KEEP IT KIWI $10000 of vouchers - Grab your share of over - Redpaths

Page created by Frances Green
KEEP IT KIWI 000 of vouchers - Grab your share of over - Redpaths
July-August 2020

           KEEP IT KIWI

                                  Grab your share of over
                                         $10000 of
Plug in to 75 years of Redpaths              See inside for details
KEEP IT KIWI 000 of vouchers - Grab your share of over - Redpaths


                 * Terms and conditions apply. Limited numbers available.
                   Excludes Projects and Tenders. Limit 1 per invoice. $500
                   of one suppliers product in total or combination of. Must
                   enter the ICE code in promo tab. Accounts must be current.
KEEP IT KIWI 000 of vouchers - Grab your share of over - Redpaths
SPEND $500

  FREE $50
     We Proudly Support
KEEP IT KIWI 000 of vouchers - Grab your share of over - Redpaths
Trade Magazine Only.
  At Redpaths our focus is to the Trade.
  All pricing is to account holders only
  and is always excluding GST.

                                                What a roller coaster ride it has been this year to date. I'm sure you
                                                all are feeling the affects as we are, fortunately or unfortunately life
  EDITORIAL                                     continues on it's just how we all are dealing with the new normal
                                                and what that will be.
  Sarah Orange
                                                We have had to adapt and change and this will create new
  ADVERTISING                                   opportunities in the immediate and foreseen future so until then
                                                we can only continue to do what we hope we do better than our
  Paula 021 885 888                             competitors.
                                                Watch out for our upcoming surveys and plans to help you and
  PRINTER                                       your business for the future but at the same time surely we can
                                                allow for a bit of fun, hence a selection of information, articles and
  Caxton                                        promotions in this edition of “Keeping it Kiwi”
  Cnr Lodestar Ave & Stark Drive
  Wigram, PO Box 36411
  Christchurch 8146
  03 366 8516

  The opinions in this magazine do not
  necessarily reflect those of R.Redpath
  Limited or the publisher. Although all
  materials are checked for accuracy, no
  liability is assumed by R.Redpath Limited     Brent Cameron,
  or the publisher for any losses due to the
  use of this magazine. Whilst all care has     Chief Sales Officer
  been taken in production, products and
  prices advertised will be on sale from
  the beginning of the promotional period
  or while stocks last. We reserve the
  right to substitute any of these products
  with similar products or vary pricing in
  extenuating circumstances and limited to
  Trade customers only.

Plug in                                        Plug in                                   Plug in
to better                                      to better                                 to better
value.                                         advice.                                   service.
KEEP IT KIWI 000 of vouchers - Grab your share of over - Redpaths
Plug in to 75 years
                                             of Redpaths


“There’s no party like it!”
             Limited number of tickets available.
 Ask your Branch Manager how we can get you there.

                                                                 Supported by

                                               JULY-AUGUST 2020 | REDPATHS.CO.NZ | 3
KEEP IT KIWI 000 of vouchers - Grab your share of over - Redpaths


GLOBAL ECONOMIES ARE                    Yes, cutting back and keeping money          last 10 years, so what’s truly cost
                                        in the bank is going to assist for a         effective?

                                        while if you do loose your job or your
                                                                                                 Keeping local business
SPENDING PATTERNS                       business but then if your are spending
                                                                                                 running. When you are
                                        money locally you are keeping the
HAVE CHANGED AND                        local economy going which can in
                                                                                                 dealing with locally owned
                                                                                                 and operated business you
PEOPLE ARE RETHINKING                   turn keep your own job or business
                                                                                     are assured that your money is going
                                        going, or at if the worst happens, a
WHAT IS IMPORTANT                       better level of jobs will be available in
                                                                                     back into the local economy, not
                                                                                     heading overseas in the case of those
TO THEIR LIVES. WHILE                   the market. The economy is a simple
                                                                                     international business alternatives. By
WE HAVE ALL LEARNT                      circle of money exchange, if we are
                                                                                     buying local you are not only keeping
                                        keeping this local it’s going to find it’s
TO DO WITHOUT OUR                                                                    your local business going, you are
                                        way back to you.
                                                                                     keeping their local supplier running
FAVOURITE TAKE-OUT                      WHY SHOP LOCALLY?                            also, creating a large chain of local

OR OUR WEEKLY TRIP                                Quality. It might be cheaper
                                                                                     economy working at it’s best.

TO THE LOCAL BAR,                                 to go to your local chain                     Keeping kiwis
                                                  store and buy a $10 t-shirt                   employed.
THINKING MORE OF OUR                              compared to a small locally
WALLETS IN THE TIMES OF                 owned business where you may
                                        pay $25 plus but does the cheaper

                                        item last as long? Often the cheaper
                                                                                                Support New Zealand
THINKING IS A BIT OF A                  imported items do not stand the
                                                                                                tourism. International
                                        test of time compared to the quality
DOUBLE-EDGED SWORD                      locally made items from New Zealand
                                                                                                tourism makes up over
WHICH CAN CAUSE MORE                                                                            17% (around $12 billion)
                                        materials. Your $10 t-shirt may last
                                                                                     of New Zealand’s economy and with
HARM THAN GOOD.                         6 months, whereas the $25 one may

KEEP IT KIWI 000 of vouchers - Grab your share of over - Redpaths
Where have you always thought of          In 1988 the “Buy N.Z. Made and keep

                                        visiting but never have for whatever      Your Country Working” campaign was
                                        reason, whether that be that you          launched by the NZ Council of Trade
                                        had too many international trips          Unions and the NZ Manufacturers’
                                        on your bucket list, or you that you      Foundation to aid in supporting the
                                        simply didn’t want to deal with the       New Zealand economy through the
                                        international crowds, think again.        Global Financial crisis. This turned
                                        Get researching, get creative and         into a globally recognised brand icon
                                        spend that money locally to keep our      linked with quality.
                                        amazing country going.                    Fast forward to 2020 with boarders

                                                   Keeping your business          closed, international trade limited and
                                                   running. If you are buying     hard times all around. Now it is more
                                                   locally you are keeping        important than ever to actively seek
                                                   businesses running and         out the New Zealand Made brand
                                        putting money in local’s pockets so       and support your local business to
                                        they can in turn afford to do business    keep our money local and create
                                        with you.                                 a sustainable, self-sufficient New
                                                                                  Zealand economy.
                                        Kiwis want to support New Zealand
                                        made, proven by the recent creation
                                        of groups on
                                        social networks
                                        like “New
                                        Zealand Made
                                        Products”, with
                                        nearly 500,000
                                        created on
                                        Facebook in
                                        mid-April 2020
                                        in response to
                                        the Covid-19
                                        tough times.
                                        Historically it
                                        has been hard
boarders closed that’s a large amount   to identify what
of money not coming in. Rather          is truly New
than just putting off that planned      Zealand made
overseas trip, think about how you      and not just
could spend that locally. What areas    imported product put together in
of New Zealand have you explored?       New Zealand.

   1. Manufacturers applying must be based in New Zealand.
   2. Service businesses must be delivering the service in New Zealand.
   3. Retail stores applying must sell licensed manufacturing members' products.
   4. Companies who outsource production must use a New Zealand based manufacturer.
   5. Each product to be labelled with the Kiwi trademark must qualify under the Fair-Trading Act for
      Country of Origin labelling.
   6. Products made in New Zealand have their key materials made in New Zealand also.

                                                                                 JULY-AUGUST 2020 | REDPATHS.CO.NZ | 5
KEEP IT KIWI 000 of vouchers - Grab your share of over - Redpaths
                     Autoranging TRMS
                   Tong Type Clampmeter

                                                      ■ Automatically measuring Voltage,
                                                        Resistance, Continuity, Diode and
                                                        Amps by just turn on the meter...
                                                        the smart electrical tester

                                                      ■ True RMS AC measurement for
                                                        Industrial applications

                                                      ■ VoltSense™ feature (Non-contact
                                                        voltage detecting)

                                                      ■ CAT.IV 600V/CAT.Ill 1000V
                                                        Safety Standard for Industrial

                                                      ■ Convenient test lead storage also
                                                        provides probe holder for two
                                                        pole voltage testing.

                                                      ■ Fast current captured with the
                                                        Auto Hold function get your
                                                        job done faster, safer and more

                    T R Lord and Associates Ltd t/a


  CB AVO A5AR A4.indd 1                                                                     15/06/20 11:56 AM

KEEP IT KIWI 000 of vouchers - Grab your share of over - Redpaths
Industrial manufacturing
                        plants and establishments
                     such as waste water treatment
                      plants, oil and gas and mining
                          facili�es depend on the
                         superior performance of
                        Nexans industrial building
                                wire and cable.

          VERSOLEX®                                                                 VAROLEX®
          Specialised flexible industrial cables for use in all industrial           Varolex® is a range of copper tape
          applica�ons, including switchgear, welding and submersible                screened cables designed to significantly reduce
          (up to 500m). Delivers excellent electrical and environmental             interferences from electrical noise, par�cularly in
          proper�es, including resistance to moisture, chemicals and oils.          Variable Speed Drive (VSD) applica�ons.

                                Instrolex® Instrumenta�on
                                cables are required to transmit
                                'clean' signals within industrial environments, o�en where there is a high level
                                of electromagne�c interference through poten�ally hazardous areas.

                CEMPEX CABLES                                                       ARMOURED MAINS
                For use in various situa�ons to supply                              PVC/XLPE
                the main power from the point of supply
                                                                                    For use in various situa�ons
                to buildings, equipment, sheds etc.
                                                                                    to supply the main power from
                                                                                    the point of supply to buildings.
               CONTROL CABLES
               CU & ARMOURED                                                        REMOLEX CABLES
               Used as connec�on type of cable between                              Small mains cables used for industrial,
               control cabinets where a number of control                           commercial and domes�c applica�ons.
               signals are required; or for use in any areas
               where control of equipment is required.
                                                                                    NEUTRAL SCREENS
               CONDUIT WIRES                                                        For use in various situa�ons,
                                                                                    copper neutral screens supply
               Used for the wiring of switch boards, control panels
                                                                                    the main power from the point of
               and earth wiring in houses. Wiring where the conduit
                                                                                    supply to buildings, equipment, sheds, etc.
               wire is run inside a protec�ve enclosure
               (plas�c or metal conduits).

                                            CANTOL CABLES
                                            For use in various situa�ons to supply the main power from the
                                            point of supply.
0508 NEXANS |

                                                                                         JULY-AUGUST 2020 | REDPATHS.CO.NZ | 7
KEEP IT KIWI 000 of vouchers - Grab your share of over - Redpaths


                      inter conditions can create a variety of safety challenges and hazards on the worksite. Some of
                      the more common examples include the increase in slip and fall accidents, or health risks such as
                      hypothermia. So, with the temperatures dropping its time to think about protecting yourself and
                      your workers from the Winter elements. Below are some tips to keep you and your team safe.

1.                                       2.
        DEHYDRATION                                 ICY SURFACES AND EQUIPMENT
        We all recognise the                        Just as bridges freeze more quickly than the roads leading to them,
        importance of keeping a                     scaffolds, ladders, and similar surfaces typically begin to ice well
        supply of water nearby on                   before ground surfaces. The reason is they are open elevated and
        Summer days but staying                     allow cold air to circulate around them. Early morning dew and rain
        hydrated in the in the Winter               can turn to ice if temperatures start to drop. Be sure to check that
        is just as important as it is               ice hasn’t begun to form and either remove it or remove the crew
        during the summer months.                   member from the hazard.
        More energy is exerted

        when working in the cold
                                                    PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT
        conditions as the body is
                                                    Clothing should be worn in multiple polypropylenes, polyester, or
        working hard to keep warm.
                                                    merino layers the air between the layers of clothing provides better
        The extra layers of clothing
                                                    insulation. The outer layer should be hi-vis, rain, and wind proof,
        people wear to stay warm
                                                    and allow for easy opening and removal.
        can also dehydrate them
        surprisingly quickly. All the               Exposed areas, such as head, hands and feet are just as important
        layers of clothing hold heat,               as the body. Gloves are an obvious option but beware they can
        so the body must perspire to                become bulky and affect a workers handling, try hand warmers and
        cool down. Treat cold days                  insulated handles on tools.
        just the same as hot days                   Buy footwear that is well padded, insulated and made from
        and make workers aware of                   material like leather so the shoe can breathe.
        dehydration. THORZT is a                    We all know a great deal of heat is lost through the head, a
        great tasting, scientifically               problem which is compounded by the fact that hard hats do not
        proven mix of cutting-edge                  provide protection against the cold. If a hard hat is needed, wear a
        branch chain amino acids,                   tight-fitting beanie made of polypropylene or merino underneath.
        combined with magnesium

        and a formulated blend of
        electrolytes for optimum                    PLAN
        hydration in all conditions                 To avoid the harsh winter conditions, plan work that is appropriate
        and is available at your local              to the weather. Following the above steps will help to ensure that
        Redpaths branch.                            winter does not slow down you and your crew.

      Redpaths have you covered (literally)
                                             Brass Monkey
        Brass Monkey                         Merino beanie
       Merino knit tops


     Fleece Lined
      Sting Frost

                                            Bison Stamina

      Brass Monkey
     Merino leggings

      Available at
      your local branch

                          JULY-AUGUST 2020 | REDPATHS.CO.NZ | 9
+6 0



1c0 m

              JULY-AUGUST 2020 | REDPATHS.CO.NZ | 11

                                   POLAR PRO G3

        IP65, 20W, 2200 Lumens

        Aluminium casing in shock absorbing rubber coating

        Adjustable handle with adjustable grade magnets

        Heavy duty braided USB cable

        Slot for tripod

        Built-in Lithium-Ion battery power bank

        Charge time 3.5 hours

        Work time up to 6 hours

                                                  Code: polarpro

                                         BUY LOCAL SUPPORT LOCAL


                                                                              Code: HL400

      Rechargeable motion sensor            Beam Range: 80 metres

      Brightness 250 + 150 Lumens           Burn time: 3 hours (high), 6 hours (low)

      IP65                                  Battery: Lithium-Ion 3.7V 1200mAh


                                                                                Code: scorpion

     Zoomable, rechargeable motion sensor     Burn time: 3 hours (high), 7 hours (low)

     Brightness 500 Lumens                    Battery: Lithium-Ion 3.7V 1800mAh

     Beam Range: 120 metres

                                                                      beanie with any
                                                                      headlight purchased*
                                                                                       *Terms and conditions

                                                                 JULY-AUGUST 2020 | REDPATHS.CO.NZ | 13
                             NO CUTTING FEES
                      NO MINIMUM ORDER VALUE
                      NO MINIMUM ORDER VALUE
                     NO MINIMUM ORDER LENGTH
                     NO MINIMUM ORDER LENGTH
                    ALL    FIRSTFLEX STOCKED CABLES
                       - THAT MEANS FROM 0.22mm2 TO 500mm2
                      YES - THAT MEANS FROM 0.22mm2 TO 500mm2



The Lumax DLR9 downlight is suitable for all residential
and commercial applications where high quality ,excellent
colour rendering and reliable lighting is required.
A very high quality engineered product utilizing Epistar
LEDs ensure perfect light distribution and smooth
dimming if required.
The Lumax DLR9 features “Natural Colour” high Colour
Rendering Index LEDs (CRI>90) for much improved
colour accuracy and visual comfort
Able to be covered by thermal insulation meeting IC-F
and IC-4 standards and easy to install.
The remote driver consists of large terminal connectors
and screws for ease of installation as well as looping
possibilities if need.
The driver may be prewired into the project with the
simple quick connectors used for final installation.

                     IC-4                                                          INPUT VOLTAGE
  IC-F                         Natural
                                                     FITTING COLOURS:
                                           Black               White


                                                                                   OUTPUT POWER

Lumax                                               DLR9                                    9W
Input                                               240V
Body                                         Aluminium Die cast
Diffuser                                        PMMA Opal
Driver                                             Remote
LED Diodes                                      Epistar SMD
Beam angle                                          90 deg                          ADJ COL TEMP
Wattage                                             9 Watt                              3,000K
Dimmable                                       Phase cut-off
Lumen output                                        850lm
Power Factor (PFC)                                   >.90
CRI (Colour Rendering Index)                         >90
CCT (Correlated Colour Temp)                        3000K
IP Rating                                            IP65                              CUT HOLE
Cut out                                             90mm                                 90MM
Height                                              45mm
Overall diam                                       106mm
Operating Temp range                               -20+50 deg                         WARRANTY

Electrical Class                                    Class II                          5 YEARS
Warranty                                            5 years

LUMAX TECHNOLOGY LTD           | | | M. 021 228 4529

                                                                           JULY-AUGUST 2020 | REDPATHS.CO.NZ | 15

                                     Travel from job to job whilst
                            listening to some of our favourite podcasts

                                  ROADSIDE STORIES
                                  NEW ZEALAND · MANATŪ TAONGA - MINISTRY FOR CULTURE AND
                                  HERITAGE (NZ)
                                  A series of audio guides from the major highways and roads around New Zealand.
                                  Explore the history and places of New Zealand in this tour of attractions along the

  AWARD WINNING DOCUMENTARY. Highlighting Northland's most infamous armed
  conflict. Hosted by Mihingaarangi Forbes. Made with the support of NZ On Air.
  This crucial moment in New Zealand's history was inconclusive in 1845 and little
  known today. In this podcast, Shannon Haunui-Thompson looks at what led to the
  battle, the famous trench warfare and its legacy today.

                                  STUFF YOU SHOULD KNOW
                                  If you've ever wanted to know about champagne, satanism, the Stonewall Uprising,
                                  chaos theory, LSD, El Nino, true crime and Rosa Parks then look no further. Josh
                                  and Chuck have you covered.
                                  If you find yourself wondering the answers to random questions, then this is the
                                  podcast for you. Enter this podcast, which breaks down how things work (yes,
                                  including Covid-19) and answers questions, from how pinball works, to why time
                                  seems to speed up as you age.

  Gorilla Voice Media
  A Kiwi podcast that shares stories and intriguing learnings from fascinating Kiwis -
  and from intrepid host Will Fleming

                                                  INSTANT RADIANT HEATER

     Keeping the
                                        Outdoors Alive
                                                              INSTANT RADIANT HEATER
                                                              • Long range 2000W heat projection
                                                              • IP65 outdoor application
                                                              • Commercial indoor application

Outdoor Living Extended
Powerful long range heat projection is delivered by new low glare amber halogen lamp and reflector technology.
Great for home, public outdoor hospitality areas like cafes, restaurants and bars, as well as commercial indoor
Propelling the energy of a great alfresco environment has just become a lot easier with the powerful new
technology Manrose Terrazza.

                                                                               JULY-AUGUST 2020 | REDPATHS.CO.NZ | 17

     Keeping it Kiwi
                                                              SELF-DRIVE VEHICLES
                                                              INTEGRATED SELF-DRIVING ECO-SYSTEM
                                                              Ohmio is safe, stress-free, and sustainable     and innovator of Intelligent Transport
                                                              mobility for everyone. Never tired,             Systems. Ohmio vehicles can connect with
                                                              distracted, or impulsive, ohmio is              other vehicles, infrastructure, and traffic
                                                              dependable. No driving licenses, no age         management systems. This connectivity
                                                              restrictions or designated driver, ohmio        helps them achieve greater efficiency and
                                                              is easy. Reducing congestion, improving         safety while giving clients, regulators, and
                                                              accessibility without fumes or noise, ohmio     traffic managers greater control.
                                                              is a breath of fresh air.                       Integrating cutting-edge transformative
                                                              Ohmio self-driving vehicle technology was       technologies to find efficiencies, improve
                                                              created by New Zealand company HMI              safety and convenience, Ohmio is driven to
                                                              Technologies, a global technology company       improve the way we move.

     Locally run in Auckland New Zealand, Reyedr        REYEDR offers a fully-fledged solution for
     Introduces the REYEDR Heads-Up Display             the leisure motorcyclist with our HUD as the
     that attaches to your motorcycle helmet and        primary user interface that will eventually
     shows you speed, navigation, distance, caller      replace your dashboard. The HUD
     id and more! The device is a true HUD and          along with REYEDR smartphone
     utilizes the latest in holographic technology to   App deliver key information about
     display a virtual image at infinite focus.         the bike, route and ride group.

     Locally run in Christchurch, Myovolt, world leading experts in                lightweight and comfortable
     wearable electronics have developed technology embedded garments              to wear and molds around
     for elite athletes, Olympic teams and sportswear brands around the            the body without restricting
     globe. Myovolt is a patented wearable recovery technology that targets        movement.
     Vibration Massage Therapy directly onto the body.                             Easy to wear in any
     Combining therapeutic vibration together with a gentle                        situation, simply wrap
     warming effect to massage and relieve muscle                                  Myovolt over your clothing
     soreness and stiffness. By promoting circulation                              or use it directly against
     and stimulating blood flow Myovolt aids faster                                 the skin. Convenient
     recovery of muscles and joints after any                                        to use, carry it with you for on-demand massage
     physical activity.                                                               wherever you are. Featuring state of the art vibration technology,
     It can be used to warm-up, loosen                                                 digital controls, a unique flexible design that contours the body and
     and reduce stiffness in muscles                                                   weighing in at only 100 grams / 3.5 oz. it’s the softest, lightest and
     before sports or exercise. It is                                                 most streamlined vibration technology anywhere.


              NZ COVID TRACER
              The Ministry of Health’s official contact tracing mobile app. It helps
              you protect your friends, whānau and community by enabling
              faster tracing of the people you’ve come into close contact with.
NZ COVID Tracer creates a digital diary of the places you visit when you scan
QR codes on display at the entrances to business premises, other organisations
and public buildings.
You can also register your contact information through the app to make sure
the National Close Contact Service can get in touch if they need to.
The Ministry of Health has worked closely with the Privacy Commissioner and
independent security experts during the development of NZ COVID Tracer to
ensure your privacy and data security are protected.
Any information you decide to record with NZ COVID Tracer will be stored
securely on your phone and deleted automatically after 31 days. Any personal
information you choose to share with contact tracers will be used only for
public health purposes and never for enforcement.
Visit for further information.

              NEW ZEALAND
              TRAVEL GUIDE
              This tourist guide is built to be used
offline. No connection to Internet required. A practical
city guide designed to be used by itineraries. There are
four different itineraries for the city depending on the
duration of your journey. Tips and advice provided on
how to get to the city, how to move around, where to
shop, where to go at night, most popular places, safety
tips, etc...
Unlike other guides, New Zealand Travel Guide provides
you with interactive zoomable OFFLINE MAPS showing
attractions, bus stops, restaurants, pubs, hotels, hospitals
and many other useful points of interest. You cannot get
lost!. Based on travellers advice, we can guarantee we
have already visited these places and would like to give
you a fancy and practical tool to make your visit a more
enjoyable one.

              WELL REVOLUTION
              Helps you see your doctor when you can’t get to
              your doctor.
            Have safe and private consultations with your
own doctor or a Well Revolution doctor, all on your schedule,
from the comfort and privacy of your home anywhere in New
No waiting rooms, no paper prescriptions and no pharmacy
checkout lines. Prescriptions are sent electronically to your
nearest pharmacy to pick up, or have them delivered to your
Simply message your doctor whenever you need them.
Your message is sent directly to your doctor and you will be
notified as soon as they respond. If needed, your doctor can
start a live video call with you.

                                                                                        JULY-AUGUST 2020 | REDPATHS.CO.NZ | 19
Distributed by Computer Dynamics
                                                    HDMI CONNECTIVITY SOLUTIONS
     HDMI & IR Over Cat                            HDMI 1 IN, 2 OUT                             1 In, 2 OUT HDMI
     Cable Extender Kit                            SPLITTER/EXTENDER KIT                        SPLITTER
     LKV372EDID                                    LKV712PRO                                    LKV312PRO

                                   $95             $165                                                              $42

       - Kit Includes Transmitter                  - Kit Includes Transmitter
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       - Local HDMI Loop out Port                  - Local HDMI Loop out Port                   - Max Res: Ultra HD 4K@30Hz
       - Max Res: 1080p@60Hz                       - Max Res: 1080p@60Hz                        - 1x UHD source to 2x
       - Transmission up to 50M                    - Transmission up to 40m                       Ultra HD Display
         over CAT6 Cable                             over CAT6 Cable                            - Supports 3D
       - PoE – Receiver powered                    - PoE - Receiver powered                     - Transmission up to 15m
         from transmitter                            from transmitter                             via HDMI cable
       - Supports EDID Function &                  - Supports EDID Function &
         IR pass back                                IR pass back

                      First In First Served!
                      Protect                                         Protect
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                                              ea                                                 ea
                          $                                              $
                                           100                                               500
                                   :   Hand                                              Hand
                              Code                                              Code

    Prices exclude GST.
    While Stocks Last.

  To place your order
  call 0800 273 372

FREE Job Management Software
               for any Redpaths Customer
                        Why pay for others!

  Workmate benefits include:

    INVOICING                  QUOTING                       JOB
    AND                        AND                           MANAGEMENT
    PAYMENTS                   ESTIMATING
                                                             No matter if
    Email your                 On the job                    you’re in the
    customers on the go        quoting adding value          office, on site or on
    to help speed up the       for your customer             the go you can access
    cashflow process.          and streamlining your         Workmate anytime,
                               business                      anywhere

    SCHEDULING                 REPORTING                     REDPATHS LIVE
    AND DESPATCH                                             INTEGRATION
                               Our nifty
    Easily                     presentation                  Save time with
    manage your                tools allow you               live supplier
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    of a button                fingertips.                   with accurate and real
                                                             time data.

             Workmate integrates with

                                                  FREE for Redpaths customers
                                            Register at

                                                           JULY-AUGUST 2020 | REDPATHS.CO.NZ | 21
PDL 56 series – Make the right choice
      For optimum performance it’s important to match your Industrial Switchgear’s
      design and construction to your specific industry.

                          Chemical Resistant Grey (CG)
                          Resistant to caustic wash-down / alkali-based chemicals,
                          dusty or clean, wet or dry, indoors only (not UV resistant)
                          Ideal for use in:
                          • Caustic wash-down areas in food processing
                          • Boning rooms
                          • Dairy processing plants
                          • Seafood processing

                          Neutral                                                       Acid
                          Grey (GY)                                                     Chemical Resistant Orange (RO)
                          General industrial use,                                       Chemical Resistant White (RW)
                          chemically neutral, dusty or                                  Resistant to acid base chemicals,
                          clean, wet or dry, indoors or                                 dusty or clean, wet or dry, indoors
                          out (UV resistant)
                                                                                        or out (UV resistant)

      To find out more, visit

                             ALLFLEX INDUSTRIALL- MLG2 SERIES
                             ALLFLEX     INDUSTRIALL-
                 Ultra Performance Flexible                MLG2
                                            Rubber Sheath Cable    SERIES
                                                                0.6/1kV 90°C
                 Ultra Performance Flexible Rubber Sheath Cable 0.6/1kV 90°C
                                • Extra durable CPE Elastomer rubber sheath with
                                  • Extra
                         outstanding      durable
                                     flexibility,   CPE Elastomer
                                                  durability          rubberperformance
                                                             and industrial  sheath with
                         outstanding flexibility, durability and industrial performance
                              • Made to H07RN-F standards for marine applications
                              • Made to H07RN-F standards for marine applications
                                • Suitable for permanent submersion to 500 metres
                                • Suitable for permanent submersion to 500 metres
                        • Lloyds Register Type Approval to IEC 60092-350 with class
                        • Lloyds Register5Type
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                                 CHEMTUFF ONESKIN - ON SERIES
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                                               JULY-AUGUST 2020 | REDPATHS.CO.NZ | 23
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Iconic Styl & Essence are the
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All 3 skin designs simply clip on and off standard
Iconic grids, which means you only need to carry         1
 1 base range of mechs and grids, then simply           Base
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                                                                          JULY-AUGUST 2020 | REDPATHS.CO.NZ | 25

                                    INNOVATION BORN IN THE

                                              OF NEW ZEALAND

                           Founded by the Vale family in Christchurch 30 years ago, Vynco is constantly challenging
                               traditional ideas in the industry and developing new products, as well as making
                               improvements to existing products that have been static for years. Research and
                           development is the heart of Vynco’s diverse, dynamic and innovative business, with more
                              than 60% of what they sell designed, engineered, sourced or assembled in-house!

Vynco Bond Grilles are an excellent          careful consideration to blend design     Vynco is 100% New Zealand family
example of improved engineering              with functionality.                       owned and operated and has a
and stylish design in action. While                                                    large nationwide sales team. With
traditional grilles are static, making       As a New Zealand founded and              premises in Auckland, Wellington
cleaning and maintenance difficult,          based business, Vynco has                 and Christchurch, Vynco offers a
Vynco Bond grilles, with their               been minimizing their waste, by           port of call in the major centres that
magnetic design, make installation,          environmental measures such as            provides overnight delivery and same
changing and cleaning of grilles             putting instructions online, using        day collections. Wherever you are in
trouble free. Vynco also performs            biodegradable packaging on products       New Zealand, Vynco prides itself on
its own in-house quality control on          like the Diaz Steplight and Urban         providing quick and convenient
all product ranges, ensuring that it         Switchgear, as well as using paper        service to make the operation
hits the shelves in the best possible        courier bags instead of plastic.          of your business as smooth
condition.                                                                              as possible.
                                             And they aren’t just looking after the
                                             environment – they’re supporting the
                                             local economy too. As one of NZ’s
                                             largest manufacturing employers,
                                             they’re proud to be an integral
                                             part the local economy with their
                                             sheet metal fabrication facility in
                                             Christchurch. This facility allows for
                                             quick turnaround and customisation        Learn more at
                                             of products.                              WWW.VYNCO.CO.NZ

 Vynco’s team are pushing the
 boundaries to develop products
 that offer easier installation,
 higher performance, and improved
 aesthetics, that are tailored to both
 the electrician and the end-user. Like
 the Bond Grille, the Urban Switchgear
 range is another example of Vynco’s
 product ranges being developed on
 Kiwi shores. With a sleek 6.5mm
 profile, and customizable switches
 and colours, the design of Urban
 Switchgear fuses the needs of
 electricians and homeowners to                                                       The company is a leading distributor
 provide flexibility. The Diaz Steplight,                                               of electrical components within
                                                                                       New Zealand, as well as exporting
 designed to pair aesthetically with
                                                                                                to Australia, and
 Vynco’s Urban Switchgear, also has
                                                                                                 Pacific Islands.
 large terminals for wiring and the
 ability to fit into standard flush boxes.
 This is a clear depiction of Vynco’s

                                                                                        JULY-AUGUST 2020 | REDPATHS.CO.NZ | 27
Nexans New Zealand - est. 1967
              Manufacture - Supply - Service

              Premium products
              Made by kiwis for kiwis!

          4300 products

          150 employees
                                                 Proudly made in
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      Econ Sensor Floodlight




                       This ultra slim domestic flood light with its unseen sensor offers a sleek design and cost-effective
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                               Available in black or white and a range of lumen outputs to suit your exterior situation.

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                                                                                                              *Promo valid for 10, 20 & 30watt Led Sensor Models

                                                                                                  JULY-AUGUST 2020 | REDPATHS.CO.NZ | 29

                                               HE LIMITATIONS
                                               IMPOSED BY
                                               NEW ZEALAND’S
                                         HAS FORCED MANY
                                         BUSINESS OWNERS
                                         TO RETHINK THEIR
                                         APPROACH TO
                                         TECHNOLOGY HAS
                                         BEEN AN ENABLING
                                         FACTOR FOR KIWIS TO
                                         WORK FROM HOME OR
                                         RECOVER AFTER BEING
                                         UNABLE TO OPERATE
                                         DURING LOCKDOWN.

As we transition back to Alert              for quotes or invoices. Reliable and
Level 1, kiwis are more aware of            consistent communication to your
the importance of supporting local          customers can be made easy. By
businesses than ever before. There          keeping your I.T. kiwi, your team focus
are many ways that we, as individual        on the things you do best.
consumers, can keep it kiwi and
                                            Whilst the success of our technology
support local. At a business level, the
                                            sector has largely flown under the
first thing we tend to turn towards
                                            radar, Microsoft have picked up on
locally are physical products. We
                                            the direction we are heading. Earlier
look for tools and products that we
                                            this year they announced plans to
can get from local manufacturers
                                            establish their first datacenter region
rather than overseas suppliers.
                                            here in New Zealand. Paired with
New Zealand’s technology sector is
                                            investments in new solutions, this
empowering kiwi businesses to take
                                            will accelerate New Zealand’s digital
that one step further. By partnering
                                            transformation opportunities even
with a kiwi technology company, your
business can not only recover from
the Covid-19 Pandemic but thrive in         The development will enable kiwi
the years to come.                          businesses like yours to use scalable,
                                            highly available and resilient public
Globally, New Zealand is praised for
                                            cloud services. This will keep
its lamb, wine and try scoring. Many
                                            your businesses data secure and
of us may not be aware that New
                                            highly accessible, enabling you to
Zealand's export sales of technology
software and services reached a
                                            incorporate new age technology                  Build a tribe around
                                            which was previously only available to
massive $2.1 billion in 2019. This put it
                                            enterprise level organisations. Whilst             your business
above our wine exports, which came
                                            the plans are subject to approval
in at approximately $1.8 billion in the                                                     We are a progressive technology
                                            by the Overseas Investment Office,
same year. With these figures, we are                                                       consultancy firm who understand
                                            they signify that there are greater
showing the rest of the world that we                                                         business and put people first.
                                            technology-based opportunities
can be as much of a contender in the                                                           We don't just fix problems
                                            coming our way. To make the most of
technology sector as we are on the                                                         we go all-in to identify opportunities
                                            these opportunities, we recommend
rugby field.
                                            partnering with a local technology                  and value for our clients.
Now more than ever, kiwi businesses         expert who can turn these
should take advantage of our success        opportunities into a reality.                     Consultancy & strategy
within the technology sector. Post                                                          Managed services & support
                                            As a 100% Kiwi-owned technology
lockdown, your business’s speed to
market will determine how quickly
                                            consultancy firm, we are always ready          Business systems & technology
                                            to help other kiwis make the most                  Security & Monitoring
things begin to feel normal again.
                                            of technology solutions. At Tribe, we
With the right technology, you
                                            believe that it takes a kiwi business to
can minimise the time spent on
                                            understand a kiwi business.
                                                                                                 0800 862 103
administration and maximise time
spent on the job. Customers no                                          Rachel Bird
longer need to spend time waiting

                                                                                       JULY-AUGUST 2020 | REDPATHS.CO.NZ | 31

Winter Test &
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                     KL5541610                                                                            Klein NCVT-3 Non-Contact
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Klein Tradesman Pro Backpack
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                                                            Available at your local Redpaths branch.
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                                                                                               JULY-AUGUST 2020 | REDPATHS.CO.NZ | 33

Plug in to                                  Plug in to
some fun!                                some banter!

9-hour long "Visit New Zealand" travel video

            Peter Jackson did it right!

Gotta                                  Gotta                                        Gotta
see it !!                              read it !!                                   try it !!
                                        In 2030 there may be six million of
                                        us. One and a half million of us will
                                        live overseas. We will be clustered in
                                        Auckland, dependent on migration,
                                        and worried about shortage of
                                        workers. We haven't planned for
                                        this. We need to.
THE LUMINARIES                         THE NEW NEW ZEALAND                          NADIA LIM’S DUCK WITH
An adaptation of the Man Booker-       Professor Paul Spoonley, looks               KUMERA, BOK CHOY AND
prize winning novel, this epic drama   at our rapidly growing, changing             PLUM JUS
tells the 19th-century tale of love,   population and the demographic               Get creative with your duck winnings
murder and revenge as men and          disruption already caused. To his            and try out a new recipe from one of
women travel across the world to       mind, we are not taking enough               our kiwi cooking icons.
make their fortunes on the wild        notice, NZ urgently needs a
West Coast of New Zealand's South      population policy. This book is
Island.                                urgent and provocative.

                                                                                 JULY-AUGUST 2020 | REDPATHS.CO.NZ | 35

GETTING INTO BUSINESS IS                   experience. I ran my own insurance          Wyatt, “It happened six weeks before
                                           business for a few years while I was        the Rugby World Cup, so that was full
A STEEP LEARNING CURVE                     still playing and, on my days off, I        on and a big challenge for the family.
                                           would see my clients and did some           Jenna’s kidney is doing well, and we
FOR MOST PEOPLE. WYATT                     more education.                             have got an understanding of how it
CROCKETT, WHO TELLS IT                     “In my last year with the Crusaders –       works, but with her reduced immunity
                                           after my wife Jenna and I bought the        she has to be careful especially with
STRAIGHT, SHARES WHAT                      Stirling Sports Nelson franchise – I        things like COVID-19.”
HE HAS LEARNED ABOUT                       used my personal development time           Jenna’s illness also helped the couple
                                           to do work experience in my friend’s        to focus on what they wanted from
OWNING A BUSINESS. HE                      Stirling Sports store in Rangiora.          life after rugby. “During the second
                                                                                       half of my career I was conscious
INFORMS US HOW THE                         “But I wish I had done some business
                                           study before I had kids. I should have      of what I was going to do after
CROCKETT'S DEAL WITH                       done a degree or diploma. Once you          rugby. I looked into a few things like
                                           have children, it chews up your spare       commercial real estate and insurance
WHAT BUSINESS THROWS                                                                   to see if they were the right fit. We
                                           time and while you’re playing rugby
AT THEM AND SHARES                         you have time to do some study.”            also wanted to move back to Nelson
                                                                                       as my wife’s family had always
                                           Wyatt didn’t expect to be playing
HOW HE HAS UTILISED                                                                    holidayed there.
                                           rugby for so long. “At the start of my
HIS TIME IN RUGBY TO                       career, I was grateful to get picked        “I was scrolling through businesses
                                           to play one game. I didn’t expect to        for sale on Trade Me and saw the
HELP GET INTO THE                          make it to Super Rugby level as I was       Nelson Stirling Sports on there. We
                                           just a battler, so I surprised myself.”     had friends in Rangiora who owned
BUSINESS SECTOR. WYATT                                                                 the store there and the sporting
                                           But it wasn’t always an easy run for
HIGHLIGHTS HOW WHAT                                                                    connection made sense. Sports was
                                           the 71-test All Black. “Early on in my
                                                                                       an industry I still wanted to be a part
HE LEARNED IN RUGBY                        career as an All Black it was tough
                                                                                       of and I thought I would be excited to
                                           times on the fields with non-selection.
                                                                                       get up each morning and go to work.
HAS HELPED IN BUSINESS.                    Dealing with things like that is why
                                                                                       It is a franchise modelled business
                                           you need a balanced life. You need
                                                                                       with 61 stores in New Zealand with a
With 202 games to his name, he             stuff outside of rugby and you need
                                                                                       strong focus on footwear, apparel and
might be the highest capped Super          to be able to focus on what is great
                                                                                       accessories and stocks global brands
Rugby player in history, but Wyatt         in your life. The skills I learned around
                                                                                       like Nike, adidas, Champion, Asics,
Crockett is pretty frank when he           that have really helped with the ups
                                                                                       Tommy Hilfiger, Converse and Vans so
says, “The first four or five years as a   and downs of running a business.
                                                                                       it was appealing. We purchased it in
professional player I did not use my       “You learn not to ride the                  2018 and kept the previous owners on
personal development time wisely. I        rollercoaster so much – enjoy the           managing it to help with the focus on
didn’t maximise that time and I really     good times but don’t get too over the       goodwill.
wish I had.”                               top about it. Try to keep pretty even-
                                                                                       “You do learn as you go. We were
However, the former All Black,             keeled as there are always good and
                                                                                       new to business and didn’t have
Crusader, Tasman and Canterbury            bad times.”
                                                                                       clearly defined roles, so that has
forward also proudly claims, “In           Outside of rugby, the Crocketts were        been something we have brought
the last five years of my rugby            also battling Jenna’s kidney disease –      in. Jenna and I complement each
career I was really interested in my       reflux nephropathy. She was fortunate       other as a team. Jenna is in charge of
personal development and tried             to get a live kidney transplant from        merchandising the store, organising
different things, which included work      a close friend in 2015. According to        the roster and communications

for the day-to-day running of the         lot of the skills he learned in rugby     experience while they work for you to
store. I am in charge of controlling      in his business. “Everything you          be a positive one.
stock, finances and the back office.      learn in rugby is so transferable –       “When it comes to teamwork, I used
However, when it’s busy it’s all hands    work ethic, discipline, being results     what I learned in rugby. You need to
on deck on the shop floor. Being          driven, motivation to succeed, time       understand your team and get a feel
adaptable is important in a small         management (I was a shocker with          for how people work. You also need
business. Defined roles give clarity to   my time management before rugby.)         to celebrate your successes.”
ensure things run smoothly at work
                                                                                    And there have been successes to
and home and there is no doubling
                                                                                    celebrate – in their first year, they
up. It also helps to make sure the
                                                                                    experienced the second highest
home and work life balance is right,       I'VE ENJOYED BEING                       growth for a New Zealand franchise.
and it limits the stuff you bring home.
                                                                                    “It is cool to see your business
Being self-employed, you schedule          ABLE TO TRANSFER                         succeed and grow, for things you
your roster the way you want to, so
                                                                                    implement to have effect and for
it allows us to do school pick-ups         WHAT I LEARNED                           individual touches come to light.”
and drop-offs and for a parent to be
there after school. Jenna is great at      FROM RUGBY INTO                          Many individual touches come from
reminding me to leave work at work                                                  Jenna, who has an interior design
and be present at home. Our goal is        BUSINESS, AND                            background. “She has great skills at
to have a second store at some stage                                                window dressing as does one of our
when the timing is right.
                                           WE HAVE LOVED                            staff. I am really average at that, so I
                                                                                    stay out of merchandising the store
“You need to keep working on               THE PROCESS OF                           and window dressing.”
your mental fitness and it is about
balancing your life out – make sure        LEARNING AND                             Wyatt’s strength is his sporting
you continue to watch the kids play                                                 knowledge and clients have benefited
sport, keep them connected, have a         OWNING OUR OWN                           from that. When asked if being a
day off in the weekend to get away                                                  high-profile rugby player helps draws
from it all and have family time.”
                                           BUSINESS AND ALL                         the customers in, he jokes: “The older
                                                                                    ladies want to talk rugby but the
The Crocketts have two young boys,         THE GROWTH THAT                          young ones have no idea of who I am.
Sonny and Emmett. Wyatt has found
getting involved in kids’ sports has       COMES WITH IT.                           “But I know what boots to offer
helped them make new connections                                                    customers and, having done a lot of
in the community, and he’ll be             - WYATT CROCKETT                         training, I have a good understating
coaching his youngest son’s team this                                               of footwear. We get plenty of training
year. “I am just happy to help the kids                                             so I have learned a fair bit about
out and enjoying watching the kids                                                  tights and bras, which I knew nothing
                                          I lead by example so am always at
play.”                                                                              about. You have got to have the
                                          work early as it sets a good example.
                                                                                    right fit for your shape,” he states
Even when he was refereeing, the          We employ young people and they
former All Black got plenty of advice     learn from me.
from the sideline. “It’s only under-                                                Wyatt’s biggest challenge has been
                                          “Just like young players, you need to
tens! It was great that I was treated                                               getting his head around stock levels,
                                          give the chance for staff to grow and
like every other referee though. New                                                something that has come to the fore
                                          learn, and you hope that creating a
Zealanders love the game and have                                                   recently. As with many businesses,
                                          good working environment means
great minds, so I was cracking up                                                   the impact of COVID-19 has been
                                          they are excited about coming to
laughing.”                                                                          brutal as the lockdown halted their
                                          work. It is important to make their
                                                                                    business completely.
Crockett is open about utilising a        time enjoyable. You want their

                                                                                  JULY-AUGUST 2020 | REDPATHS.CO.NZ | 37

“With Jenna’s low immunity she had         “For the first three weeks of lockdown     Maurice Trapp Group. “I put the
already self-isolated for ten days prior   there was nothing happening, so we         insurance business on the back-
to the lockdown. We were completely        used that as a planning phase for          burner temporarily when we moved
cut off from cashflow for at least a       what people were going to want. We         from Christchurch. As the business
month, so the forecasting for sales        focused on cutting back anything           is at a point that it is efficient and the
was 90 per cent down. The stock            that wasn’t a guaranteed seller. We        staff are more capable, I’ve been able
came in and we had to pay for it out       tried to stick to the core range and       to step back and do a bit more with
of our reserves as there was no cash       high stock-turn merchandise.               the insurance. COVID-19 proved it was
flowing in. My advice would be to          “Once we were allowed to do                good have a bit of diversity. It has
have cash reserves to cover a tough        essential click and collect, we focused    definitely made us think about having
period.                                    on servicing our locals. It has been a     another income stream.
“For our business, it has been about       challenge. We are grateful that locals     “It was always part of the plan, but
managing and understanding stock           have supported us, so at level three       the timing was the right to revive
levels, learning the trends and making     we did some big discounting to move        the insurance side. I have learned
sure you’re not stockpiling. ‘What         stock. You have to try to adapt by         business knowledge from the Stirling
comes in has to go out’ has never          changing your game plan. To repay          Sports store, which is transferable to
been more critical than now.               the support we got from locals, we         my insurance work. A key component
“Similar to being a rugby player, if       gave away five-dollar coffee vouchers      of that is covering the injury, illness or
you put in the prep and the hard work      with our phone sales, so we could          death of a key person to the business
that pays off if you try and take short    support other local businesses.”           because if you take out that person,
cuts and wing it without putting in        The company’s franchise support has        you need to have continuity. An
the prep that is where you get hurt.       given the couple good guidance on          income protection policy to cover the
                                           different areas. “You don’t feel like      loss of a key person to the business is
“In our industry, when it comes to
                                           you’re out on your own. The world          advisable.
buying merchandise, you can click a
few buttons and end up with stock          we live in is so fast and fashion is       “I’ve enjoyed being able to transfer
that won’t move. We follow trends          changing quickly. You make mistakes        what I learned from rugby into
but are realistic about our area, which    but having that group to call on has       business, and we have loved the
might not be like other faster fashion     been great. They also have systems         process of learning and owning our
areas. After a few years, we are           for tracking your business across the      own business and all the growth
learning the staple things that people     country, which is great to see how         that comes with it. I’d encourage all
want and wear but no one could have        you are going just like on a rugby         players to make the most of their
foreseen the impact of COVID-19, so        table, but there is flexibility to cater   time in rugby to soak up as much
that is just something we will have        for your local clientele and make          knowledge as they can and to do
to try to ride out. We managed to          adjustments to suit your market.”          some work experience in areas
keep our five staff and that is our plan   Not one to put his eggs in one basket,     that interest them while they are
going forward.                             Wyatt has returned to the insurance        getting paid to make the most of the
                                           industry as the Nelson adviser for         opportunities rugby offers.”

     Do your homework.                        Different people have different           Pay attention to figures –
                                              motives so use independent                numbers can be twisted when
     Make sure you have people you
                                              advice and your own intuition.            you are purchasing, so get good
     trust around you.
                                              Ask yourself the hard questions           advice.
     Have a business mentor – we all
                                              – is this a business I can make           If you are working with your
     have gaps in our knowledge and
                                              a difference in, enjoy and grow,          partner have defined roles and
     we have areas for growth.
                                              and is it going to be stimulating         clarity. Work to each other’s
     Build a good team around                 enough to keep me interested?             strengths and weaknesses.
     you including your lawyer,
                                              It is better to put in the work           Have enough cash reserves to
     accountant and mentor.
                                              early and get an understanding            cover a tough period.
     Seek independent advice. You             what you are getting into than
     will get information from people                                                   Have insurance cover if
                                              figuring it out later. This is
     you are buying from, in my case,                                                   something happens to a key
                                              important when negotiating the
     the franchise group, but have it                                                   person in your business.
                                              purchase price and lease, which
     cross-checked independently.             are important to get right.

                                                    USE THE RIGHT
                                                 COLOUR FOR THE JOB

Underground Services
Surface Marking COLOUR
CRITERIA                     COLOUR                     SYMBOL

Electricity                  Orange                           E
Gas                          Yellow                           G
Telecommunications           Purple                           T
Water                         Blue                            W
Waste Water (Sewer)           Red                            SS
Storm Water (Drainage)        Pink                           SW

                                          NEW ZEALAND
                                      OWNED & OPERATED

                                                  JULY-AUGUST 2020 | REDPATHS.CO.NZ | 39


          e’re living in strange times. I’ve just finished     Technically, I’m like so many others in NZ and around the
          up my opening race of the season in the DFM          world right now. Temporarily unemployed, rationing the
          Audi V8 here in New Zealand, and am currently        government subsidy we received at the start of Level 4,
en route back to Asia to get the show on the road with         and making plans to return to the track even stronger,
Honda - a new GT3 challenge for 2020.                          fitter, and more motivated than ever before.
...and then I woke up.                                         I’m 30 now. I’ve been doing this race car thing my whole
It’s just like the movies. It was all a illusion.   life - and as a ‘Pro’ since 2012 - but I feel like I’ve got
What should have, could have, would have happened              plenty of good years in me left yet.
in the months leading up to May 2020. Yet here we are,         So when we do return to normal life, it’s fitting that
confined to our homes in a once-in-a-lifetime (we hope)        we end the compressed 2020 season in Cromwell
period of isolation, reflection and a rare chance to hit the   at Highlands Motorsport Park for the NZ Endurance
reset button.                                                  Championships; a rare chance to collaborate with
How we each internally approach this COVID lockdown            Redpaths in the South Island, entertain some guests at
has been the measure of what we’ve gotten out of it. I, for    the race and even do some hot laps for some very lucky
one, have relished the opportunity for self-improvement        individuals in the 700hp Audi V8 I’ll be wrestling around
and upskilling with no distractions of the fast-paced,         the track.
technology driven world we now live in.                        Here’s hoping the next time I check in with Circuit Breaker,
It’s allowed me to appreciate what’s important, the values     we’ll be reviewing races that have just happened - no
I hold dear, the people I love and the people who love         those that might have.
me back. In this time of crisis, I count Redpaths and the      Take care, stay safe and stay strong. Kia Kaha.
Saunders family as one of these key pillars in my life. They
have stood by me through thick and thin in my own high
octane life of motorsport, including now when the world is
in limbo and effectively on hiatus.

my travel broker
     Lee Johns

                   JULY-AUGUST 2020 | REDPATHS.CO.NZ | 41
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