Kansas Association of Retired School Personnel - Kansas ...

Page created by Harry Diaz
Kansas Association of Retired School Personnel - Kansas ...
Kansas Association of
                               Retired School Personnel
 Volume 56, Issue 12                         The Meadowlark                             December 2021
A STATE TREASURE...                                         KARSP supports this Hall of Fame and encourages you
                                                            to add a trip to Dodge City this summer.
Although the Kansas                                         UNITS MEETING IN PERSON
Teachers’ Hall of Fame is
not open during the fall and                                This has been a difficult time for units to get
winter, the Dodge City unit                                 together in person. Many have used Zoom; some
asked that our members be                                   have not met at all, just keeping in touch with each
reminded of this museum so                                  other via email or phones. Part of the problem has
that you can begin planning                                 been finding somewhere to meet. Now some of the
a trip to Dodge City between                                units are making attempts to get together.
Memorial Day and Labor
Day.                                                        The Topeka Area Retired School Personnel met
                                                            November 1 in person for the first time and
The museum is open Monday through Saturday, 10-             were able to meet at Faith Lutheran Church in
5. The admission is 8 dollars for adults, 4 dollars for     Topeka. The Meadowlark appreciates getting their
youth ages 6-17 and under 5 are admitted free with a
                                                            newsletter, the TARTAN.
paying adult.

The Kansas Teachers’ Hall of Fame is the first one of
                                                            The Emporia Area Retired School Personnel will
its kind in the United States. It is dedicated to early     still meet by Zoom in December with a video of a
day and present educators who have devoted their            high school singing group, but they have plans to
lives to our professions. Visitors can find photos and      meet in person at the Emporia Recreation Center
stories about Kansas’ best and brightest teaching           meeting room in January.
professionals. Over 400 teachers have been inducted
into this Hall of Fame. There is also the school room       The Johnson County Unit also got together for the
artifact museum to visit.                                   first time since January of 2020 in November. They
                                                            met in Hagar Hall at Asbury UMC. They had guest
The Pleasant Hill School is also on the grounds of the      speakers Marcia Merric, known as the “Mother of
Hall of Fame. Built in 1887 it was moved in 2013 to         the Streets,” who works to help the homeless in
the present location from Hodgeman County. Take a           the metro area. Also, they had Nancy Thompson
step back in time and see where early educators worked      talk about the work of the Christmas Bureau. The
this magic.                                                 Johnson County Association plans to contact and
                                                            invite new retirees to the January meeting. Their
In 2021 the Hall of Fame had 1,571 visitors. Forty-six
                                                            program at that meeting will be The Power of
states visited, four non visitors from Delaware, Hawaii,
                                                            Music. Thanks to Linda Holland for sharing their
Massachusetts, and New Hampshire and there were
five foreign countries (India, Canada, Scotland, Mexico     newsletter, The Voice, with the Meadowlark.
and Guatemala). August was their slowest month, and
the week prior to Labor day was very poor attendance,       All units are invited to share their news with the
but on Saturday, the last day open, they had 37 visitors.   Meadowlark.

   1420 SW Arrowhead Rd, Suite 100              Topeka, KS 66604        785.232.8788       www.karsp.org
Kansas Association of Retired School Personnel - Kansas ...
DECEMBER                                             The Meadowlark is an official publication of the
EVENTS---REALLY?                                     Kansas Association of Retired School Personnel.
Elrea Mullen                                        Elrea Mullen, President		           (620) 441-8766
KARSP President                                     Mike Isom, Vice President           (785) 476-5583
                                                    Dianne Sisk, Secretary		            (785) 7494601
                                                    Priscilla Taggart, Past President   (316) 721-3125
                                                    Dee Schwinn, Editor		               (620) 412-3452
                                                    Jerry Henn, Executive Director      (785) 232-8788
                                                    Perry McCabe, Membership            (620) 200-0526
                                                    Tom Alstrom, Treasurer		            (316) 540-6020

Being THANKFUL is like EARTH DAY; both
are important every day of the year. Do you ever
consider being “thankful for your EDUCATION?”
Education should never stop. Be curious as it is
just FUN to keep learning!

As I thought about writing my last article
as president of KARSP for these two
“unprecedented” years, I became curious about
the month of DECEMBER. DID you know that
December was named for the Latin word “decem,”
meaning 10, because it was originally the 10th
month of the year in the calendar of Romulus
                                                   Kell Smalley, District Manager of Kansas, Kansas City
c.750 BC, which began in March; thus, December     (913) 912-2157
was the 10th month. In 153 BCE, the Roman          Cindy Hayes, Retired Educator USD #204 & Benefits
senate changed the calendar and started the new    Representative, Kansas City
year with January and February. The original 5th   (913) 669-3387
and 6th months were renamed July and August in               Dependable Benefits. Trusted Partner.
honor of Julius Caesar and Augustus. Those were         611 S KANSAS AVENUE, SUITE 100
given 31 days to reflect the importance of those             TOPEKA, KANSAS 66603
leaders.                                                  (785) 296-6166 OR (888) 275-5737

• December 1st - National Christmas Light Day
   and National Rosa Parks Day.                        New memberships and renewals are $15.00 per year.
• 2nd - National Mutt Day to help mixed-breed      If you have a change of address, please contact us by mail,
   dogs and Special Education Day.                                      phone, or email.
• 3rd - Let’s HUG Day and Bartender’s Day***         1420 SW Arrowhead Rd., Suite 100, Topeka, KS 66604
   Accept their taxi when offered!                                       (785) 232-7877
• 4th - National Cookie Day, Sky Watching Day,            karsp@karsp.org or membership@karsp.org
   and Rhubarb Vodka Day.                                         or visit us at www.karsp.org
• 5th - Repeal Day (Prohibition was officially
   repealed in the USA).
• 6th - St. Nicholas Day. He was the Gift Giver
   Bishop in 4th Century Greece.
• 7th - National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day
   and World Trick Shot Day.                            STRENGTH IN UNITY
•   10th - The Dewey Decimal System Day and            I recently attended an AARP/NRTA (National
    Nobel Prize Day.                                   Retired Teacher Association) conference virtually.
•   12th - Gingerbread House Day, Poinsettia Day,      One of the presentations was on effective emails.
    and Our Lady of Guadelupe Day.                     I found it personally very helpful. I am sharing
•   13th - St Lucia’s Day (A female martyr killed      it with you because I believed it would be very
    by Romans 304 CE).                                 helpful to you as well, but also because the
•   15th - National Bill of Rights Day and Wear        emphasis on brevity may relieve some of your
    your Pearls Day.                                   communication fear with your representative in
•   17th - Wright Brothers Day and Ugly                Topeka. This information is very compatible with
    Christmas Sweaters Day.                            my comment: “Remember a dissertation is not
•   18th - National Twins Day and Wreaths Day.         necessary!”
•   21st - National Crossword Puzzle Day, Winter
    Solstice, and pay attention to the Norse god,      The Subject Line
    Odin, Day in Germany. Called Yule and                A. A subject line should be limited to about 30
    Yuletide.                                            characters.
•   22nd - Forefathers Day and Nut Breads Day.           B. Make it time sensitive/urgent if possible.
•   24th - CHRISTMAS EVE and National                    C. “Will you please vote [or take some other
    Eggnog Day.                                          action] for _____________.”
•   25th - CHRISTMAS DAY, Celebrate the birth               a. “Will you please voice your support for a
    of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.                            COLA now!”
•   26th - Thank You card day and Boxing Day in             b. Hopefully, you will be able to use this
    Canada.                                                 suggestion later! “Please vote for Bill
•   28th - National Short Film Day, Card Playing            ____________ which provides the KPERS
    Day, and Pledge of Allegiance Day.                      retired with a COLA”
•   31st - Your Adjustment Day, New Year’s Eve
    Day, Thanks for a good past year, and have an      Email Body
    Hour of PEACE day.                                   A. Make the first sentence and certainly the first
                                                         paragraph a summary of the rest of the body of
Whew. There is actually a celebration for every          the email.
day in December. Check with Google to find               B. Remainder of the email body:
more.                                                       a. Second Level: In some more detail, 3
                                                            to 5 sentences explain in more detail (IF
Enjoy your entire month of December, and have               NECESSSARY). If possible, communicate
a HAPPY NEW YEAR, 2022! I, the outgoing                     to the recipient what the problem is, the
president, WELCOME Mike Isom as the new                     solution and the action required.
president and all of the voted-in officers for 2022.        b.Third level: An option might be to enclose
Have a great year.                                          a link to something you want them to look at
                                                            in greater detail. One example might be: List
***Hope to see YOU at the CONVENTION, June                  our website, www.ksretirees.org and what
15, 16 & 17th of 2022.                                      you want them to read on the site.

                                                       Three Cautions:
EMAIL IDEAS WITH FACTS                                   1. Do not try to prove knowledge of the
Ernie Claudel, KARSP Legislative Chair and               vocabulary of the English language.
Lobbyist                                                 2. Keep the statistics to a minimum!
                                                         3. Be brief and concise!!
Friends,                                               ……………………………………
Jerry Henn, KARSP Executive Director, and
1. No Benefit increase for 24 years.             Advantage plan in the fall and then decide you
  2. No COLA has greater impact on women           don’t like it once it takes effect in January, you
  than men.                                        have until the end of March to make a change.
  3. Last COLA took effect in 1997.
  4. Today it takes $170 to buy what $100 did in   You can only sign up for Part D coverage during
  1997.                                            the first three months of the year if you’re
  5. 88% of the KPERS retirees and                 switching from a Medicare Advantage plan back
  beneficiaries have never received a COLA.        to Original Medicare. You cannot, for example,
  6. Pensions are essential for the recruitment    be enrolled in Original Medicare with a Part D
  and retention of public employees.               plan and then switch to a different Part D plan
  7. 35 states have defined benefit retirement     during the January — March enrollment period.
  plans and 29 of those (83%) provide annual       Instead, you’d need to make that change during
  benefit increases.                               the fall election period (October 15 to December

TIMELY INFORMATION FROM                            Enrolling in Original Medicare
                                                   If you didn’t sign up for Medicare A and B when
Changing Medicare Advantage coverage after         you were first eligible, you have a chance to do
the annual enrollment period                       so each year from January 1 to March 31, with
                                                   coverage effective July 1. You may be subject to
Between January 1 and March 31 each year, if       a late enrollment penalty, however. For Medicare
you are enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan,     Part B, the penalty is an additional 10 percent of
you can leave your plan and return to Original     the premium for each 12-month period that you
Medicare, and buy a Part D prescription drug       were eligible but not enrolled.
plan to supplement your Original Medicare.
As of in 2019, you also have the option to         There’s a late enrollment penalty for Medicare
switch to a different Medicare Advantage plan      Part A as well, but it only applies to people who
during this time. From 2011 through 2018,          have to pay premiums for Part A. Most people
there wasn’t an option to switch to a different    get Part A for free, based on their work history
Medicare Advantage plan outside of the fall open   (or a spouse’s work history)
enrollment period unless you had a circumstance
that allowed you a Special Enrollment Period.      Source: https://www.medicareresources.org/faqs/
But the 21st Century Cures Act (Section 17005)     when-is-the-next-medicare-open-enrollment-
expanded the timeframe of the window (from         period/
one and a half months to three months) starting
in 2019, and allows people to switch from one
Medicare Advantage plan to another.                LEGISLATIVE PRIORITIES
                                                   ZOOM MEETING
Only one switch during this time frame is
allowed each year — you can change your            We will be meeting December 13th at 10:00
mind multiple times during the enrollment          am. via Zoom to discuss KARSP’s legislative
period in the fall, but can only switch to a       priorities. Please use the following Zoom link if
different Medicare Advantage plan (or back to      you wish to log in:
Original Medicare) once in the first quarter of    https://zoom.us/j/99386077066
the new year. But if you sign up for a Medicare
You can also read