Page created by Jimmie Kim
                                                           June 29, 2021
                              Principal: Mr. Jamie Burt            Secretary: Ms. Keely Spengler
                              Phone: 604.487.9022        

Principal’s Message
On behalf of our entire staff we want to thank our
families and school community members for their
continued support through an ever changing and,
often at times, challenging school year. It was a
year where we all needed to be flexible, patient,
thoughtful and understanding. Covid-19 safety
protocols and regulations were constantly changing
and we needed to adapt to them. I felt our staff
was amazing during the entire year! Professional
and always putting their students’ needs first. I feel
fortunate to be part of such a great team at Kelly
Creek. As I write this message in the middle of one
of Powell River’s biggest heat-waves I’m thinking
ahead to September. There is still uncertainty of
what our start-up will look like in September, but
we are very hopeful. Hopeful that we will be able
to safely return to daily school activities that we
have enjoyed in the past. If there is one thing that
this year has taught us, we will be able to handle
anything that comes our way to create positive
learning experiences for our students!
Again, on behalf of myself and our staff, thank you for all of your support throughout the school year.
It was much appreciated and so beneficial for our students. Have a wonderful summer!

Student Belongings Left at School
Some students may not have been able to collect all their personal belongings from
school. If your child has items left at the school please feel free to stop by to collect them.
The office will be open from 9:00am – Noon, Wednesday June 30th, Friday July 2nd, and
Monday July 5th—Wednesday, July 7th. If that does not work for you, please feel free to
contact me at: to arrange a time we can get them to you.
Thank You to Our PAC and
                our Kelly Creek Community Association
On behalf of all of our students and staff we would like to thank our PAC and our
Community Association for their continuous support over the course of the school year.
Both of these groups work hard to create and support ideas and activities that help add to
our students’ opportunities at school. The pandemic didn’t slow either group down at all!
Our PAC met monthly via Zoom and we had a number of new members who were
consistently able to contribute at meetings. Special thanks to our PAC Executive for
stepping into new roles this year and doing a wonderful job for us: Amy Naylor
(President); Lindsay Seery (Treasurer); Catherine Macleod (Secretary). Our Community
Association also navigated Covid restrictions and guidelines throughout the school year to
provide great supports for student and staff. Big thank you to Kevin, Laurie and the
members of the board. We are all very hopeful that we will be able to invite our families
and volunteers back into the school in September. We really missed that this year!

             School Supply Lists will be                        Have you moved?
           posted on our school website.
                                                                Please contact the office to
               Check the site over the                             update your address
              summer for updates and                               and phone numbers.
                                                                    It is very important
             current information on our                                 that we have
                return in September.                            correct information on file.

           KCCS Summer Office Hours
       The office will be open July 1st and 2nd
               from 9:00am—1:00pm
              Closed for July and August
      Reopening on August 30th - September 3rd
              from 8:30am—1:30pm
& Field
Kings READING Hero
                              The Powell River Kings and The Co-operators
                              (Westview Agencies) have out done themselves! The 15th
                              Annual Read Program has gone virtual! Twice a month, a
                               video of one of our Kings players reading a book to the kids is
                               sent to the school. Recognizing a Reading Hero happens once
                                a month. Thank you to all of the sponsors including The
                                Cooperators and Panago Pizza. Go Kings!
                                 Congratulations to our latest Reading Hero!

  Some Tips for Parents to Help Keep Your Kids’ Skills Sharp Over the Summer
Public Library: Visit the public library website, they have great recourses and ways to get books to read.
Listen to a story: Check out audio books from the library or download books to your iPod for the family to
listen to together while at home or in the car. Visit the podcast directory
freeaudiobooks to pick the perfect literature podcasts for your child this summer.
Explore and learn: If taking trips, choose places with an educational theme. Local parks, museums, nature
centers and zoos all make for great day trips.
Write it down: Discuss and write about the books you are reading. Keep a journal of trips and activities
during summer.
Create a family game night: Set aside one night a week for family game night. Chess supports youngsters’
analytical and problem-solving skills, and Scrabble helps boost spelling and vocabulary skills.
Give math meaning: Total up items while shopping at the grocery store or market. Practice fractions while
cooking. Graph daily temperatures.
Locate a summer program: Find an academic summer program that meets your child’s needs. Make sure
the program has a researched –backed curriculum, low student-to-adult ratios and certified teachers..
Adapted from:

                                     Prevent Summer Slide!

                         BUS PASSES & REMINDERS
       All students that would like to take the bus 2021-22 must apply for a bus pass.
       If students have a current bus pass, you will still need to re-apply for a 2021-22 pass
       Grade 7’s going to Brooks must apply for a new bus pass in order to be a rider.
                         To apply for 2021-22 Bus Passes on all routes visit
In accordance with section 77 of the School Act,
                         the following information is provided for parents:

                                 School Schedule
           MORNING                                                            AFTERNOON
       8:23 Warning Bell              Days in Session — 188            11:50 Playground Bell
    8:25 Classes Commence           Days of Instruction — 180             12:30 Lunch Bell
   10:15 Recess Break Starts        Non-instructional Days — 7        12:40 Classes Commence
   10:30 Recess Break Ends           Administrative Day — 1              2:25 Dismissal Bell

                 Length of Instructional Day for Grades K-7 is 295 minutes per day

                         2021-2022 School Calendar
Tues. Sep. 7            School Year Commences – Classes in session until 9:30 am
Fri. Sep. 24            Professional Development Day
Mon. Oct. 11            Thanksgiving Day Holiday
Fri. Oct. 22            Provincial Professional Development Day
Mon. Nov. 1             Parent Teacher Conferences - Classes not in session (day and evening conferences)
Thurs. Nov. 11          Remembrance Day Holiday
Fri. Dec. 3             First Formal Reporting
Fri. Dec. 17            Last day of School before Winter Vacation

Tues. Jan. 4            School re-opens after Winter Vacation
Thurs. Feb. 10          Student Led Conferences - Early dismissal at 11:50 am
                        (afternoon and evening conferences)
Fri. Feb. 18            Professional Development Day
Mon. Feb. 21            B.C. Family Day Holiday
Wed. Mar. 9             Second Formal Reporting
Fri. Mar. 11            Last day of school before Spring Break
Mon. Mar. 28            School re-opens after Spring Break
Fri. Apr. 15            Good Friday
Mon. Apr. 18            Easter Monday
Mon. May 23             Victoria Day Holiday
Mon. Jun. 6             District Pro-D Day – Planning Day
Wed. Jun. 29            Last day of classes for students/Final Summative Reports issued
Thurs. Jun. 30          Year-End Administrative Day (Classes not in session)
                        Grade 4
       Citizenship: Sophie Lowenberger
 Effort: Robbie O’Hea, Gavin Parrin, Emma Lang
          Athletics: Tanner Ciarniello

                    Grade 5
  Citizenship: Henry Gunn, Zev Angell-Schmidt

          Improvement: Carson Laing
               Athletics: Kaitlyn McSween
Academics: Megan Spick, Annabelle Shostak, Cash Brander

                                                              Grade 7’s
                                                           Best of luck at
                         Grade 6
               Citizenship: Maeve Stevens
          Improvement: Gavin Taves, Jack Illing
           Athletics: Hailey Johnson                      Brooks next year!
          Academics: Maeve Stevens

                    Grade 7
      Citizenship: Eli Conroy, Iris McIntee
           Effort: Karsten McSween
  Improvement: Larissa Laing, Annika Shelton
     Athletics: Eli Conroy, Teegan Taylor
            Academics: Eli Conroy
Visit our website HERE to get the links to these programs!
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