리의 (Chiu kai-Li)는 마태복음 본문을 경험들을 회원 교회들과 기관들과 인용하며 “내가 진실로 너희에게 나누고 그들과 이 상황에 대한 이르노니, 너희가 여기 내 형제 대응책을 모색하며 교회의 중에 지극히 작은 자 하나에게 한 정체성에 대해 논의하는 가운데 것이 곧 내게 한 것이니라” 소외된 계속해서 온라인으로 자들에 대한 사랑의 중요성을 코이노니아를 경험해왔다.” 설명하였다. 허백기는 “이러한 전염병의 카삽은 “우리는 변화의 시기에 환경 아래서, 교회의 예언자적 서 있다. 바른 방법으로 우리의 역할은 아주 중요하게 여겨져 이웃들과 교제하고 사랑할 수 왔다. 이제는 교회가 생명보다 있는 것이 오늘날 우리에 대한 돈을 중요시하는 정치와 부자를 도전이다.” 라고 말하며 동의했다. 위해 가난한 자를 강탈하는 차례에 따라 재일대한기독교회 경제적 사회에게 분명하게 (the Korean Christian Church in 하나님의 메시지를 보여줄 Japan, KCCI)의 허백기가 2021- 때이다.” 라고 보고했다. 2022 사회자로 선출되었다. 중국그리스도교회홍콩협의회 NEAAC의 총무와 회계 (Hong Kong Council of the Church 3
SPRING 2021 Reformed Communiqué Le Fonds de Partenariat soutient les églises pendant la pandémie A lors que la pandémie de la COVID-19 a pris toute son ampleur il y a près d’un an, le Fonds de Par- tenariat de la Communion mondiale d’Eglises réformées (CMER) a réo- rienté son activité afin de fournir aux églises membres un soutien financier pour faire face à cette crise sans pré- cédent. « Dans toute notre famille de la CMER, nous avons vu nos églises à la fois affronter les réalités de la COVID et toutes les retombées sociales et économiques qu’elle a entraînées, mais aussi revitaliser leur vie et leur témoignage en réponse aux impératifs de la Confession d’Accra et à l’appel à missionnaires importants pour la vie Le Fonds de Partenariat réformé une économie de la vie », a déclaré d’une église et de la communauté qui est soutenu par des subventions du Chris Ferguson, secrétaire général l’entoure, en particulier dans le Sud fonds Otto per Mille de l’Église de la CMER. « Les activités sont global. Le fonds renforce également vaudoise (Italie) et de l’Église allées du pastoral à l’humanitaire en les liens des églises membres avec la de Westphalie (Allemagne). passant par le prophétique, toutes en CMER, ainsi que la réalisation des Voici quelques exemples illustrant concordance profonde avec la vision objectifs stratégiques de l’église la manière dont les églises membres membre et de la Communion dans ont utilisé les subventions du stratégique de la CMER en tant son ensemble. Fonds de partenariat en 2020 : que koinonia mondiale, confessant Outre le recentrage des priorités, L’Église Chrétienne Évangélique le Dieu de la vie dans un monde la CMER a également renforcé le de Halmahera (GMIH), Indonésie tombé au milieu des voleurs ». montant des fonds disponibles en La pandémie a entraîné des Le Fonds de Partenariat fournit transférant des fonds destinés aux difficultés économiques non généralement de petites aides aux programmes vers le Fonds de seulement pour la GMIH, mais églises membres et aux organisations partenariat, y compris vers son fonds aussi pour le Nord des Moluques, soutenues afin de réaliser des projets d’urgence. où l’église est active. Tout en Des aides d’urgence ont été s’occupant de ses pasteurs et accordées tout au long de l’année, de ses collaborateurs, l’église a tandis que les demandes de projets également tendu la main aux plus ordinaires ont été approuvées en faibles dans ses communautés. novembre. Jusqu’en 2020, le Fonds Un guide pour le service de de Partenariat a fourni plus de l’ église au milieu de la pandémie 200.000 € en aide d’urgence et en de COVID-19 a été publié afin de subventions pour des projets fournir une aide aux pasteurs qui ordinaires à plus de 30 églises poursuivent leur ministère pendant membres. la pandémie. Il a été distribué aux En 2021, le Fonds de Partenariat 453 communautés de la GMIH, continuera à fournir une aide malgré les problèmes logistiques d’urgence tout au long de l’année, dus au confinement pendant la tandis que les églises membres seront pandémie. Alors que les difficultés invitées à soumettre des demandes de économiques s’aggravaient en projets ordinaires jusqu’au 2 avril, raison du confinement, la GMIH l’argent devant être attribué d’ici juin. a également distribué des denrées 4
Reformed Communiqué SPRING 2021 d’hygiène pour répondre aux besoins urgents dus aux graves dégâts et à la perte de maisons et d’effets personnels causée par les fortes pluies et les inondations. Plus de 1100 personnes ont bénéficié de cette aide. L’Église du Honduras et les bénéficiaires directs « remercient vivement la CMER pour son soutien à ce projet de secours alimentaire qui a sans aucun doute contribué à améliorer les conditions de vie de certains des foyers les plus menacés et les plus touchés après les tempêtes Eta et Iota. Nous vous remercions pour votre soutien limiter la propagation de COVID- spirituel et économique ». 19 grâce à une meilleure hygiène L’Église Presbytérienne du à la télévision du Ruanda et dans Sud Soudan (PCOSS) d’autres médias numériques. Par le biais de son bras Le président de l’église, Pascal humanitaire, l’Agence Presbytérienne Bataringaya, a appelé tous les de Secours et de Développement membres à se souvenir en particulier (PRDA), la PCOSS a distribué des personnes âgées et des pauvres de la nourriture et d’autres et à partager ce qu’ils ont durant la articles à ceux qui souffrent lutte contre COVID-19, en disant du ralentissement économique : « Pour aider, il n’est pas nécessaire provoqué par la pandémie. Son de posséder un surplus ou d’avoir principal projet, cependant, était alimentaires aux collaborateurs en abondance ; il faut plutôt un une campagne de sensibilisation de l’église et une aide alimentaire cœur plein d’amour pour le peuple pour éduquer les gens au sujet aux familles défavorisées. de Dieu. Gardons un tel cœur en de la nécessité d’une meilleure « Ce programme a permis de ces temps difficiles et prêchons hygiène contre le coronavirus. créer un très fort sentiment de par notre compassion. Même si « Au cours de cette campagne solidarité au sein de la communauté les temples de pierres et de briques de quatre semaines, plus de 1000 pendant la pandémie, ce qui sont fermés, nos cœurs, qui sont les personnes ont été directement prouve que jusqu’à présent, les vrais temples, sont ouverts. C’est atteintes dans quatre endroits communautés sont très préoccupées pourquoi nous devons travailler pour sélectionnés. Ce chiffre va par la situation, indépendamment le Seigneur, déclarer publiquement certainement augmenter, car les de leur religion, de leur ethnie, son amour autant que possible, promoteurs de l’hygiène qui ont été de leur race et de leur culture. en promettant que Dieu est avec engagés continueront à interagir avec S’entraider dans le besoin crée donc nous, quelle que soit la situation ». les membres de la communauté pour un bon sentiment de solidarité », a Église Chrétienne diffuser les messages sur l’hygiène noté la GMIH dans son rapport. Réformée du Honduras et renforcer les soins psychosociaux Église Presbytérienne au Ruanda En plus de l’impact de la communautaires et la prévention En collaboration avec le pandémie, les Honduriens ont été de l’infection par COVID-19 gouvernement, l’église a distribué de victimes de deux violents ouragans au-delà de la durée du projet », la nourriture aux personnes pauvres, : Eta et Iota. L’église a coordonné a indiqué l’Agence PRDA. • âgées et handicapées touchées par une réponse rapide avec dix de la crise. En outre, l’église a transmis ses paroisses, en fournissant des des messages sur la manière de rations alimentaires et des produits 5
SPRING 2021 Reformed Communiqué Dialogue report on koinonia commended for use K oinonia: God’s Gift and never met. “In response to these Calling, the report of the experiences, the 2020 report International Reformed– attempts to find a deeper Anglican Dialogue (IRAD), understanding of communion that was officially introduced at a webinar surpasses the church order focus that co-hosted by the Anglican Commu- often marked the ecumenical nion and World Communion of discourses of unity,” he said. Reformed Churches (WCRC). “In the diversity and the conflicts Howard Gregory, an Anglican of the 21st century unity calls are Archbishop from the Caribbean and often regarded with suspicion, co-chair of the dialogue process, because they are seen as power welcomed the 50+ participants from devices to stifle deviating forms of around the world with an opening difference,” said Lessing. “In contrast prayer “for the church universal and to such closed understanding of Donald. “So, I hope the report will for the two communions in dialogue, unity, the New Testament challenge us. I hope we can all be that through the report and building understanding of koinonia is open, drawn more together with Jesus on previous experiences, God will processual, and dynamic and calls for Christ uniting us because storms are heal our divisions and bring us to a the continuous reception of God’s gift going to keep coming our way.” greater unity.” of communion in all areas of life.” Royce noted that the ecumenical “The final report focusing on “Lived koinonia thrives on movement in India brought about what God makes possible through hospitality,” said Helene Steed, a two united churches, CSI and the the gift of koinonia opens up a way member of the Anglican dialogue Church of North India, which to look again at our differences and team. “Hospitality continues to be contain not only Reformed and disagreements and place us once radical, especially in a COVID Anglican but other traditions as well. more in God’s hands to find a way world. Koinonia by its very nature “Today, not only the Indian church to closer unity,” said Elizabeth keeps doors ajar, rather than shuts but the whole Indian society urgently Welch, a minister in the United them. We receive the godly- need a koinonia between themselves, Reformed Church (UK) and givenness of koinonia gratefully.” crossing the human borders and co-chair of the dialogue. “We were not just talking about embracing each other to create a “The theme of koinonia is hardly our ecumenical need for koinonia and peaceful and just society,” he said. a new topic of discussion for reconciliation but for needs within “This is a beginning of a process ecumenists,” said Jamie Hawkey, a our communions, as well,” said Aimee that we hope will move beyond this member of the Anglican dialogue Moiso, a member of the Reformed level and to the grassroots of both team. “But the golden nugget of this dialogue team. She said that report our communions,” concluded report is the insight that Christians asks, “Can communion/koinonia Gregory, in commending the report have seriously undervalued and contain conflict so that conflict loses for use by all levels of both underestimated the primary its power to divide us? What would communions. contributions of koinonia in and that mean to come into a dialogue During the webinar tribute was between the churches. The report believing that the relationship itself also paid to Anglican dialogue team celebrates koinonia as both gift and was so firm in Christ that we could member Clint Le Bruyns, who calling. What we have here in this talk about really hard things together, recently passed away from the report is a renewed operating system deal with difficult subjects together? coronavirus. The one-hour webinar for dialogue between two Can koinonia contain conflict? Can it was held on Tuesday, 16 February communions that had been out of encompass the conflict?” 2021 and may be viewed online. dialogue for over 30 years.” Peter Donald of the Church of Koinonia: God’s Gift and Calling Hanns Lessing, WCRC executive Scotland and Royce Victor of the is available for free download from secretary for communion and Church of South India (CSI) shared both the Anglican Communion theology, noted that the high perspectives stemming from their and WCRC websites, as well as for expectations of that previous own contexts. sale through Amazon in the United dialogue—seeking greater unity “Local churches are terribly good Kingdom, USA, Japan, and Europe through ecclesial unifications—were at putting up walls between us,” said • (please visit specific country sites). 6
Reformed Communiqué SPRING 2021 what does God require of us? Discerning, Confessing, and Witnessing in the Time of COVID-19 and Beyond Through the “What does God Opening Remarks Require of Us? Discerning, Confessing, and Witnessing from President Najla Kassab I in an Age of COVID-19 and n this year we have seen the world shaken by the COVID-19 pandemic. Beyond,” Communion- The situation has opened our eyes on many challenges and realities that wide discernment process, affirmed the need to meet, discern, confess, witness, and change to what the World Communion of God has called us to. Reformed Churches (WCRC) The COVID-19 pandemic revealed the injustices that surround the world is seeking to live faithfully whether they are social, political, or economic. It exposed inequality, exploitation, to its call to communion and and oppression that are rooted in economic systems that exploited the dignity of people where healthcare and other fundamental rights are only available to those commitment to justice. who can afford them. Almost everywhere the vulnerable, poor, and marginalized are The discernment process most affected by the disease—and by the measures of disease control. began with a global online Today we meet as one family around the Communion as we are challenged gathering and a call to throughout our churches in strengthening our witness in response to the prophetic action in December imperatives of the Accra Confession and the call for an economy of life. This is 2020 and has continued a special time, where a crisis could become an opportunity, where in the midst with a steady series of of our pain and struggle, we see hope, mainly because God is with us, as we online sessions since. strengthen one another. This is a time of building a stronger Communion, a While hundreds of people prophetic one, an impactful presence in every place that hurts. Today we meet are participating in the process to initiate a Communion-wide process on the response of the WCRC to the virtually, all members of the COVID-19 pandemic based on the guiding objectives of our strategic plan, where a justice-centered response is timely. Communion are invited to join. Today is moment of kairos where we are called to act, to be prophetic voic- The following pages provide es, and to strive towards healing the world from the long-lasting injustice that highlights from the inaugural even a vaccine will not heal. It is a kairos moment in our self-understanding as session, including excerpts from churches and a Communion and our mission as we prepare the agenda of our presentations, worship material, next General Council. It is our role to seek new ways of strengthening the and discernment questions. Communion and transforming the world as we are transformed ourselves—to Everyone is invited to be the church in the public square reflecting the presence of God in spite of utilize these materials in their difficult times, to dream of new alternatives and see visions of a reality based own contexts and join in the on justice. conversation by sending their Today is a time where we gain strength as we come together and strengthen responses to one another. It is a time to discover the blessings of discerning as a Commu- nion. It is a time to be shaped in the image of Christ, who taught us love and This material, along with justice. It is a time where fear will never limit our abilities. It is a time of mani- highlights from subsequent festation for how God could send us out to a broken world. It is a time to do sessions, will be collected into justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with our God. It is a time of booklets and made available witnessing to a God of Life. In this season of Advent, we learn to wait in great soon. More information on the expectation and ask our Lord to speak to us, to teach us anew how to be called “COVID and Beyond” process to communion and committed to justice. Together we can make a difference. can be found at Let us live in hope. 7
Reformed Communiqué SPRING 2021 Allan Boesak on the concept of “global apartheid” T he unprecedented onslaught 3.8 billion of the poorest half of of my own denomination from of the novel coronavirus has humanity showed their wealth 1986, and I’m speaking of the hugely impacted our work. decline by as much as 11%. Accra Confession from the COVID-19 has exposed and This year Oxfam focuses WCRC from 2004. Belhar has exacerbated the scandalous reality of more tightly on yet another form three main pillars: 1) the unity what we have come to call global of global apartheid: Gender that we have in Christ, 2) the apartheid. The term has become injustice, gender vulnerability, reconciliation brought by Christ, more and more depressingly appli- and gender oppression. Women and 3) the justice demanded cable to our world situation. South and girls are among those by God. To simply put, Belhar Africa, with its draconian policies of who benefit least from today’s confesses God’s radical indivisible apartheid—declared by the interna- economic system. They spend justice, God’s radical indivisible tional community a crime against billions of hours cooking and equality, God’s radical indivisible humanity, and by the ecumenical cleaning and caring for children inclusivity, and God’s radical movement led by the Communion and the elderly. Unpaid care indivisible solidarity. In these of Reformed Churches as a travesty work is the “hidden engine” that things, the church is called to of the gospel, and its theological jus- keeps the wheels of our economy, follow God and to stand with tification a heresy—set the world a business, and society moving. It the poor, the oppressed, the particularly vicious model of racial is driven by women who often wronged, the destitute, the oppression and discrimination, injus- have little time to get education, marginalized, the excluded in any tice, and exploitation. earn a decent living, or have a form of injustice whatsoever. We may thus speak today say on how our societies are run In the Accra Confession of a phenomenon that we call and who are therefore trapped we look at the world through global apartheid which includes at the bottom of the economy. the eyes of the poor and the social-economic exploitation The situation at all levels oppressed, the powerless and the and inequalities, political and in all counties of the suffering, and then we see then and social exclusion, racial world, in every imaginable way, a scandalous world. We confess and ethnic discrimination, as is getting worse even as we to hear the cries of the poor well as gender injustices and speak. The irresponsibility of knowing that in the cries of the heteronormative oppression. many governments and their poor and the oppressed we hear The common denominator here leaders is beyond shocking the very voice of God. We confess is not only the racial element but hardly surprising. that we see the wounds of God but also the systemic, violent, One could remind the world and God’s creation caused by pervasive, and totalitarian and the church that the Crucified greed and hubris and selfishness, nature of the oppression. One amongst the crucified ones but we know also that every The general reference today is today has disarmed the rulers and wound inflicted upon God’s the division of the world between authorities and made a public children is a wound inflicted the so called 1% and the 99% spectacle of them, triumphing upon God. And so, the Accra made crystal clear in Oxfam’s over them as Colossians 2:15 tells Confession exposes all systems of annual reports: In January 2017, us. So, the question here is: Can injustice—economic social, and just eight white men own as the church sense, discern, and act political—and, like Belhar, we much wealth as half the world upon the kairos moment the God call on the church to call these population. One in nine people of history has placed upon us? heresies and to follow God in do not have enough to eat. And In our discussion we will refer God’s struggle for justice so that more than one billion live on to two documents from within we can stand with those who less than $1.25 a day. In 2019, our Communion, and they have struggle with God for justice. Oxfam reported that in 2018 helped us to understand better the billionaires’ fortunes grew by challenges that we are facing. I’m 2.5 billion dollars a day while speaking of the Belhar Confession 8
Reformed Communiqué SPRING 2021 Worship Resources Prayer Liturgical Response We praise you Holy Chosen One And so we plead our witness to the Son of Mary, Son of David hills and to the mountains God’s high down-dwelling one Fruit of Prophecy, law’s fulfillment But they are hesitant to respond Sign of Grace Love’s firstborn child Haven’t we destroyed these sacred spaces that belong You the one whom Jacob wrestled to Indigenous communities by our mining The one for whom Miriam sang You the one of Isaiah’s vision And so we rush to the rivers and the streams You the source of Saul’s blinded sight The one in whom all things began But they too do not hear In whom we fall and rise For their waters are polluted by our industries Holy unreligious One Frame and Faith nor chain can bind you We take our case to the seas Nor demand that you must come So, looking far beyond us But the plastic chokes them, and they cannot speak We prepare to find you near us You: Creation groans, not in anticipation, but Rage in sin in pain, she cries out in brokenness Joy in change Fire in belly And neither can we take our case to the Desire in loins impoverished, the enslaved, the dispossessed Voice in wilderness Disappointment in leadership Because they are tired by our words, Wisdom from above our false promises, our mission Truth from below Power of Blackness And so we return to our tired God who is sick to the Humbling of Whiteness stomach of our rituals, our theologies, our pretense Come to us: Baby in straw And God tells us what is required… Thorn in foot Justice in cry and in creation. To do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly “God calls us to be a prophetic voice of hope and peace, a church which rejects all use of violence, be it from the state and its agencies, organized groups that exist on the margins of law, or all those who try to take political advantage of the social unrest, by denying its legitimacy and increasing violence.” —Gloria Ulloa, Presbyterian Church of Colombia 9
Reformed Communiqué SPRING 2021 Worship Resources Commissioning Confession (excerpt) As we journey as a church, we lament in our complicity in systems that destroy creation, as we have sinned against the earth, in greed we have over-consumed and exploited earthly resources. Droughts, rising temperatures, air pollution, and changing weather patterns continue to threaten the most vulnerable populations, exacerbating existing inequalities that continue to rise like the sea levels. In our lament we recognize our interconnectedness and interdependence with all creation. We are God’s creatures existing in relationship with God’s creation. Let us therefore listen to the cries of anxiety, grief, and trauma from the Indigenous communities, as the land of the ancestors continues to be threatened. In our lament let us find the tools for change, resistance and solidarity. “The moral cost needs We are called to do justice, in kindness and humility, and so as to be lifted up. People the sea levels rise, and the earth weeps we plead our case before the mountains, and let the hills hear our voice, as we chant together: over might, people We’re not drowning, we’re fighting over exorbitant wealth, We’re not drowning, we’re fighting people over not being We’re not drowning, we’re fighting patient enough to After God freed the people from the house of slavery, he called on live through this but us to remember the acts of the wicked, and the saving acts of the Lord (Micah 6:4-5). Today we witness the acts of the wicked when God’s instead find themselves people cannot breathe because of a knee to the neck. When God’s people in a hurry dying.” cannot breathe because their trafficked bodies are trapped as cargo in the — J. Herbert Nelson II, back of a lorry waiting to be sold. When God’s people cannot breathe Presbyterian Church (USA) because they have been silenced in their suffering by the dominant powers of the state and the system. When God’s people cannot breathe because they have fallen victim to the pandemic that disproportionately affects people of colour. When God’s people cannot breathe. We confess that at times we have remained too silent in the face of racism, segregation, and inequality, that as Churches our histories are corrupted by slavery and exploitation, and our complicity must not be hidden if we are to be true witnesses in our journeying for justice. We are called to do justice, in kindness and humility, and so we recognize the sins of inequality, the atrocities of racism, the vilification of the marginalized, and the devastation inflicted by the houses of slavery, and so we chant together: Black Lives Matter Black Lives Matter Black Lives Matter We are commissioned on this journey to do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with God, to become agents of transformation in the world (Micah 6:8). To do justice, we must witness. To love kindness, we must repent. To walk humbly, we must be in solidarity with the oppressed. 10
Reformed Communiqué SPRING 2021 Discernment Questions 1. In what ways does the term “Global Apartheid“ describe the crises exposed by the COVID-19 pandemic? Is it an adequate lens to read the signs of the times? 2. How should the WCRC respond to the revolutionary affirmation of the Belhar Confession that the church should stand where God stands, at the side of the destitute, the poor, and the wronged? In what specific ways should we join the global struggle against injustice, imperialist violence, and greed to work for life, global solidarity, and human dignity? 3. How can we be church in a situation where we respond not simply to a crisis, but to the whole complex of crises upon us today: An exclusionary, exploitative system of death, a scandalous order of a world fallen among thieves”, which, in the words of Jürgen Moltmann, can best be described as a “God-Crisis?” 4. What would best embody the goals of the processus confessionis (process toward confessing) in our Communion? What document and mission practice would this require? 5. In the time of the pandemic, we see a global increase in gender-based violence. How can the church contribute to end gender-based violence through its theology, preaching, teaching, and mission? 6. What does salvation mean in the midst of the multiplicity of violences against those who fall outside of the constraints of normalized patriarchy (women, men who face violence from other men because they are lower in the patriarchal hierarchy, LGBTQ+ community)? 7. How can the WCRC as a global communion take up Indigenous knowledge in addressing the burning challenges of the African region and in other parts of the world? 8. How can the church be relevant in a situation where religion is used to justify nationalisms, authoritarianisms, and racism? 9. How can churches become aware of their complicity and complacency with xenophobic and racist cultures and practices? 10. How can the extensive actions that have been taken to fight the virus be used as an example that it is possible to act drastically when needed? How can this be an example to realize that it is actually possible to resolutely address challenges like the climate crisis? “Congregations have created new avenues of supporting those in need by providing food, housing expenses, and emotional support to the vulnerable and isolated in their communities. We do this because as Christ’s church we know that through the Holy Spirit all of us, the people of this earth, are the work of His hands and are under His Almighty Sovereignty. The truth of His Word warms our hearts and brings peace to our troubled emotions and thoughts, strengthening our weary hands and feet to the service of others.” —Dimitris Boukis, Greek Evangelical Church 11
SPRING 2021 Reformed Communiqué Third Transformative Masculinities webinar calls for repentance T he COVID-19 pandemic Jesus called Zaccheus—to “come should be leading way and not lag- can become a “kairos” down immediately” from their posi- ging behind.” Contextual bible stud- moment of opportunity tion of privilege, to repent and offer ies and “increasing faith literacy,” he for men to repent of the restitution to those who have been insisted, are vital ways of moving the sin of patriarchy and create positive harmed. needle towards greater justice and partnerships that empower women Among those joining Chitando equality. and men. Churches should be in the in the conversation was Chad Rim- Participants watched a short film front line of this process, drawing on mer LWF’s program executive for entitled The Gift of Fatherhood about Scripture and other faith resources identity, communion and formation, two brothers living in a huge town- to advance gender equality. who said “our faith traditions have ship in South Africa, where more That was the theme of a third the resources to resist negative narra- than half of all children grow up Transforming Masculinities webinar tives and ‘restory’ what it means to without a father in the home. The which took place on Ash Wednes- be a man.” He suggested this time of film, featured on the MenCare web- day, 17 February, featuring Ezra global pandemic could be an oppor- site, highlights the importance of Chitando from the University of tunity for transformation and prog- providing safe spaces for men to Zimbabwe, coordinator of the World ress towards greater gender equality. share feelings, encounter positive role Council of Churches program on Men, who traditionally see them- models, and learn non-violent cop- Ecumenical HIV and AIDS initia- selves as the breadwinners, have been ing strategies. tives and advocacy. confined to their homes in a move Panelists emphasized the impor- The webinar series is part of an that has “relativized the power of the tance of challenging “cultural ongoing process pioneered by the patriarchy,” panelists agreed. How norms” and working with traditional Lutheran World Federation (LWF), can churches support this confine- leaders to stop violence against the World Communion of Reformed ment and combat the rise in domes- women. “We need to engage,” and Churches (WCRC), ACT Alliance tic violence, they asked? not “push away or let off the hook and the South Africa based Sonke Another participant was Bafana those who don’t agree with us,” Gender Justice network. Its goal is to Khumalo, co-founder and director Khumalo said. He cited projects in work with faith leaders and train of Strategic Partnerships for the Zimbabwe and Tanzania where tra- regional practitioners to facilitate Sonke network. He spoke of the rea- ditional leaders have attended work- spaces of dialogue, root out gender sons why many men resist gender shops on women’s empowerment and violence and engage men and boys justice work, citing the way they have become “champions of equality in the task of promoting gender jus- may feel emasculated by the feminist calling for the end of child marriages tice. movement and noting that they too and female genital mutilation.” Chitando began by noting that can be victims of violence and dis- Just as “Jesus showed Zaccheus “patriarchy promised a lot for boys crimination. Making comparisons how to become part of the solution and men,” but “we, who are sup- with criticism of the Black Lives for change,” Khumalo said, so peo- posed to be the beneficiaries, are also Matter movement, Chitando noted ple of faith must “move out of our the victims of patriarchy.” As a result that the “system of privilege quickly comfort zones” and confess the way of the way in which boys are social- moves into self-protective gear.” “Let churches have excluded and discrim- ized “to dominate and control” oth- us not compete for trauma,” he said, inated against women. The ability to ers, he said, men are often unable to adding that “magnified victimhood “reconfigure our gender narratives” express vulnerability, to listen to is a patriarchal construct to allow for to promote justice and inclusion, women, to cooperate with them or not coming to the conversation panelists concluded, is a mark “upon to apologize for their own mistakes. table.” which our faith stands or falls.”• It is vital to work within families Philip Vinod Peacock, the (Article courtesy of LWF/P. Hitchen) and faith communities, he said, to WCRC’s executive secretary for jus- change the narrative, to promote tice and witness, spoke of the vital cooperation with women’s move- role that churches can play in trans- ments and to invest “with urgency” forming toxic masculinity through in the training of young boys and liturgy, preaching, teaching and girls. This season of Lent, he said, is reading of Scripture. “The church is an appropriate time to call men—as the last boys’ club,” he said, but “we 12
Reformed Communiqué SPRING 2021 CANAAC convoca a una jornada de oración el 20 de enero E l Consejo del Área del Señor, clamamos a ti en nuestra que somos’. Sin embargo, la triste Caribe y América del Norte angustia; ¡Oh Señor, oye nuestra realidad es que esto sí es lo que (CANAAC) convoca a las oración! “ somos. Somos gente pecadora”, dijo iglesias miembros de su “Lo que está sucediendo en Colin Watson, director ejecutivo de región, así como de toda la Comu- nuestros entornos y en el mundo es la Iglesia Cristiana Reformada en nión Mundial de Iglesias Reforma- grave, ya sea por la pandemia, o con América del Norte y coordinador del das (CMIR), a dedicar una jornada los disturbios en los Estados Unidos CANAAC. “La Biblia nos recuerda de oración este próximo miércoles 20 de NA, o con los valores agitados en que necesitamos que el Señor nos de enero. todo el mundo, o con la injusticia ayude a ser diferentes. Es solo por la “Estuve sufriendo por Estados que implica proporcionar la vacuna a gracia de Dios, y por medio de su Unidos, una nación que debe lidiar las personas ricas y poderosas, en encarnación y resurrección, que se con disturbios en su Capitolio mien- tanto que quienes no pueden per- nos ofrece la capacidad de ser dife- tras es avasallada por el COVID, mitírselo deben esperar en su suf- rentes. Debemos actuar afirmativa- que parece haber sido relegado a un rimiento”, dijo Najla Kassab, presi- mente de manera diferente y perse- segundo plano ante las manifestacio- denta de la CMIR. “Orar de manera guir su justicia para que podamos ser nes de la supremacía blanca”, expresó conjunta es una gran fuente de san- verdaderamente sal y luz”. Angela Martins, coordinadora del ación, y unirnos como un cuerpo de “Nuestra sociedad está abrumada CANAAC. “En este sentido, me 100.000.000 de miembros en todo el por la ansiedad. Está ensombrecida siento fortalecida por este llamado a mundo será importante a los ojos de por el recelo sobre el futuro, que la oración por todos nosotros y por Dios y fortalecerá y profundizará puede causar estragos en los valores todas nosotras en esta región y en nuestra comunión juntas y juntos”. y la moralidad del presente”, expresó toda la CMIR en un tiempo como el “En El Líbano, a partir de hoy, Joy Abdul-Mohan, moderadora de la que nos toca vivir”. estamos ante un bloqueo total duran- Iglesia Presbiteriana en Trinidad y “Somos parte de un mundo en te los próximos 10 días, dado que los Tobago. “Por eso necesitamos esta peligro. La pandemia del COVID-19 hospitales están completamente ocu- buena noticia de que no estamos en continúa afectando prácticamente pados”, agregó Kassab. “Oramos por soledad. Dios nos ha ofrecido una cada zona de la tierra habitada. las personas enfermas, desanimadas, esperanza duradera. El día de alegría Como vicepresidenta de la CMIR en preocupadas y por las muchas perso- llegará en que la oscuridad se des- esta región, tengo particular con- nas que sienten que su vida se detu- vanecerá. ¿Hay una palabra más sciencia de la situación del coronavi- vo. Señor, danos fortaleza y sana a oportuna que pueda pronunciarse rus en Canadá, en los Estados Uni- quienes necesitan sanidad”. que ésta? “ dos de Norteamérica y en muchas “Estamos de luto por las pérdidas “¿Qué significa amar a tu próji- partes del Caribe. También estoy de aquellas personas a quienes ama- mo, a tu prójima, en el contexto del muy consciente de los disturbios mos. Lamentamos la forma en que COVID-19?” preguntó Michael políticos y del violento asalto al Cap- las comunidades que están marginal- Blair, secretario general de la Iglesia itolio de los Estados Unidos de izadas están siendo aún más Unida en Canadá. “En tanto con- Norteamérica el pasado 6 de enero”, impactadas por el sufrimiento causa- tinuamos buscando ser buenos próji- dijo Lisa Vander Wal, de la Iglesia do por este virus”, dijo Karen Geor- mos y buenas prójimas, unámonos Reformada en los Estados Unidos de gia A. Thompson, ministra general en oración por las personas traba- Norteamérica. asociada para ministerios y operacio- jadoras de la salud y otras cuidadoras “Estados Unidos de NA sigue en nes eclesiales en general de la Iglesia que están trabajando denodadamente conmoción por causa de la continua Unida de Cristo. “Nos afligen las para atender a las víctimas del injusticia racial y la supremacía blan- políticas que no responden. Lamen- COVID-19, oremos por los lider- ca entre la población, acentuada tamos la falta de humanidad en las azgos gubernamentales que se esfuer- luego de las elecciones estadoun- decisiones que se toman, al tiempo zan por tomar decisiones sabias y idenses del mes de noviembre”, que pedimos que se preste atención a oremos para que Dios nos conceda la añadió Vander Wal. “Mientras espe- un cuidado médico de calidad para sabiduría para ser buenos prójimos y ramos la transición hacia una nueva todas las personas”. buenas prójimas”. administración, nos preocupa que la “En medio de los clamores de violencia continúe e impida una este tiempo, oigo la súplica de ciertos transferencia pacífica del poder. “Oh líderes diciendo que ‘esto no es lo Continúa en la página 15 13
SPRING 2021 Reformed Communiqué Prayers and support requested for Belarus Remember those who are in prison, as though you were in WCRC Europe has called on member churches to: prison with them; those who are being tortured, as though • Pray for peaceful protestors and prisoners you yourselves were being tortured. • Join actions in support of the democracy movement —Hebrews 13:3 T • Raise awareness of the situation to local politicians he World Communion of Reformed Churches • Write to prisoners (WCRC) joins WCRC Europe’s call for prayer WCRC Europe included a suggested prayer, which and action to support protestors in Belarus. begins: For the last six months, citizens of Belarus have been staging protests against the government and Eternal and merciful God! President Alexander Lukashenko, who was declared the Before you, we think of the people of Belarus today. winner in elections which have been widely condemned More people than ever took to the streets last year as fraudulent. demonstrated peacefully and happily against the falsification of Protesters have faced violent persecution by the the election, against the arbitrariness and violence of the regime. authorities, as well as abusive detention. A statement by the United Nations Human Rights Office early on in the They were forcibly dispersed and many thousands arrested. protests cited more than 450 documented cases of torture But they didn’t let themselves be intimidated and kept going. and ill-treatment of detainees, as well as reports of sexual Among them were many Christians, Catholics, Orthodox, abuse and rape. At the end of 2020, the Viasna Human also members of the small evangelical minority, Rights Centre documented 1,000 testimonies of torture young and old, men and women. victims. We ask you, God: give them your spirit: In a letter to WCRC member churches in Europe, Power, love and prudence. Martina Wasserloos, WCRC Europe president, shared a request from a member of the small Reformed community Don’t let them get tired of their hope for a free land and in Minsk, who had to flee the country: “We ask you to strengthen them in their advocacy for the rights of all people. pray for freedom and legality in Belarus, for humanity Lord, have mercy! and human rights in our country. … At the moment, more than 30,000 best people of Belarus of all professions Please join sisters and brothers in Europe and around and ages (from underage schoolchildren to even 89 years the world in prayer and support for the protestors and old!) have gone, through the courts and prisons.” detainees in Belarus. • Applications invited for interns The World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) is accepting offices, participate fully in staff teams, and are assigned executive- applications for its internship programme. The programme gives level projects for completion (with supervision). Areas of work in the highly qualified young people an opportunity to gain valuable internship experience include: experience working with an international ecumenical organization. • Theology and Communion The internship will be for 12 months in the WCRC offices in • Justice and Witness (including economic, climate, gender, and Hannover, Germany, tentatively beginning from July or August, racial justice) depending on pandemic travel restrictions. • Mission The programme is open to English-speaking individuals of • Ecumenical Engagement WCRC member churches who are aged 30 or younger, including • Communicating the stories of the WCRC ministers, seminarians, or Christian professionals with an interest in working for their churches or the ecumenical movement at any level. The WCRC internship programme is sponsored by the Women and individuals from the Global South are particularly Evangelische Missionswerk (EMW), as well as donations from encouraged to apply. member churches, and covers almost all costs (including travel, As part of the programme’s leadership development goals, housing, medical insurance and a small stipend). However, it is interns are given a variety of experiences and responsibilities within asked that the intern (or sponsoring church) share in some costs the WCRC. They provide project assistance for both programme (based on ability). Deadline for applying is 11 June 2021—and all applications must be endorsed by a WCRC member church. Applications may be obtained by emailing or online here: 14
Reformed Communiqué SPRING 2021 CANAAC convoca a una jornada de oración el 20 de enero Continúa de la página 13 “Jamaica se encuentra actual- tra toda la ciudadanía norteameri- respondiendo a las realidades del mente atravesando una propagación cana. Como personas de fe, debemos COVID y a todas las consecuencias comunitaria y el índice de contagios tomar una postura unánime y sociales y económicas que produjo, está aumentando rápidamente. Ha enfrentar la realidad del racismo, en pero también las vemos revitalizando habido una variedad de efectos todas sus formas. No debemos su vida y su testimonio en causados por las implicaciones del responder con miedo o escepticismo, respuesta a los imperativos de la COVID-19, incluidos hogares que sino con lo único que nos ayudará a Confesión de Accra y al llamado pierden sus redes de seguridad finan- salir adelante: el amor a Dios y a por una economía de vida.” ciera, cierres de escuelas y restriccio- nuestros prójimos y prójimas” (Deu- “Hay un sendero de esperanza nes en la movilidad”, dijo Norbert teronomio 6:4). que se abre de par en par para Stephens, secretario general de la “En Canadá tenemos gratitud nosotros y nosotras a medida que Iglesia Unida en Jamaica y las Islas por la promesa que traen las el mundo emerge de este desastre Caimán. “Instamos a todas nuestras vacunas y por su disponibilidad; sin precedentes”, dijo Ferguson. hermanas y hermanos en Cristo a estamos agradecidos y agradecidas “Mientras lloramos nuestras unirse en oración por los problemas por líderes políticos que se han pérdidas, mientras nos esforzamos que rodean la pandemia del tomado esta pandemia en serio”, por volver a la vida diaria, hagamos COVID-19, por aquellas personas dijo Matthew Sams, presidente del todos los esfuerzos posibles por no que están fuera de la red de seguri- Comité de Relaciones Ecuménicas volver a la normalidad, sino a un dad social, por nuestros niños y e Interreligiosas de la Iglesia mundo transformado por medio niñas y por las y los educadores que Presbiteriana de Canadá. “También de la gracia de Dios y de nuestra deben adaptarse a la nueva normali- expresamos nuestra preocupación mayordomía de la esperanza”. dad para el ambiente de enseñanza y por los límites de la atención médica “Invitamos a nuestras hermanas y aprendizaje, por aquellas personas en nuestros centros más grandes, hermanos de CANAAC y de toda la que sufren emocionalmente, por ya que los casos infecciosos son seis Comunión a unirse en una jornada quienes no tienen acceso a suminis- veces más altos que los números de de oración el miércoles 20 de enero”, tros e información, por nuestros pro- la primavera. Sin embargo, nuestro pidió Martins, “y continuar orando fesionales de la salud y nuestros corazón está junto a las comunidades luego y apoyándose mutuamente socorristas, para que puedan rurales, remotas e indígenas que con en los meses venideros”.• escuchar y experimentar al Cristo frecuencia carecen de instalaciones cuya presencia, provisiones y poder médicas básicas; y nuestro nos han sido asegurados”. corazón está junto a las personas J. Herbert Nelson, II, secretario que sufren otras enfermedades, de la Iglesia Presbiteriana (EE. UU.), algunas mortales, que no pueden hizo referencia a las cerca de recibir adecuada atención”. 400.000 muertes por COVID-19 en “Somos una Comunión los Estados Unidos de NA, así como comprometida con la justicia, y es a la “insurrección planeada en el justo que cuando nuestras iglesias Capitolio de los EE. UU., que tuvo miembros están sufriendo, nos lugar contra nuestro gobierno y con- acerquemos a ellas con apoyo y oración”, manifestó Chris Ferguson, secretario general de la CMIR. “En toda nuestra familia de la CMIR, vemos a nuestras iglesias 15
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