Page created by Michelle Wheeler

                          20      18


THE SECRET                                             DEAR APPLICANT,
                TO SUCCESS                        As College Principal for BIMM London,          working with international live agents,

               IS NO SECRET.                      there’s nothing more satisfying than
                                                  attending an end-of-term gig and seeing
                                                                                                 various positions within record labels
                                                                                                 (Island Records, Universal, Warner Bros.),
                                                  all the students’ hard work and talent come    as a radio presenter and producer, and in
               If you want to make it in music,   to fruition right before your eyes – whether   media production for the BBC. I’ve always
                 you’ve got to get connected,     they’re performers, songwriters, producers     enjoyed the more DIY side of the music
                                                  or music entrepreneurs. For me, BIMM is all    business, and I’m a prime example of just
               and at BIMM we get you better
                                                  about the music and all about the students.    how varied and exciting a music career
                connected than anybody else.                                                     can be if you follow a range of different
                                                  This same focus on people and creativity       interests that are there for the taking, and
                 You’ll mix with more of the      is also the reason why I love the music        have the drive to succeed.
                                                  industry. Since I began my music career
                 finest aspiring musicians in     many years ago, there’s never been a           BIMM London is situated right at the heart
                   Europe, and the largest        dull moment in my journey. From playing        of what is probably the world’s biggest
               alumni network in the industry.    bass in celebrated alternative bands and       centre for music, and literally thousands of
                                                  touring the world numerous times, to           opportunities are on our doorstep, thanks to
                                                  performing at summer festivals (Reading,       an energetic live music scene and hundreds
                You’ll be introduced to more      All Tomorrow’s Parties, 2000trees, and         of industry connections. The city has a rich
                world-class tutors, every one     more), and completing sessions with MTV        musical heritage which has generated some
                 of them active within the        and BBC Radio 1, my experience of the          of the most influential artists responsible
                                                  music business has been stimulating, fun       for shaping global music. Being so close to
               contemporary music business.
                                                  and memorable – largely due to the many        this buzz was the reason I came to London
                                                  interesting and unique people I’ve met         in the first place, and it turned out to be
                You’ll cross paths with more      along the way.                                 the start of a long and rewarding career,
               guest tutors; some of the most                                                    providing unforgettable moments, amazing
                                                  As well as being a performer, I’ve been        music, and friends for life. Being able to
                 successful and influential       lucky enough to experience many other          indulge a passion, develop your talent and
                   people in the industry.                            roles in the music         ultimately launch a successful career in the
                                                                         industry – including    industry you love is one of the greatest gifts
                                                                           tour management,      of all – and here at BIMM London, we’re
                 And you’ll be involved in
                                                                            artist management,   proud to help students do just that.
                 one of the most vibrant
                music scenes on the planet,
                because all of our colleges
                  are in the cities where
                   music matters most.

                   If you want to get into
                      the music industry,                                                        JULIA RUZICKA
                        get into BIMM.                                                           COLLEGE PRINCIPAL
                                                                                                 – BIMM LONDON

2   CONTENTS                                                                                                                       WELCOME        3
                      5    ABOUT BIMM
                      6    LONDON – THE PLACE TO STUDY
                      8    THE BIMM STUDY EXCHANGE
                      10   LIFE AT BIMM                    AT BIMM YOU’LL BE PART OF A CREATIVE COMMUNITY THAT GIVES YOU THE
                                                              ONE OF THE WORLD’S BIGGEST AND MOST CELEBRATED INDUSTRIES.
                      14   ENHANCING EMPLOYABILITY
                      18   ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE
                      20   STUDENT SUCCESS
                      24   TUTORS
                      29   COURSES

                      62   SUMMER SCHOOLS
                                                         The global music industry is worth around      authentic taste for what life in the music
                      63   STUDENT SUPPORT               $50bn annually and this figure continues       industry is really like.
                      64   HOW TO APPLY                  to grow each year, providing a multitude       All of our colleges offer fully accredited
                      66   INTERNATIONAL                 of employment opportunities in the UK,         courses and are QAA-assured. Our tutors
                                                         Europe and abroad. For over 30 years, BIMM     are experts in their field and still tour, play
                      68   FEES AND FINANCE
                                                         has been producing some of the industry’s      and produce music with some of the world’s
                      70   STUDENT LOANS                 brightest talents, from best-selling artists   biggest recording artists, such as Radiohead,
                      71   SCHOLARSHIPS AND BURSARIES    such as The Kooks, Tom Odell, Radiohead        Paul Weller, Beyoncé, Madonna and Sir Paul
                      72   EDUCATION PARTNERS            and George Ezra to leading songwriters,        McCartney.
                                                         musicians, agents, producers, journalists,

                      73   ACCOMMODATION
                                                         business professionals and major-label
                      74   OPEN DAYS AND COLLEGE TOURS   managers.
                      76   CONTACT INFORMATION                                                             WHY LONDON?
                                                         Location is vital to breaking into the music
                                                         industry, so we’ve based our colleges             London is at the centre of music and
                                                         in London, Berlin, Hamburg, Dublin,               the arts, both in terms of national and
                                                         Birmingham, Manchester, Bristol and               international reputation. As a culturally
                                                         Brighton – the eight European cities where        diverse city with a large student
                                                         music matters most. These locations have          population, London offers inspiration
    “ REALLY IMPRESSED WITH                              thriving music scenes that allow you to           and opportunities to many musicians
      WHAT YOU HAVE HERE,                                take advantage of our unrivalled industry         and artists. Alongside the major record
      YOU’RE VERY LUCKY.”                                connections and the many collaborative            labels and iconic music venues, the
                                                         opportunities that arise. In this creative        city has a thriving underground music
                                                         environment you can network and develop           scene with hundreds of venues and
     ROGER DALTREY CBE                                   lifelong contacts while performing and            bars for you to learn your craft.
     BIMM PATRON                                         staging gigs at local venues and festivals,
                                                         as well as working with record labels, music
                                                         producers and rehearsal studios to get an

   CONTENTS                                                                                                                            ABOUT BIMM      5



             Every style of music that’s ever been, and
             that ever will be, finds its place in London.

             From legendary jazz players calling at
             Soho’s Ronnie Scott’s, to breakthrough
             indie outfits electrifying stages in Camden
             Town, to chart-topping pop stars playing
             multiple nights at the city’s arenas: there’s
             no stopping London’s magnetism, as the
             most vibrant variety of music consistently
             calls at its countless venues.

             And just as its music scene is incredibly
             diverse, so too is the culture offered by
             London. This is a multinational metropolis;
             a city built on global influences. It’s a
             melting pot of possibilities, and BIMM
             London students can look forward to
             exploring a multitude of rewarding pursuits
             within its city limits. And should you feel
             there’s something missing, where better
             than London to kick-start your own cutting-     “ WE WERE ALWAYS
             edge scene?                                       ENCOURAGED TO BETTER
                                                               OURSELVES AT BIMM, TO
             48% of the UK music industry is based             AND TO CHALLENGE
             in London.*                                       OURSELVES WITH OUR OWN
                                                               INDIVIDUAL GOALS. I KNOW
             *Source: Creative & Cultural Skills (2010).       THAT IT’S MADE A REAL
             Creative and Cultural Industry: Impact and        DIFFERENCE TO MY CAREER
             Footprint 2010/11.                                AND HAS HELPED ME TO
                                                               REALISE MY AMBITIONS.”

                                                              CHARLIE MCCLEAN,
                                                              FOUNDATION DEGREE GRADUATE

6   LONDON                                                                        LONDON   7
                                                                                                 HAMBURG       BERLIN
Having a vast network of colleges across       it makes complete sense for your future
Europe means we can provide something          music career to study in multiple cities with
truly unique which can’t be matched by         BIMM...
any other contemporary music college –
The BIMM Study Exchange! This exclusive        1. Networking – being able to build your
initiative means that BIMM students can        musical network in two different cities
complete music degrees in two different        will lead to an enviable contact database,
European cities by studying across two         giving you a solid base from which to
of our BIMM colleges in London, Berlin,        launch your career.
Hamburg, Brighton, Manchester, Bristol or
Birmingham.*                                   2. Experience – meeting different kinds
                                               of people in different cities will broaden
You’ll begin your studies at one BIMM          your life perspective, and you’ll learn how
college, before transferring to another        to communicate varied types of subject
for your second year… and then you can         matter for creative output.
decide whether to remain in your new city                                                       BIRMINGHAM   MANCHESTER
for your third year or return to your ‘home’   3. Variety – different cities generate
college. The locations of our colleges are     contrasting musical styles and have their
carefully chosen in cities where music         own unique scenes, giving you a breadth of
matters most, and your future career will      knowledge across the musical spectrum.
benefit from the strong musical history,
diverse musical styles and current music       4. Initiative – being part of the music
scene buzz of your choice of two BIMM          scenes of multiple cities will give you
locations.                                     hands-on access to a diverse range
                                               of venues, events and business ideas,
This one-of-a-kind opportunity has come        broadening your knowledge of the wider
about because, for the first time, all         music industry.
BIMM degrees in these locations will be
validated by the prestigious University        And remember, whether you’re studying at
of Sussex, meaning courses and classes         one of our UK locations, or in Berlin, all our
are totally seamless across all seven          classes are taught in English, so you don’t
European cities. In case you need further      need to worry if your German could do with        BRISTOL      BRIGHTON
convincing, here are just four reasons why     some improvement!

8   THE BIMM STUDY EXCHANGE                    *Terms and conditions apply                                    THE BIMM STUDY EXCHANGE   9
                                                  WITH OPPORTUNITIES TO
                                                  ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS.”

LIFE                                    WHETHER IT’S LEARNING INSIDE THE
                                        CLASSROOM, IN A STUDIO, ON STAGE
                                        OR AT A FESTIVAL, WE’LL PROVIDE
                                        YOU WITH ALL THE OPPORTUNITIES
                                                                                      Life at BIMM is not all about coursework,
                                                                                      revision and exams – live music is a huge part
                                                                                      of what we’re all about. Throughout your time

                                        YOU NEED TO ACHIEVE YOUR                      at BIMM, you’ll be heavily involved in London’s
                                        GOALS THROUGH CONNECTING AND                  live scene, whether it’s gigging, rehearsing or
                                        INTERACTING WITH THE INDUSTRY IN              promoting. We also run and put on our own
                                        REAL-WORLD SCENARIOS.                         end-of-term gigs, showcasing our musicians,
                                                                                      bands and songwriters at a series of events
                                                                                      across the city.
                                        GUESTS AND MASTERCLASSES

                                        We believe that to be the best it helps to
                                        connect with the best, so we encourage
                                        you to meet and network with leading
                                        music industry professionals. We use our
                                        connections to attract A-list musicians,
                                        songwriters, label executives, A&R reps and
                                        booking agents to share their knowledge
                                        with you in regular Masterclasses. Previous
                                        guests have included: Danny O’Donoghue
                                        (The Script), KT Tunstall, Chuck D (Public
AT BIMM WE WANT TO HELP YOU BROADEN     Enemy), Imelda May, Graham Coxon (Blur),
AND DEVELOP YOUR SKILLS AS A MUSICIAN   Keane, Stephen Street (Producer: Blur,
OR MUSIC INDUSTRY PROFESSIONAL.         The Smiths), Michael Eavis (Glastonbury),
                                        Lawson, Nile Rodgers (Chic, Daft Punk), Ben
                                        Thompson (Two Door Cinema Club) and
                                        BIMM patron Roger Daltrey CBE (The Who).

                                        BIMM ALBUM                                      “ I FELT I FINALLY FITTED
                                        Every year we release an album featuring a        IN THERE. YOU COULD DO
                                        host of BIMM musicians. BIMM bands and            YOUR OWN THING AND
                                        artists submit demos for consideration,           THAT’S WHAT WE DID.”
                                        and the chosen acts get to record at a
                                        professional studio with engineers and            LUKE PRITCHARD, THE KOOKS
                                        producers. The album is released to the           BIMM GRADUATE
                                        public and given to industry professionals
                                        to showcase the very best of BIMM talent.

        AT BIMM                                                                                                    LIFE AT BIMM   11
         TO MEET THE BEST.”
                                                         GRAHAM COXON

                                    CHUCK D                                          NILE
                                    PUBLIC ENEMY                                     RODGERS

                                   PEACHES             LEMMY         MICHAEL EAVIS    JACK GARRATT
                                                       MOTÖRHEAD     GLASTONBURY      SINGER-
                                                                     FESTIVAL         SONGWRITER

      ED O’BRIEN                                         ROBERT TRUJILLO
      RADIOHEAD                                          METALLICA

12 MASTERCLASSES                                                                          MASTERCLASSES 13

                                                                                           If you want to work in the music
                                                                                           business, it helps to know how it runs.

                                                                                           As a BIMM student, you’ll learn this in
                                                                                           person, via our ongoing programme of
                                                                                           industry partner events, Masterclasses
                                                                                           and artist development sessions. From

                                                                                           networking at exclusive events or
                                                                                           soundchecking at popular festivals, to
                                                                                           an internship with one of the world’s
                                                                                           biggest record labels, you’ll get
                                                                                           unprecedented access to our network                         EMPLOYMENT
We know how serious you are about             course, a variety of opportunities in        of contacts – and will be rubbing                           PORTFOLIO
forging a career in the music industry, and   both music and the creative industries       shoulders with those who make the
here at BIMM, we’re just as determined        will become apparent to you which you        music industry happen.                          We know how competitive the music
to help get you there. By being the best      hadn’t previously considered and you’ll                                                      industry can be. If you want to stand
connected, we guarantee to make you           want to explore them further. And we’re                                                      out, you need to be prepared. At
best prepared for that career in music.       here to make that easy for you to achieve.                                                   BIMM, we’re dedicated to giving you

                                                                                                                                           unparalleled access to resources
At BIMM, our entire focus is on helping       Our strong focus on connectivity and                                                         designed to expand your portfolio and
you to achieve a long and successful          knowledge of the music business are key                                                      land you that opportunity. Whether
music industry career… which means,           elements in helping you to secure a career                                                   it’s developing your online profile,
                                                                                                     of graduates are in work,
we know a fair bit about making our           in the creative industries. All courses at                                                   growing your social media networks,
                                                                                                    6 months after graduation*
students employable. We love it when our      BIMM include modules explaining how                                                          having professional photography
Performance students achieve high levels      the music industry operates, and it’s                                                        taken, developing an Electronic Press
of music industry success, but we also        this mix of academic learning, practical                                                     Kit (EPK), recording tracks for the
make sure that our students are prepared      industry know-how, and enviable music                                                        BIMM Album in a professional studio,
for work across a range of exciting and       business connections which will make you                                                     or filming a BIMM Sessions music
attainable non-performance roles in the       highly skilled, highly experienced… and,
                                                                                                        CAREER                             video, you’ll graduate with a series
                                                                                                        ADVICE                             of quality assets for your CV, and the
music and wider creative industries. Not      ultimately, highly employable.
every student who studies at BIMM will                                                                                                     connections and knowledge required
                                                                                           At BIMM, our success is your success. From      to professionally promote yourself.
necessarily become a live performer, as
                                                                                           day one as a student, we want to know
often when you progress through your
                                                                                           your career goals – we’ll log, track and
                                                                                           nurture them, to make sure you accomplish
                                                                                           them. We have dedicated Career Advisors

                                                                                           who’ll help you search for suitable jobs,

                                                                                           will assist one-on-one with your CV, and
                                                                                           will find you work experience or a work
                                                                                           placement that directly suits your needs.
                                                                                                                                              of students find work through a
     of BIMM alumni are employed in                                                        We’re committed to helping you achieve           network established whilst at BIMM*
       professional/graduate jobs*                                                         a lifelong sustainable career in the music
                                                                                           industry, and with our advice, guidance
                                                                                           and support, you’ll leave us knowing
                                                                                           exactly how to go out and get it.            * 2016/17 Graduate Survey

14 ENHANCING EMPLOYABILITY                                                                                                                            ENHANCING EMPLOYABILITY 15
LIVE                                                                                  BPI
                                                                                                    UNIVERSAL MUSIC
Performing live in the classroom is one
thing, but nothing is more important than                                                           SONY MUSIC
hitting the stage in front of a real audience
of friends, fans, fellow students and                                                               WARNER MUSIC
industry influencers. Whatever your chosen
discipline, you’ll regularly participate in live                                                    MUSIC WEEK
events, including not only BIMM-run gigs
and A&R showcases, but also opportunities

                                                                                                    GET CONNECTED
with fellow students that come from being
part of the wider BIMM community. You’ll
gain hands-on experience of the inner
workings of the music business, making
you a better, more confident musician.

                                                                                                    PRS FOR MUSIC
                72%                                            EXCLUSIVE
                                                               FESTIVAL                             THREE SIX ZERO
                                                                                                    BELIEVE DIGITAL
        of BIMM students are working
            on the Music & Creative

                                                                                                    REEPERBAHN FESTIVAL HAMBURG
           Industries 6 months after                             The European festival and live
                  graduation*                      events industry is one of the largest in the
                                                   world, with a total of £4 billion generated
                                                   in 2017 in the UK alone. BIMM partners with      THE GREAT ESCAPE FESTIVAL
                                                   a selection of Europe’s biggest festivals
                                                   to give you exclusive access to the most         INTL LIVE MUSIC CONFERENCE
              EXPERTS                              enviable real-life work experience around.
                                                   Throughout 2017, over 1,100 BIMM students        EAST SIDE MUSIC DAYS BERLIN
Our tutors are some of the most influential and
successful people in the music business and
                                                   helped to set up, run and perform at festivals
                                                   throughout the UK and Europe – taking care       GLASTONBURY FESTIVAL
are still making waves today. Together, they’ve
built up an enviable black book of contacts,
                                                   of everything including stage and event
                                                   management, live sound, journalism and           LIVERPOOL SOUND CITY
including some of the biggest names in global
music. In 2017, through these contacts, over
                                                   social media reporting. You’ll be industry-
                                                   ready... and so will your CV.                    PLEDGEMUSIC
1,200 of our students had the opportunity to          “
showcase themselves in front of major record                                                        DUFF PRESS
labels, such as Virgin and EMI. They were                                                                                     AT BIMM WE’RE
also able to participate in everything from                                                         SOME FRIENDLY PR          PROUD OF OUR
technical Masterclasses, and talking guitar                                                                                   CLOSE INDUSTRY
techniques with Graham Coxon, to an industry                                                        RAK STUDIOS               CONTACTS AND
Q&A session with Public Enemy’s Chuck D.                                                                                      ENJOY SUPPORTING
You’ll learn face-to-face from those who really                                                     COMMUNION MUSIC           OUR STUDENTS AS
understand how the music industry works...                                                                                    THEY PROGRESS IN
and are willing you to succeed.                                                                     THE AGENCY                THEIR CAREERS.

16 ENHANCING EMPLOYABILITY                                                                                                      ENHANCING EMPLOYABILITY 17


Ranked the 7th best UK university for      from the internationally renowned University
graduate prospects in 2017 by The          of Sussex, which will look great on your CV
Guardian, the 18th best university         and will be an impressive addition when
in the UK in 2017 by The Complete          applying for jobs. You’ll also instantly become
University Guide, and The Times and        part of the University of Sussex Alumni
The Sunday Times’ ‘Good University         Network – a group of over 150,000 former
                                                                                             ANDREA DI GIOVANNI
Guide’, and 147th in the World             students across 120 countries worldwide
                                                                                             BA (HONS) VOCAL
University Rankings in The Times           – and through this you’ll have access to a
‘Higher Education Supplement’, the         range of exciting networking events, careers
                                                                                             “I’ve chosen to study at BIMM because I
University of Sussex has a long history    opportunities, social activities, news and
                                                                                             wanted to explore further the craft of live
of academic success. Among its             reunions. When combined with the hugely
alumni and staff, it counts three Nobel    proactive BIMM Alumni Network, you’ll have an
Prize winners, 12 Fellows of the British   amazing level of support
                                                                                             The vocal course pushes you to break the
Academy in humanities and social           and assistance at your
                                                                                             boundaries of your music, think outside
sciences, and a winner of the Crafoord     disposal, helping you to
                                                                                             the box, and dig into uncomfortable and
Prize for science.                         secure the successful and
                                                                                             unusual places in order to shape your
                                           sustainable career in the
                                                                                             artistry and create your very unique style.”
When you graduate from BIMM, you’ll        music industry that you’re
receive a highly sought-after degree       searching for.

18 ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE                                                                                                                          MEET
                                                                                                                                                       ABOUT BIMM 19
A graduate of BIMM Brighton, Natasha is now
                                                                                                                                              a highly successful booking agent. She is vice
                                                                                                                                              president at The Agency Group in London,
                                                                                                                                              personally representing artists including
                                                                                                                                              Foals, The Knife, CHVCHES and Foster The

               STUDENT SUCCESS                                                                                                                People, while The Agency Group’s wider
                                                                                                                                              roster features acts including 50 Cent, Bring
                                                                                                                                              Me The Horizon, Paramore and A$AP Rocky.

                                                                                                SIMON DAVIS                   THE KOOKS                        ZARA MCFARLANE
                                                                                                Having originally studied     Multi-million-selling            Since graduating from BIMM
                                                                                                a BA Hons in Professional     indiepoppers The Kooks           London, jazz singer Zara
                                                                                                Musicianship in Brighton,     began as students at BIMM,       has been signed to DJ Gilles
                                                                IZZY BIZU                                                     forming as a band in Brighton    Peterson’s Brownswood
                                                                                                Simon has since moved
                                                                                                into the competitive          in 2002. Their 2006 debut        Recordings, released two
                                                                Izzy studied a Diploma in
                                                                                                world of computer game        album ‘Inside In/Inside Out’     albums to rave reviews in the
                                                                Vocals at BIMM London,
                                                                                                programming, and has found    is certified as four-times       media, and has toured the
                                                                graduating in 2012, and
                                                                                                great success in Singapore    platinum in the UK, and its      world; including performing
                                                                wasted no time in getting her
                                                                                                as the founder and CEO of     follow-up, 2008’s ‘Konk’, went   all over the US and gigging at

                                                                music career up and running.
                                                                                                Mighty Bear Games. In 2017,   straight into the domestic       an exciting array of European
                                                                In 2013 she won the ILUVLIVE
                                                                                                the company acquired over     chart at No. 1, with album       summer festivals. She’s also
                                                                Open Mic competition in
                                                                                                S$1 Million from outside      number three, ‘Junk Of The       won a plethora of awards and
                                                                front of a crowd which
                                                                                                investors Global Founders     Heart’ going Top 10 in 2011.     honours, including The Art
                                                                included Emeli Sandé and
                                                                                                Capital, Skycatcher and       The band is BRIT Award           Desk’s ‘Album of the Year’,
The rise of BIMM Brighton singer-songwriter and guitarist       Naughty Boy. Since then she’s
                                                                                                RocketInternet. Simon         nominated and won in the         ‘Best Jazz Act’ at the 2014
James has been meteoric. In 2015, he won the BRITs ‘Critics’    supported Sam Smith on his
                                                                                                remembers his student days    category of ‘Best UK & Ireland   MOBO Awards and ‘Vocalist
Choice Award’ and placed second in the ‘BBC Sound Of’ list.     UK tour, opened for Jamie
                                                                                                very well and claims he       Act’ at the MTV Europe           of the Year’ at the 2015 Jazz
His single ‘Hold Back The River’ peaked at No. 2, hitting the   Cullum at The Roundhouse,
                                                                                                wouldn’t have formed such     Awards in 2006.                  FM Awards.
top spot in Ireland, while ‘Let It Go’ charted in the UK Top    played Glastonbury twice,
                                                                                                a keen business-mind if it
10. His debut album ‘Chaos and the Calm’ went to No. 1 in the   signed a worldwide recording
                                                                                                weren’t for his time spent
UK, and was the fifth biggest artist album of 2015.             contract with Epic Records,
                                                                                                studying at BIMM.
                                                                and performed two tracks on
                                                                ‘Later… With Jools Holland’.
20 STUDENT SUCCESS                                                                                                                                                     STUDENT SUCCESS 21
                                                                                                                                              BIFFCO SONGWRITING
                                                                                                                                              Biffco is the songwriting team behind hits
                                                                                                                                              for Ellie Goulding, Kylie Minogue, the Spice
                                                                                                                                              Girls, Little Mix and many more – and BIMM
                                                                                                                                              graduate Charlie is an essential part of its
                                                                                                                                              creative processes, working as assistant
                                                                                                                                              producer alongside the company’s founder,
                                                                                                                                              Richard ‘Biff’ Stannard. With considerable
                                                                                                                                              writing and backing vocalist experience
                                                                                                                                              behind her, Charlie is rapidly developing her
                                               FICKLE FRIENDS                                                                                 talents as an engineer, working with the likes

                                                                                                                                              of One Direction and Susan Boyle.
                                               After graduation, Natti, Sam, Harry, Chris
                                               and Jack received praise from the UK’s
                                               music blogging community, before Zane
George joined BIMM Bristol in 2011 to study    Lowe picked their song ‘For You’ as his
Songwriting – and was signed to Columbia       ‘Track of the Week’. Shows at The Great
Records less than a year later. His debut      Escape and Berlin Music Week followed, plus
single ‘Budapest’ reached No. 3 in the         UK and German tours, buzz on US music
charts, attaining Platinum status. His debut   trade bible Billboard, support slots for The
album ‘Wanted On Voyage’ hit No. 1, selling    Ting Tings, and recording sessions at Abbey
over one million copies in the UK alone,       Road studios.
and was the UK’s third biggest-selling
album of 2014.
                                                                                              JORDAN                          JOSHUA                           BEN THOMPSON
                                                                                                                                                               TWO DOOR
                                                                                              WHITMORE                        LEDGER                           CINEMA CLUB
                                                                                              Having completed a BA           After gaining a Music Business   As live drummer for Two
                                                                                              (Hons) in Professional          degree, Josh found work          Door Cinema Club, BIMM
                                                                                              Musicianship at BIMM            at the Free Trade Agency,        graduate Ben has toured
                                                                                              in 2010, Jordan became          an international booking         the globe several times,
                                                                                              a member of the                 agent with an amazing            performed at a multitude of
                                                                                              Atlantic Records A&R            roster of artists including      domestic and international
                                                                                              department. The label           The National, Father John        festivals and made numerous
                                               COCO LEAMAN
TOM ODELL                                                                                     is home to high-profile         Misty, St. Vincent, The War      television appearances. A
                                               Coco completed a Music Business degree         acts such as Ed Sheeran,        On Drugs and Sleater-Kinney.     musician endorsed by Vic
                                               at BIMM Brighton in 2016. Soon afterward,      Bruno Mars, Jason Mraz,         Josh’s role at Free Trade is     Firth and Zildjian, Ben’s
                                               she started an internship with Kerry           Missy Elliott and Plan B.       central to the wider range of    abilities are well honed, and
BIMM Brighton Songwriting graduate Tom
                                               Gordy Enterprises based in L.A, where she      Jordan also works for           the music industry, working      he continues to be a pivotal
signed to Columbia Records and in 2013
                                               continues working today. KGE clients are       Brighton-based music            closely alongside promoters      part of Two Door Cinema
was nominated in the ‘BBC Sound Of’ poll.
                                               some of the biggest musicians in the world     supervision company The         (both regionally in the UK       Club’s success.
He won the ‘Critics’ Choice Award’ at The
                                               including Stevie Wonder, Smokey Robinson,      Sound Works.                    and internationally) as well
BRITs, played Glastonbury Festival and his
                                               Rockwell, Berry Gordy and Lionel Richie. As                                    as artists’ wider teams which
debut album ‘Long Way Down’ went to No.
                                               an ambassador for the company, Coco has                                        includes management, record
1. His rise continued into 2014, with two
                                               attended various industry events such as                                       labels and their PR teams.
BRIT Award nominations and a win as the
                                               CAA, Fox Rothschild, Spotify and Nielsen,
Ivor Novello ‘Songwriter of the Year’.
                                               Interscope Records, a Hollywood Walk of
                                                                                                For more success stories, visit
                                               Fame ceremony and movie screenings.
22 STUDENT SUCCESS                                                                                                                                                    STUDENT SUCCESS 23
                                                                                           HEAD OF GUITAR
       MEET YOUR TUTORS                                                                    John leads a busy life as both a performer and

  “BRITAIN’S BEST CONNECTED.”                                                              educator. He’s toured the world with both Carl Palmer
                                                                                           (ELP) and John Jorgenson (Elton John, Hellecasters)
                                                                                           and has performed alongside artists as diverse as Mike
        OUR BIMM LONDON TUTORS ARE SOME OF THE MOST SUCCESSFUL                             Stern (Miles Davis), Frank Gambale (Chick Corea) and
                  PEOPLE IN THE MODERN MUSIC BUSINESS.                                     Glenn Hughes (Deep Purple). A writer for publications
                                                                                           including Guitar Techniques and Guitarist, John has
                                                                                           also written the book, ‘Improvising Blues Guitar’ and
                                                                                           fronts his own acoustic quintet.

BIMM tutors are specialists in preparing
students for a successful and sustainable
career in the music industry.                                                               ANDREW MCKINNEY HEAD OF BASS

All of them are experienced music                                                           Andrew plays bass for Hammond funk/acid jazz band,
professionals, performers and music business                                                the James Taylor Quartet, appearing at gigs and
entrepreneurs who remain active in the                                                      festivals all over the world. He’s also performed in
industry, meaning you’ll have direct access                                                 the West End and on TV, and writes a regular tuition
to their in-demand insider knowledge.                                                       column for Bass Guitar Magazine. Live, he’s played
                                                                                            with The Feeling, Beverley Knight, Kid Creole and the
                                                                                            Coconuts, Omar, Tony Christie, Chad Smith, Jamelia,
                                                                                            the Jungle Brothers, Flava Flav, LL Cool J, Engelbert
                                                                                            Humperdinck, plus many more.

                                               LISA LAUDAT
                                                                                                      ERIK STAMS
                                               HEAD OF VOCALS
                                                                                                      HEAD OF DRUMS
                                               Before entering teaching, Lisa enjoyed
                                                                                                      Erik has over 20 years of performing
                                               a successful career as a session vocalist
                                                                                                      experience. He studied at the Brooklyn
                                               known for her versatility across all
                                                                                                      Conservatory of Music and privately
                                               genres. Artists she’s worked with include
                                                                                                      with the legendary Henry Adler and
                                               Lionel Richie, East 17, Simply Red, All
                                                                                                      Jerry Gonzalez. After touring Japan
                                               Saints, Ben E. King, Edwin Starr, Emma
                                                                                                      with Walter Schreifles (Rival Schools),
                                               Bunton (Spice Girls), Peter Cox (Go
                                                                                                      Erik settled in London performing
                                               West), David Gilmour (Pink Floyd),
                                                                                                      and recording with Butch Thomas
                                               Tony Hadley (Spandau Ballet), Paul
                                                                                                      (Sting), Jamie Lawson, Jon Langford
                                               Young, Paul Carrack, Chris Rea, Gabrielle
                                                                                                      (The Mekons, The Three Johns), The
                                               and Mick Taylor (Rolling Stones).
                                                                                                      Glyndbourne Touring Opera, Eyes on
                                               While studying for her MMus in Music
                                                                                                      Film, Drill Queen, Adrian Portis (New
                                               Performance at the London College of
                                                                                                      Model Army) and The Darling Buds. Erik
                                               Music, Lisa’s research focused on the
                                                                                                      also contributes monthly tutorial/video
                                               pursuit of excellence in contemporary
                                                                                                      lesson for Rhythm magazine.
                                               vocal learning and teaching.

24 TUTORS                                                                                                                               TUTORS 25
            HEAD OF MUSIC JOURNALISM                                                                        IAN MACK
                                                                                                            HEAD OF MUSIC BUSINESS
            Paul has been a freelance journalist for over 25
            years writing for publications including Melody                                                 Since signing to WEA Records and Warner Publishing,
            Maker, Time Out, The Guardian (New band of the                                                  Ian’s career as seen him work across many areas of
            day/week column) Sunday Times, Daily Express,                                                   the entertainment industry from record producer to
            Independent, MOJO, Record Collector, Classic Rock.                                              publisher. Working with a wide range of artists including
                                                                                                            Jessie J, MNEK, Take That, Keane, Boyzone, Roger
            Paul has also published over 20 books on                                                        Sanchez, Sir Cliff Richard and Whitney Houston.
            bands/artists including Blur, Pulp, Oasis, Robbie
            Williams, Bjork, Verve, Dizzee Rascal, Lady Gaga                                                In 2005, as Vice President of Right Bank Music UK, Ian
            and Pharrell Williams.                                                                          helped take the companies total record sales over 200
                                                                                                            million, with artists such as Leona Lewis, Backstreet
                                                                                                            Boys, Nick Lachey, Cher, Enrique Iglesias, Kylie Minogue,
                                                                                                            LeAnn Rimes, Rod Stewart, Andrea Bocelli, Tina Turner,
            JOHAN ENGLUND                                                                                   Lionel Richie and Celine Dion. Ian currently consults for
            HEAD OF MUSIC PRODUCTION                                                                        various companies in the creative industries, providing
                                                                                                            creative and business services.
            Johan has spent his working life in studios, gaining his
            experience as an in-house producer at one of Sweden’s
            most prestigious music production companies, before        SVETLANA VASSILEVA
            moving to the UK. As a house producer and engineer         HEAD OF LIVE PERFORMANCE
            for EMI Publishing, Johan has worked with artists
            ranging from Busted and Lulu and The Lampshades,           Svetlana is a professional musician and educator.
            to So Solid Crew and Salaam Remi. He’s written and         As a touring bass player for Moby, she’s travelled
            recorded with members of The Vaccines, Daughter            around the planet several times; her personal
            and the George Ezra band, and has also worked with         highlights being Moby’s Glastonbury 2003
            Spanish psy-garage rock outfit, Deers, and electronic      Pyramid Stage headline and the iTunes festival
            artist, Jones.                                             performance in London, which was streamed
                                                                       live on the iTunes website. She’s performed with
                                                                       Glenn Tilbrook, John Barrowman and Sharleen
                                                                       Spiteri, and her first band, the Vegastones,
            BECKY JONES                                                supported Duran Duran on a UK arena tour.

            Becky is a singer, songwriter and producer currently
            performing under the name of Saint Saviour. Having
            cut her teeth on electronic music in the early
            noughties as part of the East London scene, various                                                                    For a full list of tutors, visit
            dance/pop collaborations and projects led her to a                                                             
            writing relationship with Groove Armada which soon
            developed into fronting the band live around the
            world along with Candi Staton, Neneh Cherry and
            MC M.A.D. Becky writes for other artists, as well as
            performing solo.

26 TUTORS                                                                                                                                                 TUTORS 27

                 WITH FOUNDATION YEAR
            40 BA (HONS) IN SONGWRITING
            44 BA (HONS) IN MUSIC BUSINESS



            64 SUMMER SCHOOLS

28 TUTORS                                               COURSES 29
                                                  FOR MUSIC INTO A CAREER.”
BA (HONS) IN                                                           GUITAR, BASS, DRUMS AND VOCALS
                                                                               UCAS CODE: W313

                                            If you’re a musician who loves performing       Life at BIMM will stretch you as a musician,
                                            live or recording in the studio, then the BA    composer and performer, but will inspire
                                            (Hons) in Professional Musicianship will help   you as a fan too, as you attend unique
                                            turn your passion for music into a career.      Masterclasses by some of the best musicians
GUITAR, BASS, DRUMS                                                                         in the world.
                                            At BIMM London, we understand that live
AND VOCALS                                  performance is the key to you becoming a        So to make your way as a musician, connect
                                            great musician, so you’ll spend a lot of time   with us, and we’ll connect you to a life in
UCAS CODE: W313                             on stage to help you develop and find your      music.
                                            niche as a performer.
                                                                                            PROGRESSION ROUTE
  3 YEARS FULL-TIME                         You’ll also further hone your skills by         Graduates can progress directly to
                                            receiving tuition in technique, music theory    employment in the music industry in roles
                                            and styles across a wide range of genres        such as solo performer, band member, session
                                            from pop and punk to folk and funk.             musician, backing vocalist or songwriter, or
                                                                                            can continue their study with a Postgraduate
                                            The degree is both academically and             Certificate in Learning and Teaching at BIMM
                                            musically challenging, providing the perfect    Brighton.
                                            balance between practical and technical
                                            skills, and theory and analysis.                ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
                                                                                            Minimum of 2 A-levels at grade E or
                                            You’ll explore and develop your potential       above (32 UCAS Points), OR BTEC Level 3
                                            career pathways through research and            equivalent, and five GCSE qualifications with
                                            professional projects, and will learn the       minimum grade of C/4, including English
                                            essential business skills required to work      Language. Applications by experienced
                                            successfully in the music industry.             musicians without formal qualifications may
                                            Plus you’ll get to plug into one-of-a-kind      also be considered through APEL.
                                            networking opportunities and collaborate
                                            with likeminded fellow musicians during your    Validated by the University of Sussex.
                                            time on the course.

                                            Through a range of optional modules,
                                            including Solo Performance, Music Business
                                            Studies, Music Teaching Practice and Online
                                            Music, you can tailor the degree to fit your
                                            own personal goals.

30 BA (HONS) IN PROFESSIONAL MUSICIANSHIP                                                   BA (HONS) IN PROFESSIONAL MUSICIANSHIP 31

BA (Hons) in Professional Musicianship
YEAR 1                       YEAR 2                          YEAR 3

All students take the        All students take the           All students take the following
following core modules in    following core modules in       core modules in their third
their first year of study:   their second year of study:     year of study:
                                                                                               DIANA   BARTMANN
                                                                                                 For entry to Year 2, students must complete Year 1 with
• Essential Styles           •   Research Methods            •   Professional Project          BMUS (HONS)
                                                                                                 120 credits      DRUMS
                                                                                                             achieved.  External applications to Year 2 are
• Techniques                 •   Professional Musicianship   •   Professional Development         accepted – for details, please contact
• Applied Music Business     •   Cultural Perspectives       •   Analytical Perspectives       “I have always loved the fact that the
• Artist Development         •   Performance in Context      •   Ensemble Performance          drums are a very visual instrument. There
  and Entrepreneurship       •   Applied Music Theory                                          was a time when I found myself practicing
• Live Performance               and Critical Listening      Students will select one          big and expressive motions after watching
  Workshop                                                   option from the following         videos by Keith Moon (The Who). I feel the
• Music Theory and           Students will select one        optional modules:                 drums enable me to express myself in a
  Notation                   option from the following                                         way no other instrument ever could. Being
                             optional modules:               •   Music Teaching Practice       very disciplined and controlled off stage,
                                                             •   Solo Performance              the drums allow me to let go and show a
                             •   Studio Musicianship         •   Music Theory and Analysis     different side of my persona. Moreover, I
                             •   Studio Recording            •   Online Music                  enjoy the fact that as a drummer you have
                             •   Applied Music Business                                        the power to ‘lead’ a band to a certain
                             •   Music Publishing                                              extent by defining dynamics, intensity, and
                                                                                               speed of a song.”

                                                        For module descriptions and more
                                                information, visit

32 BA (HONS) IN PROFESSIONAL MUSICIANSHIP                                                                                                BA (HONS) IN PROFESSIONAL
                                                                                                                                                             MEET OUR STUDENTS 33
                                                                         GUITAR, BASS, DRUMS AND VOCALS
                                                                                 UCAS CODE: W315

                                              If you’re a musician who wishes to                Above all, the BMus (Hons) in Popular
                                              develop your technical, performance and           Music Performance offers flexibility and
                                              musicianship skills to a professional level,      an unparalleled breadth of education. As
                                              then the BMus (Hons) in Popular Music             a graduate you’ll have developed into a
                                              Performance will help turn your passion for       well-rounded, versatile musician capable of
                                              music into a career.                              performing a variety of musical styles, and
                                                                                                comfortable in wearing a number of different
                                              The programme combines high-level                 musical hats. You’ll be ready to pursue a range

BMUS (HONS)                                   instrumental study with the opportunity to
                                              engage with music technology, songwriting
                                                                                                of different career options, including session
                                                                                                musician, touring artist, theatrical musician,

                                              skills, and a wide range of modern music          musical director and arranger/composer.
                                                                                                So, what are you waiting for? To make your

                                              At BIMM London, we understand that live           way as a musician, connect with us, and we’ll
                                              performance is the key to you becoming a          connect you to a life in music.
                                              great musician, so you’ll spend a lot of time
                                              on stage to help you develop and find your        PROGRESSION

                                              niche as a performer. You’ll participate in       Graduates can progress directly to
                                              weekly Live Performance Workshops (LPWs)          employment in the music industry in roles
                                              in all three years, performing with your fellow   such as solo performer, band member,
                                              students while receiving expert guidance          session musician, backing vocalist or

GUITAR, BASS, DRUMS AND VOCALS                from highly skilled BIMM tutors.                  songwriter, or can continue their study with
                                                                                                a Postgraduate Certificate in Further and
                                              You’ll study techniques each year, enabling       Higher Education at BIMM Brighton.
                                              you to develop to a high professional
                                              standard and achieve a level of fluency           MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS
                                              that will meet the demands of any musical         Minimum of 2 A-levels at grade C or
  3 YEARS FULL-TIME                           situation. Plus you’ll explore and develop your   above (64 UCAS Points), OR BTEC Level 3
                                              potential career pathways through research        equivalent, and five GCSE qualifications with
                                              and professional projects, learning the           minimum grade of C/4, including English
                                              essential skills required to work successfully    Language. Applications by experienced
                                              in the music industry.                            musicians without formal qualifications may
                                                                                                also be considered through APEL.
                                              Through a range of optional modules,
                                              including Composing and Arranging,                Validated by the University of Sussex.
                                              Recording, Mixing and Production, and Music
                                              Teaching Practice, you can tailor the degree
                                              to fit your own personal goals.

34 BMUS (HONS) IN POPULAR MUSIC PERFORMANCE                                                  BMUS (HONS) IN POPULAR MUSIC PERFORMANCE 35
BMus (Hons) in Popular Music Performance
YEAR 1 (FHEQ LEVEL 4)            YEAR 2 (FHEQ LEVEL 5)           YEAR 3 (FHEQ LEVEL 6)

In Year 1, students address      Year 2 requires students        Year 3 has increased
the essential music skills       to apply their skills to        optionality, with students
that will underpin not only      increasingly ‘real-world’       able to choose the suite of
the rest of their studies but    scenarios while studying the    modules that will enable
also their future career. This   cultural heritage of popular    them to make the transition
includes investigating and       music. Students also have       from student to professional.
performing a wide range          the chance to select optional   Third-year projects include
of music and developing          modules that allow them to      the self-directed final
an understanding of music        specialise in either music      Performance Project, where
theory, sight reading, music     technology or composing and     students deliver a 30-minute
technology and the music         arranging. Students take five   show of their own project.
business. Students take six      modules (120 credits). There    Students take five modules
modules (120 credits). All       are four mandatory modules      (120 credits). There are four
modules are mandatory and        and students select one out     mandatory modules and
run throughout the academic      of two optional modules. All    students select one of three
year (30 weeks).                 modules run throughout the      optional modules. All modules
                                 academic year (30 weeks).       run throughout the academic
•   Techniques and Styles 1                                      year (30 weeks).
•   Performance Studies 1        •   Techniques and Styles 2
•   Ensemble Skills 1            •   Performance Studies 2       •   Performance Project
•   Musicianship                 •   Ensemble Skills 2           •   Performance Studies 3
•   Music Technology             •   Cultural Perspectives       •   Techniques and Styles 3
•   Music Business                                               •   Professional Development
                                 Optional – R
                                             ecording, Mixing
                                            and Production 1     Optional – Recording, Mixing
                                 Optional – C
                                             omposing and                   and Production 2
                                            Arranging            Optional – Composing for
                                 Optional – C
                                             reative                        Media
                                            Performance          Optional – Music Teaching
                                            Technology                       Practise
                                                                 Optional – Analytical

Please note: module names and structure may be subject to change.

For module descriptions and more information, visit

36 BMUS (HONS) IN POPULAR MUSIC PERFORMANCE                                                      BMUS (HONS) IN POPULAR MUSIC PERFORMANCE 37
                                                                                                          UCAS CODE: W31M

POPULAR MUSIC                                                         If you’re a musician who wishes to develop
                                                                      your technical, performance and musicianship
                                                                                                                           including Composing and Arranging,
                                                                                                                           Recording, Mixing and Production, and Music

                                                                      skills to a professional level, but requires         Teaching Practice, you can tailor the degree
                                                                      a little further preparation for study at            to fit your own personal goals.
                                                                      Bachelor’s Degree level, then the BMus

                                                                      (Hons) in Popular Music Performance with             Above all, the BMus (Hons) in Popular Music
                                                                      Foundation Year will help turn your passion          Performance with Foundation Year offers
                                                                      for music into a career.                             flexibility and an unparalleled breadth
GUITAR, BASS, DRUMS                                                                                                        of education. As a graduate you’ll have
                                                                      In the Foundation Year of this programme,            developed into a well-rounded, versatile
AND VOCALS                                                            you’ll gain a solid grounding in technique and       musician capable of performing a variety of
                                                                      styles, and live performance, plus will cover        musical styles, and comfortable in wearing
                                                                      music theory, sight reading, study skills and        a number of different musical hats. You’ll be
                                                                      musicianship. At the end of the first year, you’ll   ready to pursue a range of different career
                                                                      have developed a strong foundation of musical        options, including session musician, touring
                                                                      knowledge which will stand you in good stead         artist, theatrical musician, musical director
     4 YEARS FULL-TIME                                                to complete the remainder of the degree,             and arranger/composer.
                                                                      which combines high-level instrumental study
                                                                      with the opportunity to engage with music            So, what are you waiting for? To make your
                                                                      technology, songwriting skills, and a wide           way as a musician, connect with us, and we’ll
                                                                      range of modern music styles.                        connect you to a life in music.

                                                                      At BIMM London, we understand that live              PROGRESSION
                                                                      performance is the key to you becoming a             Graduates can progress directly to
                                                                      great musician, so you’ll spend a lot of time        employment in the music industry in roles
                                                                      on stage to help you develop and find your           such as solo performer, band member,
                                                                      niche as a performer. You’ll participate in          session musician, backing vocalist or
                                                                      weekly Live Performance Workshops (LPWs)             songwriter, or can continue their study with
                                                                      in all three years, performing with your fellow      a Postgraduate Certificate in Learning &
                                                                      students while receiving expert guidance from        Teaching at BIMM Brighton.
                                                                      highly skilled BIMM tutors.
                                                                                                                           MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS
                                                                      You’ll study techniques each year, enabling          Minimum of 2 A-levels at grade E or
                                                                      you to develop to a high professional standard       above (32 UCAS Points), OR BTEC Level 3
                                                                      and achieve a level of fluency that will meet        equivalent, and five GCSE qualifications with
                                                                      the demands of any musical situation. Plus           minimum grade of C/4, including English
                                                                      you’ll explore and develop your potential            Language. Applications by experienced
                                                                      career pathways through research and                 musicians without formal qualifications may
                                                                      professional projects, learning the essential        also be considered through APEL.
                                                                      skills required to work successfully in the
                                                                      music industry.                                      Validated by the University of Sussex.

                                                                      Through a range of optional modules,

BMus (Hons) in Popular Music Performance with Foundation Year
FOUNDATION YEAR                                   YEAR 2 (FHEQ LEVEL 5)

The Foundation Year provides students with        Year 2 requires students to apply their skills
the opportunity to gain a solid grounding         to increasingly ‘real-world’ scenarios while
in live performance, instrumental/vocal           studying the cultural heritage of popular
techniques and styles, as well as study skills,   music. Students also have the chance to
sight reading and musicianship. They’ll           select optional modules that allow them
consolidate their existing knowledge and          to specialise in either music technology or
skills, while discovering new areas to pursue.    composing and arranging. Students take
                                                  five modules (120 credits). There are four
Following the completion of the Foundation        mandatory modules and students select
Year, the rest of the course progresses as        one out of two optional modules.
per Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3 of the BMus
(Hons) in Popular Music Performance.              •   Techniques and Styles 2
Students take six modules (120 credits).          •   Performance Studies 2
                                                  •   Ensemble Skills 2
• Instrument Techniques                           •   Cultural Perspectives
• Music Styles
• Foundation Performance Studies                  Optional – Recording, Mixing and
• Foundations of Music                                        Production 1
• Music Reading                                   Optional – Composing and Arranging
• Personal and Academic Development              Optional – Creative Performance

YEAR 1 (FHEQ LEVEL 4)                             YEAR 3 (FHEQ LEVEL 6)

In Year 1, students address the essential music   Year 3 has increased optionality, with students
skills that will underpin not only the rest of    able to choose the suite of modules that
their studies but also their future career.       will enable them to make the transition from
This includes investigating and performing        student to professional. Third-year projects
a wide range of music and developing an           include the self-directed final Performance
understanding of music theory, sight reading,     Project, where students deliver a 30-minute
music technology and the music business.          show of their own project. Students take
Students take six modules (120 credits).          five modules (120 credits). There are four
                                                  mandatory modules and students select one
•   Techniques and Styles 1                       of three optional modules.
•   Performance Studies 1
•   Ensemble Skills 1                             • Performance Project
•   Musicianship                                  • Performance Studies 3
•   Music Technology                              • Techniques and Styles 3
•   Music Business
                                                  Optional – Recording, Mixing and
                                                              Production 2
                                                  Optional – Composing for Media
                                                  Optional – Music Teaching Practice
                                                  Optional – Analytical Perspectives

Please note: module names and structure           For module descriptions and more
may be subject to change.                         information, visit

                                      UCAS CODE: 3C46

If you’re a songwriter with a creative flair      You’ll get to attend unique and inspiring
for composition and lyric writing, then the       Masterclasses by some of the best
BA (Hons) in Songwriting will help turn your      musicians in the world which will stretch
passion for music into a career.                  you as a songwriter.                          3 YEARS FULL-TIME

At BIMM London, we have a strong                  Your course will culminate in a
focus on writing technique, analysis and          Professional Project designed to give
personal stylistic development, and you’ll        you the opportunity to develop a live
be encouraged from day one to explore             industry project of your choice, and to
your creativity as an artist in a range of        give you a head start into the workplace    BA (Hons) in Songwriting
disciplines, from solo and group performance
to commercial songwriting and music
                                                  when you graduate.
                                                                                              COURSE MODULES
production for film, television and online        So, to make your way as a songwriter,
channels.                                         connect with us, and we’ll connect you      YEAR 1                       YEAR 2                           YEAR 3
                                                  to a life in music.
The degree is both academically and                                                           All students take the        All students take the            All students take the following
musically challenging, providing the perfect      PROGRESSION ROUTE                           following core modules in    following core modules in        core modules in their third
balance between practical and technical           Graduates can progress directly to          their first year of study:   their second year of study:      year of study:
skills, and theory and analysis.                  employment in the music industry
                                                  in roles such as songwriter, singer-        • Music Business             •   Research Methods             •   Professional Project
To succeed as a great songwriter, a detailed      songwriter, solo performer and band         • Artist Development and     •   Cultural Perspectives        •   Professional Development
understanding of the music business is            member, or can continue their study with      Entrepreneurship           •   Writing for Digital Media    •   Analytical Perspectives
essential. We’ll share our knowledge of           a Postgraduate Certificate in Learning      • Songwriting Techniques     •   Music Publishing             •   Commercial Songwriting
music publishing, contracts and recording         and Teaching at BIMM Brighton.              • Songwriting Styles         •   Creative Processes
technology, and will deliver our teaching in                                                    and Genres                                                  Students will select one
line with the latest trends and directions in     ENTRY REQUIREMENTS                          • Live Performance           Students will select one         option from the following
the evolving music industry.                      Minimum of 2 A-levels at grade E or            Workshop (SW)             option from the following        optional modules:
                                                  above (32 UCAS Points), OR BTEC             • Music Theory in Practice   optional modules:
You’ll be part of a creative community of         Level 3 equivalent, and five GCSE                                                                         •   Music Teaching Practice
gifted writers, performers and music industry     qualifications with minimum grade                                        •   Performance in Context       •   Ensemble Performance
professionals who you can collaborate and         of C/4, including English Language.                                      •   Studio Musicianship          •   Music Theory and Analysis
network with to help bring your talent to life.   Applications by experienced musicians                                    •   Studio Recording             •   Online Music
                                                  without formal qualifications may also be                                •   Applied Music Theory
Through a range of optional modules,              considered through APEL.                                                     and Critical Listening
including Performance in Context, Music
Business Studies, Music Teaching Practice         Validated by the University of Sussex.
and Online Music, you can tailor the degree                                                                                               For module descriptions and more information,
to fit your own personal goals.                                                                                                                           visit

42 BA (HONS) IN SONGWRITING                                                                                                                                BA (HONS) IN SONGWRITING 43

                                                                    “ SUCCESS DOESN’T
                                                                      ALWAYS COME EASILY.
                                                                      IT TAKES THE RIGHT
                                                                      COMBINATION OF
                                                                      TALENT, HARD WORK
                                                                      AND VALUABLE
                                                                      CONNECTIONS TO
                                                                      MAKE YOUR WAY IN
                       DANIELA HURTADO
                       BMUS (HONS) VOCALS
                                                                      THE MUSIC INDUSTRY.”
                       “Even though I started as guitarist and
                       writing from an early age, my biggest
                       passion has always being singing but
                       I wasn’t highly trained so I decided to
                       study it professionally. The BMus (Hons)
                       In Popular Music Performance degree
                       had what I was looking for, specially
                       because it has a bit more of music theory,
                       composition and my ultimate reason: the
                       Rock & Metal module in year 3.”

44 MEET OUR STUDENTS                                                               BA (HONS) IN SONGWRITING 45
                       MUSIC BUSINESS
                                     UCAS CODE: N826

The BA (Hons) in Music Business at BIMM         enhance your understanding of what the
London is a specialist vocational programme     music business is all about. You’ll also be a
designed for those wishing to pursue a          part of our thriving BIMM community mixing
                                                                                                   3 YEARS FULL-TIME
career in a range of music industry roles,      with gifted writers, performers, alumni and
such as A&R, management or promotion.           music industry professionals. And you never
                                                know – with all this talent, you could discover
This course aims to nurture your creative       the next big thing right here!
flair while developing core skills as a music
business entrepreneur across a wide             So, what are you waiting for? To make your        BA (Hons) in Music Business
range of subject areas. You’ll be offered       way in the music business, connect with us,
opportunities to build your knowledge of the    and we’ll connect you to a life in music.         COURSE MODULES
industry while developing innovative ideas in
the context of our city’s uniquely pro-active   PROGRESSION ROUTE
and inspiring music business culture.           Graduates can progress directly to                YEAR 1                        YEAR 2                        YEAR 3
                                                employment in the music industry in
Our well-connected tutors will guide            entrepreneurial areas such as artist              All students take the         All students take the         All students take the following
and support you through the teaching            management, A&R, events, marketing,               following mandatory           following mandatory           mandatory modules in their
of professional development, project-           media law, merchandising, music publishing,       modules in their first year   modules in their second       third year of study:
management and business skills across           journalism and tour management.                   of study:                     year of study:
areas such as artist management, marketing,     Alternatively, they can continue their study                                                                  •   Professional Project
music publishing, copyright legislation, the    with a BIMM Postgraduate Certificate in           • Concert / Event             • Research Methods            •   Professional Development
internet and social media, the live industry,   Learning and Teaching.                              Promotion & Tour            • Studio Recording            •   Analytical Perspectives
music recording and distribution.                                                                   Management                  • Cultural Perspectives       •   Advanced Online Music
                                                ENTRY REQUIREMENTS                                • Live Sound Technology       • Engaging With Industry      •   Music Event Management
You’ll also have the opportunity to access      Minimum of 2 A-levels at grade C or               • Administration &              (Work-Based Learning)
to work experience opportunities that will      above (64 UCAS Points), OR BTEC Level 3             Entrepreneurship            • Marketing & Media
develop your ‘hands-on’ industry knowledge      equivalent, and five GCSE qualifications with     • Introduction To             • Music Publishing
through placements and internships with a       minimum grade of C/4, including English             Digital Music
wide range of music-focused employers, or       Language. Applications by experienced             • Artist Development
be supported in entrepreneurial ventures of     musicians without formal qualifications may         And Management
your own design.                                also be considered through APEL.                  • Music Business

London’s best gigs, musicians and venues        Validated by the University of Sussex.
will be right on your doorstep to help

                                                                                                                                                        For module descriptions and more
                                                                                                                                                 information, visit

46 BA (HONS) IN MUSIC BUSINESS                                                                                                                             BA (HONS) IN MUSIC BUSINESS 47
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